Astrological horoscope for August Gemini.

What events can change the fate of Gemini in August 2019? Will single Geminis find their other half this month? Love horoscope for Gemini for August contains important tips for those who want to find personal happiness.

Love horoscope for Gemini for August 2019

Last summer month may become a favorable period for lonely Geminis personal life. However, in order for representatives of this zodiac sign to find their chosen one in a given period of time, they will have to go through some difficulties. New acquaintances and romantic encounters with the opposite sex will not go smoothly, but if single Geminis can draw the right conclusions from their mistakes, then the likelihood of a new relationship for them in August will be quite high. The astrological forecast for August recommends that Geminis not put their own interests above all else, but learn to listen to the opinions of others.

For many people born under the sign of Gemini, August 2019 will be a great time for... family relations. IN last month In summer, Geminis can receive an amount of care and love from their spouses that they have not had for a long time. Perhaps this will be facilitated by a vacation spent together or relaxation in a favorable environment. The romantic horoscope recommends that Gemini relax in August and enjoy communicating with their chosen one, and put off solving pressing problems a little.

Love horoscope for Gemini women for August 2019

The personal life of single Gemini girls in August 2019 will depend entirely on their efforts. Active searches For many representatives of this sign, the other half will be crowned with success, and in the near future they have every opportunity to take care of wedding chores. For those girls born under the sign of Gemini, who in August, due to reasons, will not bother themselves with love experiences, this favorable time for relationships with the opposite sex may be wasted.

In the last weeks of summer married girls those born under the constellation Gemini can get the desired harmony and feeling of happiness in a relationship with a loved one. Some couples will make fateful decisions in August, for example, about the birth of a child or a change of place of residence. Family horoscope recommends that in August Geminis discuss troubling issues with their spouses more often and trust them more with their experiences.

Love horoscope for Gemini men for August 2019

For single Gemini men, August will be a particularly important period. This month they have a high probability of serious changes in relationships with the opposite sex. Re-evaluating personal values ​​will help free Geminis change their view of those girls they showed sympathy for earlier. In August, the main criterion for choosing a lady of the heart will not be the arguments of reason, but feelings and emotions. The prediction of the stars promises Gemini in August 2019 a great chance of finding a second half, so they should communicate and flirt more with girls at this time.

Gemini men who are in stable relationships and marriages can make unexpected decisions regarding family life. In August, representatives of this zodiac sign may initiate a breakup if they no longer feel a close emotional connection with their chosen one. Gemini's inner experiences in the last month of summer will largely determine them future fate. The love horoscope for August advises the Gemini man to carefully weigh all his options and only then take actions.

Love horoscope for Gemini for other months of 2019

In August 2016, the work direction of Gemini will be quite successfully “looked after” by Mercury, so you can be completely calm about this side of your life. For those who work for themselves, the stars advise them to look around in order to temporarily distract themselves from their primary projects. Take care of others, less important matters for a change - this way, by the end of the month you will have an almost clear field to work on the main issue. Otherwise, in the fall, along with the main thing, you will also be “raking up” the secondary.

Do you know what military science teaches? First, deprive the enemy of his rear and flanks, cut him off from supplies and any kind of support, and then you can take on the main forces. This is a hint to those who work for themselves. By the way, it’s not for nothing that many businessmen are keen on the treatise “The Art of War”, modern business not much different from her. You can get a lot of useful tactical advice from this work, and it’s also suitable as a mental exercise. Read it. For those Geminis who work “for their uncle”, it will be somewhat more difficult - they will have to work more intensely. Instead of completely devoting yourself to the main task, you will also have to deal with third-party tasks. There’s no point in talking about stability here – well, spin around a little, it won’t do any harm.

The horoscope for August 2016 warns Gemini against making hasty decisions. All your attempts to make major changes in your life, begun spontaneously, will have an equally sad ending. Think about it, are you ready to experience an annoying fiasco over and over again? If not, take note of this advice - whatever you plan to implement, start with detailed preparatory work. Only then will your reforms bring positive results and give you a reason to be proud.

