Ilya Glinnikov is a former girl from the interns. Aglaya Tarasova and Ilya Glinnikov broke off their relationship

Ilya Glinnikov is a cheerful, charming actor who does not like to talk about his personal life. And yet, a long affair with Aglaya Tarasova, who almost became the wife of “intern Romanenko”, and now participation in popular show Bachelor season 5 will allow fans of the actor to learn more about the most intimate and secret of Ilya Glinnikov.

Ilya Glinnikov and his personal life: latest news 2017

When your personal life is completely calm - act! - Ilya Glinnikov decided and, judging by latest news, the actor is actively preparing to become the main character of the 5th season of the show “The Bachelor” in order to eventually say goodbye to this very single life. Filming of the project is in full swing, and already in the spring we will see “intern Romanenko” in a very unusual role - a romantic, sensitive, sentimental young man, for whose heart the most beautiful girls from all over Russia.

Ilya Glinnikov is the new “bachelor” of the popular TV project of the same name

For the 32-year-old celebrity, finding a new love is like an exciting adventure, although the actor himself admits that he would really like to finally find the one and only one for life. Ilya had many stormy romances, but the actor was in no hurry to share his love victories with the public. Only one name is known for certain about the one who almost became the wife of Ilya Glinnikov - actress Aglaya Tarasova.

Ilya Glinnikov and Aglaya Tarasova did not hide their hot romance

How did the actor live before he became famous? What did he have to go through? - Let's start with the fact that we might not have heard about the actor Glinnikov... But about the famous break dancer Ilya - quite well! WITH early years the star of “Interns” was fond of dancing and even created his own dance gang. Then there was participation in the famous dance project “Urbans”, which Ilya soon left due to disagreements with the producers of the group. But he doesn’t give up dancing. And it still amuses friends and just strangers with his own steps, and sometimes does it in the most unexpected places.

Having achieved success in the dance field, Ilya decides to try himself in acting profession. The first attempt - the Moscow Art Theater School - ends in failure. But admission to GITIS gives hope young man for a “bright acting future.” Moreover, Glinnikov takes a course with one of the best teachers at his theater alma mater, actor Valery Garkalin. And away we go... the first, small roles in television projects like the TV series “Club” and “Univer”. Few people remember those episodic roles, even among fans of Ilya Glinnikov.

Ilya Glinnikov and Maria Kozhevnikova in the TV series “Univer”

Then there was the film “The Fog,” which many openly dislike for its incredible plot similarity to the film “We are from the Future.” And “Only Girls in Sports,” where Ilya joined Oleg Tabakov, Dustin Hoffman and others famous actors, turned into films female images. Glinnikov’s filmography also included the rather mediocre films “Zaletchiki” and “House Manager”. But the actor’s greatest popularity was brought to him by the comedy series about aspiring doctors and their sarcastic mentor “Interns,” where Ilya Glinnikov got the role of the “major boy” Gleb Romanenko. During the filming, the actors had as much fun as the viewers watching the TV screens later.

But, despite his cheerful and carefree disposition, Ilya Glinnikov also has a criminal past. In 2011, then an aspiring actor, he beat up his neighbor just because the man asked the Interns star to turn down the music. The result was numerous fractures and a concussion. And Ilya faced from 2 to 8 years in prison for such an act. But, as we know, the actor ultimately did not go to trial, and the case was hushed up.

The “dark side” of Ilya Glinnikov sometimes makes itself felt

Ilya Glinnikov and Aglaya Tarasova: an office romance with a sad ending

Despite his short stature, only 171 cm, Ilya Glinnikov never experienced a shortage of female attention. Although before official announcement The star didn’t have a relationship. Until She appeared... The daughter of Ksenia Rappaport - Aglaya Tarasova and part-time "intern Sofya Kalinina" appeared in the television series after several successful seasons. And she won the heart of the self-confident womanizer Ilya Glinnikov. It was a stormy, passionate, long-lasting romance. The actor could not live for a second without his Aglaya. And even a decent age difference of 11 years did not interfere with their happiness.

“Aglaya is always and everywhere next to me, like the wife of a Decembrist, by the way, everyone calls her that. She and I are one organism. Aglaya is my support, my air, my wind, my freedom.”

Every second joint photo actors - hot kisses and hugs

Aglaya herself always preferred to remain silent about her romance with “intern Romanenko,” explaining that Ilya is against flaunting their relationship and any interviews regarding their “office” romance.

