Seeing scissors in a dream is Miller's dream book. Interpretations in different dream books: quarrels or flirting

A dream is a subconscious reflection of reality. Correct interpretation of dreams helps to competently coordinate your behavior in reality and avoid many failures. Sometimes ordinary objects that are constantly used in everyday life have completely contradictory meanings.

Seeing scissors in a dream: what would it mean?

Scissors are an object that has a dual nature. It is a symbol of life and death, meeting and parting. Therefore, in this case, everything depends on the details.

Seeing a cutting tool in a dream is an unkind sign that brings loss. Dreaming about scissors means receiving an unpleasant surprise. For a married couple, the appearance of this object in a dream means a showdown, a quarrel, for lovers - separation, for business partners - a hopeless future.

The result of the interpretation of a vision is influenced by the action that is performed with the instrument: where it lies, what it looks like, what will happen to it next. Why do you dream of scissors with closed closed blades? For the person who dreamed of them, this means that he can be trusted with other people’s secrets; if the ends are revealed, all the secrets told immediately become public knowledge.

It is important to consider in a dream what the scissors are lying on. If the object is located on a white sheet of paper - these are attempts to start a new life, on an elegant festive tablecloth - you should expect bright events in life. To see a tool drawn on a piece of paper - there are traitors and envious people in your close circle.

Scissors in a dream: manicure, tailor, garden, hair cutting

The size of the dreamed object plays an important role in interpretation. For example, why do you dream? If they are in a woman’s cosmetic bag, then this usually means that in reality a person will be able to avoid a serious illness.

A dream in which an immense canvas has to be cut with small nail scissors reflects dissatisfaction. Sooner or later this will lead to serious disagreements with a sexual partner. But correct and timely interpretation, as well as behavior adjusted in real life, will help avoid a conflict situation and establish peace in relationships.

Or pruning shears predict financial difficulties and unnecessary waste of money.

Seeing a tool in a hairdresser means you should prepare for a meeting with a rival; if they are used to cut another person’s hair, then you will have clear advantages over your competitor.

Why do you dream of large scissors designed for cutting fabric? In real life, such a vision entails unexpected and unjustified accusations.

Scissors in hands: what does the dream book say?

To give a clear interpretation to a dream in which an instrument is in your hands, you need to know what action is being performed with it.

Scissors in hand, used to cut flowers, are usually dreamed of before a festive event. And if you dreamed that you were washing dirty scissors, then in reality you will be able to avoid punishment. Cutting figures out of paper yourself means shifting your problems to others. If an action is performed to realize a goal, then this entails receiving good profits from partnerships. Cutting out shapes of indefinite shape without the goal of being deceived by someone in real life.

Finding scissors in a dream: interpretation

As a rule, this object in a dream is considered a bad sign. Scissors can mean both the end and the beginning of a journey. To correctly interpret a dream, it is important to look closely at the details. For example, why do you dream of finding scissors? It is difficult to give a definite answer if it was not possible to consider what they are. If the instruments are old and rusty, expect news from ill-wishers. They will probably want to take revenge for past grievances. Finding new scissors in a dream is a positive symbol. Such a dream may mean acquiring new pleasant acquaintances. Gold cutting tools dream of prosperity in the family.

Why do you dream of broken scissors?

Seeing broken scissors in a dream is considered a bad sign. The vision can also mean parting with a good friend or useful person. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor your behavior in real life and not commit rash acts. Moreover, if in a dream a person deliberately breaks scissors, this means that in reality he will get rid of an unpleasant task for him, and if by accident, he will help a friend with his work.

Unlike broken scissors, a new tool is a good sign. Shiny and sharp blades seen in a dream will help you start a fleeting romantic relationship that will be pleasant and bright, but will not last long.

Using scissors in a dream

Breaking burdensome ties, parting with past relationships means a vision in which paper is cut with scissors. For a family man, this is a symbol of expressing distrust in him. Why do you dream about scissors used to cut fabric? In real life, such a vision can mean quick wealth. If you can’t cut something, in reality this can lead to missed opportunities for additional income.

Using pruning shears in a dream means getting rid of something. Removing old branches from trees means wasting money, cutting metal means losing independence.

If a person has his hair cut, then he should expect unplanned expenses. Dropping the scissors means that guests will arrive.

Sharpening a tool in a dream is a warning that you should not let your guard down in reality, and then failures will pass you by. The interpretation of a vision in which scissors are given as a gift means the acquisition of new impressions. Throwing them away in a dream means giving in to a quarrel.

Get hurt with scissors

A dream in which a person sees that he has been injured by scissors means worries about the future of his family. If you prick yourself with them and see blood, you should expect gossip and whispers behind your back.

Why dream of holding scissors in your hands if the person holding them is afraid of cutting themselves on the sharp blade? Such a vision promises an event in the near future that will touch you to the quick.

Different dream books - different predictions

Many famous predictors have been involved in the interpretation of dreams. Gustav Miller, Sigmund Freud, Vanga deciphered dreams based on their abilities and acquired knowledge.

