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Life and art Childhood Stanislaw Jerzy Lec was born on March 6, 1909 in Lemberg, a large cultural center Galicia, which was then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The father of the future writer, the Austrian nobleman (baron) Benon de Touche-Letz Jewish origin(the parents of the future poet, being eccentric people, converted to Protestantism; the second part double surname father - Lec, which in Yiddish means “clown” or “mockingbird” - in its Polish spelling was used by the author of “Uncombed Thoughts”). The writer's father died when Stanislav was still a child. His mother, nee Adela Safrin, a representative of the Polish-Jewish intelligentsia, who highly valued education and culture, took up his upbringing. Polish, German (Austrian) and Jewish components of his spiritual personality on different stages life path The writers either harmonized with their bright artistic talent, or came into dramatic, sometimes painful contradiction with each other. He received his primary education in the Austrian capital, as the front was approaching (the First

World War

) forced the family to move to Vienna, and then completed it at the Lviv Evangelical School.

Youth Having received a matriculation certificate in 1927, the young man further studied jurisprudence and Polish studies at the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv., meeting with colleagues who are keenly interested in creativity. In the spring of 1929, the young poets organized the first author’s evening in their lives, at which Lec’s poems were performed, and at the end of the same year, his debut poem “ Spring". “It spoke, of course, about spring,” Lec explained years later, “but it was not a traditional spring; in mood, these poems looked... pessimistic. Why did I choose IKC? This publication was ordered and read in our house, and I wanted to be known as a poet, first of all, in the family.” In 1931, a group of young poets who met at Letz’s apartment began publishing the magazine “Tryby” (Inclinations), in the first issue of which he published the poems “From the Window” and “Poster” (in the latter, the two final stanzas were thrown out by censorship). The circulation of the second issue of the publication was almost completely destroyed by the police. In 1933, Lec's first volume of poetry, “Barwy” (Colors), was published in Lviv. It was dominated by poems and verses with an acute socio-political sound: the First World War, which remained a nightmare memory of his childhood years, forever made the poet a passionate anti-militarist. The debut collection contains the poem “Wine”, full of gloomy and bitter irony. Human blood shed on many European fronts in the name of false dogmas and nationalist crusades, blood different generations and peoples likens them to valuable wines of fruitful years, which must be carefully preserved in order to prevent new bloody harvests from the environs of “Piave, Tannenberg, Gorlits”. In “Flowers” ​​the first humorous and satirical stories by Lec were also announced. This facet of the young poet’s artistic talent was astutely noticed and highly appreciated by Julian Tuwim - greatest master Polish rhyming word of that time, who included three poems by a recent debutant in his famous anthology “Four Centuries of Polish Fraska” (1937).

Pre-war Warsaw

Having moved to Warsaw, Lec regularly published in The Barber of Warsaw, became a regular author of Shpilek, and many literary magazines, led by Scamander, featured his works on their pages. In 1936 he organized the literary cabaret "Teatr Krętaczy" (Mockingbird Theatre). During this period, he began to collaborate with the Warsaw newspaper “Dziennik Popularny” (Popular Daily Diary), a political publication that propagated the idea of ​​​​creating an anti-fascist popular front, which published his daily judicial chronicle, which caused particular irritation to the “guardians of order.” After the authorities suspended the publication of the newspaper in order to avoid the arrest that threatened him, Lec left for Romania. After some time, he returns to his homeland, works as a peasant in a village in Podolia, serves in a law office in Chortkiv, then, returning to Warsaw, continues his literary and journalistic activities.

Just before the war, he completed preparations for printing an extensive volume of frashkas and Podolian lyrics entitled “Ziemia pachnie” (Smells of Earth), but the book did not have time to be published.

The Second World War

The beginning of the war found Letz in his hometown. He later spoke about this terrible (and heroic) stage of his life in a few meager lines of his autobiography: “I lived through the time of occupation in all those forms that that time allowed. 1939-1941 I spent in Lvov, 1941-1943. - in a concentration camp near Ternopil. In 1943, in July, I fled from the scene of my execution to Warsaw, where I worked in secret as the editor of the military newspapers of the Ludowa Guard and the Ludowa Army on the left and right banks of the Vistula. Then he went to join the partisans who fought in the Lublin Voivodeship, after which he fought in the ranks of the regular army.”

