How to open your own flower selling business. Salary fund

It is a very profitable enterprise if done correctly. Some entrepreneurs close their store due to basic ignorance of the pitfalls of this business. Such businesses in big cities have a lot of competition. Today, on almost every corner there is a flower stall offering to buy flowers from them. For those who have not encountered such a business, it seems that there is nothing complicated here. However, in practice it is very difficult to get started.

Assessing the profitability of a flower shop

Before opening such a store, you need to think through everything. To correctly assess the profitability of such a business, it is advisable to estimate the number of nearby flower stalls and the total population in the city.

Already at the stage of planning the opening, you should think through each of your future steps, this will allow you to conduct successful floral activities. This means you need to consider:

  • the premises in which the store will be located;
  • range;
  • how much does it cost to purchase goods;
  • pricing;
  • further development steps;
  • additional ways to attract clients.

Having finally weighed all the pros and cons, or rather, having more realistically assessed your potential, you need to make a decision. If, for some reason, a flower business based on the chosen location will not bring in income, then it is better not to even try to start.

The approximate cost of organizing this store from scratch will be from 150 to 200 thousand rubles. Under normal circumstances, a high-quality shop will pay for itself within a year.

Choosing a location and premises

The key factor in any sales business is the location of the retail outlet. The right location will provide up to a quarter of the store’s profit. The chosen location should be highly accessible. The ideal place is considered to be an area through which a lot of people pass even on weekdays.

A good place is considered to be the intersection of two traffic intersections. For example, it could be a busy metro station with thousands of people passing through every day. It is also necessary to consider the fact that if something happens, there are parking lots next to the store. It was also convenient to approach the store. If you place a stall near which parking is prohibited, you will ensure an additional outflow of customers.

To do this, you will need a room with an area ranging from 5 to 8 square meters. If you plan to open a good flower shop from scratch, then you need to choose a room of 30 square meters or more.

Such a room is quite enough to, if something happens, place a good assortment in it and start selling.

What should the assortment be?

Every flower shop should not be limited to a simple list of products. This business requires related products and the provision of various services.

An entrepreneur who is able to combine several areas in his business will provide himself with good income and, accordingly, will remain afloat. This is worth paying attention to. The client who bought the flowers must contact the store again. Therefore, you need to combine the price with the quality of the product provided. Let's consider the main areas of the flower assortment that are in great demand.

Cut flowers

This is a fairly popular and very common product that is in good demand. The number of flowers that can be cut and displayed is very large. These colors are considered:

  • roses;
  • tulips;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • carnations;
  • lilies;
  • mimosas, etc.

It should be borne in mind that fresh cut flowers will not last long. Therefore, the display cases should primarily display those that have been in stock for a long time. If the flower is not marketable, then you need to get rid of it. Try to purchase only the required number of flowers. If the store cannot sell them in a short period of time, then the flowers should be thrown away. Accordingly, there will be additional costs when selling.

How many different types of cut flowers should there be? Probably the more the better. However, you need to purchase only as much as potential buyers can buy. Otherwise, they are simply disposed of.

To increase the marketability of flowers, sellers add stickers, printed designs and piercings to them. This allows you to significantly increase the purchasing power of products. In addition, if the product costs more, you will make a greater profit.

Potted flowers

This product is less popular than the previous one. However, this store should have such flowers in stock. True connoisseurs love to watch them grow. Therefore, “flower gourmets” give names to some flowers and call them their children. True plant collectors can become repeat customers if you can create a good business. To do this, you need to get several rare species. And constant monitoring of the most frequently asked types will allow us to determine the market need.

Potted flowers also have a very wide variety of species. They can come in a wide variety of sizes. For example, a desert cactus can grow to more than 80 centimeters in height in a few years. To have this product in stock, you need an experienced florist who knows all the intricacies of flower care. Illiterate actions of a hired employee can completely destroy the product. Consequently, losses will appear.

Plant varieties

Such products are also very popular. This allows people to grow their own plants, watch them grow, and care for them. Selling various vegetable seeds can generate great interest among retirees who like to grow them themselves.

In addition, you can profitably sell flower pot seeds. This product is also in demand. To grow a potted flower, you need to tinker for a very long time. It is this factor that attracts buyers.

Sales of related products

To add even more money to your revenue, you need to profitably sell related products. For such a bench, the appropriate materials are:

  • Earth;
  • fertilizers;
  • pots;
  • stands;
  • vases and various containers;
  • young seedlings.

