The most beautiful snakes on the planet. Dream Interpretation: snake attacks, bites, sleeps, kind, beautiful

If you're afraid of snakes, don't go into the jungle. Mowgli.:)

Selection beautiful photos snakes - poisonous and not so poisonous - from all continents.

Keeled grass snake. The snake is non-venomous, and in the photograph the snake is yawning after a hearty lunch to reset its jaw and restore its breathing.

Jameson's mamba, a graceful green snake, two meters long, whose venom has a nerve-paralytic effect. Muscles fail respiratory system and the victim slowly but surely suffocates. Then the snake eats it. Lives in Africa. There is also a black mamba, its length is 4 meters, which is just as poisonous as the green one, but they are more afraid of it. There is a belief that if a black mamba crawls across the path, expect death. Either she will crawl and bite you, or you will simply die from an accident. It is believed that a mamba's bite is fatal, but this is not the case. If you take the serum within an hour after the bite, survival is guaranteed. It is almost impossible to escape from the snake; the mamba moves at a speed of 11 km/hour.

Jason's Mamba. Photo by Matthias Klum for National Geographic

The rainbow boa constrictor lives in South America, especially in the Amazon region. It feeds on small animals; the largest animal that can be strangled is a large rat. If they sense danger, they may bite, but they are not poisonous.

Non-venomous Mexican king snake from the colubrid family. Lives in Mexico, sometimes found in Texas.

The vine (sharp-headed) snake lives in Venezuela. Since it is very beautiful and non-poisonous, it is often kept in terrariums. A snake bite is toxic but not fatal. The main thing is to take action in time.

The weevil lives in North and South America. It is completely safe for humans. Timid and fearful, at the slightest danger they release a stinking liquid and crawl away. In general, these are such reptile “skunks”.

Yellow bellied snake. Its official name is two-colored bonito, and it lives in salty sea water in aquatic areas. Very poisonous, lives on Far East. This is the only representative of its kind; it absorbs air with its entire body and rarely gets out. It hides in algae, from where it emerges, bites the victim, stuns it with its tail, and then strangles and eats it. In general, this is three in one, a kind of sea cobra-boa constrictor, and also a dangerous fighter.

Rainbow shieldtail. Very rare snake South America. A total of three specimens were caught; very little is known about snakes of this species; it is not even clear whether they are poisonous or not, but in general, shieldtails are mostly non-venomous. In the sun, the skin of the rainbow shieldtail shimmers like a precious sapphire.

Texas snake or white rat snake. As the name implies, it lives in Texas and also in Mexico. Not dangerous, not poisonous, nobly beautiful. An ideal specimen for keeping in a home terrarium.

Baird's rat snake. A very beautiful chameleon snake. On pebbles and sand it has a reddish-rusty color, and on the ground it becomes steel-colored, the scales cast as polished metal. Very rare color.

Red tide

Changes color

Metal shimmer

Albino coral snake found in Texas, a rare subspecies of coral snakes. Poisonous. The color is as if Russian patterns are embroidered on the skin.

A coral snake that lives on the Hindustan Peninsula. A rare case of mimicry when the color of a coral snake is longitudinal and not transverse.

The redhead is an extremely beautiful and poisonous snake that inhabits Vietnam, the islands of Malaysia and Indonesia. Very poisonous, can eat other snakes. The two-striped ferruginous snake is similar in color to it, the upper stripe of which is not blue, but dark blue, almost black. Also poisonous, and also very dangerous. And he also eats snakes.

Carpet python. Beeline style snake, no less. And why the company didn’t choose such a logo would be funny. Lives in Australia and Indonesia. Not poisonous, but can easily choke.

Möllendorf's snake, a non-venomous snake common in Southeast Asia.

The rainbow snake lives in the southeastern United States and feeds on marine life and small amphibians. Non-aggressive, but if it senses danger, it can bite. Not poisonous.

The king collared snake is native to the United States and Mexico. Typically, these snakes are gray with dark or cream-colored spots on the undersides that turn bright red and orange near the tail.

The common garter snake has the rudiments of true viviparity. The Californian subspecies of this snake is endangered.

