How to beautifully draw a full-length human figure of a woman step by step with a pencil for beginners and children? How to draw the body, arms, legs of a woman in clothes? How to draw a person and a woman in a sideways movement with a pencil? Drawing a girl in full height.

There is a genre in painting that even to many artists seems like an impregnable fortress. This is a portrait. Proportions and line thickness are only a small part of the parameters that cause concern. However, this wisdom can also be mastered if you strictly follow the rules for beginners, which describe how to draw, for example, a girl with a pencil step by step.

Profitable skill

Before we talk about the practical side of the issue, a few facts. Street artists occupy a special niche among the creative elite. Many of them made a name for themselves, and at the same time a good bank account, by painting portraits of women. This is exactly how the famous mysterious Banksy started, whose works are bought for millions of dollars and decorate the homes of the richest people in the world. So, if you want to learn how to draw portraits of girls, don’t put your dream on hold: it’s not only exciting from an aesthetic point of view, but can also become a real income. Moreover, there are no insurmountable difficulties for people who have at least basic knowledge of proportions.

Professionals recommend starting to master a portrait with an image of a figure in full height. To do this, draw 9 horizontal lines and 3 vertical lines on a piece of paper at equal intervals. And then carefully read the manual.


Geometry to help

Another way to learn how to draw people is to use geometric shapes to build a skeleton.


Read also:

  • How to draw eyes? Technique for realistic eye images

How to convey all the subtleties of facial features?

The face in a portrait plays a key role, and any violation of proportions will make the image a caricature. So you will have to carefully monitor the ratio of the parts.


Japanese animated films have gained a huge following around the world. It is not surprising that many would be happy to understand the intricacies of how for beginners you can with a simple pencil draw step by step real anime girl.


To know how to draw a girl with a pencil, you don’t have to study art and be an artist. Any beginner can try his hand at it. It is enough to be persistent and gradually master some skills. It is important to keep in mind the aspects below.

What materials are needed

Before starting the lesson, novice creators should stock up on materials such as:

You should not skimp on basic drawing materials, even if we're talking about about a novice amateur. Poor quality materials can discourage interest in drawing and complicate the first steps in art. For newbies optimal choice There will be mid-price products.

Female body proportions

The proportions of a woman's body differ from men's in some respects. Besides, in different times for the standard of beauty in fine arts were accepted different proportions.

Nowadays, the following parameters of the female body are relevant for drawing:

  1. To measure height, you need to calculate the height of the woman’s head and multiply this parameter by 7-8.5 times. It is useful to know that a person’s height is divided exactly in half at the point of the pubic symphysis.
  2. To calculate shoulder width, you will need an average of 1.5 head heights.
  3. The width of the pelvic bone is directly proportional to the width of her shoulder, and the height of a woman's pelvis is slightly lower than the height of her head.
  4. The waist is on average equal to 1 head height.
  5. To calculate the height between the base of the chest and the hip joint, you should divide the height of the head in half.

Axes and proportions of the face

Not everyone knows the tricks on how to draw a girl with a pencil. It is easy to explain this process step by step for beginners.

It is enough just to know about the following proportions of facial features and about the universal axes on which you can rely on in the process of constructing a face:

Face drawing scheme


How to draw a girl in profile

When wondering how to draw a girl with a pencil step by step for beginners, you need to look for the answer in the same measurements and center lines as when drawing from the front. You should start drawing by drawing auxiliary lines in the form of a square. Its height should be 1/8 greater than its width. All the main axes need to be transferred to it, as if a face was inscribed in it from the front.

Then, you should inscribe an inclined ovoid oval into a rectangle between the axis on which the tip of the nose is located and the top of the entire square. This oval helps build the correct shape of the skull, back of the head and forehead.

The part of the side of the skull that connects to the neck should be angled downward.