“Ilya scolds me when I start talking about our relationship. Recently I realized how right he is. Personal should remain private."

However, this did not stop young people from posting very personal and candid photos spending time together.

Ilya Glinnikov and Aglaya Tarasova did not hide their tender feelings in the photo

And everything would be fine, fans of the actors already believed in the fairy tale happy ending and that the wedding of Ilya Glinnikov and Aglaya Tarasova is just around the corner. Perhaps Aglaya was already having rosy dreams about how she became the wife of Ilya Glinnikov... But in 2014, celebrities puzzled everyone with their decision to separate.

One of the most beautiful acting couples never made it to the wedding altar

Of course, the actors had disagreements before this - they came together, then diverged again. But this time the separation put an end to their relationship. Since March 2014, Ilya stopped appearing in photos on Aglaya Tarasova’s Instagram. Rumor has it that the girl herself initiated the breakup. And allegedly it could not have happened here without a third party, who destroyed a beautiful fairy tale entitled “Aglaya and Ilya Together Forever.” And it’s as if the actor himself decided to start new life: grew a beard and went on a trip around the world. Don’t forget to share photos from working film sets with your cute colleagues during breaks.

By the way, for a long time they tried to “marry” Ilya Glinnikov with Kristina Asmus, who plays Varvara Chernous in the series “Interns.” But, as it turned out, they only had love on the screen, but in life Christina has been living happily with the star for a long time." Comedy Club", actor and showman Garik Kharlamov. The couple is raising a daughter, Anastasia.

Ilya Glinnikov and Christina Asmus

And what about Aglaya? – The actress reacted rather restrainedly to Ilya Glinnikov’s decision to look for her new love on film set TV show "The Bachelor". In addition, the name of Ksenia Rappaport’s daughter is increasingly heard in gossip columns in connection with rumors about her new romance with Serbian actor Milos Bikovic. The couple met on the set of their new joint film project “Ice.” Aglaya and Milos did not officially announce their relationship, but nothing can be hidden from the ubiquitous paparazzi.

The new “hero of the novel” by Aglaya Tarasova is actor Milos Bikovich

And a little earlier, this handsome young man was listed as the boyfriend of one of the world’s most sought-after top models, Sasha Luss, who, by the way, is also Russian by origin.

Milos Bikovich with his ex-lover Sasha Luss

Ilya Glinnikov and his life on Instagram, photo

Ilya Glinnikov updates his Instagram page with new photos with enviable regularity. Of course, it is unlikely that in the near future we should expect memorable still frames from the actor’s wedding or photos of him with future wife, but the star masterfully talks about his travels and favorite work with the help of personal photo chronicles. And Ilya simply loves extreme sports, otherwise how can he explain it? latest photos in the company of a lioness or footage of the “Interns” star sitting on the edge of a high-rise roof?

Extreme is the middle name of Ilya Glinnikov

For the sake of spectacular photos on Instagram Ilya Glinnikov is ready for anything

You can learn a lot of interesting things from the star’s Instagram. For example, about the projects the artist is currently working on. Ilya Glinnikov, for example, happily shares messages about creative union with the talented Chulpan Khamatova called “Joan of Arc at the stake.” The star is also actively “promoting” on his Instagram the group “Lomonosov Plan”, the frontman of which is Glinnikov’s friend and colleague, Alexander Ilyin Jr., the same “intern Lobanov”.

Friends and colleagues Ilya Glinnikov and Alexander Ilyin Jr.

Ilya Glinnikov and his participation in the 5th season of the show Bachelor (2017)

Bobsledder and Olympic champion Alexey Voevoda, choreographer Miguel, football player Alexander Kokorin... These and other eligible bachelors were tipped for the role of the main character of the TV project of the same name. However, Ilya Glinnikov became the new star of the show. Many viewers were already skeptical about this choice of television producers. Like, he’s not tall enough, and he hasn’t done much in the acting field yet. In addition, his short but passionate relationship with Aglaya Tarasova was not discussed except by the lazy. Has the actor’s mental wound really healed so quickly? Ilya himself was not slow to respond to such attacks from ill-wishers:

“I treat the show “The Bachelor” as the most severe test in my life... Love lives in each of us, you don’t have to look for it, the main thing is when it comes knocking, don’t be scared, but rush in...”