Such goods will not be in great demand, but in the future you can count on this as an additional source of income. When selling additional components, the average bill will increase. Therefore, before opening a flower shop or stall, make a preliminary list of the required assortment.

For any flower shop, care should be taken to purchase packaged material, which is always necessary to create attractive bouquets. A festive bouquet decorated with excellent packaging material will look more presentable, and accordingly, it will cost more. Such bouquets allow you to set a price that in the future can cover the costs of a florist and packaging material. Also fully cover the costs of spoiled flowers.

If you want to open a business and create a regular stall, you can limit yourself to the typical cut flowers that are needed to create bouquets.

Personnel and equipment

To hire staff, you will only need one florist, whose responsibilities will include making bouquets. If you open a large store, then in the future, the number of staff can be increased to several people. Employees must be officially hired. So that if something happens, you don’t have problems with the tax office. In addition, an employee hired must obtain a health certificate. Without a completed health certificate, an employee should not be allowed to enter the workplace.

The selected room must be aesthetically designed. This applies to both the exterior decoration of the room and the interior design. To store all the flowers without roots, you need to purchase and find a suitable place to install the vases in which they will be stored.

Also, to open a flower shop you will need a large industrial refrigerator. In more advanced stores, the utility room, which is equipped with walking systems, is used as a refrigerator.

To design the interior design, you will need the following components:

  • racks;
  • stands;
  • shelves;
  • small counters;
  • cash register (required).

Set up a buyer's corner, which should contain permissions received from various authorities, open certificates, as well as a book of “complaints and suggestions.”

How to set the price?

Depending on the selected suppliers, the markup should be at least 200%. Otherwise, the business will not be profitable. If you estimate that the product is more expensive, then increase the price. This is especially true for those products that have a more attractive appearance.

The main peak in sales will be observed during the holidays.

Correct registration

Any business starts with proper registration. Before organizing a flower business, register it correctly.

Small and medium-sized stores are enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. You need to register as an LLC if you are opening a specialized boutique with a large turnover. The time it takes to register ranges from two weeks or more, depending on the waiting list.

The following documents need to be submitted:

  • trade permit;
  • conclusion issued by the Sanitary Epidemiological Station;
  • price list of goods;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • certificate confirming the registration of KMM.

This business does not require the provision of certificates for products sold. If customers see a photocopy of the certificate hanging on the stand, their confidence will increase. Suppliers may be required to provide certificates.

To start selling a lot, as many people as possible should know about the store. An advertising campaign must be launched at the stage of registering a case. This will create a business with ready demand. The main platforms that you can use to attract clients are the following:

  • distribution of flyers;
  • advertising on social media networks;
  • free bulletin boards;
  • city ​​newspapers;
  • banners;
  • billboards and signs.

Avoid selling unpresentable goods. It must be admitted that additional costs have arisen. Poor quality products will only scare away buyers.

Try to constantly monitor the volume of products sold and purchase only the most necessary quantities. The share of the main purchase should consist of a list of the most popular products. Buy flowers once a week.

If there is little demand for more expensive goods, consider a profitable system of discounts that will appease the buyer and push him to purchase. To do this, you can use discounts: –15, –20, every third bouquet is free. If you increase the price of expensive goods in advance, then when you make a discount, you will not lose any money. This scheme is used by supermarkets or large stores.

Purchase goods only from official and certified suppliers. This will allow you to avoid force majeure situations, bad products, etc.

Thus, when opening a flower shop from scratch, you need to do a number of simple operations that will allow you to do this business most competently.

Most people in our country want to work for themselves. Very often, many people have a dilemma: what type of business will generate good income with low initial costs?

One type of business activity that meets these requirements is. In addition to the fact that flowers are always in demand, they also bring aesthetic pleasure.

Let's take a closer look at how to open a flower stall.

Stages of opening a flower kiosk

1. Conduct market research. If you decide to open a flower kiosk, first you need to collect as much information as possible about competitors in the flower business in your city (if you live in a metropolis, then in your area). It is important to find information about flower prices, assortment, consumer demand, and the location of flower pavilions.

2. Estimate the size of the starting capital. Before opening a flower stall, you need to decide how much money you can invest in your business. The size of the retail space, the volume of purchased flowers for sale, and the availability of any additional services at your kiosk (for example, arranging wedding bouquets or exclusive bouquets from florists to order) depend on this.