The interpretation of visions according to the dream book of the American psychologist Gustav Miller is the most successful. Why do you dream about scissors? In a dream, this instrument carries a bad sign for the one who saw it. Wives will torment themselves with jealousy and find fault with their husbands and children over trifles. For lovers, such a vision promises quarrels. For people involved in business, the dream will bring unfavorable prospects. Sharp, highly sharpened scissors dream of performing an unpleasant task. To break such an object, according to Miller’s dream book, means refusing to complete a task, getting rid of unnecessary obligations. To see already broken scissors - you can lose friends and position in society because of your manners.

The founder of psychoanalysis, Freud, gives a completely opposite interpretation of the dream with scissors. He believes that the appearance of this instrument in night vision brings prosperity in any endeavor. A time of unbridled fun and happiness, pleasant romantic acquaintances is promised by a dream in which scissors are present.

Small scissors, with which a person is trying to cut a huge piece of fabric, are interpreted as dissatisfaction with sexual life. Moreover, what exactly this inconvenience consists of is still unknown. Such a vision is a reflection of the subconscious. Perhaps you should understand your feelings and desires before you start blaming your partner.

The famous Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga interprets the appearance of a sharp object in a dream in her own way. Why do you dream of scissors, according to the dream book of a clairvoyant woman? Cutting fabric with this tool means acting firmly and decisively in reality. In turn, this will lead to the fact that a person will very quickly achieve his goals. Getting hurt with scissors in a dream means experiencing a strong feeling. Dropping this object means showing weakness of character. Finding old rusty scissors means waiting for someone to remember past grievances.

Should you believe dream interpretations?

At all times, people have been divided into two halves. The first ones trust dreams and try to live according to their interpretations. Others do not attach any significance to dreams and do not take them into account in their lives. Why do you dream about scissors? Which specialist’s dream book should you listen to in order to correctly interpret the vision? It's up to the person to decide. But it should be remembered that dreams are a reflection of the subconscious. With their help, the problems of reality rise to the surface, and thanks to interpretations, it becomes possible to solve them competently.

Scissors, new or old, large or small, lying on the table or used for cutting - all these dreams have different interpretations. Dreams help you look into the future and correct it. But in order to decipher them correctly, it is important to take into account all the little things.

Any interpreter can tell you what scissors mean in dreams. However, a person who decides to learn about the meaning of his vision should not limit himself to just one source of information. After all, in every dream book you can find something especially interesting. That is why now I would like to turn to the most popular books of interpretations in order to familiarize myself with those that are considered the most reliable.

Miller's Dream Book

If you believe what is written on its pages, then scissors are an unkind sign. Their appearance foreshadows the jealousy of the other half, the emergence of quarrels on this basis, which are quite capable of developing into a scandal, accompanied by mutual accusations.

It’s also worth mentioning why you dream of scissors with sharp blades. The dream book says that such a vision foreshadows the need to do something deeply disgusting. If a person manages to break them, then he will most likely be able to get rid of unpleasant tasks.

The main thing is that he does not see an unusable cutting tool. Already broken scissors indicate that a person will be in danger of losing friends and a good attitude towards himself.

Interpreter of Freud

This source can tell you a lot of useful information about what scissors mean in dreams. If a person just saw them, then there is no need to worry. In this context, scissors promise prosperity and good luck in all matters. Fortune will accompany a person everywhere, no matter what business he undertakes.

But that’s not all that scissors dream about. In a dream they can be both large and small. The latter option usually represents a person’s dissatisfaction with himself. Especially if he tried to cut something big with small scissors.

By the way, if you managed to cut off a piece of something with this tool, it means that in real life you should expect changes or separation from a loved one. Or perhaps this is a sign from the subconscious, indicating that it is time for the dreamer to “cut” unnecessary connections. But if he wielded scissors in the process of sewing or cutting, then it means that he will have new options for solving a problem that has long been interfering with a normal life.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

According to this source, household scissors are harbingers of quarrels, disputes and conflicts. Having gotten involved in such an unpleasant situation, you need to be as restrained as possible - everything can end in a complete and final break in relations!

However, if a person uses them in vision for the right thing, then debates and joint discussions with someone will only bring benefits. Have you ever cut your hair with this tool in a dream? This means that the person will lose an important argument for him. Or he will give up erroneous thoughts.

It is also worth mentioning what broken scissors mean in dreams. This vision is said to symbolize the irreparable consequences of disputes.

If you dreamed of scissors for cutting metal, then most likely in the near future the person will become involved in a confrontation with business partners. But a garden tool indicates that he could use some order in his thoughts and plans. It may even be worth abandoning ideas that seem dubious.

Aesop's Book of Interpretations

She is also able to help find the answer to the question regarding what scissors mean in dreams. If they have been revealed, then in real life a person would do well to be careful. Some of his ill-wishers are planning to ruin his life and, perhaps, are even preparing a trap.

Did the man in the vision drop the scissors on the floor? This means that guests are rushing to him from afar. Or he will soon learn some unexpected news.

