Michael Jackson: cause of death, official investigation, funeral. Three causes of death of Michael Jackson Years of life of Michael Jackson

The death of outstanding artists arouses no less public interest than their life and work. In June 2009, the most commercially successful pop singer, Michael Jackson, passed away. The cause of death of the idol of millions remains a mystery, despite two post-mortem examinations and a coroner's inquest. The official document (certificate) says that the singer was killed. Another secret? On what basis was this recording made, and why, in this case, were the perpetrators not punished?

Zenith of glory

Over the fifty years of his life, Michael accomplished a lot, he became the officially recognized king of pop music, received 15 Grammy awards, hundreds of other awards, recorded many songs published on vinyl records, CDs and other media, selling a total of over a billion. The future idol was taught vocals by his cruel father, who did not hesitate to use all types of physical and moral humiliation.

He made his first recordings with the group The Jackson (later renamed The Jackson 5) back in the sixties. The entire life of Michael Jackson, like many other successful pop performers, demonstrated the possibilities that persistent and hardworking talent can realize. He became another personification just like George Gershwin, Elvis Presley or Charlie Chaplin.

His biggest breakthrough was his 1982 album Thriller, after which Jackson was recognized as a global star. And today this disc is considered the most popular in the history of pop music. The performer’s artistic movements, in particular his famous “moonwalk,” also played an important role in achieving success. The spectacular stage performance, excellent choreography combined with unusual vocals appealed to viewers and listeners all over the world.

The singer also managed to experience the joy of fatherhood. Debbie Rowe, Michael Jackson's second wife, gave birth to two children (a son and a daughter), and another son was born through a surrogate mother.

How Jackson died

According to official version, the singer suddenly felt ill in the morning and fell unconscious. At the same time, according to the testimony of the personal doctor, the patient was found by him in bed, therefore, we are not talking about a sudden attack and fainting. The doctor tried to resuscitate the singer on his own, although it was immediately clear that things were going badly, the pulse was palpable only in the femoral artery, and there was no breathing. It happened in West Los Angeles, Murray didn't know exact address. The house was temporarily rented by Michael Jackson. Of course, that was not the cause of death, but this circumstance still played a certain role. Murray couldn’t find a landline phone, it was useless to call from a mobile phone, and there was no one to find out about the house and street. The security guard showed up only half an hour later (and they say it’s just our mess). An ambulance was finally called (it is still unclear who did it), it rushed quickly, in three minutes, but it was too late. Resuscitation was unsuccessful, and doctors at California State University Medical Center abandoned further attempts to revive him at 2:26 p.m. Two hours later, the coroner officially announced that Michael Jackson had died. The cause of death was not specified in this statement.

Autopsy and its results

Further events did not add clarity. According to the executive producer of the Emmy awards committee, Ken Ehrlich, the day before, namely June 24, he met with Michael, talked with him and observed rehearsals taking place ahead of the big tour. He was shocked by the singer’s performance, his energy and enthusiasm. Was Ehrlich telling the truth? The post-mortem autopsy revealed many strange facts, in particular, that the singer had not eaten anything for a long time except pills (at least there was nothing else in his stomach). Weight - 51 kg, which with a height of 1 meter 78 cm is a sign of extreme exhaustion. With such a state of health, it is hardly possible to talk about manifestations of vigor. There were also broken ribs, but this is explained by the efforts of the resuscitators. And the singer’s body was literally covered with scars, traces of surgical plastic surgery. Any ambiguity gives rise to rumors and speculation, and they appeared almost immediately.


Fans and spectators who have followed the singer's career since at least the eighties could see how much Michael Jackson had changed in appearance. The cause of death may be directly related to the many surgeries the King of Pop underwent. Why he did them is not entirely clear. It has long been common practice in the United States to be ashamed of African-American origin, and many black artists are proud of it. However, Michael's nose was corrected, pigmentation was bleached, and other surgical procedures were performed. Brian Oxman, the Jackson family lawyer, directly accuses the singer's entourage of condoning these costly and dangerous whims. You can easily compare what Michael Jackson looked like before and after the operation, and understand that such serious interventions with a scalpel in the anatomy of the face do not occur without health consequences. A decrease in the cross-section of the respiratory channels inevitably leads to difficulty supplying the brain with oxygen and possible hypoxia.


The second version is directly related to the first. The pain (often occurring, and perhaps never going away) was the result of previous operations and problems with the spine, and to relieve them Jackson often took the strong anesthetic Propofol. An excessive dose of this drug, combined with general weakness, could cause instant cardiac arrest. Similar versions arose about other greatest artists of the modern stage (Anna-Nicole Smith, again Elvis Presley), literally healed by doctors who stuffed them with painkillers. It should be clarified that these drugs are not drugs, but they cause an addictive effect, and therefore they are no less dangerous. I took a little more than is possible, and that’s it - hello...