3. Legal preparation of documents. To open a flower kiosk you need the following package of documents:

  • certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur (IP). If you are planning to open a small flower kiosk, then there is no need to register a legal entity.
  • Such an organizational and legal form of doing business as an individual entrepreneur has significant advantages over a limited liability company (LLC): low cost of registration, the ability to completely manage your own business, short-term paperwork, a simplified procedure for keeping records of the results of your activities and providing reporting; fewer documents when registering, it is not necessary to have a current account and stamp;
  • choose a taxation system: simplified system (STS) or single tax on imputed income (UTI), if you choose the STS, then you need a certificate of payment of the single tax;
  • lease agreement for opening a flower kiosk;
  • permission to locate this trade facility (can be obtained if there are permits from the SES, firefighters, or a garbage removal agreement);

hygienic conclusions of SES for all products.

4. Find a room. You can rent a room for selling flowers, or you can buy a ready-made kiosk (in Moscow, the price of a shopping pavilion measuring 7.5 x 6.0 meters is approximately 180,000 rubles).

5. Determine where the flower kiosk will be located. The main element of success in the flower business is the location of your outlet. It is best if the flower kiosk is located in a crowded place: near a public transport stop, at the entrance to the metro (if you live in a big city), near a large supermarket.

7. When selling flowers in a pavilion, you cannot do without special equipment. You will need:

  • racks for displaying flowers;
  • table for arranging bouquets;
  • stands for flowers and flowerpots;
  • split system or air conditioner (to maintain optimal temperature for plants);
  • cooling chamber.

In addition, you need to purchase the following accessories: packaging for flowers (available in several shades: mesh, felt, matting). Be sure to buy the clear packaging as it is highly sought after. You will also need a glue gun, tape, tape, and wire for gerberas. Tools you can’t do without when selling flowers: nippers, pruning shears, scissors, florist knives.

8. Decide on the range of flowers for sale. If you are going to sell flowers in a trade pavilion with an area of ​​at least 18 square meters, you should sell the following types of flowers:

  • roses: white, pink, burgundy, variegated;
  • carnations: red, white, variegated;
  • single-headed chrysanthemums: white, yellow, lilac;
  • spray chrysanthemums: yellow, white, variegated;
  • gerberas;
  • tulips (white, pink, yellow);
  • orchids;
  • irises;
  • anthuriums.

9. Decide whether your kiosk will sell any goods other than flowers (cards, special literature) and provide additional services (for example, decorating exhibitions, presentations and other special events with fresh flowers, creating wedding bouquets).

10. Search for suppliers. It is safer to purchase flowers from several suppliers: choose three main ones. The supply of flowers from Holland, Ecuador, and Russia is widely represented on the market.

11. Search for sellers (if you don’t plan to sell flowers yourself). When hiring staff to work in a flower pavilion, it is best to set a minimum salary, the rest of the money is a percentage of the revenue, thereby making the income of the sellers directly dependent on the profit. Thus, the more the florist earns, the higher the store’s profit. This approach to remuneration will help motivate the seller to do quality work, and you will avoid unnecessary expenses.

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Advantages and disadvantages of opening a flower pavilion

Let's highlight the positive aspects of opening a flower kiosk.

  1. Stable demand for flowers. Flowers are a mandatory attribute of any holiday. Birthdays, weddings, March 8, Valentine's Day are holidays to which a rare person will come without a bouquet of flowers. Sad events are not complete without flowers.
  2. There can be a high markup on flowers. Experienced businessmen increase the price by 100 - 300% of the purchase price.
  3. To open a flower stall, you do not need to create a legal entity; it will be enough to draw up documents as an individual entrepreneur.
  4. Working in the flower business brings joy. This is especially important if you are a professional florist and cannot imagine your life without making bouquets and exclusive flower arrangements. Opening a flower stall will help you realize your creative ideas. It is an undeniable fact that it is nice to give people positive emotions by selling flowers for a celebration. In addition, admiring flowers and being in an atmosphere of beauty and pleasant floral aromas all working time, you find inner harmony, mental comfort and are in a good mood.

But despite the obvious advantages of the flower business, opening a flower kiosk may encounter some difficulties.

  1. High competition. Flower markets, kiosks, shops are now common in very large quantities in all cities. Therefore, high competition in this type of business is inevitable. A large number of retail outlets are located in a small area, so which one will attract more customers depends entirely on the entrepreneur.
  2. It must be admitted that flowers are a perishable commodity, so there is no point in purchasing them in huge quantities. The main thing is to know which ones are in greater demand and which ones are in less demand.
  3. In addition, it is important to provide flowers with optimal storage conditions so that they remain fresh for as long as possible. According to florists, under good storage conditions, flowers can remain fresh for up to 20 days.
  4. Purchased batches of flowers may contain defective specimens. Do not forget that the flowers themselves are quite fragile and must be handled very carefully.

