Ivan Bunin chronological table of life and creativity. Calendar of memorable dates in the life of I.A. Bunin

Role and place in literature

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a talented Russian writer and poet of the 19th-20th centuries, an honorary academician. His work received global recognition. Bunin became the first Russian owner Nobel Prize.

Origin and early years

Ivan Alekseevich was born on October 10, 1870 in Voronezh. The house in which his childhood began was located on Bolshaya Dvoryanskaya Street.

Bunin's origins are not simple; he was a representative of an ancient noble family. Among his relatives it is worth highlighting the poetess Anna Bunina and the writer Vasily Zhukovsky.

Father - Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin, landowner. He couldn't get good education: I graduated from only one class of the Oryol gymnasium and left school. At the age of 16, Alexey Nikolaevich became an employee in the office. His son remembered him as an ardent but noble man.

Mother - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Bunina (nee Chubarova), was a cousin of her husband Alexei. She was a meek, pious woman. Perhaps it was from her that the future writer inherited his special impressionability.

In 1867, the Bunin family moved from the village to the city for the education of their older children.

When Ivan was four years old, he and his parents moved to the family estate.

The childhood of the future poet passed in a creative atmosphere. He's with early years listened to poems by great poets, including Pushkin.


Bunin received his primary education at home. In 1881 he began studying at the Yeletsk gymnasium. Ivan's father, who himself did not receive a decent education, wanted to give it to his son. However, the future poet did not fully cope with his studies; mathematics turned out to be his Achilles heel. Perhaps that is why he came home on vacation in 1886 and no longer wanted to return to the gymnasium. And yet, Bunin received a good education thanks to his brother Yuli, who graduated from the university with honors.


Ivan Bunin chose for himself the most truthful direction in literature - realism. However, Bunin's realism is special, filled with sensitivity. The writer was characterized by an interest in ordinary life people, attention to detail.

Bunin's realism does not lie in the disclosure of political events, but in the analysis of the characters of ordinary people.

The world first saw Bunin's poems in 1888. A year later, he moves to the city of Orel and becomes a proofreader in a local newspaper. The poet simply calls his first collection of poetry “Poems.” However, Bunin's lyrics soon become widely known in Russia.

In 1915, a collection of Bunin’s prose entitled “ Complete collection essays."

In 1909, Ivan Alekseevich became a recognized academician of sciences in St. Petersburg.

The poet received the ideas of the revolution very emotionally and left Russia. The period in emigration was full of travel to different countries.

Major works

Ivan Bunin was the first Russian writer to receive the Nobel Prize. The decision of the Swedish Academy was largely influenced by the novel “The Life of Arsenyev”. Bunin wrote it while in France.

Bunin's story " Easy breathing", in which the author described a special type of woman - mysterious, able to subjugate men.

In 1915, the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” was published, written in the style of frightening naturalism. Many writers highly appreciated Bunin's talent precisely after the publication of this story.

Recent years

At the end of his life, Bunin was very ill, but continued his literary activity. He worked on a portrait of Anton Chekhov, but did not have time to finish his work. The poet passed away on November 8, 1953.

Chronological table (by date)

Interesting facts from the life of Ivan Bunin

  • Ivan Bunin studied at the gymnasium for only 4 years. Further education he received by studying at home. His older brother became his teacher. But home education could not replace full-fledged study, so Bunin regretted that he was never able to study at educational institutions further.
  • Bunin had his first attempt at writing at the age of 17. In the poems there is a noticeable imitation of the works of Pushkin and Lermontov.
  • Ivan Bunin became the first Russian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize.

Writer's Museum

In 1991, the Bunin Museum was opened in the city of Orel on Georgievsky Lane. The place for it was a noble mansion. There is also a house-museum of the author in Efremov and his literary and memorial museum in Yelets.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in the city of Voronezh.


Ivan Bunin's parents send their son to the Yeletsk gymnasium.

March 1886

Ivan Bunin was expelled from the gymnasium. The reason was the lack of tuition fees, and Bunin did not return from vacation to study.


Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is published for the first time - his poems “The Village Beggar” and “Over the Grave of S. Ya. Nadson” are published in the patriotic newspaper “Rodina”. At the end of this year, the same newspaper published two more works by Bunin: “Nefedka”, “Two Wanderers”.


The young writer moves to Oryol, where he goes to work at Oryol Vestnik.


“Poems 1887 - 1891” are published in Orel.