  • From the top extreme point oval, you should start drawing the line of the forehead, eyebrows, nose, mouth and chin. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the drawn auxiliary lines. The most prominent point of the forehead, closer to the eyebrows, is in contact with the edge of the square.
  • The eyes are located on their own axis. On the face in profile, the eyes take the shape of an arrowhead. The iris changes from round to a thin, elongated oval with a pointed top and bottom.
  • The tip of the nose will protrude slightly beyond the square. The depression of the bridge of the nose falls on the same axis on which the eyes are located.
  • Lips on a profile face will appear prominent, especially the lower lip. The line where the lips meet goes slightly downward from the lips. Even if a person smiles, the line goes straight at first and then smoothly curves upward.
  • When viewed in profile, the ears take on a C-shape. An arc of thin cartilage runs along the edge of the ear. Also, be aware of your earlobe. When drawing female face, ears are often covered with hair.

How to draw a girl in full height

When drawing a girl with a pencil step by step, it is extremely important for beginners to maintain the body proportions discussed earlier. Only compliance with proportions will help avoid depicting an awkward, unrealistic body.

To depict a girl in full height, it is recommended to take into account the following aspects:

  • Image central axis. This axis coincides with the girl’s spine. On entry level When drawing, it is recommended to draw the figure standing straight and level, from the front. Therefore, the central axis will also be straight.
  • Torso. It is recommended to depict it schematically as an inverted triangle. It should not be made too large or wide, since the female figure, on average, has more graceful shoulders and chest.
  • Breast. To determine the correct location of the chest, another smaller one is inserted into the torso triangle, pointing upward. At its corners you need to draw two identical circles, which are the chest.
  • Hips. To depict the hips, it is convenient to draw a circle, a small part of which extends to the lower corner of the triangle representing the torso.

Using the obtained guidelines, you need to connect them with smooth, rounded lines. The figure should acquire the contours of a female body. Next, you need to draw the arms and legs. The length of the arms is just below the groin area.

Important points when drawing hair


  • When drawing hair, it is important to pay attention to how the light falls on them. As a rule, the roots of the hair are in the shadow, and at some distance from them a highlight is noticeable on the hair. It should be left unpainted, or only a few strokes should be added around the edges. Next, it is important to pay attention to how the hair lies in the strands. In the drawing, you should combine small strands into larger ones and depict a highlight on them as the light falls. Also, it is necessary to highlight the darker, shadow areas so that the drawing does not look flat.
  • The hair lies luxuriantly on the head, covering part of the forehead, cheeks, and ears. Depending on the structure of the hair (curly, straight), it can be more voluminous or, on the contrary, smooth. It is important to notice the direction in which the hair grows to reflect them as realistically as possible.
  • There is a lot of hair on a person's head, but you shouldn't depict all of them.. You just need to show their overall texture. Pencils of varying hardness are used for shading hair. For shadow areas, take the softest pencil and shade with pressure. Hard pencils are needed to define hairs in lighter parts and highlights. It is important that the strokes are confident and long. To do this, it is recommended to rest your hand with a pencil on your elbow, and not on your wrist, and draw from the elbow.

Step by step drawing of hair

Now we know how to draw a girl with a pencil.

Step by step for beginners it is realistic to master such a complex detail as hair:

How to draw a girl with long flowing hair

However, some distinctive features should be taken into account:

How to draw a girl with short hair

Short hair in the process of drawing have several distinctive features:

How to draw a girl from the back

Many people don’t know how to draw a girl with a pencil step by step. For beginners, it will not be difficult to master drawing a girl from the back.

This is a simpler option where you won’t need to depict her face, breasts and other complex details.

However, drawing a girl from the back has its own nuances:

  • The width of the shoulders and back should be indicated. General form will resemble a triangle, however, it should not be too large and wide. Otherwise, the girl will look too strong and masculine.
  • The spine runs vertically in the center of the back, which must be reflected in the form of several strokes.
  • At the level where the arms are attached to the body, the shoulder blades are visible on the back. They should not be highlighted too clearly. But if the picture shows a slender girl, it is advisable to indicate the shoulder blades with light strokes.
  • Often the back and neck are covered with loose hair. Drawing a girl from the back – good opportunity depict beautiful curls scattered over the shoulders.

Anime style

Anime style involves a stylized image of the girl's figure and face. Generally, anime characters have exaggeratedly large and round eyes in a small face, and a small mouth and nose (which may be indicated by a dash or a dot). The arms and legs are thin and slender. The girl herself is most often petite and graceful, with thin waist. The legs are exaggeratedly long.