According to Ilya, love is not worth looking for, but he will still risk finding it on a TV show. There are few chances. As you know, not a single season of “The Bachelor” has ever ended with a high-profile wedding and the afterword “and they lived happily ever after.” The first bachelor, footballer Evgeniy Levchenko and his chosen one Olesya, barely lasted together for six months after the completion of the project.

Participants of the 1st season of “The Bachelor” Evgeny Levchenko and Olesya Ermakova

Maxim Chernyavsky, the ex-husband of singer Anna Sedokova, dated Masha Drigola for a whole year and a half. But the couple eventually broke up.

Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky and the winner of the 2nd season of “The Bachelor” Maria Drigola

Timur Batrudinov and Daria Kananukha seem to have broken up before they even started Serious relationships.

Timur Batrudinov and Daria Kananukha never became a couple in real life

And singer Alexei Vorobyov completely shocked the audience and participants in the “Bachelor” project by not choosing any of the girls.

Bachelor Alexey Vorobyov could not make the final choice

Will Ilya be able to interrupt this fatal pattern? Or the actor will only strengthen the belief that “The Bachelor” is just a TV show that should not be taken seriously and on which “ eternal love»?

And although new season“The Bachelor” has not yet been released, the most curious have already learned something about behind-the-scenes secrets show. For example, there are suggestions that one of the locations of the television project will be the exotic landscapes of the island of Sri Lanka. On Ilya’s Instagram page, this South Asian island-state managed to “shine up” more than once in Lately. And, if you believe the rumors, one of the rose ceremonies will take place in the center of Moscow. Volgograd also appears on the list of places where the 5th season of “The Bachelor” was supposedly filmed. And to check all the above assumptions and conjectures, you need to wait quite a bit...

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For quite a long time he was considered one of the most beautiful and desirable young actors.

And this fact is not surprising, because he starred in the top TV series “Interns” and was not seen in any worth attention novel.

But in the spring of 2014 everything changed! It was during that period that Aglaya Tarasova, a young, promising girl from an acting family, appeared on the set of the same “Interns.”

At first, the couple had to pretend to be in love, but soon the balance of power changed and real feelings flared up between the guys.

They never officially announced their relationship., they simply began to appear together at social events, go to the movies and restaurants. At the same time, the couple did not hide their feelings and could calmly kiss in front of reporters’ cameras.

Apparently it was the strength of the emotions that ran rampant in this couple that led them to a fairly quick breakup, because already in September of the same year the guys announced their separation.

Moreover official reason they did not voice it, but sources close to the actors persistently claimed that it was jealousy.

She didn’t appear out of nowhere; Ilya actually caught Aglaya flirting or having an affair with another man. As it were Aglaya Tarasova and Ilya Glinnikov were never seen together again, and their social networks were not full of joint photos.

At the same time, we must pay tribute to the professionalism of the guys - they continued filming in the same series without any problems and did not delay them in any way due to personal hostility.

This went on for more than six months, but in May 2015, the guys’ fans were again happy to learn that they were together.

But this time the period of peace did not last long - only three months.. After this, the couple broke up again and, as is now clear, completely.

There are two reasons for making such an unambiguous conclusion: important facts. The first is that in the summer of 2016 Aglaya posted on her page in social network a photo with a new lover.

The second reason can safely be considered the fact that since the fall of 2016, Ilya Glinnikov became... in the project of the same name on the TNT channel. As practice shows, this is a very sensual and provocative show, which, if it does not end with the wedding of the heroes, will at least show a sea of ​​flirtation between the bachelor and the contenders for his heart.

It’s hard to say what led the guys to break up this time, but the same sources say that Ilya never learned to trust his beloved, and she continued to give him reasons for jealousy. It is impossible to say for sure whether this is true or not, but the fact of the final separation of the actors is obvious.

The famous Russian actor Ilya Glinnikov has changed beyond recognition after fatal changes in his personal life. The man grew his hair and beard - fans barely recognized him in the photo on Instagram. The fact that the hero broke up with Ekaterina Nikulina became known in the winter of this year. At the same time, I attribute new relationships to the actor’s fans.

Personal life Glinnikova has always aroused intense public interest - the bright, charismatic, handsome “Intern” never complained about the lack of female attention. At the same time, the artist himself, it seems, does not enjoy the fame of a womanizer and believes in love once and for life. Glinnikov was not noticed in short-term novels, but there were several long-term and serious relationships in the hero’s fate. True, he has not yet changed his “Bachelor” status even once.

