Experiences feelings of joy and love. Different feelings: love and infatuation

In the twentieth century, life nevertheless forced psychologists, psychoanalysts, and psychotherapists to seriously study the entire spectrum of love feelings between a man and a woman. By this time, a huge amount of material had been accumulated for study and analysis.

And when experts began to study, without spells and mysticism, not only numerous love plots, but also detailed life stories their heroes from early childhood to old age: education - parental attention, health - illness, creativity - stagnation, love of life - love fatalism great mystery began to open up.

Falling in love with someone means much more than suppressing an overwhelming feeling - it means making a decision, making a decision, being part of a promise. If love were just a sentimental feeling, there would be no reason to promise to love someone for life. Any declarations have existed since the time of peace. The most beautiful of them have been preserved by lovers of all times and all over the world to remember - throughout the years - the moments of happiness spent with the beloved beings in their lives, and to provide posterity with an example of their endless and inflamed love.

— The main thing turned out to be that 6 types of love proposed by D.A. Lee are quite different feelings, similar only in appearance, in the development of the plot and in the characters. If agape, storge and pragma are love in all respects, then the other types of mania, ludus and eros are love-like feelings; low-quality loves, in the most aggravated forms - mental illness, which can only be gotten rid of with the help of specialists.

— Lovers of the mania, ludus and eros types were more likely to get sick than others, their lives often ended prematurely, even violently. Such people have reduced, somewhat painful self-esteem; they are often ruled by a feeling of inferiority, hidden or conscious. They are highly anxious, vulnerable, and this causes them to have psychological breakdowns and sexual difficulties. Their self-doubt can be combative and they can be ruled by a morbid self-centrism. Neurosthenia gives rise to broken love - hatred, painful attraction - repulsion - a fever of incompatible feelings.

But can you sacrifice everything for the sake of your loved one? Can you tilt at windmills for her? Brnnkusi: Love is also love. What is not so important about being loved, about loving yourself - for all power and for all being - is that it does not reflect the truth about love. This feeling is also imposed by adrenaline, a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, which gradually increases its intensity, compromising a purely animal reaction rather than a rational one. Being has been defined since antiquity as divinity, perfection and the statement that love for all beings seems to be an ideal that cannot be touched by the person defined as being.

But those who loved the agape, storge and pragma types, on the contrary, got sick less often than usual, their lives were longer, happier, more harmonious, and they had healthy offspring.

— Those who experience agape, storge and pragma love from birth were brought up in favorable conditions, most often when they were loving father and mother.

But those who experience feelings of mania, ludus, eros during upbringing did not receive enough spiritual attention, warmth, care, experienced overly strict or, on the contrary, indifferent, other types of complicated, deviant upbringing. From this it was concluded that the first group of feelings is specific, innate, the second is a consequence of careless, complicated upbringing. Later, techniques were developed that made it possible to get rid of bad, painful loves.

The question is often asked: is it good to love and lose or not to love at all? People have the power to choose, to dream and suddenly come alive, being able to become negative or realistic and lead a rational life, thus avoiding disappointment. In conclusion, as a final proof, the biblical argument, the original sin, Adam and Eve in Mar, learned the concept of love, so love is not part of Heaven, but it is just a poisonous dream, hopeless despair. My opinion about the statement: "Love is also love, and it is not so important to be loved, to love you - to all power and all being" is that it does not reflect the truth about love. Those who marry for interest, for example, wondering - as many believe - that love comes with time and is established between those who are together, will never know real love, but simply a form of attachment, a false attraction. Another situation encountered in real life

— Falling in love is not the first stage of love, but an independent feeling. Because there are many times more loves that do not turn into love than those that do, and besides, love can arise without falling in love.

Loves can be: natural and substandard, which in the most severe, advanced cases turn into mental illness.

This is never the case, which is why love does not “call” love. When you love with all your being and all your strength, you feel the need to love in turn. My opinion is that no one would agree to live with someone who does not share his feelings and this.