And one more sad circumstance. Show business is cruel to newcomers, but it shows much greater ferocity to honored veterans of the stage. Touring is grueling, the schedule is tight, it must be adhered to. Tens and sometimes hundreds of millions are at stake. Go ahead, the public is waiting, they don’t care about the health of their idol!

Last way

Michael Jackson's funeral differed in its luxury even from the farewell ceremonies of other prominent stars of our time. The tabloids were full of shocking figures:

  • A dozen fans committed suicide.
  • The coffin (Prometheus model) was gilded and cost $25,000. They carried him in a carriage.
  • A million fans attended the ceremony. 11 thousand free invitations were distributed to the most devoted of them (the computer was chosen), the rest had to shell out $25 in cash.

And many, many other details designed to create an atmosphere of universal grief, estimated at six-figure sums.

Janet, Michael Jackson's sister and also a famous singer, tried to add at least some soulfulness to the enchanting mourning, saying that for her Michael was just a family member and brother, whose loss was a terrible blow for her, but her voice was again drowned in an enthusiastic listing of funeral expenses .

Much attention was paid to the financial consequences of the death of the performer. He drew up a will in advance, in which he set out in detail his last will. Michael Jackson's children, in addition to a share in the main capital, received the rights to two hundred songs recorded secretly and subject to publication now that their author has died. According to preliminary estimates, they will bring in one hundred million dollars in profit.

The world is shocked by the sudden death of the King of Pop Michael Jackson. Among the reasons that could cause the singer's cardiac arrest are excessive use of painkillers, the consequences of previous plastic surgery and physical exhaustion.

The King of Pop took powerful painkillers to relieve pain due to spinal problems and became dependent on them. Jackson's family spokesman, attorney Brian Oxman, says: "This was something I feared and something I warned about. This is a case of drug abuse. There are no other causes of his death known to me. There is no smoke without fire." ! - he said. And he said angrily: “The people around him allowed him to do this to themselves.”

He recalled the sudden death of Anna Nicole Smith from a drug overdose. In his opinion, the dose she took then was nothing compared to the amount of painkillers that Jackson constantly took, writes Heat World.

An autopsy on the star, which will take place soon, will reveal whether any of the drugs Michael took actually led to cardiac arrest.

Tarek Amar, the former manager and friend of the deceased Michael Jackson, called the doctors who treated him “charlatans and criminals”: ​​“Obviously, the main criminals in this case are the doctors who “treated” him throughout his career, who destroyed his image and gave him drugs to relieve the pain,” Amar said on one of the radio stations. At the same time, Amar noted that he had never seen Jackson take drugs.

According to the second version, the singer was ruined by his numerous plastic surgeries. It is reported that after another nose operation, Michael became infected with a dangerous strain of staphylococcus, which was destroying his body. Another version, which is also associated with the artist’s repeatedly operated nose, is oxygen deficiency caused by a decrease in the nasal passages.

As oral and maxillofacial surgeon Tamara Chkadua told RIA Novosti in an interview, this could cause chronic hypoxia, which, in turn, often even leads to sudden cardiac arrest - apnea. The doctor explained that apnea, as a rule, occurs at night, during sleep, when a person does not control his breathing.

Plastic surgeries themselves cannot become a direct cause of a person’s death, but their health is greatly undermined by their consequences - frequent stays under general anesthesia, taking medications in the postoperative period.

The third version of the singer’s death was expressed by his lawyer. In his opinion, the death of the King of Pop could have been a consequence of the pressure placed on the singer by his obligation to perform at a multimillion-dollar event in July. concert venue in London, writes the British newspaper Evening Standard. If you believe his words, the “middlemen” are to blame for Jackson’s death, forcing the singer to endure excessive physical exercise in preparation for the anniversary concert.


2. Shocking confession from Jackson's children's nanny

17:28 / 06/28/2009 Olga Solomentseva

Grace Rwaramba and Michael Jackson with their son. Photo: thinesclaude.com
Grace Rwaramba, a 42-year-old native of Rwanda, worked as a nanny for Michael Jackson's family for more than 10 years. She left the star's house in December 2008. This woman raised his three children - 12-year-old Prince Michael, 11-year-old Paris and 7-year-old Prince Michael II.

