How to be the perfect lover. The ideal lover - what is she like?

Do you love a married man and don’t want to lose him? Are you thinking about the role of a mistress and thinking about how to arrange everything in your common life? Read some tips on what it really is perfect lover married man.

She's beautiful. Well-groomed, beautiful and passionate. The ideal mistress of a married man is beautiful woman which evokes admiration in other men. As a rule, such a mistress is far from Gray mouse, she has no major flaws in appearance, monitors the condition of her skin and body, and often visits beauty salons to get her hair done, manicures or spa treatments. In a word, such girls, especially if a man helps them financially, are immediately visible to the naked eye. Why are all mistresses beautiful? Yes, because men in curlers and a dressing gown have seen enough of their wives and are looking for romance on the sidelines, but for some reason they cannot leave their wives (either they have children together, or they have a business, etc.).

Each task was great in its own way. It was just unusual, says another mother in Canada this time. That there is no ideal age for a woman to become a mother. Of course, from a strict medical point of view, it would be preferable to do this before the age of 30. But there is no misfortune if this threshold is exceeded.

On the other hand, if we consider the legitimate desire of every woman to finish her studies, to start at least a professional career, and to collect serious relationship with man, we would probably conclude that the Optimum range should be between 25 and 30 years.

How to become the ideal lover for a married man

She doesn't bother me with her calls. If a woman agrees to be the mistress of a married man, she must follow many rules so that their relationship is not discovered. This means that she doesn’t call when her husband is at home, doesn’t write letters or SMS messages, doesn’t post in social networks photos with your loved one. In short, he takes maximum action to protect his relationship. After all, in modern world on relationships " mistress - married man“They still look disapprovingly.

But in reality it is everyone's responsibility expectant mother. If the child is not an accident, but the result of deep feelings between a man and a woman, if for the sake of the mother he controls his health during the nine months of pregnancy and prepares properly, seriously and conscientiously the appearance of the world He has every chance to enjoy wonderful life, regardless of the age of his mother.

Why do you need to keep this in mind? Here are some recommendations that doctors make for women who want to get pregnant, regardless of their age. Research shows that smoking increases the risk of infertility by 13%. Make sure you are in the best condition possible. Eat well and exercise regularly to maintain your muscles. Keep your weight under strict control.

How to become an ideal lover photo

She does not arrange scenes of jealousy and scandals. A smart mistress must understand that if the husband has not left his wife, then he will not leave her in a year or five. Therefore, a smart mistress does not arrange scenes of jealousy for a man, or any scandals about why you don’t leave your wife. She must understand that such relationships suit the man and if the mistress does not want to lose the man, then it is simply better to remain silent about such things. Well, and, of course, the mistress will not reproach the man with everyday problems, such as why you didn’t nail a nail or didn’t wash the dishes.

Sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, increase the risk of infertility. Swipe full analysis to diagnose during possible diseases, which you may suffer without realizing it due to the lack of obvious symptoms. If left untreated, they can interfere with normal pregnancy and lead to the birth of a child with serious health problems.

I have heard these words more than once, imagine an ideal partner in every bedroom various ways, of course, only one of the others matches ideal criteria housewives. Well, yes, the smiley is beautiful, amazing female figure seductive shape, sexy voice, courage, flexibility, innovation and knowledge of the Kama Sutra. However, this is not exactly what is required for a big amateur. One page erotically conducted a survey that showed that 55% of men are the ideal lover, sexual with their whole being, and only 27 percent of the corresponding external data, while the other part remains in temperament and, unfortunately, a relatively small part of women took the intellect.

How to become the perfect lover video

She is sexy and self-sufficient. Already the combination of the two words “self-sufficient” and “sexy” makes a woman the most desirable in this world. As a rule, mistresses hone their seduction skills and sex life, know how to satisfy a man. Also, such women have more time for self-development and learn languages, travel a lot and achieve professional heights in their careers. This mixture of capabilities and skills makes an ideal mistress, because all men want to talk after sex and with “dummies” who know only manicures and varieties of cosmetics, they will be bored and such relationships will not last long.

While some people might not be able to say that women are sexy and a perfect lover if they are less than enthusiastic partners with a sharp mind. So what would a woman's husband call an ideal lover? First of all, only those who love themselves! If a woman is not able to love herself and appreciate him, she will never be able to convince a person of the highest ideal assessment of a mistress. These women lack self-confidence, and this is where all other troubles begin. The biggest and most beautiful women of sex, the enemy is shame.

Make yourself believe that your cellulite is your thigh core, then it will not pay attention to your partner's bed. It’s even worse if he suffers from shortcomings, talk to him loudly, or undressing a friend is accompanied by crying: Honey, what are my thighs. Look, this place would have really extensive areas of cellulite. Both you and him. Keep this in mind and try to be so.

