The meaning of the name Roman for a boy. Male name Roman: mystery and origin

Since ancient times, people have noted that the name a person receives at birth has a huge impact on his fate and character throughout his life. Very often, if the name is known, it can indicate nationality owner, his religion.

Huge information lies the same is true in its very sound, since some are pronounced melodiously and affectionately, while others evoke caution.

Every Roman will probably want to know as much as possible about what his name means and how it came about, because it’s not for nothing that his popularity is increasing year by year.

Origin of the name

Some believe that their origin given name owes to the Latin word "romanus", the literal translation of which means "Roman", or "Roman". But it can be interpreted completely differently, because from the ancient Greek language this word can be translated as "having strength", "strong", which fully characterizes its owner.

Meaning of the name

Many people are very interested in what the name Roman means. Slavic peoples. There is an opinion that its derivative is the name Romulus. Rome was named after him and another hero, whose name was Remus. Since the days of the Roman Empire, such names have been assigned to many boys.

For boy

Little Roman has been inquisitive since childhood and takes everything seriously. Parents should prepare themselves in advance for the fact that their son will ask many questions about the world around him. He needs a complete and intelligible answer to each of them.

Character traits little Roman begin to appear from a very early age. He is very proud and stubborn, so in no case should you convince him by force; it is much easier to do this with the help of the right arguments and irrefutable evidence.

The baby's charm leads to his mother spoils her very much. This has a significant effect as he grows up, as Roman becomes impudent and rude, trying to destroy the opinions of strangers who call him a “mama’s boy.”


IN school years Roman has problems. He really likes to create for himself negative image, to be a “bad guy” for others, so he tries to match him in everything. He can come to class without learning it, he can skip school, fight with peers, and sometimes even breaks windows.

Roman likes sports, especially its violent types. He shows interest in martial arts, so parents should switch their son’s attention to something else, since he already has a very strong will.


IN childhood Roman is not in good health. He will have time to get over all known diseases - colds, chickenpox, measles and many others. As he grows older, his health improves, but since he is too impulsive, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder may occur. Often the bearers of this name vegetative-vascular dystonia is diagnosed. In addition, attention should be paid to the musculoskeletal system.


Roman easily gets along with people, so everyone accepts him as one of their own. He is very cheerful, easy-going and easy to communicate, but this only lasts until the moment he takes on any obligations. He cannot stand it if someone tries to encroach on his freedom.

Roman is more likely to break off relations with this person than to make concessions. He also does not tolerate those who try to use him to achieve their goals. With such people he is categorical and harsh.

Roman is prone to various scams, distinguished by sociability, which allows him to emerge victorious from any situation.

He loves luxury and is naturally generous, which can sometimes end in major troubles financially.


The bearer of this name is very amorous. He is ready to give his chosen one expensive gifts, but if he has to part, he experiences practically no emotions. Roman is a passionate lover; it is very important for him that sex be varied. Having serious relationship with his girlfriend, a man can have connections on the side.

Roman creates a family union late, due to a long search for his chosen one. Married not loyal, so the wife quickly gets tired of waiting for him to ever settle down and after three or four years married couple breaks up.

Who can you marry?

Roman can create an ideal family with a woman named Lyubov, Maya,. Relationships in which there will be no stability are destined for the owners of the name, Zinaida, Zoya.

All zodiac signs

Aries novels are characterized as sympathetic and good-natured men who are not inclined to worry about any troubles in life. They can fall in love at the first meeting and show deep and sincere feelings for their chosen one.

Roman Taurus very active and purposeful person. He always has many plans for the future that he strives to fulfill. Roman's actions and actions are under his control and responsibility. He is disgusted by the pressure from above as in personal life, and in work.

Born under the sign Gemini Roman, is distinguished by eccentricity, impressiveness and nobility. He is characterized by a desire to help the weak, to commit good deeds. Relationships with the opposite sex are most often platonic.

U Romana-Cancer character is very contradictory. Any he perceives failures as a personal insult. He is characterized by modesty, touchiness and suspiciousness, which is why he often finds himself under the influence of others.

