Biography of Mitya Fomin. Singer Dmitry Fomin: personal life, discography, awards

On January 17, 1974, the biography of Mitya Fomin began in Novosibirsk, personal life which never ceases to excite the minds of curious ordinary people. According to his passport, his name sounds like Dmitry Anatolyevich Fomin, but he somehow immediately got used to the abbreviated form “Mitya”, considering it the most acceptable sound for him. Most Russian viewers know him as the ex-soloist of the Hi-Fi group.

Dmitry Anatolyevich was born into the family of a candidate of technical sciences, whose father was Anatoly Danilovich. And a patent engineer, whose position was held by his mother Tamara Pavlovna. According to Mitya himself, his parents gave him greater freedom of action because they trusted him. It was this circumstance that became the main key to his future achievements. He also has a sister, Svetlana, who studies early music and lives in Italy.

From doctor to vocalist

Mitya learned to read before school, and, interestingly, he liked this activity. Parents did not need to once again force their son to read something. As soon as new books appeared at home, the kid pounced on them with the enthusiasm of a library regular.

Little Dima was interested in animals, and his parents were not at all surprised when he announced his desire to become a veterinarian. But in those days, the profession of a veterinarian meant living in rural areas, since it was there that the services of veterinarians were most often required. His mother advised him to first become a doctor, since she to a greater extent sometimes in demand. Being a good son, he followed his mother's advice.

Mitya entered Novosibirsk Medical Institute. True, he did not study for long, after which he took an academic leave and went to England, where his friends invited him. And then he moved to the USA. He lived there for a year. During this time he mastered English language, was engaged in various work, began to write his own music. A year later he returned to his homeland, and he was already an adult with his own outlook on life.

He continued his studies at the institute, although he understood that being a doctor was not his calling. My studies were coming to an end and there were a few weeks left before the state exams. And then Dmitry again does something that no one expected from him; he goes to the capital, where he undergoes entrance tests to several theater universities in Moscow; at GITIS, at VGIK, at the Moscow Art Theater and at the Shchepkinsky School, since his plans had long been to become a student at a theater university.

After which he returned to his native Novosibirsk, and, having passed state exams, became a certified pediatrician. On the second day he left for Moscow again and became a student at VGIK. And the competition there was very serious - 70 applicants for one place. The Siberian’s natural talent and charisma did their job.

Mitya settled in the capital and soon met producer Eric Chanturia and composer Pavel Yesenin. He was familiar with them back in Novosibirsk. They created a new music group called Hi-Fi. The only thing missing was the main vocalist. Mitya Fomin became this vocalist.

August 2, 1998 is considered the birth date of Hi-Fi. It was on this day that the filming of the video began. for the song “Not Given”. The group quickly gained popularity thanks to songs such as: “You're sorry”, “Not given”, “Besprisonnik”. Due to the tour, Mitya was forced to leave his studies at VGIK. Only the first three songs were recorded with Fomin's vocals. But Yesenin didn’t like them, and he recorded all subsequent compositions in his own voice.

For 10 years, Mitya was the singer of the Hi-Fi group. As part of the group, he toured all over Russia with concerts. Over the years, 4 have been recorded music album. They included the following hits:

  • Foolish people.
  • Seventh petal.
  • Black Raven.
  • And we loved.
  • We are not angels.

By the end of 2008, Fomin decided to leave Hi-Fi. He decided to do solo career. And there were reasons for leaving. Moreover, while still a member of the group, he had already begun work on his solo program. In addition to music, Mitya also acted in films. His credits include the following films:

  • Let's get to know each other.
  • Love is not show business.
  • The Svetoforov family.
  • Most best movie 3D.
  • The majors strike back.
  • Step by step.
  • Spiritless.

In most of these films he played himself.

Thanks to his love for sports, the ex-soloist of Hi-Fi was able to maintain his youth. The only way to tell how old Mitya Fomin is now is to look at his passport. Although he does not hide his real age.

