Kegel exercises for women at home - strengthen intimate muscles. Why train intimate muscles: the benefits of strengthening exercises for sexual health

Gymnastics for intimate muscles are exercises specifically designed to naturally strengthen and restore muscles of the female pelvic organs.

Gynecologists recommend performing gymnastics for the intimate muscles to prevent gynecological problems, prepare for pregnancy, restore the tone of the intimate muscles after childbirth, increase sexuality and sensitivity during intimacy, and level the unpleasant factors accompanying the menopause.

Muscle condition testing

Before starting classes, it is recommended to conduct a simple test to determine the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair. Insert the index and middle fingers into the vagina, spreading them in the form of an English letter V. Then squeeze the pelvic muscles around the fingers, without using the abdominal muscles or squeezing the buttocks. The fingers should be connected. Remember the force of contraction of your muscles. Using this method, periodically, you can independently check the condition of your intimate muscles and determine how well they have strengthened.

You can learn more about how to correctly independently determine where the pelvic floor muscles are located and whether the exercises are being performed correctly by following the link provided.

Preliminary preparation

Exercise comfortably while lying on the floor. For comfort, you can put a blanket or fitness mat on the floor. Close the curtains. Turn on some nice music.

How much to study

The first classes continue until you are completely tired, usually 20-30 minutes. As your muscles strengthen, increase the duration of exercise to 40–45 minutes. You should not exceed the recommended time, this will not speed up the process of muscle development.

Your feelings

At first, after exercise, you may experience slight discharge and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Don’t worry, this is quite normal, this is how well-worked muscles that previously rested react, and the mucous membrane is thus renewed and cleansed.

Possibly due to weak pelvic muscle tone, even beginner-level exercises will seem difficult. The first week you can limit yourself to only the exercises Warm-up, Lift, Pulse, Sos. After a week of training, the muscles will adapt and become stronger, and the exercises will be easy and free.

The initial level must be completed completely until all the exercises at this level can be completed without difficulty.

Important! Muscles are strengthened at the moment of relaxation, the more the muscles were tense during the exercise, the more blood supply and oxygen supply they will receive during relaxation, they will become stronger and healthier.

We will only give a set of exercises to strengthen intimate muscles first level. You can study the full range of intimate gymnastics exercises for women, including those with the Egg vaginal exercise machine, on your own by downloading the electronic version or purchasing the printed edition of the book “Woman’s Intimate Health.”

A set of entry-level exercises

You should start your workout with a warm-up in order to prepare, warm up the necessary muscles, and disperse blood and lymph through the pelvic organs.

Intimate gymnastics - Warm-up

Exercise Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly at the knees and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Squeeze the vaginal sphincter and try to pull it up. In terms of time, one contraction with a tightening should take about 1 second. Repeat 100 times. Rest for 30 seconds. Do 2 more approaches.

At the beginning, the number of contractions can be reduced, but there should be at least 50 contractions in one approach.

While squeezing the sphincter, try to lift, pull the muscle high up and pull the sphincter inward.

Each contraction with an upward pull is followed by a muscle relaxation phase.

Breathe freely, don't hold your breath.

If you feel that the muscle is very tired, rest a little and start again.

Exercise Hold Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Tighten the vaginal muscle strongly, starting with the sphincter, and try to keep it compressed for 60 seconds. Then relax, rest for a few seconds.

Do 2 more approaches.

In the first classes, the time you hold the muscle can be slightly reduced.

Squeeze only the vaginal muscle, stomach, buttocks, do not strain your legs.

So, it helped to enhance the duration and quality of orgasms (not only your own, but also your partner’s), prepare the body for pregnancy, childbirth and recovery, and also improve women’s health. Today we live in a completely different world, but interest in wumbling has not gone away.

A little about orgasm

Frankly, many girls begin to think about training their intimate muscles, thinking about the quality of their orgasm. And actually for good reason. Thus, trained intimate muscles increase the compression of nerve endings during sexual intercourse, and, therefore, affect the strength and duration of orgasm.