At the end of this summer, Gemini will suddenly feel that their personal life has turned into a dull performance that evokes melancholy and yawning. Wanting to shake off the dust from the sphere of your love affairs as quickly as possible, you will begin to literally look everywhere for opportunities to meet people of the opposite sex. On your face, like a running line, it will be written “I’m going hunting.” However, here’s the paradox: in the end, you yourself will become a “victim”! The person whose cunning trap you fall into will make an indelible impression on you (so great that you will think about him every minute of your free time). Until you manage to understand how this acquaintance will end. However, over time, you will increasingly notice that you are becoming a puppet in the hands of your seductive passion. If you are a family person, you should be even more careful! The test of love on the side that is destined for you can deprive you of happiness in marriage. Before you fall at the feet of your seducer (seductress), think again about how after this grave “sin” you will look into the eyes of your soulmate.

For Gemini's career, August will pass without any unpleasant surprises. The only “unpleasant surprise” you can provoke is you yourself! If some time ago you began to think about looking for a new job, at the end of summer this idea will take on even more ambitious features. It is possible that you will even voice this desire to your current boss. It’s good if he finds words to keep you from taking this step, but it may also happen that you hear “you know where the door is, please start looking new job! If you are engaged in the field of free enterprise, do not rush in August, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your staff. If someone's work doesn't excite you, before you fire that employee, call him on the carpet and ask him what's stopping him from performing his duties well. It is possible that in response you will hear a very touching explanation...

In August, Gemini's health will remain at a consistently high level. However, do not tempt fate with your inexplicable extravagances! Agree, it is extremely irrational to run barefoot in the rain, fully aware that this will provoke cystitis or an equally serious disease!

When summer begins to inexorably come to an end, many decide to majorly reform their lives and the majority, according to the general horoscope for August 2016, will achieve very good results in this intention. According to the forecasts of astrologers and stars, there will also be such brave women among women who will take big risks in August and will not lose. Also follow the personal predictions of the stars on every dayAugust 2016 for all zodiac signs, which are updated in our magazine for women

The general and love horoscope according to the signs of the Zodiac is popular both in the East and in the West among most women. The history of the horoscope goes back about 4000 years. According to zodiac horoscope, each month passes under the sign of one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. A person born during a certain sign receives a certain line of fate, which in a specific period directly depends on the position of the stars in the sky. In this article you will find the exact personal horoscope for all 12 zodiac signs: Cancer Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Leo, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius.

Horoscope for August 2016: Aries woman

According to the horoscope for August 2016, Aries are supposed to become calm and self-possessed, and not throw out energy where it is not needed. Be sure to find time to take care of your appearance, relax with your family and. The stars recommend that representatives of the sign be bolder in their desires, because they give inspiration and spiritual harmony. If something planned is not realized in August 2016, then you shouldn’t be depressed about it either, right? Enjoy the last month of summer!

Love horoscope for August 2016 Aries predicts a quiet and calm environment. Isn’t this the kind of idyll you dreamed of for the past two summer months? Relax and forget about work for a while, because no money can replace strong family and sincere love. For many single representatives of the sign, August promises to be a very bright and romantic period in life. Not only the emergence of new romances and friendships is possible, but also the renewal of old connections.

Horoscope for August 2016: Taurus woman

According to the horoscope, August 2016 will be very eventful for workaholic Taurus. During this period, complex matters will finally be completed, on which a lot of time and effort had to be spent. Therefore, the stars recommend not to strain yourself too much in August and try to complete the entire amount of work. You deserve a rest and allow yourself to get it! Don't take risks, but trust fate. Soon she will give you a nice gift.

IN love sphere horoscope August 2016 for single Taurus predicts bright novel, which will truly make your head spin. The main thing is not to lose your balance! If you are determined to have a strong relationship, it can even develop into a strong union. In general, don’t be afraid to meet new people and show emotions. Falling in love will do you good!

Horoscope for August 2016: Gemini woman

Gemini in August 2016 general horoscope promises a very productive period. Representatives of the sign will be energetic and active, which will allow them to get a lot of positive emotions from the last month of summer. Vivid changes in life are mainly related to the professional sphere. Also, the horoscope for August 2016 predicts for Gemini a move to another apartment or city, a long trip or a trip.