When he tried to escape from the concentration camp again, he was captured and sentenced to death. The SS man forced the man doomed to death to dig his own grave, but he himself died from a blow to the neck with a shovel (the poem “Who Digged His Own Grave”). Dressed in a German uniform, Lec in this form crossed the entire General Government, as the Nazis called captured Poland, and, having reached Warsaw and established contact with the resistance forces, began working in the underground press. In Pruszkow he edited the newspaper “Żołnierz w boju” (Soldier in Battle), and on the right bank of the Vistula - “Swobodny narod” (Free People), where he also published his poems. In 1944, fighting in the ranks of the first battalion of the Army of Ludova, he hid in the Parchev forests and took part in a major battle near Remblov. After the liberation of Lublin, he joined the 1st Army of the Polish Army with the rank of major. For his participation in the war he received the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (Revived Poland).

Post-war years

In 1945, having settled in Lodz, Lec, together with his friends - the poet Leon Pasternak and the cartoonist Jerzy Zaruba - revived the publication of the most popular humorous magazine "Shpilki". The following year, his poetry collection “Notatnik polowy” (Field Notebook) was published, which included poems from the war years and stanzas dedicated to the battles of the partisan era and the poet-soldier’s fallen comrades. At the same time, a volume of his satirical poems and frames created before the war was published - “Spacer cynika” (Walk of a Cynic).

Work in a diplomatic mission

Like his senior literary colleagues in the pre-war period (Jan Lechon, Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz) and writers of the same age in the first years after liberation (Czeslaw Miłosz, Tadeusz Breza, Jerzy Putrament), who were involved in diplomatic work, Lec was sent to Vienna in 1946 as cultural attaché of the political mission of the Polish Republic. Soon (1948) a volume of his satirical poetry created after the war was published in his homeland - “Życie jest fraszką” (Life is Fraszką), and then (1950) a collection of “New Poems” written in the Austrian capital - the city his childhood; hence in these poems there are so many reminiscences associated with a new, fresh perception of the monuments of art and architecture of this great center of European culture.

Moving to Israel and returning home

Observing from Austria the processes taking place in Poland at that time, the establishment of a regime of party dictatorship, the suppression of creative freedom and the will of the intelligentsia, Lec in 1950 made a difficult decision for himself and left for Israel. During the two years he spent here, he wrote the “Jerusalem Manuscript” (Rękopis jerozolimski), in which the dominant motif is the acute longing he experienced for his homeland. The content of these poems, composed during his travels in the Middle East, was the search for his own place among the creators inspired by the biblical theme, and the haunting memory of those killed under a different, northern sky. Existence outside the elements Polish language and culture, far from family and friends, the familiar Mazovian landscape becomes painfully painful:

There, to the distant north, where I once lay in my cradle,

I’m heading there now so that they can sing the funeral service there.

After writing these lines, Lec returned to Poland in 1952. It is generally accepted that Lec's demonstration of political opposition and free-thinking led to the fact that for several years (until 1956) there was an unspoken ban on the publication of his work in Poland. own works(as it was, say, with M. M. Zoshchenko and A. A. Akhmatova in the USSR). Translation work becomes the only paid form of literary work for him, and he devotes himself entirely to it, turning to the poetry of J. V. Goethe, G. Heine, B. Brecht, K. Tucholsky, modern German, Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian authors. But even under these conditions, he refuses to fulfill some official orders.

Polish "thaw"

After the death of Stalinist Boleslaw Bierut in 1956, powerful public protests by Poles began in Poland, forcing the authorities to announce a break with the previous period of “errors and perversions.” Was significantly weakened ideological control over creativity (as one of the dissidents put it, Poland has turned into the most “open and free barracks of the socialist camp”). One of the evidences of change is the return of Letz’s books to readers and the publication of his new works.

The Jerusalem Manuscript was published (1956). “These poems,” wrote Lec, “completed in mid-1952, according to various reasons, lay in a desk drawer until 1956. I know this is the most lyrical of my books. Each published volume is, at least for me, after some time, like the work of another person, which - I am not ashamed to admit it - you sometimes even read with interest. Then some new details are revealed to you both in the poems and between the lines.”

Some publicists claim that the atmosphere of the Polish “spring” of 1957 contributed to the writing of the book “Myśli nieuczesane” (Uncombed Thoughts).

Lec's latest poetry volumes - “Kpię i pytam o drogę?” (I mock and ask about the way - 1959), “Do Abla i Kaina” (Abel and Cain - 1961), “List gończy” (Wanted advertisement - 1963), “Poema gotowe do skoku” (Poems ready to jump - 1964 ) - are marked, according to the author himself, by the “tendency to increasing condensation” he observed in himself artistic form" This applies to the “Xenia” cycle, published on the pages of the literary press, consisting of short lyrical and philosophical poems, and to the series of prose miniatures “Little Myths,” the form of which Lec defined as “a new variant of unkempt thoughts with its own anecdote plot.”