Did the dreamer have to sharpen dull scissors? Such a vision is considered a good sign. It indicates a person’s luck and ability to get around the “sharp” corners in life.

But if he hurt himself on this office tool, then in reality he will have to face anxiety and fear associated with the near future.

Esoteric dream book

It won’t hurt to look through it either if you see scissors. The dream book can fully explain why such stationery items are seen in dreams. You just need to remember the details.

Did the person cut out paper figures or make origami? This indicates that in real life he is accustomed to shifting responsibility for solving his problems and concerns to other people.

Have you ever guessed using scissors? This means that in reality a person is engaged in a business that is too unprofitable and risky for him.

In the vision, did he notice how his hair was being cut off with scissors? This means unexpected cash expenses. But old or rusty scissors are most often regarded as a warning. A person should show more foresight and carelessness in the near future so as not to find himself in an awkward position.

But after a vision in which he borrowed scissors from someone, it would not hurt to become more restrained and calmer. Perhaps he will find himself in a situation in which his ardent temperament will manifest itself, and if he does not remain silent, he will offend his opponent.

Interpreter of the 21st century

It can also help you understand why you dream about scissors. Manicures, for example, are considered a positive sign that indicates a person's good fortune. If he or someone close to him suffers from an illness, then serious complications from it can be avoided.

Were the scissors made by tailors? Such a symbol usually dreams of mutual accusations and quarrels. Gardeners, in turn, personify the deterioration of their financial situation. And metal scissors promise a loss of independence and freedom.

But a rusty and old instrument, according to this dream book, is the best omen. It promises wealth, unprecedented success and luxury. You can also be happy if the scissors were gold. They portend joy in the home and the onset of a bright streak in life.

Dull scissors, oddly enough, are also considered a good sign. They say that a person will soon find himself in a difficult situation, but he will be able to “smooth out the corners.”

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This book can explain why you dream of finding scissors. It all depends on what they were like. The best thing, of course, is golden scissors. Finding such an item in a dream foreshadows financial well-being in reality and prosperity in the house.

In a vision, a man came across old scissors, as if someone had carelessly thrown them on the ground? This is a sign of trouble that ill-wishers will try to cause for him. They can’t wait to take revenge for past victories won by the dreamer over them.

But if new scissors were found, you can rejoice. They foretell the appearance of a new acquaintance who will turn out to be like-minded and, over time, become a close friend.

And another good vision is the situation when a person finds scissors that he himself once bought and was safely forgotten. It is generally accepted that this is a romantic love adventure. Those who are lonely will find their soul mate. And a person who already has a life partner will feel the desire to make their connection even stronger.

Ancient dream book

It’s worth flipping through this book if you’re interested in what scissors mean in dreams. Large and sharp ones can indicate different predictions, the correct one of which can be determined if the details are remembered. Namely, what the person did with them.

Cut dry tree branches? To unintentional expenses. The same thing means a vision in which a person cuts off his hair. If in a dream he dropped the scissors on the floor, then he should wait for guests. But you should be seriously afraid only when some other object is visible on them. A piece of sticky tape, for example, or thread. Any such vision is considered a harbinger of theft.

Did the person cut flowers with them? This is for festive events. Did you cut the fabric? To quick wealth. Did you wash them under the tap to remove dirt? This means he will avoid punishment for any offenses. And if he broke them, having put a lot of diligence into this, then in real life, it means he will give up the unfavorable business. Maybe even quit his boring job.

It is also worth paying attention to a vision in which a person saw scissors in the hands of someone else who did not even notice his presence. It is generally accepted that such a dream is a harbinger of the appearance of a rival or competitor in real life. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this - the dreamer will have all the advantages to win.

Maly Velesov dream book

This interpreter can tell you what many scissors mean in dreams. If they were lying in a sloppy pile, it means that the person will have to face resentment towards him. And it will not be unfounded.

The main thing is that all these scissors do not lie open, in a cross-shaped position. Such a vision speaks of the onset of a “dark” streak in life. Troubles will fall on a person one after another, and in order to withstand the suddenly surging pressure, you will have to gather all your will into a fist without any residue.

An evil dream is one in which a person throws scissors at someone. They say this is a sign of discord that develops into enmity. A vision in which someone threw scissors at the dreamer means approximately the same thing.

If he took the scissors and broke the tools one by one, experiencing relief, then he would soon deal with all the problems, troubles, and move away from meaningless tasks.

Based on all of the above, you can be sure that the appearance of a completely familiar stationery tool in a dream can portend both troubles and something good. And in order to decide on the interpretation, it is recommended to pay attention to different dream books, and not just one.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Scissors in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Scissors

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what do Scissors mean?

According to the dream book, seeing Scissors is a symbol of life and death and duality. They represent both union (two parts acting as one) and rupture (cutting the thread of life). If you dreamed that in a dream you were sharpening dull scissors, it means that in reality you will be able to get around the sharp corners in your relationship. But if you were injured by scissors, then this dream reflects your fear and anxiety about the future. Cutting something with scissors in a dream can be an omen of quarrels and discord in the family. Seeing well-sharpened scissors suggests that you should be extremely careful in life so as not to lose what is dear to you, for more details, if you dream about Scissors, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Interpretation of the dream book: Scissors - can mean separating a part from the whole; can be a symbol of death, in an unnatural position: open when compressed or compressed when opened, this is how this dream in which Scissors is interpreted is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Scissors in your dreams?

