Biography of Malysheva Elena Vasilyevna family. The special family of Elena Malysheva

Elena Vasilievna Malysheva (Shabunina). Born on March 13, 1961 in Kemerovo. Soviet and Russian therapist, teacher, doctor of medical sciences, professor.

Father - Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin.

Mother - Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova.

She has an older sister and twin brother Alexey, who, like their parents, became doctors. My sister is a neuropathologist, my brother is a surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician of the City Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin.

Graduated as a child music school in piano class.

After 7th grade I went to work with my twin brother. Her mother got her a job as a barmaid in a hospital, and her brother as a janitor. “I carried food from the kitchen to the children’s department and fed small children. I earned 40 rubles a month, as I remember now, and I gave every penny to my parents,” she said, adding that her children were raised on the same principle.

Graduated high school No. 19, Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine. She graduated from the institute with honors in 1984. In the same year, she entered graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow.

In 1987, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.”

After working for some time as a general practitioner, she became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Second Medical Institute.

Currently he is a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

In 1992, she began producing the “Recipe” program on the Kuzbass TV channel (Kemerovo).

In 1994, she began working as an author and presenter of a daily program. “Did you call the doctor?” within the channel " Business Russia"(RTR). In the same year, she completed a training course at the European Health Center and environment in USA. Europe's most prominent health journalists were invited to attend this course.

After the program was revived "Health" at ORT in 1997, Elena Malysheva became the presenter, director and author of this program. The first episode aired on October 3, 1997. The program is also broadcast on Radio Russia.

In 2007, at the MMA named after. I. M. Sechenova defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Reprogramming cellular responses of macrophages: new strategy control of the inflammatory process."

Since 2007 - member of the Academy of Russian Television.

Since August 16, 2010 he has been presenting on the First television channel transmission "Live healthy!", which appears on weekday mornings. He is the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine.

Since 2012 he has been actively promoting commercial project- Diet of Elena Malysheva.

It has been repeatedly noted that in her speeches Malysheva allows herself to make offensive, biased, inaccurate, dangerous and even racist statements.

Thus, in one of the programs, Malysheva argued that the G point is an erogenous organ in women, although the existence of this point has been refuted by many scientific studies.

In one of the programs, Malysheva conducted an experiment that led to the death of a rat. This caused great indignation among Channel One viewers. However, it later turned out that this experiment was indicative, and the animal was injected with a simple tranquilizer, which is used during surgical operations. The animal was briefly euthanized for display.

In one of the programs, Malysheva raised the topic of emitting gases during orgasm, which caused a great public outcry.

Business empire of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva is a good businessman. She earns about 1 billion rubles a year for her health.

She owns a clinic that opened at the end of 2015 on the site of City Clinical Hospital No. 19 on Krasnaya Presnya.

She also owns the media portal In addition to Elena herself, her sons Yuri and Vasily have shares in the company. Malysheva’s two other companies are engaged in attracting advertising. Malysheva owns one of them - LLC WV Am Corporation - solely. Revenue in 2014, according to the latest data from the Spark database, amounted to 249 million rubles, net profit

- 13 million rubles. Another company, PM Partners LLC, is owned by Malysheva together with the famous TV presenter, producer, and ex-senator Alexei Pimanov. Revenue in 2014 was declared at 1 million rubles, net profit - 571 thousand rubles. Most Malysheva - these are dietary sets. Together with Shchiglik, the TV presenter owns Elena Malysheva’s Diet LLC, created in 2012. The company sells meal kits for those who want to lose weight. The kits are packaged in boxes, each of which weighs 13.5 kg and, according to the seller, is enough for two weeks. The menu includes “meatballs in red sauce with buckwheat”, “Italian spaghetti with meat balls and tomato sauce", "chum salmon fillet with steamed bosto rice." These are mostly ready-made frozen meals. One box costs 14.5 thousand rubles. The company's revenue in 2014 amounted to 503 million rubles, net profit - 100 million rubles.

