How to become a ballerina at home. Health, gymnastics, acrobatics, dance - everything to maintain a physically active life at any age

I read an interview with Professor Marina Leonova about the future choreographic training, and I just can’t find the words to express the indignation and indignation that is raging inside me. Starting at 15 years old is beyond my understanding. When adults who have never had anything to do with ballet decide to start studying choreography at the age of 15-40, then it is their own business. They will never become professionals, but that doesn’t bother them, they just like this type of art, they like dance, plastic arts. Some people get up after a few years pointe shoes. From a professional point of view, this looks somewhat pitiful, since adult legs are prepared to stand perfectly on pointe shoes impossible! To do this, you need to practice from childhood to first prepare the muscles, joints, and ligaments. It is necessary to train your legs so that when you stand on pointe shoes you do not feel tightness or pain. Pointe shoes are like an extension of the leg. A professional dancer does not feel discomfort when she dances in pointe shoes. For her, it’s as natural as walking in sneakers. But if you start practicing ballet Only at the age of 15, as the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation proposes to do, you will never be able to become a professional - this will be an amateur activity, where it will not be clear who is better and who is worse, since the children have not been selected for early childhood, when the child’s data is easiest to identify. By the age of 15, even if something remains with the child, it will not be possible to develop and make a prima ballerina out of a girl under any circumstances. The same applies to boys. At the age of 10, although his parents decide for him, over the years he begins to live exactly ballet, for him, dance is the meaning of life and he can no longer imagine himself in anything else. At 15, he simply won’t go to school. ballet, because he will consider it not a man’s activity! Because his peers play football and openly laugh at those who dance in tight tights. And if, nevertheless, the love of dancing takes over the sarcastically laughing peers, then it will definitely be impossible to develop a jump at 15 years old! And the jump in men's dance practically one of the main components. Apparently you will have to forget about support altogether, because for this, certain muscles also develop. In addition, there will not be that elegance, airiness, strength and power that has been developed and minted since childhood and will not be able to suddenly appear in adolescence. How to achieve those fine lines, that swan neck, that perfect movement? This will only be a semblance of what children strive for in lessons. classical choreography and what teachers have been achieving from their students for many years.

Russian ballet is famous all over the world, Russian ballet legendary and the best and it is the Russian people sitting in Russian government, ruin Russian ballet overnight. What the people who make laws think about remains a mystery.

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The girl’s dream is quite feasible - in our city you can get such a profession. But to become a ballerina, you first need to go through a serious competitive selection, and then long years work conscientiously, improve technology. The reward for your efforts is success on stage and recognition from the audience.

Ballet dancers are trained at the Krasnoyarsk Choreographic College. It is located in an old mansion in the center of Krasnoyarsk. The very atmosphere inside the building is conducive to creativity: high ceilings, halls with columns and arches, windows with colored stained glass. The sounds of pianos are heard from the offices...

Per department classical dance we recruit children aged 10-11 years old who have completed fourth grade secondary school, - says Irina Kirpatovskaya, head of the college’s preparatory department. - Once every five years, recruitment to the department is announced folk dance, we accept children from the age of 14 who have completed seven classes here. By the way, just this year such a recruitment will take place. Admission of applicants takes place in early June.

So, what requirements must a future ballet dancer meet? First of all, the selection committee pays attention to external data, including body proportions. The child should have a small head, long legs, beautiful hands, pleasant appearance. Height and weight are assessed.

It's important in the theater aesthetic perception, so you can’t escape these requirements,” explains Irina Nikolaevna.

No less serious requirements for the health of the applicant. Children with heart disease, bronchial asthma will not be accepted as ballet dancers... The list of contraindications is quite long.

And, of course, the physical characteristics of applicants are assessed.

The requirements for ballet dancers are growing, productions are changing, technically becoming more complex, and the guys must have the appropriate physical characteristics,” explains Irina Kirpatovskaya. - High lifting, ability to perform splits, high jump, flexibility - all this must be present. Of course, in the process of work something can be further developed. Therefore, the selection committee carefully approaches the selection of children so that there are no mistakes.

But in addition to all the listed requirements, the most important thing should be the child’s motivation. He must understand that the profession of a ballet dancer is daily work on improving your body.

