What strings to buy for a classical guitar for a beginner. What strings are best for an electric guitar? Brands you can trust

Hello to all electric guitar lovers. In this article we will try to answer this interest Ask: “How to choose strings for an electric guitar?” But sooner or later such a question will arise and the correct answer to it is the key to success in mastering the technique of playing the instrument. So let's figure out which strings are best for an electric guitar.

Since the strings of a guitar are the direct source of sound, a change in any characteristic of the string will invariably affect the sound. More or less experienced musicians already know what strings they need, but what about beginners who have only recently purchased their first electric guitar? I hope this article helps you.

I would like to remind you right away that after purchasing a new musical instrument, you will need to immediately think about replacing the strings, because... The strings that are installed on the guitar in the store are demonstrative. It is not possible to play them, much less study. For example, when I bought my first electric guitar, I decided to keep the old strings. And after two weeks the first string “decided to live long.” Even if your guitar was just lying in a case and you didn’t play it, get ready to change the strings after six months, because... the old strings have already become unusable.

String gauge

The first and most important point, in my opinion, is the thickness of the strings or their gauge. As a rule, string gauge is indicated in inches. The manufacturer indicates on the packaging the thickness of the first and last strings. For example, for six string guitar the packaging will show .008-.038, which means the first string is 0.008 inches thick, and the sixth string is 0.038 inches thick. For convenience, such strings are usually called “eight”, 0.009 strings “nine”, etc.

What does the thickness of the strings affect? First of all, the comfort of the game. Thin strings (eight and nine) cannot boast of their sustain and sound density. The main advantage of such soft strings is that a beginning guitarist can easily perform various playing techniques, such as bends and vibrato, without harming his fingers. This is important for a beginner guitarist, since their fingertips have not yet become stronger.

Strings with a first string thickness of 0.010 can be called the “golden mean”. They have a fairly dense sound and are not very thick. These strings are best suited for an electric guitar, both for beginners and for more experienced guitarists.

Thicker strings 0.011, 0.012, 0.013 are suitable for playing in heavy styles: metal, hard rock. You shouldn't start learning on such strings if you value your fingers.

String manufacturers

The next point you should pay attention to is the manufacturer. Before choosing strings for an electric guitar, you should understand that there are many string manufacturers and the prices may vary greatly from each other. Don't fall for it low price a set of strings from an unknown manufacturer. Such strings can negate the precise tuning of the instrument and risk breaking from any touch. There are several proven manufacturers: D’Addario, GHS, Ernie Ball, La Bella, Dean Markley. The strings from these particular manufacturers are better suited for your electric guitar. A kit from these manufacturers will cost you from 300 to 500 rubles.

String coating

On the package guitar strings The manufacturer indicates the presence of a special coating for the winding of thick strings. You probably noticed that the third (not always), fourth, fifth and sixth strings are wound. To protect the winding from influences external environment, this special is applied to it. coating.

The most common strings are nickel plated. These strings are characterized by a softer and warmer sound, suitable for most musicians. There are strings without any coating at all, i.e. both the core and winding are made of steel. It is common to play heavy rock and metal on such strings. Because They sound very sharp and aggressive.

There are strings with other coatings, but they are rare, and the cost of a set will cost several thousand rubles.

Summarizing all of the above, let's summarize. If you begin to notice that the sound of your favorite electric guitar has changed, the tuning has begun to break down, the strings have lost their shine and become dirty, then you need to think about buying new strings.

A clear answer to the question, “which strings are best for an electric guitar?” you won’t find it, because every guitarist uses trial and error to choose the strings that suit him best.

Now you have learned how to choose strings for an electric guitar. Try playing strings from different manufacturers and over time you will find exactly what you need. Thank you for your attention! Good luck to all!

I promised that I would tell you how to choose the right strings for an electric guitar, and today we will try to figure it out. Indeed, for a beginning guitarist this will be quite difficult to do, due to the lack of necessary knowledge, skills and habits.

This issue also has some peculiarities related to which strings to start with: thin or thick, steel or nickel, which manufacturer to give preference to. For professional guitarists, these questions may seem simple. But what should beginners and those who are just starting to learn the electric guitar do? Let's look at this in more detail.