On the other hand, the truth is that you cannot choose the moment when you are in love, and if this feeling overcomes you, the best thing you can do is to love with all your being and not be afraid of this feeling, otherwise you will never find your soulmate. In conclusion, love does not call love, it is important that you love to share your feelings, but you must take advantage of every opportunity you have to indulge yourself otherwise, when you find a match, you will not know how to cherish it and lose it.

Natural loves:

Adolescence is one of the stages of growing up; it can develop both towards peers and towards older people: a teacher, actor, athlete, etc.

Adult- this is a feeling fueled by hormones, initiated by situational signs: dreams, fantasies, assumptions, charged with emotional experiences, spring, vacation, beach, short meetings, etc.

“Although it is not devotion that causes love, but rather the effect, it is important to keep it unbridled.” In the absence of commitment, love is at risk of degradation and eventual extinction. Liviu Antonesi's statement is full of wisdom. The first argument in favor of this concept is that when you love, you give yourself completely to your loved one, to whom you affirm faith and loyalty. Confidence in your partner is another necessary condition to maintain a couple, jealousy and suspicion are sure enemies that kill love.

On the other hand, devotion to your loved one is a definite proof of the love you bear and can save any relationship if tact, patience and understanding are exercised with skill. A godly example is the Persida-Natl couple, whose relationship was degraded by the man's misplaced behavior and who was saved by the love of the woman and the wisdom with which the woman surrounded him, although he was terribly difficult.

Bad Loves(in subsequent articles these feelings will be described in detail): Mania, ludus and eros. They can develop towards people who are much older, much younger, unattainable, and much more. The most important thing was found out that the reasons for their development are traumatic upbringing, especially in early childhood.

What exactly is the deep difference between love and infatuation? In world culture and in everyday life, two outwardly identical views are most often encountered: supporters of one think that love is stronger, and infatuation is weaker; supporters of the other do not distinguish love from falling in love; they call almost every attraction by the name love.

In conclusion, devotion is necessary for the feeling of love to be unhealthy, otherwise it deteriorates and finally extinguishes itself. She writes a two-page argumentative essay on the topic of love, reflected in a narrative study, based on the ideas expressed in next statement: “Love has two faces, all kinds of deviations and forms, but it is difficult enough you find the central storm or the typical form of love.”

Love is one of the fundamental themes of literature of all times and all literary eras. This complex human feeling, in which everyone can find spiritual satisfaction and balance, can be associated with the study of one's own soul, a way of knowing, or many other feelings. Because, as Emil Cioran notes, “love has two girls, all kinds of deviations and forms, it is quite difficult to find the central storm or the typical form” of this feeling.

If natural love is just hormones plus the situation, then substandard love is a feeling that is always more intense and deeply gripping a person, in the most painful cases suppressing the mind and will. It was this quantitative indicator of feeling that misled humanity for several millennia and, by misunderstanding, was called “true love.”

In romantic literature, many writers come to the theme of love, regardless of the aesthetic formula illustrated by their novels. As for a realistically objective novel or a subjective novel, love is one of the most important coordinates in the evolution of a character. Thus, we can talk about a feeling of instinctiveness in the case of Ion, Liviu Rebrianu, about love for teenagers in the case of Felix Sima, about mature love, perhaps last chance to a sentimental performance, in the case of Leonida Pascalopole.

The last night of love by Camila Petrescu, the night of war, is part of a series of works on psychological analysis, in which clarity and awareness of the difference between himself and the world enhance the feeling of love and feelings of love. Love is one of the character's greatest obsessions - narrator Stefan Gheorghidu, who assumes the air of a lucid intellectual, concerned with the difference between the absolute and the relative, between reality and autosupsia. This novel, according to Perpessicius, consists of two parts that have no casual connection between them, a novel of “war on two fronts”: romantic love and the war itself, what makes the hero “a continuous march, more and more in consciousness.”

Such mixing with the mainland of the love of neighboring archipelagos - loves, perhaps, not only gives rise to a confusion of concepts, it has elevated to the rank of love that which is “below” love and even aside from it, and relegates love itself from its peaks to its slopes or foothills . Falling in love differs from love in the same way that superstition differs from faith, as a university applicant differs from a trained specialist, as lottery ticket differs from a car being played out, as rain differs from a river, as graphite differs from a diamond, as the fire of a fireworks differs from the fire of a blast furnace.