1893 – 1894

Ivan Bunin falls under the influence of L.N. Tolstoy, so much so that the writer is going to become a cooper. Only with L.N. Tolstoy at a meeting in 1894 was able to persuade Ivan Alekseevich to give up this idea.


The writer moves to St. Petersburg, and a little later to Moscow, where he begins to get acquainted with the capital's literary circle: A.P. Chekhov, A.I. Kuprin, V.Ya. Bryusov.


Ivan Bunin translates the poem "The Song of Hiawatha" American writer G. W. Longfellow. Later, the writer will improve this translation and reprint it several times.


Book of stories “To the ends of the world.”


The writer publishes a collection of his poems “Under open air" In the same year, Ivan Bunin got married. Anna Nikolaevna Tsakni becomes his wife, who will give him a son, Kolya, a little later.


Bunin's marriage turns out to be fragile and falls apart.


The writer travels to Yalta, where he meets the founders of the Moscow Art Theater. Writes a story " Antonov apples».


A collection of poems “Falling Leaves” is published.


Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize for his translation of “The Song of Hiawatha” and for the collection “Falling Leaves.”

1903 – 1904

Travels through France, Italy and the Caucasus.


Ivan Bunin's only son, Kolya, dies.


Ivan Bunin receives the second Pushkin Prize for the book “Poems 1903 - 1906”. In the same year, Ivan Alekseevich became an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


The story "Sukhodol".

October 27-29, 1912

25th anniversary literary activity Ivan Bunin.


The writer lives in Moscow. The events of the February revolution are perceived as the collapse of the state.

1918 – 1919

« Damn days».

January 26, 1920

Bunin left Russia forever, sailing to Constantinople.


"Rose of Jericho"


"Mitya's love."


« Sunstroke».


Bunin's book "Selected Poems" is published.

1927 – 1933

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is working on the novel “The Life of Arsenyev.”


"God's Tree"


Ivan Bunin is awarded the Nobel Prize.


In the capital of France, Ivan Alekseevich publishes the book “Memoirs”.

November 8, 1953

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died in Paris.

Works by I.A.Bunin

Lifetime collected works

Complete set of works. T. 1-6, in 12 issues. Pg.: T-vo A.F. Marx, 1915. (Supplement to the magazine “Niva”).
Collected works: in 10 volumes, volume 11, add. Berlin: Petropolis, 1934-1936.


“The Life of Arsenyev” (1927-1933, 1938)


"The Village" (1908)
"Sukhodol" (1912)
"Mitya's Love" (1924)


"Numbers" (1898)
"To the End of the World and Other Stories" (1897)
"Antonov Apples" (1900)
"Wildflowers" (1901)
“Asthma” (St. Petersburg, 1911)
"Shadow of a Bird" (1907-1912; , 1931)
"John the Weeper" (1913)
“The Cup of Life” (St. Petersburg, 1915; , 1922)
"Mr. from San Francisco" (1915)
"Son" (1916)
"Easy Breathing" (1916)
"Chang's Dreams" (1916, 1918)
"Temple of the Sun" (1917)
« Initial love"(Prague, 1921)
"The Scream" (Paris, 1921)
"Mowers" (Paris, 1921)
"Rose of Jericho" (Berlin, 1924)
"Sunstroke" (Alpes-Maritimes, 1925)
"Mask" (1930)
"Tree of God" (Paris, 1931)
"Dark Alleys" (New York, 1943; Paris, 1946)
“Spring in Judea” (New York, Chekhov Publishing House, 1953)
"Loopy Ears and Other Stories" (1954, New York, posthumously)
"Youth" (1930)
"Late Hour" (1938)
« Clean Monday"(1944)

Collections of poems

"Poems" (1887-1891) Orel, 1891
"Motherland" (1896)
“Under the open sky” (M., “ Children's reading", 1898)
“Leaf Fall” (M., “Scorpio”, 1901)
"New Poems". M., 1902
“Poems” (St. Petersburg, “Znanie”, 1903)
“Poems” (1903-1906) St. Petersburg, “Znanie”, 1906
“Poems of 1907” (St. Petersburg, “Znanie”, 1908)
"Selected Poems for Youth." M., 1909
“Selected Poems” (Paris, “Modern Notes”, 1929)
“On Nevsky” (Petrograd, 1916)


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - "The Song of Hiawatha" (1896)
George Gordon Byron - "Cain" (1905)
George Gordon Byron - "Manfred" (1904)

Memoirs diaries

"Many Waters" (1910, 1926)
"The Liberation of Tolstoy" (Paris, 1937)
"Cursed Days" (1925-1926)
"Memories. Under the hammer and sickle" (Paris, "Renaissance", 1950)
"About Chekhov" (New York, 1955)
“Through the mouth of the Bunins” in three volumes (Frankfurt am Main, 1977-1982)


1870 , October 10 - born in Voronezh, in the family of a small nobleman Alexei Nikolaevich Bunin and Lyudmila Alexandrovna, née Princess Chubarova. He spent his childhood “in one of the small family estates,” on the Butyrki farm in the Yelets district of the Oryol province.