And I found this enchanting beauty on the Internet

I have no idea who this is, but she is definitely the most beautiful :)

I'll add my two cents. I wonder, for what purpose did God create such extraordinarily beautiful creatures?! Direct illustration benefits snake: in some Russian villages they still feed snakes in houses and barns. In short, they are orderlies, and snake venom is healing. But why are they so beautiful??

Benefits of snakes

In some hot countries, snakes are used to kill rodents. Rodents often live in basements, barns and granaries. First, the snakes are made non-venomous, and then they are released into a room with rodents, after a week there are no rodents. And sometimes snakes are released into fields and even onto entire islands.

How do snakes defend themselves?

Most snakes have an amazing adaptation - protective coloring. Anyone who has ever encountered snakes in the desert, in the mountains, and especially in the tropical forest, could not help but be struck by the coloring of these animals. The skin of snakes is rarely monochromatic. Usually it is decorated complex pattern, reminiscent in one case geometric figures, in the other - ancient ornaments.

But no matter what this pattern is, it is always located along the long narrow body, its colors are combined in such a way that the animal seems to merge with its surroundings. The camouflage of many snakes, especially tropical ones, is so perfect that it makes them completely invisible not only to their enemies, but also to their victims. A snake cannot move quickly over long distances in pursuit of prey, so it is very important for it to sneak up on the victim unnoticed or wait for it, remaining invisible.

It is unpleasant if a snake attacks you in a dream. The dream book interprets such dreams in different ways, but basically recommends that the dreamer be careful. Dreams about snakes usually warn of deceit, intrigue, disease and hypocrisy.

I saw a snake

If a snake attacks in a dream, but does not interpret this as the dreamer’s constant fears. He worries about his life and health. However, if the snake is pursuing, then the fears may not be without reason.

What else does the dream book foretell? A snake attacks and bites another, which means you will be jealous of someone. And also to wish evil or experience hatred.

The snake attacked in the house, but did not bite. Dream Interpretation foretells whirlwind romance, which will be filled with eroticism and feelings, however, emotions can be one-sided and one of the partners can just play.

Seeing a snake near an artificial pond that wants to attack and bite is a sign of envy and blame. If it was an anaconda, viper or cobra, then you should beware of a certain lady who could harm you.

IN public place attacked by a snake? The dream book says that such a vision does not threaten the dreamer. Night vision reports that someone is full of bad feelings, would like to harm the dreamer or hates him, but he will not be able to do anything.

What does the dream book promise if a snake attacks on the street in a dream and does not bite? This is a warning that there are envious people who have shrouded your personality in gossip. However, they cannot do anything bad to you.

If a woman has a dream

If a woman dreamed that a snake attacked, the dream book interprets this as a warning. You should be prepared for the fact that people whom you considered close may deceive you.

Does a snake attack and bite in a dream? The dream book warns that it is possible serious problems with health. It may even be life threatening.

Sometimes in night dreams a snake attacks and bites another. The dream book indicates that you should be more restrained. Because you can offend someone.

If a girl is attacked by a large snake, the dream book foretells an imminent pregnancy.

Have you seen a snake in your partner's place? The dream book says that changes in relationships are possible. In both bad and good ways.

If a woman who had a dream with a snake is pregnant, the dream book predicts the birth of a girl.

For married girls a vision about snakes can be interpreted as the appearance of a competitor who will try to take your place.

If a man has a dream

If a man saw in a dream how a large snake attacks, the dream book foretells an imminent meeting with new woman, who may become the wife and mother of his children.

If a man sees a snake next to an unknown lady, then this foreshadows acquaintance and a passionate romance.

However, if a wife is next to a snake in a dream, then such a vision threatens problems in family life and the dreamer will have to spend a lot of effort to solve them. The dream book foretells the same thing if a man sees his sister.

If the snake wriggles, the dream book warns that some cunning person is interested in you. You should not maintain a relationship with her, as she, using her beauty and intelligence, will try to get benefits from you for herself, and then leave you.

Did you see a snake that is about to bite you? The dream book foretells deception and tricky plans of someone from your environment. You should think carefully about who it might be and reduce communication for a while.