Doctors are confident that after just 2 months of regular wumbling exercises, a woman will be able to feel a vaginal orgasm, even if she has never experienced it before. If there were no problems with vaginal orgasm, its brightness and duration will increase. It is worth noting that training the intimate muscles will allow a woman to learn to experience several orgasms in a row. And this is not fantasy.

Interesting: the word “wumbuilding” means building vaginally controlled muscles. By the way, well-trained muscles, in addition to pleasure during sex, also protect a woman from problems with ruptures during childbirth and promote recovery after them.

Wumbuilding at home

To start training intimate muscles, you will need desire and 5-10 minutes of free time. In principle, training can be combined with watching a TV series or reading any book. The main thing is that you are completely relaxed.

You can start training the muscles of the intimate area by doing simple exercises:

  • Tighten your vaginal muscles and hold them in a tense position for 5 seconds, then slowly relax. Do the exercise 30 times.
  • Slowly tighten your vaginal muscles: this stage should take 10 seconds. Then also slowly (within 10 seconds) relax them. Do the exercise 20 times.
  • Tighten and relax the vaginal muscles with sudden movements. Repeat the exercise 50 times.

Experts say that you will see the first results from training after 30 days. You need to train daily. After a month, you can add the use of special exercise equipment to the exercises. We will talk about them in detail in our next articles.

Interesting: Japanese geishas, ​​as well as Indian priestesses of love, thoroughly mastered the art of wumbling. Their skill reached the level that they could easily hit the target with a ball, which they pushed out with the muscles of the vagina. In the 20th century, Arnold Kegel, an American gynecologist who invented a number of exercises for training intimate muscles, showed great interest in wumbling.

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The muscles of the female genital organs are not controlled by the power of thought, but they can be trained. 18+!

Imbuilding is training the entire pubococcygeus muscle in order to acquire the necessary skills to master them during sex, during childbirth, as well as for the prevention of various diseases. Let's try to master it in 5 steps.

Stage 1: test task

You can feel the work of the PC muscle during urination. If you can stop this process, then you are connecting the PC muscle. To test muscle strength, sit comfortably and relax. Insert two fingers (index and middle) into the vagina.

Breathe calmly and relax. Spread the fingers that are in the vagina, and now, using the strength of the PC muscle, try to squeeze the fingers. Continuing to squeeze the PC muscle, spread your fingers again. If you can easily squeeze two fingers and can prevent them from spreading, then your PC muscle is developed, like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biceps.

Stage 2: moving the egg

Chinese priestesses could “absorb” even a non-erect penis with their vagina, and then, massaging it with intimate muscles, brought their partner to orgasm. So, you don’t have to be a Chinese priestess to do all this with your beloved man. To train intimate muscles we use jade eggs.

It is better to purchase a set of three eggs of different sizes. During the training process, the diameter of the egg used will decrease. There is nothing complicated about this - it’s not like putting a spare tire on a car or changing the faucet in the toilet. Before use, wash the bag well and warm it to body temperature.

In the first stages, we learn to move the egg. Insert it into the vagina. Squeeze your PC muscle and try to move the egg up towards the cervix. Then relax and lower it down. Perform exercises in different positions. In order to improve the technique, we are working on the “shot”.

Place the egg deep in the vagina and sharply push it out. Next, proceed to the main stage of training with eggs.

Place a medium-sized testicle at the entrance to the vagina and try to pull it inside. This may not happen right away: tension in the intimate muscles can lead to the expulsion of the egg.

Concentrate on the process, connect visualization: imagine how, as you inhale, the testicle is drawn into the vagina. And don’t laugh if thoughts about chickens suddenly pop into your head.

Stage 3: working with the cargo

To do this, choose an egg of medium diameter, which has a special hole for the thread. Use a plastic water bottle as a weight. Start with a small volume - 250 ml. Try to hold the load with your intimate muscles and lift it above the floor. You can gradually increase the volume of water in the bottle, bringing it to 1-1.5 liters. You can switch to kettlebells and dumbbells, but you probably still don’t need to.

