Family horoscope for March Virgo.

Everything that representatives of this sign must do in March can be summed up in a few words: sleep, read, count and sleep again. Any horoscope for Virgo for March 2017 suggests that you can finally devote this month to yourself. It’s enough to run, catch up, try to live up to expectations, you just need to be yourself, and in March you are a couch potato. Everything that happens around you does not concern you, because everything goes exactly as it should.

Listen to yourself, inside you are already lying on the shore of a warm sea or walking through the snow-capped mountains with a group of friends. You want to go out to the country and, holding a mug of hot mulled wine in your hands, talk about books, movies, and your plans? The time has come to put all this into practice. Take a vacation, go on a trip.

Even the nearest park can be full of the charm of the coming spring. And there are so many new and interesting people around you. Perhaps you are mutually in love, and are now in that joyful moment when everything seems beautiful and pure? Don't let this feeling leave you.

Whether you believe in fate or not, you will have to accept that now you have revealed the secret a little - you have found harmony with yourself, with your children or parents. You want to be with your loved ones, you want to feel the joy of communicating with them and of being part of your family.

Don't completely trust your euphoria. Most likely, someone will rush to take advantage of your frivolity. Don't be fooled. This is very possible and applies to communicating with strangers.

Health and leisure

March is a great chance to treat your respiratory system, as well as your back, which bothers you from time to time. Beware of stress, both emotional and physical. Please note that back problems most often occur due to nervous tension and stress. Learn to control yourself and understand that any situation can be corrected and resolved, but your back will have to be treated.

Do not rush to sacrifice yourself to social work, or volunteer as an assistant. Most likely, you will need help from the physical plane. It is better to avoid such work.

From the second half of March you will get the feeling that you are tired, and you should listen to it. Welcome spring with a feeling of celebration, of everything new that has appeared in your life. Remember that the joy that you carry within yourself will give you the strength to make an important leap and achieve the maximum on almost all fronts.

Take a vacation and go on vacation. If possible, do this with your children. They really want to be close, receive a little warmth from you, and give theirs.

Avoid places where you feel bad, uncomfortable, your intuition is now well developed, and, most likely, it is she who is giving you a sign.

Career and business

Now you are like a sponge that absorbs information and then perfectly generates ideas. If your work is related to creativity, do not be afraid of new thoughts, do not be afraid to express what is born in you.

Don’t rush to change jobs, look for a new place, and don’t rush to ask for a raise; now your slight vulnerability may not work in your favor and may characterize you somewhat incorrectly.

It's hard to be a team player in March, so admit to the team that you can get the job done, but when it comes to brainstorming, you're not the best link in the chain right now.

Starting a new business is now unprofitable, primarily because all your greatest strengths are now eclipsed by sensuality. You are weak in calculations and analytics, although these qualities were fundamental to your character. Pedantry in business also sleeps until April.

In an existing business, you should trust people who have been doing their job well for many years, and not interfere with them with new ideas that in reality will turn out to be completely worthless, and you will not only waste your time, but also distract many busy people from their work.

Finance and shopping

Your extravagance will not lead to good, so stop and think about whether you can afford it.

The “caliph for an hour” has awakened in you, and you need to try very hard to curb his desires, otherwise you will be at a big disadvantage when you wake up from your obsession.

You should not start any business that requires signing contracts, paying money or obtaining loans. Under no circumstances should you take out a loan, even for a long period of time, otherwise you will be indebted to these people and will not be able to say a firm “no” at the right time, and you will need to refuse to provide this or that service.

You can spend it on vacation, health, gifts for loved ones. Most likely, you will be asked for help by colleagues who have helped you more than once, and in this case you cannot refuse.

You will want to spend your holiday in more comfort than usual, and your sincere self, obsessed with economy and logic, will resist. Find a middle ground and you will resolve this issue with minimal losses.

Love and relationships

Your sensuality is now at its highest point, and there is no person in whom you would not find a good side. And if this is a representative of the opposite sex, then you will not stop until he pays true, frank attention to you. The charismatic and somewhat mannered Virgo will still interpret the love horoscope for March 2017 in her own way, but the essence remains the essence - you want to be liked.

You don’t have many admirers and admirers now, but this does not prevent you from being in the center of attention, it is rather a merit of your inner, energetic charm, which is noticeable to the naked eye.