Throughout my entire life adult life Mitya Fomin played with orientation in his personal life. Until now, no one can say with complete certainty what orientation he adheres to. The singer carefully hides his personal life. When asked about marital status, he calmly states that personal life is not a matter for the general public.

It is only known that the artist is still not married. Although the singer long time met with a socialite Ksenia Merz, she never became Mitya Fomin’s wife. He was also credited with having affairs with Zhanna Friske and Katya Gordon.

It’s not a problem for Mitya Fomin to organize a homoscandal. One day he came to a social party with a gay guy.

The musician also has no children. In one broadcast of the “Actually” program, the participants were Mitya and his former passion Ksenia Merz. Ksenia claimed that her daughter Stefania is Mitya’s child, and not her then husband. But a DNA test refuted this version. There, Merz admitted that she had repeatedly had the opportunity to have abortions from Mitya, since she was afraid of losing her rich husband, and she did not intend to leave for the musician. Merz's statement about abortion is convincing evidence that a blue tint is unlikely in Mitya Fomin's personal life.

Attention, TODAY only!

This weekend Sergei Zhukov and the group “Hands Up!” collected "Olympic" twice. In the wake of general nostalgia for the 90s and early 2000s, in addition to the main participants of the event, the audience was entertained by “ Inveterate scammers", Eva Polna and the golden Hi-Fi cast appeared on stage together for the first time in 10 years. This year, on August 2, the team will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Mitya Fomin, the sweet girl Ksyusha and the “jock” Timofey - a colorful trio aroused the interest of any representative of the youth of that time.

Hundreds of thousands of fans have dreamed of seeing the spectacular threesome on stage together again all these years. Fans enjoy watching how the lives of musicians have changed over these 20 years and are interested in what is happening to them now.

Mitya Fomin

In 1998, Mitya, having received a diploma from the Novosibirsk Medical Institute, came to Moscow and entered VGIK. It was at this moment that the group’s producers approached him with an offer to join the team. In 2009 he left the team and started solo career, over 10 years of which he released four studio albums, won the Golden Gramophone award three times and many other music awards. Last year, Mitya had the premiere of a play in which he appeared as an actor.

Mitya, you have repeatedly said over the past years that you would like this unification...

Yes! I really wanted this to happen and main reason- you miss us! And when else could this be done if not in the year of the group’s 20th anniversary? I have always treated Hi-Fi with warmth and gratitude, yesterday we came out with a gold lineup for the first time in 10 years, so what? And the audience was delighted! People are bored.

What are your impressions?

Special. I will probably remember this day forever. Yesterday I sang songs that I became related to a long time ago, but 10 years ago their time ended for me. Songs that I really love. It was cool! And the guys - Ksyusha, Timofey, the new vocalist of the group Marina - and Olimpiysky himself! I would like to say thank you again to Seryozha Zhukov, who prepared such a musical gift for his fans. They appreciated it, we all saw it. Our viewer is the one who knows “Hands Up!”, Hi-Fi, “Fraudsters” and “Guests” - he is especially grateful. And it’s very cool to make him happy!

Do you remember your first impressions of meeting your classmates – Ksyusha and Timofey?

When I first saw Pronkin and Oleshko, I thought that the three of us would never be popular music group we won't. We are very different, we have absolutely nothing in common. “This will be a fiasco,” I thought.

Song of the princess.

Mitya, admit it, you got together for a reason?

No. I already promised that we will have more news. At least we have recorded a couple of songs and are thinking about how best to introduce fans to a new round of creativity. In any case, I am glad about this revived union.

Ksenia Oleshko

Ksyusha, a ballerina and professional dancer, was the first soloist of Hi-Fi. She left the group in 2003, deciding to devote herself to her family. Since then she has not appeared on stage again.

Ksyusha, you left the group before anyone else and decided to devote yourself to your family. What are you doing now?

You can say that I succeeded in what I left the group for. I am now taking care of my large farm and large family. I have three children: the eldest Lisa is 12 years old, she loves to sing and practices vocals, the middle Veronica is 11 years old, she, like me, is passionate about horses, goes in for equestrian sports, and performs in competitions. The younger Plato is 6 years old and is getting ready for school. We also have 5 horses and 6 dogs.