Elena Malysheva in the program "Alone with Everyone"

"At the first place - proper nutrition, reducing calories. A woman should eat no more than 1.2 thousand kilocalories per day, a man - 1.5 thousand kilocalories. Then everyone will lose weight and look good,” says Malysheva.

Elena Malysheva's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva:

Married. Her husband, Igor Malyshev, is a specialist in molecular biology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, where Elena Malysheva also works.

The couple has two sons - Yuri and Vasily.

The life path of many people is of particular interest to the average person. Most often, this honor is awarded to public figures, those who managed to achieve something in this life on their own. And this is exactly the kind of people they treat famous TV presenters. Such an interest is completely understandable, because each of us wants to understand what it should be like. life path to from anyone unknown person become a public figure. The famous TV presenter of the “!” program is just such popular people, and today the subject of our conversation will be Elena Vasilievna Malysheva, her biography as a person and media person.

early years

Lena Malysheva was born in 1961 on the thirteenth of March. Her family could be described as exemplary. The girl’s parents held high positions in medical institutions. Lena grew up in strictness, mom and dad, of course, loved both her and her older brother and sister, but different demands were made on the children, which they had to strictly observe. Even as a child, after finishing the seventh grade, the girl had to work in a hospital as a barmaid-nurse, and she gave all her salary to her parents. However, this gave her discipline, which was useful in the future, taught her to work persistently and saved her from the influence of the street.

As she grew older, Elena faced more and more severe parental “tyranny”. All possible joys - attending dances, buying clothes and meeting with the opposite sex - were prohibited. Under no circumstances was the girl allowed to tint her lips or eyelashes; she could get seriously punished for this.

Lena managed to graduate from school with a gold medal, after which she wanted to enter the faculty of journalism. However, her parents did not approve of this choice, so the girl had to follow in their footsteps - study medicine.

Carier start

After many years of cramming at school, studying at the Kemerovo Medical Institute did not become a particularly difficult task for young Malysheva. In 1983, she managed to graduate from this institution with honors, after which the girl went to Moscow and entered graduate school. Soon after the move, Elena married a fairly promising young scientist and became the mother of a son. However, changes in her personal life did not at all prevent Malysheva from pursuing her education - she wrote her dissertation, and in 1987 she successfully defended it. Combine scientific work And family life The future TV presenter succeeded thanks to competent and hourly planning of her daily routine.

After defending her dissertation, Elena got a job in her specialty, she became a general practitioner in a regular Moscow clinic, and at the same time got a job at a second medical institute.

In 1990, Malysheva became a mother for the second time, but the child suddenly fell ill. After the baby’s successful operation in Moscow, the family decided to move to Elena’s parents in Kemerovo. Thanks to the home environment and the care of his parents, the son began to recover, and the future TV presenter was able to return to work. She got a job at her native institute, or rather, at the department of internal diseases.

How did Elena Malysheva’s career on television begin?

The TV presenter herself claims that she was brought to television by chance. A woman accidentally stopped by her friend’s work – at a television center. And quite unexpectedly, he made her an offer to create a good program about health. Surprisingly, a week later such a program went on the very first live broadcast. Main director TV in the city of Kemerovo invited Elena to create and host such a medical program as “Recipe”. This allowed Malysheva to make excellent money, but she had absolutely no plans to move to the capital. The move of the whole family to Moscow was mostly the husband’s initiative, and both spouses only benefited from it.

Elena Vasilievna began her career on Moscow television with the RTR channel, at that time it was a completely free and independent channel, which greatly impressed the TV presenter. Then the woman switched to TV-6 and after some time left for America to study under a special program for people involved in the health of the surrounding world in the media.