Married Virgos accept flirting, flirt themselves, and most likely will not resist adultery, which will be noticeable to everyone, including your other half. If this happens, quarrels and sad consequences cannot be avoided. Now you have little calculation and a lot of a child who wants everything at once. Moderate your desires, and with them your self-confidence.

Free from the bonds of marriage, happy from the fire raging in their hearts, Virgos will indulge in all sorts of hard things, and it would be good if there was a person with them who wanted to keep them in check. Such an explosion of emotions, as a rule, hurts the center of these emotions the most. You are in love, and therefore you have completely lost your head. Moderate your ardor, be consistent.

Find that fine line between maximum happiness and logic in behavior and actions, and you will live a wonderful month, which will be marked by a wonderful event for you. The main thing is “don’t lose the silver...”.

Male – Virgo

No matter what horoscope for March 2017 a Virgo man looks at, he sees one thing - an opportunity for his ego to open up to the fullest. He will be more calculating than a woman of his sign, and most likely will be able to turn the charm given by the stars in the right direction.

Thanks to the fact that you are a great joker, you can convey any idea, you can prove any version, you will not have problems in relationships of any kind. It is very important not to start new enterprises or affairs. Do not believe your assistants, partners who promise a big deal, good earnings, because they see perfectly well that you are now a dashing racer, and endorphins will completely overwhelm your common sense.

Be on the lookout for women who want to be closer to you, do not rush to connect your life with new acquaintances, because by the end of March you will return to your normal state and be horrified by what you did.

Find a quiet place where you, with your best friends, your family, your spouse, can live a month full of joy from communication, home comfort, and joint creativity. Meet the spring of the year with those who are dear to you and have been proving for many years that you are not indifferent.

Virgo Woman

It is completely unclear where prudence, rationalism, and cold calculation have gone. Now you are controlled by feelings, and how many mistakes you will make and how much trouble you will break depends only on your strength and energy. Maybe try telling yourself “stop”?

Confident in herself, in her perfection, a Virgo woman in love will easily turn March 2017 into an extravaganza, and if her mind speaks in her, she will turn this month into the moment when her fate will work out in the best way.

Relax, meet with friends, strengthen relationships with employees and business partners, create, just don’t allow yourself too much.

This is a great time to start a family, because you now have so much sensuality that charming any man is a piece of cake for you. Moreover, you have one in mind.

The first month of spring does not promise to be a calm time for Virgo's love and relationships. In March 2017, the Sun and Mercury pass through your partner’s house, this brings an impulse of renewal. Events in your personal life will not necessarily be negative, just confusing. Perhaps some of them will destroy your usual way of life, shake you up or reconfigure you to new guidelines.

On March 5, 2017, the planet of love Venus begins a cycle of retrograde (reverse) movement in the house of transformation of Virgo. Most likely, issues related to money or property will become relevant. However, love and money will not be interconnected in the best way. And by and large, your self-esteem, the criteria for choosing a partner, and the way you evaluate your loved one may change. Secrets, esoteric knowledge and psychological analysis will influence love.

During the period of Venus retrograde, high hopes in love may not come true, or circumstances may not turn out as expected. Taking this into account, the horoscope recommends Virgo to avoid ambiguous and dubious relationships. Be especially careful when making new acquaintances. In general, the period is more suitable for strengthening existing alliances or for renewing those relationships that you had in the past. If a new love interest comes along, it will most likely bring disappointment later on.

Virgo career and finance horoscope for March 2017

You are very busy throughout the month. You can achieve great success with the help of hard work and diligence, for which Virgo is traditionally famous. Although the work may seem tedious at times, the effort will be rewarded. You will brilliantly demonstrate your professional qualities and, moreover, replenish your wallet.

This is a period when you can advance your career thanks to your personal charm and connections with the right people. Maintain a good reputation, then you will get positive results.

The month will bring achievements, although difficult moments are not excluded. Most likely, they will involve cooperation. It is important to deal with reliable people in whose integrity you are confident. If you receive a tempting business offer, ask yourself if it looks too good to be true.

For finance, March 2017 is of particular importance. On the axis of the financial houses of Virgo, the opposition of Jupiter and Uranus is formed, so interest in practical matters is growing. Planetary influences mobilize you to search for ways to increase your income and give you a keen financial sense. Interesting ideas for making money may come up, but remember that there is a possibility of losses. The stars advise giving preference to traditional ways of earning money and not getting carried away with adventures, since the risks are very high.