Tell us about your first impressions when you first saw your classmates - Mitya and Timofey?

Immediately the impressions were the most pleasant. Back then we thought little about how everything would work out as a team. We simply lived for today - young, creative, positive. And so it was.

Did you immediately support the idea of ​​uniting with a golden team?

Yes, I was for it right away, simply because it’s cool! Musketeers after 20 years.

You haven’t been on stage for 15 years, and then immediately “Olympic”. How are your impressions?

I was worried, but as usual only until I went on stage.

What's your favorite Hi-Fi song?

“I Love,” the band’s last song before I left. Romantic memories are associated with her.

Timofey Pronkin

Timofey is a professional dancer and an exemplary family man, he has two sons.

Timofey, you are the most dedicated and faithful member of the group, you have not parted with Hi-Fi for 20 years. What years do you have your warmest memories of?

About the first 10 years, from the first day until Mityai’s departure. These were the brightest, warmest, most interesting and fun days.

Answer without hesitation: how many soloists were there in the Hi-Fi group?

That’s a question for me too (laughs). 5! I can even list them without hesitation - Ksenia Oleshko, Tanya Tereshina, Katya Li, Olesya Lipchanskaya, Marina Drozhdina.

Tell us about your first impressions when you saw your classmates – Mitya and Ksenia?

Ksyusha and I met at the Manhattan Express club at the show underwear. Actually, we both showed it there. I thought: “Wow, how beautiful, fragile, graceful!” In general, then I couldn’t even think that we could have some kind of group. Then, by some miracle, I met her on the subway, although she had never traveled there. She asked for my phone number, it turns out she had already told the producers about me and really asked me to come to the audition. I arrive, I see Mitya, and I think: “What the hell? Why are we all so different? You see, 20 years ago there were boy groups or girl groups. But there were none like ours. And I just had an ocean of misunderstanding, how could this work? And this played into our hands - the romantic Mitya, the fragile Ksyusha and I, such an “alpha,” are images for every audience. And everything worked out!

What did you dream of becoming as a child?

I had two dreams. I wanted to be an independent traveler and go everywhere. And also the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. I watched on TV how pompously they were buried (and then there was just a series of funerals, the general secretaries died one after another), I watched and thought: “This is the level!”

They say that in addition to music, you make furniture? Is this a hobby? Second job?

I make and restore interior items myself, with my own hands. I am such a many-sided Janus, and this is another face of mine. In addition to the stage, I also want to express myself this way, “through my hands.”

Favorite Hi-Fi song?

Difficult. They're all awesome! Not long ago we talked with Lesha Serov from “Disco Accident”, and he says: “You, Hi-Fi, are the most cool dudes" I asked: “Why do you think so?” He: “Yes, because you perform Pavel Yesenin’s songs.” And it is true. How can Pasha not like something? He's one of the best modern composers and melodists, and this is not because we praise everything we do, other professional musicians also admit this. Few people know him personally; sometimes they ask: “Is Yesenin even a living person? He exists?" And he exists! And he has been creating such works for so many years! Some are known throughout the country, some have gone unnoticed, some have not yet been released, but they are all no less masterpieces than “The Homeless Child.” And among my favorites I will name “Black Raven”.

Timofey, what is your secret to youth and great shape?

My main rule is that when a person is happy, when he enjoys every moment of life, everything is fine with him both internally and externally. Don't ruin your mood by counting calories, nothing will come of it. But “don’t eat at night” is a better rule to learn. At all. Nothing. I also run 5 kilometers every evening.

How did you feel when you were in the first lineup on stage at the Olimpiysky Stadium?

First of all, it's excitement. The thrill of stepping into the same river twice, after 15 years. Those feelings returned that were then before each appearance on stage. We haven’t been together for a long time, it was unclear how it would work – it would work, it wouldn’t work, but I liked it! And such euphoria after the performance - people go crazy, scream, rejoice. All night and all morning they're tearing apart social media: "Hooray! Finally!". All this is pleasant. Now we need to do our best so as not to let our listeners down.

