Why do you dream about the Blue Snake? The most beautiful snakes.

If you're afraid of snakes, don't go into the jungle. Mowgli.:)

A selection of beautiful photographs of snakes - poisonous and not so poisonous - from all continents.

Keeled grass snake. The snake is non-venomous, and in the photograph the snake is yawning after a hearty lunch to reset its jaw and restore its breathing.

Jameson's mamba, a graceful green snake, two meters long, whose venom has a nerve-paralytic effect. Muscles fail respiratory system and the victim slowly but surely suffocates. Then the snake eats it. Lives in Africa. There is also a black mamba, its length is 4 meters, which is just as poisonous as the green one, but they are more afraid of it. There is a belief that if a black mamba crawls across the path, expect death. Either she will crawl back and bite you, or you will simply die from an accident. It is believed that a mamba's bite is fatal, but this is not the case. If you take the serum within an hour after the bite, survival is guaranteed. It is almost impossible to escape from the snake; the mamba moves at a speed of 11 km/hour.

Jason's Mamba. Photo by Matthias Klum for National Geographic

The rainbow boa constrictor lives in South America, especially in the Amazon region. It feeds on small animals; the largest animal that can be strangled is a large rat. If they sense danger, they may bite, but they are not poisonous.

Non-venomous Mexican king snake from the colubrid family. Lives in Mexico, sometimes found in Texas.

The vine (sharp-headed) snake lives in Venezuela. Since it is very beautiful and non-poisonous, it is often kept in terrariums. A snake bite is toxic but not fatal. The main thing is to take action in time.

The weevil lives in North and South America. It is completely safe for humans. Timid and fearful, at the slightest danger they release a stinking liquid and crawl away. In general, these are such reptile “skunks”.

Yellow bellied snake. Its official name is two-colored bonito, and it lives in salty sea water in aquatic areas. Very poisonous, lives on Far East. This is the only representative of its kind; it absorbs air with its entire body and rarely gets out. It hides in algae, from where it emerges, bites the victim, stuns it with its tail, and then strangles and eats it. In general, this is three in one, a kind of sea cobra-boa constrictor, and also a dangerous fighter.

Rainbow shieldtail. Very rare snake South America. A total of three specimens were caught; very little is known about snakes of this species; it is not even clear whether they are poisonous or not, but in general, shieldtails are mostly non-venomous. In the sun, the skin of the rainbow shieldtail shimmers like a precious sapphire.

Texas snake or white rat snake. As the name implies, it lives in Texas and also in Mexico. Not dangerous, not poisonous, nobly beautiful. An ideal specimen for keeping in a home terrarium.

Baird's rat snake. A very beautiful chameleon snake. On pebbles and sand it has a reddish-rusty color, and on the ground it becomes steel-colored, the scales cast as polished metal. Very rare color.

Red tide

Changes color

Metallic shimmer

Albino coral snake found in Texas, a rare subspecies of coral snakes. Poisonous. The color is as if Russian patterns are embroidered on the skin.

A coral snake that lives on the Hindustan Peninsula. A rare case of mimicry when the color of a coral snake is longitudinal and not transverse.

The redhead is an extremely beautiful and poisonous snake that inhabits Vietnam, the islands of Malaysia and Indonesia. Very poisonous, can eat other snakes. The two-striped ferruginous snake is similar in color to it, the upper stripe of which is not blue, but dark blue, almost black. Also poisonous, and also very dangerous. And he also eats snakes.

Carpet python. Beeline style snake, no less. And why the company didn’t choose such a logo would be funny. Lives in Australia and Indonesia. Not poisonous, but can easily choke.

Möllendorff's snake, a non-venomous snake common in Southeast Asia.

The rainbow snake lives in the southeastern United States and feeds on marine life and small amphibians. Non-aggressive, but if it senses danger, it can bite. Not poisonous.

The king collared snake is native to the United States and Mexico. Typically, these snakes are gray with dark or cream-colored spots on the undersides that turn bright red and orange near the tail.

