Urgent call of a person conspiracy. What will help in practice

We will consider in detail the love spell calling a loved one - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Sometimes instead love spell and (or together with it) a call is made to a loved one. Usually it works quickly - from an hour after the end of the ritual to a couple of days.

Summoning a person is done when you want a person you haven’t seen for a long time to send word about themselves. The call is considered successful if the person comes to you, writes a letter, calls or sends an SMS message (sometimes does several of the above). This is not always a love call; sometimes with the help of such rituals a missing person or, for example, a long-time debtor is called.

Quick call

This call to a person works very quickly; within an hour or two he can call you. You should read the spell for a church candle 21 times, cutting off the flame with scissors or a ritual knife: “As this wax melts from a burning fire, so you, slave (person’s name), will come from my mighty slander and appear before me with clear eyes. Amen. Amen. Amen". After reading the plot last time You need to put out the candle with your fingers.

A simple but quite effective challenge is to place a bowl of holy water at your doorstep and say: “Slave (person’s name), your water is here. Amen" .

Moon challenge of man

This challenge is read on the waxing moon, when the luminary is clearly visible in the sky. You should look at the moon through the flame of a burning red candle, facing towards the person being called (or his supposed location). Read with an open window or outside: “Mother moon, I call you for help, help, show the servant of God (the person’s name) the way. Let him wake up and come to me, God’s servant (your name). Lead him with his feet, call him with his thoughts. I close with a word. I call with a deed done. I lock it with the key. Word. Key. Language. Amen".

On a thin wax candle, scratch the name of the person being called along the wick (with a new needle purchased the day before). Then this needle should be inserted into the candle up to the eye (along the wick) and lit. Looking at the flame, you need to read the plot 7 times: “I don’t pierce a candle with a needle, but the warm heart of (the chosen one’s name). I won’t have to be bored alone, (name of the chosen one) will come and stay with me.” After the last reading, imagine how your loved one appeared before your eyes. The candle should burn out.

In order for you to have more energy for the ritual, drink a glass of warm boiled water, first dissolving two teaspoons of honey in it. Then bandage your left arm (a little above the elbow) with a black piece of natural fabric, and your right arm with a white one. Then, with thoughts of your chosen one, go into the forest, taking with you three small church candles. In a damp clearing, stick one candle into the ground in the north, another in the east, and a third in the south. Light it, stand between the candles, facing east, and say the name of the person being called three times. Turn over your left shoulder three times and go home without looking back.

Black challenge

On the photo of the person being called, draw an inverted cross with charcoal and light a candle. Looking into the eyes of the person in the picture, read the spell nine times: “I ask, and the devil commands you (the name of the person being called): respond, show up, show yourself to me. My request is strong, and the devil’s word is law. You don’t dare contradict him, you can’t disobey.”

Insert the needle into the crosshairs of the cross drawn in the photo and finish: “It’s not a needle that pierces your heart, but the damn word that enters it. Let it be so". The photo with the needle needs to be removed secret place, and when the love spell works, the photograph should be burned, and the needle and candle stub should be buried.

One of the best masters love spell ov in Krasnoyarsk, the Siberian sorcerer Nikolaev Igor Leonidovich, advises starting with simpler calls to your loved one. If one call does not work, you can use another, but it is better not to make more than three calls per lunar month. In this case, you should contact an experienced magician for a guaranteed result. It will help you meet your loved one again.

Calling your loved one

A magical challenge is an inducement for a person to make contact (oral, written, personal), but not with a direct request, but by influencing his mental essence. Helps in a variety of situations:

  • find a lost friend or relative;
  • make peace after a quarrel;
  • call your husband from a friendly party;
  • find the hiding debtor.

Calling your loved one is often combined with a love spell: before - receive a personal item, after - make a lining, drink, feed (if required by the sacrament) or check the effectiveness of your actions.

Start solving your problems right now!

How old are you?

What are you interested in?

What are you interested in?

The ritual is quite simple, even beginners can do it, but it requires a strong energy message. It can work literally immediately or in 2-5 days. If nothing happened during this time, you can repeat it.

Powerfully calling your loved one using magic is harmless to your counterpart, but it should not be done more than twice a month. Addiction develops and the object stops responding. A stranger It won't be possible to call it this way.

Instant Summoning Ritual

The time and place of the event do not matter. Light a thin candle, it absorbs and transmits information better, cut the flame with scissors and sentence.

Just as wax melts from a burning fire, so your soul (name) suffers without me (name). Come, appear, appear, my tears will not fade. Amen (3 times). Read until 1/3 of the candle remains, then extinguish it with your fingers. It works very effectively, as the reviews confirm.

Reviews about the ritual

I was still extinguishing the candle, and he was already calling. He offered to meet, said that he missed him, because they had been quarreling for 2 months. I'm delighted, it's so simple and great!

It really works! 15 minutes later she sent an SMS asking for forgiveness. I forgave him a long time ago, but I didn’t know how to say it. Cool!

Magic rituals for calling a loved one to a meeting

Love is essential for happy life each person. They strive for it, search for it and cherish it as the very treasure of the world. Sometimes, on the way to light wonderful feeling The most unexpected obstacles arise, and sometimes love cools down and emptiness appears in its place. Calling a loved one is a call that does not influence the will of a man, but assents him to you.

Magic rituals will help arouse a man's interest

Magic will help you call your loved one

Such a conspiracy is easy to perform and is in great demand among women of all age categories. Your energy combined with an irresistible desire seeing your beloved guy works real miracles. Rituals that give an immediate effect or long-term rituals that gradually reveal the power of the call - the choice is yours. The stronger your connection with your loved one, the better the plot will work and soon the man you miss will make himself known. A powerful challenge will not solve all the problems in your personal life, but it will help restore former harmony and love.

The nature of calling a loved one and how it works

Often a powerful call to a loved one is confused with a similar love spell. The main distinguishing feature of these rituals is the power of their impact on the energy of another person. The love spell acts much more harshly, taking away from men part of their own will. Conspiracies to make a person come to you, and not just like that, but with an open soul, affect only the temporary impulses and actions of your companion.

Thus, the charmed person has a choice, and if your connection with him is not strong enough, the challenge will not work. Black magic and runes in rituals are always purposeful coercion, requiring cancellation in the form of lapel rituals. Not a single type of magical manipulation can create a new bright feeling out of nothing.

Magic will increase attraction

It is possible to strengthen old relationships, restoring old attachments is quite possible, but making someone love you is a meaningless task. A magician with many years of experience working with cases in which love magic is used often encounters women who long for unrequited love. Despite the strength of such a desire, even the most powerful love spells are doomed to failure.

A minimal, quick effect only creates the appearance of a good result. Before you make a ritual to achieve this or that male dependence, think about the consequences of your actions. Do you need this person? And will it really make you happy? If you are confident in your own intentions, then feel free to go to sorcerers, experienced and qualified magicians, or, if we're talking about about making a call, make a simple call at home.

After the ceremony, the man will immediately feel a powerful attraction to the woman

  • obsessive thoughts about you;
  • a powerful urge to call you;
  • an irresistible craving for a personal meeting.

A simple conspiracy works in any accessible direction; if the object of the ritual is far from you (the caller lives in another city), he will make every attempt to contact you remotely. A persistent man in love will find a reason to see each other or arrange a chance meeting.

Each conspiracy needs paraphernalia, auxiliary things or objects that help direct energy in the direction you need. You can perform rituals in any secluded place where no one will disturb you. Calling your lover is more of a necessity than a whim. If you miss a man, help him make the first move.

Calling your loved one from a photo

Magical influences on a person through his photograph are one of the most common techniques in love spells. If you have a chance to find a photo of your lover, then such rituals work quickly and without a hitch. The main condition under which this powerful call is effective is that the picture should not contain images of strangers. All your strength and desires will be directed only to the object of your sympathy.

For a simple ritual, you don’t have to spend a long time looking for ingredients that are rare in nature. All you really need for the call to work correctly:

  • a photo of a loved one;
  • marker;
  • candle bought in church.

How to perform a ritual

Similar rituals are performed several times, depending on the distance between you and your loved one, as well as the degree of expected attachment. To strengthen the call, take the following actions:

  1. Turn the photo of your lover over so that you cannot see the image. On back side Write the name of the object of your affection legibly.
  2. Put the photo aside, light a church candle and whisper:

“As the day has passed and the night has gone, so I am waiting for you, servant of God (name of the chosen one).”

  • As soon as you finish the spell, put out the candle and sprinkle the photo with liquid wax (3 times).
  • Expect news from your loved one.
  • The rituals of calling the object of sympathy from his photo work on the second day. Otherwise, repeat the main part of the ritual again. You can perform magical actions of this type at any time of the day and at any position of the moon.

    Calling your loved one using gypsy magic

    Rituals using ancient gypsy knowledge have always been particularly popular. Thanks to powerful rituals, you will be able to quickly and without special skills remind your loved one about yourself, attract his attention and capture all his thoughts. The challenge works in such a way that you become a real flood for your lover. Having performed the secret ritual once, you will receive a lasting, long-lasting effect that allows you to finally bind the object of your sympathy using other methods.

    What is needed for the ritual

    To perform the ritual, you don’t have to run around the shops or special magic shops; everything you need can be found at home:

    To perform the ceremony you will need a dry bay leaf

    • dry bay leaf;
    • red threads;
    • the nearest natural body of water.

    Choose the threads used in the ritual especially carefully. Synthetic options will not work in such a strong challenge.

    How to perform a ritual

    To perform a magical action so that a person feels a strong attachment to you, it will take no more than a day. The call is made in the exact sequence:

    1. Take three bay leaves and fasten them with red thread.
    2. Go to a river or stream, release the package with the words:

    “That leaf that floats on clear water will bring my beloved (Name) to me.”

  • Return home and wait with peace of mind for speedy changes in your personal life.
  • You should not abuse powerful magic. Manipulate the thread once a month, and in no case earlier. The ideal moment for the ritual is the period of the waxing moon.

    Calling a loved one through dreams

    Another echo of gypsy magic is the powerful summoning of the right person through one’s own dreams. A love spell through such a phenomenon as a dream on the waxing Moon can call (call) even the most distant man from you. Rituals are performed only at night, after sunset. The challenge goes quickly, and its effect is noticeable in a couple of days. So, your main weapon is patience.

    What is needed for the ritual

    All rituals, both black and white, need nourishment, therefore, in gypsy rituals, things consecrated in temples, water or other items you need are used. To call your loved one through dreams, you will need:

    A pocket mirror is one of the main attributes for the ceremony

    • an ordinary candle from a church;
    • photo of your crush;
    • pocket mirror;
    • natural thread.

    Traditionally, the thread for such effects is chosen in bright red colors (immediately striking).