Marina Drozhdina, new soloist Hi-Fi groups

Marina came to Hi-Fi in 2016, today, together with Timofey, they are permanent members of the team. Besides musical career she is also involved in teaching. She has her own children's model creative studio. As the singer admits, she does not make models, dancers or actors; her studio is for general development, because everything will come in handy in life.

Marina, tell me, before participating in the group, did you know about its existence? Were you a fan?

I’ve been on stage since 2004, so even with the old lineup we crossed paths and saw each other at large venues. I wasn’t a fan, but I liked certain details – vocals here, choreography here. And, of course, the songs - they were always heard. I could sing any of them even before I started working in the group.

What's your favorite Hi-Fi song?

It's very difficult to pick just one. I like everything we perform at concerts; we took the best into the program. I like the song “Angels”, probably because I sing there the most. And I really love our new track– we made a remake of singer Shura’s “Don’t Believe Tears”, it sounded very modern. The stage shakes when we go out with her at concerts.

Is this your first time on such a large platform?

Not at all, but it’s the first time at the Olimpiyskiy. I was very worried. It’s always like this for me: before going out, I’m nervous, everything around me is shaking. But as soon as I take the first step on stage, I forget about everything. The emotions here are, of course, crazy. Already when I just looked out to see how many people were there, I realized that there would be a gap. Especially when all these people sing, wave their hands, raise their phones with flashlights up!

How did I feel standing on stage with former participants? What is the reaction from the audience?

I observed the reaction to myself when Mitya announced me. Of course, everyone knows the guys both visually and by name, despite the fact that they have not performed together for many years. So far I have been greeted differently, but I take it normally; in musical groups it happens that soloists change. They'll get used to me too. I think I'm in the group for a long time.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Fomin - famous Russian singer, who became one of the personifications Russian show business. A purebred optimist by nature, he was able to become the image of a bright interesting person who does not lose heart in any situation and infects the people around him with positivity. He was born on January 17, 1974 in Novosibirsk and since then has come an amazing way, building one of the brightest, most interesting and eventful careers in all of Russian show business.

Mitya Fomin

The personal life of Mitya Fomin interests almost every fan of his work. In fact, this information is closed to many. His relationships with girls were fleeting, so information about him regularly appeared online. gay. In fact, he is just a very bright, cheerful person who has had many difficult stages in his life. That's why I couldn't find my soul mate.

Fans of creativity note that the most important feature in the image of Mitya Fomin is his genuineness. This is a person who is truly an optimist, and tries to teach this to other people, but not only his loved ones, but also everyone who plays his track. It didn’t happen by chance, because the person you can call the most carefree in the world grew up in an interesting, intelligent family, where his father is an associate professor and his mother is a patent engineer.

Mitya Fomin in childhood

Dmitry quickly became Mitya and in the family that was the only name he was called. So, Mitya quickly became interested in reading, and there was no need to force him to read anything else - he grabbed new books himself and happily devoured them. In addition, he not only played with various toys, but tried to get acquainted with their structure and came up with something new. Mitya has had a creative mind for the rest of his life, because to this day, even after so many hits and images, he continues to come up with something new and generate ideas at a crazy speed.

In addition, Mitya’s character was influenced by his love for animals, which he always took care of and protected. It is interesting that he could very well become a veterinarian - no one was surprised by his decision after school and his parents were ready to support the future animal doctor.

By the way, it was difficult to study to become a veterinarian back then, and the services of veterinarians were rarely used, so my parents advised me to at least first study to become a classical doctor, and Mitya listened to their advice. Having started studying and not experiencing any particular problems with it, in 1994 he decided to take an academic leave - after all, a huge amount of effort is spent in the learning process and it would not be superfluous to sometimes take an effective rest. Having earned rest and the support of his parents, Mitya went with friends to England, and then reached America, where he really liked it.

Mitya Fomin in his youth

While working in various positions and studying English, Mitya simply fell in love with the local musical theater and began writing his own songs.