The common garter snake has the rudiments of true viviparity. The California subspecies of this snake is endangered.

And I found this enchanting beauty on the Internet

I have no idea who this is, but she is definitely the most beautiful :)

I'll add my two cents. I wonder, for what purpose did God create such extraordinarily beautiful creatures?! Direct illustration benefits snake: in some Russian villages they still feed snakes in houses and barns. In short, they are orderlies, and snake venom is healing. But why are they so beautiful??

Benefits of snakes

In some hot countries, snakes are used to kill rodents. Rodents often infest basements, barns and granaries. First, the snakes are made non-venomous, and then they are released into a room with rodents, after a week there are no rodents. And sometimes snakes are released into fields and even onto entire islands.

How do snakes defend themselves?

Most snakes have an amazing adaptation - protective coloring. Anyone who has ever encountered snakes in the desert, in the mountains, and especially in the tropical forest, could not help but be struck by the coloring of these animals. The skin of snakes is rarely monochromatic. Usually it is decorated complex pattern, reminiscent in one case geometric figures, in the other - ancient ornaments.

But no matter what this pattern is, it is always located along the long narrow body, its colors are combined in such a way that the animal seems to merge with its surroundings. The camouflage of many snakes, especially tropical ones, is so perfect that it makes them completely invisible not only to their enemies, but also to their victims. A snake cannot move quickly over long distances in pursuit of prey, so it is very important for it to sneak up on the victim unnoticed or wait for it, remaining invisible.

Snakes, scientifically speaking, are a suborder of the class of reptiles of the order Scaly. Snakes can be found on all continents of the Earth, except cold Antarctica.

There are venomous species of snakes, but most snakes are not venomous. Venomous snakes use their venom primarily for hunting, and for self-defense, they only use it when absolutely necessary.

Many non-venomous snakes first strangle their prey (snake and boa constrictor, for example), and then swallow the prey whole.


The largest snake existing in nature is the anaconda.

Again, scientifically speaking, anacondas are a genus of snakes consisting of several species. And the largest species of snake is the giant anaconda, the photo of which you see above.

The largest giant anaconda caught weighed 97.5 kg with a length of 5.2 meters. This snake was caught in Venezuela in wild jungle. Residents of remote villages claim that they have seen larger anacondas, but there is no evidence of the existence of larger specimens.

Like the other three species of anaconda that we will discuss below, the giant anaconda spends most of its time in the water. Anacondas prefer bodies of water without current or with weak current. They are found in lakes, oxbow lakes, and quiet rivers of the Amazon and Orinoco basins.

The anaconda does not move far from water. Mostly anacondas crawl ashore to bask in the sun.

As we wrote earlier, anacondas belong to the subfamily of boas. Now let's talk about boa constrictors.


Boas are primarily large ovoviviparous snakes. The boa constrictor subfamily is mainly known for the genus of the common boa constrictor. The most typical representative of this genus is the species of the same name, “common boa constrictor.” Individuals of this species reach 5.5 meters in length.

Boas strangle their prey by wrapping rings around them.

Boas of this species can have an unusual coloring, given the fact that they are very unpretentious in keeping, they are often kept in terrariums.

But it is popular to keep another type of boa constrictor in terrariums - dog-headed boa constrictors.

Dog-headed boas have beautiful red-orange coloring when young and bright green coloring when mature. The length of this type of boa constrictor does not exceed three meters.

Another representative of brightly colored boa constrictors is the rainbow boa constrictor.

This type of boa constrictor is also popular among those who like to keep snakes at home.


Some of the most famous snakes are cobras. Science identifies 16 species of cobras, many of which are quite large.

Cobra has an amazing skill; it can lift its body into a vertical position. If the cobra is large, then in this position it can be on a par with a person.

Cobras are venomous snakes. Their bite can be very dangerous to humans.

Cobras are heat-loving snakes; they never live in countries where snow falls in winter.


Vipers are inhabitants of our latitudes. Vipers are poisonous snakes, the mention of which causes fear in people.