The flower business is seasonal. Despite the fact that there is always a demand for flowers, in summer and on holidays it is much higher than in winter.

And on top of everything else, we can say with confidence that a more pleasant environment and atmosphere cannot be found. In addition, you will not need to spend money on interior design. This business is suitable for both true entrepreneurs and aesthetes.

In fact, the flower business is not so simple. But you shouldn’t talk about sad things right away. Initially, it is worth focusing on life-affirming numbers. According to recent studies, Russian experts have revealed that the capacity of the flower business in the country is about 1.5 million dollars per year.

What can we say about experts, a banal visit to the nearest market will suffice. This is especially true on pre-holiday days. Then it really is clear that flowers are the same popular commodity as consumer food products. But this product is also perishable. For this reason, the first and several subsequent batches should be purchased in limited quantities.

How to open?

Where to begin?

When starting a flower business, young entrepreneurs should start by completing all the necessary documentation, obtaining legal status, etc. A flower business can be run by either an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity (if convenient, you can open an LLC).

Registration and documentation

This type of business does not require additional permits; all that is required is:

  1. register a company
  2. find premises and conclude an agreement (lease or sale)
  3. draw up contracts with suppliers
  4. find employees and formalize contractual relations with them

Terms and requirements

Then you should take care of equipping the premises and organizing the necessary conditions for the development of the business.

You especially need to take care of purchasing high-quality equipment that will provide a stable microclimate all year round; without it, the flowers will instantly die, and then the business will not generate income. As a result, it will burn out.

In order to prevent various government organizations from convicting an entrepreneur of selling low-quality products, in this case flowers, it will be necessary to save the appropriate certificates and receipt and expense documentation supplied with flowers.

Among the peculiarities of business, you must always remember the short life span of cut flowers and the need to water, feed potted plants, and other care.

Once the premises have been selected and equipped, and the issue of finding qualified personnel has been resolved, it will be possible to start purchasing flowers.

Where to buy flowers?

For wholesale purchases, appropriate databases are best suited.

If an entrepreneur wants to get maximum profit, it is worth paying attention to flower farms.

How to organize?

Business organization is important. A businessman must understand that without leadership skills and experience, breaking through the crowd of competitors will not be so easy.


It is worth taking care of the range of products sold. The more diverse it is, the more clients of different categories will resort to the services of a particular entrepreneur.

  • cut flowers and bouquets provide the main profit segment
  • Natural flowers
  • exotic plants
  • accessories
  • fertilizers

The list is quite extensive.

Types and formats

If you follow legal standards and love your job, you can reach unrealistic heights. A businessman who starts with a small flower stall, with good work and advertising, can grow into a large flower shop.

  • a flower tent will serve as an excellent start with a tight budget when organizing a business, as well as an additional source of income when expanding
  • a flower shop is a rather financially intensive undertaking, but with the right approach it will give a good profit
  • online store. Today it is very profitable to use the Internet. It makes it possible to significantly save on renting premises. After all, in fact, you only have to pay for warehouse departments. And there are more and more people who prefer online shopping to real ones every year. This format is great to combine with a regular store - it’s always at hand and in sight, plus you can easily sell a rejected order.


It is necessary to take care of the experience of employees. You should hire only competent florists with imagination. Much when trading depends on the form. Bouquets should be varied and interesting. There should be a desire to buy them.

How to develop?

In order for a business to develop well, it is necessary to carefully choose the territory. The place where business activity will begin (visited, diverse contingent of consumers, etc.). A good place is 50% of success.


- engine of trade. This judgment is true for any trading and manufacturing organizations. In order for the consumer to reach for exactly “your” product, you need to make every effort. A good reputation, like advertising, does not come easily.

  • At the first stage - discounts.
  • The second stage involves printing “flyers” and placing advertisements around the city.
  • At the third stage, the entrepreneur will need to take care of expansion. The opening of more retail outlets and, of course, various types of couponers. Couponers are systems that provide potential customers with a huge variety of discounts on entrepreneurs’ products. Naturally, the latter first enter into an agreement with the company providing the service.