Fomin’s prudence already at that time knew no bounds - despite a year of absence and a passion for a completely different field, he completed medical school, but even then he realized that his fate would be connected with theater, music and creativity - this love was mutual. Mitya’s incredible activity led to the fact that, while receiving a diploma as a pediatrician, he had already managed to enter 4 leading theater institute Moscow. The personal life and orientation of Mitya Fomin has always been of interest to the press. He himself has repeatedly denied articles about him dating men. There were women in his life whom he still loves.

As a result, he chooses the Gerasimov University of Cinematography, where he begins his acting studies. Mutual love with music developed so quickly that Mitya did not even have time to complete his acting journey and had to leave, which he did.

Music career

Mitya's name is firmly and permanently united with the Hi-Fi music group, which was assembled by his fellow countrymen, whom he accidentally met in Moscow. Needless to say, for the Russian music scene it was just a revolution, which simply has nothing to compare with. Their first video for a song called "Not Given" was a blast.

Mitya Fomin in the Hi-Fi group

Now we can talk about this quite calmly, but the rumors that Mitya Fomin actually did not perform a single song of the Hi-Fi group were indeed confirmed.

Despite the fact that Pavel Yesenin recognized Dmitry’s vocal abilities, he still decided to sing himself. For 10 years, Mitya performed at concerts, gave interviews and starred in videos, although he did not record a single song in the studio.

On the set own clip"We'll spend the winter"

Mitya Fomin became famous thanks to his career as a musician. Currently, information about him very rarely appears in the press. Although earlier the pages were full of headlines that “Mitya Fomin is gay,” the singer himself treated all this with ridicule. He understood that this was just advertising that would help him become more famous. Currently, he has not found anyone with whom he could connect his life. He tries to solve difficulties in his career and personal life on his own.

Mitya Fomin and Victoria Lopyreva on the set of a video

No matter how hard you try, the group will not even top level they couldn’t keep him together and Mitya realized that he needed to move on, especially since the contract that kept him in Hi-Fi had been exhausted.

Mitya Fomin: in the video “It’s time to go home”

The solo project, which is called “Mitya Fomin,” began to rapidly gain popularity due to the fact that its author was able to maintain unique style, but multiply it by natural optimism. Unlike the songs of the Hi-Fi group, Mitya tried to give as much positivity as possible and it worked for him.

Personal life

In 2017, almost nothing is known about Mitya Fomin’s personal life. He also began to rarely appear on stage. He devotes most of his time to creativity, writing songs and music, and working as a producer. All this gives him the opportunity to step away from all this that has haunted him for a long time. Every girl would be happy to marry Fomin, but he loves loneliness and does not want to tie himself to marriage.

Mitya Fomin and Ekaterina Gordon

For a long time, journalists had virtually no information about Fomin’s personal life. Indeed, he himself did not say a word about this, and it was difficult to catch him with the same girl for a large amount of time. Yes, there was a lot of talk about romances with various girls, but these could not even be romances, but press speculation.

One thing is absolutely certain - Mitya Fomin remained a bachelor for a long time and did not intend to start a family. Only in 2010 did rumors begin to leak out that the singer was not only dating Ksenia Merz, but had also proposed to her. Whether this was true or not is unknown, but it is absolutely certain that the wedding never happened.

Mitya Fomin and Ksenia Merts

Then there was a rumor that Mitya Fomin married Katerina Gordon, and then the same information was repeated in live show "Island", which took place on the NTV channel. Mitya Fomin even spoke out about this, which was completely out of character for him. Later, fans guessed that Mitya decided to talk about his relationship with Katya only after they quarreled and broke up forever.

The fact is that Mitya noted that Katya is for him good friend that she was well versed in fashion and a good cook, which looked like a farewell wish for happiness - the wedding was planned, but could no longer take place. More information about Mitya Fomin’s personal life can be found on Wikipedia, where new parts of his biography appear regularly.

Singer Mitya Fomin

Mitya Fomin, who until now had experienced strained relationships with girls without any problems, found himself in quite a bit of trouble here. difficult situation, because the emotional waves were supported by the fact that his father died. Against the backdrop of this tragic event, any outside influence could have broken the performer’s solid foundation, but he found the strength to move forward.