Vipers can have a very diverse range of colors. Each subspecies can be very different in appearance from other subspecies, while all subspecies of vipers have a characteristic zigzag on their backs.

Vipers are active during the day, they love the sun and spend a lot of time basking in the sun.

If the viper smells a person, it prefers to move away. These are absolutely non-conflict snakes and if you don’t touch them


One of the most peaceful snakes of our nature is the snake. This snake is easy to recognize by yellow spots on the head.


They are no longer poisonous and there is no reason to be afraid of them. Snakes live on the banks of calm bodies of water, such as lakes and swamps, creeks and oxbow lakes.


It is worth noting that there is a subspecies of snakes that lives far from bodies of water.


Copperheads are small snakes that live on the edges of forests. Copperheads feed mainly on lizards, sometimes insects.


Although copperheads have poisonous teeth, their size is too small and their mouth is not capable of grabbing a person. Maybe by the finger of your hand. But even in this case, their bite does not pose a serious danger.

Externally, the copperhead looks like a small viper. The diamond and zigzag patterns on the backs of copperheads are very similar to those of the pit viper.


Snakes are a generalized name for several species of snakes.

The Caspian snake is known in our area - it is a fairly large snake, it is not poisonous, but very aggressive.

Caspian snake.

It is precisely because of their aggressiveness that snakes are not liked. Although they do not pose a threat to life, and if you meet them, you can simply continue on your way.

On the islands of Japan you can find island snakes, which are distinguished by their unusual colors. This species is a resident of the sea coast.

We will end our story with a description of one of the largest snakes on the planet - the python.

The python can reach a length of four meters, which is about a meter less than the anaconda, but still impressive.

Despite their large size, pythons are very dexterous and smart predators. Outwardly, they could be classified as boa constrictors, but pythons are a separate genus of snakes.

Pythons live in Asia and Australia, and can also be found in some regions of Africa. Pythons always settle not far from bodies of water, although their life may not be connected with water. There are types of pythons that spend most of their time in the crowns of trees.

Cat snakes

Cat snakes are a genus of small snakes that are distant relatives of grass snakes. The genus consists of 12 species, which are distributed in Africa, southern Europe and southwestern Asia.

One species lives in Russia - the Caucasian cat snake. These snakes in Russia can only be found in Dagestan.

If a person says that he loves snakes, it means that he is either a professional connoisseur of serpentology or a passionate admirer of exotic things. Most people are lukewarm at best about creepy crawlies. And the word itself (bastards!) has a distinctly negative connotation. However, this was not always the case. In world mythology, scaly creatures alternately played either the role of universal evil or the wise assistant of the human race. And the interpretation of a dream with such a changeable image will require extreme attention to detail, appeal to different dream books and the help of intuition. So why do you dream about a snake?

Interpretation of dreams involving reptiles

Creeping reptiles are traditionally perceived by us as something dangerous and harmful. We say “snake tongue” about someone who knows how to insert a poisonous word into a conversation. "Snake in the grass!" - they shout to their rivals in anger. “I warmed the snake on my chest!” - speak with indignation about those who betray the trust of a friend. Meanwhile, this very creature is depicted on the emblem of medicine. It was her, the “underwater”, that the ancestors considered a symbol eternal life and youth for the ability to shed old skin. And even the Bible says, “Be wise as serpents.” So, not everything is so bad for the cold-blooded and scaly?

Why do you dream of a snake according to data from various dream books?