    How to perform a ritual

    Experienced healers recommend undergoing cleansing of bad thoughts before making the main call on the object of love. If it is impossible to carry out a full-fledged energy cleansing, go to church and confess. Ask God for help and humility. For the summoning ritual, you must follow the exact sequence of actions:

    1. Place the items for the ritual in in the right order: a mirror is left in front of the photo of your loved one, and candles are placed on two opposite sides.
    2. The fire should be reflected in the mirror.
    3. Repeat to yourself three times:

    “I will appear to you in a dream. Don’t drive me away, accept me as your own.”

  • Wait until the candles burn out completely.
  • Tie the remaining wax with thread.
  • At dawn, find the intersection of two roads and leave a package at the crossroads.
  • Return home with peace of mind.
  • On the night of the ritual, the man for whom you wished will see a dream where you are calling him. The next morning, the object of your sympathy will have an obsessive desire to see each other, talk, meet, or regularly come to your house. The spell works like an instant summon.

    A sharp plot to bring back a lover

    You can call your loved one different ways. Some people will be moved by a simple call, while others need a significant push. The challenge made using hot pepper gives quick and lasting results. Everyone has a pepper in their kitchen cabinet, which is most often used in preparing spicy dishes. Seasonings in the form of peas are preferred for the ritual.

    What is needed for the ritual

    Conspiracies that bring quick results are always not expensive in terms of money and are quite simple to implement. For an acute ritual to return a loved one, you will need:

    Hot pepper is necessary for the “spicy” return of your loved one

    Both pure pepper and its mixtures are suitable for the ritual. The main thing is that the main “ingredient” has a holistic structure.

    How to perform a ritual

    It is difficult to imagine a simpler and more effective ritual. You just need to retire to the kitchen and spend no more than 20 minutes of free time. The conspiracy is pronounced under the following conditions:

    1. Turn on the stove, put a frying pan on the fire.
    2. Throw in the pepper and repeat three times:

    “As this pepper warms itself, so the servant of God (name of the chosen one) will cling to me. Amen".

  • Bury the peppers under a healthy tree in your yard.
  • It is advisable to use such a ritual to call a person with whom the connection has abruptly ended. A man summoned with the help of a sharp love spell will remind himself of himself the very next day.
  • A love spell so that he, that is, the man you dreamed of and secretly always loved, could come with eyes full of love and longing, will solve all your problems? Black magic and runes, white magic summoning or any other influence only opens an already existing attachment within a person. You can't rely on magic.

    Happiness lies in sincerity, in reciprocity, and therefore it is simply impossible to force someone to love for which he did not ask. If the called object, after all the manipulations (powerful magic, calls and runic black love spell) remains indifferent, think about whether it is worth the effort. Take care of yourself, and love spell or simple help in the binding will allow you to return only really standing people. People say “what is not mine does not come to me” and this phrase contains the whole meaning of love spells.

    Invitation - conspiracy challenge. How to make an effective and simple invitation to your loved one yourself


    Calling a dear and beloved person is love plot which needs to be done if, with the help of magic, you need to bring back the person who left you. A strong invitation to meet your loved one is a whole magical ritual that is performed independently in several ways:

    Calling a sweet and beloved person (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife) helps not only using a strong invitation to force a person to come or call urgently. When they ask me “is it possible to get my husband back if I make a strong appeal”, my answer is yes. This ancient ritual helps restore relationships after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring relationships that were once lost by forcing a person to come on their own and offer to make peace.

    A quick invitation to the door to read the salt

    After 10 o’clock in the evening, if you are left alone, take a pinch of coarse salt in your right hand (crystals are important and fine salt will not work) and approaching the entrance door of your home, open it slightly and throw salt on your doorstep and quickly say a call :

    I while away the night alone, I remember you.

    How food is not tasty without salt,

    So even without me, the life of God’s servant (name) is not sweet.

    Without me, you will shed salty tears.

    Only love me deeply.

    I complete the call and lock it. (lock the front door with the key)

    I invite the person I need to my doorstep.

    Do not sweep the salt until the day your loved one comes to your home.

    Strong call for a church candle and smoke from the photo

    To force a loved one to appear, you need to read a strong invitation - a conspiracy to return. You can read this invitation to a person at any time of the day or night, as soon as you want a dear person who is far away from you to get bored and come to you or call (if he is in another city and is not able to quickly come to you). The ceremony for a strong and quick invitation is done using a church candle and a photograph of the person being invited. Place the smallest candle from the church on a saucer without a pattern (strictly one color) and as soon as the candle stands firmly, light it and read the Lord’s Prayer 7 times. Now take a photo of the person to call and light it with a candle quickly read the words of the invitation :

    So are you, servant of God (name)

    You miss me without me, you remember me with love.

    The smoke from the photo will go in the wind,

    He will quickly call my darling and forcefully bring him to my house.

    The candle burns out, my beloved begins to miss me.

    WITH the last word Amen, place the photo on a saucer near a burning candle so that the photo and the candle burn out completely. As soon as the fire goes out, open the window and let the smoke out into the street, and wash off the ashes under running water. The effect of the spell - the invitation - begins immediately and very soon the one on whom the invitation ritual was performed will make itself felt.

    Casting a love spell on a loved one with prayers is a very common ritual of white magic for love. Magic words to make your loved one fall in love with you without consequences for yourself and him are read in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you magic words on how to make a loved one fall in love with you or meet your soul mate who will marry you, for this you need to read the most strong spell- a prayer for love and quick marriage. This must be done in church after reading all the most powerful prayers for marriage. To cast a love spell in church using prayer, you need to buy 5 candles - 4 for prayers to the saints for marriage and love, and the fifth for your health from the icon of Pantelemon. Before

    Very strong love spell words said to water in a glass front door They will make your loved one very bored and force him to always return home. Read a quick love spell on water any day and at any time - this easy ritual can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of cheating. As soon as the person leaves the threshold of the house, place any bowl or glass of water at the threshold inside the apartment (house) and say a love spell on the water three times in a row

    How to get your beloved girl or woman back if she left you? A strong and proven conspiracy will help in order to return your beloved after separation and again awaken her love and interest in herself. After breaking up, go to church and perform a white magic ritual to return love from your loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave the change to the farmer (telling them to put it on a common candle). Within 3 to 7 days after the spell to return, your beloved will return to you and your relationship and love feelings will be completely restored. A conspiracy to bring back your beloved that needs to be read in

    A strong conspiracy to return love and relationships will help you bring your husband home after a quarrel or divorce, which you need to read at home - at home where you lived with your husband. Looking for a working and quick way to get rid of your rival and return your beloved man, a conspiracy to return feelings of love and warm relationships as before (until the moment of separation) will help. A conspiracy to return someone who abandoned you is read during the day; also, in order to return a person with a conspiracy, the lunar cycle is not important; any day is suitable except Sunday and major church holidays. Before you read a plot that can quickly return your husband, beloved man or ex-husband, put yeast dough. When

    It is not easy to instantly return a husband with the help of prayer - to return a loved one to the family, the wife needs to read a prayer for the return of her husband 3 days in a row - morning, afternoon and evening, and only on the fourth day the prayer for return will work and the husband will return to his wife. This one strong prayer for a family reunion, read with candles in church has enormous power and with quick action, often able to return the husband to himself and the children in one day and make peace after any quarrel. Prayer how reliable way to quickly get your husband back is read by abandoned wives whose loved ones have gone to a young mistress. After reading a prayer for the return of her husband, the infidel very quickly came to the family and repented of

    If your beloved man or boyfriend has stopped coming in and doesn’t write to call and is avoiding meeting you in every possible way, a strong conspiracy will help so that the right person calls you urgently, and this conspiracy works very quickly. This plot must be read to force your loved one to call, write or come to the person he is calling. This ritual can make your sweetheart sad and make him not only remember your existence, but also call you or come to meet you. A call spell will make the person you need remember about you and immediately call the phone. To perform a fail-safe ritual to remind yourself of yourself, go to an open window in your home

    The effect of the conspiracy to return and enlighten is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever his loved one is, even in another city, he will have desire see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love, like in war, all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. What if your loved one left for a rival? Here the best weapon is to independently read a strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is a very strong and sure remedy that a loved one will not be able to resist. This ancient conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to bring back a husband who had left home after a quarrel with his wife.

    There is a good white plot for marriage, after reading it you can quickly and successfully get married. You need to read this plot on Easter and this can be done by any woman or girl who does not have a fiancé or who is so indecisive that he does not propose marriage to you. This plot will force your betrothed to quickly marry the one who, on Easter week, read the words of the Easter plot to him for a quick and successful marriage - read on

    Love spells that you can read yourself can be done both during the day and at night. At night, the most powerful love plot should be read during the full moon; this time is considered the most suitable for performing magical rituals of love magic. If you need to quickly bewitch a person and read a strong love spell on him, you can perform a ritual on eternal love using his photo and a red church candle, doing everything yourself. Another very good and quick love spell is done with candles and needles and relates to black magic. As you can see, there are a lot of love spells that need to be read on candles. You can read them

    A cemetery plot made for love lasts a lifetime. You can read a love plot on cemetery land both during the day in white light and on a black night under the light of the moon. All strong love spells that need to be read in a cemetery are called cemetery love spells for eternal love and belong to black magic. In order to independently perform a love ritual on cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy, you need to be a very brave person and deeply love the one for whom you are ready to perform the ritual ceremony. Conspiracies will not be revealed great secret black wedding and you will learn the best love spells that should be read in the cemetery. Selecting and executing

    Many people are interested in how to make a love spell on their own using a photograph of a loved one. This in itself is a very easy love ritual with the reading of words magical conspiracy defiant strong feelings love in a person. You can read a love plot yourself, either at home or by choosing a faster black love spell using a photo and carry out love ritual at the cemetery. In any case, if you have a photograph of the person you are bewitching, his presence when you read the love spell is not required. You should also know that a love spell drawn from a photo cannot be removed; it is performed only once in a lifetime. To

    This magical ritual of love magic allows you to quickly find your love and get married successfully, you just need to perform a simple ritual with reading a love plot to meet your loved one. Immediately after reading this plot, fate will send you your betrothed who is destined to become your husband. For the ritual, take any small roadside stone that will fit in your hand and take it home. At home, rinse this stone seven times under running water while reading a special spell on

    In order for a friend to be the first to want to make peace and apologize for the quarrel, you need to read the plot for reconciliation while looking after him. In fact, immediately after reading, the friend will strongly want to return your friendship and will begin to feel guilty for the quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is this:

    This white conspiracy will help you quickly make peace with any person without causing him any harm and quickly restore the friendly relations with him that were before the quarrel. You need to read the plot for reconciliation in church in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Very soon after the ceremony, you will make peace and will no longer quarrel over all sorts of trifles, constantly finding compromises that suit you. Light a candle for her and, bowing, read the white spell - a prayer to make peace with the one you need

    All material is for informational purposes only and provided by our visitors! The administration does not check phone numbers and email addresses, be careful and do not fall for scammers.