In 1964, the second edition of “Uncombed Thoughts” appeared, and two years later the poet managed to prepare the volume “New Uncombed Thoughts,” containing a huge wealth of topics, among which his historiosophical aphorisms were especially popular.

After a long time incurable disease Stanislaw Jerzy Lec died on May 7, 1966 in Warsaw. He was buried in the Powązki military cemetery.


  • Barwy (Colors) (1933)
  • Ziemia pachnie (Smells like earth) (1939)
  • Notatnik polowy (Field notebook) (1946)
  • Życie jest fraszką (Life is a fraszką) (1948)
  • New Poems (1950)
  • Jerusalem Manuscript (Rękopis jerozolimski) (1956)
  • Myśli nieuczesane (Uncombed thoughts) (1957)
  • Kpię i pytam o drogę? (I mock and ask for directions) (1959)
  • Do Abla i Kaina (To Abel and Cain) (1961)
  • List gończy (Wanted Advertisement) (1963)
  • Poema gotowe do skoku (Poems ready to jump) (1964)

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The ability to put a thought into a laconic and cutting phrase is a real art. And there are people who have reached dizzying heights in this art. Among them is the famous Polish poet, philosopher, satirist and one of the greatest aphorists of the 20th century, Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Today website collected for you bright sayings Letsa. These aphorisms have the same effect on the brain as an invigorating shower on the body.

  1. People are lonely because instead of bridges they build walls.
  2. Well, let’s say you hit a wall with your head. And what will you do in the next cell?
  3. We call a situation hopeless if we don't like the way out.
  4. I thought I had sunk to the very bottom, when suddenly there was a knock from below...
  5. Not every gray mass has anything in common with the brain.
  6. Many boomerangs do not return. They choose freedom.
  7. The moment of awareness of one's lack of talent is a flash of genius.
  8. There is one system we won't be able to escape from for a long time - the solar one.
  9. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. But knowledge often liberates.
  10. It is enough to succumb to the illusion to feel the real consequences.
  11. Everything has already been described. Fortunately, not everything has been thought about yet.
  12. When I start thinking seriously, I see how comical the world is.
  13. Loneliness, how overpopulated you are!
  14. When gossip grows old, it becomes myth.
  15. If you look at the world with squinted eyes, it is easier to hide your tears.
  16. Chance rules everything. I would also like to know who controls the situation.
  17. You can spend your whole life moving towards your goal only if it is constantly moving away.
  18. Life is a harmful thing. Everyone dies from it.
  19. After communicating with some people, I have a pronounced complex of usefulness.
  20. Only those who have it go crazy.
  21. Having a roof over your head often prevents people from growing.
  22. To many zeros it seems that they are the orbit in which the world revolves.
  23. A fool is a person who thinks he is smarter than me.
  24. Anyone who knows nothing can take on anything.
  25. Split personality is a serious mental illness, as it reduces the countless creatures into which a person is usually fragmented into a measly two.
  26. Childbirth is a painful process, especially if a person gives birth to himself, and even in adulthood.
  27. If the animal killed intentionally, it would be a human act.
  28. The border between light and shadow is you.
  29. And what do you say, physics? Cooling of relations between people, as a result of friction between them.
  30. If the art of conversation improved, the birth rate would decrease.
  31. Can you imagine a woman who would allow her lover to tell stories a thousand and one nights?
  32. Plagiarists, sleep well. The muse is a woman, she rarely admits who was first.
  33. You can fall in love out of jealousy alone.
  34. Man, the world is wide open in front of you, so be careful not to fall out.
  35. Sometimes you have to shut up to be listened to.
  36. Beautiful lie? Attention! This is already creativity.
  37. Be realistic: don't tell the truth.
  38. Always turn to other gods. They will listen to you out of turn.
  39. Let's not try to understand each other, so as not to hate each other.
  40. Let us be human at least until science discovers that we are something else.

