What are the main themes and motives of Gogol. Later work of N.V.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol left a big mark on Russian literature. Born in 1809 on March 20 in the Poltava province in an ordinary family of a simple landowner. The writer learned to read and write at home, then studied for two years at a college and a gymnasium. During this period, young Gogol developed an interest in literature. In 1828, after graduating from high school, he took literary tests, which were unsuccessful. In 1829, Gogol became a minor official.

He continued to study literature; in 1930, his first work appeared in the magazine “Basavryuk”.
Gogol has his own social circle among writers, communicates with Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Krylov. Thanks to the help and advice of new friends, Gogol wrote such works as “Dead Souls”, “Revisoro”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. In 1834, Gogol was invited to the department of history as a professor at the university, in 1835 he resigned and all his free time devotes literary creativity. Such stories as “Taras Bulba”, “Viy”, “Mirgorod”, “Old World Landowners”, “The Overcoat” appeared.

After the production at the Revizoro Theater, the writer, persecuted by the secular mob and injustice, goes abroad. Lives in many cities and writes Dead Souls. In 1841, the first volume of “Dead Souls” was published, which became a great creation with deep meaning. After the first volume, the writer took up the second, but during this period Gogol began to become interested in mysticism. Due to a lot of criticism and misunderstanding, he stops communicating with friends and withdraws entirely into himself. The writer's health deteriorated and in 1852, being mentally ill, he destroyed the second volume of Dead Souls.

The writer died in 1852 on February 21. They buried him at Novodevichy Cemetery. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is one of the best writers, left a great contribution to literature.

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Interesting Facts biography by date

Biography of Gogol about the main thing

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was born on March 20, 1809 in the Poltava province in the village of Sorochintsy. The writer's father was a landowner. Gogol's mother was married off at the age of 14 and was very pretty. Nikolai Vasilyevich had 11 more siblings. There is a version that the writer came from an ancient Cossack family.

Gogol began his studies at the Poltava school, and then continued at the Nizhyn gymnasium, where he was not an excellent student and his works were mediocre and did not have much popularity. Nikolai Vasilyevich's favorite subjects were drawing and Russian literature.

In 1828, Gogol served as an official in St. Petersburg, where his writing career. Despite a lot of disappointments about the writer’s creative plans, Gogol does not give up and, after long time, still achieves success. Nikolai Vasilyevich loved the theater very much and wanted to serve this cause, but the writer did not achieve success in the acting field. The writer’s first published work was “Basavryuk”. But it was his story “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala” that brought Gogol wide fame. During this period, Gogol was interested in such genres as: historical poem, tragedy and elegiac poems. Much written by Nikolai Vasilyevich clearly recreates the image of Ukraine. One of the most famous works Gogol is “Taras Bulba”, where the author recreates the image real events that took place in the last century.

In 1831, Gogol met Pushkin and Zhukovsky; they believe that these people had a strong influence on the author’s creative activity. In 1837, Nikolai Vasilyevich in Rome was working on “ Dead souls", which brought the writer untold success. But there were difficulties with the printing of this book: they refused to print it at all, censorship prohibited this story, but the author involved all his connections and friends and, with some amendments, publication still took place. Almost until the end of his life, the writer worked on the second volume “ Dead souls“, but the deaths of his father, brothers and other difficulties caused a creative crisis and in 1845 Gogol burned his manuscripts. In 1843, the story “The Overcoat” was published.

The love for theater did not leave Nikolai Vasilyevich, so he began to write plays. “The Inspector General” was created specifically for production on stage, and, in fact, a year after its birth, it was staged in the theater. The production created a real sensation, because literature in those years was too cautious in touching on themes of conscience, honor and political system. And this work called and generalized all free-thinking people.

Soon Gogol's father dies and all care of the family falls on him. The writer develops a good relationship with his mother, he supports her and helps her in every possible way, although there is no talk of friendship and trust. Due to the responsibility he has taken on, the writer cannot do what he loves and donates his inheritance to his sisters in order to regain this opportunity.