Roman-Lev He is sociable, never sad, it is important for him to constantly be in the center of attention. By nature, the bearer of this name is an egoist, therefore he does not have close friends. In relation to the chosen one shows care and love.

Roman born under the sign of Virgo, persistent, scrupulous and categorical. Plus, he always strives to achieve his goal. His actions are consistent and thorough. Opposite sex It’s very difficult with Roman-Virgo, since his chosen one must be smart, beautiful, feminine and independent.

Character Romana-Libra possesses restraint and intelligence. The man finds it easily mutual language with others. Always ready to help those who need it, and will never demand anything in return. The novel is very successful among the fair sex, but most often lives with the chosen one in a civil marriage.

For Roman-Scorpio characterized by emotionality and excessive impulsiveness. Because of such qualities, he becomes fickle. Believes that he is an innovator and a rebel, so he very often does ugly things. This sometimes turns off boyfriends and women.

For the soulful and charming Roman-Sagittarius It is natural to be a leader of a company. He has a cheerful disposition and perceives any troubles in life with a sense of humor. He's always surrounded beautiful women, but Roman cannot be called a Don Juan. He will only reveal his feelings truly beloved girl.

For Romana-Capricorn characterized by reprehensibility, isolation and prudence. He never deviates from his chosen principles in business. It is better for him to be alone, which is why very often a man never starts a family.

Almost everything Aquarius Novels They love freedom, they are characterized by honesty and integrity. The owners of this name are very smart, their mood often changes. Thanks to insight and thoughtfulness relies solely on oneself in business, pressure from outside is unacceptable to him.

Born under the sign Pisces Roman, loves to dream. In his soul he great romantic, who believes that he came to this Earth for a special mission and is waiting for it to happen historical event with his participation. He is always outside real world, That's why incapable of understanding people. Because of this, he is often rejected and deceived. Roman-Pisces himself is never distinguished by constancy and sincerity in relationships.

Name day

The patron saints of the name Roman are: plural. Thus, the first church calendar is celebrated on February 11, when the day of remembrance of Saint Roman, a martyr suspected of paganism and executed in Syria, comes.

On October 14, the name day of all representatives of the stronger sex with this name is celebrated. The date is considered Day of remembrance of Roman Sladkopevets, who gained fame thanks to the creation of church canons.

On December 10, Roman of Antioch is commemorated. At one time, he was a hermit engaged in healing seriously ill people, which brought him great fame. In addition, Roman celebrates his name days in March (9), May (15), August (6.11).

Each name has its own secret. Knowing everything about the name Roman, its owner will be a winner in any situation and will reveal all his talents and strengths.

Meaning and origin of the name

The name Roman came to us from Ancient Rome. The Latin root "romanus" meant "Roman" or "Roman". Of course, this name contained not only a territorial component. Living in Rome elevated a person of those times. By the way, the name “Rome” itself comes from the names of the founding brothers, Romulus and Remus. Such options instead of the name Roman are still possible today (although rare).

To the modern ear, the name Roman seems especially pleasant and euphonious. It is similar to the words "romance" and "novel" - interesting book or love adventure. All this in people's minds will be associated with a man named Roman.

The fate and character of Roman

Roman is a man with double bottom. Possessor of a passionate nature and choleric temperament, he can hide his feelings under a mask for a long time, without giving them away under any guise. He is quite vindictive, but will never passionately prove why his ill-wisher is wrong. Roman will restore justice on occasion, having carefully considered everything.

Most men bearing this name are characterized by an analytical mind. Roman tends to remain calm and sort through arguments before getting involved in an argument. Weighing the pros and cons, he rarely makes mistakes.

Paradoxically, this quality of Roman’s character is combined with his love of adventure and adventure. If, when you heard the word “Roman,” you imagined a cold-blooded bore, most likely, you saw only the very mask that he sometimes wears. Although calculation never leaves his motives, Roman still knows how to look at life with a broad perspective. This is what sometimes surprises others so much. Roman can be an ideal businessman and an exemplary leader, and then give up everything and move to another country, radically changing his occupation.