For those who do not yet know how to choose the right electric guitar, I advise you to read the detailed article. I will say right away that the choice of strings is a purely individual process. After some time, you will no longer need any advice, because you yourself will be able to select the strings, their coating and the gauge (diameter) that will be most comfortable for your fingers to play. Most likely, only through trial and error will you be able to find the strings that work best for you. Therefore, the advice in this article will be useful only at the very beginning of your creative journey.

But if you recently bought yourself a new inexpensive guitar, then it already has some strings. I would advise changing them first. Of course, they can live on your guitar for some time, you can even learn to play them. But know that their quality leaves much to be desired. No one will give you a guarantee that these strings will not break or rust in the near future. Now let’s look at the criteria for choosing strings for an electric guitar.

String manufacturers

The first thing you should pay attention to when you start choosing strings for your electric guitar is the brand (manufacturer). I would advise giving preference to such proven brands as:

- the most expensive, long-playing and my favorite strings, coated with a polymer composition, thanks to which they do not lose their original sound so quickly, and they are also soft and quite pleasant to the touch.

D'Addario– the most popular bourgeois strings that our guitarists love.

– quite tenacious and very quality strings. They are in demand mainly among metalheads. Average price.

- quite affordable in price and good in quality, I also advise you to try it, you won’t regret it, because such strings will last much longer than some fake produced by Petya Ivanov’s steel mill No. 3.

— American-made nickel/steel strings at an affordable price. Feedback from guitarists is only positive.

And here’s another thing: don’t really trust the salespeople in the store, who will gladly shove some stale crap at you, especially if they notice that you don’t really understand it. So it’s better to start by sitting at home and “Google” or consult with familiar guitarists. Try to decide in advance on the brand of future strings, read reviews from musicians, and at the same time look at the average price in online stores. And most importantly, the issue of choosing strings must be approached purely individually, i.e. Decide in advance what kind of sound you want and how comfortable these strings will be for you.

String coating

This is the second and important criterion when choosing strings for an electric guitar. On the front of the package you can find information about the coating material from which they are made. Regardless of the braid, the core of the string is always made of steel, but its winding can be of several types:

Nickel plating– has a soft sound (ideal for solo performance). Strings with such a coating are considered the most popular today, even despite some of their shortcomings (the winding quickly becomes dull, wears out upon contact with the frets, and loses its original sound in a couple of weeks).

Steel coating– has the brightest and sharpest sound, and such strings are made entirely of steel (winding + core). These strings are best suited for metalheads and those who want to achieve a harder, punchier sound. Not as popular as nickel ones.

Sometimes, to protect strings from corrosion, manufacturers apply a special polymer composition to the winding, which ultimately significantly extends their life, but, as a rule, the price will also be appropriate.

String gauge

Caliber is the thickness of the string, usually expressed in fractions of an inch. As a rule, sets usually indicate the thickness of the 1st and 6th strings, for example: 9 - 42 or 10 - 46. In the jargon of musicians, this sounds like “nine” or “ten”. Depending on what style of playing and style of music you prefer, when choosing strings, it is necessary to strive for some kind of compromise between the richness and volume of the sound, as well as the speed and ease of play. In practice, it turns out that thick strings have a richer and more powerful sound, but thin strings are easiest to play, but you have to sacrifice the sound. Here the choice is yours. In general, in my opinion, the most optimal set in terms of thickness and sound is the “ten”.

0,008 – these strings are the softest and thinnest, best suited for beginner guitarists. Their sound is not as powerful and dense as thicker sets and therefore they are not very popular with experienced guitarists. I wouldn’t recommend staying on the “eight” for a long time, because in the future it will be quite difficult to switch to thick strings, so you need to try to gradually develop your skills and switch to a set of 0.010 or 0.011.

0,009 – “nine” also belongs to the category of soft and thin strings. It’s a little more difficult to play on them, but the sound will be denser compared to the “eight”.

0,010 – strings of medium thickness. The most popular and widespread among musicians. Combine best qualities thin and thick strings: medium hardness and fairly dense sound.

0,011; 0,012; 0,013 – strings of this gauge are considered thick and quite difficult to play. But they have a spacious and powerful sound. Such sets are also used for low standing in heavy styles of rock music.

There are also hybrid sets, where the first three tenor strings are standard thickness, and the 4th, 5th and 6th bass strings can be thicker than the standard. For example, Zakk Wylde plays his signature 10-60 caliber set. Hybrids are created so that the riff sounds most powerful on the bass strings, and when playing solo there are no difficulties with bending.