  • If you believe authoritative opinion Miller's dream book, reptiles creeping into our night dreams is always not good. The many asps surrounding a person symbolize his fears, and also personify illnesses and insidious enemies. Snakes falling on the dreamer from above are a prototype of remorse or a grueling struggle with life’s troubles. Well, if you happen to see a strange dream about children playing with scaly creatures, it means that in reality you are not very good at distinguishing enemies from friends.
  • Meneghetti's dream book partly agrees with Miller. He interprets cold-blooded creatures as a reflection of the real fears inherent in a person in reality. Moreover, if in a dream, having seen a snake, you experienced a real panic horror, your phobias are just asking for a meeting with a specialist. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of them on your own.
  • Vanga's dream book sees in a lonely snake, curled up in a ring, a strong enemy who is patiently guessing the time for a decisive blow, and in a restless ball of reptiles - a whole team that has undertaken to be “friends against” you. Be alert.
  • The dream book of Nostradamus, although it agrees that a snake is a bad image, capable of significantly damaging the dreamer’s wallet and depriving his home of wealth, advises to be wary of problems only in the years allotted to the cold-blooded reptile by the Chinese calendar. And since in the near future the scaly guest will visit us only in 2025, we can sleep peacefully for a long time.

    Greek mythology is filled with images of snakes, both evil and good.

  • The Dream Book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima is also full of bad predictions. In their interpretation, asps in any case mean intrigue, envy and someone’s persistent attempts to harm the person who saw the “snake” dream. Interpreters identify a ball of snakes with a situation that is too confused, which is no longer possible to resolve peacefully. And if in your dreams you unexpectedly acted as the Gorgon Medusa with her deadly hairstyle, bad thoughts settled in your head, and it depends on you whether they will cause harm to anyone.
  • Longo's dream book gives his explanation for an exotic dream with a Gorgon. In his opinion, you are in danger of underestimating some minor event and getting into trouble because of it. The snake as such brings with it deception and a “dangerous sting” - an enemy who is going to ruin your career and reputation. Three-headed reptiles are especially dangerous in this regard! But tame, peaceful snakes, even if they are vipers, portend financial well-being, success and the achievement of high career heights.
  • The Jewish Dream Book and the Dream Book of Martyn Zadeki see in the scaly reptile the image of an irreconcilable enemy.
  • Solomon's dream book calls the snake a symbol of future problems.
  • According to the firm belief of the Family Dream Book, a calmly lying asp predicts hard labour, which will not be rewarded either morally or financially. A well full of squirming reptiles reproaches the dreamer for being too trusting of strangers. And the fiery serpent predicts... offspring. How many heads you count, so many grandchildren you will babysit.
  • The 21st century dream book refutes the meaning of old proverbs. Unexpectedly, in his interpretation, a snake, warmed in one’s bosom in a dream, in reality should turn into recognition of merit and improvement of the dreamer’s reputation. But anyone who had to find an asp settling in his own home should be wary. Following such a dream, problems with housing should come, and they will happen in the absence of the owner. The dream book understands a nest of snakes as a symbol of squabbles and discord between household members, and considers a ball of snakes to be the inner turmoil of a person. If you can accurately identify the type of reptile you saw, keep in mind that the dream book calls a python a sign of an obstacle on the way to a goal, and a snake - the first of the matchmakers who will soon look at you in reality.

    A tame snake promises prosperity

  • The Islamic dream book is confident that in the guise of a snake the subconscious mind represents exclusively our enemies, and the larger and stronger the reptile that appears to you, the more serious the opponent. However, you can ignore his appearance if you managed to hear a snake hissing in a dream - a sign of disappointment of a competitor who will never be able to reach you. An attacking snake promises problems from management, a quiet and obedient snake predicts wealth, and if a whole company of peace-loving asps appears in front of you, get ready to take a leadership position yourself.
  • Tsvetkov's dream book calls the asp the embodiment of deceit, and its appearance in a dream is a premonition of a painful illness.
  • Finally, Freud's Dream Book suggests that a snake be considered an image of the male reproductive organ. In this case, the asp in motion symbolizes sexual intercourse. If you watched with pleasure the winding path of a dreamed snake, you have an inherent love of experimenting in bed and searching for new sensual pleasures. If you ran away from the bastard you saw as fast as you could, perhaps not everything is going smoothly in an intimate sense. If in a dream you yourself were chasing an escaping snake, your activity sex life one can only envy. The kiss of a reptile in the light of this interpretation means a desire for oral sex.