Stage 4: imbuilding in fitness

You can train your intimate muscles during Pilates classes. For example, let's do the exercise "Lifting the Elevator." Sit on the ball so that there is a right angle between your shins and thighs. Imagine that your belly is fastened to your back with a button. With such visualization, the deepest abdominal muscles are brought into play.

It is very useful to “fasten” such a button during the day. When performing the exercise, your shoulders should be relaxed and down. “Tie” a rope to the top of your head and pull it up, feeling how the wrinkles on your neck are smoothed out. Such amazing visualizations help connect small muscle groups. Tuck your tailbone.

Imagine that your intimate muscles are an elevator, and your pelvis is a ten-story building. Raise your "elevator" from the 1st floor to the 10th, then lower it to the 5th. Repeat the exercise several times, moving the “elevator” to different levels. Remember the internal sensations from muscle tension that you experience when your “elevator” is on the 5th floor. In everyday life, to maintain women's health and tone of intimate muscles, it is recommended to leave the “lift” at this level.

It is very useful to work on simulators to strengthen the adductor and abductor muscles of the thighs, as well as the abdominal muscles, which are synergists of the intimate muscles. Many sports, such as horse riding, help strengthen intimate muscles and their assistants. This is not only a workout for all muscle groups, but also an excellent massage.

Stage 5: train during sex

If you have confidently mastered the imbuilding complex, then you can start training during sex. It should be borne in mind that in the first stages you may encounter certain difficulties. Firstly, it is not easy to focus on the work of intimate muscles while making love. In the future you will be able to do this easily.

Secondly, first engaging the intimate muscles during sex may not lead to the desired “sucking in” of the penis, but, on the contrary, to its pushing out. To avoid this, remember your activities with the egg, visualize the absorption of the penis, and thanks to the redistribution of pressure in the vagina, you can quickly learn to absorb and hold the non-erect penis, and then, with gentle massage movements of the PC muscle, deliver unusual sensations to your partner.

Subsequently, during intimacy, you will connect your intimate muscles without thinking and without straining at all. Everything will happen automatically. And it will certainly affect the result.

Intimate muscles play a special role in a woman’s body.

Intimate muscles play a special role in a woman’s body. They not only support the pelvic organs in their natural position, but are also responsible for the brightness of sexual relations. It is on them that a woman’s mood, her health, hormonal levels and other subtleties largely depend. Depending on how well the pubococcygeus muscles are developed, we feel a brighter or more muted orgasm, experience symptoms of certain diseases, and lead a full sex life.

The ability to control muscle reactions directly affects the duration and strength of female and male intimate sensations. A huge role in this process is played by the muscles of the perineum, which form the base of the perineum and are located between the coccygeal and pubic bones. In our smaller brothers, these muscles make it possible to control the tail.

To develop and learn to control these muscles, you need to regularly perform Kegel exercises for women at home. They were developed specifically to maintain health in the intimate area.

What are Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are a special set of exercises for intimate and pelvic muscles designed for women. This set of exercises was invented by the famous mid-20th century gynecologist Arnold Kegel.

If the vaginal muscles are initially weak or stretched after childbirth, this leads to a decrease in orgasm. In 1950, A. Kegel developed special exercises for women who could not control urination after childbirth. They made it possible to improve the tone of the internal muscles and thereby solve many problems, including those of an intimate nature. As a result, the exercises became widespread because it turned out that they not only allow you to control the process of urination and defecation, but also significantly increase conscious control over sexual sensations. Today, this set of exercises is recommended for both women and men.

In fact, Kegel created exercises to improve the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. In ordinary life, these muscles are practically not used in any way, and for this reason, over time or under the influence of negative factors, they can weaken and lose their elasticity. All this ultimately leads to the fact that the muscles simply stop coping with their main task - maintaining the pelvic organs, which causes various diseases, and also significantly worsens the quality of sexual life.