Many snakes dream of deception, intrigue and problems. It is worth remembering under what circumstances you dreamed of snakes. You may be able to prevent trouble.

Black snake in a dream

What does the dream book say about black snakes? A snake attacks you in a dream and wraps itself around you, which means you will be unable to resist your enemies.

Passing through many black snakes portends an eternal feeling of fear.

A non-poisonous reptile that creeps up to another person portends a danger that you can handle.

Killing a black snake means defeating an enemy. This dream is also interpreted as a symbol of mercy and wisdom. People around you will likely become more supportive.

Seeing a multi-headed snake in a dream means a large number of enemies. You may find yourself in an unpleasant situation, you may be slandered.

Bitten by a black snake? This threatens a lot of troubles that will come from the person you trust. It is possible that he resorted to the powers of black magic to harm you.

A black snake squeezing the neck of someone you know is very horrible dream. He predicts incurable disease for the face that appeared in the dream.

Yellow snake in a dream

If a yellow snake appears in your house, then this is a good sign. Such a dream promises wealth and profit.

But if the yellow snake is aggressive and attacks you, wraps itself around you, strangles you, then such a dream indicates health problems. Defeating or killing a reptile is a guarantee of solving problems.

It may also be a harbinger of change in better side. You may unexpectedly meet a friend with whom you have long lost contact, or defeat an enemy with whom you have been unsuccessfully fighting for a long time.

Another interpreter says that a yellow snake can predict a new acquaintance that will not bring anything good.

White snake in a dream

White snakes, as a rule, portend huge profits, winnings, and good luck. In addition, such a dream foreshadows the resolution of long-abandoned cases.

If the white snake molts, then you need to take a closer look at your business tactics. Perhaps you are doing something wrong and need to change your approach.

Crawled very quickly and was attacked by a snake? The dream book interprets this as a warning sign. Warns that there is a possibility of developing some pathology or meeting an unpleasant person.

A ball of reptiles, on the contrary, promises good luck and success in all endeavors.

Blue snake in a dream

See blue snake- this is a high probability that you will have to admit your erroneous behavior. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to change or correct what happened. This can lead to depression.

According to another version, a blue or blue snake promises good luck in gambling. It also portends entertainment, pleasant communication and pastime.

There is a version that says that dark blue snakes are a sign of unprecedented profits that can come suddenly. For example, receiving an inheritance.

Other interpretations

The snake expands to its full length and stands up - this indicates that the dreamer will experience unprecedented enlightenment, spiritual restoration, and peace of mind.

Running away from an attacking snake means the danger is getting closer. And the closer the snake was in the dream, the greater the danger you will face in reality.

Extending your hand to a snake and getting bitten is a warning; it is better not to give advice or recommendations to anyone, not to help. Everything you offer will be used against you.

A dead snake is a sign that all dangers have passed you by. If it was large, then you barely escaped a serious threat to life; you should be very careful.

Trampling snakes underfoot is a risky action in reality to attempt to deal with enemies. Once you really evaluate yourself and your strengths, you can overdo it or overestimate your capabilities, which will lead to big problems.

They kill a snake - help will probably come from another person, which will be unexpected for you.

Snakes for businessmen - be more careful in choosing personnel. There is a very high probability that you will hire a traitor who will leak valuable information.

Stung in the leg - the dream book interprets it as a danger to travel. It could be just a trip to some place or even a traffic accident. Assess the situation and think whether it might be better not to make any movements in the near future.

Stung a person you know - suffering, heartache. You will not receive external injuries, but there will be plenty of internal injuries.

A very large snake attacked - internal anxiety will not lead to anything pleasant, you will suffer because of your own fears.

A snake that is preparing to bite and hisses - clouds are gathering, danger hangs over your head.

Small or small snakes - the people around you are not as pleasant as you think.

A snake is standing in the water - someone is ready to no longer hide his intentions, he is going to show you his true face.

Bitten a child - you should worry about your income-generating business; it could be accidentally blown up.