He is organized and does not give in to other people's influence, which makes him an excellent leader. Although Roman can often find himself in the field of art, since he is not alien to a creative approach. Thus, depending on the choice of profession, different faces his character. Sociable, knows how to find a language with the right person and make an impression. True, he is not ready to give in, as he is very stubborn.

Love, especially its carnal component, is an important part of Roman’s life. This man is usually very attractive and sexy to the opposite sex; he can literally go through women for some time, looking for the One who will devote her life to him. His wife, who is bright in temperament, will not be bored next to him, although at first they will have to get used to each other. Roman values ​​the woman he has chosen very much.

Meaning of a boy's name

As a child, little Roma will be inquisitive and businesslike. Likes to finish what he starts, but only if he is interested - this must be taken into account when doing early development with baby. In general, he is active and restless. The rigid authoritarian line of behavior of his parents will only teach him to dodge and not say anything, so it is important to explain to Roma what caused certain prohibitions, and to build respectful, trusting relationship from an early age.

Roma, as a rule, has a good memory, so he quickly grasps school curriculum, especially in your favorite subject. He is rarely an excellent student, because he tries when science makes him want to understand it and succeed. Often interested in practical experiments, for example, in physics or chemistry.

Characteristics of the name

Roman notes name day often. In January they happen only once, on the 18th, but in February - twice, on the 11th and 16th. They occur twice in March - on the 2nd and 29th. In April, Roman does not have a name day, only in May - on the 15th. Roman becomes a birthday boy twice in June, on the 5th and 13th. In August, a whole series of name days awaits him - the 1st, 6th, 11th, 15th and 23rd. Autumn name days begin on September 24, then repeat twice in October - on the 8th and 14th, and once in November - on the 13th. This series is summed up by Roman's December name days - December 1 and 10.

Which middle name is suitable for: best compatibility with patronymics Viktorovich, Makarovich, Glebovich, Savelyevich, Alekseevich, Yakovlevich, Yaroslavovich, Svyatoslavovich. The strong energy of the name Roman will dominate and manifest itself more and more clearly with age.

Energy impulsive, a little choleric, but well amenable to control by its owner.

Lucky number: symbol of leaders - Unit.

Element: Fire, bold, but very self-confident.

Zodiac: The name is best suited for boys born under the Sign of Aquarius and Taurus.

Stone-amulet: mineral with unusual name Morion is a black variety of rauchtopaz. Morion is also called black crystal, and from Latin the name of this stone is translated as “gloomy” or “gloomy.” Absorbs negativity well, so it is a very powerful amulet. It is necessary to wash it with water occasionally to get rid of energy contaminants.

Metal: gold, the king of metals and the dream of alchemists.

Colors: dark ones - black or brown, as well as fiery shades - red and gold.

Patron planet: Mercury, dexterous and energetic, or Saturn, associated with justice and helping to achieve high positions.

Totem animal: doe.

Plants-amulets: trees - poplar and cypress (favorable near the house), flower - a modest, but demanding violet.

Famous representatives: Roman Viktyuk (theater director); Roman Klein (Russian architect); Roman Yakobson (linguist; Russia and USA), Roman Kartsev (pop, theater and film artist); Roman Polanski (award-winning filmmaker).

Since ancient times, this name has been used to call bright, outstanding and charismatic personalities. Therefore, owners of the name Roman are always accompanied by Fortune - it is only important to attract it to your side in time.

Numerology of the male name Roman

One, the number of the name Roman, speaks volumes. Roman is a born leader, capable of leading people. Nature endowed him with such rare qualities as determination, straightforwardness and perseverance. He is capable of any task that at first glance may seem impossible... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:

Life events are associated with change lunar phases, and success is subject to the energy of the Moon. Following the recommendations of the lunar...

According to Romanesque traditions, the name Roman means “living in Rome.” This is due to the fact that the founder of this city was the bearer of the name Romulus. In Greek history, parents chose the name Roman for a boy born in the Roman Empire. The name Roman has two translation versions. Translated from ancient Greek, the name means “steadfast”, and from Latin “Roman”.