Grace claims she was fired because she was getting closer and closer to the pop idol's children every day. “I raised these babies from the very first day of their lives. These are my babies,” says heartbroken Grace, without hiding her emotions, adding that Jackson later asked her more than once to return, since he was unable to take care of himself and his family. children. When the singer died, she was in London, but the day before one of the late artist’s brothers asked her to fly to Los Angeles in order to be with the children during these tragic days, as they were taking the death of their father very hard.

According to Grace, the singer has recently become addicted to painkillers. All this happened against the backdrop of financial problems and peculiar methods of raising children. “Michael had a cold, difficult and sterile relationship with his own children - they were simply afraid of him,” the woman says. "In the presence of his famous father the children simply froze,” News of The World quotes her as saying. - We often laughed and hugged each other. But when Michael was around, they behaved as if frozen. I really miss Blanket. He always made me laugh. One day he decided to give me a concert and started singing Billie Jean and other songs of his father. It was such a happy moment! When Michael Jackson suddenly entered the room, the children became silent and looked very scared. Michael then got very angry."

Michael had a cold, difficult and sterile relationship with his own children - they were simply afraid of him."
Talking about how children always and everywhere appeared in public wearing masks, Grace says that children simply hated these masks. "But it wasn't my idea. I hated them too. And at every opportunity I tried not to put them on the children, pretending that I had forgotten. This made Michael furious. But what shocked me most of all was that the children didn't even have a teacher. They weren't allowed to play with other children, and they didn't have a teacher to help them learn. the world", she says.
But the most difficult times for the family came after the trial on charges of child molestation. Jackson left America and, together with his children, wandered from country to country, from one hotel to another. The nanny confirms that he took a daily “cocktail” of various drugs, including a painkiller narcotic. “I often had to pump his stomach,” she says. “At one time he was so ill that I did not allow the children to see him. He always ate too little and took too many medications. One day I tried to call and talk about his addiction to drugs with his mother Katherine and his sister Jennette. After that, Michael attacked me, accusing me of betraying him. He didn’t want to listen to anything. After that, I left.”

According to Grace, Michael was strongly influenced by the Nation of Islam. IN recent months During his life, he lived in Los Angeles in a house that this sect rented for him. “They claimed that the rent for this mansion costs $100,000 a month. I checked with several Los Angeles realtors, and they all said that the rent for this house costs no more than $25,000 a month,” the woman says.
According to the nanny, Michael was always too frivolous with his earnings. Lately he lived on loans and financial assistance from friends, but could not give up his “rich” habits and continued to spend money on expensive purchases. “He never knew how to get along with money. Once he received an invitation to perform in Japan, for which they promised to pay him one million dollars,” recalls Grace. “As a result, after everyone from his entourage received their share, he had There are only 200 thousand left." Grace reported how, shortly before his death, Jackson was forced to sleep in the New Jersey basement of the home of one of his former employees. “We wandered around a lot, and suddenly showed up at Frank Tyson’s small house. We lived there for a week,” she shares her memories.

Speaking about the upcoming concerts in London, the woman believes that he was in such a depressed and stressed state that he simply did not understand what he was doing: “50 concerts! When I found out about this, I told him: “What are you doing?!” Then Jackson replied that he only signed the contract for ten concerts. “He didn’t really know what documents he was signing. And I never knew..." Grace concluded.

3. Stars about the death of Michael Jackson

News about sudden death Michael Jackson amazed the whole world. His friends and colleagues compare the impact of this tragedy with the death of Elvis Presley in 1977 and the assassination of Kennedy in 1963.

Thousands of admirers of Michael Jackson's talent, as well as simply those who were not indifferent to the news of his death, mourn the departed musician, gathering in Times Square, at the house in Indiana where the singer spent his childhood, and at the hospital where Michael was hospitalized . Celebrities for whom Jackson was an idol or friend commented on the sudden tragic news, writes People:

The ex-wife of the King of Pop, daughter of the great Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie Presley, admitted that this news left her in despair: “I am so shocked and saddened. I worry about the children who were everything to him, and for his entire family. This is terrible a loss from every point of view, I can't find the words," she said.

Singer Madonna admits that she cannot stop crying after the news of his death. "I have always admired Michael Jackson. The world has lost one of the greatest people, but his music will live on forever! My heart is with his three children and the rest of his family. God bless you," the singer said in a statement.

Governor of California famous actor Arnold Schwarzenegger said in a statement: "Michael was a unique phenomenon in pop music, he never stopped pushing the boundaries of creativity. Despite serious questions about his personal life, Michael was undoubtedly a great showman. His popularity spanned many generations through to the whole world."

“I was so excited to see him show in London,” says Britney Spears. I was supposed to be on tour in Europe at the time, but I planned to interrupt the tour for his performance. He was the inspiration of my whole life, and I am sad that he is no more No"

Singer Whitney Houston, shocked by the death of her colleague, said briefly: “I am overwhelmed with grief.”