The next step in Malysheva’s career was the opportunity to get a job at Channel One, where management decided to restore the “Health” program. Of course, the TV presenter could not miss this chance, and began filming her version of the program. However, the filmed video did not suit the channel’s management, although Elena was considered an ideal presenter there. After Malysheva’s candidacy was approved by Konstantin Ernst, filming of the program quickly began, and on October 3, 1997, it went on air.

More than a decade and a half have passed since then, and Elena Malysheva’s life moves in a special rhythm. The woman is actively engaged in personal growth, constantly films for Channel One and receives an excellent salary. However, she did not abandon her scientific career at all, and in 2007 she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. This is what she is, in short, the biography of Elena Vasilievna Malysheva.

Some secrets of Elena Malysheva

Of course, the success of a TV presenter largely depends on her personal attitude towards her own health and the health of her family members. The woman tries to systematically exercise, eats right, eats practically no meat and has completely given up salt. Of course, Elena does not smoke or drink alcohol; in addition, she advises all her viewers to sleep more and love themselves. Malysheva’s attitude towards healthy nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is supported by all members of her family.

Malysheva (Shabunina) Elena Vasilievna (born March 13, 1961, Kemerovo, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian doctor, TV presenter, head of the “Health”, “Live Healthy!” programs aired on OJSC Channel One and Radio Russia " Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Contents [remove]
1 Biography
2 Awards
3 Criticism
4 Links
5 Notes


Born on March 13, 1961 in Kemerovo in a family of doctors. Father - Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin, mother - Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova. Elena has an older sister and twin brother Alexey, who, like their parents, became doctors (the sister is a neurologist, the brother is a surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician of the First City Hospital). She graduated from secondary school No. 19 in Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine. She graduated from the institute with honors in 1983. In 1984 she entered graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. In 1987, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.” After working for some time as a general practitioner, she became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Second Medical Institute. Currently he is a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. In 1992, she began producing the “Recipe” program on the Kuzbass TV channel (Kemerovo). In 1993, she was the author and presenter of the “Lazaret” program (Channel 5, TV channel “Northern Crown”). In 1994, she began working as an author and host of the daily program “Have you called the doctor?” within the framework of the “Business Russia” (RTR) channel. In the same year, she completed a training course at the European Center for Health and Environment in the USA. Europe's most prominent health journalists were invited to attend this course. After the revival of the “Health” program on ORT in 1997, Elena Malysheva became the presenter, director and author of this program. The first episode aired on October 3, 1997. The program is also broadcast on Radio Russia. In 2007, at the MMA named after. I. M. Sechenova defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Reprogramming cellular responses of macrophages: a new strategy for controlling the inflammatory process.” Since 2007 - member of the Academy of Russian Television. Since August 16, 2010, he has been hosting the program “Live Healthy!” on the First Television Channel, which is broadcast on weekday mornings. Since January 2012, he has been a member of the “People's Headquarters” (in Moscow) of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. He is the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine. Since 2012, she has been actively promoting a commercial project - Elena Malysheva’s Diet.

Husband - Igor Yuryevich Malyshev, professor at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, specialist in molecular biology, head of the laboratory dealing with the topic “Reprogramming of macrophages as a new strategy for managing the immune response in various diseases.” The marriage produced two sons - Yuri and Vasily.
Order of Friendship (2006)
Medal "For Merit to Domestic Healthcare"
Badge "Excellence in Healthcare"