Expansion of the range

Also, do not forget that stability is, of course, good and honorable, but to replenish the customer base you will have to constantly expand the range of products sold.

Plus, you should approach the issue of development creatively:

  • Offer home delivery of bouquets;
  • Open a service - decorating celebrations and banquets with flowers;
  • Install flower machines.

How to sell flowers?

To sell flowers profitably, you must adhere to several important rules:

  • Firstly, demand creates supply. With each subsequent purchase, it is worth thinking about what holidays are “hanging around the nose.” For example, if September 1 is ahead, then you should buy more mimosas, daisies and roses, which are so loved by teachers.
  • Secondly, we should not forget about seasonality. At the initial stages, budding entrepreneurs sell their goods, at best, at an indoor flower market. But nature is such that it requires businessmen to have appropriate conditions for maintaining and caring for the goods. You will need to buy cameras designed to maintain the required temperature level.
  • Thirdly, when selling flowers, you should take care of a good attitude towards the buyer. After all, in order for the client base to constantly increase, you need to be able to keep the client. In this case, leverage is considered to be a good attitude and a quality product.

Business plan

A preliminary business plan for establishing your own flower business involves going through several stages:

  • The first step is premises - 10,000 -30,000 rubles per month.
  • The second step is the purchase or rental of equipment -35,000 - 55,000 rubles.
  • The third step is paying taxes - 6,000 rubles.
  • Hiring and paying employees – 25,000 – 40,000 rubles.

You should also take into account the monthly costs of purchasing flowers in the amount of 40,000 - 60,000 rubles.

  • The average income level is 70,000 – 90,000 rubles.

These calculations are provided in accordance with monthly expenses and monthly income.


It turns out that even such a perishable product as flowers can turn out to be a very profitable business. The main thing to remember is to focus on the consumer and constantly search for new ways of development. If the business does not develop, it will soon be absorbed by more active and powerful competitors.

In this material:

If you walk around any city, you will see that the flower business is quite popular today. In each locality there are several small stalls and large salons. And here many people have a question as to whether the flower business is profitable and how much. Can selling flowers bring a decent profit in such fierce competition? Actually yes! But only if you open a flower business in stages and approach this issue responsibly and competently. To do this, you need to correctly determine the type of product, find a good place to sell it and attract customers. In this case, business profitability can reach a decent level in a short time.

On the way to success

Flower trading can be very profitable if developed. A businessman who establishes his own production of products, that is, grows his own flowers, can get even more profit. However, such a development of events is possible only for those who can calculate everything correctly and feel all the subtleties of this type of activity. The flower business has some nuances, namely the features of the products themselves, which have a short sales period. For this reason, it is necessary to purchase all the necessary equipment to extend this period.

To get a good result, there is no need for huge investments, but you will still have to spend money on certain equipment for the flower business and suitable premises, since this product is considered quite fancy. For a business to be successful, you need to offer customers only high-quality products, and for this, fresh fresh flowers must always be available. If an entrepreneur does not have the opportunity to grow products for sale on his own, he needs to find reliable suppliers. It is especially important that the supply system does not fail at times of high demand, that is, on holidays.

An important factor is the ability of a businessman to create a favorable environment for clients. The desire of customers to return here largely depends on the atmosphere that prevails in the retail outlet. A competent approach and clear calculations are a very important component of any business, but selling flowers is also a creative activity, so you need to love your business and do it with inspiration.

If a businessman has good taste, he will be able to choose the right range of products and decorate the premises. It is important to take care of advertising, as this point is one of the most important mandatory expenses.

How to organize a flower business?

If a person is going to start his own business for the first time, he should read special literature on how to organize a flower business and deal with issues of Russian legislation. It is best to register as an individual entrepreneur, since in this case there will be the best conditions for retail trade. If it is too difficult to deal with organizational issues on your own, you should seek help from professionals who, for a fee, will help you set up and run your business.

If a novice entrepreneur decides to open a flower business, where to start is the first question he asks himself. You should start by defining your own niche. When it comes to flowers, you need to choose the right location of the outlet to avoid unnecessary competition. Please note that this place must be crowded. It's best to look at areas near schools and vocational schools.

The next step is to find a good, reliable supplier. Difficulties most often arise at this stage. Entrepreneurs often have to go through a lot of trouble before they can find a good supplier. Flowers need to be purchased on time, but with a small supply. This is especially important during the holidays. In this case, a warehouse with appropriate equipment should be provided in the retail premises.