First you need to make a sketch, depict the head, facial features and hairstyle. Anime hairstyles suggest some carelessness and volume. Next, you should detail the sketch, adding details and paying attention to the location of shadow and light in the drawing.

In a dress

Pencil drawing girls in a dress should start with a step-by-step sketch of the girl’s figure as if without a dress. For beginners, this will help to correctly build her figure in clothes. It is advisable to take into account that clothing helps to hide those details that turn out poorly. Therefore, it is important to choose a dress style that will cover the most complex elements of the design.

In addition, the style of the dress should suit the drawn girl and fit her well.

When drawing a dress, it is important to take into account the material from which it is supposed to be made. Soft and delicate material will flow or hug the figure, dense material will not deform along the lines of the girl’s body. In addition, the direction and distribution of light should be considered to reflect soft lighting on the fabric. This will make the drawing more voluminous and naturalistic.

How to apply chiaroscuro using strokes

Hatching is an important element of drawing a girl with a pencil, and for beginners, first of all, it requires step-by-step training. You need to learn how to apply strokes, changing the saturation from dark to light as softly as possible. The softer and smoother the transition, the better the shading is mastered.

To draw a girl, you should take into account the rules of construction and proportions of her body and face. In drawing, training and observation are important, which will help you depict what you want with the greatest accuracy.

Video: how to draw a girl with a pencil

How to draw a portrait of a girl with a pencil, watch the video:

How to draw a person's face correctly, watch the video:

First of all, before you start being indignant like “oh my God, he himself can’t draw anything sensible, but he teaches others!”, I want to state: I admit that I’m not a professional, and I’m not dictating drawing rules to you:’D I’ll just share with you about how I-draw-women.

1. Draw a circle. It doesn't have to be perfect.

2. Draw a “cross” on it: D Remember, middle line located at eye level.

3. Mark the location for the ears just below the eye line. Also, keep in mind that the longer you draw a character's chin, the older he will look.

NOTE: Perfection comes through practice. In addition, after some time of practice, you will not need these lines, you will already be able to draw a face without them.

4. Draw the face. Pay attention to the placement of the eyes, mouth and nose. But again, you don't have to do everything perfectly. This is just a sketch for now.

5. Now, mark the point from which the hair will extend. You don't have to draw arrows if you don't want to. With their help I simply show the direction of the hair. The hair growth point can be placed on the side or a little further to the back of the head. It all depends on the hairstyle you choose and your hair type.

6. Draw the hair. Don't take mine as an example. I know, they're just terrible >_>

7. Draw the shape of the neck. I like it when it's long.

8. But the neck is not so straight, you need to connect it with the shoulders and draw the throat. The clearer these lines are, the older our heroine will look.

9. As for shoulders, there are actually no clear rules. But you need to take into account that they express the character’s character. The higher the shoulders, the more tense the girl will seem, and vice versa, the lower the shoulders, the more relaxed and feminine they look. Remember, it's rare for women to have very broad shoulders... unless they're swimmers.

10. Add details on the shoulders.

11. When you draw the woman's torso, you can imagine it as an inverted triangle. Don't forget that it connects to the shoulders. Also, keep in mind that the wider the heroine’s shoulders/torso (base of the triangle), the curvier and more mature she will look.

12. Draw a cross on the body, which will help you navigate where it bends, etc. This is a small but very helpful detail.

13. BOOB! *cough cough* So. If your heroine is an adult girl, this does not mean that instead of breasts she should have Balloons. EVEN if you are drawing in an anime style, the breasts should never look like balls pointing forward.

Using crosses, mark the position of the nipples, which should be directed slightly to the side. Remember than bigger breasts, the heavier it is, therefore, both the breasts themselves and the nipples on them should be lower. But, if the breasts are small, then they should be high and the nipples should be directed forward.

14. Add bust details. Remember, these connect to her shoulders/arms.

15. When you draw her hips, imagine them in the form of a triangle, like the torso, only in the opposite direction and a little smaller in size. Also, the wider the hips, the curvier the heroine’s curves will be, and the older she will look.

16. Ribs. Here, try not to spoil her entire figure and waist in particular.

17. Draw her waist and tummy. Remember what I said? The smoother, more sinuous the lines, the more feminine the image will be.