    Calling your loved one is a way to bring a person back into your life. This method of fortune telling is fast and effective.

    The principle of calling a loved one

    Calling a loved one is powerful. magic ritual, the purpose of which is to remind the beloved of the existence of the performer.

    Rules and principle of the call:

    1. In order for the ritual to work, it must be performed at night, when the waxing moon is in the sky.
    2. If the ritual is performed on a man, then it should be performed on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. If for a woman - on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.
    3. Participants in a magical ritual must be familiar with each other, and there must be an energetic connection between them.
    4. This type of magical influence makes the victim remember the customer and begin to yearn for him. Such a ritual forces the chosen one to visit the fortuneteller or call.

    For your loved one to come to you

    In order to return or win love, you can cast a love spell to challenge your chosen one. This ritual can be performed using a photograph, a candle, water, etc.

    On the threshold of your home

    The love ritual is performed as follows:

    1. At 10 o'clock in the evening, in complete solitude and silence, you need to take a pinch of some cereal in your right hand and go to the front door.
    2. Open the door slightly and quickly pour the cereal onto the threshold, saying the magic words three times:

      “At night I lie alone, I keep my slave (chosen one) in my thoughts. Porridge is our food, and life for a slave (chosen one) without a slave (customer) is not nice. He sheds burning tears and decides to come to the slave (performer). I complete the ritual and lock the door. I invite my slave (beloved) home.”

    3. After that, you need to close the door and go to bed.
    4. For a challenge on a person to work, you cannot sweep the cereal until your beloved has appeared.

    And another option for calling a video:

    Using salt

    In order to call your beloved person to salt, you need to perform a number of actions:

    1. During the full moon, light 3 red candles.
    2. Heat the frying pan well; it is recommended to use black utensils in this ritual.
    3. Pour coarse salt into the pan and say the spell 13 times:

      “I conjure with magical powers, I call upon the spirits to help. I take away the will of the servant of God (the object being bewitched) and invite him to my house. Let him come here quickly, he does not resist love, he is imbued with the soul of the servant of God (performer). The soul will burn for the slave, like salt burns in a frying pan. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let it be so".

    4. At dawn, collect the used salt and pour it on the threshold of your loved one.

    On a candle

    To perform the ceremony you will need:

    • recently purchased clothes;
    • piece of cloth white;
    • church candle.


    1. At midnight, put on the prepared clothes.
    2. Spread a white cloth (this can be a tablecloth or scarf) on a flat surface.
    3. Light a church candle and let your hair down.
    4. Looking at the flame from the candle, read the words:

      “I put on new clothes, I call the slave (chosen one) home. The wax from the candle melts, and the heart will melt and be filled with feelings for the slave (performer of the ritual). Let it be forever and ever. Amen".

    5. The wax remains must be hidden in a secluded place until the chosen one arrives. Then they need to be buried in the yard.

    Using photo

    In order for a loved one to come or call in the near future, you can perform a ritual using a photograph. To do this you need to prepare:

    • an image of the chosen one, taken no later than 1 year ago;
    • 3 candles yellow color;
    • mirror;
    • telephone.

    The order of actions:

    1. When the moon is in its waxing phase, you need to light 3 yellow candles at night and place a mirror surface opposite them.
    2. Place the phone so that it is reflected in the mirror surface, and place the image of the victim on top of it.
    3. Looking in the mirror, say:

      “I put my energy into the phone, I put my soul into it, I invite my beloved. The slave will begin to shed tears and find no place. He will find his will when he makes the call. I ask the heavenly powers for my dear one to come.”

      The invitation will take effect within 24 hours.

    4. Then you need to burn the photo and scatter the ashes at dawn.

    Through a towel - video

    On the smoke

    To call a guy you need to prepare:

    • 9 aspen branches taken from different trees;
    • matches.

    The call is made as follows:

    1. At night, a fire is made in the forest or in the yard using matches and aspen branches.
    2. Looking at the smoke coming from the fire, read the magic words 9 times:

      “I picked 9 branches, lit a fire, and released smoke. Curly smoke, help, call the slave (bewitched object) to the slave (performer). Let him fall at your feet and join your lips. His will is subjugated, given over to his feelings. If he doesn’t come, longing will destroy him, life won’t be sweet. I conjure with smoke, I conquer the heart. Let it be so in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

    3. The next day in the morning, you need to bury the remains of the fire in the chosen one’s yard, once again uttering the words of challenge.

    On a church candle and smoke from the photo

    This ritual can be performed both during the day and in the evening. To carry it out, you need to prepare a candle purchased in the church, a saucer (white or gray) and a photograph of your loved one.

    Actions to be taken:

    1. Place a saucer on a flat surface, secure a candle on it and light it.
    2. Read the Lord's Prayer 7 times.
    3. Take the image of your lover and set it on fire, while saying the spell:

      “Mortal boredom sets in, only the servant of God (customer) occupies all the thoughts of the servant of God (chosen one). The smoke from the photo will go with the wind and invite your betrothed into the house. As soon as the candle burns out, my dear will call. What is said will come true. Amen".

    4. When the candle goes out, you need to open the window or window and let all the smoke out into the street.
    5. Ashes from the saucer must be washed off with filtered water.

    To the wind

    To get your loved one to come or call, it is recommended to turn to the wind for help. To do this at night, you need to open the window and read the spell, looking in the direction where the chosen one’s house is located:

    “4 brothers, fly 4 winds, find the servant of God (name of the one being bewitched). Grab it deftly and hold it tightly. Let his soul toss, rush towards the slave (name of the customer). Just as a mother cries for her child, like a cat grieves for her kitten, so the slave (name of the chosen one) will begin to shed bitter tears for the slave (name of the fortuneteller). According to the word spoken, he will appear and remain here forever. I give power to the spoken word. Let it be so. Key, lock, tongue."

    After what has been said, you need to go to the crossroads of 3 roads and leave a handful of small change there as a sign of ransom.

    For food

    A spell to call a loved one can be done using food. To do this you will need a candle and a drop of your own blood.

    While cooking, you need to light a candle and say the magic words 7 times:

    “Melancholy is hidden in the field, it lies there all alone. Heavenly powers, find this melancholy on the slave (name of the one being bewitched), so that he does not see sleep, does not know peace, only dreams about the slave (name of the performer of the ritual). Blood penetrates the heart and ignites the fire of love there. The slave is now burning with passion for the slave, he only desires her alone. What was said will be from now on and forever. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After the spell is cast, you need to drop a drop of blood into the food and treat the chosen one with it.

    Holy water challenge

    To perform this magical ritual, you need to fill a glass with holy water collected in the temple and dip a dull knife into it.

    For water, you need to read the spell 13 times: “Water is gaining strength, inviting a loved one to a slave. The water moves, the feeling of the beloved awakens from sleep. It brings melancholy and desire, it conquers the will of the dear one. As soon as the water spills, the beloved will return to the slave, ring the doorbell, and talk about love. What was said is destined to come true. All the powers of heaven help and bless this union. Let it be so".

    After this, you need to go to the nearest intersection and pour a glass of liquid onto the asphalt. You must go back without talking to anyone or turning back. It is recommended to store the used knife under your pillow for 3 days.

    For your loved one to call

    A calling spell can be made to a call from a loved one. To do this, you will need a phone and an image of your chosen one.

    The order of actions to be performed:

    1. At night, light a red candle and meditate for 10 minutes, imagining the voice of your lover.
    2. Take a cell phone in your right hand and imagine the voice of the bewitched object.
    3. Read the magic words of the conspiracy:

      “I clearly hear the voice of God’s servant (name of the chosen one). Speaks of love for the servant of God (name of the ritual performer). Passionately wants to be together, does not let go anywhere. Let his call wake up the silence, day or night. What's been said magical power I grant. Amen".

    4. After the spoken words, you need to once again imagine the voice of your loved one and go to bed, without talking to anyone until the morning.

    You can do this to get your lover to call you. You need to light a candle, place it on the windowsill and say 3 times:

    “Bassoon, burn your heart, body, soul, blood, spirit. Invite your loved one into the house of slave (customer’s name).

    Gypsy rituals

    Gypsy magic is a good helper in resolving love issues. In such rituals, pepper, etc.

    Gypsy Laurel Challenge

    Strong challenge using bay leaf done as follows:

    1. Take 15 bay leaves and a red wool thread.
    2. Having taken the prepared attributes, you need to go to the river.
    3. On the shore they make bouquets, each of which contains 3 bay leaves.
    4. Each bouquet must be thrown into the river, saying the words of the invitation:

      “Heavenly powers, help me, make my wish come true. The laurel floats along the river, calling her lover here. Soon he will show up, swear his love, and won’t come back. What was said is destined to come true. May it be so forever and ever.”

    5. On the way back home, you can’t talk to anyone or turn back.

    Calling a loved one through a dream

    This ritual should be done only on the waxing moon.

    Attributes you will need to invite:

    • 2 church candles;
    • image of a lover;
    • small mirror;
    • wool thread.


    1. Place the mirror on a flat surface.
    2. Place the photo so that it appears in the mirror.
    3. Place lighted candles on the sides of the photo.
    4. Then you need to say the magic words:

      “I will come to the slave (name of the chosen one) in a dream. I will subdue the will, I will take the heart. Amen".

    5. The wax remains must be tied up with woolen thread and taken to the crossroads.

    After the actions taken, the chosen one will see the performer of the ceremony in a dream, which is why he will have a passionate desire to come or call the customer.

    Pepper spell

    Calling a person for pepper is done as follows:

    1. Before performing the ritual, you must go to church and confess. There you need to give alms to those in need. This will help reduce the negative consequences of the call.
    2. At midnight on the full moon you need to take a frying pan and heat it.
    3. Then pour on it the same number of black peppercorns as your loved one turned on his last birthday.
    4. When the pepper starts to jump and burst in a hot frying pan, you need to say:

      “The pepper is tossing around and cannot find a place, so let the servant of God (the name of the beloved) dry out for the servant (the name of the performer) until he comes home to her. Amen".

    5. The remains of the burnt pepper must be wrapped in red cloth and taken to the crossroads along with 13 coins.

    A sharp appeal for the return of a lover

    A truly effective challenge is a ritual performed using hot peppers.

    The performer must prepare:

    • heat-resistant saucer;
    • 3 pods of red hot pepper;
    • 3 red wax candles.

    The ritual is carried out like this:

    1. Place the candles on a flat surface and light them.
    2. Pepper pods are placed on a saucer.
    3. Then the bottom of the dish is held over the flame of the candles, while saying:

      “As this pepper heats up, the desire of the slave (chosen one) to cling to the slave (performer) also grows. The element of fire helps with this, subjugates the will. Amen".

    4. After this, the pepper is wrapped in natural fabric (for example, cotton or linen) and buried at dawn under a tree that grows in the yard of a loved one.