Seeing Scissors in a dream means - Scissors is an unkind sign: your close friend, wife (husband) or mistress (lover) will become jealous, and you will quarrel, making mutual accusations; for business life - confusion and complication of affairs. Sharp and well-honed scissors - you will have to do something that is disgusting to you. Break the scissors - strive to get rid of an unpleasant task or assignment; work. Seeing scissors already broken by someone means losing a friend due to your stinginess or extravagant behavior, this means a dream that you had, for more details why you dream about Scissors, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of Scissors for a woman:

According to the dream book, to see Scissors - Indicates the need to cut some knots, including breaking unnecessary connections. Cutting something off means separation, change. Seeing cut pieces or cutting is an opportunity to solve a problem in a new way. Nail scissors - you will be able to avoid serious complications from an infectious disease. Cutting paper with scissors is a sign of jealousy and suspicion. Large tailor's scissors - to quarrels and mutual accusations. Garden shears - deterioration of financial situation. Tin scissors - loss of independence. Broken scissors - your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others. Sharpening scissors - you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. Prick yourself with sharply sharpened scissors until you bleed - gossip will be spread about you

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream about Scissors according to the dream book:

Such a dream portends good luck in all matters. You will want to flirt, meet new people and start new relationships. Small scissors with which you are trying to cut a large piece of material mean that you are dissatisfied with your intimate life, but you cannot understand what exactly does not suit you about it. Try to understand what you like, and only then make your fantasies come true. And don’t blame your partner for your failures - perhaps he is not to blame for anything, you will only upset him and create an obstacle to a harmonious relationship, this is how the dream in which Scissors dreams is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream about Scissors, how to understand the dream?

If such a symbol appears in your dreams, then this portends well-being in all matters that you will undertake. Everyone around you will treat you with love and even some admiration. The time for unbridled flirting and dating is coming. And also expect a light romance that will suddenly turn your head. If you saw in a dream small scissors with which you were trying to cut some large canvas, then such a dream is a hint that you are not satisfied with your own sex life, and what exactly you don’t like, you cannot yet understand. There is no need to draw far-reaching conclusions, try to figure out what you would like to receive, what emotions to experience, and then try to experiment. Try to refrain from any kind of accusations against your partner, as they will lead to nothing, but will only delay the solution to the problem indefinitely. If you manage to solve the problem, your sex life will become like a fairy tale.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream about Scissors:

Sharpening scissors in a dream means doing some homework.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

If you dreamed at night about cutting something with scissors, it means sewing new clothes, this is what the dream book says about this dream, for details, if you dream about Scissors, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Scissors?

Harbingers of quarrels and troubles; break the scissors - quit an unpleasant job, maybe even quit

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Scissors according to the dream book?

We saw Scissors in a dream - Scissors are not a good dream. Wives become jealous and picky, lovers begin to quarrel over trifles. As for business prospects, they will be very vague. If you dreamed of sharp, well-honed scissors, you will find something very unpleasant to do. If you broke scissors in a dream, you will try to get rid of this activity. In general, seeing scissors in a dream can make you greedy and unfriendly. If you saw in a dream small scissors with which you were trying to cut some large canvas, then in reality you are not satisfied with your life. It’s true that you still can’t understand what exactly you don’t like. Don't blame your spouse for anything - it will lead to nothing.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Someone ruthless sets a goal to shorten your life, to take revenge.

Adaskin's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Scissors:

Cutting a piece of fabric with scissors in a dream is a sign that you will steadfastly face some threat emanating from a person you know. To cut off the tail of an animal is to commit negligence.

Modern dream book

If you dream about Scissors, what is it for:

Old scissors dream of bad events or deterioration of health. You may be in danger. Cut the loop - you will advance on the career ladder. Cut a thread or ribbon - resolve a dispute or conflict.

Cutting your hair with scissors means you will get sick or your plans will fail. You will be deprived of energy and will feel tired.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed about Scissors - the meaning of the dream:

Scissors are a symbol of damage and enemies. Gossip, rumors, illness.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What is the Scissors dream about?

What do Scissors mean in a dream - You see scissors in a dream - the dream foretells a deterioration in your relationships with people around you; friends will accuse you of being stingy; home - picky; colleagues - lack of initiative. You dream of very sharp scissors - you will be disgusted with what you are doing. You dream of dull scissors - you won’t be able to do any work. It’s as if you broke the scissors - you will do everything to shift unpleasant responsibilities onto the shoulders of someone else. You find that the scissors are broken - in order to change your position, you will begin to change your image; you will probably succeed in this; your friends will find your new manners strange and will become cold towards you.

Home dream book

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of Scissors - harsh remarks; anger. Breaking scissors is a desire to control your anger.

