Drawing fruits in senior. Summary of a lesson on painting with stained glass paints with children of senior preschool age on the topic “Fruits”

Objectives of the drawing lesson:

  • introduce the concept of “still life”, the works of master artists, identify the difference between still life and simple image items;
  • learn to create a beautiful and harmonious composition, arranging objects evenly throughout the sheet;
  • depict voluminous objects, making fruits and vegetables juicy, “alive”;
  • add your own touches to show the individuality of the mood in the drawing.

Tools and materials: drawing paper, paints, gouache, thick and thin brushes, a recording of the cartoon “Plasticine Crow”, reproductions of still life paintings, images of vegetables and fruits prepared in advance.

Progress of the lesson:

IN. Today we have an unusual activity, because we will start it with a trip to the cinema. So, everyone took their places, remember that you cannot make noise or disturb each other in the hall. Attention! The lights go out and the cartoon begins (“About Paintings” based on poems by A. Kushner from the series “Plasticine Crow”).

  • What new word did you learn from the cartoon? What objects were depicted in the still lifes in the cartoon, and where were they located?
  • The word “still life” consists of two words: “nature” - nature and “mort” - inanimate. Who can guess why the paintings depict inanimate nature? (Children look at reproductions of paintings - still lifes by different artists.)
  • Vegetables, fruits and flowers that used to grow are now plucked, so they are not alive. Remember, in a still life all objects must be on some surface (table, plate, stand). Choose a “still life” from these drawings (showing different images of vegetables and fruits).

In addition, in a still life, objects should be arranged beautifully. Let's imagine ourselves as artists and draw a still life. And to find out what fruits we will draw, guess the riddles:

  • A red, juicy orange has come to us from hot Africa.
  • The purple diva grew on a branch (plum).
  • A pot-bellied, clumsy whore,
  • All yellow, lying in a plate (pear).
  • Everyone grows in their garden
  • Green-yellow-red fruit (apple).

Remember what shape an apple is. Draw a circle in the air. We will draw it in the center of the sheet. At first it was yellow, but while the apple was growing, the sun warmed its side, and it became bright red (on one side we put it on yellow paint a few strokes of red), and the other side was covered with a leaf, the sun did not paint it over and it remained green (we put green strokes on the other edge). If desired, you can add a tail and a leaf.

What shape and color is an orange? It is round, like an apple (draw a circle in the air), but orange color, and on his side there was a mark from a twig. The orange is so filled with juice that folds are visible on the peel near the tail (apply a green dot to the orange circle and apply strokes and folds from it with strokes).

Is it possible to determine the shape of a pear? It seems to consist of two parts - a circle and an oval (we draw these figures in the air), like a grown cone, and the color resembles an apple. (Children draw a yellow circle, a yellow oval on top of it, apply a green and red side, tail and leaf as desired with strokes).

How is plum different from fruit? It is smaller in size, oval in shape and its color is blue-violet. You can draw two or three plums to fill the empty space (first draw a few ovals in the air). Find places in your drawing where plums could be located. We draw a blue oval, and the sun adds a red side to it, so we get a purple color.

Now you can add more vegetables and fruits, the same or others, if you wish. Choose a place for them in the picture, determine the shape and color yourself.

Is it possible to call our painting a still life? No, for now these are just scattered objects. You need to collect them on a table or plate (children trace the drawing with a circle or a square, decorate the edges of a plate or napkin with a pattern of strokes, dots, a wavy line and other details at their discretion).


IN. Your still lifes are ready. Try to evaluate your work yourself, what you did best. Now let’s add the cartoon with our works. (The drawings are fastened together into a long ribbon. The screen is made of four slats through which the ribbon is pulled, changing the frames of the drawings; accompanied by a song from the cartoon).

Educational areas:"Cognition", " Speech development», « Artistic creativity", "Socialization", " Physical development”.

Target. Development of all components oral speech V various types activities.



- practice distinguishing words denoting the action of an object;

- learn to ask questions to words denoting the action of an object;

- learn to form adjectives from nouns;

— teach children to compose descriptive stories according to a diagram.


- promote the development of coherent speech, visual attention, speech hearing, thinking, articulation, coordination of speech with movement;

- develop the ability to solve riddles;

- develop tactile sensations.