    This ritual takes effect immediately.

    Are there any consequences to calling?

    An invitation is an influence on a person with the help of magical powers, so it has its own consequences, which are not as strong as with a love spell.

    Negative results occur in cases where the call was not performed according to the rules. This may appear as:

    1. Loneliness. A person will not be able to find a life partner.
    2. Infertility. Occurs if a gross violation was committed, for example, the ritual was performed for entertainment.
    3. Scandals in the family. Relationships become tense and strained.
    4. Losing a job or a large sum of money. Occurs if the customer of the ceremony did not make a payment.

    If all the rules were followed and a ransom was made, then there will be no negative consequences for either the lover or the performer.

    Online fortune telling: is this love spell right for you?

    Have you chosen your version of the ritual? Check if it is suitable for you and your destiny?

    Has the person you need disappeared, forgotten about you, or simply doesn’t know about your existence? To influence him and arouse his interest, there are powerful working magical methods. The object, under their influence, will remember you, become inflamed with desire, or fulfill your request with pleasure.

    Challenge to mirror water

    On any Thursday, take a mirror, immerse it in a container of water, look through the water into the mirror and read the spell seven times:

    “Two secret surfaces, one water, the other mirror
    Yes, across the surface of the water I send a cry
    Yes, through the mirror surface I call out to the messenger
    The spirit of the dark, the hellish army of the servant
    He must go on a dusty walk
    Through rivers, where there is not water, but tears.
    Through those Buyanov mountains,
    Through those dark forests,
    Through those churchyard meadows,
    Yes, everything is shrouded in fog.
    Everything is confused by the howl of a wolf,
    Black magic rumor, witch blood
    Yes, that distant land is thrice cursed.
    Yes, in that land there are souls that are rejected.
    Bodies that don’t know the spirit, that they’re thrown by the movie,
    Yes, the wanderers are gathered there.
    Who in a crowded world has gone to waste,
    During the day with fire, at night you can’t find a cry,
    Tears cannot be shed, prayers cannot reprimand.
    In that land my darling is lost,
    In that region there is a stray darling, a sick woman.
    Yes, search with a roar, spin, circle,
    Yes, the crow has an eye, find (name) there,
    Yes, with a firm grip on his speck,
    On this crowded path he wears nothing.
    Lead him on the imperishable, blasphemous road,
    Yes, through stones that are created by bones,
    Lakes and rivers that are filled with tears,
    Yes, the edges of the perishers, funeral prayers,
    Yes, the path is straight, drag him (name) with an arrow.
    Indulged, a servant of the hellish army,
    Lead him, the fornicator, lead him in a chain,
    Rainbow, and resting for forty days,
    Yes, thirteen devils are your pointer,
    The seventh psalm has wondrous power.
    In such a move, in a black exit,
    Take him (name) straight to (name).
    Take me away, and across the first surface with a cry, let the rumor spread,
    As it goes, (name) will reach the edge,
    As it reaches the edge, so (name) will come to (name)
    The second surface, which is mirror-like, is conjured,
    The path, soul, spirit, like the body (name) to (name) is fitted
    From now on they share the same destiny,
    Don't disperse, don't leave, don't walk.
    This is a black deed, a two-faced spell.
    I send a messenger, and I do what I was told to do.”

    Take the mirror out of the water, pour the water into a bowl and set it to cook; when the water boils, throw in either part of some thing or part of the clothes of the person being called, you can take a photo. If there is no such item, then throw a note with its name. When it all boils, look at the steam and say nine times:

    “I create a black call, a messenger for the soul,
    I send (name) in spirit and body.
    You were seething, you were boiling, and so, through this invitation, the blood in (name)’s veins was boiling, and your heart was boiling with anguish.
    He will walk and run towards (name).
    Then the call is black, the messenger is sent,
    bring (name) and (name) together for him.”

    Boil the water a little more so that steam comes out, then cool and pour it at an intersection or into any body of water.

    Call for a glass of salt

    At midnight, place a crystal glass on the table and fill it halfway with salt. Turn the church candle over and stick it in the salt. Sit in front of a candle, light it, and, looking at the fire, read:

    “Angel Satan, the Lord has given you the power, that power is to do evil, to punish and to conquer.
    Bending my relics towards you, I ask you for help.
    Release your devils, my 12 brothers.
    Fly, my brothers, to the slave (name), take with you sadness and longing for me, put it on his heart, plague him with heavy melancholy. Push him in the back, turn his legs towards me.
    Devil brothers, help, subjugate the slave (name) to my will. Until (name) stands in front of me, the melancholy will get to him.
    My words are a command, an order to the devil. No sooner said than done. And so it will be!”

    The candle should burn out. Then throw the salt out the window along with the ransom - any coins, and say: “Brothers to work.”
    Go to bed.

    Challenge to the wind

    Wait for a windy night, and out the window into the wind, say the spell nine times:

    “The wind is howling, crying, and the deeds of demons are bound into one and in whom to braid. Howling and grinning like a wolf, fly like a terrible lump to the house of the slave (name), crush him, torment him, shake him so that he suffers, but he came running to me, fell on his knees, kissed my feet, did not leave me, but he loved me alone , had mercy and honor, but without me he would have howled and whined. Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!

    Payback: small coins through the window.

    Two candles challenge

    Do it on any Wednesday. The phase of the moon does not matter. Intertwine two wax candles and say:

    “Just as we used to walk two ways, now we walk one, bringing (name) to (name) through a candle. Amen".

    Place a twisted candle in the middle of the plate. On each side of the plate, draw a cross in advance - 4 crosses in total. Place a piece of black bread to the left of the plate and say:

    “On the way (name) to walk,
    Yes, not with one flame, but with two,
    It burns, burns through, (name) drives towards (name). Amen".

    Place a piece to the right of the plate white bread and say:

    “That black messenger who drives prodigal souls,
    So let him drive (name) towards (name).
    My words are strong, that messenger will not be able to handle them. Amen".

    Place a nickel in front of and behind the plate and say:

    “I pay off with a nickel, and invite my darling (name) on the way to (name). He'll fly towards me like a whirlwind. Amen".

    Light the twisted candles and say:

    “Just as one flame came out of two, so there will be one body, which is given to two. As this flame blazes like a blaze, so (name) hurries towards (name), he must follow the black path, so as not to go astray.
    Now it is conjured, now it is entrusted, everything has been paid to everyone. Amen".

    The candle should burn out completely. The bread must then be given to stray dogs or taken to a place where the dogs will eat it. Give nickels as alms.

    Smoke call for smokers

    Smoking a cigarette, not blowing the smoke out, but letting it come out on its own, with the words of a conspiracy. Hold the cigarette so that the ash does not fall. We take a drag, recite a line from the plot, exhaling smoke, and so on for each line:

    "King of Smoke-Smoke,
    Bring (name) to me (your name),
    Past all the courtyards, past all the houses,
    Direct road to my doorstep!
    It's been said! Made!".

    Read 3 times without any distractions. Then silently wait for the cigarette to burn itself out, shake all the ashes onto your hand, and blow it into the wind. Wrap the cigarette butt in a piece of paper with the name of the person you are calling. Once the meeting happens, you can throw everything away.

    Challenge to bay leaves

    Do it in the dark. Throw three bay leaves into a fire or pot of fire. When they flash, say:

    "Laurel leaves,
    That are burning in fire
    Let (name)
    Will come to me!”

    You need to take the leaves with your left hand, throw them into the fire, and read the plot. Do this three times.

    Button Challenge

    Sit facing east and sew on 12 buttons, reading the plot on each one. You can sew it on any fabric – it doesn’t have to be the item you’re calling. Only cut the thread with a knife.

    “Lord, have mercy on me.
    O Theophan the recluse, come to to the inner man
    And arouse the attention of the slave (name) to me, the slave (name).
    Open the way towards us and don’t delay the meeting.
    Don't delay and don't let you delay
    Neither old nor young,
    Neither believers nor sinners,
    Neither wives nor husbands,
    Neither the higher ranks nor the lower ranks,
    Neither the first nor the last.
    Twelve Disciples of Christ
    May they help my meeting. Amen".

    Photo challenge

    Read 9 times on photo:

    “Both day and night, the blood beats in the temples.
    Let your heart ache with sadness,
    I will become your constant vision
    In your dreams you will see me as an obsession,
    I take all your thoughts for myself,
    I conjure you to dream about me.
    As soon as sadness creeps into you,
    Your path will turn towards me.
    Amen, amen, amen."

    Call for three messengers

    Close all the curtains, lay an unworn scarf on the table, light a candle, let down your hair if it’s long, sit by the table and read:

    “I wait for you like a hungry person for dinner, a beggar for alms, a sick person for recovery. I am sending three angel messengers for you: Gabriel, Zazel and Firiel. And may they not return without you. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Calling a missing person to nodes

    At sunset they tie knots on a rope with the words:

    “Lost (name) stop, answer me (name)!”

    The rope is placed in the western corner.
    At dawn the next day, the knots are untied with the words:

    “Lost (name) untie me, (name) answer me.”
    The rope is placed in the eastern corner.
    If there is clothing of the missing person, then for a man you can tie the sleeves of the shirt with a knot, and for a woman - the dress with a knot at the waist.

    Burnt paper challenge

    Take a strip of paper, write the name of the call object from top to bottom three times, with a space of 2-3 cm.
    Take the piece of paper in your hand and light it with a match from above (holding it by the bottom edge). While the top name is on, you must have time to say:

    “As this name burns, let the heart of the slave (name) burn towards the heart of the slave (name). So that he could neither drink, nor eat, nor sleep, but would still think about the slave (name), and run in her direction. Amen".

    Do this three times, while each name is burning. Wash the ashes into water.

    Three day challenge

    The moon and day do not play a role. If a person disappears, then this invocation prayer is read for three days.
    Lay a black tablecloth on the table, light 9 wax candles and say to each one when you light it:

    "To know the way."