Taking full responsibility for his mother, Mitya tried to get the support of his sister, who could share responsibility for the family with him, but she married an Italian and left the open spaces for 20 years Russian Federation. Over time, Mitya coped well with the discord that occurred both in his environment and in inner world- Now he rejoices at every opportunity to see his relatives and takes full responsibility for their lives.

Mitya Fomin

Many fans, looking at Mitya Fomin’s photo and lack of personal life, say that he is gay. In fact, this is the image he maintains.


Despite the fact that Mitya Fomin has achieved incredibly much in the process of working on himself, on his creative image, he doesn’t even think about stopping. Not so long ago, he announced that work is continuing on his completely new image, in which, quite surprisingly, he will appear before us as a complex and even aggressive character.

Mitya said that in the image of Mitya Fomin he cannot afford some things that would be a clear contradiction to his image, but if you come up with a new high-quality and interesting image, then it creative potential will expand at an incredible pace.

Mitya Fomin on the set of the Vyshka program

Let us note that Mitya began to pay a lot of attention to working on his albums. Now these are not just collections of songs, but an opportunity for each of us to immerse ourselves in new story. In this he again takes the best from American show business, where it is customary in each album to tell an interesting, and sometimes even confusing story, in which the listener makes his way through complicated stories together with the author and performer.

Mitya Fomin still does not have children, nor does he have a personal life, despite all this he does not stop, but moves forward. His projects have always found recognition among fans; his music and songs are played on the most famous radio stations. How creative person, Fomin is completely settled. As a creative personality, Mitya is a prominent representative modern movement musicians. Many people like his work, even many foreign performers worked with him.

Mitya Fomin in the reality show “Island”

It is definitely worth noting that Mitya’s inexhaustible energy is aimed not only at working on herself, but also at helping young talents. Indeed, he is happy to provide support to anyone who would like to make a name for themselves and has sufficient talent to do so.

Mitya Fomin now

It is especially interesting that even if a person cannot go further in the selection, Mitya always tries to give him such advice that tomorrow can become the basis further growth and the development of that person. Mitya continues to carry his sensitivity to other people, attention to detail and the ability to provide help throughout his life, which allows him to achieve a lot. Before us is a man who can be called a true reflection of all the best that exists in the Russian music scene.

Mitya Fomin is a popular Russian singer, former soloist Hi-Fi group. In addition, Mitya is an excellent dancer, songwriter, and winner of numerous awards. It was with his participation Music band“Hi-Fi” rose to the heights of popularity.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Fomin was born in Novosibirsk in 1974. His father was an associate professor at the local Institute of Communications, and his mother worked as a patent engineer. According to the artist, his parents always gave their son the right to choose, so he did not follow in their footsteps and chose a profession on his own.

Dmitry himself said that he always knew who he would become. Since childhood, he “played at the artist” and sang to pop records. However, after school he entered the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. IN last years While studying at school, he wanted to become a veterinarian, but his parents advised him to get a decent medical education.

In his third year, Mitya suddenly took an academic leave - he was invited to England by friends. This was followed by a trip to the USA. There, the proactive Dima took on any job and learned English. During his life abroad he became interested in musical theater and began composing music himself.

By the way, Mitya’s older sister also studied music: Svetlana graduated from the conservatory and played in an ensemble early music. Later she went to Italy to join her artist husband. A year later, Fomin returned to Russia and continued his studies at the medical institute, although at that moment he had already decided what he wanted to devote his life to - musical creativity. Before state exams at the university, Mitya took a decisive step and left for Moscow to start his life anew. He cherished the dream of entering the capital's theater university. Parents supported their son's choice.

Dmitry's dreams quickly began to turn into reality: he successfully passed the first round of VGIK, GITIS, Shchepka, and the Moscow Art Theater School. However, he did not want to leave his first education unfinished and, returning to his native Novosibirsk, passed the exams and received a diploma as a pediatrician. Immediately after this, he returned to the capital and entered the acting department at VGIK.