She does not experience psychological stress. What is meant? A mistress does not behave in front of her lover as if she is in deep depression, she does not pout during any scandal (unless it is a moment of seduction) and, most importantly, she does not ask her lover about his wife. Because with this approach, a man will think more and more about the one who sleeps next to him in the same bed every evening - about his wife, and simply psychologically then will not be able to leave her. Talk about anything - be capricious, fool around, be unpredictable and joke - these are your main trump cards! 8)

Men dream of a mistress who completely limits their freedom, who at the same time is fascinating, funny, gentle, temperamental, and understands at a glance. What does he think about the promise? eternal love, money and children, but with - to enjoy. Men are advised to talk to them, do not avoid the words “never”, “last”, there will be no more, to stop and so on. In their opinion, it is better to leave it quietly and torture them in limbo. Dear - unknown The best way make it easy to think about yourself!

Narcissistic and respectful goes on dates to spend good time so as not to win. They are full of smiles and sincere, not impressed and bound by an eternal connection, but because they are good to be happy. These people live not for money, not for children, but because her husband loves her. The act of love requires loving oneself to be hugged and taken to the edge of the bed, enjoying his weakened body and exploring all the feelings in Lately suffered. The formula is simple - you must love yourself more than the person, and the person will love you more than themselves.

Is it possible to make the man you love dream only about you? How to quickly ignite desire in him and, most importantly, not let it go out? You can master this art!

You so want to be the one and only for your man, to become an ideal lover and give him magical sensations. After all, it is so important that in bed you not only give each other pleasure, but also become more and more close and open. How to make every night fabulous? This subtle art can be learned.

Be the bed always updated. People love to be refined in a vertical position and innovation, however, turns out to be horizontal - forget any exclusivity. The ideal lover, even expecting to take off his shoes, always wears something beautiful underwear, sexy and seductive, but not for anything else, and above all - for yourself. The formula is simple - walk as if you are always ready to receive a fashion expert speak in a sexy, low, slightly muffled voice. Learn how to combine humility and courage.

Be full of initiative, but leave the rude answer. Men in bed are usually not lazy, but even the great “lovers” and initiators of unoccupied women lose all dexterity. The formula is simple - be active and your partner will love you and strive to provide pleasure, love, care and attention.

Sensuality in a woman awakens over time. And if you wish, you can develop it. You will have to work on yourself, abandon the usual scenarios of behavior in bed. So, what makes the perfect lover so special?

1. Enjoys sex. She makes love not at all out of a sense of duty and not in order to keep the “lustful male.” She responds to every touch and is ready to give her partner bold caresses. Attraction cannot be faked: when a man feels that he arouses sincere desire in his girlfriend, this is the best compliment for him.

Learn, try, talk and expect less but give more. Men remember such a woman even after five minutes. Try to understand men. Nobody associates men with women who understand him. You may ask - where is the merit of the ideal housewife? We answer that no mistress will become an ideal mistress if she does not understand what a man is telling her. It's about not only about the bedroom, but also next time, the clock outside the bedroom walls. You don't have to agree, accept, just try to understand it and show him that you are trying to find common ground.

2. Loves himself. A real seductress knows her worth and understands how attractive she is. Perhaps a picky critic would consider its proportions far from ideal. But such a woman knows how to emphasize her advantages and presents herself as a gift. She has no doubt that anyone will feel dizzy just because she is nearby. And this confidence is transferred to others. Her partner doesn't have to listen to lamentations about

Praise, spread compliments. Men need them to not overdo it and not be a personal appraiser who constantly praises their abilities in bed, work success, communication skills, etc. extreme compliments kill sincerity. Pay attention and only speak out loud when it's really worth it.

Why choose the mistress part? Lover status is especially good for those running away from commitment: who should pledge eternal love to someone whose life expectancy is expected to last for a limited time? The attention of compliments is an integral part of a lover's life. But it's nice to keep in mind that you are a woman first. A husband may be disgusted by his wife's tired, foggy mood. He will only go to his mistress when he wants to show his usual side.

3. Takes care of himself. Agree, it’s hard to imagine a sex diva in a stretched terry robe and torn slippers. Certainly. What makes a woman desirable is not intricate lace lingerie or stiletto heels. Just remember that the natural smell of clean skin and fresh aroma of hair has a magnetic effect on men.

4. Knows what he wants. Unlike many young ladies, in bed the ideal mistress does not at all try to reproduce exciting scenes from romance novels or the "killer" moments of porn films. Everything is much simpler: she directly asks the man what kind of caresses he dreams of. And in the process, he sensitively reacts to every moan of his partner, movements of his body, rhythm of breathing - that’s why the result is so impressive.

Therefore, you get an almost ideal person with a weakness: he is already attached to another. However, such a division is quite a good option: You will probably be the sweetest dude and your wife is just a jug. And yet, that's not all. The role of lover also has one particular advantage, like no other well-tolerated female ego. What does a man do with his lover? He is practically walking on a razor's edge: if his wife finds out, it is possible that his entire family structure will collapse.