As for how to start a flower business, the first stage involves mandatory investments in advertising. This is the only way people can find out about the new store. Then everything depends on the quality of the products, prices and level of service. If all this is at a high level, there will be many regular customers. It is quite possible that in the future you will even have to expand your business and hire assistants. Sellers in a flower salon must be creative, energetic and sociable people.

A store

If an entrepreneur already has experience in doing business, it will be much easier for him to decide on the amount of work he can afford. Another thing is novice businessmen. If you don’t have serious experience, you shouldn’t immediately invest large sums in a flower business. It is better to start with a small retail outlet, that is, become a representative of the smallest business.

With a minimum investment, you can even organize your own store on the World Wide Web. This is quite convenient and has become quite popular lately. It is enough to organize a warehouse, arrange timely delivery for constant replenishment of the warehouse, and then accept orders via the Internet and deliver flowers to customers. Earnings will depend on the quality of products and the efficiency of couriers.

Having your own salon will require several large investments. Here you already need to spend money not only on renting a warehouse, but also on decorating a retail space. Exotic plants have become quite popular lately. Moreover, you can sell not only cut flowers, but also potted plants, as well as related products. During the period between holidays, such goods make up a significant percentage of revenue. Some entrepreneurs go even further and supplement the flower business with holiday products and gifts. You can allocate several shelves for toys and put a rack with postcards to generate additional income and attract even more customers.

One of the most common types of retail outlets for selling flowers lately is the department in the pavilion. As a rule, they are located in crowded places, but are rented for a reasonable rent. Thus, the pavilion will generate good income at low costs.

A classic option is a flower shop. It can be equipped on the ground floor of a residential building or built as a separate building. Investments in this case will be significant, since everything will have to be equipped correctly. Typically, stores have enough space to offer customers a wide range of products. It is better that these flowers range from expensive to economical options in order to attract as many customers as possible.

Equipment costs

In order to organize your own retail outlet for selling flowers, you will not need huge investments. However, if a businessman plans to sell fashionable exotic plants, they will need to create the necessary microclimate for long-term storage. If the point’s task is only to sell flowers and bouquets of ordinary varieties, the costs will be significantly less. In addition to the products themselves, you will need wrapping paper for bouquets, ribbons and special tools.

The room itself must be equipped with air conditioning, a refrigerator, special shelving and a table for processing plants. Roses and carnations are in greatest demand. Depending on the seasonality, you can purchase other options, for example, tulips or asters. Orchids have become quite popular in recent years.

Location of the outlet

As for whether it is profitable to sell flowers, this largely depends on how well the outlet is located. If the area is passable and crowded, this is a huge plus. However, here you need to pay attention to the presence of competitors. It happens that in one place there are several stores with similar products, which already reduces the level of profitability several times.

Experts say that the most profitable places for selling flowers are areas near restaurants and concert halls, near schools and other educational institutions.

Flower shops can often be found at intersections of busy streets and bus stops. Such places are well suited for flower trading, as they are easily accessible by car.

Will the flower business be promising?

If a person is going to invest a certain amount of money, he must know how to open a flower business and be sure that it will bring a certain profit. As for the sale of flowers, the prospects are very good, since such products will always be in demand, and on certain days of the year there is no end to customers. However, in order for a retail outlet to bring good profits, you must be able to properly store and sell flowers.

Considering that plants are very delicate products, they must be handled with extreme caution. Moreover, a considerable percentage will be written off, and this cannot be avoided. However, the purchase price of flowers is small, so you can make a markup that will cover the costs many times over. And here again the correct choice of supplier becomes very important.

If you organize a medium-sized retail outlet, you can spend 50-100 thousand rubles. This will be enough to purchase normal equipment and purchase products for the first time. With the right approach, you can achieve good results, and the business will pay off quickly. At first, it is best to work on your own in order to delve into all the nuances of the flower business as much as possible, and after that, if necessary, you can hire assistants.

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The Sumarokov Brothers Workshop is a production and trading company. We produce equipment for growing plants in home, greenhouse and other conditions. Our main products are growboxes - special “cabinets” with temperature, lighting and humidity control, in which our clients grow various plants. We are also official dealers of related products from Europe necessary for progressive crop production. Franchise Description...

Investments: from RUB 1,200,000.

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Investments: from RUB 1,500,000.

Stabilized plants, mosses and flower arrangements are widely used all over the world to decorate the interiors of offices, banks, hotels, shopping centers, car showrooms, reception areas, shop windows, exhibition stands, conference rooms, any public premises, as well as apartments, cottages, and villas. However, in the cities of Russia this niche is still quite free, and you have every chance to take a leadership position in your region.…

Investment: 65,000 - 99,000 rub.