Who needs Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are useful to perform:

  • For nulliparous girls, to prepare for future pregnancy and successful, quick, painless childbirth;
  • Pregnant women, to learn to control and completely relax those muscle groups that usually inhibit the free exit of the baby during childbirth;
  • For the treatment and prevention of pelvic organ prolapse;
  • For rapid restoration of tissues that have lost tone and elasticity after childbirth;
  • For the treatment and prevention of urination and defecation;
  • To maintain sexual health, slow down the aging process;
  • To prevent inflammatory processes that may occur in the genitals.

What do Kegel exercises do?

  • Improves blood circulation in the genitals;
  • Increase sexual activity;
  • Increase the severity of sensations during sex;
  • They teach you to consciously control orgasm;
  • Restore muscle tone after childbirth.

The effectiveness of Kegel exercises

Regular exercise for at least 10 minutes a day helps get rid of many gynecological diseases and helps normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs. With full oxygen saturation in the body, the hormonal levels stabilize, which helps restore the mucous membrane and microflora of the vaginal canal. The reproductive period is also extended, delaying the onset of menopause.

Exercises for the intimate area are equally useful for both women who have given birth and those who have not given birth. With the help of a simple complex, the strength and elasticity of muscles is improved, and the risk of ruptures and injuries during childbirth is reduced. If a woman’s vaginal muscles are toned, then childbirth is much faster and easier.

Kegel exercises can be performed independently at home, or take a course in special courses. Whatever path you choose, you need to understand that the result will appear only with regular, long-term exercise. You need to start with simple exercises and gradually move on to more complex ones. Over time, you will see how much brighter your sex life has become and how your health has improved. There is also a set of exercises for pregnant women.

Exercises can be performed as regular workouts, in which only your own body is involved, or using special exercise equipment.

How to learn to control intimate muscles?

Before you begin directly performing the exercises, you need to understand where exactly the pelvic floor muscles are located. There are two simple ways.

Method 1. While urinating, spread your legs and try to stop the stream of urine without moving your legs. The muscles that will be involved are the pelvic floor muscles.

Method 2. Place your finger in the vaginal opening and try to squeeze it. The right muscles should squeeze the finger. This does not use the abdominal, back or buttock muscles.

Once you learn to identify your muscles and understand where they are located, you can begin to perform exercises.

Kegel exercise technique

Option 1 – exercises aimed solely at squeezing the pelvic floor muscles in different rhythms.

Exercise 1:

  • Squeeze and unclench your vaginal muscles at a fast pace for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds and do 2 more sets;
  • Squeeze and unclench your muscles for 5 seconds, and rest for 5 seconds, a total of 9 times;
  • Squeeze the muscle and keep it toned for 30 seconds, then relax for 30 seconds and repeat a couple more times.
  • Repeat the first point again.

Exercise 2:

  • Squeeze the vaginal muscles and keep them toned for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat 10 more times;
  • At a fast pace, squeeze and unclench the vaginal muscles 10 times, performing 3 approaches;
  • Squeeze your muscles and hold them in this position for as long as possible, then rest for 2 minutes and try again.

Exercise 3:

  • Squeeze and unclench your vaginal muscles up to 30 times;
  • Tighten your muscles tightly and hold for 20 seconds, then relax for 30 seconds and repeat 5 more times.

Exercise 4:

  • Squeeze and unclench your muscles for two minutes, gradually increasing the time to 20 minutes. This exercise should be performed at least 3 times a day.

The final result depends on the regularity and quality of the exercises.

Option 2 – exercises aimed at squeezing and pushing.

Exercise 1(slow contractions): Tighten your muscles as if you were stopping urination. Slowly count to three and relax completely.

Exercise 2(contractions): tense and relax your vaginal muscles as quickly as possible.

Exercise 3(pushing): try to push a little, as you would when giving birth or when having a bowel movement.

Training should begin with ten measured compressions, ten push-outs and ten contractions 5 times a day.

After a week, you can add five exercises to each squeeze, contraction and thrust, continuing to do them 5 times a day.