The experience of love, which provides the content of the first part of the novel, is renewed, reminiscent of Stefan Georgidu's relationship with Ela. The second part creates the illusion of temporal progress by recording events that occur at the front. The compositional artifact of the novel - a discussion among a crowd of officers about another fact in the press - allows us to highlight one of the main themes of the novel - the question of love. The characters gathered at the helm - Captain Dimius, Captain Korabu, Captain Flouiu and Second Lieutenant Georgidu - express different opinions about love.

However, the views expressed make him worse, and his intervention is verbal violence, which provokes Korabu's hatred. For Dimius, conformist, old-fashioned, marriage and love are subject to "internal" rules: "Sir, a wife should be a wife and a home, a home." Corabu, “a triple and cruel officer,” and Flora, “small and gentle,” argue a contradictory point of view: What right do you have to kill a woman who no longer loves you?

Outstanding writers and scientists wrote about love with delight, like highest pleasure, fortunately, and with opposite assessments.

In the 13th century, Richard de Fournical wrote: “Love is madness, inexhaustible fire, insatiable hunger, the sweetness of delight, pleasant recklessness, tireless work and rest from work.”

W. Shakespeare: “Love is omnipotent: there is no sorrow on earth - higher than its punishment, no happiness - higher than the pleasure of serving it.”

In the middle of this discussion, Georghidou intervened with a radical view: Great love- It's more of a process of self-hypnosis. The conversation about the raven is the pretext for a great retreat, during which Stefan recalls the stages of the evolution of the feeling that united him with Aloy. Omi spent time following her friendship, observing her, making insoluble problems in interpreting gestures, in the shadow of a dress, and telling her about who knew her visit to one of her aunts. It was unimaginable suffering that fed on his own substance.

The narrator says nothing except his suspicions. Everything the reader finds about Al and the relationship between the husbands comes from this source, which is far from being considered infallible or at least objective. Stefan Gheorghidu admits from the very beginning that he has a suspicion of Elea's infidelity and that this suspicion is awakened in terrible fears. On the other hand, the character is aware that he is exacerbating suffering through tendentious interpretation or exaggeration of fair facts. In other words, Georghidu himself is recommended as an ungrateful narrator.

“Love causes pestilence, darkness, confusion and shame,” Stendhal quotes words from the Armorial of Love in his novel “Red and Black.” How many accusations, how many curses of love since the light has stood? Love is considered as a “demonic principle”, as a dark, ominous, “hellish” force that goes beyond the control of a person, his consciousness, reason, and moral feelings.

Therefore, all information about the modification of Elea's behavior after receiving the inheritance from Uncle Tash cannot be interpreted as accurate. She can only change in her eyes jealous husband. The change in the young couple's life results in male masculine masters being much more likely, in Stefan's opinion, to win; therefore, his jealousy may be the result of more intense competition than before. Situated solely within Georgiy's point of view, the reader will never know for sure whether Ela truly changed her feelings for her husband by branding him J.

In the “Canon of Medical Science” in 1020, Avicenna - Abu Ali Ibn Sina wrote: “Love is a disease, like obsession, similar to melancholy. Determining the object of love is one of the means of treatment.”

This confusion arose because feelings with opposing qualities were combined into one campaign.
This mistake can be commented on by the proverb “A black sheep spoils the whole flock.” And this black sheep is mania (less often ludus and eros), this low-quality, painful feeling should not be allowed close to an absolutely positive feeling called “love.”

Or if we're talking about not about the imagination of an insecure and arrogant person. What unmistakably changes is the narrator's attitude towards the heroine, although he sometimes tries to create the illusion that the reader has the safest facts and interpretations. Their love is born under the sign of pride. Even if Ela didn't like it at all, Stefan is gradually carried away by the interest shown by "one of the most beautiful students at the university." The narrator's character acknowledges that pride played an important role in the establishment of their relationship: "The organ became the basis of my future love."