1881 - entered the Yelets gymnasium.

1885 - lives in the Yelets village of Ozerki, studies under the guidance of his brother Yuli. Writes first poems.

1887 - the first poem was published in the May issue of the St. Petersburg magazine “Rodina”.

1889 - trip to brother Yuliy in Kharkov. Received an invitation to collaborate in Orlovsky Vestnik, the newspaper public life, literature, politics and trade." Meeting and beginning of a romance with Varvara Pashchenko. Trip to Crimea.

1891 - the first book “Poems of 1887–1891” is published in the printing house of the Orlovsky Vestnik. The poem “Don’t frighten me with a thunderstorm” from this collection was included by Bunin in many subsequent publications.

1892 - moved with V. Pashchenko to Poltava. He serves in the council, “out of love for Tolstoy as an artist,” and becomes close to the Tolstoyans.

1894 - travels along the Dnieper. In Moscow he meets with Tolstoy. Travels around Little Russia with his brother Julius. Arrest for illegal trade in Tolstoy literature by the publishing house "Posrednik". After the death of Alexander III, he was released under an amnesty. Breakup with Paschenko.

1898 - a collection of poems “Under the Open Air” is published. Meeting with A. N. Tsakni and marrying her.

1900 - birth of son Nikolai. Break with A. N. Tsakni.

1904 - the collection of poems “Falling Leaves” and the translation of “The Song of Hiawatha” were awarded the Pushkin Prize. The death of A.P. Chekhov, which “shocked” him “extraordinarily.”

1905 - death of son Kolya. He returned from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where he experienced an “armed uprising,” as the December days in Moscow were then called.

1906 - meeting Vera Muromtseva.

1907 - a trip with Vera Nikolaevna to Egypt, Syria and Palestine, from which their life together began.

1909 - award of the second Pushkin Prize. Election as an honorary academician. Worked on the story “The Village”.

1910 - “Village” was published in the magazine “ Modern world" Traveling through France, Algeria. A trip to Capri to see A. M. Gorky, then to Egypt and Ceylon. Death of L. N. Tolstoy.

1914 - trip along the Volga. I was working on my collected works and was drowning in proofreading.

1915 - cooperation with the journal “Chronicles”, published with the participation of A. M. Gorky. Marx's publishing house publishes a collection of works in six volumes.

1918 - departure from Moscow to Odessa. Meets with M. Voloshin, V. Kataev, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova and others.

1920 - departure from Odessa on the ship "Sparta". We arrived in Paris through Turkey and Bulgaria. We settled on Jacques Offenbach Street.

1923 - lives in France at the Mont Fleury villa, not far from Grasse, then at the Belvedere villa, then at the Jeannette villa.

1927 - writes short stories, later included in the book “The Tree of God,” is working on the novel “The Life of Arsenyev.” The young poetess G. N. Kuznetsova settles in the Belvedere villa.

1933 - the last, fifth book “The Lives of Arsenyev” was written and published in the journal “Modern Notes”. Coming out in London English translation this novel. The Swedish Academy awards Bunin the Nobel Prize for Literature. Award presentation.

1937 - Bunin’s book “The Liberation of Tolstoy” was published in Paris. Trip to Yugoslavia. Traveling around the Baltics.

1945 - invited to a conversation at the Soviet embassy in Paris. Counting on Bunin's return to his homeland, preparations for the publication of his works begin in the USSR. The writer refused to return, the publication did not take place.

1946 - the first complete edition of Bunin's book of stories " Dark alleys"Publishes in Paris in Russian. Meeting K. Simonov - “I saw each other on friendly terms more than once.” Signed a contract to publish Dark Alleys in England.

1947 - continuous diseases. A trip to Juan-les-Pins to the “House of Rest” for treatment. Leaves the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists.

1948 - “Autobiographical Notes” were published in “Russian Word”, which caused disapproving reviews.

1950 - publication in Paris in Russian of the book “Memoirs”, where he gave harsh assessments to many writers.