Jewish dream book

What do Scissors mean in a dream? A dream you had on Monday night means quarrels, disputes, scandals. Seeing scissors on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday is a sign of unexpected changes. – If you had a dream on Saturday or Sunday night, this is a dream of separation. Broken scissors - unsuccessful attempts to forgive and forget the offense. Garden shears - for quick and decisive action. Put the scissors on the kitchen table - hide and wait for the right moment. Dropping the scissors means returning to the old way of life. Losing scissors A dream on Monday night means that you will calm down and make peace with your friends; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it foretells that everything will fall out of your hands all day long; and if seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that your hopes will not come true.

Magic dream book

I dreamed about Scissors - what does it mean?

You dreamed of Scissors - closed - for updates, open - mutual misunderstanding. Cutting with scissors means showing determination and perseverance. To get hurt with scissors is to go ahead. Dropping the scissors is a sign of weakness. Seeing old scissors is a reminder of old grievances. Sharpening scissors means arguing. Golden scissors are joy.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about Scissors - what does the dream mean?

What do Scissors mean in a dream? Prosperity awaits you in all matters that you undertake. Imagine that you are cutting a large piece of silk with scissors.

English dream book

Why do you dream about Scissors in a dream?

You dreamed of Scissors – Scissors in a dream usually represent a positive image: it is a useful tool that is also used for creativity. However, since an intentional or unintentional cut can ruin an otherwise flawless hairstyle or fabric, the owner of a pair of scissors also has a certain degree of power over the material being cut. Why do you have a dream: Did you use the scissors yourself? Carefully and skillfully or sweepingly and awkwardly? In the second case, are you confident in your ability to cut anyone in your professional life or do you need to gain more confidence and experience? See also Hairdresser

What do Scissors and pruning shears mean in a dream - These tools are needed for pruning, cutting off dead or diseased shoots or wilted flowers. What is the dream about: The symbolism of such a dream is quite straightforward: if you use such tools in a dream, they most likely reflect your need to prune the work or the way it is done, getting rid of outdated methods for new, more effective ones. Of course, you have to be careful not to cut too much and damage healthy shoots!

Psychoanalytic dream book

If you dream about Scissors, what is it for?

You dreamed of Scissors, what is this for? 1. Scissors in a dream suggest the idea of ​​cutting off everything non-essential in our lives. These may be feelings that we consider unnecessary, emotions that we are unable to cope with, or emotional shock that we have had to endure. For the correct interpretation of a dream, the type of scissors is very important. Kitchen ones will, for example, mean a more utilitarian part, and surgical ones will mean the need to be more precise. Scissors can also mean a sharp, wounding tongue that makes cutting remarks. 2. Dreaming of sharpening scissors suggests that we need to be clearer in our communication, while using dull scissors suggests that we may create a Problem for ourselves by talking nonsense. Seeing a hairdresser with scissors means being afraid of losing your power or status. 3. From a spiritual point of view, scissors can have a dual meaning. They can cut the Thread of Life, but they can also represent the union of the spiritual with the physical.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

What does it mean if you dreamed of Scissors:

What do Scissors mean in a dream? Dreams about scissors can be associated with the desire to “cut” some connections in the emotional, personal or active life of the sleeper. It is very important to remember what exactly was cut in the dream, how accurate the cuts were, and who did the work.

Positive value

An unused pair of scissors in a dream predicts that you will soon enter into a romantic relationship. If you are already in a close relationship, such a dream may reflect a desire to strengthen this connection.

Negative implications

The appearance of scissors in a dream may be a warning that your attention is scattered between ambitions or projects, which may cause you to fail in achieving your goals.

If you were the one cutting something in a dream, the scissors are probably part of your personality. How decisively did you act? Maybe you found it difficult to separate the cut pieces?

Several pairs of scissors. Dreaming of multiple pairs of scissors can represent feelings of unrequited love. It may be worth “cutting off” love ties with a person who is deaf to your feelings. Haircut with scissors. Using clippers in a dream may reflect a feeling of being ready to outwit and outmaneuver an opponent in work or personal matters. Indecisiveness. Dreams about scissors sometimes express indecision. Such a dream may portend an important decision that you are putting off.

Russian dream book

I dreamed about Scissors in a dream, why:

What does Scissors mean in a dream – discrepancy between word and deed, desires and possibilities, etc.; divorce. An unconscious desire to harm oneself or another. Fear of sexual relations.

dreamed of scissors

Unfortunately, scissors in a dream do not bode well: it is a symbol of nagging, jealousy and quarrels between lovers, spouses or friends. Sharp scissors in a dream promise you to do disgusting things in reality. If in a dream you broke scissors, it means that you will make attempts to avoid activities that are unpleasant to you. If the scissors were already broken in a dream, then there is a danger of being left without friends or losing your position in society.

why do you dream about scissors

Scissors symbolize strength of character and determination. If in a dream you cut yourself with a sharp blade of scissors, then in reality you will experience severe mental anguish. If in a dream you cut fabric with scissors, this is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows the achievement of your goals thanks to determination and fortitude. But if your find in a dream is rusty old scissors, then such a dream foretells that you will be reminded of old grievances.