When newlyweds say during surveys that they married for love, this is not accurate, because... they married out of love, for some lucky ones love will come, but for the majority it will not. This is due to the fact that no one taught them to distinguish the experience of falling in love from love.

Falling in love can last a few minutes, or maybe several decades, until the end of life, this especially applies to low-quality loves.

The admiration of others is another factor that increases the intensity of Stefan's love: I began, however, to be content with the admiration that everyone had for me, because I was so passionately loved by one of the most beautiful students. Passion builds over time, and the fact that Ela lives unconditionally for her future husband contributes to the illusion that her relationship is on solid ground. For Stefan Georgidu, love cannot be unique, absolute. The feeling that he lives in relation to Ela becomes his semantic dread, a way of spiritual fulfillment: “to confuse the consuming woman, to be a necessity of existence, to be feelings that speak to me in the intimate play of my being.”

Signs of love

Evolutionary biologists believe that love feeling promotes the reproduction of the healthiest, full-fledged offspring. Thousands of years ago, during a period of harsh survival conditions, children who grew up in a family where parents loved each other were more resilient because... a man provided to his sexual partner during her pregnancy and after childbirth Special attention, providing protection, food and raising offspring. Therefore, the feeling of love was formed and consolidated as a species characteristic.

The German philosopher A. Schopenhauer wrote about this: “The individualization of a person’s love feeling is nothing more than the cunning of nature. She “cares” not only about the preservation of the human race, but also about its natural improvement and elevation. And for this it is not enough to reproduce by randomly connecting individuals of different sexes: individually determined producers. In humans, unlike animals, we are talking not so much about precreation in general, but about the reproduction of the offspring most suitable for world purposes. Therefore, a specific person can have offspring not from every subject of the opposite sex, but only from a specific one who is especially attractive to him ... "

Absolute good, like kindness, conscience, compassion, mercy - these are all-human, moral values, V highest degree positive and creative.

Therefore, suffering, depression, especially suicide, are not compatible with the bright feeling of love. Love is a dual feeling; it does not exist without physical attraction, children, procreation. Regarding this, Vl. Solovyov wrote: “Spiritual love (“platonic”) cannot be recognized as “true”, since it does not allow the opposition of the spirit to the body: a person is whole, spiritually and physically. Spiritual love does not and cannot have any real action behind it; it is beyond will and movement.”

Here is what psychologist V. Frankl thinks about this: “Love is as basic a phenomenon as sex. Normally, sex is a way of expressing love. Sex is justified, even necessary, as long as it is a conductor of love.”

Erich Fromm (whose 1956 classic The Art of Loving undoubtedly influenced subsequent research on this topic) believed that love is meaningful only when it does not interfere with full self-expression. Fromm defined love as “a union in which the integrity and individuality of a person is preserved” and noted that the paradox of love is that two people, “becoming one, still remain two different people.”

Ray Short, professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin at Platteville: “Love exists when your strong, tender feelings for another person are balanced by reason and deep respect. Judgments about a person are completely objective and rational. Love is associated with feelings of self-confidence, trust and security.

Love is not an all-consuming feeling. Interest in everything remains.

Love survives separation.

Love passes through quarrels without loss and is enriched by experience. There is no such thing as love at first sight. And if you give an example that you know of a case happy love

, then this case will be considered an exception to the rule.”

Dr. Carl Minnanger, a prominent Christian psychiatrist, expressed this idea in these words: “Love does not break out in us, it grows in us.” Love matures as the couple learns the principles of love in everyday life.

So, true love rises above infatuation, and we should not only expect love and attention from others, but we ourselves should treat others with love and attention.”

There is a misconception: “Love is the work of preserving a feeling, maintaining it and possibly improving it throughout life. If you don’t add wood to the stove or stir it, the fire will go out.”

Falling in love must be supported and consciously protected so that it lasts longer, and love is a self-sufficient, psychostimulating feeling that makes a person stronger and more resilient. And work is what precedes love: acquisition necessary knowledge about the nature of this feeling and the objective choice of the partner for whom this feeling will arise. Of course, our feelings and emotions are born not in the heart, but in the brain.