1. In a horizontal position, the brain is not higher than other organs

2. Man is a by-product of love

3. A child gives birth to parents

4. Remember: a person has no other choice - he must be a person!

5. Man also has the advantage over machines that he is able to sell himself

6. Be self-taught - don't wait for life to teach you

7. When the monkey laughed when he saw himself in the mirror, a man was born

8. You can consistently move towards your goal throughout your life if it constantly moves away

9. Sometimes you need sass to prove your delicacy.

10. Exclamation mark, which has become limp and wilted, becomes interrogative

11. Those who have a good memory find it easier to forget about many things.

12. Some would like to understand what they believe, while others would like to believe what they understand.

13. Adam and Eve laid the foundation for the mass production of the human body, but Abel and Cain started the souls

14. Or maybe God intended me to be an atheist?

15. Does the production of thought keep pace with natural population growth?

16. The ram who had the golden fleece was not rich

17. How to exercise your memory to learn to forget?

18. The most difficult thing to eliminate is the dot placed over the “i”

19. "Heads up!" - said the executioner, putting on the noose

20. You ask why people run away from a ship that does not sink? They realized where he was taking them

21. The eternal dream of the executioner: a compliment from the condemned for the quality of the execution

22. During torture he constantly pinched himself. "Why?" - asked the infuriated executioner. “Checking to see if this is a nightmare?”

23. “You could make two gallows from one cross,” said the specialist with contempt.

24. History teaches how to falsify it

25. Look, cunning ones! They made a pact with the devil so that he would not let them into hell

26. The coffin lid is not decorated on the user side

27. There are as many worlds as you can fit in your head

28. Under a stick, even in a drum, the Muse awakens

29. Proverbs contradict each other. This is where it manifests itself folk wisdom

30. To get to the source, you need to swim against the current

31. It’s not the abyss that separates, but the difference in levels

32. Bread opens any mouth

33. This is an outstanding doctor: he invented several diseases and even managed to spread them widely

34. I have no doubt that you will be surprised if the cow suddenly speaks English. But believe me: by the tenth time you would have been annoyed by her far from Oxford pronunciation. Of course, if you understood this...

35. Road signs can turn the highway into a maze

36. Do you want to sing in the choir? First take a closer look at the conductor's baton

37. Be careful! Don't fall under someone else's wheel of fortune

38. We will be the fleas of space, jumping from star to star

39. Technology will reach such perfection that a person will be able to do without himself

40. He expressed himself so clearly that the mind refused to understand

41. A certain creature stood up on its two hind limbs, and then sank back down onto four wheels.

42. Guarantee of peace: burying the hatchet with the enemy

43. He protects rights so strictly that no one can use them

44. It happens that the standard bearer is carried in a different direction than the banner

45. I cannot be indignant at the actions of Herostratus until I see the architecture of the Temple of Diana at Ephesus

46. ​​God created us in his image and likeness. But where is the confidence that he worked in a realistic manner?

47. If you discovered an elixir eternal life, patent it right away. Otherwise you will have nothing to leave to your heirs

48. Everyone wants the best. Don't give it away

49. Be an altruist, respect the selfishness of others!

50. The golden calf has long turned into cash cow

51. Silent people cannot be deprived of their words

52. Ever since I saw the images of our old, venerable Lord God in the form of an elderly gentleman with a bald head, I completely lost faith in any, even the most the best means for hair growth

53. There were two options: either stand on their platform or hang above it

54. Anecdotes about crazy people, told by them themselves, are disturbing: they are too reasonable

55. “He who is without guilt among you, let him throw the first stone.” Trap. Then he will no longer be without guilt

56. Beware of those botanists who claim that the root of evil is in the tree of knowledge

57. A person loves to laugh. Above others

58. Man in own life only plays a small episode

59. The moment of realizing your mediocrity is a glimpse of genius

60. Need to become famous person to allow yourself to perform incognito

61. Some thoughts come to mind under escort

62. He who catches an idea like a runny nose can easily give a damn about it.

63. Insomnia is a disease of eras in which people are told to close their eyes to many things

64. They say that someone who has lost teeth only has a freer tongue

65. You can open your mouth in admiration and... close it with a yawn

66. Sesame, open up! I want to go out

67. What is the use of wide horizons - usually they can be discovered only in the narrowest circle

68. The one who tramples the flower beds walks on roses

69. Several times I caught myself looking for myself on the globe through a magnifying glass.

70. Eagles must relieve themselves in the clouds

71. I always took him for a lion, but when I saw him on all fours, I immediately realized that this was not a lion

72. He stuck fig leaves everywhere, but conscientiously wrote what was hidden behind them

73. It’s high time for other iron repertoire to be scrapped

74. Hamlet’s question sounds different in every country

75. Some people look through their own eyes, like through a peephole.

76. I am beautiful, I am strong, I am wise, I am kind. And I discovered all this

77. "Are thoughts free of duty?" - Yes, if they do not cross the boundaries

78. Great art - being late just in time

79. You can invest a lot of money in an empty woman

80. Women are sadists; they torture us with the torments we inflict on them

81. The war of the sexes is fought with traditional weapons

82. They say – “the institution of marriage.” In that case, isn't there a shortage of employees?

83. When you look at her, it is impossible to come to terms with the idea that her soul does not have such a magnificent bust