The most difficult moment is finding capable, motivated children, college staff note. - We are faced with a lack of awareness among people about our institution and the prospects of the profession. Often parents do not know about their child's abilities. It happens that you see textured, “soft” children, but you understand that they will no longer come to us: there is not enough physical training, time is lost. Every year we visit fourth grade schools, screen promising kids, and then invite them and their parents to college screenings.

Last year, the institution’s teachers examined eight thousand fourth-graders. Twenty-five children - 14 girls and 11 boys - became students in grades 1-5 at the college. This is exactly the numbering of classes here.

To enter here, we prepared special dances, each with their own,” say the first-grader girls. - Not everyone passed the selection.

When asked how many years they danced before entering college, the girls answer: one, three, seven years. And each one adds: “I dreamed of becoming a ballerina since childhood.”

College classes start at 8.30 and end around three o'clock. The schedule alternates general education and professional disciplines. Among the latter are gymnastics, classical, historical, folk, stage, modern, and duet dances. Already from the first grade, children participate in extracurricular activities, academic concerts, and, if necessary, they are invited to opera and ballet theater productions.

In 2011, the teachers of our college staged the ballet “The Nutcracker”; more than one graduating class of children has technically grown up on this performance,” says Irina Kirpatovskaya. - Traditionally, before the New Year, “The Nutcracker” is shown on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. In addition, we are touring other cities with this performance.

Future ballet dancers study for seven years and ten months and graduate as certified specialists. But if they wish, they can continue their education - enter the choreography academies of Moscow or St. Petersburg. Let us note one more nuance: ballet dancers retire after 20 years of work in state theaters.

All our graduates find themselves, some stay to work in Krasnoyarsk, others leave for other cities,” says Irina Nikolaevna. - Last year there was a TV project on the “Culture” channel. Bolshoi Ballet”, which represented the most famous artists ballet Two of our students became its participants. This is Victoria Tereshkina, she dances at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, and Kristina Andreeva, dancing at the Kazan Opera and Ballet Theater. The profession of a ballet dancer is interesting, complex, multifaceted. We are pleased to note that interest in this type of creativity is increasing and the prestige of the profession is growing. The latest example is the organization of the Olympics and Paralympics, where ballet dancers played a key role in the opening ceremonies of these events. Russian ballet has always been especially valued, this business card our country. And as long as such colleges exist, the quality of artists will only increase.

I want to become a ballerina

Many girls are interested in the question of how to become a ballerina. At the same time, many are interested in how to become a ballerina at home or how to become a ballerina at a very early age. Let's look at these questions in more detail.

How to become a ballerina at home.

First of all, you need to understand that by studying at home, you will not lose anything. Either way, you will have better posture as well as better walking style. When a person performs certain exercises, they do not go away without a trace.

If you are interested in how to become a ballerina at home, then you need to understand a few important rules. Of course, first of all, you will need to carefully monitor your weight. To be a ballerina, you must have a bright figure, without obesity, without excesses. Thus, at home it is necessary to do absolutely everything to ensure that the weight remains normal. Perhaps these are the basic rules for becoming a ballerina at home.

In general, the future ballerina should be trained from childhood, very patiently and carefully. You need to know that from the age of 9-10 girls begin to be selected for ballet (or choreographic) schools specifically for the classical dance department. In general, it is believed that this is the most suitable age to start your professional training.

How to become a ballerina at 12 years old.

Basically, in at this age You can also enroll in a special institution. However, you need to know that the earlier you start ballet classes, the more success and experience you will have. In general, in a special educational institution you can study in two cycles at once. This can be a special or general education cycle.

The special cycle includes: music, dance lessons, theater history. This cycle will be the most important. In addition to all this, there will be a special daily routine. It will be subordinated to the schedule of classes at the choreographic machines. This is roughly how the artists of the famous Russian ballet school are trained now.

To become an excellent ballerina, you must have the appropriate external data. A ballerina should be graceful and fragile. She must also be in good physical condition. A ballerina must have a flexible back and sufficient muscle elasticity. She must also have a correctly formed arch of the foot. All these points will always be paid attention to. In general, a ballerina's health should be very good. After all, she will need to withstand very serious loads.

As you can see, to become an excellent ballerina, you must have many important qualities. A ballerina must practice a lot and diligently in order to achieve success in this matter.