Another interesting point. In various sets, the third string can be with or without a winding. The third string without winding is most often used by musicians performing rock music, because it is easier to perform solos and bends (braces) on such a string, but for others musical styles, for example, jazz, the entwined 3rd string is best suited. Although you shouldn't take this as a rule, experiment!

Types of windings

Twisted strings are divided into several types, depending on the winding and material:

Round winding Flat winding
Semicircular winding Hexagonal winding

Round winding

Strings with this type of winding are considered the easiest to manufacture and the cheapest. They have a round core inside, around which a round wire is wound. The disadvantages include the following:

  • The presence of a relief profile that causes a “whistle” as the fingers slide along the string.
  • A rough surface that wears out the frets and fingerboard much faster.
  • A winding that is not secured to the core and can rotate around it after damage.

Flat winding

Flat wound strings also have a round core inside, but wound wire has a smoother square profile with rounded corners. This profile reduces whistling, makes the strings more comfortable to play, and causes less wear on the frets and fingerboard. The sound of these strings is less bright than round wound strings. They are more expensive in price.

Semicircular winding

Nothing more than a hybrid of the two previous windings. These strings have the sound characteristics of round wound along with the feel of flat wound. At first they are made the same as with round winding, but then the outer side of the wire is polished and pressed until it is almost flat.

Hexagonal winding

The core profile is a hexagon with tightly wound round wire that follows the shape of the core. Thanks to this design, the problem of winding torsion around the core is solved and the sound is significantly improved due to its close connection with winding. The disadvantage is that sharp ribs wear out the nuts and fingerboard much faster than round wound strings, and such strings are also less comfortable to play.

  • Do not throw away old strings, because... They will still be useful to you if some string breaks and the store is far away.
  • Before purchasing, explain to the seller that you need strings specifically for an electric guitar, and not for some other one, so that they don’t sell you the wrong thing.
  • To somehow extend the life of the strings, try to wash your hands before playing so that they are free of dirt and grease, and after playing, wipe the strings with a special liquid or a dry cloth from above and below.
  • Try to change your strings at least every six months, because even the best ones don't last that long. During this time, their characteristics change: inhomogeneity appears in thickness, the sound loses richness, or microcracks may appear.
  • If one string suddenly breaks, you can purchase it separately without having to buy a whole set. In this case, try to choose a similar string.

To determine whether your guitar needs strings replaced, you should pay attention to the following::

  • dull guitar sound;
  • the guitar doesn't stay in tune well;
  • the strings are corroded or appear dirty;
  • intonation is broken (the same note should sound clearly in different places on the fingerboard);
  • the winding shows signs of wear;
  • a lot of time has passed since the last replacement;
  • strings too soft/hard.

In conclusion, I would like to wish you good luck, friends! Now you know how to choose strings for an electric guitar and you can safely go shopping. I tried to collect as much information as possible in this article, so share it with your friends on in social networks lower on the page. I will be glad to see your comments and additions. All the best!

This review will introduce you to different types of guitar strings, types of windings and materials from which they are made. Let's look at what a string actually is. By the way, any stretched thread or metal wire can be called a string. Of course, with the condition that when playing it does not stretch or tear.

And now a little history. Our ancestors, long before the advent of guitars, used strings made from animal tendons. This type of string is called " veined"with strings. You can also find those that have survived to this day" intestinal"strings. They, as you probably already guessed, were made from animal intestines. Type of strings, appeared in. - early 19th century was completely different. These were wound strings that were able to improve the timbre of many instruments, particularly guitars. The winding helped reduce the tension, making it much easier to play. Somewhere around the same time, another type of string appeared - with a steel base or core. Although at first they were used on the piano, they later spread to other musical instruments including guitar. 20th century with its technical progress greatly increased diversity types of strings. Next we can look at each of them in more detail.

Types of strings.

- Gut strings The type of strings from this, to put it mildly, unusual material no longer produced in Russia. Although sometimes they can be found in the west, this is also a rarity. With the advent of synthetic strings, gut strings almost immediately gave way to them. The main disadvantage of this type of strings the fact that they wear out very quickly near the frets and lose their quality from high temperature or humidity, including moisture released by the hands. In other words, not the most the best option;) .