84. If only the scapegoat could also be milked!

85. Even if you give a cow cocoa, you won’t milk the chocolate.

86. You should not draw conclusions from the mud

87. And other people’s illiteracy prevents them from writing

88. The third side of the coin? The chest on which she hangs

89. Those who have a broader horizon usually have better prospects

90. The spirit of the times scares even atheists

91. Cherished dream parrot: repeat yourself

92. The rooster sings even the morning when he is put in the soup

93. Poor earth, all our shadows fall on it

94. When gossip grows old, it becomes myth.

95. “I heard that the world is beautiful,” said the blind man. “It seems,” answered the sighted man

96. Or maybe the walls of Jericho fell simply because the city was blowing too much fanfare?

97. Or maybe we are just someone’s memory?

98. If political tales talking about beasts means inhuman times

99. Trousers get worn out even on the throne

100. A state that knows in advance the dates of death of its citizens can conduct highest degree planned economy

101. Sometimes I stop believing in the blueness of the skies: it seems to me that this space is perfectly covered with bruises

102. Well, let’s say you hit a wall with your head. And what will you do in the next cell?

103. Cowards must have power, otherwise they are afraid

104. The winner’s boot happened to belong to the vanquished

105. Does a cannibal have the right to speak on behalf of those he eats?

106. He walked over the corpses of those going to the goal

107. Do you want to sing in the choir? First take a closer look at the conductor's baton

108. To climb up, you need to fold your wings

109. If a backbone is broken, a hump grows on the psyche

110. It’s easy to make a chain from zeros

111. Each broom is gradually swept away by itself

112. Sometimes, only after leaving the stage, you can find out what role you played

113. Do at least those who took them away from others have ideals?

114. Who believes in miracles! But everyone is waiting for them

115. If I had more willpower, I would be able to overpower her

116. Even from a dream you can make jam if you add fruit and sugar

117. If the water reaches your mouth, keep your head up

118. The letter of the law must be included in the alphabet

119. Here is the guardian of the law - he protects it so perfectly that no one can take advantage of

120. A special newspaper was published for old Rockefeller, filled with fictitious news. Some countries are able to publish such newspapers not only for billionaires, but for the entire population

121. Power passes from hand to hand more often than from head to head

122. Sometimes a rigid position is a consequence of Paralysis

123. When a chameleon is in power, the surroundings change colors

124. When dismantling monuments, do not touch the pedestals. They may still be useful

125. No one has yet managed to defeat a lie with the weapon of truth. You can overcome lies only with more lies.

126. Or maybe beautiful cave painting was she ever forced to go underground?

127. The truth usually lies in the middle. Most often without a tombstone

128. Be careful: when you are in the blaze of glory, your enemies have an advantage - they lie in wait in the shadows

129. Some future Darwins, perhaps, will put forward the thesis that highly developed beings (to which they will belong) originate from humans. This will be a huge shock!

130. I believe in the evolution of animals. Someday, for example, a flea and a lion will be equal. I just don’t know if it’s because of the miniaturization of lions, or because of the gigantization of fleas