Develop the ability to listen to the stories of other children;

- vaccinate careful attitude to nature.

Material and equipment: album sheet, colored pencils, pictures of fruits, a diagram for writing descriptive stories, dummies of fruits, a “wonderful bag”.

Methodical techniques: viewing illustrations; expressive reading; compiling stories based on pictures; reading the poem “Vegetables” by S. Mikhalkov, “Harvest” by Bokov; drawing, a “wonderful bag” with dummies of fruits, images of fruits and vegetables, a diagram for writing descriptive stories.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children - Autumn.

Educator: What signs of autumn do you know?

Children - Leaves are falling, birds are flying away warmer climes, it's getting colder, people are putting on warm clothes, harvesting.

Educator: Yes, in the fall people collect crops from fields and gardens. You will find out what fruits are harvested in the fall if you solve the riddles.


The fruit looks like a tumbler

Wears a yellow shirt.

Breaking the silence in the garden,

Fell from the tree... (pear)

Yellow citrus fruit

It grows in sunny countries.

And it tastes sour.

What's his name? (lemon)

This fruit is in a bright shirt

Likes it to be hot.

Doesn't grow among aspens

Round red... (orange)

Children know this fruit

Monkeys love to eat it.

He comes from hot countries.

Grows high... (banana)

Educator. — You solved the riddles easily. How can you describe in one word what you see in the pictures?

Children - Fruits.

Educator - Where do fruits grow?

Children - Fruits grow in the garden.

Educator - What do people do in gardens and vegetable gardens in the fall?

Children - Harvesting

Educator - Why do you think they grow, collect and store fruits?

Children - People eat fruits.

Educator - Do you think fruits are good for health?

Children: Yes, they contain vitamins.

Didactic game“Describe the fruit”

Educator. - Guys, now I will show the fruit, and you will describe it to me (color, shape, size, taste)

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

Educator - Now we will play the game “Wonderful Bag” (dummies of an apple, pear, orange, banana, lemon)

Children identify and name the fruit by touch, then take it out of the bag and place it on the table.


We will cook compote (march in place)

You need a lot of fruit. Here. (show with hands “a lot”)

Let's chop apples (imitate how they crumble)

We will chop the pear, (chop)

Squeeze the lemon juice (squeeze)

We'll put in some drainage and sand. ( lay, pour sand)

We cook, we cook compote, ( turn around yourself)

Let's treat honest people. (clap).

Didactic game “Name it kindly”

Educator: Now, guys, let’s stand in a circle and play the game “Name it kindly.” I will throw the ball to you and name the fruit, and you return the ball back to me and affectionately name this fruit:




Lemon lemon

Educator - Thank you, take your seats.

Didactic game "One-many"

Educator: And now, guys, I show a fruit in the picture, and you will answer me, as we say, if there is a lot of fruit:

One tangerine - many tangerines

One apple - many apples

One pear - many pears

One orange is many oranges

Didactic game “Name it”

What kind of orange juice? (orange)

Apple jam? (apple)

Pear compote? (pear)

Pomegranate juice? (pomegranate)

Writing a descriptive story about fruits

Story plan:

What is this? Where does it grow?

Which one has appearance(color, shape, size)?

What does it taste like? What is made from it?

Educator - Guys, now we will compose stories according to the scheme.

Children, based on the diagram, make up stories about fruits.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator - What did we talk about today? What did you like most?

Game “Complete the fruit”

Educator - Guys, now you need to complete the picture and determine what kind of fruit you depicted. (On a piece of paper, the half of an apple, the half of a pear; children are advised to finish drawing, coloring, identifying)

Educator - Guys, you are great! You have learned a lot today, learned a lot.

Summary of a drawing lesson for the senior group

Topic: “Vegetables and fruits”

Goal: To teach how to divide vegetables and fruits into two groups. Show how you can quickly draw vegetables and fruits using geometric shapes.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

Attention! Attention!

Let's start drawing!

    Today we will talk about vegetables and fruits.

Let's remember which group we will assign them to.

First, I will ask you riddles, and the answers to them are related to our topic. And so off we go!

Wherever I go

I will bring everyone to tears (bow).