Knowing this, he risked his entire life family life, and not because of anything else about you: that you are fascinating, attractive, amazing, which he builds all his stability on his map. Women often prefer to play the role of lover, and they themselves have experienced male infidelity. It's no secret that knowledge of infidelity destroys one's own ego, exhausts, humiliates, despises. When other women continue to walk with their heads held high, enjoying their advantage, they have to swallow a bitter pill: they have changed it to something else.

5. Intriguing. People quickly get used to each other, and the intensity of passions inevitably drops, even if nature has endowed you with a stormy temperament. That’s why it’s so important to be able to awaken your companion’s imagination and tease him. Imagine: today you are a liberated hetaera, and tomorrow you are a laughing graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens. Next to such a friend, a man will also have to change his role, trying on different images. The game will definitely bring variety to your relationship.

So if you're a natural by nature - perhaps this experience will definitely discourage the idea of ​​becoming a second woman married woman. However, if the nails are sharp, there may be a desire to grow tubes. This time not for myself, but for another woman. Then you really know that it gives away not only you, but also others.

Why choose a more sophisticated version of love when he is married and the common future is naive? Therefore, the more obstacles there are in your relationship, the more emotional and sexual energy accumulates, the more passion intensifies your meetings. After all, forbidden fruits are always sweeter.

7. Constantly improving. She is interested in the sexual side of relationships, tries to keep abreast of new trends, and reads quality literature on this topic. Have you ever heard of special exercises for development and strengthening intimate muscles? Try to master such gymnastics - and you will experience a completely different range of sensations during sex.

Is it always the lover's part - as sweet as the forbidden fruit? Psychologists identify several stages of development of such secret history. Please note: what happens next is that it gets worse. Everything is controlled. At this stage, you are the mistress of the position, the queen, of which one word belongs to the happiness or despair of the object of passion.

You are not going to be a lover for many years. You will meet another month, and then you will stand apart, you can become friends. In fact, if at this stage you manage to help, you think that you have covered your circle of your secret history: choosing the best and getting rid of everything that is unpleasant.

8. Knows how to carry on a conversation. It just seems that in bed the ability to think is absolutely useless; it is not the head that is required, but completely different organs. The few minutes following the bright ending can bring a couple closer together or, conversely, push lovers away from each other. If, immediately after orgasm, you suddenly tell a relaxed man: “You know, my previous one was more inventive than you,” you are unlikely to leave pleasant memories of yourself. Luxurious woman distinguished by the ability to remain silent when necessary, and, conversely, to defuse the atmosphere with a joke at the right moment.

Maybe it's better for you to stay with him? You are still good, you are still passionate, and the passion for your wife is guaranteed to be overwhelming. After all, now is the time to start building a common future! The desire to stay together is expressed strongly. You're just trying to show him that you can stay together.

Or maybe it doesn’t even solve anything? It's time to mention possible plans for your future first. You have already decided: it should be yours! At this stage, most lovers take active measures: they themselves become those postal balloons that in the past they report to a wife who may have nothing to do with male romance, finds many tricks to make new audiences his colleagues and friends.

9. Respects his freedom. A self-confident diva is unlikely to bombard her lover with sentimental SMS and fill his mailbox with tender postcards. No need to make big plans immediately after the first night: a real man will not succumb to pressure and will not want to become a victim of manipulation.

10. Admires a man. Next to his ideal lover, he feels like a real hero. Emphasize how good you feel in the company of your partner! Let him feel like a champion in bed and more. Who would voluntarily give up such a sensitive and understanding friend?

And now is the hour of choice. It's actually not that important. If only when he gets to this stage he eventually comes up with something - it only shows the guy's softness. Even if he sometimes chooses you, you already know: the gentleman is as thin as an egg, just for a minute.

A lover is not a condemnation or a disease. It may be difficult to find a lover who believes that she is the second woman in her friend's life. On the contrary, in the completeness of the novel it is the first, the extraordinary, the divine, and the wife is only the second, with whom love and obligations are not tied to anything.

According to psychologists, a woman seduced by someone else's husband evaluates herself better. She believes that if a man regularly flies to her with his wife, then she is more beautiful, pretty, and sexy. At that time, the woman experiences euphoria, feels satisfaction, desires. The body releases more endorphins and eventually the woman becomes addicted. Not from a lover, but from the euphoria of survivors.

Try to get rid of complexes. tightness, forget about the sexual stereotypes that were instilled in you from your youth. Each couple develops its own rules of conduct in bed and determines the standards of decency. decides what is permissible in sex and what is strictly prohibited. And this can only be achieved through experience. So get creative and experiment! Listen sensitively to your body, follow its reactions - it will not deceive you. And, of course, be sincere with your partner, only under this condition can you truly understand and feel each other.

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