In 2015, the public learned that Glinnikov was seriously dating his Interns colleague Aglaya Tarasova. The couple often got together and separated, at one time they even prepared for a wedding, but at some point something went wrong.

Society learned that the relationship had finally ended in August 2016 - the separation was officially confirmed by both parties, reports the 1rre portal. At the same time, it became known that Glinnikov was going to look for his love on the “Bachelor” project.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina

Glinnikov showed himself as a sensual bachelor who really wants to find a life partner. Initially, Daria Klyukina was a contender for the hero’s heart, but in the middle of the show she suddenly left the project of her own free will.

Glinnikov was very upset and even tried to persuade Dasha to return, but the girl did not make contact - a friend met the man at her house and told him that Dasha was trying to improve relations with her ex-boyfriend.

Glinnikov did not have to be bored - there were still other contenders in his heart. Ekaterina Nikulina and Madina Tamova reached the finals of the project. Many were sure that Tamova would win, but in the end Glinnikov chose Nikulina, with whom he began living together even before the official completion of filming of the project.

The young people admitted that it was very difficult for them to finish filming, because Katya was tormented by jealousy, and Glinnikov no longer saw the point of fooling other girls, but the show is a show, and therefore the rules had to be followed.

After the finale, the couple freely announced their relationship and their imminent wedding.

Ilya and Ekaterina regularly delighted fans with joint photographs on social networks (though limiting comments) and went out together. Unfortunately, the reality heroes did not become the first couple to get married after “The Bachelor.” In the winter of 2017, they officially confirmed their breakup.

In his microblog on Instagram, the actor publicly addressed ex-lover and wished her happiness.

“Let's forgive those whom we don't want to forgive, let's endure even when our strength is running out. Goodness and cleansing to everyone! P.S. Dear alien @catkate7, I read your interview and remembered how we cleaned pomegranates together... How we watched the fireworks on May 9 in glasses and bandanas on my favorite roof) how we moved forward under the close attention of television cameras and became stronger. I want to wish you to find yourself and find happiness,” wrote Glinnikov

Subsequently, society began to talk about the fact that the relationship could have been faked for the sake of the popularity of further seasons of the show, but this information has not been confirmed by anything.

Ilya Glinnikov - personal life now

In April 2018, Glinnikov suddenly showed on Instagram new girl. True, her face is not visible - only a silhouette. Many are sure that the hero’s real relationship is with the second finalist of the “Bachelor” show, Madina Tamova.

“You and I are two different drops of the same water, tears of a cloud, we will break on the ground like rhinestones, scatter around the bush...” the artist captioned the photo.

Almost simultaneously with Ilya, Madina shared pictures on social networks with the same geolocation - the Bagration Bridge in Moscow. Also, the clothes on the girl with the photo on Glinnikov’s microblog resemble Tamova’s outfit in detail.

“Madina?! I'm happy for you, Ilya, in any case! Let your personal life get better!”, “This is really Madina)”, “It’s clear, we were hanging out with Madina)),” followers write.

Let us remember that throughout the entire show the girl was considered one of the favorites. It would seem that Madina’s position strengthened even more after Glinnikov in one of the latest issues introduced her to his family. Tamova was met by Ilya’s mother, sister, brother and two grandmothers. Glinnikov's relatives accepted her as one of their own, noting that she was not only beautiful, but also a very well-mannered and wise girl. Moreover, Ilya’s grandmother almost from the threshold declared that Madina was “their girl.”

Whether it is true that the stars have a tender relationship remains unknown - Internet users sincerely wish the bachelor to find his soulmate and stop the ordeal.

Despite the fact that the filmography of actor Ilya Glinnikov includes less than two dozen roles, it is difficult to find a viewer who has not seen a single screen image of him. How did this happen?

The answer is simple - Ilya starred in several sensational TV series and managed to act as the main character in the popular television project"Bachelor". These facts are what made the actor a real star, whose face is impossible not to recognize.

Ilya comes from the small town of Novomoskovsk, which is located in Tula region near the capital. At the same time, in some interviews, Glinnikov may call Georgia his homeland, but there is an explanation for this fact - the star’s father is from there and that is why Ilya is so reverent about this country.

In childhood future star differed from his peers in his lively disposition and was an incredibly active child.

Also in kindergarten Glinnikov started dancing, but at school this hobby faded into the background because the boy was completely involved in sports. He performed especially well in football and swimming.