American actor and singer Jamie Foxx: “Words are not enough to say how much Michael Jackson has given us musically and culturally. We take it for granted. All he dreamed of was to give as much music as possible to all of us. He dedicated every day to us!”

Star R"n"B Justin Timberlake: “We have lost a genius and the king of not only pop music, but all music in general.”

Singer Cher: "When I think of him, I remember the teenage boy I first met... He was great, charming and full of optimism."

Producer Quincy Jones is the man who created the legendary Michael Jackson album "Thriller", which went down in history as the best-selling album in the world and forever changed the face of music business: "He was a consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt throughout the world forever. I lost my brother today and a part of my soul went with him."

Celine Dion: "Michael Jackson has been my idol all my life... It feels like when Kennedy died, when Elvis died. My condolences to his family. It's a big loss."

Actress Demi Moore: 'I'm deeply shocked by the loss of Michael Jackson'

Liza Minnelli: "He was one of the greatest artists who ever lived."


4. How Jackson behaved 2 days before his death

12:17 / 30.06.2009

Michael Jackson. Photo: Reuters
The King of Pop Michael Jackson was in high spirits on the eve of his death.

He rehearsed his numbers in Los Angeles before the world tour and in particular before the concerts in London, which were supposed to mark the singer's return to the stage.

According to Ken Ehrlich, executive producer of the Emmy Awards, he trained with show ballet for several hours a day. On June 24, just one day before Jackson's death, the producer came to see him business meeting. He was amazed at the singer’s performance.

"It was best time for him. He definitely wanted to do something special. It was probably one of the best meetings I ever had with him. He was very laid-back and talked a lot,” Ehrlich said.

Jackson died the day after their meeting, June 25, at the age of 50. Experts could not figure out what led to the death of the King of Pop, even after a secondary autopsy, the results of which shocked experienced pathologists. The singer had many scars on his body from at least 13 plastic surgeries, including surgery to remove skin cancer on his chest. Several broken ribs, numerous bruises and 4 cardiac injection marks were found. The exhausted singer's stomach contained nothing but pills. With a height of 178 cm, he weighed about 51 kilograms. One can only wonder where the singer found the strength to rehearse.

The organizers of the 50 concerts for which Jackson was preparing promise to fully reimburse the cost of tickets, RIA Novosti reports. At the same time, the organizers note that the amount of compensation paid will not include service costs.

Series grand shows was supposed to start in the British capital in July and last until next spring. Now, after unexpected death singer, organizers could lose up to £300 million.

Michael Jackson died on the night of June 25-26, 2009 in Los Angeles. The news of his untimely death instantly spread throughout the world, shocking not only fans, but also envious people. Jackson's name had long since become a legend, and despite numerous reports of illness, no one expected such a sudden death.

Despite years of musical silence, in the memory of bloggers the singer remains a true legend, the king of pop music, the author of numerous hits, spectacular video clips and the famous “moonwalk”, without which few can imagine the bygone era of the 1980s and their youth.

On the morning of June 25, 2009, Michael lost consciousness while in the house he was renting in Holmby Hills, west of Los Angeles. Jackson's personal physician, cardiologist Conrad Murray, later reported through his lawyer that he went to the second floor and found Jackson in bed, no longer breathing but with a weak pulse in the femoral artery. Murray began administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). After 5-10 minutes, Murray decided to make a phone call, but there was no landline in the bedroom, and cell phone Murray didn't want to call because he didn't know the address of Jackson's house. While Murray was looking for a security guard to use his phone to call emergency services, 30 minutes passed. At 12:21 local time, a call to 911 was recorded. The caller was not Murray, but a home security worker. Here is a recording of this historic call.

Paramedics who arrived 3 minutes and 17 seconds after the call found Jackson no longer breathing with his heart stopped and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation for 42 minutes. According to Murray's lawyer, the UCLA doctor ordered the medical team to administer a direct injection of epinephrine to Jackson's heart. The lawyer noted that the entire time Jackson was at home, he still had a pulse. Efforts to revive Jackson continued along the way and for an hour after arriving at the University of California (UCLA) Medical Center at 1:14 p.m. The effect could not be achieved. Death was pronounced at 14:26 local time.

Thousands of the singer's fans immediately gathered near the hospital. They literally surrounded the porch, filling it up soft toys and flowers and filling everything around with photographs of the singer and candles. Fans also came to mourn Jackson's empty childhood home in Gary, Indiana, and the sprawling Times Square area in New York City.