There are approximately 3,460 species of scaly snakes discovered in the world and described by scientists. They settled on almost all continents of the earth. Often their scaly representatives have a bad reputation among people and a not very decent reputation. The venom of some snakes is extremely dangerous and is instantly fatal even in very strong animals. Among all known species Poisonous snakes make up a fourth of them. However, among these representatives of reptiles there are very beautiful species. And, although beauty is a changeable and relative phenomenon, to which everyone approaches individually, according to our site, the list of the most beautiful snakes living on our planet includes the following species:

10. Horned viper

An inhabitant of the deserts of North Africa, with the exception of Morocco, it can be found in the rocky territories of Arabia and Eastern Sudan.
These snakes are distinguished by the fact that they are viviparous. They feed on small mammals and birds.
These reptiles are active at night, and during the daytime they sleep, buried in the sand. These vipers prefer to settle near people's homes and can crawl into their homes. That is why cases of human bites by these snakes are quite common. However, the horned viper itself will not attack first, and only if it senses danger it begins to act this way due to self-defense. Having bitten, the snake tries to crawl away to the side as quickly as possible.

9. Jameson's Mamba

This elegant snake, green in color, reaches two meters in length. Its poison has a nerve-paralytic effect. When it enters the victim’s bloodstream, the muscles of the respiratory system are paralyzed, and the victim gradually suffocates. After the victim dies, the snake eats it. The habitat of this mamba is Africa.
There is also a black mamba. With a length of four meters, it is also very poisonous, but more dangerous. According to legend, if a black mamba crawls across your path, you will definitely die. It is believed that either she will come back and bite a person, or some kind of accident will occur. Previously, it was believed that a mamba bite always leads to death, however, if you take serum with an antidote no later than an hour after it bites, you can survive. But it is practically impossible to escape from it, since its speed of movement is eleven km/hour.

8. Keeled grass snake

At total length up to one hundred and ten centimeters, this snake is quite graceful. Her head practically does not expand, and her body is slender. A peculiar scaly keel runs down the middle of the back, painted a bright, grassy emerald green color. Her abdomen is light, cream-colored. Settles in shrubby and grassy prairies. The period of its activity begins during the day. The diet includes insects, small lizards and amphibians.

7. Rainbow Boa

On average, the length of its body is approximately 150-170 cm, but can approach two meters. The color of the body varies from red and fawn to brown. On the back there are large light spots surrounded by dark rings. The sides are decorated with smaller dark spots with stripes in the form of halves of the moon, and closer to the belly there are even smaller spots of a dark color. In the sun, its scales shine in all the rainbow colors with a very strong metallic sheen, especially when the boa constrictor crawls.
This snake is a viviparous reptile, and newborn boas also have a spotted coloring. Rainbow boas adapt well to captivity and successfully breed in terrariums in zoos around the world.

6. King Cobra

It can crawl into trees and hide in burrows and caves. Most cobras try to occupy a relatively specific territory. But with the help of radio beacons implanted in their bodies, it was reliably established that these snakes can travel tens of kilometers.
Only this species of snake can raise and hold its head vertically to approximately one third of the body size. In addition, in this position, these reptiles are able to move. When two such cobras meet, one of them tries to touch the top of the other’s head, in this way showing its superiority and dominant position. The snake that was touched by another immediately crawls away, bending down.

5. Pointy-headed snakes

This genus of snakes belongs to the colubrid family and lives in the northern, southern and central parts of America.
On average, their body length is from one to two meters. On the narrow head, a strongly elongated muzzle stands out clearly. Such snakes have a fairly long tail and a very thin body, which can be colored brown, green, olive, brown or grey colour. There are species in which the belly is lighter than the back. They prefer to live in forests and bushes. Due to the fact that they climb trees very well, they spend the bulk of their lives on them. They eat rodents, amphibians and lizards.

It has another name - white rat snake. The habitat is very wide and includes North America from southern Canada to southern USA. Can live in a variety of places. In arid areas, it settles in ravines and river valleys, and in places where there is enough moisture, it prefers empty places, bushes and broadleaf forests. Often found near cities.
Its dimensions can reach up to 1.8 m. The head is flat in shape and resembles the tip of a spear. There are individuals completely painted in glossy black.

