Ethical foundations of communication. Moral foundations of communication

Every person has a need to communicate with others. Some are more sociable, others less so, but for the main two forms of human interaction - friendship and love - communication is necessary. Any human actions always have some kind of framework, boundaries and rules. What norms and rules govern our communication and determine the culture of speech?

The ethics of speech communication is determined by the culture of speech. Ethics prescribes rules of moral behavior for people, etiquette determines behavior in certain situations and specific formulas of politeness. A person who observes etiquette but violates ethical standards of communication is hypocritical and deceptive. Ethical and highly moral behavior with non-compliance with the rules of etiquette also looks rather strange from the outside and does not inspire confidence.

— The golden rule of conversation.

There is something called Golden Rule communication, the essence of which is that you should treat others the way you would like others to treat you. This rule can be extended to any situation. Thus, the following basic ethical principles of communication are considered:

1) altruism (readiness to sacrifice something for the sake of another),

2) virtue (establishing relationships with others from the standpoint of goodness and goodness),

3) exactingness (making demands on oneself and others to fulfill a moral duty, responsibility),

4) justice,

5) parity (equality between people), etc.

Thanks to goodwill, sincerity and openness, trust arises between people, without which communication is impossible. The following are also evident in communication: moral qualities person: honesty, truthfulness, kindness, respect for others, caring for others, politeness, etc.

Also, ethical principles of communication affect the content of the speech itself. It must be logical, understandable to both parties, polite, meaningful, truthful and expedient. Everyone decides for themselves whether brevity is the sister of talent. To some, short speech seems unnatural (this depends only on the person’s personal characteristics). Read also the article about.

— Moral and ethical principles in communication between people.

It may seem to some that they are completely free from the rules imposed by society, including during communication. But sooner or later it becomes clear that for successful completion conversation, and just to enjoy the conversation, some norms still have to be taken into account.

And the main ethical principle of communication is the observance of parity, that is, recognition of the equality of partners, maintaining a respectful atmosphere during the conversation.

True, the understanding of the need to follow this rule does not come immediately; some acquire this knowledge in the process of education, while others have to figure everything out with their own mind. In any case, moral and ethical principles are decisive in human behavior. They are responsible for the manner of speech, attitude towards the interlocutor and the individual’s need to perform certain actions.

In the formation of the basic principles of communication, the highest regulatory function is performed by the components of moral health - moral beliefs, habits, qualities, actions and abilities. Therefore, when high level culture, people have the ability to systematically combat negative traits character, making interactions with other people more enjoyable for both parties.

That is, compliance with general ethical principles communication allows a person to show humanity when interacting with others - to empathize, sympathize, show kindness, decency and mercy. This behavior allows you to demonstrate to a person how valuable certain contacts are to him.

The main ethical principles of communication are:

The advantage of using such communication norms is not only the improvement in the quality of interaction, but also the possibility of preliminary development of the communication scenario to find the best moves.

— 6 basic ethical principles of business conduct.

1)Punctuality (do everything on time).
Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that the person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time applies to all work assignments. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25% to the time that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work. Violation of this principle is considered disrespect for the recipient, which may affect the course of the subsequent conversation.

2)Confidentiality (don't talk too much).
Secrets of an institution, corporation, or specific transaction must be kept as carefully as secrets of a personal nature. You should not retell to anyone what you have heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their official activities or personal life.

3)Courtesy, friendliness and friendliness.
In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, clients, customers and co-workers politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

4) Attention to others(think about others, not just yourself).
It should extend to colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have a particular point of view. Always listen to criticism and advice from colleagues, superiors and subordinates. When someone questions the quality of your work, show that you value other people's thoughts and experiences. Self-confidence shouldn't stop you from being humble.

5) Appearance(dress appropriately).
The main approach is to fit into your work environment, and within this environment - into the contingent of workers at your level. You need to look your best in the best possible way, i.e. dress with taste, choosing color scheme to the face. Carefully selected accessories are of great importance.

6) Literacy (speak and write good language).
Internal documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names must be conveyed without errors. You cannot use swear words; Even if you just quote the words of another person, those around you will perceive them as part of your own vocabulary.

These principles are present to varying degrees and recognized as valid in various business cultures. The fundamental principles in the business world are: responsibility, respect for human dignity and the interests of those involved in business.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site


Communication like most important characteristic human existence is inextricably linked with morality. Morality is included in all spheres of human activity, and in principle it is impossible to imagine any sphere human activity, including the sphere of communication, outside the action of morality: any phenomenon of communication carries one or another moral content.

What is the relationship between communication and morality? What role does morality play in the communication process?

Firstly, communication is the sphere of direct implementation of moral values ​​and norms, in which a person constantly faces moral choice, determining his moral or immoral actions.