Most people did not learn the exciting news from newspapers. People called each other, sent messages, wrote on blogs. In terms of the scale of the tragedy, Jackson's death can only be compared with the death of Princess Diana or the assassination of President Kennedy.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He was the seventh of nine children in the Jackson family. At the age of four, Michael was already on stage. A little later, he began performing with his older brothers Jackie, Tito, German and Marlon in the group “The Jackson 5,” which was created by their father Joseph. And although Michael was the youngest, it was he who attracted the most attention, sang and danced best, knew how to charm the audience, and eventually became the real star of the group.

In the late 1960s, The Jackson 5 signed a contract with Motown Records and began releasing hot hits one after another throughout the next decade. Simultaneously with his work in the family band, Michael made successful solo projects.

For the active Michael, everything was never enough. So, in 1978 he starred with young Diana Ross in feature film The Wizard, an African-American remake of The Wizard of Oz. The film did not become a classic of American cinema, but it was of great importance for Michael, because on the set he met the great music producer Quincy Jones, who worked on musical accompaniment film.

It was Quincy who helped Michael Jackson make his follow-up album, 1979's Off The Wall, multi-platinum, turning the good-looking singing black boy into a popular music superstar. The album included the hits Don"t Stop"Til You Get Enough and Rock With You, the record sold 10 million copies.

In 1982, Jackson not only broke his own record, but also set an unattainable bar for subsequent generations. The Thriller album did not have time to be re-released; it sold more than 50 million copies worldwide. Michael Jackson received seven Grammy Awards for this album. Another world record for the Thriller album is leadership in the charts for 37 weeks in a row, which no one has yet surpassed.

The sensational success of Thriller lay in the never-before-seen, enchanting and amazingly beautiful video clips for the songs “Billie Jean”, “Beat It” and “Thriller”. Jackson was the first to manage to make a small film out of a video clip, to make video a means of transmitting music, to not give a damn about the laws of the genre, establishing his own. Michael broke any stereotypes that came his way. Jackson became the first black guy on American MTV.

Having passed his peak, Michael continued to maintain enormous popularity. The 1987 album Bad sold 25 million copies, and the 1991 album Dangerous sold 23 million copies.

In 1993, Michael became famous on the Oprah Winfrey show, which was filmed at his home - at the Country Ranch eternal childhood" in Santa Yanez, California. The interview lasted 1.5 hours and attracted almost 100 million viewers, becoming the most popular show of the year.

In 1995, Michael released the ambitious and ingenious double album HIStory Past, Present and Future Book I, consisting of 15 super hits of past years and 15 new songs, which are still considered his most touching and soulful compositions. Within a year, the album went platinum six times in the United States and is still selling successfully, being the most popular double album in the world.

Jackson easily masters new musical genres and techniques, creating a wave, ahead of time. In subsequent years, he released the albums "Blood On The Dance floor: HIStory In The Mix", "Invincible", "Number 1"s", which includes re-released old songs and new compositions, as well as a 44-minute DVD " Michael Jackson - The One"with footage from the CBS archives, including his concerts, off-stage footage, and footage from the HIStory tour.

In 1996, Jackson married nurse Debbie Rowe, who gave him two sons (born 1997 and 2002) and a daughter (born 1998). Jackson says fatherhood is his life's dream.

From 2003 to 2005, the whole world was discussing a high-profile court case: Michael Jackson was accused of child molestation. After long meetings and trials, Michael is found not guilty on all counts, but the long, intense litigation undermines the singer’s health, so after the trial he leaves for the island of Bahrain and becomes a hermit.

In March 2009, Michael announced that he was going to give the last series of concerts in London called This is it Tour. A series of 10 concerts at The O2 arena, which seats 20 thousand people, was scheduled to start on July 13, 2009 and end on March 6, 2010. However, the demand for tickets exceeded all expectations, and the organizers planned additional performances.

According to the doctors who examined Jackson, the singer’s health fully allowed him to carry out such a difficult tour...

The day after Jackson's death, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) began investigating the unusual and high-profile case. We started talking about new version The singer's cause of death was murder.

On July 1, 2009, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) joined the investigation. The DEA, with the power to investigate issues typically protected by physician-patient privilege, could examine all of Jackson's prescriptions. California's top prosecutor, Jerry Brown, said the DEA used CURES, a prescription database containing information about all drugs prescribed, doctors, dosages and patients, to investigate. On July 9, William Bratton, the Los Angeles police chief, said the investigation was focused on homicide or an accidental overdose, but would await full toxicology reports from the coroner.

On August 24, 2009, the conclusions of the forensic medical examination were made public - death was due to an overdose of the potent anesthetic propofol. A number of other potent substances (lorazepam, diazepam, midazolam) were also found in the blood.