A number of Elena Malysheva’s actions have a negative assessment in society:
In one of the programs, Elena Malysheva conducted an experiment that led to the death of a rat. This caused great indignation among Channel One viewers.
Fans of Michael Jackson filed a complaint against Elena Malysheva, since Malysheva publicly insulted the singer on the air of the “Minute of Fame” program.
In her program on November 25, 2011, Elena Malysheva, discussing the properties of bee honey, said that it is 100 times more caloric than sugar and called this product a source of carcinogens under certain conditions, which caused a wide public outcry and open protest among beekeepers and people who are not indifferent to honey.
In one of the programs, Elena Malysheva raised the topic of emitting gases during orgasm, which caused a great public outcry. The amateur video recording, which fully demonstrated the problem under discussion, gave the program a special piquancy. The program caused outrage among the BDSM community. Under pressure from the latter, Elena Malysheva was forced to recognize this deviation as the norm.
Tefal filed a complaint against Elena Malysheva.
On January 27, 2011, Elena Malysheva, showing in the program “Live Healthy!” the collar of a turtleneck was cut off on a woman, as if circumcision is done (imitation of circumcision of the foreskin of the penis), which caused a great public outcry. In particular, in one of the episodes of the TV show "ProjectorParisHilton", Ivan Urgant, together with a participant in the program, acted out a parody of the circumcision scene; Maxim Galkin also performed a parody of circumcision with the participation of Elena Malysheva at his benefit performance on December 9, 2011, but alone supporting imaginary things for circumcision, as well as an imaginary sweater collar (penis replacement). In addition, this episode was shown in the “Let Them Talk” program on Channel One and caused a storm of laughter there. This episode is a popular source of ridicule on the Internet, for example it was featured on the show "+100500". For this, Malysheva was awarded the “Silver Galosh” anti-prize 2011 in the “Malysheva and Udalysheva” nomination. Later, in the broadcast on August 5, 2013, she repeated the experience, this time with a man from Tajikistan.
Evgeny Komarovsky, on the page of the Doctor Komarovsky Club website, criticized the issue dated December 7, 2012, in which Malysheva gave recommendations for rubbing children with elevated temperatures, since such rubbing can be deadly and has not been practiced for more than half a century.
In the issue of April 3, 2013, Malysheva voiced the Internet canard that the color marks on toothpaste tubes mean the presence or absence of synthetic ingredients in the paste, while these marks are present on any tube, even shoe polish, and are needed only for the cutting machine during the production of the tube (and the color of the mark is arbitrarily selected to contrast with the background color of the tube; as a rule, one of the colors used when printing on the tube is selected).
On the June 7 broadcast of the “Live Healthy” program, Malysheva allowed herself to make statements that pharmacy workers considered offensive
Links Malysheva, Elena Vasilievna on Wikimedia Commons?
Elena Malysheva - doctor, TV star, mother
Elena Malysheva on the website of Channel 1

Show compactly
Elena Malysheva: “I don’t smoke, I wash my hands before eating and I avoid casual relationships”

Go to: 1 2 3 4 5 Elena Malysheva on the Ostankino website
Go to: 1 2 3 4 5 Channel One. Official site. Faces. Elena
List of members of the “People’s Headquarters” on the website
Diet of Elena Malysheva - official website. Retrieved April 3, 2013.
MALYSHEVA Elena, photo, biography
Russian newspaper. What's in the doctor's briefcase
Moscow State Medical and Dental Institute named after. A. I. Evdokimova. Laboratory of Cell Biotechnologies
DECREE of the President of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 1316 “ON AWARDING STATE AWARDS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION”
Killing an animal in live Channel One, Russia –
Video with experiment on a rat
Online petition “Insult of Michael Jackson by Elena Malysheva.”
Collecting signatures in defense of honey! | Modern beekeeping | Video about beekeeping
Elena Malysheva approved the emission of gases during orgasm |
About the benefits of male masturbation - up to 50% of married men regularly do it secretly from their wives. And this, as they say in the program, is only to their benefit.
Tefal sellers accused Elena Malysheva of damaging their image - Rambler-News
Video on YouTube
Pharmacy workers ask Malysheva to apologize for provocative statements

“Health” by Elena Malysheva is one of the most best programs on Russian television dedicated to medical topics. Many people are wondering who her presenter really is? The biography of Elena Malysheva, as well as her relationship with her husband and beloved children, are worthy of attention, and perhaps imitation.

Work as a TV presenter and scientific activity Elena Malysheva is occupied important place in her life and cannot exist separately from each other.