Many talented and resourceful people from all over the country have always flocked to Moscow, so it is not surprising that soon in the capital Mitya met his old acquaintances from Novosibirsk - composer Pavel Yesenin and producer Eric Chanturia. They invited the artistic guy to become the soloist of the new pop music project “Hi-Fi”.

Mitya Fomin and “Hi-Fi”

On August 2, 1998, the Hi-Fi group was officially born; in addition to Mitya, Oksana Oleshko and Timofey Pronkin became its members. The name for the ensemble (from English “High Fidelity” means “ high quality sound reproduction") was invented by Alisher, a famous fashion designer and producer of Shura. Already the first song “Not Given,” for which an original and stylish video clip was shot, produced the effect of a bomb exploding - a group unlike any other appeared on the Russian stage.

Then the musicians released the single “Besprizornik”, and then the debut album “First Contact” (1999). Their work became popular, and the record rose to the top of the Russian charts. A successful start and a busy work schedule forced Fomin to abandon his studies at VGIK after the first semester. Over the years of the musician’s participation in the Hi-Fi group, she released four albums. Their business cards At concerts across the country, songs such as “The Seventh Petal”, “Stupid People”, “And We Loved”, “We Are Not Angels” appeared.

Hi-Fi – “The Homeless Child”

It is noteworthy that in none of the songs “Hi-Fi” we will not hear the voice of Mitya himself, although we have already become accustomed to associating him with this particular vocal. The group's compositions invariably feature Pavel Yesenin himself singing, who also composes music for the group. He never denied that Fomin has good vocal abilities, but decided that his voice better conveys the concept of the project. And, probably, Yesenin was right - the songs of “Hi-Fi”, among other pop performers, have their own sound.

During his time working in the group, Mitya got bored of being Pavel Yesenin’s “animator”, constantly singing along to a soundtrack and not taking any part in recording songs. Therefore, at the end of their 10-year contract, the musician decided to go free and pursue his solo career.

Mitya stayed in the Hi-Fi group for 10 years, but all this time Pavel Yesenin sang instead of him.

At that time, he already had a lot of groundwork for his own project. While still a member of Hi-Fi, Mitya collaborated with authors, recorded songs and prepared his own program. On January 1, 2009, Mitya left the group that made him famous. Two months after leaving the group, Mitya had already collected creative team, which he named after himself.

Mitya Fomin's solo career

Fomin understood that despite his fame, he could not do without the help of a producer. Therefore, on March 1, 2009, I signed a contract with Maxim Fadeev, to whom I presented my material, as a result of which the song “Two Lands” was chosen. The composition was soon presented on the air of the Russian Radio radio station, and after its premiere a video clip by Evgeny Kuritsyn was released. The video managed to reach first place on the prestigious MTV “Russian Ten” chart.

Mitya Fomin – “Two Lands”

Despite such a successful start, after six months Mitya stopped collaborating with Maxim Fadeev. At the beginning of 2010, the artist presented his second single, “That’s All.” In six months, it was played on the radio more than 350 thousand times and stayed in the Golden Gramophone hit parade for 19 weeks, reaching 2nd place.

In the same year, the singer’s third single entitled “Everything will be fine” appeared, which was heard even by those who are far from the world of pop music. The song went viral on Russian radio stations and rose to third place on the chart. With this track, Mitya Fomin won the Golden Gramophone award for his 22-week stay on the chart.

Having successfully presented singles, in the summer of 2010 Mitya Fomin released his first album, “So It Will Be.” The genre of the record was characterized by critics as light dance, ambient, chill-out, relaxation. Many noted that the artist works using Hi-Fi technology, largely repeating their sound.

At the beginning of 2011, the artist’s fifth single “Lights” appeared big city", recorded with the participation of the legendary British pop group "Pet Shop Boys". The video, which was filmed in St. Petersburg and Havana, took first place in the Muz-TV chart, and the song received the Golden Gramophone.