- Synthetic strings The type of synthetic strings can generally be divided into two groups:

1. Nylon strings - They are mainly used for classical guitar. They are quite soft, and are well suited for beginner guitarists. The lower 3 strings of the guitar are made of nylon fishing line, which is made of so-called monofilament synthetics. The top three strings are made from many thin nylon threads. Such a fishing line will be made from polyfilament synthetics. Usually, the winding for this type of strings They are used from copper in the form of a round wire with a silver coating (Fig. 1). Silver increases wear resistance and, to some extent, prevents the strings from getting dirty with your hands. But nevertheless, it gradually wears out in the fret area. People found a way out by experimenting with other alloys. Silver-plated brass, pure brass, or phosphor bronze are superior in wear resistance to silver-plated copper.

Rice. 1

1 2. Carbon strings The material for these strings was discovered in the 20th century in Japan, and it is called fluorocarbon or carbon. Carbon fiber is 90% denser than nylon. Therefore, at the same tension, carbon fishing line can have a smaller diameter. This string type much louder than nylon ones. Bass strings of carbon sets can be made of either carbon or nylon, since there is no noticeable difference in sonority. Although, let’s say for particularly sophisticated musicians, this small difference is enough to make their choice in favor of carbon strings.

- Steel based strings

Data types of strings most often found in pop music, rock, blues, and also where they prefer sonority and richness of sound. These strings can be stretched three times harder than synthetic strings. In acoustics, they are usually placed on guitars with a more reinforced structure. These are non-classical acoustic guitars with Western, Jumbo, and Dreadnought body types. And, of course, such strings are used on electric guitars. Because Magnetic pickups simply won't be able to read the vibrations from a nylon string. By the way, the winding metal strings you can find different ones. Copper-based alloys are most often used, but can be found in stainless steel, nickel, brass, and phosphor bronze.

Each winding adds its own unique flavor to the sound of the instrument. We are already familiar with the “Roundwound” type winding; we can see it again in Fig. 1. This winding gives maximum sonority and velvety, which is especially noticeable for the first time after installing the strings. There are two more equally popular steel string winding type: “flatwound” and “groundwound”, they can be seen in Fig. 2. Both types of winding “eat up” the whistle and unpleasant sounds that fingers make when sliding along the strings. This is achieved because the outer side of the winding is flat. Such type of strings Very often used by guitarists who record in the studio via a microphone.

Rice. 2

That's basically all. Now you know, what kind of strings are there? for guitar. We conclude that to choice of strings should be taken quite seriously, since each type of string has its own pros and cons, its own characteristics, which can make playing the guitar somewhat easier or more difficult, and maybe even enrich it. And on my own behalf I would like to advise you: experiment!;)

Solve the system of equations:

Nylon strings >classical guitar

Classical guitar=nylon strings

For the humanists, let us clarify: the use of nylon strings is far from limited to the classical guitar. They give a soft, warm sound to acoustics and, due to greater sensitivity than metal strings, allow for better intonation, which is valuable in different styles music - jazz, folk, country.

On the contrary, we strongly recommend using exclusively nylon strings on a classical guitar. This is due to the structural features of the classics: the neck glued to the soundboard experiences strong tension when tensioning metal strings, which can lead to damage to the instrument.

Below we will talk about the main characteristics nylon strings, which we hope will help you with their choice.

Many beginners choose nylon strings because initial stage they cut less on rough fingers. Due to the softness of the material and weaker tension, this is indeed the case. But nylon strings should be chosen for their sound, and not for ease of play, because the sooner a guitarist gains firmness in his fingertips, the easier it will be for him.

Because nylon strings stretch more easily, they require more frequent tuning than metal strings, especially if installed recently. They are also more sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity.


The main characteristic when choosing nylon strings, which determines their sound, is Tension. There are strings of low tension - Low Tension (you can also find the markings Moderate or Light Tension), medium tension - Normal Tension (Medium Tension) and high tension - High Tension (Hard/Strong Tension).

Due to their greater pliability, low tension strings are easier to play, especially on guitars with more space between the strings and the neck. But their sound is not ringing, they lack depth and brightness, and it is difficult to change intonation when playing. These strings are well suited for playing in the Legato technique.