On August 28, the Los Angeles coroner announced that Michael Jackson's death would be classified as a homicide. Cardiologist Conrad Murray, Michael's personal physician, was charged with manslaughter.

The case is still acquiring new details. According to the latest testimony, when the singer's heart stopped, Murray interrupted the initial resuscitation procedure in order to hide the drugs he was illegally administering to celebrities.

However, what difference does it make now... Michael Jackson still cannot be revived with new details about his death.

“At the end of the day, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and your loved ones and work hard. What exists now will not exist tomorrow. Go for it. Fight. Improve and cultivate your talent. Be the best at what you do. Learn more about your line of work than anyone alive. Use tools to present yourself - be it books, or the floor to dance, or water to swim. Wherever it is, it's yours. That's what I always try to remember."

                          Michael Jackson

Monday brought a new wave of rumors and sensations associated with the name of Michael Jackson. It was expected that doctors’ reports and confessions from the singer’s relatives would shed light on last years life of a star. But there were even more questions: was Jackson the father of his two children, why did he so carefully hide information about his health, and most importantly, what caused his death? The media is looking for answers to these questions.

Experts could not figure out what led to the death of the King of Pop, even after a secondary autopsy, the results of which shocked experienced pathologists. The singer had many scars on his body from at least 13 plastic surgeries, including surgery to remove skin cancer on his chest, The Sun wrote on Monday.

An autopsy found the singer had several broken ribs, many bruises and 4 traces of cardiac injections.

In addition, the shoulders, thighs and forearms of the deceased musician were covered with numerous traces of injections. Experts believe that he was given injections at least three times a day for several years.

The exhausted singer's stomach contained nothing but pills. With a height of 178 cm, he weighed about 51 kilograms. One can only wonder where the singer found the strength to rehearse.

When Jackson was taken to the hospital, he was wearing a wig. In recent years, he has lost almost all his hair, according to media reports.

Circumstances of death

Michael Jackson died on Thursday June 25 in Los Angeles. According to press reports, doctors arrived at the pop star's home in Bel Air on urgent call when the singer stopped breathing. At the same time, as Jackson’s doctor clarifies, when he accidentally entered the singer’s bedroom, he was still alive, and a weak pulse was felt in his femoral artery.

When Jackson was taken to the University of California Hospital, he had already gone into full cardiac arrest.

Later, a version appeared in the press that Michael Jackson's death was the result of an overdose of painkillers. A source in the UC Hospital emergency room says Jackson's aides told medics he lost consciousness after being injected with Demerol, a powerful drug similar to morphine.

According to the Kansas City Star, in the months leading up to his death, "the pop idol was taking prescription painkillers, including the sedatives Xanax and Zoloft, and the painkiller Demerol."

Meanwhile, the lawyer for Jackson's treating physician, Conrod Murray, said that the singer was not administered either Demerol or OxyContin before his death. The doctor himself stated that he did not understand “why the singer died.” The autopsy results also did not provide a comprehensive answer to many questions, including the main one: how Jackson died.

However, as recently stated Russian TV presenter with a medical education, Elena Malysheva, there are enough facts to give an unambiguous answer to this question. “Everyone in the singer’s inner circle says that he didn’t just use narcotic painkillers, but used them in large quantities. Sooner or later, unfortunately, this ends badly. The singer’s lawyers made the reasons clear. In fact, Michael Jackson took drugs Yes, these drugs are officially existing medications. According to the press, he took them because he was experiencing pain. Such drugs, if overdosed, can lead to respiratory arrest,” Elena Malysheva told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Who will get Jackson's children?

The fate of Michael Jackson's children - 12-year-old Prince Michael Jr., 11-year-old Paris Michael Catherine and 7-year-old Prince Michael II - will be decided by the court.

Currently, the singer's parents and his ex-wife, Deborah Rowe, are claiming custody. Ex-Mrs. Jackson has already stated in exclusive interview News of the World that Michael Jackson wasn't biological father his two eldest sons. Concerning youngest child Jackson - 7-year-old Prince Michael II, then he was carried out by an unknown surrogate mother, which he allegedly never saw.

To confirm the words ex-wife The singer is also told by the fact that Jackson’s two eldest children are completely different from him, and their skin is light in color. Also considered quite unusual is the fact that Jackson’s children appeared in public with their faces covered, writes newsru.co.il.

The “King of Pop” met Rowe, who worked as a dermatologist’s assistant, during another plastic surgery. During the divorce proceedings, Rowe gave up her parental rights.