Secondly, the communication process itself is assessed from a moral point of view.

Third, moral values, ideals, principles and norms, among others social norms, regulate the communication process.

Modern researchers in the field of ethics believe that a special theoretical and practical significance ethical issues of communication requires the creation of a specialized section of ethical knowledge called "ethics of communication", the status of which may be similar, for example, to the status of such sections as: "applied ethics", " professional ethics", "bioethics".

What should be included in the competence of communication ethics? What should she teach? What is its subject?

The subject of communication ethics should be an analysis of the moral aspects of communication at the theoretical and practical levels. It includes an analysis of communication problems both at the level of what is and at the level of what should be.

At the theoretical level, communication ethics should study moral issues value orientation in communication, content and essence moral qualities subjects of communication, as well as problems moral choice ways, means, rules, forms of communication.

At the practical level, the subject of study of communication ethics is a set of specific practical techniques, norms (primarily moral), and rules of communication.

In addition to studying communication processes from a moral perspective, communication ethics is intended to influence real communication processes, to teach how one should and how one should not communicate.

Communication ethics is closely related to communication culture. K. Marx defined culture as the measure of humanity in a person. Developing this idea, we can say that the culture of communication determines the measure of humanity in communication.

The culture of communication, as an integral part of the individual’s culture, determines the quality and degree of perfection of communication. The concept of “ethics of communication” expresses the moral content of the broader concept of “culture of communication”. Culture of behavior, culture of speech, culture of non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, vocal characteristics of the voice, etc.), culture of etiquette, speech etiquette, psychological culture of communication partners, all this is included in the culture of communication.

How are ethics and communication culture related? We can say this: what is not cultural is not ethical.

Imagine that a woman in a minibus is loudly discussing mobile phone I have my own business with my friend. This is uncivilized; according to etiquette, loud conversation in the presence of strangers is not permissible. But this is also unethical, since, firstly, it demonstrates disrespect for other passengers, who are perceived as inanimate objects, and, secondly, other people’s affairs become the property of strangers. Another example. A person with impeccable manners begins to mock the mistake of his interlocutor. The ironic subtext is clear, it hurts, especially since it is difficult to defend against irony. Unethical? Yes. Can such a person be called cultured? Obviously not, since culture includes a spiritual component. No wonder A.P. Chekhov wrote: “Good education does not consist in not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but in not noticing if someone else does it.” Thus, the moral characteristics of a person, which include friendliness, attentiveness, generosity, nobility, altruism, etc., along with the technique and style of communication, determine the culture of communication itself.

1. Communication and ethics……………………………………………………….3
2. Business etiquette………………………………………………………..10
3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….19
4. List of references……………………………………20

In modern humanitarian speech, such terms as sociology of communication, psychology of communication, philosophy of communication, aesthetics of communication, pedagogy of communication are increasingly encountered. And, of course, the legitimacy of the combination of words “ethics of communication” cannot raise much doubt; The ethical aspect of communication, probably the most significant and complex, undoubtedly involves its reflection in the appropriate term. Moreover, the special theoretical and practical significance of ethical issues of communication determine the feasibility of creating a specialized section of ethical knowledge called “ethics of communication.”
So, the essence of morality, as a real social phenomenon, the existence of which is associated with the first efforts of people to live and act together, first spontaneously, and then deliberately uniting, is that it is vital a necessary condition survival of people, streamlining their social way of life. This alternative has given rise to a number of theoretical justifications, according to which moral person strictly adapted to conditions external environment(English philosopher Spencer), and nature can be called the first moral teacher for man (P.A. Kropotkin). G. Selye, the author of the generally accepted theory of stress, believes that it is biologically useful, and therefore moral standards should be based on biological laws, on the laws of human self-preservation.