3. Rough Tree Viper

Body dimensions are forty-six to sixty centimeters, and a maximum of no more than seventy-eight. Males are most often smaller than females. The color varies and can be yellow and red, green and even blue. Tropical rainforests are the main habitat. Their poison has a very strong hematological effect. Living in the thickets of forests, people are attacked very rarely, but there are two known cases of a person dying from the bite of this viper.

2. Green python

Adult females reach a size of two meters, and generally the length ranges from 150 to 180 cm. Young pythons have a yellow or red color. At first they live outside the tropical forest, where their colors help camouflage themselves in the variegated foliage, soil and grass of the forest outskirts. A year later, young individuals, having reached a meter in length, change color and become green. Only after this do they rise into the forest canopy, where they can calmly blend in color with the foliage of the trees. Their diet consists of insects and lizards, while adult pythons eat rodents and small birds. Young animals go out hunting most often during the day, males measuring a meter or more hunt at night, and adult females can go out to get food even in daytime.

1. Dominican Mountain Red Boa

This Haitian boa constrictor, for all its slenderness, has a very impressive size. The habitat is represented by the West Indies. Specimens removed from wildlife, can openly show aggression, but gradually even adult boas, having calmed down, begin to make contact with people. But raising young animals in captivity is quite difficult, so these snakes are not particularly popular among terrarium keepers.
In nature, it is found in densely overgrown wet areas. The period of activity is night. During the day they move very little, and if they have to move, it is with little desire and extremely slowly.
Adult snakes eat birds and rodents, while young snakes eat small lizards. These boas spend most of their time on tree branches. When frightened, they can secrete a special, sharp-smelling liquid to scare away enemies.

If you're afraid of snakes, don't go into the jungle.

Herpetophobia is a type of zoophobia, which is the fear of snakes. But if you still set aside the awareness of all the dangers that these reptiles can conceal, then you can see the whole gamut of colors, fascinating patterns and shapes that some types of snakes possess.

We present to you a selection of the most beautiful snakes - poisonous and not so poisonous - from all continents of the world.

Keeled grass snake.

The snake is not poisonous at all and is not aggressive.

Jameson's Mamba

A two-meter green snake whose venom has a nerve-paralytic effect.

Black Mamba

A poisonous snake whose bite can cause death within 45 minutes. however, it is not aggressive and avoids human contact whenever possible, attacking only when caught by surprise or cornered.

Rainbow boa

It feeds on small animals; the largest animal that can be strangled is a large rat. If they sense danger, they may bite, but they are not poisonous.

Mexican king snake

Non-venomous Mexican king snake from the colubrid family. Lives in Mexico, sometimes found in Texas.

Vine (sharp-headed) snake

She lives in Venezuela. Since it is very beautiful and non-poisonous, it is often kept in terrariums. A snake bite is toxic but not fatal.


Lives in North and South America. It is completely safe for humans. Timid and fearful, at the slightest danger they release a stinking liquid and crawl away.

Yellow bellied snake.

Its official name is two-colored bonito, it lives in salty sea water in aquatic areas. Very poisonous, lives in the Far East. This is the only representative of its kind; it absorbs air with its entire body and rarely gets out.

Rainbow shieldtail.

A very rare snake from South America. A total of three specimens were caught; very little is known about snakes of this species; it is not even clear whether they are poisonous or not, but in general, shieldtails are mostly non-venomous.

Texas snake or white rat snake.

Not dangerous, not poisonous, nobly beautiful. An ideal specimen for keeping in a home terrarium.

Baird's rat snake

A very beautiful chameleon snake. On pebbles and sand it has a reddish-rusty color, and on the ground it becomes steel-colored, the scales cast as polished metal.

Red tide

Changes color

Metal shimmer

Coral albino

Snake found in Texas, a rare subspecies of coral snake. Poisonous.

coral snake

Lives on the Hindustan Peninsula. A rare case of mimicry when the color of a coral snake is longitudinal and not transverse.


She lives in Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. Very poisonous, can eat other snakes.

Carpet python

Lives in Australia and Indonesia. Not poisonous, but can easily choke.