After another week, add five repetitions to each exercise until you reach 30 repetitions. Continue to do at least 5 exercises a day to maintain your tone.

To feel and control the work of the muscles, you can insert one or two moistened fingers into the vagina during the process. To obtain maximum effect, a special object can be placed in the vagina.

Exercises are guaranteed to improve the functioning of intimate muscles. If you want to get the best results, then you can use a special exercise machine invented by Arnold Kegel - the “Perineum Meter”. In his work, Kegel first examined the patient and determined how much she was able to control the muscles of the perineum. Next, the doctor conducted a vaginal examination, thanks to which he determined the development of the pubococcygeus muscle at different depths and thus he could understand how much a woman can control and control her muscles. It must be said that during the contraction process only the urethro-vaginal muscles and the pelvic floor muscles should work. If the patient could perform about ten contractions, then the doctor inserted a special perineometer simulator, developed by him, into her perineum. The simulator made it possible to measure the strength of muscle contractions, which influenced the course of therapy. Kegel recommended that women exercise with a perineometer 3 times a day for 20 minutes. At the same time, the pressure gauge needle showed the force of contraction of the vaginal muscles. The modern analogue of the Kegel exerciser is called the “Perineal Meter”.

In addition, to maintain the tone of the vaginal muscles, you can use exercise equipment such as vaginal balls and jade egg.

To train with balls, you need to slowly insert them into the perineum and try to hold them for a few minutes. The first few times they will fall out. Gradually you need to learn to walk with them, jump, try to knock against each other using intimate muscles.

The jade egg is inserted with the blunt side into the vagina. The egg, similar to the balls, must be held, first standing and then lying down. Try to control the movements of the egg by moving it with your vaginal muscles to the right or left. With long and persistent training, you will be able to hold the egg and even hang a small load from it.

Kegel exercises during pregnancy

Kegel exercises are necessary for pregnant women to learn to control the muscles of the perineum during childbirth. This avoids common injuries such as ruptures, and makes the birth process easier.

It is better to learn how to perform exercises in different positions, not only sitting or standing, but also lying down and on all fours. This will help you achieve a better result, as well as not panic during childbirth and put the acquired skills into practice. It is recommended to start training from a lying position, doing 3-5 repetitions, and working up to 20-30 repetitions per day for each exercise.

Exercise 1

Sit or lie down, bend your knees and spread them slightly to the sides. You need to completely relax your body and focus on the process. Squeeze your muscles for 5-10 seconds, as if you are stopping urination, and then relax. Rest a little and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2

Mentally imagine that your vagina is an elevator shaft. Divide the shaft into separate “floors” and begin to slowly squeeze the muscles from the very beginning of the vagina, rising higher and higher, staying on each of the “floors” for a few seconds. At the highest point, stay longer, and then begin the reverse movement at the same pace, stopping at each “floor” for a few seconds. The exercise is not considered the easiest, but after a few workouts you will be able to perform it correctly.

Exercise 3

For this exercise you need to activate the muscles of the vagina and vaginal opening. The exercises must be performed at a fast pace. Alternately tense the muscles of the vagina and anus, and then relax. The entire exercise is performed at a fast pace.

Exercise 4

This exercise can only be done with an empty bladder and empty bowels. So, take a comfortable position and relax. Hold your breath and try to push a little, as if you were having a bowel movement, using your vaginal muscles. Next, completely relax your muscles and repeat the exercise again. This exercise allows you to feel the muscles of the perineum, which help give birth to the baby. A woman who has mastered this technique experiences childbirth much easier.

Do you think a modern woman can manage to give birth to children, carry heavy bags from the store, sit in the office all day, fight for the attention of men and at the same time maintain beauty and health?

Undoubtedly, it is not easy! However, today we are helped not only by modern advances in medicine, but also by the precious knowledge of the East, designed to naturally make a woman healthy and always attractive and desirable.

Vumbuilding or gymnastics for intimate muscles improves a woman’s sexual functions, prevents and cures urinary incontinence, improves sensitivity during sex, and leads to more vivid orgasms.