Among the muffled girls

The wind moves the hair (corn).

A hundred clothes and all without fasteners (cabbage).

For the curly tuft

Dragged the fox out of the mink

Very smooth to the touch

Tastes like sweet sugar (carrots).

Red Sea - black fish (watermelon).

I grow in the garden

And when I mature,

They cook me tomato

They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that (tomato).

Tell me what juices can be made from vegetables and fruits? (children’s answers). Now let’s play the game: “Guess who I am, a vegetable or a fruit?” Guys, look what I have drawn on the board? (geometric figures)

Name them? (drawn on the board: square, triangle, circle, oval).

Thanks to them, today we will draw vegetables and fruits. Look (The teacher shows the vegetables and fruits, and the children name what geometric shapes they consist of).

Now let's get to work. First, use a simple pencil, and then color it.

4. Summary of the lesson.

An exhibition of paintings entitled: “And there is a rich harvest in our garden.”

With your own hands

Next interesting idea For children's creativity. Try it - and you, parents, will like it. This technique can even create real masterpieces. You can decorate your kitchen with these paintings. You can also use this idea to decorate gifts and packaging for them. And also - this great way learn the names of fruits and vegetables in a relaxed atmosphere. It's about about drawing stamps with vegetables and fruits.

So, you will need different vegetables, fruits and paints. If you take acrylic ones, the paintings will turn out much brighter and more beautiful than using gouache. Watercolor is not suitable for this technique as it bleeds a lot. Cut a piece of fruit or a bunch of leaves, dip it in paint and stamp it on the paper. Beautiful stamps are made from halves of apples or pears. It is very interesting to draw with Chinese cabbage or lettuce leaves gathered in a bunch and secured with an elastic band. The main thing is to make an even cut so that the pattern turns out uniform and beautiful. Try making prints bell pepper- you will get clover leaves. It's beautiful to draw with citrus halves. Such drawings will also turn out fragrant. And wonderful stamps are obtained from onions. You just need to make sure that the paint is not very liquid.

Get inspired, develop, create!

I offer you a direct summary educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old), on the topic “ Juicy fruits" This lesson summary will be useful to teachers of older preschool educational institutions groups. In this lesson, children become familiar with unconventional technology drawing.



Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group on the topic “Juicy Fruits.”

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”, “Artistic creativity”.

GCD purpose: Develop an interest in unconventional drawing methods.


Educational:Expand children's understanding of fruits;

Strengthen your drawing skills unconventional methods drawing (drawing with cotton swabs).

Educational: Develop fine arts, continue to develop the ability to rejoice beautiful drawings. Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children using finger exercises. Speech: Develop children's coherent speech. Expand vocabulary, teach comparison skills, systematize ideas about the characteristics of objects. Strengthen children's ability to answer questions in complete sentences. Educational: Foster a humane attitude towards nature andinterest in artistic creativity.

Equipment: Outlines of fruits on album sheets, blank sheets paper, gouache, cotton swabs, containers of water for each table, wet cloth napkins for hands.

Methodical techniques:Game situation, conversation-dialogue, problematic situation, children's productive activities, reading fiction, analysis, summing up.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, let's start the lesson by greeting each other.(Children stand in a circle, say greetings and perform the appropriate movements)

Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!
We will open for you -
Both palms and hearts!
Let there be warmth in the world!
Let people smile!
Let the world be without end!

- For Have a good mood together with a smile, give each other compliments (children name different advantages next to each other standing child not only directly, but also through comparisons).

Educator: I went to today kindergarten and on the way I noticed that the fruits were already ripe in the gardens of our village. I had a camera with me and took pictures of the ripe fruit. Look how beautiful it is!

(Show photos or pictures).

Picture No. 1 - photo “Fruit tree with red apples”


Children: Apples.

Educator: What color are apples?

Children: Red, yellow-red.

Educator: What shape are apples?

Children: Round.

Educator: Draw in the air. (Children draw round fruits in the air with their fingers)

Picture No. 2 - photo “Fruit tree with green apples”

Educator: And here you see also ripe apples, but of a different color. What color are apples?

Children: Green.

Picture No. 3 photo “Branch with plum”.

Educator: Name the fruit you see.

Children: Plum.

Educator: What color is plum?