The human brain can be called the crown of nature; it is extremely complex, but surprisingly purposeful and harmonious organized organ. On top it is covered by the so-called gray matter, consisting mainly of nerve cells (those that “do not recover”) - this is the cerebral cortex. Below it are the subcortical parts of the brain, consisting of white matter.

All areas of the brain are quite narrowly “specialized” - each of them regulates the vital activity of a specific organ or organ system. We can say that the structure of the brain reflects the entire history of its evolution: the “oldest” areas (the so-called reptilian brain), located in the subcortical regions, control the “animal”, immediate reactions of the body (fight or flight) in a state of danger or stress (when illness, rage, pain, fatigue). Above them lies a group of areas united by the name " limbic system" This is where signals from all senses arrive - even before consciousness notices our readiness to see, hear, smell or touch.

The cerebral cortex, the cortex, is the “youngest” in an evolutionary sense, but it is the cortex that “makes a person human,” being responsible for intellectual and creative processes.
Having accepted primary information from the senses (this includes external information and data about the state of the body), nervous system transmits it further to the amazing formation of the hypothalamus: it consists of neurons, like the nervous system, but at the same time it is a typical endocrine gland.

In the hypothalamus and adjacent areas of the brain there are “pleasure and enjoyment centers”, centers of vascular tone, sleep, appetite, control of emotions, thermoregulation, immunity and many others.

Having “reviewed” the transmitted information, the hypothalamus “decides” what to do with it and releases special hormones that control the activity of the pituitary gland. The importance of the tiny gland (its weight is only half a gram) of the pituitary gland cannot be overestimated. Its products - about 30 hormone regulators (they give signals - commands to peripheral, that is, endocrine glands located not in the brain) - control almost all physiological processes in the body.

One hormone “turns on” or “spurs on” the right time the thymus gland, another - the thyroid gland, the third - the gonads.

Some irritants are unconditioned reflexes, that is, the body responds to a specific set of stimuli with a specific reaction. Thus, the reptilian brain and limbic system, having united, “report along the chain” when a person finds himself in stressful situation: “stress hormones” are released into the blood (for example, adrenaline produced by the adrenal glands), and feelings associated with displeasure are formed in the limbic system of the brain: jealousy, envy, guilt, anger, fear.

By influencing a person, they force him to look for a way out of the unpleasant situation in which he finds himself. In the same way, for example, a semi-covered female breast in a certain situation can cause an erection in a man - a portion of sex hormones is automatically “injected” into the blood. It is the sufficient saturation of the body with sex hormones that makes it possible for sexual desire to arise (no matter how sad the romantics may be about this). Not being able to isolate, notice, or trace in ourselves the process of the emergence of thoughts, feelings, desires, we usually operate with our feelings as something independent, purely spiritual.

For example, I wanted to eat an apple, drink a glass tomato juice or even walk around the room, and I do it. The desire itself is often perceived simply as an arbitrary act. But all these desires are only a subjective interpretation of a certain state of a particular group of nerve cells in the brain. And these cells, in turn, “interpret” and reflect a certain state of certain organs and parts. For example, the body became overheated and dehydrated. And the man is thirsty; there is a lack of some vitamins in the body, and he wants fruit; A deficiency of calcium has formed in the body of a pregnant woman, and she has a strange desire to eat a piece of chalk. Need is a reflection of the objective needs of the body.

In approximately the same way, we can “want” or “not want” to communicate with this or that person, joke or swear, love or fall in love.

If falling in love is based on hormones and situational signs, then love is based on the fundamental signs of the psyche discovered by C. G. Jung.

This article presents signs of love that can be called external, and internal, meaningful ones will be described in detail in another. Here is a list of them.

— Together, it’s interesting, cozy, free, the readiness for joy, optimism, calm (or soothing) prevails, there is no willingness to defend oneself or make excuses.

- Natural distribution of psychological responsibilities (one jokes, the other finds it funny, one makes logical arrangements, plans, the other is satisfied with it the best way etc.), the specific contribution of each to the optimal course, rhythm and richness of life.