But let's start with a chest massage...

Breast massage

This massage is quite effective if done after water procedures: taking a shower, bath, or after a sauna or bath. Just at this moment, the pores of the skin are open and are able to absorb creams and gels that correct the shape of the breast. How to properly massage your breasts to benefit your body? To do this, it is enough to master the technique of self-massage, which is not complicated. The main thing is that the movements are light and do not put mechanical pressure on the mammary gland.

First you need to apply cream or oil to the skin of your chest, pre-heated in the palm of your hand. During massage, rubbing, stroking, and slapping are used - the main thing is that all movements are symmetrical and performed with fingers or their tips. Doing these movements for 20 minutes. daily, you will tone your muscles, and make your skin elastic and toned.

Intimate gymnastics for women

Vumbuilding, imbuilding, rimbuilding, intimate physical education, sex gymnastics - all these are sets of exercises for the development of the pelvic and other intimate muscles in order to acquire natural and necessary skills in mastering them in sex, during pregnancy, childbirth, as well as for the prevention of various female diseases.
What is the essence of intimate gymnastics? To have good control of the vaginal muscles, they should be constantly toned and trained.

The pelvic muscles line the floor of the abdominal cavity, supporting the weight of all internal organs and preventing their prolapse. However, a modern sedentary lifestyle and inactivity contribute to the fact that these muscles quickly lose their elasticity, which leads to many female diseases. It has been proven that the growth of any muscles in the body occurs before the age of 18 and, if they are not maintained in the necessary tone, they begin to literally age.

Another important problem is the weights that women carry in their hands. This also applies to wearing a baby in slings and kangaroo bags. Internal muscles, not having time to strengthen after childbirth, receive additional stress and gradually atrophy, becoming thin and weak. This can lead to deviations such ash stagnant venous blood in the pelvis. This is one of the most common troubles, causing many diseases in both men and women. These include: edema, varicose veins, genitourinary diseases, organ prolapse and hemorrhoids.

How does the problem of weak pelvic floor muscles manifest?
This may be urinary incontinence when laughing, sneezing, lifting weights, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area, which increases with prolonged standing, the need to use sanitary pads even in the absence of menstruation (to prevent urine leakage), and, of course, weakening of pleasure from intimate life .

The purpose of the pelvic floor muscles is to maintain the pelvic organs in the correct position and prevent prolapse of the uterus and bladder. And when these muscles stop coping with their function, problems begin: prolapse of the uterus, and in the most advanced cases, its prolapse, when (I don’t want to scare you) surgical intervention is already required.

The good news is that the pelvic floor muscles, like any other muscles in our body, can and should be trained. Back in 1950, gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed special exercises for postpartum women to strengthen these important muscles.

Intimate gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at developing and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, as well as conscious control of the “love muscles”. The purpose of the proposed gymnastics is the prevention of gynecological diseases, treatment of existing abnormalities associated with prolapse of internal organs, enhancement of sexual sensations, as well as preparation for painless childbirth and recovery after pregnancy.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Home set of Wumbuilding exercises

It is important to know:

  • It is advisable to perform the practice on an empty stomach;
  • In order to feel and control the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor well, you must first learn to tense them separately from the abs and buttocks without holding your breath;
  • Regular ones will bring you better results T.

Before you begin intimate gymnastics, you need to find and feel the right muscles, and you can also do a simple test for vaginal elasticity. Fill a bath with water and lie in it for 15 minutes; if water gets into you and fills up, you urgently need to start doing sex exercises. The necessary muscles are also not difficult to find: if you place a finger in the vagina, the necessary muscles will contract around it, the main thing is that the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks are not involved at this moment.

At the entry level:

First, try simply squeezing your anal muscles in a series of contractions. After this has happened, try to pull it in tightly, pull it up, pulling it into you. Do this several times, listen to yourself and feel what muscles you use to do this. Then we recommend trying to feel the muscles of the entrance (urethro-vaginal sphincter) by tightening the pubococcygeus muscle.