Character of the name Roman

A person’s character directly depends on the time of year of his birth. A romance born in winter is often overly emotional. He is vindictive, always retains all grievances in his memory and will happily take revenge when the opportunity arises. Sometimes the Winter Romance can even be heavy-handed, making it difficult for him to build happy family. The novel, which was born in the spring, is soft and kind. He prefers not to change circumstances in his favor, but to adapt to them. Overcoming difficulties is not the style of a spring romance. At the same time, he is very narcissistic and selfish, which is why others may dislike him. Summer Roman is very cheerful and positive. He is always the soul of any company. Roman is not used to being content with little and is ready to work hard in order to get the best. Summer Roman loves to spend money on himself, even if it's enough large sum. He is also very proud, brave and firm. Roman, whose birthday is in the fall, is characterized by scrupulousness, prudence and commercialism. He always relies only on himself and looks at things soberly. Autumn Roman knows how to control himself and control his emotions, which has a positive effect on all areas of his life.

A man named Roman is characterized by endurance, calmness and poise. With age, he realizes that the main thing in life is stability. He is very sociable and can easily turn the attention of the team to himself. He is also able to influence and manipulate people without them even noticing it. Roman always has his own opinion on everything, which he tries to adhere to. Although outwardly Roman seems good-natured, he is actually very vulnerable and touchy. He is always especially cruel to his offenders. The novel is characterized by ambition, determination, vanity and even selfishness. Sometimes he lacks patience, which is why he often does not finish what he starts. At the same time, Roman tries to see the good in any situation and maintain a positive attitude.

Roman likes it simple life, so he doesn’t strive to become a boss at work. He will work at full capacity only if his work is highly appreciated. Management and colleagues treat the novel well, as it is cheerful, non-conflicting and efficient. Roman has excellent analytical skills, thanks to which he can prove himself in the role of an engineer, bumper or manager. Since he is often drawn to adventure, Roman most likes working as a firefighter, police rescuer or politician.

Since for the novel the main thing in work is material well-being, he will turn out to be a successful businessman. He has all the qualities of a leader that he can only realize in his own business.

One of Roman's shortcomings is his talkativeness. She simultaneously attracts and repels people from him, since he is pleasant to talk to, but does not know how to keep other people's secrets.

Name Roman for a boy

The meaning of a person's name changes depending on age. As a child, Roman was not characterized by patience and perseverance, although he tries very hard to obey. His problem lies in an excess of energy, as well as curiosity, because of which he constantly gets into various adventures. It’s difficult for little Roma to concentrate on one thing when there are so many interesting things going on in the world. Therefore, for a boy named Roman, organization is very important. Parents should create a clear daily routine for him, which includes not only important matters, but also games.

At school, Roma becomes more organized and studies well. He has many comrades who always listen to his opinion. However, Roma is characterized by laziness, which he tries to fight, but sometimes it takes over and his success at school comes to an end.

From the young age Roman can be stubborn, daring and proud. The problem is that the female half of the family spoils him greatly. Boys can only be pacified verbally. Application physical strength he doesn't accept it. Roma can easily deceive those around him so as not to do things that he does not like.

With age, Roman's love of adventure becomes much stronger. He doesn't like monotonous life. The novel is characterized by wit and sociability. However, he rarely shows his real emotions in order to avoid disappointment. Only those closest to him know what is really going on in his soul.

Even as a teenager, Roman perfectly knows how to convince people and unconsciously attract all the attention of others. They are attracted to Roman by his love of life and love of adventure. For example, he can easily give up everything and move from one institute to another or change his place of residence. Roman will feel comfortable everywhere, as he is enterprising, cold-blooded and active.