But if you believe the Dream Book of Denise Lynn, it’s hard to come up with a better prediction than a dream about a reptile. You yourself become a “snake”, shedding unnecessary habits, old attitudes and painful relationships that interfered with you, like old skin. This is the only way to freely move forward, grow and improve.

Who dreamed about it: a woman or a man

Women's dreams about snakes are disturbing, but often promise a happy outcome

  • The Dream Book of Lovers promises a woman who sees a snake in her night visions, betrayal of her beloved. If at the same time the dreamer dreams that there is a child standing behind her and the threatening hiss of an asp refers to him, she should be wary of other people’s advice - most likely, they will be bad and will greatly damage the woman in the eyes of her chosen one. Trust your own logic, intuition and carefully think through your every step.
  • Hasse's dream book says: for a man, a dream about a snake predicts a strong and dishonest enemy or - what is considered more likely - an opponent; and for a woman - a rival who can surpass her. And besides, it means that a man who sees a snake crawling into his bosom in a dream will soon have a son.
  • Medea’s dream book is set up differently. In the graceful reptile covered with iridescent scales, he was able to discern a hint of female sexuality, as well as healing and life-awakening energy. The dream book calls a sleeping asp a symbol of deep, truly “snake wisdom,” and a crawling one as a sign that the dreamer is not alien to carnal desires.
  • Speaking of desires, how can one not return to Freud’s dream book?! According to its specific interpretation, a man who pays attention to snakes in a dream either has homosexual tendencies, or is openly afraid of becoming the object of amorous advances from a member of his own sex. A woman who discovers in a dream that her lover has turned into a snake will experience changes in relationships, both good and not so good.
  • A girl or young woman bewitched by a snake in a dream will be subjected to unfair attacks, but will be spared possible troubles by an influential patron, friends or lover.

By color: what does black, white, green, red and others mean?

Green color is a sign of renewal and rebirth

  • Scaly creatures of unusual shape and color promise the dreamer a serious crisis. Which, however, will pass without any consequences if you treat the failures that have piled up philosophically, without tragic hand-wringing and lamentations.
  • A snake with two spots on its head, a harmless small snake, promises stabilization of the professional sphere. In the service, everything will flow along the well-established track: smoothly, calmly and without incidents.
  • A red snake frolicking in its natural element - among stones, on a country road or in the grass - gives hope for new interesting experiences and travels. But a reptile encountered indoors is an alarming sign. You are in danger of meeting a pickpocket or attempting to break into it.
  • The blue snake is a very pleasant visitor. Its appearance predicts a fun time, pleasant company and success in gambling. If you have been suffering from some kind of family quarrel for a long time, start building relationships with your family - the snake promises that everything will work out for you.
  • Reptile gray advises to “hold your pockets” and spend money wisely: if you succumb to the spirit of extravagance, you risk being left penniless.
  • An asp with a bronze tint warns of an upcoming meeting with an envious person and a liar.
  • Blue-black snakes are very difficult messengers. On the one hand, an aggressive poisonous reptile, for example, a black viper, is an omen of serious difficulties, the illness of someone close to you, or an encounter with great evil. On the other hand, many dream books indicate: having withstood the coming period of trials with honor, you will be rewarded a hundredfold for all the difficulties you have experienced. Other interpreters, like the Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong, do not utter a word about troubles, but they assure that the bite of a black snake in a dream will bring a person unprecedented wealth.
  • The white snake is considered an even more controversial symbol. Anyone who meets an albino asp in a dream will soon have to throw either incredible luck like finding a stack of hundred dollar bills literally under your feet, or the opportunity to become familiar with secret and dangerous knowledge. Depending on whether a person is able to wisely use the gift he receives, his future destiny will develop.

By size: the meaning of dreams about large or small asps

An unpleasant company in a dream promises the same “slippery” society in reality

A large snake in different circumstances becomes either a favorable or a frightening sign. For example, a large and aggressive one embodies the image of diseases or enemies that threaten a person, and an equally impressive one, but calmly sleeping, represents deliverance from an illness.