Scissors symbolize hugs and friendly partnerships. If in a dream you cut the hair or fur of an animal, then in reality you will experience success, good luck and the acquisition of wealth.

what does it mean if scissors are in a dream

Opened scissors in a dream warn you of a trap that your ill-wishers have prepared for you. If you hurt yourself in a dream with a sharp blade of scissors, in reality you will experience fear of your future. If you had to take scissors from someone, then because of stupidity you will quarrel with a loved one. Seeing someone cutting their hair is a sign of unexpected financial expenses.

what does it mean if scissors are in a dream

Scissors are a symbol of separation and the slander that will lead to it. If in a dream you use scissors for cutting, then such a dream foretells you pleasant changes and success in financial matters. But if you cut something off in a dream, then this promises theft.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Miller's Dream Book

Scissors are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky towards their husbands, lovers will quarrel and torment each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors, it means that you have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you.

Dreaming about scissors can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends.

If you dream of already broken scissors, it means that you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Freud's Dream Book

Scissors - the appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates that prosperity awaits you in all matters that you undertake. Everyone around you will treat you with love and even some admiration. The time for unbridled flirting and dating is coming.

If you saw in a dream small scissors with which you were trying to cut some large canvas, such a dream is a hint that you are not satisfied with your own sex life, and what exactly you don’t like, you cannot yet understand. You don’t need to make far-reaching conclusions, try to figure out what you would like to receive, what emotions to experience, and then try to experiment. Try to refrain from any kind of accusations against your partner, as they will lead to nothing, but will only delay the solution to the problem indefinitely.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Scissors - you won't get into trouble; cutting with them means monetary profit; gold - joy; sharpen - squabbles and disputes.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Family dream book

Scissors are not a good dream. Wives become jealous and picky, lovers begin to quarrel over trifles. As for business prospects, they will be very vague.

If you dreamed of sharp, well-honed scissors, you will find something very unpleasant to do.

If you broke scissors in a dream, you will try to get rid of this activity.

In general, seeing scissors in a dream can make you greedy and unfriendly.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ordinary household scissors in a dream are a warning about possible disputes and quarrels. Be careful: the conflict can go too far, even to the point of a complete break in the relationship!

At the same time, if in a dream you use scissors for some necessary task, such a dream foretells the benefits of joint debates and discussions.

Cutting hair with scissors is a sign of a lost argument or abandonment of erroneous thoughts.

Broken scissors indicate irreparable consequences of disputes.

Garden shears in a dream - they mean that you should put things in order in your plans and, perhaps, abandon any ideas. Otherwise, your business may fall into disrepair due to clutter.

Metal scissors are a sign of very difficult difficulties and possible confrontation with business partners.

Why do you dream about scissors?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Scissors - the likelihood of surgery for the patient; for the rest - separation, quarrel, material losses. To meanness; for the arrival of an unexpected guest.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Spring dream book

Scissors - someone ruthless is setting a goal to shorten your life, to take revenge.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Summer dream book

Sharpening scissors in a dream means doing some homework.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Autumn dream book

Seeing in a dream how you cut something with scissors - means sewing new clothes.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed of nail scissors, it means that in reality you will be able to avoid serious complications from a dangerous illness. Cutting paper with scissors is a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of a husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors - to quarrels and mutual accusations. Garden shears - deterioration of financial situation, metal scissors - loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors - you will cut coupons and bask in luxury, having achieved unprecedented success. Golden scissors - joy in the home, addition to the family. Broken scissors - your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting - you will mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, good for nothing - you will try to avoid the company of people unpleasant to you, refusing to go on a visit.

Sharpening scissors - you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. If you prick yourself with sharply sharpened scissors until you bleed, people will spread gossip about you as a careless housewife and a worthless lover.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Scissors – For married people - increasing the size of the family - for single people - marriage - cutting with them - monetary profit - gold - joy - sharpening - squabbles and disputes

Why do you dream about scissors?

Esoteric dream book

Scissors - bifurcation.

You are caught in a pair of scissors - you need to choose one thing or one person.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

Sharp, well-honed scissors indicate that you will have to do something very unpleasant for you.

Breaking them in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of these matters.

If you dream of already broken scissors, you may lose friends and your status due to overly eccentric manners.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Azar's Dream Book

Scissors - scandal in the family, divorce.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Scissors - discord in the family, quarrel.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Modern dream book

Seeing scissors in a dream is an unlucky omen. Wives will be jealous and distrustful of their husbands; and lovers will quarrel and find fault with each other. The prospects for commercial affairs will be very vague.

To dream that you are sharpening scissors means that in real life you will be doing work that is extremely unpleasant for you.

Breaking scissors means quarrels and separations.

If you lost scissors in a dream, it means that in your heart you want to get rid of some responsibilities that are unpleasant to you.