- The partner is understandable, this makes him obvious predictability, confidence in the future, his desirability.

— Both in yourself and in your partner you feel gratitude, need, usefulness.

- There is a feeling of complementing each other, you feel the other half in your partner - your own completeness, self-sufficiency, personal problems and complexes are de-actualized, you remain your natural self, there is no need to change anything in yourself, restrain or, on the contrary, strengthen, be insincere, play along, fit. This leads to liberation, the most complete disclosure of abilities.

“Both in a couple and outside of it, you feel confident in yourself, your own usefulness, and significance.

— You quickly get used to all the above-described signs of love, they become everyday, unnoticeable and are not perceived as phenomena, but as a matter of course. It’s like health: when you have it, you don’t notice it, but you notice it when it’s weakened or lost.

Why is love so important for a person, and why do people strive so hard to find their soul mate, and when they find it, they sometimes do the most illogical things? Doesn’t the suffering that often accompanies this bright feeling make existence more difficult? Wouldn't it be easier to live without such strong emotional impulses? What does love give to a person, and why are people so eager to avoid loneliness?

Why is love an important feeling in a person’s life?

First, let's remember mythology, namely: the god of love Eros, who was also called Eros and Cupid, and the ancient Romans called Cupid.

Eros was the inseparable companion of Aphrodite. According to some myths, he was her son. He was depicted as a boy with wings, holding a bow and arrows. Disobedient, impetuous, impudent, Eros had no respect for either the age or the position of those to whom he sent his arrows, instilling an all-consuming passion in their hearts. It is precisely because of his whim that “all ages are submissive to love” and because of his fault that many lose their heads from the sudden outbreak of love. And then, as Luciano de Crescenzo said, “Each of us is an angel, but with only one wing. And we can only fly by hugging each other.”

Now let’s ask ourselves this question: why does a person need love, what good does it bring into our lives? One thing is certain: love makes a person capable of seeing values. Agree, a person in love becomes better, the most wonderful qualities awaken in him, such as kindness, attentiveness, responsiveness, the desire to do something good for a loved one.

What does love give, and why do many devote their entire lives to searching for it? Remember: when you yourself fell in love, the whole world opened up before you in pink color, wings seemed to grow behind your back, adrenaline was off the charts and you didn’t feel any fatigue. You could do a lot of good things and stay awake at night as if someone had given you extra energy. It’s as if you have found yourself through the looking glass, into a wonderland, where you like everything and are happy with everything.

Why is love such an important feeling and what must be done to find it? For the one who loves, a new one opens amazing world, this world is brighter, since love increases the fullness of perception of values ​​and the fullness of feelings. The following expression is often found: “Love must be earned.” But by and large, love is not deserved; love is a gift from God. Love reveals to us all the values ​​of a loved one. In addition, the one who loves becomes richer internally.

The ancient thinker said very aptly about why love is so important for people: “Infatuation blinds, love makes us sighted.” And indeed, love opens our eyes to the essence of the object of love, to the nature of its individuality and uniqueness. Loving, we open new world and at the same time expanding our own.

So why does a person need love, and how does it affect personality? Love helps a person become the way the one who loves sees him. If you see and emphasize only his best qualities in your neighbor, then he will ultimately correspond to them. And if you only see negative traits character, constantly highlighting shortcomings, then the person will eventually meet these expectations.

If you see him and communicate with him as an ideal, then he will strive to become an ideal. If you see in it “ ugly duckling” and communicate with him accordingly, then he will be an “ugly duckling”.

Why else is love needed in a person’s life?

Why else is love needed in a person’s life? It’s to get rid of loneliness. We must admit that if a person is alone, then he is infinitely lonely. If he has a second half, then it means they already have their own world, their own universe.

Love is more than just words or admiration for the object of love. Love presupposes active activity aimed at the object of love; it is always a free action, without any coercion. To love means, regardless of anything, to give without expecting to receive anything in return. A man gives himself to a woman, a woman gives herself entirely to her child, and the child gives strength and vitality to the father and mother. This is how nature ideally creates family harmony.