Ilya’s parents really wanted their son to begin a professional career as an athlete, especially since the coaches praised the boy and talked about his remarkable abilities in this field. But as it turned out, he himself was drawn to creativity.

The point is that at some point Ilya began to host a drama club, tried his hand at public reading of poetry, and by the end of school he was already immersed in music and dancing, spending a lot of time in breakdancing classes.

At some point, the young man even organized his own dance group, which took second place at a festival dedicated to such a direction as hip-hop.

In parallel with creative development the young man does not forget about education - he enters the Novomoskovsk College of Physical Education, which he graduates within the prescribed period. Around this moment, he received an invitation to join the first commercial breakdancing project in Russia, “Urbans”.

Many people dreamed of joining the troupe of this show, but Ilya was lucky. At the same time, the young man played in their composition for only a year. According to one version, the reason for leaving was a conflict with the director of Urbans. At the same time, the young man did not give up dancing and created his own team, which even participated in the First Channel’s “Minute of Glory” project.

True, the guys didn’t manage to break into it, but in any case it was an interesting experience. Moreover, together with his team, Ilya went on tour, including to China. It was after returning from there that Glinnikov decided that he wanted to go further along the creative path and enters GITIS on a course of famous Soviet and Russian actor, People's Artist Russian Federation Valery Borisovich Garkalin.

Officially, Glinnikov’s film career started in 2006, when he appeared in a cameo role in the TV series “Club”. Although some sources claim that back in 1994, then still a boy, Ilya played in the comedy “Overstocked Barrels.”

In 2009, the aspiring actor appeared in Yegor Druzhinin’s musical “First Love” and in a small role in popular TV series“Univer,” but Ilya received real popularity and his first fans in 2010, when the first season of “Interns” was released.

Everyone liked his character, the major and charming guy Gleb Romanenko, so much that he brought fame to the actor and a lot of offers to act in films. In the same year, Ilya is invited to main role in the film "The Fog".

Then in the career of this actor there were such series as “Swallow’s Nest”, “Teaching the Guitar”, “Cuckoo” and the full-length films “Zalechchiki”, “Easier than it seems”. Glinnikov’s next star project was the multi-part film “Roof of the World” (2015-2018) and “Force Majeure” (2016).

In addition to cinema, Ilya also works in the theater. So a good relationship with Yegor Druzhinin brought him to the play “Life is Everywhere” and the musical “ The Bremen Town Musicians" Since 2014, the actor has also become a co-host of the program “Such a Movie!” on the TNT channel.

Interesting notes:

Ilya’s personal life was always in plain sight and he did not try to make a secret of it. For a long time the press discussed it whirlwind romance with the actress. The couple broke up, then reconciled, went out into the world together and separately, but at some point they finally broke up.

In the fall of 2016, Ilya once again confirmed this fact and became the main one actor show "Bachelor" on TNT. 25 beautiful, successful and interesting girls They fought for the actor’s heart for six months and in the end he chose one. She became Muscovite Ekaterina Nikulina.

Time has passed since the announcement of the winner of the project, but Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina are together and many believe that they will be the first to prove that they will find real feelings on television show it's real!

Ilya notes in every interview that he is delighted with his chosen one, considers her a deep person, a woman with capital letters. Moreover, many fans of the guys noticed that on ring finger Ekaterina Nikulina's engagement ring flaunts from Ilya Glinnikov and on the basis of this we can safely talk about the upcoming wedding! The truth about the date of the celebration is not yet known to anyone.

The relationship between Aglaya Tarasova and Ilya Glinnikov has apparently come to an end. According to rumors, the 22-year-old daughter of actress Ksenia Rappoport left the actor from “Interns” for Milos Bikovich.

Aglaya Tarasova and Ilya Glinnikov in the TV series “Interns”

IN Russian funds mass media more than once there have been reports about the breakup of the stars’ relationship “ Interns" However, the couple has not officially commented on the rumors. Another piece of information about the breakup Tarasova And Glinnikova appeared after a party thrown by the magazine The Hollywood Reporter. According to eyewitnesses, the daughter Ksenia Rappoport left the event in the company of a 28-year-old Serbian actor Milos Bikovic , who is familiar from the films " Sunstroke – 2 " And " Spiritless-2" The couple left the party holding hands.

Note that Milos Bikovich, after several months of relationship, broke up with the 24-year-old Russian model in the spring Sasha Luss. Rumor has it that the reason for the separation was the girl’s new hobby, writes Life.

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