The interaction between communication and ethics is multifaceted. It covers the structural, functional and other aspects of ethics as a science of morality, as well as communication - as a complex process of establishing and developing contacts between people.
Since its inception, ethics has been in interaction with communication. Moral feelings and ideas about proper behavior arise in a person thanks to life together with other people, “through communication of thoughts and ideas, for in this sense the word “communication” is used in relation to people...”
Psychological mechanisms such as imitation, infection, suggestion, and persuasion, inherent in the communication process, make it possible to introduce ethical thoughts and ideas into the minds of people and pass them on from generation to generation. Ethics must humanize and ennoble communication between people. Analysis of the interaction between ethics and communication presupposes first clarifying the content of morality studied by ethics as a science. She sought to answer these questions not in everyday understanding, but in theoretical form.
The word “ethics” comes from the Greek “ethos”, the word “morality” comes from the Latin “mos”. The meaning of these words is one - character, custom. The morals and customs of our ancestors constituted their morality, generally accepted norms of behavior. Since certain norms of behavior become stable, they form morals and customs, as well as moral traditions and habits.
Morals and customs are norms of behavior consistently manifested in people’s actions that meet the requirements certain society. They constitute the traditional order of behavior characteristic of the mass of people of a given society, a given class. By morals and customs it is customary to understand not only the specified norms of human behavior, but also stable ones characteristic of of a given people forms or features of his life and communication: national cuisine, housing, greetings and clothing, holidays and much more.
The origin of many mores and customs dates back to distant times; their connection with the historical conditions of the development of a given society is often difficult to detect. They have very great stability; behind them is the powerful force of tradition. Having outlived their time, many customs and mores become unacceptable to the new conditions. However, they are being eradicated very slowly precisely because they have the power of tradition behind them.
In every era in society, in its various social groups...

Communication between people is the most important feature human existence. Without it, activity, the formation and assimilation of spiritual values, the formation of consciousness, the formation and development of personality are impossible. Communication accompanies all these processes and contributes to their implementation. Communication is multifaceted because it is implemented at different levels - countries and peoples, groups and individuals can communicate. In addition, communication can manifest itself in different ways: be direct or indirect, vary in type and, finally, in the process, people can exchange thoughts, feelings, experiences, work skills, etc. Such versatility of communication is due to the fact that it is based on social relations. Since the latter cover different aspects of the functioning of society, they act as specific types of socio-economic, political, legal and moral relations for a given era. Ultimately, they are the content of communication. Communication is a directly observable and experienced reality, and concretization public relations, their personification, personal form.

Because the social relations appear in the form of communication, any of its manifestations, regardless of the subject (an individual or a social group), are more or less indirectly related to the content of these relationships. The degree of mediation is determined by social experience, psychological and social characteristics personality, communication conditions. All this applies to interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is far from straightforward. Its range is quite wide. People meet on the street, in transport, in in public places. These relationships cannot be carried out without any norms. There is a certain content behind them, they require certain skills and habits.

Great value interpersonal communication explained by the most important functions it performs. This is, first of all, the exchange of information between people. Information and communication function is in one form or another connected with all forms of human activity. Further, interpersonal communication performs the so-called regulatory and communicative function. In communication, rules of behavior, goals, means, and motives for behavior are developed, its norms are strengthened, actions are evaluated, a unique hierarchy of values, a scale of human socialization, is formed. It is in communication that a person learns and experiences his significance. Therefore, its correct orientation becomes a source, one of the most important ways of formation human personality. Finally, communication performs another function - affective-communicative, in which the level of emotional tension is regulated, psychological relaxation is created. It also creates the emotional background in which our activities are carried out and which to a large extent determines the very perception of the world.

Every society and individual social groups develop certain regulatory principles of communication, which are not only enshrined in the norms of behavior adopted by them, but are also brought up in people with a greater or lesser degree of consciousness. This gives grounds to assert that there is one or another level of communication culture .

Culture- a concept broader than communication; it includes, as already noted, all the material and spiritual values ​​that have been accumulated by people. Culture includes methods of human activity and that range of forms, techniques and norms that characterize the peculiarities of the functioning of society and without which its existence is impossible. In this regard, we can talk about the culture of production, recreation, communication, and healing. Here, the normativity of culture is especially emphasized, which outlines exactly how one should act.

Relationships between people are directly regulated by social norms, primarily legal and moral, which represent the most important elements of culture. The norms of morality and law that apply when people communicate are included in the culture of communication. They bring together the requirements for communication developed in society with its very practice. Moral norms are a generalization of collective experience and are passed on from generation to generation, from individual to individual in the form of certain practical rules. Usually they recommend, prescribe, prohibit, permit, warn, anticipate or evaluate various gestures, behaviors, inclinations, and actions of people . A norm does not simply indicate what is significant from the point of view of values ​​accepted in society, but presupposes their mandatory implementation and establishes the degree of what is permitted. Violation of these norms is unacceptable not only in terms of morality, but also in terms of cultural behavior.

Communication as a kind of manifestation social life people is not something random or arbitrarily established by them. It is brought to life by the totality of human connections, leading place among which are production and the relationships that arise in connection with it. Communication and its culture are an integral part of people’s life, but cannot be something unchanging, the same for all times and peoples. Each era of human development is characterized by a certain culture of communication.

Communication between people takes place in various forms, which depend on the level of communication, its nature, and purpose. The most typical forms of interpersonal communication are anonymous, functional-role-based, in which a special place is occupied by service relationships, informal and intimate family communication. This classification is conditional and does not exhaust all possible forms of communication in which a person can participate.