Strings with high tension, on the other hand, are less pliable; their sound is as close as possible to metal ones - ringing and bright. But their disadvantage is the greater load on the neck, which is not always justified, especially on older instruments.

The golden mean is strings with medium tension; they combine all the advantages of the two previous categories.

Some manufacturers produce strings with very low tension (extra-light tension) and very strong (extra-hard tension); there are also average sets, for example, semi-hard - medium-hard tension and sets with different tensions of 3 first and 3 bass strings. In any case, the division of strings by tension is arbitrary and may not be the same for different manufacturers. Therefore, first decide on the manufacturer and material and then experiment with different tensions.

A good way to reduce stress on the fretboard when strings are under high tension is to store the guitar with the strings slightly slack and tune them immediately before playing.

String material

Calling nylon strings “nylon” is only partly correct, since they differ both in the base material, that is, it may not be nylon, and in the material of the winding of the bass strings. By the way, until the 1940s, classical guitar strings were made from the intestines of cows and sheep. The unwound strings were simply gut strings, the bass strings were silk thread with a gut wrap.

The modern set of strings are the first strings made of pure nylon, fluorocarbon or other synthetic material and bass strings having a base of interwoven nylon threads with metal or nylon winding.

Strings without winding can be directly transparent nylon fishing line cast in the desired caliber - this is the so-called Clear Nylon. These strings are the most common and give a clear and ringing sound. There are strings that, after casting, are additionally calibrated with a laser (Rectified Nylon), this allows you to achieve strict compliance with the diameter along the entire length of the string, the surface of the strings is slightly rough, and the sound is more velvety. Many manufacturers have models made of black nylon, they differ in color, and there is an opinion that the dye in their composition gives the strings a warmer sound.

Twisted nylon thread is sometimes used as a transition between unwound strings and bass strings as a G-string.

Bronze wound bass strings - 80/20 copper and zinc alloy - produces a bright ringing sound. Some manufacturers label bronze wound strings “gold”.

The most common way to wind classical guitar bass strings is Roundwound. Many manufacturers sand the surface of the strings, making it smoother, which is more pleasant to the touch and reduces finger noise.

Most classical strings have straight ends and are knotted to the bridge. Balls at the ends, the so-called ball ends, are rare, so if this is not indicated on the package, assume that the strings have straight ends. There are tons of videos on the Internet on how to change nylon strings, and the process is actually quite simple, so we won’t dwell on it.

Nylon strings fail more often than metal ones - that's a fact. This is due to the fact that the steel base of metal strings is much stronger than nylon, and manufacturers do not add materials to the alloy winding of nylon strings that slow down its oxidation. If the guitar keeps in tune less and less well and is difficult to tune, the winding has changed color, the bass strings have delaminated where they are attached to the bridge and their base is visible, the sound has become flat and dull - these are signs that it is time to replace the strings. Dirty, sweaty hands, playing with a cigarette or in smoky rooms, frequent changes in tuning contribute to the rapid aging of any strings.

There is no single correct answer to the question of the best strings for a classical guitar - the choice is very individual! The only thing is that you should start with more universal nylon strings; there are manufacturers who call these lines “Student Classic”. With experience, you will understand what sound you are looking for and what string characteristics can give you it.

For many, both beginners and fully professional guitarists, the process of choosing the best strings for their own guitar becomes a real problem. For your own money, you definitely want to get something of very high quality, durable, comfortable and good sounding. And in this material we will try to consider absolutely all aspects of selecting strings for various types guitars, and also tell you about the most popular brands and models, the choice of which is always a good decision.

Choosing the Right Guitar Strings

In order to find out which best strings for a guitar will suit you, you will have to experiment repeatedly. It all depends very much on style and preference, as different windings sound very different, and even the gauge of the string makes a difference. great importance. However, you should start your search with really worthy and popular models in order to immediately feel the maximum quality and be able to further compare it with products from other famous manufacturers, forming your own, unique taste.

What you should not pay attention to when choosing strings

Before choosing the best guitar strings, there are a number of parameters you should pay attention to. Not all of them may be important at one level or another of your game. If you are a beginner, then you should prioritize comfort and ease of play. This means that thinner strings with traditional windings without any special frills will suit you. It is important to understand that to extract a unique sound, for example, from thick silver strings on an acoustic, you need to have certain skills and master advanced techniques such as fingerstyle. Well, an uninitiated young musician with such strings will most likely encounter a number of difficulties that are unnecessary at this level.