18. When you draw the crotch, imagine that it is wearing panties. Don't just draw a "V" or "/" shape (you know what I mean) because when you start drawing clothes on top of that, it will look ridiculous.

19. Draw guides for the legs. They should be in harmony with the direction of the chest and torso.

20. Draw the hips with straight lines for now. Many people stop there. But you must admit, it looks terrible. Remember when drawing female figures try to avoid any straight lines.

Many girls often draw princesses and maidens. But it’s very difficult to draw a person beautifully the first time. It is necessary to ensure that the proportions of the body are observed, otherwise the figure will turn out awkward and unnatural. Fluffy dress will help correct the figure, hide errors in construction and add festiveness to the drawing. Such a girl can already be placed on holiday card and on the cover of the notebook.

How to draw a girl in a dress with a pencil step by step

Auxiliary lines are drawn hard pencil. Mark the hem of the skirt; it should resemble a mermaid's tail. Add a slightly inclined oval of the hips. From the center of the oval, draw a slightly curving line for the spine. Draw a circle of the head, outline the chin on it, draw lines of symmetry of the face. In the middle of the spine, mark a circle of the chest, and above it the line of the shoulders. From the right shoulder, draw a line for the arm with the visa down; draw a line for the left arm, bent at the elbow, so that the hand rests on the waist. Use circles to mark the joints of the stoves and hands.

Draw the contours of the body around the auxiliary lines. You need to start from the head. Outline your face left ear, neck position. Sketch out the outline of the hairstyle. Add shoulders, dress, arms.

Using lines of symmetry, outline the eyes, mouth, nose. Soft pencil outline the hairstyle, the chest line, draw the dress, draw the train and give the hem fullness.

Work out the facial features, add beads to the girl, draw the texture of the hair. Decide on your light source and add shadows using shading.

How to draw a girl in a dress step by step

Draw an oval of the head, a line of the neck, shoulders, arms. Mark the joints with small circles, this will help to further give volume to the drawing.

Draw the neck, it should be thinner than the head, but thicker than the arms. Add fluidity to the shoulders, draw the right arm, torso and neckline of the dress.

Draw 2 parallel stripes (ribbon-belt) under the chest and draw the second arm. The sleeves of the dress are made with a lantern, so the shoulders are slightly raised.

Construction lines can be erased.

Draw a rectangle (hat) on the head. Connect its two upper corners with an additional smooth line.

Around the bottom 2 corners of the rectangle, draw an oval (the brim of the hat). Draw the outlines of the eyes, mouth, nose. It is important that the eyes are at the same level and the same shape.

Detail the face, draw the girl thick hair. Decorate the hat and dress.

How to draw a girl in a dress with a pencil

Draw an oval of the head, and use thin lines to indicate the position of the body.

Give shape to the hairstyle, outline the figure of the young lady, draw the contours of the dress.

Draw the style of the dress, put bracelets on your hands, add volume to your hair, and draw symmetry lines on your face.

Draw the girl's eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth. Add nails to your hands and draw bracelets. Apply a pattern to the dress and add volume to it with folds.

How to draw a girl in a full-length dress

Use thin lines to outline the contours of the body and head.

Mark the approximate boundaries of the dress, draw the arm and chest, outline the hairstyle.

Start drawing the facial features, give the hair a shape, add fluff to the dress, draw the top. Draw flowers in the girl’s hands.

Add details to the dress, draw the face and hairstyle. Draw the desired lines with a soft pencil.

Remove the auxiliary lines.

How to draw a girl in a dress step by step in full growth

It is not at all necessary to draw motionless girls. You can depict a girl dancing flamenco. The dancer will have a symmetrical skirt, like a multi-layered cake, with her arms raised, one of them behind her head. The girl stands half-turned, bending over.

Will conduct thin line at the base of the skirt. Draw the upper part of the skirt above it (its contours resemble a sun hat) and connect it with stepped lines to the base. Swipe from the skirt curved line spine. Draw a circle for the head and mark the chin on it. Where you plan to draw the face, apply guidelines. Below the head, draw a circle (chest). Draw a line right hand, raised up. Left hand peeks out from behind his head. Mark the shoulder and elbow joints with circles. Mark the position of your hands.