Children: Blue, purple.

Educator: What shape is a plum?

Children: Oval.

Educator: Draw in the air. (Children draw oval-shaped fruits in the air with their fingers)

Picture No. 4 photo “Fruit tree with pears.”

Educator: Name the fruits you see.

Children: Pears.

Educator: What color are pears?

Children: Yellow, green.

Educator: What shape are pears?

Children: Oblong, unusual. (Children draw pear-shaped shapes in the air with their fingers.)

Educator: Well done, you all know what fruits grow in our gardens. Now guess the riddles. The only clues will be not only the fruits growing in our gardens, but also the fruits brought to us from hot countries. Be careful!

Guessing riddles.

  1. Blue uniform

White lining,

It's sweet in the middle. (Plum)

  1. Round, rosy,

I grow on a branch;

Adults love me

And little children. (Apple)

  1. The fruit looks like a tumbler

Wears a yellow shirt.

Breaking the silence in the garden,

Fell from the tree... (pear)

  1. The most sour fruit in the world

But it is useful even for children.

From warm countries sends his regards to us!

Our yellow friend...(Lemon)

  1. Warmed by the hot sun,

Dressed in skin like armor.

Will surprise us

Thick-skinned... (pineapple)

  1. Children know this fruit

Monkeys love to eat it.

He comes from hot countries.

Grows high... (banana)

Educator: Well done, you guessed all my riddles! I know you guys are good at painting with brushes and love this activity. And today we will draw fruits with cotton swabs, just like we drew butterflies in the last lesson.

Finger gymnastics “Fruits”.

Like our Zina’s Fruits in the basket:

Children make their hands into a “basket”.

Apples and pears

So that the guys can eat

Peaches and plums

How beautiful!

Bend your fingers, starting with the little finger.

There is no tastier fruit than ours!

Stroking the belly.

This finger is an orange

He is, of course, not alone.

This finger is a plum

Delicious, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot.

Grew high on a branch.

This finger is a pear.

He asks: “Come on, eat it!”

This finger is a pineapple

Alternately extend the fingers from the fist, starting with the big one.

Fruit for you and for us.

(Point with palms around and towards yourself.)

There is a knock on the door, the teacher goes to open the door (takes the Pinocchio doll)

Educator: Guys, look who came running to us?

Children: Pinocchio!

Educator: Hello, Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Hello guys! Help me, please, you know how much I like Malvina, I want to give her many, many goodies, but I can’t think of what exactly.

Educator: Does Malvina like fruit?

Pinocchio: Of course, apples, plums, and pears!

Educator: Pinocchio, today we will draw fruits, maybe you will stay with us during class, and when we draw, you can choose the fruits you like and treat Malvina with them. Guys, do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

Breathing exercises and physical education.

Educator: One generous housewife treated me to an apple. What an apple aroma! Let's take a sniff.(Brings an apple to each child’s nose)

Inhale through the nose

Exhale - “Ah! »

Oh, what an apple!

Round and tasty! (Hands on waist, squats)

Fragrant and fresh.

Sweet and crunchy! (Bends forward)

Pears are good too

We'll pick them soon. (Jumps)

Let's stretch, let's stretch,

Let's collect fruit! (Hands up, on tiptoes)

Educator: Now sit down at the tables and let's draw fruits.

The children sit at the tables.

Educator: Before you are the contours of fruits, you think and decide what fruits you will draw. Dip before drawing cotton swab in water, excess water remove it from the edge of the glass, and then dip it in paint desired color. We draw carefully, without going beyond the outline of the drawing, and do not forget to leave a little space between the points so that our drawing looks like a mosaic. What did Seryozha decide to draw?

Seryozha: I will draw plums.

Educator: Fine. What did Sveta decide to draw?

Sveta: I want to draw pears.

Educator: Fine. Children, Pinocchio is watching us, watch your posture and start drawing.

Music is playing.


Offer to admire the resulting drawings.

The works are displayed on a separate table, and the best ones are selected through analysis.

Pinocchio chooses the fruits he likes for Malvina, with the children’s permission, “plucks” them from the tree, thanks him and leaves.

The teacher thanks the children for their work. Invites them to start putting things in order in their workplaces.

The lesson is over.

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