The topic of health will be of great interest to Virgo, especially in the first half of the month. Since Saturn, the ruler of your house of health, forms a number of aspects with other planets, the time is good for medical tests and procedures, for body care and lifestyle changes.

Don't waste your money! It is better to limit yourself to what is really necessary.

For Virgos, the horoscope for March 2017 does not promise any major life changes, which can be perceived as great luck. With the arrival of spring, your way of life, replete with Mexican passions, will completely “settle down”, and there will no longer be room for major life dramas. You will also find time to take care of yourself, fall in love with sports, become friends with educational literature and learn to find positivity even in banal morning coffee. In a word, you will become much calmer and wiser, which will make your emotional health noticeably stronger. Carefully looking around, you will mentally reproach yourself for only one thing - why didn’t you notice before that you need so little to be completely happy?

And it, this very happiness, will decide to loudly knock on your door immediately after you stop demanding expensive gifts from fate. More precisely, as soon as you stop drawing picturesque pictures in your imagination of everything you so passionately want to possess, as soon as you learn to appreciate everything you have, it is at this moment that happiness will become your reward! You will finally understand that your family, dinners together, trips to your parents and to the dacha are real happiness. Your partner will finally hear from you a very touching confession, in which, in addition to words about your passionate love, there will be remorse for the fact that for many years you have demanded the impossible from your loved one. You will stop comparing him with the partners of your colleagues or friends, making this comparison not in favor of your other half. In general, your marriage will finally become just yours, and not an attempt to fit into average norms.

Virgos, who have not yet found their ideal, will reconsider the parameters of this illusory ideal in March. It will become clear to you that you are fundamentally incorrect in your search for love, because real feeling does not depend on such criteria as income, social prestige and the authority of candidates for the role of your life partner. And a little later, when once again purchasing goods in the nearest supermarket or seeking other services in an establishment where you have already been several times, it’s as if a bolt of electricity will pierce you. You will understand that the person whom you are accustomed to perceive only as a representative of the service industry sincerely cares about you. This is how your new romance will begin, in which there will not be a hint of subtle calculation (it will be based solely on emotions).

As for your finances, in March 2017 you will perceive this aspect quite objectively. If you are one of those people who work diligently at enterprises, at the beginning of this spring you will learn to perceive your official duty differently. You will find something positive in it, and the hours spent at work will no longer drag on forever for you. You will also make friends with a couple of colleagues, and during fascinating discussions of the latest world news, your work time will pass almost unnoticed. Virgos employed in the field of individual entrepreneurship will somewhat lower their qualifications for potential personnel. By filling your staff, you will stop paying attention solely to a prestigious diploma or to the rich experience of your applicants. For each of them, you will prepare a mini-test, based on the results of which you will understand what personal qualities this or that person has, how morally stable he is, and what business potential he has. In general, you won't be looking for pompous university know-it-alls, but rather people you feel comfortable working with.

Attention, the Virgo horoscope for the month of March 2017 has been published in abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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In March 2017 there will be no situations that you cannot cope with. However, in order for victory to become the only possible option in your life, it is necessary to solve all tasks and problems in a timely manner. In March, there is a possibility of radical changes in your work life, which will definitely have a positive impact on your entire life.

In the sphere of personal relationships, the emphasis should be on a conflict-free life and a diplomatic approach. Throughout the month, the horoscope recommends acting calmly and wisely.

Career horoscope for March 2017 for Virgo

If you have your own business you can open new branches and generally expand production. This is a month where information will be of particular importance, so try to keep your ears open. In March, there is a possibility of problems and disagreements with suppliers and business partners. Try to find a path to mutual understanding and respectful dialogue.

If you are employed, information for you is also important. From the first days of the month, decide on your goals and plans. Initiative will come in handy. Try to convince management of the importance of your projects and then you can count on additional bonuses. If you want this month to favor you, you need to act confidently and decisively. Any doubt will lead to failure. Therefore, if you undertake something, go to the end.

Lucky days are 11, 12, if you don’t have a job, use this day to send out your resume and do interviews.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Virgo

In general, throughout the month, the horoscope does not predict any problems in the area of ​​personal relationships. The only problem may be your personal dislike for someone close to you. However, it is better to keep all negativity to yourself. Try not to raise your voice at anyone for no apparent reason. If you tell everything to the person you really care about, you may regret it in the future.