Outline the contours of the hairstyle and face. Draw the curved back, arms and shoulders, chest, hips. Add a forward foot with a shoe.

Use a soft pencil to draw contours, add pleats to the skirt, details to the dress, add volume to the hair and weave a flower into the hairstyle. Work out the girl’s facial features and fingers.

The drawing is almost ready, all that remains is to add volume with shading. Dress and inner part the folds of the skirt, the shoe is the darkest part of the pattern. The dancer's skirt is a little lighter. The face and shoulders are shaded with small, light strokes. To create an atmosphere spanish dance You can sketch a guitarist in the background.

How to draw a girl in a full-length dress with a pencil

Such dresses were fashionable in the 19th century (fashion came from France) Fluffy skirts with ruffles, flounces, made of velvet, lace, satin ribbons. And now such an outfit will leave few people indifferent; you can admire it for a very long time.

Outline the contours of the figure and dress. Please note that for correct proportion The figures should be 8 heads tall.

Mark the folds and flounces on the skirt, draw the top of the dress, beautiful sleeves ending with lanterns. Draw the lady’s hat and her hairstyle coming out from under it. Mark the guiding faces.

Draw Nice dress last century is hard. The outfit has a lot of frills, folds, lace, and all of them need to be arranged and carefully drawn. So please be patient.

To give the dress volume, you need to work out the shadows well. Decide where you will have your light source. Draw the shadows from the folds right away.

Under the folds and ruffles are the darkest areas of the design. The flounces must be illuminated so that every fold on them is clearly visible.

There are no buttons on the dress, but there is a lot of lace, their texture should be clearly visible.

Use a soft pencil to draw the main lines, giving the drawing contrast and expressiveness.

Draw the girl's face, hat and hairstyle.

Draw the hands holding the fan. The girl in an ancient dress is ready. The drawing is complex, it took a lot of effort, but the result is a girl in a chic 19th century dress.

How to draw a girl in a dress video

Which is suitable even for those who do not have artistic talent. I decided to start with something simple: draw a human figure step by step. I opened the book, leafed through it and realized that I couldn’t just look - I had to draw.

What kind of Lutz is this and what is the essence of his method?

Edwin Lutz came up with a drawing method where complex objects are divided into simple shapes. That is, we draw a square, add a few strokes and get a cat. We draw a checkmark, and after six steps a raccoon looks at us.

Walt Disney studied from Lutz's books. Partly thanks to his technique, our favorite heroes appeared: The Little Mermaid, Snow White, Cinderella.

Drawing a female figure

1. So, I have sheets and pencils. And a little more time is enough.

2. Draw a squiggle like this.

In fact, the bottom part should be a little smaller, but this is what I got.

3. So, it turns out that the squiggle is the future head.

So we add a neck.

4. Draw a semi-oval like this below.

It should be longer: my hand just trembled. Now I'm not sure that the drawing will succeed.

5. From the semi-oval, draw the hem of the skirt down.

Our lady will be in a long dress. I think that after I learn how to draw a classic outfit, I will dress a woman in something more modern and fluffy.

6. The next stage is arms and legs.

What thin arms and asymmetrical legs I have... It’s okay - I’ll correct it later.

7. Finish drawing the hand (the one that lies on the dress). Adding elements to clothes.

On top we draw the front part of the cap. The woman seems to be taking shape.

8. Draw a belt, gloves, hair and face. Here you can experiment: change your hairstyle, facial expression, and the length of your gloves.

We have a line drawn from our hand. What will it be: a cane or an umbrella?

9. Hurray: it's an umbrella! Shade the hair, gloves, shoes with color, you can paint over the dress a little. Add details: buttons, pattern and feather on the hat.

This is how she turned out to be a sophisticated and sweet lady. I think it's great. I drew for no more than five minutes. Towards the end of the work, furry support came running - the cat Simba.

I drew according to the scheme by Edwin Lutz, which is in the book “What to Draw and How to Draw”. Here is the diagram.

Magic! To be honest, I doubted myself: I thought that it would definitely not work the first time and would have to be redone. But even from a blank sheet of paper, a sweet lady is looking at me, to whom I have already given a name - Sophie.

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