It’s hard to call Roman a fighter. It is easier for him to give in to difficulties than to try to overcome them. At the same time, due to his complex and selfish character, troubles simply follow him through life. He justifies his behavior by saying that everything in life happens for the better. With age, he creates a whole philosophy with the help of which he justifies his inaction.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Roman

Character Roman is very attractive, so he is never deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. He is characterized by elegance, seductiveness, charm and emotionality. At the same time, girls are often disappointed in him, since he is very amorous and fickle. Roma constantly changes companions as she searches for her ideal. From the first day they met, his girls realize that Roman is very demanding. It is important for him that his companion forgets about her life and devotes it to Roman. However, even if his wife completely dissolves in him, he will still remain a freedom-loving person, which often becomes the cause of quarrels. In this regard, Roman either starts a family in adulthood, or marries several times. For the marriage to be long and strong, Roman’s chosen one must come to terms with his ambitious and complex character, as well as his frequent infidelities. However, the appearance of children radically changes the behavior of the novel. He becomes an exemplary family man and a wonderful father to his children.

Roman is ready to throw in his lot only with the girl who will give him the place of head of the family and will not argue with him. He is also very hospitable, cheerful and generous. Only person The one who constantly lacks Roman's attention is his wife. On this basis, scandals often arise for his family.

Roman's selfishness extends to his sex life, in which he usually thinks only of himself. Intimate life This also applies to his love of diversity. Sexual attraction plays a paramount role for Roman. Therefore, if his desire for his wife fades, he will easily find a replacement for her. At the same time, Roman is in no hurry to get a divorce. Most often, the initiator of divorce in his family is his wife, tired of the difficult nature of the affair and its constant betrayals.

For Roman’s relationship to be successful, it is best for him to choose Anya, Valya, Lena, Claudia, Lyuba, Maya, Maria or Sophia as his companions. And Roman is least compatible with Zhenya, Katya, Oksana, Rimma and Tamara.

Famous personalities

  • Roman Sladkopevets- hymnographer from Syria. He wrote many lyrical and epic poems called kontakia. He composed more than 85 works in honor of church holidays.
  • Roman Ungern- Russian politician and military man. In 1919 he received the rank of lieutenant general. Together with his like-minded people, he led the counter-revolution in Mongolia and the Trans-Baikal Territory.
  • Roman Tyrtov - famous artist. Born in Russia, but gained popularity in France. He worked for various fashion magazines and theaters. He became one of the most popular creators in the Art Deco style.
  • Roman Kachanov- director, animator of the times Soviet Union. One of the creators of three-dimensional animation. He is the winner of many awards, for example, State Prize Soviet Union.
  • Roman Kananin- Russian architect. In a team with other authors, he designed the Moscow People's Friendship University named after Lumumba.
  • R Oman Kostomarov- Russian figure skater. He performed in pairs figure skating. His partner was Tatyana Navka. Together they became champions of Russia, Europe and the world more than once. In 2006, this couple even won Olympic gold.


The name Roman is believed to be Latin in origin and most likely first appeared in ancient Roman culture. Could come from the Latin word "romanus", which can mean "Roman", "Roman" or "man from Rome". In modern times it is considered one of the most popular in Russia...

Male name The novel has very strong energy and is capable of endowing the bearer with a whole bunch of important and required characteristics. Plus, it has very good compatibility with most Orthodox female names, both modern and outdated...

Conversational options: Roma, Romasya, Romulya, Romanka

Modern English analogues: Romanus, Romano, Raman

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Roman can promise a lot to the bearer good qualities. Roman is usually a calm and reasonable man with a penchant for adventurism and unpredictability. This is a narcissistic representative of the strong half of humanity, confident in his actions, making decisions on the fly, without subjecting them to criticism, and doing everything with only one goal - to satisfy his own pride.

His character is not simple, but predictable, and it is quite easy to unravel it. Decisive, generous, kind, self-confident, never stops at the sight of obstacles, always achieves his goals, and never gives up. His opinion always carries weight, and his actions are sometimes too illogical. Moreover, he is most often right and rarely wrong.

Advantages and positive features: self-confidence, determination, willingness to go headlong towards a goal, inability to give up and willingness to overcome any obstacles encountered along the way. Roman never stops there and tries to constantly improve himself.