131. Most often the exit is where the entrance was

132. Obituary would be the best business card

133. Toothless people find it easier to pronounce things

134. Appetite comes with eating, but does not go away during hunger

135. In the struggle between the heart and the head, the stomach ultimately wins

136. Poor man, you say: “After us there may be a flood!” and all you have to do is pull the handle of the tank

137. Everything is in the hands of man. Therefore, they need to be washed as often as possible.

138. If the mirage turns out to be reality, demand compensation

139. He ruined his life. And now he has two separate, very pleasant lives.

140. Atheists are believers who do not want to be them

141. Road signs do not make the way of the cross easier

142. I am afraid of angels, they are kind, they will also agree to be devils

143. Everything must be in heaven: and hell too!

144. Am I a believer? Only God knows this

145. Sometimes I get worried: what if we are already in heaven?

146. The boundaries of heaven and hell are moving, but they always pass through us

147. The Jews are to blame for everything. It is their God who created us all

148. It’s sad if the spine straightens only on the cross

149. Always turn to foreign gods. They will listen to you out of turn

150. There are saints whose lives begin with canonization

151. Perhaps, even on the threshold of death, a horseshoe of happiness is nailed

152. It’s a pity that you have to go to heaven in a hearse!

153. No God has yet survived the loss of those who believe in him

154. Only the dead can be resurrected. It's harder to be alive

155. The cornucopia is blown loudly. It's probably empty

156. Telling jokes to the Lord God so that he doesn’t guess the end is something to be proud of

157. The devil in hell - a positive image

158. Who knows, maybe the devil would fly away from us if he were given wings?

159. Sometimes the devil tempts me to believe in God

160. The devil is cunning - he can appear to us simply in the form of a devil

161. The strength of the devil is in his angelic patience

162. As you can see, there is both an entrance and an exit in hell, since you can go through hell

163. There are two types of devils: demoted angels and people who have made careers

164. It seems that things are going to the point that Science will discover God. And I tremble in advance for his fate

165. If they shout: “Long live progress!”, always answer: “Progress of what?”

166. The base argument of the pygmies: “We are closest to the earth”

167. A person thinks about the purpose of his existence; perhaps the oysters are thinking the same thing, unless some waiter revealed it to them

168. He who climbed ashore on the crest of a wave can hide that his pants are wet

169. Complaints about alcoholism? But were citizens allowed to experience the taste of nectar?

170. I'm afraid of unloaded guns. They break heads

171. When driving someone, see that you don’t have to run away from him

172. Always follow the compass needle - it knows when to shake

173. Start over again, but how to finish before that?

174. Let's be human at least until science discovers that we are something else

175. A true sage: always bowed to the ruler in such a way as to show his butt to his servants

176. The future must be constantly evoked from non-existence, the past comes by itself

177. Chance rules everything. I would also like to know who rules the day

178. The electronic brain will think for us in the same way that the electric chair dies for us

179. In dark times it is difficult to go into the shadows

180. There are plays so weak that they just can’t get off the stage

181. Even in his silence there were grammatical errors

182. Even when silent, take the highest tone

183. The pinnacle of knowledge about man - the secret police archive

184. Be careful! When you come out of your dreams, you can end up in someone else's.

185. If you are spineless, don’t go out of your way

186. He changed his skin, and screamed as if it was being torn off

187. Be careful not to create something majestic through carelessness, because so many people will have to consciously devote their lives to diminish what you created

188. When you jump for joy, be careful not to have the ground pulled out from under you

189. Can you imagine a woman who would allow her lover to tell fairy tales a thousand and one nights?

190. Be realistic: don't tell the truth

191. Stupidity never crosses borders: where you step, there is its territory

192. Don’t tell anyone your dreams - what if the Freudians come to power?

193. If you like a bag, buy it along with the cat they wanted to sell you in it

194. Being in the mouth of a lion is not so bad. Sharing his tastes is what's terrible

196. In dangerous times, do not withdraw into yourself. It's easiest to find you there

197. The instinct of self-preservation is sometimes an impulse to commit suicide.

198. It’s a pity that happiness doesn’t lie on the road to him

199. Every century has its Middle Ages

200. Don't lose your head. Life wants to stroke you

201. He sprinkled the ashes of his victims on his head

202. Many things don’t exist because they couldn’t be named.

203. And by the way the inhabitants tremble, one can understand what the foundation of the state is

204. There was a time in art when even onanists were castrated - for fear that they would fertilize the atmosphere

205. Imagination? Onanists have the most of it

206. Of course, I don’t believe in the miracle of the night of St. Ivan Kupala, but if you asked me about the night of St. Bartholomew...