Mitya Fomin - “Let's Overwinter”

In the summer of 2011, Mitya became a laureate of the Fashion People Awards in the “Fashion Breakthrough” category and received the “RU.TV” award in the “Real Arrival” category. At the same time, the singer released the song “Gardener” and presented it on Russian Radio.

Literally a month later, Mitya Fomin presented in Minsk new project– musical and circus performance “Everything will be fine.” His eighth single " Good song” the artist released in the spring of 2012, and in 2013 he pleased his fans with his second album, “Arrogant Angel.”

Personal life of Mitya Fomin

About personal life popular musician practically nothing is known - he either hides such information in every possible way, or leads the lifestyle of an inveterate bachelor. A couple of times he went out to social events with girls famous in the world of show business, but none of these acquaintances led to anything serious. During the reality show “Island” in 2013, he “played” a joke wedding with

Mitya Fomin was born in Novosibirsk on January 17, 1974. After graduating from school, he entered the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. At the very beginning of his studies, Mitya takes an academic leave and goes abroad at the invitation of his friends. In England, and then in America, he takes on any job in order to somehow support himself, learns the language, gets acquainted with musical theater and begins to write music himself. Through … Read all

Mitya Fomin was born in Novosibirsk on January 17, 1974. After graduating from school, he entered the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. At the very beginning of his studies, Mitya takes an academic leave and goes abroad at the invitation of his friends. In England, and then in America, he takes on any job in order to somehow support himself, learns the language, gets acquainted with musical theater and begins to write music himself. A year later, Mitya returns to Russia. He continues his studies at medical school, but realizes that a career as a doctor is not what he aspires to.

A few weeks before the state exams, Mitya commits a desperate act. He leaves his native Novosibirsk for Moscow to start life with clean slate and fulfill a long-standing dream - to enter a theater university. Mitya successfully passes the first stage of qualifying rounds in several theater universities at once - VGIK, the Moscow Art Theater School, the Shchepkinsky Theater School and GITIS. Further events developed very rapidly. Mitya returns to Novosibirsk, passes state exams, receives a diploma as a pediatrician, and on the same day flies to Moscow and enters the VGIK acting department. Having barely settled in Moscow, Mitya meets his old acquaintances from Novosibirsk - producer Eric Chanturia and composer Pavel Yesenin. It was they who invited him to become the soloist of the new music project called Hi-Fi.

Successful start creative career forces Mitya to choose between work and study. August 2, 1998 is the official birthday of the Hi-Fi group. The group’s first hits “Not given” and “Besprizornik” instantly elevated the group to the category of “mega-stars”. The album “First Contact” soared to the top of the Russian charts. After studying at VGIK for six months, Mitya realizes that due to the busy touring schedule and the band’s resounding success, he will have to give up his studies. He leaves the institute, making a choice in favor of music, creativity, and touring, which lasted for ten long years. During this time, the group released 4 high-profile albums, recorded such hits as “Black Raven”, “About Summer”, “Stupid People”, “Trouble”, “And We Loved”, “We Are Not Angels” and toured the whole country with concerts.

At the end of 2008, the permanent lead singer of the Hi-Fi group Mitya Fomin makes a difficult decision - to leave his native band. More and more often, the thought comes to him that he needs to grow and develop further on his own, especially since there were all the prerequisites for this. While still a member of the group, Mitya begins to collaborate with several authors, records solo songs, and is in full swing preparing a solo program. The realization that he had already exhausted himself as a member of the group became too obvious.

On January 1, 2009, Mitya Fomin’s contract with the Hi-Fi group expires, which he decides not to renew, starting a solo career. Over the course of two months, Mitya forms a creative team, records a new musical material, is successfully touring, while the artist realizes that without a good, progressive producer it will be difficult for him to win an audience and rise to the top of the hit parades.

On March 1, 2009, the collaboration between Mitya Fomin and producer Maxim Fadeev officially began. Of all the material with which Fomin came to Fadeev, Maxim chose the song “Two Lands”.

At the end of March, the song premiered on the radio station “ Russian radio", and on May 26 the video will premiere on MTV. Work is currently underway on their debut album.

Official site.

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