August - time serious changes, when it comes to the personal and family life of Gemini. According to love horoscope for August representatives of the sign expect absolutely new stage in a relationship. The fact is that during this period the sign will be under the auspices of Jupiter, and it is he who will contribute to the desire to take personal relationships to a new level. Married Geminis will be thinking about new housing, and in general are busy making plans for the future.

Horoscope for August 2016: Cancer woman

For Cancers, the horoscope for August 2016 has prepared some good news. First, you will be able to sort out your daily routine, and then confidently take on new tasks. The main thing is to approach everything with some reasonableness and not rush things. Secondly, Cancers will be surprisingly very sociable this month, thanks to which they will be able to meet promising people. Well, and thirdly, the horoscope for August 2016 says that it is quite possible that Cancers will be able to find an additional source of income or take part in a very profitable and successful project.

Wherein love horoscope for August 2016 Cancer doesn't promise much. Love and relationships with loved ones this month will not bring long-awaited pleasure, but this is a kind of payment for unprecedented success in the career field. The stars recommend not to dramatize the situation, but to rely on your inner instinct.

Horoscope for August 2016: Leo woman

Leos female horoscope for August says that the last month of summer will be that rare period when everything will be great both at work and in personal life. Leos can easily overcome misunderstandings and get rid of the sometimes annoying pressure from others. The stars say that in August Leos should be more careful with their inner world. Hide your grievances, pride and vanity deeper, and show gentleness and compliance in your relationships with loved ones. At the same time, observe moderation in everything and assess the situation objectively.

In its turn love horoscope for August 2016 for Leo promises a very unstable period. You will be in a tense state, which can provoke quarrels and even scandals. Calm down your ardor and turn more to the voice of reason. Leos, don't look back and live in the present!

Horoscope for August 2016: Virgo woman

The women's horoscope for the last month of summer, August, advises Virgos to stay in the shadows. Events will occur without your direct participation, and therefore for now it is better to just listen to the advice of others and rest a little. It’s good to take time for yourself spiritual development and external image.

According to love horoscope, August 2016 will bring Virgos a series of romantic dates and new acquaintances. Let your head spin with love and happiness! Don’t be afraid of a sudden feeling, because it will only bring you joy, emotions and inspiration. For virgins who are married, it would not hurt to take care of economic issues together with their significant other. For example, redevelopment or minor repairs in the house, work on a summer cottage.

Horoscope for August 2016: Libra woman

Libras should fuss less in August so as not to waste energy on stupid things and unnecessary relationships. At the same time, the last month of summer should please you with new acquaintances with people who may well linger in life for a certain time.

On On the love horizon, August will be for Libra very fruitful for flirting and sincere feelings. Therefore, allow yourself to relax and slightly change your attitude towards yourself and life in general. For example, you can start with a haircut, or maybe it’s time to go somewhere to the sea.

Horoscope for August 2016: Scorpio woman

The horoscope for August promises a lot of work for Scorpios. The stars point to this period of time as a very successful moment in career and business. You just need to reconsider your approaches to work, the old methods will not work.

IN love sphere for Scorpios in August 2016 Traps of passion are likely. Some will meet in August true love for the first time and will experience a lot of new sensations. Family representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign are advised by the stars to show a little more attention and sensitivity to loved ones.

Horoscope for August 2016: Sagittarius woman

For Sagittarius women, the horoscope for August 2016 says that you will very easily, as if jokingly, overcome any kind of obstacles, thereby causing the sincere admiration of others. Towards the end of the month, the horoscope advises Sagittarius to control their words and actions. You may unwittingly say too much, which will greatly offend your loved ones. If you manage to show wisdom and patience, then the dangerous period will pass painlessly.

And here August love horoscope for Sagittarius prepared a period of romance. There is a high probability of meeting a person who will become your guiding star on long years. Women can meet their happiness on a long trip, it could be a vacation or a business trip. The stars do not advise men to play in August, because they can end very critically.