She later said that the singer “felt very lonely” after his divorce from Lisa Marie Presley and “crazily wanted children.” Just for this, he not only married Rowe, but also paid her a significant amount. Rowe admitted to reporters that she had never experienced maternal feelings for her children, and understood that after her divorce from Michael Jackson she would never see them. She calls the birth of children a “gift” to the musician.

Funeral like Elvis

Michael Jackson's relatives are planning to hold a public funeral for the singer at the famous Neverland ranch on July 1, Vzglyad reports. It is expected that the farewell to the King of Pop will surpass in scale the funeral of Elvis Presley, which was attended by more than 80 thousand fans in 1977.

According to one version of the media, specialists will embalm the star’s body, writes upmonitor.ru.

On Wednesday, Sir Paul McCartney, Madonna, Liza Minnelli, Britney Spears and Jackie Chan will come to say goodbye to Michael Jackson, who regrettably admitted that he missed last call from the deceased singer. “I missed Michael’s last call. I called back as soon as the assistant told me about the missed call, but he (Jackson) didn’t answer... I really regret it,” the publication quotes Jackie Chan as saying.

The Chinese actor suggested, without explaining his words, that death was “a kind of escape” for Michael Jackson.

The material was prepared by the editors of rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in the town of Geary, Indiana, into a large family that included nine other children. His father organized the family group Jackson 5, which brought the first success to the future legend. Michael was only 12 years old at the time. He subsequently became one of the most commercially successful solo artists in music industry, the singer won worldwide recognition and the title of “King of Pop”. During his long musical career, Michael Jackson received 19 Grammy awards, and 13 times he climbed to the first line of the American sales charts with his singles. He has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice: as solo artist and a member of the Jackson 5.

Michael Jackson died at the University of California Hospital from a heart attack on June 25, 2009. To a famous performer was 50 years old. The start of a grandiose series of concerts by the singer was scheduled for mid-July.

This photo of 12-year-old Michael Jackson was taken back in 1971, but even then his career was taking off. Berry Gordy signed the Jackson Five to Motown Records in 1968, and Michael and his brothers reached the top of the charts with "ABC" and "I'll Be There." (Henry Diltz/Corbis)

Michael Jackson (far left) and the other five brothers from Indiana, members of the Jackson Five, in 1972. (Frank Barratt/Getty Images file)

Michael Jackson at the premiere of the musical The Wiz. This musical, which appeared on screens in 1978, was the first work of the pop star, created in collaboration with the famous producer Quincy Jones. Subsequently, he will also act as a producer of such famous Jackson albums as Off the Wall and Thriller. IN musical The Wiz with Jackson featured Diana Ross, Jackson's friend and mentor, who introduced the Jackson Five to the public in 1968. (Bettmann/Corbis)

Michael Jackson performing on tour with his brothers in 1981. During this tour, Michael began recording ideas for his solo project, which later became the best-selling album in the world. (Susan Phillips/Corbis)

Michael Jackson and Diana Ross during the American Music Awards music award) In Los Angeles. Jackson won Best Soul Album and Ross won Best Soul Vocalist. (Juynh/AP)

Jackson with a group of dancers during the filming of the video for the song "Thriller" in 1983. Thriller revolutionized the music industry. Thanks to this zombie video, the general public learned about the MTV channel, and music videos became independent artistic genre. The album sold 25 million copies in the US alone. (Corbis/Sygma)

Michael Jackson shows his famous " moonwalk" during the performance of the song Billie Jean. This dance movement, which later became the singer’s calling card, stunned the audience, and Michael was crowned the “King of Pop.” (Bettmann/Corbis)

Seen here next to his producer Quincy Johnson, Michael Jackson holds six of the eight Grammy Awards he won in 1984 for Thriller. The sequined suit and large sunglasses became Jackson's signature look. (AP)

May 1984. Michael Jackson accepts an award from US President Reagan at the White House. Jackson was celebrated as an example for American youth, and his hit Beat It became the campaign's anthem for the fight against drunk driving. (Bettmann/Corbis)

Michael Jackson (in the background) during the filming of a Pepsi commercial when his hair caught fire, while his brother German (in the foreground) continues to perform, not knowing what is happening. (AP)

A policeman escorts Michael through the crowd during his tour in London in 1985. (Dave Hogan/Getty Images)

Pop and film stars are joining forces to sing "We Are the World" to raise awareness of the famine in Ethiopia. Michael Jackson in the center. Stevie Wonder, Lionel Ricci, Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor and many others also performed with him. Jackson's sister Janet is in the lower right corner of the photo. (Bettmann/Corbis)