There is evidence that in last years During his life, Gogol often visited abroad: Italy, Paris, Germany and Switzerland. Then the writer visits Jerusalem, where he wants to devote himself to serving God, but nothing works out, and full of disappointment, dark and sad thoughts, the writer returns to his homeland. There is information that before his death, Nikolai Vasilyevich began to lose his memory. On February 21, 1852, one of the most mysterious talents died. He was buried in the cemetery of the Danilov Monastery in Moscow. But after a while, the cemetery was closed, and Gogol’s remains were reburied at the Novodevichy cemetery.

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Interesting facts and dates from life

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was born on March 20, 1809 in the Poltava province into the family of a small landowner. Their family was quite large. In addition to Nikolai himself, he had six more children: four sisters and a brother.

"Early" Gogol

Nikolai Vasilyevich spent his childhood years on his parents’ estate, which was located near the village of Dikanka. This place, as the writer himself learned with age, was surrounded by many different legends, beliefs and mysterious traditions, which later resulted in the works of the creator. As expected, big role His father, Vasily, played a role in raising Gogol. He was an ardent admirer of the most various types art, including poetry and funny comedies. As Nikolai and his brother Ivan grew older, they were sent to study at the Poltava district school.

Nikolai began taking his first steps in the field of art in 1921. It was during this period of his life that he entered the gymnasium of higher sciences, which at that time was located in Nizhyn. By the way, Gogol was then engaged exclusively in painting, and also acted as an actor in various comedy scenes. He tries himself in many types of art, including literature. At this time, his satire was born, called “Something about Nezhin, or the law is not written for fools,” which, unfortunately, could not be preserved.

In 1828, he finished his studies at the gymnasium and moved to St. Petersburg. Of course, such a change turned out to be not the easiest in the author’s life. He experienced serious financial difficulties, but did not give up. At that time, he made his first attempts in the literary field, first the poem “Italy” appeared, and then under the pseudonym “V. Alov” Gogol prints “an idyll in paintings” “Hanz Küchelgarten”. Actually, such an experiment turned out to be a failure. Critics assessed this work in an extremely negative light, which only strengthened the writer’s difficult mood and existence. Throughout his life, the writer himself treated his creations extremely touchingly and paid attention to their criticism, for which he was very worried and worried.

This greatly touched the writer himself, which is why in 1829 he burned all unsold copies of his works and in July of the same year he went to live abroad - in Germany. However, fate worked out in such a way that the writer literally two months later returned to St. Petersburg again. At the end of 1829 he managed to get into service in the department of state economy and public buildings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This period of Gogol's life is perhaps fundamental. The thing is that thanks to such a position, he was able to gain certain experience, as well as the opportunity to capture bureaucratic life as it really is. The civil service disappointed Gogol, quite strongly, but later he passed on this experience to one of his works.

Gogol's works

After such service, he did not give up trying to write interesting works and in 1832 he published one of his most famous books, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.” It is based on the legends of the Ukrainian people, songs, fairy tales and beliefs and, naturally, on Gogol’s personal experience. This work created a huge sensation, many admired it, and Gogol himself has since become a very famous cultural figure. Even Pushkin noted that the appearance of this work is an extremely unusual phenomenon in Russian literature.
In the same year, already famous Gogol arrives in Moscow. He begins to communicate with M.P. Pogodin, family S.T. Aksakova, M.N. Zagoskin, I.V. and P.V. Kireevsky, and they, in turn, have a great influence on him, on his worldview and development as a writer. Two years later, the writer was appointed associate professor in the department general history at St. Petersburg University. At this time, he closely studies the history of Ukraine and its people, which later becomes the basis of another famous and popular work Gogol - “Taras Bulba”. He finishes another year at the university and comes to the conclusion that he should devote himself completely to creativity and literature.

Naturally, the writer had a lot of free time because of this decision taken, which allows him to devote all his energy only to writing his stories. The year 1835 becomes quite rich for him in the creation of a wide variety of works. At this time, the collection of stories “Mirgorod” appeared, which included “Old World Landowners”, “Taras Bulba”, “Viy”, etc., and the collection “Arabesques” (on themes of St. Petersburg life).