First steps in life

In 1961, in the family of V.I. Shabunin and G.A. Morozova, in Kemerovo, the biography of Elena Malysheva began. On March 13, twins were born: future TV presenter Elena Vasilievna and her brother Alexey Vasilyevich. The family had three children, each of whom was destined to become a doctor and continue family traditions.

From childhood, the girl was raised in an atmosphere of love and kindness. Parents taught their children compassion and mutual understanding - the most important qualities of any good doctor. Elena grew up as a very smart and versatile child. She graduated from school and her native Kemerovo Institute with excellent marks, after which, following in the footsteps of her parents, she entered the Moscow Academy of Medical Sciences to the faculty of the Institute of General Pathology and Physiology. At the end of her studies, in 1987, she received a Candidate of Medical Sciences degree and continued her activities as a practicing physician.

At this time, it develops personal life Elena Malysheva. She gets married and gives birth to her eldest son, Yuri.

Biography of Elena Malysheva. Carier start

For several years, Elena Malysheva worked as a general practitioner, but very soon realized that she was most attracted to scientific work. In 1990, she became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Russian State Medical University.

In 1992, after an operation performed on her ten-month-old son in Moscow, the future presenter and her children moved to Kemerovo for six months, to her parents’ house, where Elena Malysheva’s biography continues.

The most important period in her life and career is coming. Thanks to a chain of random circumstances, a scientist begins appearing on television and becomes the host of a popular health program.

Creation of programs about a healthy lifestyle

At that moment when she youngest son a serious diagnosis was made and an operation was performed, Elena was forced to spend a lot of time at home caring for the child. It was then that she realized that on the Kemerovo TV channel, and on all public television, there were very few good, life-affirming programs.

She addressed this question to her school friend, who at that time worked as a press secretary in the administration of the city of Kemerovo. He supported Elena Malysheva’s idea of ​​​​creating such a program.

This was her first step on television. It was thanks to her school friend that Malysheva got on the air with the first program about health on the Kemerovo TV channel, which was called “Recipe”. After 6 months, Elena Malysheva was already a real star of local television.

Elena Malysheva’s program talked about health problems and methods of treatment and prevention of specific diseases.

Returning to Moscow, she continued her career as a TV presenter and doctor. The image of a woman-mother, which Malysheva adheres to, attracts men and women of different age categories to television screens.

Elena Malysheva spent several years in Africa as part of a group of scientists who were researching environmental problems and transmitting their results to the media.

Popular TV shows on Channel One

After returning to Russia (1994), Elena Malysheva learned about the competition that Channel One was holding at that time. To resume the “Health” program, the channel’s management recruited a team of young promising specialists.

Among the many participants, Elena Malysheva’s ideas were the most creative and immediately appealed to the project leaders. Elena Malysheva became the new author and host of the “Health” program (1997). For many years, this TV show has been ranked first among the most popular projects of Channel One.

In the same year she defended her dissertation at the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov and receives the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

The biography of Elena Malysheva, despite the difficulties, is filled with many different positive aspects.

Family is the main support

Elena Malysheva’s husband, whom she knew from her student days, currently is a renowned leader, professor and scientist in the field of molecular biology. Igor Yuryevich tries to support his wife in everything.

As Elena Malysheva herself says, her husband is a very serious person who is a real support for the whole family, but at the same time he is capable of kindness, affection and understanding. 10 years ago, thanks to him, another family member appeared in the Malyshevs’ house - the dog Charles, which, out of compassion, Igor Yuryevich picked up on the street.

They make me happy famous TV presenter and her sons: Yuri and Vasily. The children of Elena Malysheva now live in America. Since childhood, the eldest son Yuri dreamed of becoming a doctor, and the youngest, Vasily, dreamed of becoming a lawyer.

Elena Malysheva is a specialist in her field

Elena Malysheva has earned herself a reputation as a sympathetic person and an attentive doctor. Through the Internet you can ask her any question you are interested in, to which, of course, you will receive a professional answer. Through social networks, everyone can get a free consultation with the most famous doctor in the country.