Anonymous communication represents an interaction between strangers or unrelated people. It is understood as any temporary connections between people in which they act as citizens, residents of the city or settlement, passengers on a train, plane or public transport, spectators at a cinema or sports match, visitors to a museum or exhibition, etc. This refers to their preliminary and, as a rule, subsequent unfamiliarity. They meet, enter into mutual relations with each other and separate, they are anonymous, nameless in relation to each other.

Formal-role communication involves varying duration of communication between people who have certain roles. Participants in such communication perform certain functions in relation to each other: buyer - seller, passenger - conductor, waiter - client, doctor - patient, etc. Service relationships are also of a functional-role nature, but they are characterized by a significant duration; they, as a rule, are of great importance in people’s lives. Their participants know each other to a greater or lesser extent, at least as workers, members of the same team.

Informal communication represents all kinds of contacts outside the official relations of colleagues and members of any organizations. Of course, informal communication is also possible with workmates, but only if it goes beyond official relations. Examples could be non-official contacts with workmates, acquaintances, meetings with friends, comrades in sports and other hobbies. A special area of ​​informal communication is communication between close people or family members. In the sphere of informal communication, the role of the emotional moment changes. If in other forms of communication the emotional side accompanied its other functions (informational, regulatory), then With informal communication, emotional contacts become its content.

Of all the relationships that develop in work collective, the most important are official Their special role is determined firstly , because the very nature of work activity makes them necessary, and in this sense they are independent of the will of their participants. Secondly , Without them, no work activity or fulfillment of tasks facing the team is possible. Thirdly, work relationships influence people’s moods and create that moral microclimate, without which the existence of a healthy team is impossible. the main objective team - success of the business. That's why the criterion for the quality of service relationships is the interests of the business. Good work relationships develop when employees solve assigned tasks in a coordinated and friendly manner. In the same teams where “good relationships” come to the fore, its main functions are poorly performed, and the relationships themselves cease to serve the interests of the business and become unmanageable.

Informal work relationships are formed on the basis of two fundamental requirements: responsibility for the work and respect for fellow workers. Responsibility- this is, first of all, demanding of oneself and of others, which is based on an understanding of the social consequences of certain actions. The latter is impossible without the correct attitude to the results of the team’s activities, to the moral and psychological climate that develops in it. A team only becomes a team when a sense of responsibility becomes natural and necessary, if not for everyone, then at least for the vast majority of workers. This means that team members in their work relationships are guided not by personal likes and dislikes, not by personal benefits, but by the interests of the common cause and its result. Only this criterion allows you to establish a successful working together different people.

To others, no less important start culture of service relations is respect to comrades. If respect is built from relationships “horizontally”, i.e. between people occupying the same official position, then it is a direct expression of the principle of collectivism. It’s another matter when the issue of respect for an employee is viewed through the prism of “vertical” relationships, i.e. between a leader and a subordinate. Subordination relationships, i.e. leadership and subordination are also determined by moral requirements. We must not forget that subordinates are such only because of their service that they serve not the leader, but the interests of the team. And in this respect, all employees of the team are equal. This attitude of subordination and equality creates all the prerequisites for the fight against arrogance and conceit, on the one hand, and sycophancy and servility, on the other. It should be noted that both have an extremely negative impact on the moral and psychological climate of the team, breeding unprincipledness and mutual responsibility, protectionism and dishonesty. In a culture of vertical service relations, much depends on the leader. Responsibility, respect for subordinates, combined with exactingness towards oneself and towards them is the only reliable leadership style that ensures the successful solution of the tasks facing the team, the creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

A few words about the norms of official and business relations in medical institutions. In addition to generally accepted standards, a number of additional points are of particular importance for physicians:

The very environment in medical institutions should be as gentle as possible on the patient’s psyche, create an atmosphere of trust in the doctor, and encourage optimism and recovery of patients. Everything that negatively affects the course of the disease and the patient’s recovery must be eliminated. It is necessary to create a favorable regime.

The environment in the doctor's office should be conducive to creative work and encourage a calm, intimate story from the patient. An immutable rule should be established: during the reception and examination of a patient, any interference that distracts the doctor is unacceptable.

Relationships between health workers should be based on collegiality, mutual respect, mutual assistance and trust. Can't be discussed medical errors in the presence of the patient. It is unacceptable for a consultant to criticize the attending physician in the presence of the patient, as well as conduct a consultation without the attending physician. It is not permissible to address nursing and nursing staff on a first-name basis or make comments to nurses in the presence of patients.

In turn, the patient must treat the doctor with respect and follow the rules internal regulations, honestly and conscientiously follow all doctor’s instructions.

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