Immediately after this, Gogol begins to write The Inspector General. As we already know, in writing this work, the writer was helped by his personal experience when he was on public service. Of course, it could not have happened without the help of other famous figures, for example, Pushkin, who gave him a little hint with the plot. The work was written very quickly, already in January next year he reads a comedy at an evening at Zhukovsky's (in the presence of Pushkin, P. A. Vyazemsky and some other famous writers). A month later, Gogol is producing on the stage of the Alexandria Theater, and the premiere took place in April of the same year. Indeed, “The Inspector General” created a huge stir among many famous cultural figures of that time and, of course, ordinary readers as well.

The enormous popularity of “The Inspector General” forced a huge number of editors to pay attention to Gogol, he was invited to social events, but quite quickly the writer got tired of all this. He left Moscow and went to live abroad. At first he lived in Switzerland, then moved to Paris, but all this time he did not sit idly by, but was busy writing “Dead Souls.” Soon news of Pushkin's death reached him, which was a real blow.

In the fall of 1839, the writer moved again to Moscow and demonstrated several chapters of Dead Souls. Of course they made an impression on the audience. But despite this, the work was not yet completed and Gogol again left his homeland. In 1840, in Vienna, the writer was overtaken by one of his first attacks. mental illness. In October of the same year, he returns and reads the last five chapters of Dead Souls. Despite the fact that the public liked the work, it was not allowed to be published in Moscow. Then Gogol sends him to St. Petersburg, where they happily helped him, only on the condition that the name be changed. The work received big success, but appeared from time to time negative reviews about farce. It was an unnecessary caricature, but this did not affect the writer in any way, because he had already gone back to live abroad and work on the second volume of Dead Souls.

During this period of his life, he spends a lot of time preparing to create a collection of essays, but he also continues to work on the second volume. The writer's mental state deteriorates significantly, and he tries to find peace at resorts, but this does not help him much. In 1845, as a result of an exacerbation of his illness, he burned the second volume of Dead Souls. The writer argued this by saying that his new work did not show the roads to the ideal clearly enough.

Last years

In recent years own life the writer traveled very often. In 1847, he published a series of articles written in the form of letters, “Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends.” Here the censorship tried very hard, it was changed almost beyond recognition, and the result of its appearance was extremely negative - critics recognized it as weak in artistically. At the same time, the writer is also working on “Reflections on Divine Liturgy”, which appears only after Gogol’s death. At this time of his life, he paid a lot of attention to religion, believed that he could not work until he bowed to the Holy Sepulcher and went there. In 1850, the writer proposed marriage to A.M. Vielgorskaya, but, unfortunately, is refused. In 1852, he regularly met with Archpriest Matvey Konstantinovsky, a real fanatic and mystic.

February of the same year became fatal for Gogol. On the night of February 11-12, the writer orders his servant Semyon to bring a briefcase with his manuscripts. He puts all his notebooks and notes in the fireplace and simply burns them. Only a small part of the draft manuscripts remains, belonging to the various editions of Dead Souls. On February 20, a medical council decides to compulsorily treat Gogol, but, as it turns out, no treatment helps him. The next day the writer dies, and with the words: “The ladder, quickly, give me the ladder!”

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol - genius Russian writer, a person who is known, first of all, as the author of the timeless work “Dead Souls”, a person with tragic fate, which is still shrouded in a halo of mystery.

Brief biography and creative path

Gogol was born on March 20 (or April 1 according to the new style) 1809 in Sorochintsy, Poltava province, in a large family of a landowner. Gogol's childhood They were brought up on the principles of mutual respect, love of nature and literary creativity. After graduating from the Poltava School, the young man entered the Nizhyn Gymnasium to study justice. He was interested in painting, delved into the principles of Russian literature, but did not write very skillfully in those years.

Literary achievements

With Gogol's move to the northern capital in 1828, his literary path as a unique author. But everything didn’t work out smoothly right away: Nikolai Vasilyevich served as an official studied painting at the Academy of Arts and even made attempts to become an actor, but none of the activities mentioned brought the expected satisfaction.