If you're lonely any attempts to radically change something in your personal life, unfortunately, are doomed to failure. Your life will be limited by sadness and despondency. Even if there is a person in your life who could become your soulmate in the future, most likely he will slip through your hands.

In general, for some representatives of the sign, March can become real boredom and despondency. The only consolation may be an unusual hobby.

If you have a loved one, March will not let you get bored, since you can spend all your free time with him, while getting rid of routine and boredom. In March there is a possibility of interesting joint trips and family vacations.

Lucky days - 5, 8, 27, 29 if you are single, use these days for romantic meetings and acquaintances.

Financial horoscope for March 2017 Virgo

Your careless attitude towards finances and career can lead to a number of problems. In March, you can forget about increasing wages and income. Instead, it's best to think about ways to cut your expenses.

Health horoscope for March 2017 Virgo

In March, it is important to pay attention to your health. There is a possibility of seasonal colds and infectious diseases. You may have to spend several days in bed trying to overcome severe fatigue and chronic lack of sleep.

The best days to play sports are 1, 4, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 23, 27

March does not promise major changes for Virgos. Everything will be stable and calm. February passions will fade, life's dramas will be resolved, which will allow you to relax. In addition to happiness, expect a lot of free time and enjoyable activities. You will discover a world of new hobbies, take an exciting trip, want to play sports and develop in your favorite direction.

Your emotions will only be positive, your internal state will stabilize. You will understand that true happiness does not require enormous effort and lives next to you in the same apartment:

  • stable work;
  • good relatives;
  • morning hot coffee;
  • sun outside the window, etc.

You will enjoy life and the awakening of nature.

However, in relationships with friends, be prepared for ingratitude on their part.

Do not rely on reciprocity of help, otherwise long-term resentment and disappointment are inevitable. Don’t put pressure on people, try to defend your opinion, which has a right to exist.

Become less demanding, stop picturing a non-existent ideal of life in your imagination, and happiness will not keep you waiting.

Family relationships and personal life of Virgos in March 2017

You will strengthen your relationship with your partner because you will stop comparing him to everyone else. A rethinking of values ​​and climbing the spiritual ladder awaits you. True love does not require high income and Hollywood looks.

Love is selfless intimacy between you and your partner.

Having thought about and realized all these simple things, single Virgos may become very infatuated with a certain person working in sales.

You will notice him by chance while passing by the shopping aisles in a supermarket, and you will realize that he unconsciously attracts you.

If you have already found your soulmate, beware of misunderstandings with your partner this month. Be more tolerant of a person's shortcomings. You should not persistently prove your point of view; you will not be able to convince your partner.

In March, you may cause deep dissatisfaction with your partner. The stars recommend holding joint discussions and not closing yourself off from each other. Explain the reasons for your actions, assure your loved one of your sincere feelings. It is recommended to go out into nature or go to a restaurant. After a series of misunderstandings, relations will normalize and everything will fall into place.

The area of ​​work in March will take all your attention and distract you from family and friends. Try to give your best at work.

In March, beware of problems with work, which will either be too much or, conversely, not enough. The business situation will depend on other people. Beware of large outlays and unnecessary purchases, as you may fail when purchasing an expensive item.

March is favorable for business negotiations and agreements. You will be able to sign an important contract thanks to your smile, charm and creating a reliable image. Your prudence and slowness will solve many problems at work.

Starting a new business this month is a risky business.

If you have a great desire to open your own business, you will be hampered in every possible way by urgent tasks and failures in bureaucratic institutions.

Go back to the development stage and review the entire project again, as you may encounter inconsistencies and errors. Fix them and get ready to make your dreams come true in the coming months.

March is a time for scientific research and discovery. New ideas may appear that even reliable work colleagues should not throw around. Proposals for cooperation and joint business may arrive in mid-March.

Try to carefully study all the nuances and not get involved in adventurous projects that seem brilliant at first glance.

Virgo's health in March 2017

Your well-being will depend on your state of mind. Minor deviations in the functioning of the digestive tract, headaches and decreased appetite are a consequence of nervous fatigue. Don’t let this condition worry you too much, because over time normal functioning will improve. All diseases come from nerves. Try to get your nervous system in order.

When you are absorbed in work, try to spend your free time on relaxation and good sleep. Family and friends will understand your condition and will not distract you over trifles.

Try to eat less salty and smoked foods, as excess salt can lead to internal swelling. Such processes are quite difficult to notice, since they are not visible. But over time, the situation may worsen, so take all necessary precautions.

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