207. Great is the power of insignificance! Nothing can defeat him

208. I know where the myth about the wealth of the Jews comes from. Jews pay for everything

209. In a real time bomb explosive is time

210. Traces of many crimes lead to the future

211. And the whip sprouts when it lands on favorable soil

212. A true enemy will never abandon you

213. In some inspirations, the muses wash their feet.

214. From the moment a person stands on his hind legs, everything is a pose

215. There is some kind of huge emptiness in him, filled to the brim with erudition

216. Stuffy! Open the windows. Let those in the yard feel it too

218. Some religions honor martyrs, others honor executioners.

220. Life is a harmful thing. Everyone dies from it

221. Life is going in a circle getting closer to the throat

222. Any stench that fights the fan tends to think of itself as Don Quixote

223. Few people change their beliefs - they change their ideologies

224. When the enemy rubs his hands, it’s your time! Give free rein to yours!

225. Great times can accommodate a fair number of little people

226. Think and believe with the same brain?

227. The great ones must tilt the sky towards people without lowering its level

228. Just think! Giordano Bruno was burned on the fire that Prometheus stole from the gods

229. Fat people live shorter lives. But they eat longer

230. One false step - and now we are already at someone's goal

231. The window to the world can be closed with a newspaper

232. You can be a virtuoso of the fake game

233. Eternity is a temporary solution. Until the beginning and the end are determined

234. It is enough to succumb to the illusion to feel the real consequences

235. It is difficult for worlds to establish themselves, at the Beginning of which there are only Words, Words, Words...

236. The dog in the capital barks more centrally

237. Had a checkered life. Changed flags

238. The path of least resistance is where the strongest brakes fail

239. The possibilities of opera have not yet been exhausted: there is no such nonsense that cannot be sung

240. Atheists talk about the time “after the birth of Christ” - “our era”. Strange

241. You can’t look at your enemy with disgust - what if you need to devour him?

242. The mouthpiece should not be surprised that it is spat on by those speaking into it

243. History repeats itself because there are not enough historians with imagination

244. Howl! You will feel a million years younger

245. And masochists confess to everything under torture. Out of gratitude

246. It will be funny if they don’t have time to destroy the world before its end

247. When we populate the deserts, the oases will disappear

248. Everything in the world is functional, and especially that which serves absolutely nothing

249. What goes wrong goes

250. I knew a man so little read that he had to compose quotes from the classics himself

251. Money doesn’t smell, but it evaporates

252. We understand everything. That's why we can't understand anything

253. Let's not try to understand each other, so as not to hate each other

254. When mistakes occur less often, they will increase in value

255. Everything adds up to history, and everything in it decomposes

256. A world without psychopaths? He would be crazy

257. Everything has already been described. Fortunately, not everything has been thought about yet

258. A fool is a person who considers himself smarter than me

259. Every time I say “yes”, I see in advance how much “no” it will cost me.

260. And doubts must be resolved

261. When heads fall, don’t lower yours

262. Those who wear blinders, let them remember that the set also includes a bit and a whip

263. Usually the rearguard of the previous vanguard is the vanguard of the new rearguard

264. The spirit of the times scares even atheists

265. At the very beginning of the path to perfection, I stumbled upon my stunning success

266. There is an ideal world of lies where everything is true

267. Who knows how many words God tried before he found the one that created the world

268. Rabbi Ben Akiba has already said everything. But some of it was confiscated

269. Uproot the roots of evil, they are often nutritious and tasty

270. A real man can be seen even when he is naked

271. If God is omnipresent, any road must lead to him

272. Where can I find courage? The brave will not give it up. And what do you say, physics? Cooling of relations between people, as a result of friction between them

273. He expressed himself so clearly that the mind refused to understand

274. Probably everyone would like to be resurrected at least one rank higher

275. Cut the branch you are sitting on only if they want to hang you on it

276. Many of those who climbed into the luminaries hung from the lanterns

277. Thoughts jump from person to person like fleas, but they don’t bite everyone.

278. Where laughter is prohibited, crying is usually not allowed.

279. People have slow reflexes: only the next generations understand

280. First there was the word. Then there was silence

281. Strength of arguments - arguments of strength: two different styles

282. You can be a virtuoso of the fake game

283. The clock is striking. Everyone

284. A fact is always naked, even if it is dressed latest fashion

285. Cannibals prefer spineless ones

286. If an animal killed intentionally, it would be a human act

287. Sometimes the alibi itself is the crime

288. Dwarfs are the best to trip, this is their level

289. Your own powerlessness is as dangerous as someone else’s violence

290. Don't open your arms to people - don't help them crucify you

291. Does he have astral body soul?

Stanislav Jerzy Lec - a famous Polish poet, satirist, aphorist, philosopher - was a native of Lviv, which at that time belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Here he was born on March 6, 1909 into an intelligent family. His father was an Austrian baron of Jewish origin, his mother was a representative of the Polish-Jewish intelligentsia, a very educated and cultured woman. This mixing of blood more than once throughout Letz’s life became the cause of dramatic situations, internal doubts and contradictions.

During the First World War, as the front approached, the family went to Vienna, where Stanislav received elementary education. It continued at the evangelical school in Lviv, and later at Jan Kazimierz Lviv University at the Faculty of Law, where he studied until 1933. The beginning of Lec’s literary activity also dates back to his student period. Just like him, aspiring poets and writers are at their first creative biography at the author's evening in the spring of 1929 they read their works; Among them was Stanislav Jerzy. The end of 1929 saw his debut in print: the poem “Spring” was published in the literary supplement of a popular newspaper. In 1933, the first collection of poems, “Colors,” was published.