    Place a photo or item of the person being called on the fabric, with a small mirror on top. Cut a finger on your right hand, and draw a circle with blood on the mirror, and a cross in the circle.
    Read 9 times:

    “By the power given from the beginning,
    I conjure, I create this call.
    Let my words fly like a black sheep,
    Circling steeply above the world.
    Yes, the church that is worth looking for in the damned city,
    Yes, that church is prayerful - not prayed away.
    There is heresy like a fast river,
    An anonymous prayer book,
    A lamp that crackles and crackles,
    Yes, the priest is anathema to the service.
    Yes, that excommunicated priest should incense him with censer,
    Speak black words, not prayers.
    A tallow candle in front of an image, not an icon,
    Yes, that image is black, like the face of a mother, but not of God.
    Yes, on that image there are 13 saints, but not church ones,
    They lived their lives by sin.
    Yes, that spawn of Satan, recognized by torment,
    Yes, that priest, the anathemist, will give praise to this image.
    Yes, praise and blasphemy mother of god,
    May that blasphemy flow into his veins with the power of hell,
    Yes, he is endowed with hellish strength.
    If he calls out to someone,
    He will either appeal to himself or to someone else.
    His cry is loud, and through the black vaults,
    May he fly like a raven, an arrow of destruction.
    May he gather the 13 eaten away by anguish,
    Tormented by terrible torment.
    May all of them, servants, fly towards the people,
    May they find (name) there
    Yes, his heart will be pierced, his blood will boil with boiling water.
    From now on he will not find a place, he will forget the peace of the night.
    Those 13 eat him, whip him, drive him with a whip.
    Yes, hurry (name) to (name), don’t know any other way, don’t find.
    No one will lead him astray from this path, no one will reject him, no one will dissuade him.
    Fly him like an arrow, in quick words,
    Search (name), only (name),
    Hurry to the threshold in a hurry. Amen".

    Then take out a photo or thing, place your face on the bloody cross, in the circle of the mirror and say:

    “The cross is all around, so you (name) are in a hurry to (name). Amen".

    Do this for 3 days in a row.

    Call is fast

    Place a photo of a person in front of you, look at him without blinking, and say to yourself:

    “The day has passed, the night has passed. I waited for the day, I waited for the night, now I’m waiting for you, (name). Let it be so".

    Do this at sunrise and before bed for two days. The ritual is simple, but very effective. After him, the person, as a rule, is announced.

    Call One Thousand and Eight Crows

    At night you open the window. Place a black blanket on the floor. For a blanket - 5 white coins (not yellow ones). Stand on the blanket and say:

    “Mother Night, in your worlds there is an oak tree, on the oak tree sit 1008 ravens. Let them find and bring the missing servant of God (name of the missing one).”

    Let everything lie there until the morning. In the morning, collect and hide the black blanket, and give 5 coins to the poor. After some time, the missing person will appear.

    Call to return from the road

    You need three church candles and a photo of the person being called.
    Place and light candles in a triangle around the photo.
    1 (top) we say: “Stop.”
    2 (on the right) we say: “Stay.”
    3 (left) we say: “Come back to me.”
    Then we read 9 times:

    “I am sending alarm after you (name), blocking your roads everywhere. Stop and come back to me."

    When the candles burn out, turn the photo over and drop a drop of wax from each candle with the words: “Sealed. Amen".
    After the ceremony, we put the photo under our pillow for 3 days.

    Anti-challenge - prevent people from coming to you

    Read on the threshold:

    “Lord, help, Lord, bless!
    Like a stone on the ground does not move,
    Won't get up, won't walk, won't turn over,
    So you (name), don’t go until I call you,
    Don't come to my threshold.
    I close my word, I close my business.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

    Defiant spell on a loved one's thing so that he returns

    it's quite simple and effective a challenge you can do yourself . During the waxing moon, it is best to make love spells and conspiracies for love and the return of a person after a quarrel and even divorce, but this ritual of calling a person to you is suitable for any phase of the moon. Conspiracy to challenge with the help of the thing, it can only be done independently at home and strictly before bedtime. Read summon spell best for clothes and even more effective for underwear beloved.

    How to make a call:

    Taking a person’s thing with you to bed, holding it in your hands, say words of a love spell to return that will definitely call a person to you and he will definitely come to you himself:

    I walk, blessing myself, crossing myself at the icon.
    How it suffers Mother of God according to his Son,
    So from now on the slave (name) would suffer for the slave (name),
    I couldn’t live and spend the night and live forever apart.
    Not a day, not a night, not an hour, not a half hour.
    I will close my hex, I will not put a lock on the fence,
    I’ll hang it on the church gate.
    Closing the word on your porch, on your wedding ring.
    Key, lock, God is on the threshold.

    Keep the person's thing in bed until your loved one returns.

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    Effective spells for summoning a person

    Mail, telephone, Internet - there are many communication channels, there are also enough addresses, but sometimes it is almost impossible to find a specific person. He could move, change his phone number, stop communicating with his old friends. Perhaps he is hiding on purpose, he doesn’t want to be found.

    When all available search tools have failed, try turning to magical powers. There are special spells to call a person. And it doesn’t matter who you are looking for - an acquaintance, a loved one or a debtor - higher powers will organize your “accidental” meeting in the near future.

    If you really need to see someone, sew exactly 12 buttons to one piece of material or to several different things. It doesn't matter. Work while sitting facing east. Say over each button you sew:

    Lord, have mercy on me. O Theophan the recluse, come to the inner man and arouse the attention of the slave (name) to me, the slave (name). Open the way to the meeting and don’t delay the meeting, don’t delay and don’t let it be delayed, neither old nor young, nor believers, nor sinners, nor wives and nor husbands, nor higher ranks, nor lower ranks, neither the first nor the last. May the 12 disciples of Christ help my meeting. Amen.

    At the end of the work, the thread is cut only with a knife, not with scissors. You will meet the one you have been looking for for 12 days.

    Prayer spell to call a person

    To perform the sacrament, prepare a Bible, matches, a glass glass of water, and a washcloth. Get up at 4 am. Place a glass of water in the center of the rag. Find Psalm 40 in the Bible and say it three times:

    - (Name of person), I call you, come to me, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    Repeating the words one last time, light a match and say:

    - On behalf of the Father (name), I call, come to me.

    Throw the match into the water. Summon the image of the person you wish to see and light the second match. Tell:

    - On behalf of the Son, (name), I call, come to me.

    Place a match in the glass and light another one with the words:

    - On behalf of the Holy Spirit, (name) I call, come to me.

    Place the last match in the water. Quietly read Psalm 40, imagining the one you need so much.

    Repeat the spell for several days in a row, and the one who was called will appear within 27 days. If you want to see a person earlier, read a prayer to Saint Expedite, the patron saint of travelers, in the light of a magic lamp of quick help:

    Prayer to Saint Expedite

    Saint Expedite, you may rest in peace. I ask you to fulfill my wish.

    State your request or desire. -

    Do what I ask of you. Do it now, this minute. Don't put it off until another day. Give me what I want. I know you can do this. You will do this for me, and I will glorify your name with love and joy. Fulfill my wish quickly, lovingly and well. I praise you, Saint Expedite!

    This spell is universal - it is also suitable for calling a loved one.

    wind spell

    The magic of these words is aimed both at attracting a specific person and an unknown person who should play an important role in your life: help solve a problem, cure, guide, teach or become your soulmate.

    If you want to meet someone specific, then cast a spell on the wind at a time when it blows in the direction where the person being called lives. If you are looking for a meeting with a stranger, then in the direction of the wind, call on the desired state: love, health, the occurrence of certain events, solving problems, and so on.

    Magic words for calling a person:

    The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words.
    Take, O wind, my words to the servant of God (name). Servant of God (name), wherever you walk, wherever you sew your body, bring your soul to me, servant (name) of God. Amen.

    If you need to attract a fortune, then replace the name of the one you are calling on with “love”, “happiness”, “luck” and so on.

    Do you know how to call your loved one? Get to know the most by known methods, which will help you call your betrothed at home. Both experienced magicians and beginners can perform such rituals on their own.

    A strong challenge from a loved one

    For this, other spells can be used. It is worth noting that the simpler the ritual, the greater the likelihood that what you want will not come true as quickly as you would like.

    This ritual will help those who want to call a loved one to come either. The ritual is carried out mainly in the case when a partner has been taken away from the family by his mistress and needs to be brought back. To conduct the ceremony, be sure to prepare the following attributes:

    • element of men's clothing;
    • a piece of fabric;
    • black threads;
    • red threads;
    • five wax candles;
    • holy water;
    • stone.

    The ritual is carried out only on the shore of a natural reservoir exactly at 12 o’clock at night. It is advisable to carry out manipulations during the full moon. IN set time come to the bank of the river/sea/lake, arrange the candles in a circle, light them with your left hand in a clockwise direction. Next, take the man’s clothing items.

    It's best if it's a T-shirt or briefs (something that fits close to the body). After this, embroider your name and your husband’s name on the clothes with red thread. Actions should be accompanied by the following words:

    I call you to me, I attract you (name),
    I connect your life with mine,
    The thread won't break
    And our connection will not be broken.

    After this, set aside the items of clothing. Now take the prepared piece of fabric and black thread. You should embroider the name of your mistress. If you don’t know it, then simply write “homewrecker.” During this you need to repeat the following words:

    Go through the forests and fields,
    Don't come back.

    When everything is ready, wrap the stone in cloth and throw it into the pond. Now take your husband’s clothes and say over them three times:

    You walk, you wander far, you don’t go to other people’s wives.
    Because you only remember me, you dream about me.
    Just as I care about this thing now, I care about you, only a hundred times more!
    Without my care you will go nowhere, you will never escape my love.
    Let the little thing draw you home, the long road will not deceive you!
    I conjure a thing for your arrival, I call you to me!
    My word is molded, my work is strong.
    Key. Lock. Language. Amen!

    After this, it is necessary to extinguish the candles and flood the ceremony site with blessed water. You can only take home an item of clothing. Hide it so that no one will find it. Rest assured that in a couple of days your husband will return to the family.

    This ritual cannot be called very fast (the effect does not occur immediately), but it is very simple. You will need to prepare a red thread, a small figurine (made from clay or wax).

    The ritual is ideal if you and a man have quarreled, want to renew your relationship, and don’t take the first step. You should tie the red thread around the volt.

    It is best, of course, to add human biological material to the volt. It could be hair, blood, nails, even an item of clothing. However, if none of this is present, then it is not fatal. Tie the other end of the red thread to your finger, then say:

    Find your way to me, come to me quickly (name), show yourself on my threshold, come back to me.

    Be sure that within a week the man will definitely return to you.

    This ritual is suitable for those who are already tired of waiting for their loved one when going on a date and you want to hurry up the man in every possible way. If you don’t want to give hints and say that you need to get ready quickly, just perform this little ritual. You will need to stand facing north, close your eyes, and then say:

    The winds are violent, the winds are strong, pick up (name), bring them to me. May my beloved be next to me now.

    Repeat the spell exactly 3 times, after which you will need to count to 40. Turn over your left shoulder, open your eyes and you will see your man on the horizon.

    This photo ritual can be used for various purposes. For example, if you are in a quarrel with a person and want him to come apologize, if you have not seen a man for a long time and want to meet again, and so on. No matter what your goal is, this will definitely help. Important condition: To carry out the ceremony correctly, a correct photograph of the man is necessary:

    • he should be alone in the picture;
    • the photo must be taken no more than 6 months ago;
    • the whole body should be visible, not just the head or part of the torso;
    • the picture should not be blurry;
    • It's best if the photo was taken by yourself.

    If you have an image that meets all the requirements, then you can start performing manipulations. You will also need a bowl of rice and two thin wax candles.