Ballerina is one of those cherished childhood professions that girls talk about what they want to become when they grow up. Fragile figures, graceful smooth movements, incredible flexibility and attention from the public are the reasons why many want to become ballerinas.

Where do ballerinas train?

The profession of a ballerina is one of the few professions that you need to choose in childhood. Dance schools, where they teach ballet art, recruit girls after they have completed the fourth grade, that is, from about the age of ten. The fact is that children's bones are very flexible, children can learn to do all types of splits without pain and very quickly. And with age, this ability to bend in all directions is quickly lost.

In Russia there are such educational institutions enough. Examples include the following:

  • Moscow State Academy of Choreography;
  • Moscow State choreographic school them. Lavrovsky;
  • Academy of Russian Ballet named after. A. Ya. Vaganova;
  • Novosibirsk State Choreographic College;
  • Voronezh Choreographic School.

In such schools, future ballerinas simultaneously receive a general school education and learn choreography. After students have completed secondary education, they can continue their studies at the same schools.

Selection criteria

Girls who want to learn to dance ballet steps have many requirements, in particular regarding their appearance. Thus, the main criterion for future ballerinas is small height and low weight. Such strict restrictions on the physique are quite justified: the ballerina’s partner, who also does not have a strong physique and outstanding muscles, should, without any particular difficulty, lift the girl with a slight movement of the hand and perform various lifts.

The lighter the girl, the easier it is to work with her. Moreover, fragile girls look sophisticated and light on stage.

The next requirement is strong feet of the correct shape, straight legs and a correctly planted pelvis. This is also clear: legs are a ballerina’s working tool, and if they cannot withstand heavy loads, they cannot build a career.

The last requirement is to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Often girls who have just started studying ballet already imagine their future career. But there are many factors that need to be taken into account: various injuries can cause the end of a career or a girl can reach too much tall or large build for ballet. Due to their age, not all girls can come to terms with such circumstances, which affects their mental health.

It is also worth noting that ballet classes are not the cheapest pleasure. Leotards, tutus and pointe shoes are not cheap, and they constantly need to be updated.

The question of how to become a professional dancer interests many beginners. Experts believe that the main thing for ballet dancers is proven technique and high level discipline. Years of hard work and dedication are not in vain - they literally flutter across the stage.

Ballet as a hobby and work

Some people want to become a professional ballet dancer, others are just interested in trying out a few steps. Still others have a child asking to go to ballet school. Ballet is not an easy activity, but it is always exciting, no matter how old the dancer is, or what goals he wants to achieve through ballet. Anyone can dance at home, but become a prima singer in ballet troupe- This is a complex, long and labor-intensive process.

Ballet shoes and dancewear

Probably the most important part of a ballerina's outfit is the ballet shoes. After years of proper training, some ballet dancers wear pointe shoes to add even more airiness and grace to their movements. Typically, ballet dancers wear tights and leotards during rehearsals, as tight-fitting clothing is best for dancing. Tutus, or ballet skirts, are usually worn only for performances and concerts.

Ballet Basics

The basic principles and methods of ballet were developed a long time ago. Over the centuries, choreographers have revised the classical techniques, but the basic positions have remained the same. When those interested begin to learn the steps and poses of ballet, it immediately strikes the eye that most of them have French names. French King Louis XIV was the first to found a ballet school, the Royal Academy of Dance, in 1661. Most French names have survived to the present day through the centuries.

Ballet choreography

Choreography is the art of developing a dance “program”, it is the art of linking together a series of moves or techniques to specific music. Ballet choreographers can spend many hours on a single dance, refining each step until it matches the music perfectly. Many young dancers don't realize that they are also amateur choreographers, because they create their own personal dance as they practice and hone their skills.

Ballet technique

Ballet dancing is known for its grace and grace. The ballerinas seem to glide across the stage with almost no effort. What is characteristic of classical ballet- dancers often rise on their toes, dancing even more gracefully. Pointe shoes allow ballerinas to dance on the tips of their toes.

Ballet: past and present

The first ballet was performed more than 500 years ago. Men traditionally performed the leading roles, as women were considered too weak to perform the complex and sometimes innovative choreography. The dancers took to the stage many years later. Many of the most famous ballets were adapted from legends and folk tales. Some ballets are based on historical events and biblical stories.
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