Guitarist Eddie Van Halen performs a guitar solo during a Michael Jackson concert in Irving, Texas. This immortal guitar riff was recorded by the guitarist specifically for Michael's song Beat It, which Van Halen's partner, David Lee Roth, was not at all happy about, but everyone else was delighted with the song. (Carlos Osorio/AP)

Michael Jackson and his dancers during the Bad tour in Tokyo in 1987. A year earlier, Jackson starred in the sci-fi musical film Captain EO in 3D, one of the most expensive and short films. Jackson gradually became the target of increasing criticism as his albums and videos became more and more expensive but were released less and less often. His next album, Dangerous, was released only in 1991. (Neal Preston/Corbis)

Michael Jackson and Oprah Winfrey on set in January 1993. Jackson was accused of sexually abusing minors for the first time this year, and he addressed the victims on Oprah's 90-minute show. The charges against Jackson were subsequently dropped, but he reportedly paid $25 million to settle the case. (Neal Preston/Corbis)

Michael Jackson performs in front of 30,000 children at the Super Bowl Half-Time Show on January 31, 1993. Despite the accusations against the singer, he was still at the top musical Olympus, releasing hits such as Black or White, Remember the Time, and his album Dangerous went multi-platinum. (Ralf-Finn Hestoft/Corbis)

Michael Jackson and French mime Marcel Marceau at the Bacon Theater in New York on December 4, 1995. Michael's face has already been completely changed by plastic surgeons. (Bob Strong/AFP - Getty Images)

Michael Jackson and his then-wife Lisa Marie Presley at Neverland Ranch during preparations for the World Children's Summit in April 1995. Presley filed for divorce less than a year after the wedding, thereby causing a lot of gossip about what exactly caused it. (Steve Starr/Corbis)

Michael Jackson performs at Ericsson Stadium in Auckland, New Zealand in November 1996 during his HIStory World Tour. (Phil Walter/Getty Images)

Several months after his divorce from Lisa Marie Presley, Jackson married Debbie Rowe on November 13, 1996 in Sydney, Australia. His new wife was pregnant. Jackson and Rowe divorced after 3 years, and Debbie transferred parental rights to Jackson. (Reuters/Corbis)

Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson arrive for a concert in honor of Jackson's 30th anniversary on September 7, 2001. The stars were longtime friends, and Taylor became godmother to Jackson's two children. (Jeff Christensen/Reuters/Corbis)

Michael Jackson testifies at his trial on November 13, 2002 in Santa Maria, California. The California Supreme Court indicted Jackson for canceling concerts, costing promoters several million dollars. (AFP/Getty Images)

Michael Jackson poses for photographers at the launch of his album Invincible in Times Square in New York in November 2001. New album, which was released on October 30 of that year, became the most expensive album ever recorded and was received better by critics and fans than 1995's HIStory. (Brad Rickerby/Reuters/Corbis)

Jackson holds his son Prince Michael II covered with a towel while standing on the balcony of a Berlin hotel on November 19, 2002. Jackson subsequently called the incident a “terrible mistake,” but this photo shocked even the singer’s most devoted fans. His reputation was irreversibly damaged. (Tobias Schwarz/Reuters)

A photograph of Jackson taken at the Santa Barbara County police station on November 30, 2003. In 2003, Jackson documented that the boys slept in his bed. Soon, the prosecutor began an investigation into accusing Jackson of child molestation. In November, police showed up at the Neverland Ranch for a search, and Jackson was arrested a few days later. (Santa Barbara County Sheriff's D/Reuters)

Michael (center) and his sisters La Toya (left) and Janet during a break during a court hearing in Santa Maria on August 16, 2004. (Pool/Reuters)

Michael Jackson, wearing pajama pants, walks accompanied by bodyguards to a court hearing on March 10, 2005, on charges of molesting minors since 2003. Jackson appeared in court after Judge Rodney Melville threatened to revoke his bail. (Kimberly White/pool via Reuters)

Jackson sings with his young fans during the World Music Awards in London on November 16, 2006. (Graham Jepson/WireImage)

Michael Jackson receives a written commendation from Colonel Robert M. Waltmeyer, commander of Garrison Zama, Japan, March 10, 2007. Michael greeted thousands of American military personnel and their families. (U.S. Army via Getty Images)

Michael walks through the parking lot of a recording studio in Los Angeles with his children Prince and Paris in March 2009. The singer was spotted entering the studio on that cold, rainy day. He spent more than two hours in the studio with big amount personnel, allegedly recording video. (Splash News/Splash News)

Fans watch a broadcast of the singer's press conference at the O2 Arena in London on March 5, 2009. In a press release, the megastar announced his intention to hold a series of concerts in London in July, which would be his most significant performances yet. last decade. (Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images)

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