In general, when you dream of scissors, this is evidence that you are becoming unfriendly towards your friends.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Eastern dream book

Scissors are harbingers of quarrels and troubles; break the scissors - quit an unpleasant job, maybe even quit.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

family - increasing the family; for single people - marriage.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What do Scissors mean in a dream - You see scissors in a dream - the dream foretells a deterioration in your relationships with people around you; friends will accuse you of being stingy; home - picky; colleagues - lack of initiative. You dream of very sharp scissors - you will be disgusted with what you are doing. You dream of dull scissors - you won’t be able to do any work. It’s as if you broke the scissors - you will do everything to shift unpleasant responsibilities onto the shoulders of someone else. You find that the scissors are broken - to change your position, you will begin to change your image; you will probably succeed in this; your friends will find your new manners strange and will become cold towards you.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Scissors - separation, slander that will separate.

Cutting them is happiness in everything related to money / change.

Cutting something off is theft.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Scissors - scandal, dispute, discord; giving up something (for example, cutting something off - cutting off, breaking off a love affair, giving up a relationship with a person).

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What do Scissors mean in a dream - prosperity awaits you in all matters that you will undertake. Imagine that you are cutting a large piece of silk with scissors.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

What do Scissors mean in a dream? Dreams about scissors can be associated with the desire to “cut” some connections in the emotional, personal or active life of the sleeper. It is very important to remember what exactly was cut in the dream, how accurate the cuts were, and who did the work.

Positive value

An unused pair of scissors in a dream predicts that you will soon enter into a romantic relationship. If you are already in a close relationship, such a dream may reflect a desire to strengthen this connection.

Negative implications

The appearance of scissors in a dream may be a warning that your attention is scattered between ambitions or projects, which may cause you to fail in achieving your goals.

If you were the one cutting something in a dream, the scissors are probably part of your personality. How decisively did you act? Maybe you found it difficult to separate the cut pieces?

Several pairs of scissors. Dreaming of multiple pairs of scissors can represent feelings of unrequited love. It may be worth “cutting off” love ties with a person who is deaf to your feelings. Haircut with scissors. Using clippers in a dream may reflect a feeling of being ready to outwit and outmaneuver an opponent in work or personal matters. Indecisiveness. Dreams about scissors sometimes express indecision. Such a dream may portend an important decision that you are putting off.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Folklore dream book

Giving something sharp (scissors, knives) means quarrel, hostility.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Love dream book

A dream in which you broke a pair of scissors foretells that you will not be with your lover for long.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Scissors - Presage the division of material assets. You cut something with scissors. - Portends material gain. You use scissors to cut clothes. - Portends misfortune with your wife.

Why do you dream about scissors?

English dream book

You dreamed of Scissors - Scissors in a dream usually represent a positive image: it is a useful tool that is also used for creativity. However, since an intentional or unintentional cut can ruin an otherwise flawless hairstyle or fabric, the owner of a pair of scissors also has a certain degree of power over the material being cut. Why do you have a dream: Did you use the scissors yourself? Carefully and skillfully or sweepingly and awkwardly? In the second case, are you confident in your ability to cut anyone in your professional life or do you need to gain more confidence and experience? See also Hairdresser

What do Scissors and pruning shears mean in a dream - These tools are needed for pruning, cutting off dead or diseased shoots or wilted flowers. What is the dream about: The symbolism of such a dream is quite straightforward: if you use such tools in a dream, they most likely reflect your need to prune the work or the way it is done, getting rid of outdated methods for new, more effective ones. Of course, you have to be careful not to cut too much and damage healthy shoots!

Why do you dream about scissors?

Ancient Russian dream book

Scissors – Have the same meaning as a knife.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Psychoanalytic dream book

You dreamed of Scissors, what is this for? 1. Scissors in a dream suggest the idea of ​​cutting off everything non-essential in our lives. These may be feelings that we consider unnecessary, emotions that we are unable to cope with, or emotional shock that we have had to endure. For the correct interpretation of a dream, the type of scissors is very important. Kitchen ones will, for example, mean a more utilitarian part, and surgical ones will mean the need to be more precise. Scissors can also mean a sharp, wounding tongue that makes cutting remarks. 2. Dreaming of sharpening scissors suggests that we need to be clearer in our communication, while using dull scissors suggests that we may create a Problem for ourselves by talking nonsense. Seeing a hairdresser with scissors means being afraid of losing your power or status. 3. From a spiritual point of view, scissors can have a dual meaning. They can cut the Thread of Life, but they can also represent the union of the spiritual with the physical.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Scissors - Indicate the need to cut some knots, including unnecessary connections. Broken scissors - reconciliation. Cutting something off means separation, change. Seeing cut parts or cutting is an opportunity to solve the problem in a new way, to make an effort.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Home dream book

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of Scissors - harsh remarks; anger. Breaking scissors is a desire to control your anger.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Russian dream book

What does Scissors mean in a dream - discrepancy between word and deed, desires and possibilities, etc.; divorce. An unconscious desire to harm oneself or another. Fear of sexual relations.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Jewish dream book