Small nimble snakes curling around the dreamer in nature warn of equally minor quarrels and misunderstandings with loved ones. But if in a night dream your house has turned into a serpentarium, be wary of letting people in who will compliment you to your face and secretly do minor dirty tricks on you and spoil your reputation with their gossip. Baby snakes also have a similar meaning - you will be betrayed by those to whom you open your heart.

If a person dreams that a spotted snake rushes at him over and over again, increasing in size with each new attack, it means that he will soon see a problem where there is none, and he himself will “make a mountain out of a molehill.” As soon as unpleasant thoughts creep into your head about those around you who don’t really like you or laugh at your words, remember your dream and wait to be indignant. Most likely, there is nothing like it at all. Moreover, if at night the spotted “enemy” did not manage to harm you, these thoughts will go away by themselves, and all imaginary problems will be resolved almost without your participation.

By location: seen in water, on the road, rocks and in other places

If you see a snake in the water, do not be upset. Maybe she brings you good luck?

  • A snake, in a dream, located on the path behind a person familiar to the dreamer, predicts a conspiracy that unfriendly forces are weaving against both of them. But if the reptile behaved quietly, the intrigue will not succeed due to the intervention of a high-ranking patron.
  • A reptile crawling across the road warns of an egoist who, for the sake of his petty gain, will try to prevent you from realizing your plans.
  • A snake in the grass suggests hidden danger. Be careful, because for the time being you will not even imagine where an unknown enemy might strike from.
  • An asp basking on the stones is a prototype of a person who basks in the rays of your friendly disposition, actually experiencing envy and hoping to get even for it over time.
  • But if you believe the dream book of the restless “grandfather” Freud, a snake sitting at ease under the sun only means a man’s excellent sexual tone.
  • If in a dream a reptile slid through a flame or was burning, this subconscious mind reports getting rid of something frightening and unpleasant that has been bothering you for a long time.
  • A snake on a green tree denotes some idea that occupies the dreamer’s mind and requires embodiment. Well, it’s worth trying to follow your dream, it can bring excellent results.
  • Despite the fact that most snakes feel at ease in the water element and, on occasion, easily swim, the combination “asp + water” does not indulge in good prophecies. A viper floating on a thin branch signals an active enemy who wants to harm the dreamer as much as possible. more trouble. A bathing snake predicts an attack of melancholy. The water snake prophesies troubles related to your past misdeeds. And only in two cases can you count on a favorable turn of events. If an asp crawled into the water before your eyes, he promises to move to a new home, and if you had to wade a river full of snakes, know that after some excitement success will come, and almost incredible.

A fight between a viper and a water snake predicts that a conspiracy will be discovered and neutralized in time. If at the same time frogs jump and croak loudly along the river bank, stunning success awaits you. But you won’t get it for nothing; in order to achieve something, you’ll have to work hard.

Actions of the dreamer and the snake: if it attacks, bites, kill the reptile or stroke it + other meanings

Snake venom is both deadly and healing

What does a snake bite not predict? Bad predictions prophesy:

  • Disease.
  • Evil gossip.
  • Troubles and scandals.
  • An enemy, often female.
  • Betrayal and disappointment in someone who previously enjoyed your complete trust.
  • An insult inflicted on the dreamer by a close friend, if the aggressive reptile turned out to be a cobra.

The good ones promise:

  • A date with an interesting person.
  • Finding great wealth if the snake was black.

There is even a separate block of predictions for the fair sex:

  • If a dead snake came to life and bit into the dreamer, she will suffer due to the betrayal of her loved one.
  • However, according to Freud’s Dream Book, a woman stung in a dream can herself bring confusion into her current relationship if she allows herself to become too carried away by another man.
  • The bite itself - of a snake, hornet or any other living creature - can symbolize for a woman an unsuccessful sexual experience that she would like to forget.