Acquaintance with such influential figures in society as, and Delvig helped Gogol to show the originality of his talent. His first published work was “Basavryuk”, then “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, which gave the writer his first fame. Later world literature began to recognize Gogol from original plays such as “The Inspector General,” short stories (“The Nose”) and stories with a Ukrainian flavor (“Sorochinskaya Fair”)

Completion of life's journey

One of the last turns of the writer’s biography was traveling abroad influenced by the negative reaction of the public to the production of The Inspector General. In Rome, he works on “Dead Souls,” the first volume of which he publishes after returning to his homeland. But it seems that the author is not happy with anything: he falls into depression, breaks down spiritually, and on the eve of his death, February 21, 1852, he simply burned the second volume of the completed work.

Mysterious death

Surprisingly, there are rumors about what exactly did the great Russian writer die from? still haven't subsided. Even modern doctors cannot make an accurate diagnosis, although according to biographers, Gogol was a sickly child from childhood. Despite the variety of diagnoses that could lead to death - from cancer to meningitis, from typhus to insanity - even version of poisoning writer with mercury.

Oddities and eccentricities

Russian and world literature knows Gogol as a man whose immortal creations call for good light, true reason and spiritual perfection. While the life of the writer himself is full of very strange and ambiguous phenomena. Some researchers are sure that Nikolai Vasilyevich suffered from schizophrenia, as well as attacks of psychosis and claustrophobia. The writer personally claimed that he had displaced organs in his body, some of which were placed upside down. Contemporaries said that he amazed everyone with affections that were atypical for a person of his level, for example, needlework, sleeping in sitting position, and writing, on the contrary, only while standing. The prose writer also had passion for rolling bread balls.

To others unusual facts From the writer’s biographical path, the following can be included:

  • Gogol never married. He proposed to a woman only once, but was rejected.
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich loved cooking and cooking, often treating his acquaintances to home-cooked dishes, including a special drink containing rum called “nog-mogol”.
  • The writer always had sweets with him, which he never tired of chewing.
  • He was a shy person and was very embarrassed about his own nose.
  • Fears occupied a special place in Gogol’s life: a strong thunderstorm got on his nerves, and in general, he was a man not alien to religious, mystical and superstitious considerations. Perhaps this is why mysticism has always haunted the prose writer: for example, he himself said that his story “Viy” is nothing more than folk legend, which he once heard and simply re-recorded. But neither historians, nor folklorists, nor researchers in other fields have found any mention of this.

Not only fate and creativity, but even the death of a writer is one continuous mystery. After all, during reburial, he was found turned to one side.

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Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol lived a short but eventful life. They talk a lot about him to this day, more than one generation has grown up on his works, they are in demand in schools, and based on them, art paintings. The name of this writer certainly left a significant mark on history.


In 1809, in the spring of March 20, a boy was born into the family of a simple landowner Gogol, who began to be called Nikolai, by his patronymic - Vasilyevich. His family lived in a small town in the Poltava province. Then it was called the Great Sorochintsy.

The future writer spent his childhood near the village of Dikanka, where his parents had their own estate. Creative nature in little Gogol it was revealed by his father, who was a fan of art and theater, a writer of comedies and poetry. The boy received his education within the walls of the house.


At the end homeschooling, Gogol spent 2 years in the district school of the Poltava province, after which he successfully entered the gymnasium in Nezhin. This institution was created to educate provincial noble children.

Young Gogol learned to draw, play on stage and play the violin here. In his future, he saw himself as a lawyer, dreaming of dispensing justice. But literature took precedence over his dreams.

Despite the unsuccessful auditions, which he failed in December, after graduating from high school (1828), his attitude towards literature and the desire to develop in this direction did not fade.

In 1829 he became a minor official. His monotonous, boring life was brightened up by painting, which he studied at the Academy of Arts, and literature.


In 1830, Gogol wrote his first work. It was the story “Basavryuk”, which was later reworked into “The Evening on the Eve of I. Kupala”.