Horoscope for August 2016: Capricorn woman

The horoscope for August of Capricorn warns that due to the location of the stars, unjustified aggression may appear in the behavior of many representatives of the sign. Conflicts will start to arise around you every now and then, don’t look for those to blame, look at yourself from the outside and everything will be clear. Protect yourself and your loved ones from unnecessary stress.

According to love oroscope for August 2016 for Capricorns relationships will fade into the background. This is not very good, many will even judge you for being cold. But try to brighten up your behavior - don’t hurt your loved ones, take care of your loved ones. The stars also advise not to make hasty decisions.

Horoscope for August 2016: Aquarius woman

The August horoscope for Aquarius women says that the month will bring many new ideas and opportunities for their implementation. Intuition and knowledge of human psychology will greatly help Aquarius during this period. Actions will be precise, and by the end of the month in actions and decisions taken rigidity will appear, sometimes turning into aggression.

Personal life of representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius in August 2016 year will become a source of positivity. The romanticism and passion of Aquarius will attract the opposite sex like a magnet. According to the love horoscope for August 2016, Aquarius women have every chance of losing their heads in a new relationship, although by the end of the month the illusory happiness will dissipate and everything will fall into place. For married people, the horoscope for August indicates the need to improve relationships with close relatives.

Horoscope for August 2016: Pisces woman

According to the horoscope for August, Pisces can give free rein to their feelings and not hide their essence from others. The stars advise you to be active; everything that Pisces says or does during this period will be for the good. Courage and determination will yield amazing results. By the end of the month, a feeling of self-doubt may arise, which will create difficulties in fulfilling professional tasks. Many representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign will have a strong desire to give up everything and go on vacation, but the stars recommend pulling yourself together.

IN in the love sphere in August 2016, representatives of the Pisces sign They will experience the feeling that they have finally met their soulmate. The stars advise not to make hasty conclusions, because by the end of the month passions will subside, more important things will be found and many representatives of the sign will understand that they were mistaken. In the meantime, just enjoy the bright emotions!

General horoscope for August 2016 from Pavel Globa

In August, it is important for representatives of all zodiac signs to maintain positive attitude in any situation. You can achieve great success at work, in relationships or to do happy family only if you see the world at its best. If you start moping, you will miss great chances. Also remember that now it is important to take a passive position and not try to beat fate. Already in the first half of September you will be able to demonstrate the most best qualities character, take the initiative into your own hands. Ambitions may interfere with your business this month. Try to be more modest both in desires and in relationships.

The most favorable days months of August 2016: 2, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31.

Unfavorable days of the month of August 2016: 5, 8, 9, 20, 27, 30.

We are confident that the last month of summer 2016 will go with a bang, especially if we do not forget that, be that as it may, personal actions, actions and plans have the main influence on our lives. And for those who are still planning their vacation, we have previously prepared.

The love horoscope for the Gemini woman for August 2016 usually does not notice attacks of jealousy in airy ladies. However, now in this sense you and your partner are clearly at risk. Some random photo of his pretty colleague at work, a new acquaintance (you, of course, can roll your eyes in the heat of a quarrel and exclaim: “Another!”) or simply extra hour spent with him old friend– and passions will boil in a stormy torrent. But still ours accurate horoscope strongly recommends to calm down in time. Sometimes such “attacks” can amuse your other half and even help strengthen love, but building productive relationships on such a basis is difficult, if not impossible. Try in all areas - both mental and physical - to behave in such a way as to feel his interest and desire. Everything will definitely work out!

Financial horoscope for Gemini woman for August 2016

The character of a Gemini woman is almost always filled with an abundance of various generosities, and this is most effectively reflected in her material well-being. Of course, no one now talks about keeping every little detail in mind, otherwise you might be branded as greedy. However, in August 2016, it would be very useful to take up budget planning and, first of all, identify the reasons for this or that cash leakage. Calculate, for example, how much it usually costs you to get together with friends - it will probably amount to a decent amount. In addition, it may happen that among your close associates there will be a person who is literally pulling much-needed finances in his direction! Make sure that your acquaintance is definitely going to repay the debt, and that your work colleague took new project under their leadership only out of a desire to help, and not due to commercialism. Be kind, but don't be fooled! – insists the horoscope for the Gemini woman for August 2016.

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