If in a dream, before your eyes, someone else suffered from the teeth of an asp, then, according to some dream books, you greatly offend this person with your harsh words, and according to others, you are attracted to him. What is more true is up to you to decide. If the object of the reptile’s aggression was an animal that immediately died, this is a good sign. The spiteful critics who are weaving intrigues against you will get stuck in their own networks and will be left with nothing.

Even an attacking snake will turn out to be a good sign if you defeat it

  • Anyone who saved a child from a reptile attack in a dream will have to sacrifice something significant in the name of family or friends.
  • If you happen to kill a snake in a dream, get ready to emerge victorious from difficult circumstances or a fight with a dangerous opponent. Almost all interpreters agree on this opinion, except for the Dream Book of Lovers, who considers what happened to be a warning about conflicts in the family, especially if you crushed snakes with your feet. And the Lunar Dream Book notes a crushed snake as a symbol of victory over the disease.
  • If in a dream you feasted on snake meat, you will soon have a chance to share a dangerous secret with someone or gain access to hidden knowledge.
  • If you had to pick up a reptile, a plan developed in reality to defeat your opponent will bring success.
  • To catch a snake is to gain a powerful patron.
  • But if the asp himself “caught” you and tried to strangle you, wrapping rings around your neck, you will find yourself powerless against your enemies.
  • A reptile crawling onto your knees predicts humiliation.
  • A close, snake-like gaze predicts the attention of an influential and unfriendly person to your person.
  • The snake, dancing to the tune of the caster, promises that you will also have to dance to the tune of a high-ranking official, seeking his favor and protection from the slander brought against you.
  • A snake that pursues a person, but does not try to bite him, prophesies the infidelity of a spouse.
  • If the scaly enemy clearly tried to sting you, there is a battle ahead with the enemy, who will get tired of waging a “guerrilla” war and will move on to open action. Try to remember whether the snake was poisonous, since a viper, cobra and similar adders mean victory for the enemy, and peaceful snakes mean your superiority.
  • If a snake caresses a person, a vivid love experience will appear in his life, but it will be associated with a not the most worthy person.
  • If the dreamer himself strokes the snake, his habit of indulging his whims can turn into disaster.
  • Squeezing poison from a snake's mouth in a dream gives you an excellent prediction. No matter how sophisticated your enemies are in their machinations, all intrigues will be turned to your advantage.

I think you are already convinced what kind of contradictory symbol you are dealing with? In order not to get confused when going through different interpretations, listen more often to your inner voice and experience. For example, if you have been interested in studying reptiles since childhood, a dream about a snake will mean one thing for you, but if you were afraid to tremble at the mere mention of creeping reptiles, it will mean something else. Be bold in your assumptions, and your intuition will not let you down.

Snakes are creatures that have been considered since ancient times as representatives of otherworldly forces, light or darkness. Despite the fact that people have different attitudes towards them, one cannot help but admit that these reptiles are incredibly beautiful. So, from this article you will learn which snakes are considered the most attractive in the world of reptiles.

Are snakes dangerous or not?

To be honest, snakes are predatory reptiles that attack other animals, while being prey for larger and fearless representatives of the fauna. In order to scare away unexpected guests, snakes are either camouflaged or, conversely, painted in bright colors, because the flashy skin frightens almost all predators.

The most can be both harmless and deadly. The top of the beauty lists are occupied by those cold-blooded ones, which are distinguished not only by their pleasing color to the eye, but also by their fairly large size. Before looking for a meeting with a particular snake in order to take a closer look at the iridescent scales, it is important to study its habits and behavior in order to be prepared for a cold shoulder if something happens.

Beautiful snakes of South America

The most beautiful snakes live in all corners of the world. They can be found on every continent, in every part globe except Antarctica. Perhaps the largest number of these reptiles live in South America.

Among the inhabitants of this continent, the emerald, also known as the dog-headed boa constrictor, stands out. This reptile has a bright green color with white spots. The most beautiful snake in the world spends most of its life in trees, curled up in several coils and resting its head on them.