Many people turn to the TV presenter with health-related requests and questions. For example, they ask how you can get expensive foreign-made drugs. In that important issue Malysheva, no doubt, will try to help. At the slightest opportunity, she strives to help people in every possible way.

Elena Malysheva is a Russian doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, and professor. For twenty years now, this woman has not only been working in Russian medicine, but also on television - hosting television programs about health and how to maintain it. Elena Vasilyevna, in an accessible form and with the help of various, sometimes completely inapplicable in medicine, props, successfully explains to millions of television viewers how to avoid certain diseases. People often change her manner of presenting information; she herself is not averse to making jokes, so she is often a guest on humorous programs, and has repeatedly appeared on stage in KVN. The cheerful presenter is not only an excellent specialist, general practitioner, and cardiologist, but also a famous media personality, and there are thousands of memes from her program on the Internet.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva

Despite the fact that the smart blonde is often criticized by public and scientific organizations for your straightforwardness and quite frank conversations on television, she is very loved by her fans. The presenter believes that in Soviet times there was no sexual education as such, so Soviet citizens were illiterate in terms of intergender relations.

Today, as part of her program, she talks about erections, tells all the pros and cons various types contraception, and understands many other topics that concern our lives. “It’s not a shame to talk about natural things,” Malysheva believes, but she still often hears reproaches addressed to her on the topic of corruption younger generation similar releases. Is it true, the last word still remains with the TV viewers, and Elena’s program on Channel One is incredibly popular and has high ratings, so it seems that enemies just have to speak out. Doctor of Sciences talks not only about how to maintain health, but also how to always be young and beautiful. Well, for TV viewers there is an absolutely laconic answer to the question of whether the presenter’s youth schemes work, and this is herself. Viewers are interested in everything about the doctor, her height, weight, age, how old is Elena Malysheva. At 57 years old, the presenter looks simply excellent, she watches her figure, plays sports, and there are practically no wrinkles on her face. Whether this is plastic surgery or the result of a healthy lifestyle is a mystery to TV viewers, but there is no denying that the presenter is perfectly preserved!

Biography of Elena Malysheva

The biography of Elena Malysheva began in 1961 in the city of Kemerovo. The girl studied very diligently at school and, looking at her photo, you immediately understand that Lena was an excellent student. Perfect school uniform with a white apron, two pigtails and glasses with thin black frames - this is the complete image of the ideal Soviet student. The girl loved exact disciplines most of all, had a passion for chemistry and biology, studied with straight A's and graduated from school with a gold medal. After receiving secondary education, Elena without hesitation enters the medical institute in Kemerovo, where she studies for six years at the Faculty of Medicine. Even growing up and adolescence did not affect the girl in any way; she wanted to become a doctor and help people so much that she graduated from the institute with honors. But for Elena this was not enough. She wanted not only to treat, but also perhaps eventually to teach, so she went on to graduate school, wrote a dissertation on cardiology, and today is the author of many scientific articles.

After receiving her education, Elena worked for a short time at a local hospital, and then appeared on television for the first time. In 1992, the Kemerovo channel broadcast the “Recipe” program, hosted by Malysheva. And a year later, the young TV presenter was already combining several television studios and programs. In 1994, the doctor decided to try herself not only as the face of a TV show, but also as an author. She wrote texts for the medical daily program “Have you called the doctor?”

In parallel with her work on television, Malysheva also tirelessly received her education. She took a course at the European Health Center because she did not want to stop only at producing television shows, but also to improve in her core profession. Soon, ambitious Elena moved to Moscow, where she got a job at the Pirogov Research Medical Institute.

In 1997, she became the host of the “Health” program, which still airs today, and for more than 20 years she has been its co-author, director and presenter. Malysheva has also hosted the TV show “Live Healthy” since 2010.