ARTprinters is a simple, profitable, interesting business. At the same time, it is based on a unique and exclusive service - digital painting of nails, flowers and any small items (phones, souvenirs, Easter eggs, etc.) Equipment you will need: a special printer, a computer, a couple of tables and a chair. Accordingly, there is no need to rent large areas. You can open a studio at home. Need not…

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VeGa Flowers is a young, rapidly growing franchise based on uniqueness and originality, as well as the absence of a complete analogue of its product, a stabilized bouquet from VeGa Flowers, which retains the properties of natural freshness for many years, without requiring watering or care. It is absolutely environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. Such a miracle is possible thanks to the replacement of water in the plant itself with...

Investments: from RUB 250,000.

TerraFiori company. Absolute Imitation of Living Flowers. Founded in 2012. Flowers made from ecological silicone are a unique product, an innovation in the world of floral decoration! The geography of the business is the entire Russian Federation and CIS countries. The advantages of these colors: They fully convey the appearance, color and even tactile perception of living plants; Dust resistant; No maintenance required; Frost-resistant; Hypoallergenic; Large, constantly expanding assortment (roses,…

Flowers are one of the most popular gifts, as they are relevant for absolutely any holiday. They come in a variety of shapes and forms, and there are many unique varieties that vary in appearance and cost. The flower business is considered profitable, stable and interesting, which is why it is of interest to many entrepreneurs. In the first stages, it can be organized even at home, and if you promote it correctly, you can receive passive income in the future, since no effort will be invested in the business.

The flower selling business has both positive and negative sides. It is important to know about all the parameters before opening a business in order to start a profitable activity from scratch.

The advantages include:

The disadvantages of the job include:

  • sales are uneven as they depend on the season and are also affected by various holidays;
  • to get started, you need to create a correct, thoughtful and reliable business plan for a flower shop with calculations, and you can view a sample, but each store must have its own individual project;
  • for high-quality business operation, a cash register is required, the use of which complicates the procedure for accounting for activities and requires registration of equipment with the tax office, and the device itself has a significant cost;
  • flowers are perishable goods that require specific care, so optimal and specific conditions must be created for them;
  • To get started, an entrepreneur must have complex and unusual knowledge and skills in the field of floristry in order for the flower business to be profitable and promising.

Initially, you need to register, and you can choose either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. The most optimal choice of legal form is considered to be an individual entrepreneur. For this purpose, the following documents are prepared and submitted to the tax office:

  • an application that must contain the correct OKVED codes for the selected area of ​​activity;
  • a flower business can operate under a simplified taxation system, which must be switched to immediately after registration;
  • a copy of the citizen’s passport and his TIN.

Trade will be reliable and controlled if a cash register is used in the process. Therefore, it is recommended to initially purchase this equipment. The device must be registered with the tax office, after which it can be used for its intended purpose. It is also advisable to obtain a stamp and open a bank account.

Choosing a store location

Where to start a flower business? It is important to decide where exactly the activity will take place. To do this, it is necessary to carry out marketing research, on the basis of which a special project will be made, and an example of it can be easily found on the Internet. It will contain basic information and nuances of opening and running a business.

You should not completely take a ready-made project, since it will not take into account the specifics of a particular region and store.

The flower business must be favorably located, since the location for this particular activity is considered a key point. The best choices are the following premises:

  • next to the wedding palace;
  • near high-traffic areas, which include public transport stops, large supermarkets or universal markets;
  • close to a train station or bus station.

There should be parking spaces near the store so that every client has the opportunity to comfortably drive up to the outlet. It should be possible to place outdoor advertising that will attract the attention of potential buyers, as a result of which a business from scratch can generate good income. There should be no competitors nearby who can entice customers with different promotions or other advantages.

Arrangement of the premises

Competent trading presupposes that a unified and unique concept must be formed inside the store, which will be pleasant and interesting for customers. All costs for these purposes must be included in the business opening project. An example of an interesting and exclusive design can be found on the Internet or you can go to the most famous and popular flower shops.

The following styles are considered an excellent choice:

  • Rococo or Provence if the flower business is intended for high-income clients;
  • hi-tech is considered an ideal solution when specializing a store for customers who prefer to constantly purchase unique new items and exquisite items;
  • if not only flowers are sold in bouquets, but also flowers in boxes and pots, then such a store can be decorated in an eco-style, and only natural and safe ingredients should be used here, and such a design will act as an interesting advertisement for the business.