Moellendorff's runner

Non-venomous snake, common in Southeast Asia.

If you're afraid of snakes, don't go into the jungle. Mowgli.

A selection of beautiful photographs of snakes - poisonous and not so poisonous - from all continents.

Keeled grass snake. The snake is non-venomous, and in the photograph the snake is yawning after a hearty lunch to reset its jaw and restore its breathing.

Jameson's mamba, a graceful green snake, two meters long, whose venom has a nerve-paralytic effect. The muscles of the respiratory system fail and the victim slowly but surely suffocates. Then the snake eats it. Lives in Africa. There is also a black mamba, its length is 4 meters, which is just as poisonous as the green one, but they are more afraid of it. There is a belief that if a black mamba crawls across the path, expect death. Either she will crawl and bite you, or you will simply die from an accident. It is believed that a mamba's bite is fatal, but this is not the case. If you take the serum within an hour after the bite, survival is guaranteed. It is almost impossible to escape from the snake; the mamba moves at a speed of 11 km/hour.

Jason's Mamba. Photo by Matthias Klum for National Geographic

The rainbow boa constrictor lives in South America, especially in the Amazon region. It feeds on small animals; the largest animal that can be strangled is a large rat. If they sense danger, they may bite, but they are not poisonous.

Non-venomous Mexican king snake from the colubrid family. Lives in Mexico, sometimes found in Texas.

The vine (sharp-headed) snake lives in Venezuela. Since it is very beautiful and non-poisonous, it is often kept in terrariums. A snake bite is toxic but not fatal. The main thing is to take action in time.

The weevil lives in North and South America. It is completely safe for humans. Timid and fearful, at the slightest danger they release a stinking liquid and crawl away. In general, these are such reptile “skunks”.

Yellow bellied snake. Its official name is two-colored bonito, it lives in salty sea water in aquatic areas. Very poisonous, lives in the Far East. This is the only representative of its kind; it absorbs air with its entire body and rarely gets out. It hides in algae, from where it emerges, bites the victim, stuns it with its tail, and then strangles and eats it. In general, this is three in one, a kind of sea cobra-boa constrictor, and also a dangerous fighter.

Rainbow shieldtail. A very rare snake from South America. A total of three specimens were caught; very little is known about snakes of this species; it is not even clear whether they are poisonous or not, but in general, shieldtails are mostly non-venomous. In the sun, the skin of the rainbow shieldtail shimmers like a precious sapphire.

Texas snake or white rat snake. As the name implies, it lives in Texas and also in Mexico. Not dangerous, not poisonous, nobly beautiful. An ideal specimen for keeping in a home terrarium.

Baird's rat snake. A very beautiful chameleon snake. On pebbles and sand it has a reddish-rusty color, and on the ground it becomes steel-colored, the scales cast as polished metal. Very rare color.

Red tide

Changes color

Metal shimmer

Albino coral snake found in Texas, a rare subspecies of coral snakes. Poisonous. The color is as if Russian patterns are embroidered on the skin.

A coral snake that lives on the Hindustan Peninsula. A rare case of mimicry when the color of a coral snake is longitudinal and not transverse.

The redhead is an extremely beautiful and poisonous snake that inhabits Vietnam, the islands of Malaysia and Indonesia. Very poisonous, can eat other snakes. The two-striped ferruginous snake is similar in color to it, the upper stripe of which is not blue, but dark blue, almost black. Also poisonous, and also very dangerous. And he also eats snakes.

Carpet python. Beeline style snake, no less. And why the company didn’t choose such a logo would be funny. Lives in Australia and Indonesia. Not poisonous, but can easily choke.

Möllendorf's snake, a non-venomous snake common in Southeast Asia.

The rainbow snake lives in the southeastern United States and feeds on marine life and small amphibians. Non-aggressive, but if it senses danger, it can bite. Not poisonous.

The king collared snake is native to the United States and Mexico. Typically, these snakes are gray with dark or cream-colored spots on the undersides that turn bright red and orange near the tail.

The common garter snake has the rudiments of true viviparity. The Californian subspecies of this snake is endangered.

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