Also, you should not chase cheapness, making deals with your conscience, purchasing relatively cheap strings from unknown Chinese manufacturers. All this will only lead to the fact that you yourself will be dissatisfied with the sound, and low-quality products will very soon require prompt replacement. It is worth remembering that strings are not an element that can be neglected and on which you can save money, because the most important thing in an instrument is the sound, and strings play one of the most important roles in its formation.

Best Strings for Acoustic Guitar

The acoustic guitar is an extremely popular and widespread instrument, and its sound largely depends on the correct selection of strings. And in the process of choosing them, you should rely on:

Ernie Ball Earthwood 80/20 Bronze Acoustic Strings

Why this model? For a ringing, clear and at the same time very warm and deep sound, characteristic of high-quality bronze winding.

Characteristics. Bronze braided thick strings on a steel core, wide variety of diameters available.

Advantages and disadvantages. Great sound that you will find very difficult to give up in the future. The downside is that it wears out quite quickly. With active play, replacement may be required within a few months.

Strings D "Addario 80/20 Bronze Acoustic

Why this model? For the characteristic rich sound achieved due to the bronze circular braid.

Characteristics. Round bronze braid, big choice various calibers.

Advantages and disadvantages. Classic acoustic sound, ideal for various styles games. Among the minuses, it is worth highlighting the not very long service life. After 2-3 months, the strings will gradually begin to lose their properties.

Elixir NanoWeb Phosphor Bronze Acoustic strings

Why this model? For a warm and deep bronze sound, and impressive durability, which is achieved using proprietary manufacturing technologies.

Characteristics. Bronze wound strings with added phosphorus. A wide range of available gauges and a proprietary fluoropolymer protective coating that prevents any negative effects and does not have any negative effect on the strings in terms of sound.

Advantages and disadvantages. Amazing durability, soft sound and no need for complex maintenance. The disadvantages include a significantly higher cost, for which, however, you get strings that last 5-6 times longer than usual.

What strings to buy for an acoustic guitar?

Obviously, when choosing the best strings for acoustic guitar, you need to start from such parameters as the thickness of the string, its winding and its type itself. For beginners, thinner and softer strings with a diameter of 0.010 inches with flat copper or bronze winding are perfect, but pros should take larger caliber models with round winding to get the most rich sound with good depth and maximum overtones.

Best Strings for Bass Guitar

Choosing the best strings for a bass guitar is a very responsible process, because they are not changed as often as on regular guitars, they are more expensive, and therefore the set you choose will become your faithful companion for quite a long time.

Ernie Ball Regular Slinky Bass Strings 50-105

Why this model? For its distinctive and well-recognized sound, chosen by thousands of professional bassists around the planet.

Characteristics. Round nickel-plated steel braided strings on a hexagonal steel core. Wide range of available diameters.

Advantages and disadvantages. Branded clear and ringing sound, high level comfort when playing. The disadvantages include the average service life and the need to care for the strings using special cleaning solutions at certain intervals.

Strings D"Addario Nickel Wound Bass 50-105

Why this model? For a classic, slightly vintage sound with characteristic accents.

Characteristics. Classic bass strings with round nickel-plated winding and hexagonal steel core.

Advantages and disadvantages. High quality, excellent balanced sound and affordable price. The disadvantages include the average service life.

Elixir NanoWeb Bass Strings 45-105

Why this model? For amazing durability, excellent sound unaffected by protective coating and maximum playing comfort.

Characteristics. Strings with round nickel braid on hexagonal steel cores, with a proprietary polymer protective coating made of fluoropolymers. Wide range of calibers available.

Advantages and disadvantages. Excellent protection against any impact, and a service life measured in years. The disadvantages include the high cost, which not every beginning musician can be prepared for.

What strings to buy for a bass guitar?

Be that as it may, the best bass strings are the ones that sound great for many months, even years, without having to change them too often. Of course, this is a matter of taste and skill, but it is better to immediately invest in models with a protective coating, forgetting about replacement for a long time. It is also worth emphasizing that the bass guitars themselves come in both 4-string and 5.6-string versions, and for each of these models you will have to look for specialized strings.