Roman treats him badly people who do not respect other people's opinions, selfish and deceitful individuals, traitors and women who do not respect themselves. He will never allow anyone close to him who has ever been caught in a lie or betrayal.

It is believed that the name Roman came from a Latin word, but it was never popular in Europe...

Character of the name Roman

The nature of the name Roman is such that it promises the bearer of this name form a simple nature, almost never calling others to discontent. The character of the man so named is so simple that sometimes it is simply amazing; he rarely quarrels. He almost never does bad things, at least intentionally, and is always ready to help. In addition, his character provides for the presence of such a trait as sociability, which contributes to making friends and easy adaptation to any environment. Roman is a person whose character simply does not allow him to have enemies, and such people practically never have ill-wishers. At the same time, the character of the name of the bearer of this name bestows incredible self-confidence and self-sufficiency, which, alas. For modern men often very lacking.

On the other hand, the nature of the name form is a so-called “ghostly” parameter, that is, theoretical, which means that everything in the case of each individual boy with the name Roman may be different. By the way, in most cases, this whole theory comes true, but the intensity of manifestation of many of these qualities depends on upbringing.

Early childhood

IN early childhood The boy for whom his parents decided to choose the name Roman is full of good moments. The meaning of this name can bestow in early childhood a boy named Roman with such traits as calmness, harmlessness, goodwill, obedience, activity, energy, determination, hard work, the desire to develop and be the first in everything that his life touches, eloquence and talkativeness .

This kind of person is never bored, he is always busy, never sits still, always looking for something to do, and at the same time practically does not become rowdy - the extreme case is when Roman begins to be rowdy and play around, and such cases are incredibly few.

And the energy of the name Roman bestows him with sociability, which helps him make friends even where it is almost impossible. But that's not all.

As for the relationship with his parents, everything is simple - he will never allow himself to disobey his mother, and even more so his father, he respects their opinion, even in moments when he does not consider it correct, and in general, he tries not to let his parents down or disappoint them , which is pretty good.

But with peers, everything is much more complicated - on the one hand, he is sociable and able to get along with everyone without exception, and moreover, he can even become a leader, albeit unspoken, but on the other hand, his reluctance to indulge and go against the will of his parents can lead to misunderstanding on the part of peers.


The teenager runs the risk of remaining the same obedient, talkative, eloquent, calm child. The only thing that additionally rewards the meaning of the name Roman is diligence, commitment, responsibility, and diligence.

He has the greatest chance of successfully graduating from school, he can succeed so much in his studies that teachers simply cannot help but be proud of him, but there is one “but”. The fact is that the teenager Roman is very much subject to outside influence - that is, anyone can influence him, both positively and negatively. Seducing him with pampering and adventures is as easy as shelling pears - he can change radically at any moment under the influence of negative factors and people, and, as they say, go downhill. Parents should pay attention to this moment Special attention, save it, because otherwise it will not lead to good.

Eloquence, dreaminess, romance, courtesy, attentiveness, caring - these are the qualities that set a boy named Roman apart from other children, and with their help, by the way, he will build a very active personal life.

Grown man

An adult man named Roman, the meaning of this name additionally endows him with such characteristics as hard work, curiosity, desire to develop, and the ability to win over people. Such a person has someone to talk to, he is a welcome guest in companies, a humorist, the kind to look for, a joker and a leader, but at the same time he is not a brawler, but simply a merry fellow who makes everyone around him move. Thanks to this, he can make an excellent manager, boss, leader.

Another important property– he does not like injustice, plus, he is ready to come to the aid of a person in need. He will never leave anyone in trouble, even a stranger will be happy to help in the most difficult situation. This boy, or rather man, has the soul of an angel, he is by nature kind and cheerful, positive, optimistic, and will never ignore anyone’s grief. A good person in all respects.

And he also has no enemies - Roman good man, always following his principles and never offending people, his meaning endows him with such a character with which it is simply impossible to have enemies.