The boa constrictor's neighbor, the Brazilian rainbow python, is distinguished by its bright color: on the main brown or orange scales there are other, multi-colored scales reminiscent of a rainbow.

Beautiful Central American snake

Living in Central America, the Honduran milk snake is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful reptiles. This representative of adders is attractive with its bright red and black striped color, which does not at all fit the description of “milky”.

However, the most beautiful snakes on the planet got their names for a reason. The Honduran snake acquired such an epithet because it became addicted to the milk of American cows, which are kept on local farms.

The most beautiful snakes in North America

Rubber snakes, relatives of the deadly anacondas, do not reach the same size as the latter. Their length is usually about sixty centimeters. These reptiles are known for their rubber-like skin. It is either gray or black.

Rubber adders are the most beautiful snakes that are used to relieve people of herpetophobia, and these reptiles do an excellent job: they can spend an entire hour in a person's arms without even trying to bite him. These snakes do not believe that the best defense is attack, and when threatened, they secrete a liquid that smells bad and scares away predators.

Another inhabitant of America, the royal adder, has a majestic coloration consisting of three shades: red, black stripes and thin rings of yellow or white, separating them. This snake is often the subject of photography. The most beautiful snakes can be dangerous. Thus, the venom of the royal asp can be fatal.

The white Texas snake is not found in natural environment habitats of other snakes. This snow-white reptile with large light blue eyes was bred by American scientists.

The spotted collared snake is easily recognized by the bright yellow rim that separates its head from its olive body. She has a red tail, and the middle of her body is yellow, while the colors change smoothly, without dividing into distinct areas. When in danger, this reptile raises its red tail up and thereby scares its opponents, but it rarely attacks large animals.

Beautiful snakes of Australia

live in Australia. For example, the black snake, which got its name for its dark color with a scarlet-pink belly, is not only capable of staying under water for an hour, but also bites humans. The venom of the two-meter black echidna does not bring instant death, but unpleasant sensations after its attack are guaranteed.

A relative of the black echidna, the tiger snake, occupies a habitat similar to it. It is known for its coloration, similar to that of a tiger's fur. In addition, it is very poisonous. It's better not to meet her.

Beautiful snakes of Africa

It deservedly received its name. Above the eyes there are small horns made of scales, which make this representative of reptiles unusual and attractive. The snake also has a light brown, almost cream color, making it very difficult to see against the backdrop of the African sands.

The reptiles collectively called "mambas" are without a doubt the most beautiful snakes. They may have different colors. For example, the narrow-headed mamba, emerald green along the entire length of the body, can easily blend in with the trees of the tropical forests of South Africa.

Another mamba, the black one, is the most dangerous snake on the planet. Its poison is fatal to humans. It is impossible to prepare for the attack of this inhabitant of Africa - she attacks with lightning speed anyone who disturbs her peace. When people hear the name of this snake, they imagine a long, blue-black reptile, but this is not entirely true. It bears this name not because of the color of its body, which, however, is beige, but because of the color of its mouth. Opening it, she exposes her dark throat and long fangs.

Beautiful snakes of Russia

The yellow-bellied snake, or two-colored bonito, lives in the Far East. She almost never goes to land and spends most of her life in sea water. The color of the snake's body consists of two colors: yellow and black. They divide her body into two halves: upper and lower. In addition, there is a row of triangles on its tail, which helps distinguish it from other reptiles with similar coloring.

The most beautiful snakes in the world with the names given to them external features or unusual behavior, they also live in Russia. The Amur snake, reaching two meters in length, is black in color with yellow rings. It is rightfully considered the most beautiful reptile that can be found in our country. It feeds by gracefully squeezing its body in rings and raising its head. In those moments when he is awake, he looks like a Chinese philosopher - this snake behaves so calmly and focused.

It is important to remember that the beauty of snakes is deceptive, and even the most harmless-looking reptile can cause harm if disturbed. Therefore, you should avoid meeting them and admire the beautiful apses from TV and computer screens. Encounters with these predators are harmless only for prepared people.

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