This complex intimate gymnastics for home includes the following exercises:

1. Initial exercise.
Having taken a comfortable position of the body (standing, sitting on a chair or in a Turkish position on the floor), focus your attention on the muscles of the perineum. To begin, to correctly identify them, imagine that you consciously interrupt urination. Remember which muscles are contracting at this moment. In the East, this practice is called Taoist urination. Now try shortening them again by holding them for 3 counts. It is important not to hold your breath or strain your stomach and buttocks. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times and do it 2-3 more times throughout the day. As you become more comfortable with controlling the muscles of the perineum, increase the hold by 15-20 seconds.

2. Deep blinking exercise or"Kegel" in a standing, sitting and lying position.
Squeeze the entrance muscles of the perineum as much as possible and then hold them in a retracted state for 10 seconds. Then allow the muscles to completely relax. After 10 seconds, tighten them again and pull them up. Alternately tense and relax your muscles for 5 minutes. Your daily norm is 500 blinks per day or three sets of 5 minutes.

3. Perform “quick winks”
in a standing, sitting and lying position. Begin to quickly squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles at approximately 1-2 second intervals for 3-5 minutes. You can turn on fast music and squeeze your perineum to the beat of the music, just try not to involve your stomach and buttocks.

4. Bottom lock technique
Slightly tense your intimate muscles, squeezing the vaginal opening itself, and wait a few seconds. After this, strain the same muscles a little stronger and maintain the retracted state for 3-5 seconds, then strain the muscles as much as possible and hold them for the same amount of time. This exercise should then be performed in reverse order, gradually relaxing the intimate muscles. Perform the exercise at least 20 times.

5. Exercise "Tower"
The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the ability to simultaneously draw in the lower abdomen along with the anus muscles. Pull your pelvic floor muscles up while pulling your lower abdomen up. Try to pull in your lower abdomen so that it is pulled up and inward.
It should feel like the anus and abs are merging together in the middle of the pelvis and stretching upward

6. Udiyana is a wonderful exercise,
which performs internal organ massage, removes venous blood stagnation and teaches you to control one of the strongest muscles in our body - the diaphragm. To perform the exercise: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, exhale fully and place your hands on your hips. After exhaling completely, hold your breath for 10-15 seconds, slightly twisting your tailbone under you and lowering your chin. If you did everything correctly, your stomach should pull under your ribs, creating a feeling of vacuum. Number of repetitions - 2 times.

This exercise must be performed on an empty stomach. The ideal time for this exercise is in the morning. During menstruation, you should not perform Udiyana or any abdominal contraction exercises.

7. Stairs
Be creative and blink as soon as you remember! For example, when going up the stairs, place one foot on the step and perform a deep retraction, squeezing the perineal sphincter. Then change your supporting leg. This will strengthen the vaginal muscles on different sides.

8. Elevator
Contract the muscles slightly (“1st floor”), hold for 3-5 seconds, then continue contracting (“2nd floor”), hold again. So go through 4-5 “floors”. And vice versa: the same step-by-step movement “down” with a delay at each “floor”.

Based on materials from,

And some more video exercises from Wumbuilding

Intimate gymnastics exercise sets are designed specifically for women who want to always be attractive, young and healthy.

Another important condition is to watch your breathing! It must be smooth and natural. With each new week of training, slowly increase the number of repetitions of exercises in each block. Ideally, Wumbuilding exercises are performed 100 to 200 times daily.
Another important nuance: make it a rule to do intimate gymnastics exercises at the same time. Or at least “tie” training to some daily rituals. For example, like this: wake up, stretch - do compression exercises, brush your teeth - contraction exercises, etc. Such conventions, of course, will not improve the result, but they will definitely help to “prescribe” the exercises in the daily routine for a long time. After all, as practice shows, most novice activists simply forget about training after a few weeks.

If you love yourself, strive to be healthy and want to receive and give pleasure during sex, you should try to learn a new type of physical education: o).

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