    Exactly at midnight you can begin the ritual. You should cover the work surface with a thick dark cloth, place a bowl of rice on it, place two candles in it and intertwine them together. Light the candles and place a photograph of a man in front of them. Then say three times:

    I call the betrothed mummer to me,
    I'm inviting my fiancé to come over.
    I will lure you with my beauty,
    Wherever you are, I will find you.
    I speak words, I cast a spell,
    She said her word and called her beloved to her.
    Key, lock, tongue.

    While you cast the spell, be sure to look closely at the photo. Imagine that a man comes to you. Rest assured, he will appear next to you within 24 hours.

    But what should those who have not yet met their lover do? Surprisingly, there are special spells that will help evoke his image. This way you will know who is destined for you and will definitely not miss him in the future. Many people believe that everything is destined by fate and they know in advance who they are going to meet.

    Such fortune telling is often used during Christmas time. Many of them are suitable for large groups, but some are done alone. When carrying out such a ritual, you need to be very careful, since it is possible that not your betrothed, but a magical entity will appear in response to your call.

    This is possible due to the fact that a mirror is used in the ritual, which opens a portal to a parallel world. Therefore, if you decide to resort to such a ritual, be sure to protect yourself. To do this, you can first make a circle of salt. Standing in a circle will make you less vulnerable.

    Place seven candles around you, stand in the center of your circle, take two mirrors in your hands. One of them is placed in front of you, the other is behind you. Your task is to look into the first mirror and see what is reflected in the second. Once everything is ready, say:

    Summoning the desired object using magic can be done in several ways. You can choose the method you like, or try each of them one by one.
    1) the well-known call to the desired object “Bassoon”: “Bassoon, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind with fire, sky, earth, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Feppe, Feppe, Elera and in the name of all devils. Bassoon, take possession, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind until he appears to fulfill all my desires and orders. go like lightning, ash, storm; turn him around so that he can neither sleep, nor stand still, cannot do anything, nor eat, nor cross a river, nor sit on a horse, nor speak with a man, nor with a woman, nor with a girl, until then, until he comes to fulfill all my desires and orders.”
    2) calling the desired object using a witch ritual:
    draw a circle at night, it is advisable that you read the plot on the light of the moon. stand in the center of the circle and clearly imagine the person you want to call. Then read the spell: “The power of words, the power of deeds, my aisle to you, (name), be drawn to me, like water goes to the moon. Your craving cannot be quelled, you want to meet me. As he said, so be it! "
    3) calling the desired object through the door frame: stand up, grab the door frames and say: “as it is true that the door frame is under my hands, as it is true that the threshold is under my feet, so you (name) appear under my will, show yourself now home (or wherever you need to be) so be it!”
    4) calling the desired object using a satanic conspiracy: take a photo of a person, draw an inverted cross on it in black, light a black candle. Say a spell: “I ask, and Satan commands you (name) to respond, show up, show yourself. My request is strong, Satan’s word is law. You don’t dare contradict him, you can’t disobey. It wasn’t a needle that pierced your heart, it was Satan’s word that entered into it. So be it! Read 9 times, then take a needle and stick it into the middle of the cross in the photo (the crosshair should be at the level of the heart). then leave the photo in place without touching it.
    5) witch challenge of the desired object: do it on Saturday. Darken all the windows, lay an unworn scarf on the table, light a candle, let your hair down. Sit at the table and read: “I am waiting for you, like a hungry person - for dinner, a beggar - for alms, a sick person - for recovery. I am sending three angel-messengers for you: Gabriel, Zazel, and Firiel. And may they not return without you. In the name of the father, son and holy spirit, Amen"
    6) calling the desired object through sewing a spell: sew 12 buttons onto an undershirt with black thread, cut the thread with a knife. Sit while facing east. For each button, read the following challenge to the desired object: “Lord, have mercy on me. O Theophan the recluse, come to the inner man and arouse the attention of the slave (name) to me, slave (name). Open the way to the meeting and do not delay the meeting, do not delay and do not let the old, nor the young, nor the believers, nor the sinners, nor the wives and nor the husbands, nor the higher ranks, nor the lower ranks, nor the first nor the last, be delayed, may the 12 disciples of Christ help my meeting. Wear the shirt for 12 days without taking it off (during these days you must see the subject).
    7) calling the desired object onto a candle: scratch the person’s name on the candle, then insert a needle into the candle parallel to the wick to the eye and light the candle. read the spell to summon the desired object 7 times: “Today I didn’t pierce a candle with a needle, I pierced (name)’s heart with desire! Now he has rushed towards me with all his heart, let the desire to meet come true!” leave the candle to burn out.
    8) quite simple - calling the desired object to the water: pour water into a crystal glass, and speak to the water 3 times so that your breath touches the water: “(name), here is your water - come and take it.” Place it on the doorstep overnight and the person should come the next day.
    9) call the desired object: read through the window or open door, holding a lit candle in his hand: “You come to me, clear falcon, not along one road, but along all of them at once. Listen to the damn order. This is my threshold, this is where you should be, this is where you should live. Servant of God (name), come to me. I'm standing in front of you. I am waiting for you now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."
    10) calling the desired object to the wind: wave your hand against the wind and say “The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words. Take, O wind, my words to the servant of God (name). Damn to the wind, devil against the wind and my challenge with him . Servant of God (name), wherever you walk, wherever you sew your body, and bring your soul to me (your name), Amen.”
    11) calling the desired object to fire. Write the person's name and date of birth on paper, place it in a fireproof bowl, cover it with dry rose petals, and set it on fire. While it is burning, read: “(name), by the forces of love, I conjure - you come, wish for a meeting with me, and come running to the meeting.” Scatter the ashes to the wind.
    12) calling the desired object to the element of air: draw a symbol of air on paper (whichever one is closer to you), Write the name under the drawing, accompany the call of the desired object with visualization. and say: "Element of Air, I want (person's name) to call me if he wants to. Please help me convey this message to (say the person's name)."
    13) calling the desired object to an intersection: Choose a windy day, stand in the center of the intersection and shout the name of the called person once into the wind, once against the wind. and go home silently without looking back.
    14) calling the desired object to the window: At night, in windy weather, open the window in your bedroom and whisper into it nine times: “(name) was walking, tired, (name) someone called. (name) rushing about, suffering, while the one who called will not recognize. I call (name), come to me to recognize me. Carry, wind, until (name) my words come true.”
    calling the desired object, like any rituals in magic, is based on compliance with the rules, concentration, clear and specific visualization of the desired result. then you will be able to call the desired object the way you wanted. Therefore, learn the basics of magical art first if you really want to achieve something. And if you don’t want to improve yourself, work on yourself, calling for the desired object, contact professionals, they will help you.

    Sometimes it’s unbearable to sit and wait for some kind of gesture addressed to you from the guy you like. In this situation, conspiracies will help, which are read with the goal that your loved one will definitely call. They can work even if the guy doesn’t have your phone number, but under such circumstances, of course, the chances will be less.

    Be careful when reading the plot, read it thoughtfully, with the correct attitude. Its effectiveness depends on the accuracy of the plot’s reproduction. Do everything exactly according to the instructions below, and you will definitely succeed.

    This article contains the most powerful and easy to reproduce conspiracies to get your loved one to call. Though phone calls They entered our lives not so long ago, however, conspiracies are quite strong and work the way you expect them to.

    Simple spells that will make a man call

    Before reading magic words you have to surrender to visualization. At the same time, they clearly and tangibly imagine their loved one with a phone in his hand, draw how he is dressed, what he looks like. You need to wish with all your heart that he would call you. Thinking about this, they pronounce a conspiracy:

    “My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and talk to me? I’m a stately girl, pretty, good for everyone and everything, and for you - beloved. Take your phone and call me quickly. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

    Examples of spells for calling

    There is no need to pronounce the words loudly, but you must believe in them with all your heart. Your energy and the power of your thoughts will do their job, and the guy will definitely call.

    Visualization spell

    There is another conspiracy based on visualization. It is used at the beginning of relationship development. If you met a young man once, but the relationship is not going to continue, you can use this conspiracy to get the guy to call. The following plot should be read 9 times:

    “My dear (name), who met me once, why are you silent for so long, don’t write, don’t call, and don’t talk to me? Quickly take your phone and dial my number! Your soul (name) will be filled with joy when you hear my voice on the phone!”

    When these words are read, you need to think exclusively about the guy whose voice you want to hear in handset. You need to imagine how he picks up the phone and dials your number. To enhance the effect of visualization, it is better to pick up some thing that belongs to him, or at least something that was in his hands. You can understand whether your appeal to magic has worked if you hear a call in the near future.

    Relationship call

    If you have great relationship, which are overshadowed only by inattention on his part and minimum quantity calls, you can use a spell to make the right person call. Young people do not perceive the lack of telephone conversations as tragic as girls. A guy can generally get wrapped up and not even think about how the girl is suffering without talking to him. If you have been waiting for a call for a long time and to no avail, you can correct the situation by reading the following lines:

    “Strongly, strongly, firmly, firmly, I speak to the servant of God (name) for an urgent call. I dare him from other matters and urge him to come to his senses. Let his thoughts renounce everything, and let his hands reach for the phone. Let no harm happen to him, and he will return alive. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    This conspiracy is not just aimed at making a person call, it also protects him from all possible dangers. While reading it, you should imagine a man calling you and mentally remove all obstacles from his path. You need to put all your emotions into these words and be sure to repeat them several times. Then you won’t have to wait long for the result.

    Restoring relationships

    How to get your old relationship back
    Sometimes a call is needed not in order to start a relationship, but in order to restore it, regain what was lost, and make peace.

    • In this case, you need quite strong ritual, capable of making major changes. To perform such a ritual you will need a photograph.
    • Moreover, the fresher it is, the better.
    • In order for your loved one to overcome his resentment and his anger, you should be well prepared to read the plot so that he will call.

    A prepared photograph is placed on the shelf, candles from the church (2 pieces) are placed next to it, a mobile phone and a piece of paper with your phone number are placed next to it.

    They light the candles, look at the photo, remembering the wonderful time spent together. Next read the conspiracy:

    “(Name), remember our joy, remember our happiness! Remember how desired I was for you! After all, I am your happiness, joy and love! Take away the grudge, dial my number, return our happiness!”

    The words are repeated 6 times. Then the photograph is hidden, and a piece of paper with a written telephone number is burned in the flame of a candle, the ashes are carefully collected and thrown into open window to the wind.

    Powerful rituals for your darling to call

    The rituals given here have a much more powerful effect on the target.

    1. A man should stop doing anything else until he talks to you on the phone.
    2. And this is already quite a strong influence on fate.
    3. So such actions can end unpredictably and lead to unexpected consequences.

    But they are ideal for those girls who do not intend to wait and urgently want to hear the voice of their loved one.