Interaction of the character of the novel with the seasons

Summer - a bearer of the name Roman born in summer, a boy subject to the meaning of Summer, will grow up to be a merry fellow and a joker, positive and light-hearted. Such a person will be prone to financial success, but will rarely pay attention to it, because he does not like money as such - he easily partes with everything that can make him stand out from the crowd, he is extremely positive, proud and persistent.

Winter - there's a guy with adolescence will demonstrate short temper, impulsiveness and extreme emotionality. He does not forget the insults brought to him, has a vindictive nature and a complex character - he will take absolute revenge on the offender, he is cruel and despotic. Not very lucky in his personal life!

Spring - and here he will become, by origin of soul and nature, a soft, plastic man - he will easily adapt to any circumstances. He is emotional and narcissistic, but this will be demonstrated extremely rarely - he is closed and mysterious, rarely will he reveal his true face to anyone, which will interfere with his communication with people.

Autumn - under its auspices, the prudent and mercantile will grow. Will look at the future with a realistic look, smart and decisive, balanced and clear in mind. You can’t deceive someone like that, you can’t betray him without his knowledge, but you shouldn’t expect something like that from him either. Successful in the love sense.

The fate of the name Roman

The fate of the name Roman in love, in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, and in marriage - this parameter is one of the most mysterious, but also one of the most interesting. True, unfortunately, be that as it may, fate is unpredictable, and it is quite difficult to predict it.

However, judging by history, the fate of this little name suggests that a huge number of problems will arise in the personal life of a guy with the name variation Roman, and in particular, through the fault of Roma himself. This is a calm, albeit optimistic, and cheerful guy, and during his teenage years he will be lonely for the most part. the main problem, which fate promises, lies in his personal inability to attract the attention of girls. But in adulthood, fate may reward you with a different schedule for your personal life...

Thus, having reached maturity, Roman can become an excellent father, a caring and attentive husband, the true owner of the house, the leader of the family, on whom everything will rest, and family well-being, and the happiness of all family members, and the home microclimate. Although, again, all this is just a theory, and, unfortunately, no one knows how it will actually happen.

Love and marriage

Romance with youth basks in the attention of women, but ladies should not count on a strong, serious relationship with such a man. He has an overly amorous nature, so the number of his novels is growing by leaps and bounds. He can choose a woman who has managed to last straw give him all of yourself, and also devote every minute of your life to him. She will have to forget about personal independence and freedom. However, even such a sacrifice does not guarantee that Roman will still decide to give up his freedom too.

Roma is driven by his thirst for new sensations, feelings, and the desire for variety, so even after the wedding, Roma can continue his numerous affairs on the side. Early marriages most often fail very quickly, while later ones can last longer. It all depends on his wife and the degree of her patience.

IN family relationships Roman immediately takes the position of an unquestioning leader, whose decisions cannot be questioned. It is quite difficult for even the closest people to establish friendly contact with him, to achieve his trust and affection. In addition, Roma can be a cheerful and hospitable host, putting all his energy into arranging the family nest.

Roman as Father

Roman's frivolous attitude to life collapses with the advent of children, and although he does not become an exemplary family man, he will certainly become more serious and attentive to family responsibilities. He will approach fatherhood with all responsibility and will try to ensure that his children do not need anything. He will not be lazy to earn an extra penny, and will do everything possible to ensure that everyone in his family gets what they crave.

Roma will become a support for his children, an older friend. He will never begin to ignore children and their problems, will never refuse help, and will always help his children solve all their problems. And in general, it can turn out good father. And let him not sacrifice his freedom for the sake of his children, but let him do everything in his power for the sake of their happiness.

According to Roman, a woman should be involved in the care, upbringing and education of children. And the father must be the breadwinner, the breadwinner. Children should perceive the time spent next to him as a holiday.

Compatible with female names

The name Roman has the best compatibility with such female names as Antonina, Anastasia, Ada, Dora, Elena, Lina, Marianna and Frida.

With Lydia, Tamila, Elvira, Isolde, Vasilisa, Albina, Lolita and Nadezhda, he can build a strong and truly happy marriage.

Victoria, Vladislava, Regina, Flora, Ninel, and Seraphim - Roman has no compatibility with such names at all.

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