Then S.E. Lec moved to Warsaw, collaborated with several popular newspapers and literary magazines, and in 1936 became the organizer of the literary cabaret Mockingbird Theatre. The authorities did not like the daily judicial chronicle published in a political newspaper that advocated the creation of a popular anti-fascist front, and after the publication was closed, Letu had to leave for Romania due to the threat of arrest. Upon returning home he lives for some time in rural areas, then works in a law office in Chortkiv, after which, returning to Warsaw, as before, he is engaged in literature and journalism.

During 1939-1941. Lec lived in Lvov, where the war found him. This period of his life turned out to be extremely eventful: from 1941 to 1943. the writer was in a concentration camp, then he managed to escape from the place of execution to Warsaw, where for some time he edited underground military newspapers. In 1944, Lec became a partisan in the forests of the Lublin Voivodeship; after the liberation of Lublin, he fought as an officer in the Polish Army and was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

In 1945, having settled in Lodz, he and his comrades revived the magazine “Shpilki”, which was extremely popular before the war, and became its editor-in-chief. IN next year Lec was appointed attache to the political mission of the Polish Republic on cultural issues and sent to Vienna, where he worked until 1950, later he lived and worked until 1952 in Israel. The impressions received formed the basis of the book, “The Jerusalem Manuscript,” filled with nostalgia and pain for the homeland.

In 1952, Lec returned to Poland, but until 1956, the publication of his works was under an unspoken ban: such was the price of free-thinking and open opposition political views. Earn money literary work It was possible only by translating other people's works, and for several years this kind of activity became the main one for Letz. The death in 1956 of Boleslav Bierut, who ruled the country using Stalinist methods, turned the new page in the history of Poland and in the biography of S.E. Letsa. Ideological pressure on representatives creative professions noticeably weakened, and the publication of his new works and the republication of old ones became one of the signs of the new time. Thus, in 1957, the famous collection of maxims, aphorisms, and epigrams “Uncombed Thoughts” was published, and in 1959, a book of the same genre “I Laugh and Ask How to Get There” was published. In the 60s A number of lyrical collections were published.

“New Uncombed Thoughts” was destined to become the last lifetime publication of Stanisław Jerzy Lec. A long, serious illness claimed the life of the writer, who was then living in Warsaw, on May 7, 1966; They buried him in the cemetery for Powązki soldiers.

Life and art


During this student period, he began literary activity, meeting with colleagues who were keenly interested in creativity. In the spring of the year, the young poets organized the first author’s evening in their lives, at which Lec’s poems were also performed, and at the end of the same year, his debut poem “Spring” was published in the literary supplement to the then popular newspaper “Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny” (Illustrated Daily Courier). " “It spoke, of course, about spring,” Lec explained years later, “but it was not a traditional spring; in mood, these poems looked... pessimistic. Why did I choose IKC? This publication was ordered and read in our house, and I wanted to be known as a poet, first of all, in the family.”

Polish "thaw"


  • Barwy (Colors) (1933)
  • Ziemia pachnie (Smells like earth) (1939)
  • Notatnik polowy (Field notebook) (1946)
  • Życie jest fraszką (Life is a fraszką) (1948)
  • New Poems (1950)
  • Rękopis jerozolimski (Jerusalem Manuscript) (1956)
  • Myśli nieuczesane (Uncombed thoughts) (1957)
  • Kpię i pytam o drogę? (I mock and ask for directions) (1959)
  • Do Abla i Kaina (To Abel and Cain) (1961)
  • List gończy (Wanted Advertisement) (1963)
  • Poema gotowe do skoku (Poems ready to jump) (1964)


  • Lec, Stanislav Jerzy in the library of Maxim Moshkov
  • Maxim Malkov. A humanist without fear and reproach - biography of S. E. Lets.
  • Cherfas, Samuel Lec Stanislav Jerzy. The Fraschka Ideal - Translations and Variations by Samuil Cherfas. (08/20/2007). - Hundreds of badass jokes were written by the snide Staszek, the witty and sage, the Polish hedgehog - Jerzy Lec... Archived from the original on August 24, 2011. Retrieved on August 21, 2007.


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Writers by alphabet
  • Born on March 6
  • Born in 1909
  • Born in Lviv
  • Died on May 7
  • Died in 1966
  • Deaths in Warsaw
  • Writers of Poland
  • Poets of Poland
  • Satirists of Poland
  • Aphorists
  • Buried at the Powązki Military Cemetery
  • Participants of the Second World War

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