In his social circles, young Gogol had many famous people: Pushkin, Vyazemsky, Bryullov and many others. Such acquaintances broadened his horizons, helping in the development of his activities. He was friends with Pushkin.

Literary famous Nikolai Vasilyevich became after the publication of the book “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka,” to the creation of which he devoted 1831-32 years of his life. It includes the famous story “Sorochinskaya Fair”.

The following year, Gogol decided to connect his activities with scientific and pedagogical practice, and already in 1834 he was appointed associate professor at the university St. Petersburg(Department of General History). This experience and the study of Ukrainian history served as the basis for the creation of his new work “Taras Bulba”.

A year after his appointment, Gogol left the department and became completely absorbed in literary work, having written such works as: “Viy”, “Taras Bulba”, “The Inspector General” and collections of stories “Mirgorod” and “Arabesques” ...

Most significant work, dedicated to St. Petersburg, was the story “The Overcoat”. Nikolai Vasilyevich worked on this work for about 7 years, finishing only in 1842, although the draft version was ready already in 1836. At the same time, he was working on other works. In 1841 he wrote Dead Souls, the first volume of which was published a year later. Since the creation of this work, the writer began to experience attacks of nervous disorders.

From 1837 to 39, Gogol traveled, and he left after the unsuccessful production of The Inspector General. He visited Switzerland, Paris and Rome. Afterwards he returned, left Russia again (he spent more than a year in Vienna), then again ended up in his homeland.

Work on the second volume of Dead Souls coincided with a writer's crisis. His works were criticized, Belinsky condemned the writer’s religiosity and mysticism. All this influenced state of mind the writer was driven to despair.

In 1852, the writer began to communicate with Archpriest Matvey Konstantinovsky, who was a mystic and fanatic. In the same year, in a state of severe mental breakdown, the writer burned his works of the second volume of the poem about dead souls.

Gogol died in 1852, 10 days after the destruction of the second volume of the poem. On February 21, the writer passed away.

  • “Portrait”, analysis of Gogol’s story, essay
  • “Dead Souls”, analysis of Gogol’s work

Speaking about the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, we must first of all turn to the times of the writer’s school. His writing abilities were received innately from his parents, and were consolidated at the Nizhyn Lyceum, where he studied famous writer. At the Lyceum there was a particular shortage of teaching material to quench the thirst for knowledge for young people who wanted to learn more. To do this, it was additionally necessary to copy out the works of well-known writers at that time. They were Zhukovsky and Pushkin. Gogol also took the initiative to become the editor-in-chief of the local school magazine.

Development of creativity N.V. Gogol went from romanticism on the way to realism. And these two styles were mixed in every possible way throughout the writer’s life. First attempts literary writing were no good, since life in Russia oppressed him, and his thoughts and dreams rushed to his native Ukraine, where the writer spent his childhood.

The poem “Hanz Küchelgarten” became the first published work of N.V. Gogol, in 1829. Its character was more romantic and the poem was a Fosse imitation. But after negative criticism, the poem was immediately burned by the writer. Romanticism and realism mixed well in the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.” It so well reflected the dream of a beautiful and uncomplicated, spontaneous and happy life. The author was able to portray a completely different Ukraine; in his works there was restlessness, conflict, the elimination of human relations, criminal acts in front of fellow countrymen, intertwined with personal detachment.

N.V. Gogol idolized Pushkin and Zhukovsky, they were his inspirations, which helped the birth of such works as “Nevsky Prospekt”, “Tras Bulba”, “Viy”.

Two subsequent collections, “Arabesques” and “Mirgorod”, took readers into the environment of officials, where there were a lot of minor worries and misfortunes that so aggravated daily life, the people described there. Romantic themes and encounters were made more realistic, which allowed for a restructuring of all levels of the poem's writing. Subject " little man“was well revealed in the story “The Overcoat”, and became the main one in Russian literature.

The talent of a satirist and the path of an innovator in creating dramatic works was noted in the comedies “The Inspector General” and “Marriage”. It was absolutely new stage V creative activity writer.

Gogol's works were always imbued with the spirit of Ukraine, with notes of humor, full of humanity and tragedy.

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