The best strings for an electric guitar

The best electric guitar strings combine high-quality deep sound, high durability and reliability. But at the same time, they necessarily have some kind of proprietary sound feature that distinguishes a particular model from many other options.

Ernie Ball Skinny Top Heavy Bottom Strings

Why this model? For the unique sound achieved by combining super-thin bottom strings with thick top strings.

Characteristics. Thick strings with nickel-plated winding on a steel hexagonal core. Thin strings are made of high carbon steel, making them durable.

Advantages and disadvantages. Chic and varied sound, great for various styles of music and playing techniques. The disadvantages include relatively quick “aging” and the need to regularly care for the strings using special means.

Elixir NanoWeb strings

Why this model? For a pleasant, balanced sound and decent protection, which means versatility of use in all situations and circumstances.

Characteristics. Nickel-plated winding of strings on a hexagonal steel core. Thick strings have a protective fluoropolymer coating, while thin strings are coated with a special anti-corrosion compound.

Advantages and disadvantages. The highest level of durability, almost complete immunity to any negative influences. The disadvantages include the rather high cost and slightly muffled sound compared to unprotected strings.

Strings D "Addario Nickel Wound

Why this model? For beautiful, clear and balanced sound. It’s no wonder that this model is the most popular in the D’addario brand line, and is regularly chosen by famous professional guitarists around the world.

Characteristics. Nickel plated steel round braided strings around a hexagonal steel core. Wide range of possible calibers.

Advantages and disadvantages. Great sound and affordable price. The disadvantages include relatively short period of time strings of life, because in just a few months active play you may need replacement.

What strings to buy for an electric guitar?

Choose the best strings for electric guitar not that difficult. Many famous manufacturers will be happy to provide you with their own models, among which you can easily find something ideal for yourself. All that remains is to spend a little time and effort on the search itself.

Best Strings for Classical Guitar

Classical guitar strings are traditionally made from polymer materials, in some cases with the addition of some metal. However, it is interesting to note that 50-70 years ago such strings were created from animal tendons, soaked and seasoned in a certain way. Classical strings are very soft, and therefore they are most often recommended to be used in the learning process. However, classical and western guitar are actually two completely different instruments And it’s not just the strings that distinguish them.

There are almost never any particular problems when choosing classical strings, since there are not many options available on the market, and the varieties presented vary greatly in price, so the choice is often made precisely on the basis of this parameter.

Strings D "Addario Classic Nylon Normal

Why this model? Due to the stronger and more sonorous type of nylon used, high-quality silver-plated braiding, which produces perfect sound with precise sound production.

Characteristics. Heavier rectified nylon, a wide range of available diameters, medium tension and silver-plated thick strings.

Advantages and disadvantages. Excellent value for money, high durability of the model. Among the minuses, it is worth highlighting the specific sound of the winding, which may not be to everyone’s liking, especially when playing at a certain rhythm. The most suitable option for experienced musicians.

Ernie Ball Earthwood Folk Nylon Classic Strings

Why this model? Because of the rich and deep sound achieved through the use of bronze winding with a small addition of copper. The model is a true classic, which many musicians have chosen for many years, without changing its bright and characteristic sound.

Characteristics. Thin strings and thick cores are made of nylon. Thick strings have a bronze winding. The model has many diameter options.

Advantages and disadvantages. It has a warm and deep sound, well suited for both beginners and pros. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the rather rapid wear and tear, due to the fact that bronze is a soft metal, quite susceptible to corrosion.

Strings D "Addario Classical Coated

Why this model? An excellent solution for those who do not want to change strings too often. Combines high-quality sound and a proprietary polymer coating that protects the string from any negative external factors over many months of active play.

Characteristics. Nylon strings with silver-plated braid and special EXP protective coating. The model has many diameters, to suit almost every taste.

Advantages and disadvantages. The product has the highest durability, will easily last 4-5 times longer than conventional strings and at the same time will delight you with the characteristic deep sound of individual notes. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the higher cost and the fact that silver winding is not suitable for all styles and types of play.

What strings to buy for classical?

When choosing the best strings for a classical guitar, you should focus solely on your taste and financial capabilities. All the options presented are an excellent solution. Some are more suitable for beginners, have an affordable price, but will require regular adjustments, while others are designed for performances, and therefore will easily give you stability and rich sound, but will also cost accordingly.

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