Despite the fact that Elena Vasilievna is already quite successful in media circles, she does not abandon her profession, which helped her achieve success. It would be possible, of course, to simply voice in the studio what others write, and work as a TV presenter, so to speak, “ full time“, but Elena believes that it is never too late to learn and in 2007 she defended her next dissertation on the topic of human cells.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva

Although Elena Malysheva’s personal life is not a secret, shrouded in darkness, viewers still don’t know much about her. If you look at the life of the TV presenter over the years, it becomes clear that she simply did not have time for romances, intrigues and loves; the woman always received an education, studied, worked or wrote articles. In addition, you must admit that it is quite difficult to choose a spouse when you live not with a warm heart, but with a cool head.

As the presenter herself says, her understanding of male nature helped her get married. She often says that men are more cold-blooded and thoughtful, which is why women occupy leadership positions, go into politics or pursue a career most often after 40, and before that they are engaged in raising children and housekeeping. Be that as it may, Elena didn’t want it that way, so she approached her choice of husband carefully. But with this approach you won’t get far.

Love unexpectedly overtook the girl at the Medical and Dental Institute in Moscow, where she worked. Her colleague, rather stern and not at all romantic, at first seemed to her to be a very distant person, not at all capable of feelings, but the guy soon proved to her that this was not the case.

We can say that Elena has been married all her life. When she talks about her husband, it becomes clear that they are completely different, because today Malysheva is primarily a showwoman, and Igor is a university professor, scientist and doctor of science. Although, as the presenter herself says, it is thanks to her constant self-education that behind closed doors she and her husband always have something to talk about. A few years ago, Elena and her husband celebrated their 25th silver wedding.

Family of Elena Malysheva

The girl never had problems with choosing future profession, since she was born into a family of doctors. It very often happens that it is in the medical environment that children repeat the profession of their parents and, looking at the Shabunin family (as it sounds maiden name leading), we can say that this is pure truth. Elena Malysheva's family was large, she had a brother and a sister, and there were three children in total. Father, Vasily Iosifovich and mother, Galina Aleksandrovna, were always very strict with their children. Lena and her brother and sister always had many responsibilities, the main one being good studies. Parents motivated their children to study only for good grades in order to achieve success in the future, and although they were very strict, today Lena is very grateful to them. After becoming a mother, the presenter transferred the parenting style of her parents to her sons. She believes that the main tasks of parents are to teach children to set high goals, teach them to study independently and allocate time for rest and work, and to know the value of money.

Children of Elena Malysheva

After the marriage was formalized, the young family began to think about having a child. Elena was very busy with work, was constantly on the road, worked on television, hosted radio programs, taught and had already become the author of the program, so she was afraid to take the first step, put all her plans in a drawer and simply become a mother. And at the same time the woman understood that time is running, there will always be work, and while she is young, she still wants to have a child. In addition, having grown up in a large family, Lena understood that she and her husband wanted at least two children, so if she wants to give birth before she’s 30, then she should try already. Of course, young parents wanted everything to be as per protocol: a boy and a girl. But fate decreed otherwise, and two boys were born into a family of doctors.

At the age of 27, the presenter became a mother for the first time. The first son, Yura, was named after her husband's father. The young parents really wanted to please their grandfather, so they chose this name. A few years later, the couple’s second son, Vasily, was born, good tradition They were named after Lena’s father, Vasily Shabunin, the man who raised her. Today Elena Malysheva’s children are already adults and independent people, and in 2015 the presenter became a grandmother for the first time, her eldest son had a son.

The eldest son of Elena Malysheva is Yuri. Wedding of a young couple

Like her own parents, Elena Vasilievna is a very strict mother. The first child was born in 1988 and Lena immediately decided that she would adhere to the upbringing model of her parents, thanks to which, it seems to her, she was able to raise real men. Yura followed in the footsteps of his parents, also received a medical education, and then, following his mother, he was able to apply it on television. The man works as a creative producer on the program “Live Healthy,” and it is he who generates ideas for how to present this or that material and for the props, which are then so often discussed by the audience. The guy had already met his love, and in 2014 the media learned the news that Elena Malysheva’s eldest son, Yuri, was getting married. The wedding of the young couple took place in Moscow, and then the newlyweds flew to America for their honeymoon.