What do Scissors mean in a dream? A dream you had on Monday night means quarrels, disputes, scandals. Seeing scissors on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday is a sign of unexpected changes. If you had a dream on Saturday or Sunday night, this is a dream of separation. Broken scissors - unsuccessful attempts to forgive and forget the offense. Garden shears - for quick and decisive action. Put the scissors on the kitchen table - hide and wait for the right moment. Dropping the scissors means returning to the old way of life. Losing scissors A dream on Monday night means that you will calm down and make peace with your friends; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it foretells that everything will fall out of your hands all day long; and if seen on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that your hopes will not come true.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Women's dream book

Scissors - Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague. Sharp, well-honed scissors indicate that you will have to do something very unpleasant for you. Breaking them in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of these matters. If you dream of already broken scissors, you may lose friends and your status due to overly eccentric manners.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Scissors - closed - for updates, open - mutual misunderstanding. Cutting with scissors means showing determination and perseverance. To get hurt with scissors is to go ahead. Dropping the scissors is a sign of weakness. Seeing old scissors is a reminder of old grievances. Sharpening scissors means arguing. Golden scissors are joy.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways.

On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

If you see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors, in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something with scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Why do you dream of Scissors - A symbol of connection, crossing the line of life (crossing the umbilical cord), initiation (circumcision), birth and death. Symbolic castration, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

They mean mechanical interference or the presence of a negative impact at the level of the unconscious, which separates the “I” from the Inse. This image can symbolize an action that leads to a severance of connection with life or the loss of some organic part. This image is even more negative than the image of a knife (see Knife).

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

The appearance of scissors in a dream means a subconscious desire to cause damage, to harm oneself or another. Scissors can express feelings of hostility or aggression, a desire to reduce someone's power over us, or a fear that other people are trying to reduce our influence. Women often dream of cutting clothes that belong to a man. This means a woman’s subconscious desire to harm a man by weakening his strength. Often such a dream indicates a hidden, unconscious fear of the consequences of sexual relations.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream book of the future

Scissors are an unkind sign; it speaks of jealousy, quarrels, and vague business prospects.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Scissors are a tool for cutting.

The appearance of scissors in an image means a desire to cause damage, harm oneself or another, a desire for rigor in business or personal relationships. Feelings of hostility or aggression, a desire to reduce someone's power over us, fear that other people are trying to reduce our influence. The most common image when a woman cuts clothes that belong to a man, this denotes the woman's desire to reduce his strength, fertility, or her fear of sex in general. By symbolically castrating a man, a woman frees herself from responsibility for sexual relations with him.

The image of scissors is associated with the negative semantics of cutting, which is from “nothing” (cutting off from life), a negative symbol is a diminutive of a knife.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream book of relationships

Scissors - such a dream portends good luck in all matters. You will want to flirt, meet new people and start new relationships.

Small scissors with which you are trying to cut a large piece of material mean that you are dissatisfied with your intimate life, but you cannot understand what exactly does not suit you about it. Try to understand what you like, and only then make your fantasies come true. And don’t blame your partner for your failures; it’s possible that he is not to blame for anything, but you will only upset him and create an obstacle to a harmonious relationship.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, scissors warn of troubles that threaten you.

If they are old and rusty, they portend you untold wealth and good luck.

They are broken, or you broke them - squabbles and misunderstandings caused by your bad deeds await you. You can quarrel with someone to smithereens.

A dream in which you see incredibly sharp scissors foretells you useless work, which you will not like at all, and from which you will suffer certain losses.

If they cut very poorly, for your own good you should not accept invitations from those for whom you feel antipathy.

You sharpen them - you will have to do something that you really don’t like, but this cannot be avoided.

If you dreamed that you lost your scissors, you want to relieve yourself of some burden that is incredibly burdensome to you.

Cutting fabric for a pattern with them means joyful changes and prosperity await you.

Seeing that they are made of pure gold means a new family member will appear, which will bring you great happiness.

In a dream, you were injured by sharp scissors - evil tongues will spread rumors about your carelessness and unattractiveness.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Universal dream book

There's no better way to separate something from something than with scissors - what do you want to get rid of in life? What do you do with scissors in your sleep? Do you use them to cut things? What do you want to cut?

Scissors are also associated with ceremony. Do the scissors in your dream symbolize the beginning of something new or the completion of an old creative project? Scissors are also associated with creativity. In your dream, do you create something with scissors?

There are times when we want to take shortcuts and cut corners in order to get to the goal faster - does the dream mean that you do not have time to wait and you must quickly complete the job at any cost?

Why do you dream about scissors?

American dream book

Scissors - removing excess and unnecessary things in life. You feel “cut off” from yourself and from others.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Dream book of lovers

If a woman dreams of scissors, it means that she will be picky about her husband or lover. For lovers - such a dream foreshadows quarrels and mistrust.

Broken scissors are a sign of separation from a loved one.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Lunar dream book

Scissors - to discord in the family.

Why do you dream about scissors?

Russian dream book

Scissors - this symbol can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand, it is a sharp object that can hurt you.

You sharpen dull scissors - in life you manage to get around sharp corners; getting hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

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