Why is love important in a person’s life, be it the love of a man for a woman, a woman for a man, or a parent for a child? To love means to be strong, it means to fully experience your life. Imagine if a mother were unable to give her child the warmth of her body, then milk, care and affection, such a mother would be deeply unhappy, doomed to suffering, for her life would turn into torment.

By giving, a person enriches his loved one. Ideally, both a man and a woman should give and thereby enrich each other, increasing their own strength and the strength of their partner. Real love and the desire of lovers to “look in one direction” also contribute to the development of the business in which the person is engaged. The woman you love can become the best adviser and inspirer and is always ready to morally support you in difficult times.

In the work “The Art of Loving” by the famous psychologist Erich Fromm there are these words: “If your love is unrequited, that is, if your love does not generate love; if, showing your love, you do not achieve an answer and do not also become loved, it means that your love is weak, it means it has failed.” And as you know, there is no cure for love yet. As Ovid said in the work "Heroids": "Amor non est medicabilis herbis", which means: "Love is not cured with herbs."

We can say that if a man and a woman do not give and enrich each other, then they live without love. Famous French writer and the pilot Saint-Exupery gave us his concept of love:

  • Loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking together in the same direction.

Love is a gift, and magic, and continuous action, and to some extent, art. And even after understanding why a person needs the feeling of love, do not forget that you also need to be able to love and you also need to be able to give yourself.

Archimedes said:

  • Love is a theorem that needs to be proven every day.

What is love from a scientific point of view: different aspects

What is love from a scientific point of view - chemical and psychological?

Love has different aspects, so scientists characterize this feeling various directions Sometimes they give the radically opposite. Let's say you meet the one or only one with whom you want to spend your whole life. At the same time, you are absolutely convinced that love like yours simply does not exist in the world. But, as experts say, if relationships between lovers develop differently, then the motivating feeling that couples in love create is always the same. And this feeling is regulated by factors beyond a person’s control. In this way, we can characterize what love is from the point of view of chemistry - that is, the basis of physical attraction.

Recently, scientists discovered that humans have an organ located on the nasal septum that detects the presence of pheromones, i.e., the smell of a potential partner. Previously, scientists believed that this organ functions only in lower mammals, but not in humans.

Dogs, rats, mice, anyone - everyone has this organ. And if its functions are disrupted before puberty, then the animal stops searching for a partner, and the element of sexual desire disappears. The same can be experienced by a person with impaired functioning of this organ.

If a person sees and hears someone whom he finds attractive, his organs pick up that person's pheromones, which triggers a series of biochemical processes. This complex of stimuli can lead to the body releasing various chemical substances and hormones that cause certain feelings and experiences in a person. Experiments with mammals have shown that even the anticipation of sexual activity can cause the release of various neurotransmitters in the affected areas of the brain.

In other words, the process of courtship, and then sexual intercourse, causes the release of chemicals into the brain, which allows you to experience pleasant feelings. Therefore, the individual, wanting to repeat these sensations, continues this ritual. While people have different ideas about the ideal partner, research shows that men and women generally seek the same qualities: kindness, intelligence, reliability and mutual love.

But there are also differences based on gender, found in a study that interviewed about 10 thousand people from 37 countries.

The conclusions are as follows: women everywhere dream of finding a man with means and social status who is ambitious, hardworking and older in age. Men, as a rule, value only two things - external attractiveness and, mainly, young age.

What is love from the scientific point of view of psychology? Psychologists explain that such preferences reflect the process of evolution. Procreation is the basis of a man's attraction to a young woman. beautiful woman. The woman strives to find a man who will provide for her and her children and will not leave them.

Does all this mean that people are slaves to biological forces that are beyond their control? Scientists believe that this is not at all necessary. You can't control psychological process when you feel attracted to someone. It is extremely difficult to manipulate or interfere with this process. But what you can control through the enormous flexibility that humans are endowed with is your actions. Our desires are incredibly complex. We look for intelligence, kindness, trust, a sense of humor, and certain personality and physical characteristics. The individual can make a choice and determine which of these desires he gives preference to. In any case, each person answers the question “what is love” for himself - depending on his character and attitude.

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