The store should be well lit, and natural lighting should be combined with artificial lighting, which can favorably highlight the products presented.

An important point in the arrangement is the acquisition of equipment and furniture. For this you buy:

  • showcases and racks for flowers in boxes, pots or other containers;
  • freezers in which you can prolong the freshness of cut flowers, which will increase the store’s income;
  • a table designed for the work of a florist;
  • table and cash register for efficient and correct payments to clients;
  • To ensure that customers wait for their orders in comfort, it is recommended to place a sofa in the store.

An example of the proper arrangement of all elements in a room can be easily viewed on various websites on the Internet.

Compilation of product assortment

How to open a flower business from scratch that will bring good income, will be stable, sustainable and promising? To do this, a special activity project is drawn up with detailed and accurate calculations, which should indicate the nuances of compiling the assortment of goods.

When compiling the assortment, the following elements are taken into account:

  • Cut flowers, the varieties of which should be numerous. The most popular are roses and chrysanthemums, tulips and mimosas, orchids and lilies, as well as many other varieties.
  • Flowers in pots or boxes are in demand, but less popular compared to cut goods. An example of an excellent store suggests the presence of a large number of varieties of such flowers.
  • Cultivated plants that are of interest to many potential customers. As a rule, they are purchased by retirees or people who like to spend a lot of time gardening or working with crops in the garden.
  • Related products that are very profitable to sell due to a good margin. With their help, you can significantly increase profits, and this includes fertilizers, pots, literature about flowers, candles and ribbons, cards and packaging, stands and elements for creating a unique landscape design.

If you choose the assortment wisely, you can count on good demand for the store, which can generate passive and high income.

How to make a store popular?

It is important to know not only how to start a flower business, but also how to properly promote it. The following methods are used for this:

  • finding corporate regular customers who will regularly order decoration for various celebrations;
  • design of various portfolios, for which unique flower arrangements are created, and in the future it will be possible to create original bouquets for weddings, dates, anniversaries or other significant dates;
  • advertising on radio, television or other media;
  • cooperation with holiday agencies, restaurants or other establishments that can become regular customers;
  • creating your own website on the Internet.


How to organize a flower business that will be popular among buyers? To do this, it is important to find suitable workers who will be professional florists who know how to properly care for flowers and create unique and inimitable compositions from them.

Salaries should depend entirely on revenue.

Pitfalls in starting a flower business

Starting this business from scratch is not difficult if you look at an example of a successful store in advance. However, for promising and profitable work, you need to know all the possible difficulties and pitfalls, which include:

  • if you hire non-professionals, they will not be able to make unusual bouquets, so the store will not be able to compete with other establishments;
  • you should not purchase a ready-made store, since a profitable business will never be sold;
  • flowers need to be properly cared for and kept in optimal conditions, otherwise they will quickly lose their presentation, which will lead to constant write-offs;
  • you should not skimp on creating an original store design, because otherwise it will not differ from standard retail outlets, and therefore will not attract the attention of customers;
  • trade must be conducted honestly, therefore it is unacceptable to make a bouquet of fresh and half-withered flowers, since you can easily lose customers;
  • on holidays, you need to clearly understand how many bouquets and flowers can actually be sold, so as not to let down buyers on pre-orders;
  • It is advisable to use a cash register while working, which will simplify control over sellers.

If you know all the pitfalls, then you can expect to successfully open a profitable and effective store.

Financial calculations

The project of opening a flower business involves investing the following amount of money:

  • creation of a unique design – 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture – 320 thousand rubles;
  • investments in business advertising – 40 thousand rubles;
  • business registration – 1 thousand rubles.

The total initial investment is equal to 1 million 51 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses:

  • rent of premises per month – 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods for a month – 500 thousand rubles;
  • employee salaries – 105 thousand rubles;
  • business advertising – 5 thousand rubles;
  • taxes and utility bills - 40 thousand rubles.

Total – 690 thousand rubles. With a markup of 80%, you can expect an income of 900 thousand rubles, of which net profit is 210 thousand rubles. Profitability is at a very high level, since it is equal to – 210/900*100=23.3%.

Thus, if you open a business wisely, pay a lot of attention to its advertising, offer a good assortment and hire professionals, you can get a profitable business that will be stable and growing, and therefore can bring constant passive income in the future.

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