    Very effective conspiracies

    First, you can try to make a strong personal call, in most cases it is enough to get a dear person to call. Having prepared a large red candle, you need to make an inscription in black paste on a clean white sheet of paper. This must be the person's full name. Then the sheet is set on fire from a candle flame and the following words are read:

    “Body and soul burn on fire until you call me!”

    The text is repeated 3 times. This must be done faster than the piece of paper with the inscription burns completely.

    If the above method does not work, you can use black pepper. First you need to count the peas correctly. There should be as many of them as the number of years your darling has lived in the world. The peas are thrown into a hot frying pan, where a little vegetable oil is first poured. As soon as the peppercorns heat up, they will bounce on the surface of the pan. In this case, you need to say this:

    “As this pepper jumps and tosses, so let (name) spin until he calls me!”

    The absence of a call after such a conspiracy for the guy to call speaks of how bad and painful he is at the moment and he simply cannot muster the strength. So, before carrying out such a ritual, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth making it so that your husband or simply your loved one experienced suffering?


    A simple call spell

    First, turn on your memory at full capacity and restore before your eyes the image of your loved one or husband, as if he were in front of you in reality. Remember everything small parts: facial expression, twinkle in the eyes, posture. Then you need to read the following words aloud nine times.

    The goal is a conspiracy to get the guy to call. It is necessary to reawaken feelings in a man that will lead to the fact that he will soon want to call and do something pleasant.

    Spell to call with a candle and photo

    If you have a photo of the man you love, this makes things a little easier. When there is a picture of your husband before your eyes, it frees up resources.

    There is no need to try so hard to retain a visual image in memory. Take the photograph in your left hand, and in your right hand a church candle, which you first need to light.

    • Another detail of the plot is that you need to open a window or window.
    • Firstly, the absence of barriers in the form of a wall or a closed door contributes to the establishment of an invisible energetic connection between a woman and a man.
    • Secondly, it is a strong gust of air from the window that must extinguish the flame of the candle - for this plot to work, it is not recommended to extinguish the candle yourself.

    Call spell with photo and ribbon

    A beautiful ritual for which you will need to choose an exquisite red ribbon. The ribbon is a symbol of your feelings and connection with the person you want. Therefore, approach her choice consciously, do not take the first one that comes your way. It's important that you like her.

    1. This time you have to go to bed after midnight.
    2. Take a photo of your loved one and tie it to your phone with a red ribbon.
    3. Think about how imperceptibly, but irreversibly, a subtle invisible connection is established between you and your chosen one and the circulation of energy is activated.

    Then put the phone with the photo under the pillow, next to you, and start reading the plot itself. After the spell, immediately close your eyes and try to fall asleep soundly.

    A conspiracy to make the one you need call

    Do you need a photo of your loved one, as well as Blank sheet paper. Write your phone number on the sheet and attach a photo so that your face matches the inscription. After this, immediately read the plot.

    In the morning, remove the photograph from the sheet and burn it. Scatter the ashes to the wind. The ritual is aimed at making your loved one put aside their affairs and remember about you. Also, this conspiracy can help if you have been married for a long time, and your husband is always busy with business - after the ritual, he realizes that he wants romance again. Whatever happens in your personal life, get ready for a date soon.

    A few more important notes about conspiracies

    What do you need to know? Main features:

    • Don't do anything just out of curiosity. Use magic only when you are completely confident in your strong desire, the need to make the chosen person yours.
    • Don't tell anyone. The fewer friends who know about the conspiracy after reading it, the better. Ideally, no one should know. The fact that you performed a ritual to get a guy to call you is your personal secret.
    • You need to read the plot with a sincere heart.

    A phone call is never an end in itself. This is only a sign that this person is interested in us, he is interested in us and has a strong desire to meet. What happens in reality, on a date, again depends on us. Will we be able to capture the attention (and with it the heart) of our chosen one, will he become a loved one, and in the future - a husband? All this is in the hands of a girl.


    Rituals using additional attributes

    For any item that was in the hands of the chosen one or chosen one:

    “I lie down, pray, and when I get up, I get baptized. There are worms under the ground, and animals above the ground. The sun and moon rose, and I was alone. So may the Lord bless me and help me in my work. Key. Lock. Language".

    For phones connected with a red thread (your phone and the device of your chosen one or chosen one, the thread must be cut into two parts, one of which should be kept for yourself, and the other placed on your loved one):

    “The bell is ringing for me. I want to hear my beloved voice every hour, every day. Let him need me like stars in the sky, like a river in water. Let the spark of love fly between the phones and be stuck forever. Let it be so!".

    To your phone:

    “Servant of God (name of the chosen one), you don’t eat or drink, but you will find peace when you call me and tell me about yourself.”

    For any subject of the chosen one, so that he calls within half an hour:

    “(Name), I’m interested in you, I like you, but why don’t you call, why don’t you talk to me? I am stately, pleasant, unusual, pretty, kind to you, interesting to you. Take the phone and dial my (your name) number. My voice on the phone will respond, and your heart will fill with joy.”

    On the photo, so that the one who loves calls:

    “My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful! Remember how good it was for us, open your heart and soul. Quickly remember my number, make a date soon!”

    On a napkin or scarf with knots tied diagonally, which the chosen one was holding in his hands (read exclusively on the waxing moon; during the ritual you need to look at the sky):

    “I tied a knot in a handkerchief and wished for your name, my beloved. Your heart aspires only to me, and may you dream of my face. In the morning, pick up the phone and dial my number.”

    On the phone (on your device you need to dial your loved one’s number and say the words):

    “Call because you want to hear me. Call - because you want to see me. Call me because you want to love me. Call me, because you can’t live without me.”

    Strong spell to call

    If contact with a person occurred relatively recently or there was only an acquaintance, then the spell to call must be read according to different rules. In order for the right person to call now, you will have to prepare and do a stronger ritual. In situations where communication occurs regularly, you can use simple methods impact (on your own phone or object).

    An example of a ritual:

    the table should be covered with a bright red cloth
    in the middle of the table you need to place a red candle in a candlestick or on a saucer
    You need to place your phone in front of you (screen up)
    looking at the phone, you need to not only remember the person’s face, but imagine the upcoming dialogue as realistically as possible (you need to literally “hear” the words)
    after such actions, the words of the conspiracy are read three times:

    My beloved and dear voice, I want to hear you. You stole my heart and sank into my soul. Dial my number (telephone number) urgently, because this is important to me!”

    Gypsy ritual

    For the ritual you will need a glass two-thirds filled with red wine, a red thread and a ring without stones. You need to make a pendulum from a ring and a thread and light a candle.

    • Having pronounced your name, you must wait for the ring to hit the walls of the glass as many times as there are letters in the name (after which the pendulum must be stopped).
    • Similar actions are carried out with the name of the chosen one or chosen one.
    • The ring on the thread must be dipped into the wine and wait until the candle burns or its flame goes out.

    After the ceremony, you need to drink wine and mentally imagine the long-awaited dialogue.

    How to read conspiracies correctly?

    Conspiracies to make a specific person call can be read at any time. For the ritual, you can use your own energy forces or apply some attributes. It's much easier to get a photo of a guy or girl now.

    You can use, for example, social networks. If you are interested in a person when you meet, then you can prepare for the conspiracy in advance by giving him a piece of paper to hold (even an ordinary napkin will do). The main rule of the ritual is to believe in the success of the ritual. If you lack confidence in your abilities, the result may not live up to expectations.

    Rules for reading bell spells:

    During the ritual, it is necessary to clearly imagine the facial features of the man or woman for whom the plot is being read.

    when performing the ritual, the atmosphere around should be as favorable and calm as possible (there should be no children, animals, or other objects nearby that could distract from the ritual)

    1. if there is an object that the chosen one or chosen one was holding, then when reading the necessary words you need to hold it in one hand, and in the other - a lit church candle
    2. You cannot use a conspiracy for personal gain (for example, if a person has established his personal life, and you want to destroy it)
    3. if there is no candle, then it is recommended to read the plot after midnight on the street or on the balcony three times (so that the wind blows on the face during the ritual)

    The bell spell refers to love magic, so use it too often on different people not worth it (negative consequences may occur)

    it is recommended to read the plot as many times as the candle burns (or until its flame goes out)
    if a mobile phone is used in the ritual, then while reading the plot you need to imagine the numbers of the number of your loved one, the music that is on the call, and also try to mentally reproduce the person’s voice

    words must be pronounced as confidently and clearly as possible (stammering, incorrect pronunciation of words or other similar factors can significantly reduce the magical power of the ritual)
    simple conspiracies

    Without using additional attributes

    1. can be read at any time of the day, repeating words 3 or 9 times in a row
      if there is no photograph or object that the chosen one was holding, then when reading the plot you need to hold your cell phone in your hand
    2. when using a conspiracy, it is important to remember that the ritual does not bind the desired person, does not affect his feelings, therefore the upcoming phone conversation can be on almost any topic (work issues, discussion of a situation, etc.)
    3. Despite the fact that bell spells are considered one of the safest, and performing the ritual is not difficult even if you have no experience, it is difficult to call the rituals weak.

    With the help of such spells, you can remind yourself even to a person whom you have not seen or heard for many years. The only condition for success is that your chosen one or chosen one has your phone number.



    For example, the first stage of your communication is a telephone conversation. For many it happens on its own. In the case when a man doesn’t want to dial your number, you should cast a love spell to get the guy to call.

    This is not complete captivity of the individual, but just the launching of a program in his field aimed at one action. A call is not a one hundred and eighty degree turn of your entire life, so you don’t have to answer for it.

    And after the conversation there may be a date, then a second one, and so on. The call can be the start of a natural romance. You just need to “help” the client - make him want to dial the number. How to do it? It’s not difficult, considering that he has these treasured numbers.


    1st ritual for a guy to call
    In the evening, take your phone. Write its number on a small piece of paper with a red felt-tip pen. Attach to your device. Cast the spell:

    “The swallow flies south to find out what his dear friend wants! He returns home and says that he is with me! You fly, beauty! Let (name) not cope with melancholy! You instill in him need and deep sadness! Let him not fall asleep without my voice! Let the telephone ringing disturb him in his dreams! And talk to me, let him dream!”

    Place the device under your pillow and go to bed. Watch what images your subconscious gives you at night. If the impression of the dream is pleasant, he will call you soon. When dark images come, it means the person thinks badly of you! This is a warning sign. It's better to abandon your plan. If you didn’t dream about anything, repeat the ritual on the second night.

    2nd ritual for a guy to call

    Sit in front of a mirror. Take a photo of the person you want to bewitch. This is necessary to strengthen your imagination. You must dress in red.

    1. If you don’t have a completely scarlet dress (suit), then throw a piece of red fabric over yourself.
    2. Need a background. Light red candles on the sides of the mirror.
    3. It is necessary to position the phone so that it falls into your field of vision.
    4. Concentrate, imagine your counterpart. It is necessary to create his image “dense”.