1954 - Bunin’s ashes were transferred from the temporary crypt and buried in the Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery.

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Bunin Ivan Alekseevich (1870-1953) - Russian writer, poet. The first Russian writer to win the Nobel Prize (1933). He spent part of his life in exile.

Life and creativity

Ivan Bunin was born on October 22, 1870 into an impoverished family of a noble family in Voronezh, from where the family soon moved to the Oryol province. Bunin's education at the local Yeletsk gymnasium lasted only 4 years and was terminated due to the family's inability to pay for his studies. Ivan's education was taken over by his older brother Yuli Bunin, who received a university education.

The regular appearance of poems and prose by young Ivan Bunin in periodicals began at the age of 16. Under the wing of his older brother, he worked in Kharkov and Orel as a proofreader, editor, and journalist in local publishing houses. After an unsuccessful civil marriage with Varvara Pashchenko, Bunin leaves for St. Petersburg and then to Moscow.


In Moscow, Bunin was included in the circle of famous writers of his time: L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, V. Bryusov, M. Gorky. The first recognition came to the novice author after the publication of the story “Antonov Apples” (1900).

In 1901, for the published collection of poems “Falling Leaves” and the translation of the poem “The Song of Hiawatha” by G. Longfellow, Ivan Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Second time Pushkin Prize was awarded to Bunin in 1909 along with the title of honorary academician of fine literature. Bunin's poems, which were in line with the classical Russian poetry of Pushkin, Tyutchev, Fet, are characterized by a special sensuality and the role of epithets.

As a translator, Bunin turned to the works of Shakespeare, Byron, Petrarch, and Heine. The writer spoke excellent English and studied Polish on his own.

Together with his third wife Vera Muromtseva, whose official marriage was concluded only in 1922 after a divorce from his second wife Anna Tsakni, Bunin travels a lot. From 1907 to 1914, the couple visited the countries of the East, Egypt, the island of Ceylon, Turkey, Romania, and Italy.

Since 1905, after the suppression of the first Russian revolution, the theme appears in Bunin’s prose historical fate Russia, which is reflected in the story “The Village”. The story of the unpleasant life of the Russian village was a bold and innovative step in Russian literature. At the same time, in Bunin’s stories (“Easy Breathing,” “Klasha”), female images with passions hidden in them.

In 1915-1916, Bunin’s stories were published, including “The Gentleman from San Francisco,” in which he discussed the doomed fate of modern civilization.


The revolutionary events of 1917 found the Bunins in Moscow. Ivan Bunin treated the revolution as the collapse of the country. This look, revealed in his diary entries 1918-1920s formed the basis of the book “Cursed Days”.

In 1918, the Bunins left for Odessa, and from there to the Balkans and Paris. Bunin spent the second half of his life in exile, dreaming of returning to his homeland, but not realizing his desire. In 1946, upon issuance of a decree granting Soviet citizenship to citizens Russian Empire Bunin was eager to return to Russia, but criticism Soviet power the same year addressed to Akhmatova and Zoshchenko forced him to abandon this idea.

One of the first significant works completed abroad was the autobiographical novel “The Life of Arsenyev” (1930), dedicated to the world of the Russian nobility. For him, in 1933, Ivan Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize, becoming the first Russian writer to receive such an honor. The significant sum of money Bunin received as a bonus was mostly distributed by him to those in need.

During the years of emigration, the central theme in Bunin’s work became the theme of love and passion. It found expression in the works “Mitya’s Love” (1925), “Sunstroke” (1927), and in the famous cycle “Dark Alleys,” which was published in 1943 in New York.

At the end of the 1920s, Bunin wrote a series short stories- “Elephant”, “Roosters”, etc., in which one’s literary language, trying to express the main idea of ​​the essay as concisely as possible.

During the period 1927-42. Galina Kuznetsova, a young girl whom Bunin introduced as his student and adopted daughter, lived with the Bunins. She was associated with the writer love relationship, which the writer himself and his wife Vera experienced quite painfully. Subsequently, both women left their memories of Bunin.

Bunin lived through the years of World War II in the outskirts of Paris and closely followed events on the Russian front. Numerous offers from the Nazis coming to him as famous writer, he invariably rejected.

At the end of his life, Bunin published practically nothing due to a long and serious illness. His last works were “Memoirs” (1950) and the book “About Chekhov,” which was not completed and was published after the author’s death in 1955.

Ivan Bunin died on November 8, 1953. All European and Soviet newspapers published extensive obituaries in memory of the Russian writer. He was buried in a Russian cemetery near Paris.

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