    That is, you can practically feel his presence next to you. Project this imaginary “clone” into the mirror. When you reach such a state that it seems to you that the guy is sitting next to your reflection in the mirror, imagine that a wire connects your foreheads. It's easier for people to imagine a cord or rope. Do what is most convenient for you. It is only necessary that a line of communication be created from your forehead to his.

    Now imagine a situation where he just needs to contact you. The essence depends on your attitude and imagination. Tell him what you can come up with. For example, he urgently needs to contact you to find out information about mutual friends. Did you pass it on? What is the answer? You will feel it. Only at first it will be so elusive that it will be necessary to repeat the procedure in order to recognize what your victim is broadcasting.

    • As soon as you notice the opposite effect, turn your gaze to your tube and “send” energy into it. If you couldn’t feel anything, then just look at your phone and say out loud: call!
    • That's all. If you do everything correctly, you will hear a call signal in the near future.
    • If something fails, you can repeat it at any time. This love spell to get a guy to call can be performed at any convenient time.
    • Experts advise holding it in the evening, understanding that in the silence and comfort of semi-darkness it is easier for a non-specialist to concentrate.


    I must say, despite the fact that the effectiveness of such a ritual is not very great, but, as a last resort, you can try. Please note that you will have to make every effort to turn the situation in your favor. It is advisable to “organize” a real thread that will connect you. That is, use mutual friends, social networks or other things.

    If there are no real connections between you at all, then the effectiveness of the ritual will be in question.

    • There is a way out: find his account in in social networks and knock on your friends, write a message or send a gift.
    • If you don’t want to log in, do it incognito.
    • It doesn't matter if he understands that it's you.
    • It is necessary to achieve such a situation that this person pays attention to your energy.

    The ritual is carried out in the wind. If it is not possible to go to the mountains or some other place where a hurricane is raging, then turn on the fan. Just create a more powerful thread. Point it at an open window. Get into the flow. Create a mental image, the essence of which is: your feeling at the moment when the guy calls you. That is, it’s boring to imagine that you are already talking to him. What are your sensations, thoughts, feelings, etc.? Detail everything, right down to the smile on your face. Ready? Read the spell out loud, directly into the stream:

    “I call on the power of the wind! Come, make your dreams come true! Capture my desires, transport my aspirations! I call upon the power of the wind! Carry my order, instill it immediately! Let the Slave (name) suffer, languish with desire! I order! I'm punishing you! So that Slave (name) thoughts do not calm down, do not stop until he receives my words and gifts! Amen!"

    When you read it, mentally “let your feelings” into the created channel. This is an exercise in imagination. You imagine that the wave goes through a social network or through mutual friends, in another suitable way. If you do everything correctly, answer all calls. The desired one will definitely be there. Just keep in mind that the object may simply have the wrong number. Don't get lost here!


    The power and magic of a conspiracy to make a guy call

    What determines the power of a conspiracy?

    A conspiracy to make a loved one call is one of the most harmless ways of influencing a person’s desires and feelings. Despite the fact that in this conspiracy elements of a love spell are most often used, their power is directed only at certain actions of a person, which make him subsequently think about his feelings for the girl.

    It is quite clear that if a young man calls a girl, it means she interests him, and on a subconscious level the young man has just such a picture that, without the use of magic, forces him to delve a little into his soul and decide on a relationship.

    The power of a love spell on a young man’s call does not oblige him to anything at all. The conspiracy does not force the young man to change himself, act radically, or even influence the fate of other people. He will just pick up the phone and call, and what could be negative about a simple call. Moreover, it is in the hands of every girl to turn the conversation into the right direction so that next time the young man wants to call of his own free will.

    Types of spells to call your loved one

    A conspiracy to make a person call does not require any complex rituals. Sometimes it’s enough just to speak words on the phone so that after a while the long-awaited call comes.

    The power of words is obvious and what we think about often comes true, so you need to be very careful in your wishes.

    If, after a previous meeting with a young man, some item of his remained, for example, a lighter or a handkerchief, a pen, or even a personal item of the girl that he touched, then you can carry out a conspiracy on this item.

    You can also carry out a conspiracy on a young man’s phone number, which you simply need to write down on a piece of paper and read the conspiracy against him. To carry out a spell on an object, you need to pick it up and read the following words over the object 9 times:

    “My dear, (name of the young man), why don’t you call, don’t write,
    why don't you talk to me?
    I'm beautiful, I'm nice, I'm the best and the cutest,
    for you I am kind and the most interesting.
    Quickly take your phone and dial my number,
    and when you hear my voice, then peace will appear in your heart, joy in your soul, and sweetness in your body.”

    After these words desired man some memories associated with the girl should come up, and after a short period of time he will dial her phone number.

    The simplest conspiracy to make a man call is carried out on a handkerchief made of cotton or linen. You need to tie a knot at the tip of the scarf and say it 3 times:

    “I tied the scarf in a knot, and tied my desire with it. Help me, higher powers, help the young man (name) remember me, feel sad, dial my phone number. I tied the scarf in a knot and told you my wish. Soon everything will come true, my phone will wake up from the long-awaited call, from a sweet voice in the receiver.”

    Carry the scarf with you until the young man calls, then it must be burned.


    Ritual if you know the phone number

    Take the thing he touched, or his photo, or write his phone number on a piece of paper. At night, show what you have chosen to perform the ritual to the Moon. And say this love spell:

    “How the moon looks at me, how the night yearns for broad daylight,
    So you too, servant of God (boyfriend’s name), yearn for me, run to me.
    I am a beauty, illuminated by the moon, I am pretty, placed in your thoughts.
    As the breeze murmurs in the leaves, so my voice lives in you.
    Run faster, bring your speech.
    When you hear my dear voice, your heart will be filled with longing for love!”

    They said a conspiracy and go to bed, putting the thing that they slandered under your pillow. If everything is done correctly, the desired call will definitely come the next day. The main thing is that the ritual must be carried out with conviction, without even a shadow of doubt. Then everything will definitely work out. Your thoughts will be conveyed to the guy. He will remember you and feel the urge to call you.

    Spell on the phone if there is no number

    If you don’t have the guy’s phone number or belongings, but you really want him to call, you can use the following plot. Take your mobile phone. Imagine well the situation when he calls you. You can visualize his photo on the phone screen, you can visualize the ringing music, you can visualize your feelings. And if it works, then it’s better to do it all at once. This will be much more effective. Now, looking at the phone seven times in a row, read the following plot:

    “My beloved (name), you miss, you feel sad, you look at your phone - you’re jealous! You were offended, you pouted, you turned away from the phone! My beloved (name), pick up the phone and call my beloved (your name)! As my voice sounds on the phone, your heart will beat! Love will flow into your body as my voice responds! My beloved (name), call! Unite our hearts! Amen!"

    After reading the plot seven times, keep the visualization of your conversation for a while. This way the connection between your energy bodies will be stronger. If everything is done correctly within three days the guy should call you.

    A spell to call a guy who doesn't know your number

    This plot is used if you met a guy, you liked him, but there was no continuation of the acquaintance. In order not to suffer and not suffer in the unknown, you can perform a small magical ritual to remind the guy of your existence.

    1. Usually, even if he did not ask for your mobile number, a call will certainly follow. (Everything is within reason, if he has the opportunity to find out your phone number from mutual friends!)

      Stand in front of a large mirror. You should see yourself from the waist up. The reflection should not occupy the entire surface of the mirror.

    2. Take a good look at your image and think about what could attract his attention (face, eyes, lips, etc.).
    3. Now imagine that your Guardian Angel is standing behind your right shoulder, and the guy you like is behind your left shoulder.
    4. Read the plot nine times in a row, trying not to lose the images in the reflection:

    “Anyone (name) is lost, lost in a deep forest! My angel, follow him over the mountains into the forests, or fly to heaven! May the Servant of God (name) be found! He'll turn back to me with news! My angel, don’t let me down! Bring the servant of God (name) to me! Amen!"

    After reading, you need to cover the mirror with a scarf for a while so that the energy is preserved. If a guy knows your phone number, after the conspiracy, he will definitely call. And if there is no way to recognize him, then he will try to meet you in the place where you met. So go meet your destiny exactly where you met!

    A plot to make a guy call and apologize

    And if you are in a quarrel with a guy, and you want him to call first, then you can use another plot. You can, of course, be the first to reconcile without resorting to magic. It is even better.

    • This will make you look wiser and more feminine. But this is not always possible.
    • It happens that the circumstances are not clear to you and you cannot understand what is happening. Then you can turn to magical powers for assistance.
    • Perhaps a little push on your part will keep the relationship strong and lead to happiness for both of you.

    For the ritual, a photo of a loved one is used. You need to take a close look at his face and imagine that he is currently talking to you. Then take a piece of paper and write his phone number on it. Cut the piece of paper with the number so that only numbers remain on it (the edge should be as small as possible). Place a piece of paper with a number on the photo (it should represent a mobile phone). Read the following words three times:

    “Like a stork flies to the south, like a fish swims in the ocean,
    Just as the earth cannot live without a clear sun,
    So you (name) don’t sleep without me (name), don’t eat, and according to my words, you yearn.
    Like a nightingale in the grove chirps, sings songs, love calls,
    So you (name) miss my speech (name), you remember me with your heart!
    As soon as you hear my answer on the phone, your melancholy will disappear. Amen!"

    Speak, imagining how he is already dialing your number. You can even imagine music playing from your phone's speakers, which usually means it's ringing. The visualization must be very convincing. Now roll up a piece of paper with his phone number into a small ball and tie it to your mobile phone with a red thread (or yellow, white, green). The color of the thread will depend on the desired relationship.

    • Red - ardent love,
    • yellow – romance,
    • green - friendship,
    • white - marriage proposal.

    Carry the ball tied to the phone until it rings. You won't have to wait long! Then it is better to burn the piece of paper so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. This is a magical attachment that can be used to destroy your relationship.

    Second spell to call when breaking up

    This plot is used in case of separation. When you broke up “forever”, but you want to maintain the relationship, if you can’t take the first step, but you really want to continue pleasant communication, then use the following slander:

    “The crows flew in, we scattered to the sides! The birds have flown away - let your beloved (name) return! Holy Mary, help! Save and preserve our love! Let the Servant of God (name) send a message to the Servant of God (name). Holy Mary! Send his heart flying! Let him not toil and suffer, but let him quickly dial my number. Amen!"

    You need to read it five times in a row, imagining your ex-boyfriend well. There is one indispensable condition: you must stop being angry and offended by him. What's done is done, you need to move on without anger and negativity. Remember all the good things that happened between you and read the plot. Your favorite guy will definitely call you! If the conspiracy for some reason did not work, there are other stronger conspiracies for reconciliation. Use them.

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