Son of Elena Malysheva - Vasily

In 1990, the second heir in the family was born, the son of Elena Malysheva, Vasily. The parents believed that everything that parents could give to their children in terms of education should be given without fail, so both of the Malyshev’s sons studied in the USA. Despite the fact that the eldest son chose the profession of a doctor, Vasily expressed a desire to become a lawyer. In Moscow he graduated from the Law Academy and studied abroad to become a lawyer. Elena's sons are like two peas in a pod, and in addition, they inherited common features from both parents. Elena in her interview says that her children are radically different, but the fact that they are both very ambitious is the merit solely of her and her husband.

Elena Malysheva's husband - Igor Malyshev

Since Elena always devoted a lot of time to studying, and became known as good specialist In her business, the girl chose a husband to match herself. She was simply bored with representatives of other professions and had nothing to talk about, so a doctor became the ideal candidate. Elena Malysheva’s husband, Igor Malyshev, is a very calm and balanced person, he is far from the world of art or television, and devotes almost all his time to teaching or experiments in the laboratory. Igor is working on the topic of immune cells and has already been awarded the Presidential Prize several times for his services to Russian medicine.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home. Menu for the week

Elena, like a real doctor, is very responsible for her health and the health of her loved ones. She does not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages, eats only healthy food, says that it is imperative to get enough sleep and distribute the daily diet by the hour. In the morning, her family always eats oatmeal, which she believes removes cholesterol from the body, and for lunch there are a lot of salads, herbs and vegetables. The presenter absolutely agrees with the saying that “Tomorrow you will eat it yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy,” and tries to build her diet according to this “scheme.” In addition, she does not eat a lot of meat products, but prefers fish, which has a lot of phosphorus.

Many TV viewers liked Elena Malysheva’s diet for losing weight at home. The presenter draws up the menu for the week in advance, and on the weekend she purchases all the necessary products, and then simply distributes them correctly. The presenter eats small portions of 200 grams, and eats four to six times a day. She takes boxes of food to work so as not to snack on unhealthy snacks. In addition, she drinks 2 liters daily clean water. Elena's diet mainly consists of vegetables and fruits, all kinds of cereals, lean meats and cheeses, live natural yoghurts and fish. The doctor limits his intake of sweets and goes to the pool and gym to maintain his figure. By the way, morning exercises Elena doesn’t do it because she doesn’t have time in the morning, and yet she looks just great!

Photo of Elena Malysheva before and after plastic surgery

Although the presenter says that healthy image life - a panacea for beauty and youth, she herself does not hesitate to use beauty injections, which her fans have repeatedly noticed. Last year the network began heated discussions that the actress had an unsuccessful facelift, as her smile was noticeably strained. Journalists compared the presenter with Natalya Andreichenko and published photos of Elena Malysheva before and after plastic surgery, where the difference was noticeable. Although Lena herself does not react to the words of the commentators in any way, and explains her new face by noticeable weight loss due to her own diet.

As experts said, Elena simply overdid it with beauty injections. A special gel is injected under the skin to smooth out wrinkles, and can sometimes cause an overly noticeable effect. Over time, the gel dissolves under the skin, so let’s hope that the presenter’s face will eventually return to its previous appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Malysheva

Elena Vasilievna is an active user social networks, often communicates with fans and viewers of his program, and also shares useful tips and often publishes recipes for weight loss. Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Malysheva contain a lot interesting information about the presenter, including photos with different stars and representatives of show business. There are often announcements of seminars on the presenter’s page famous doctors, as well as quick answers to subscribers’ questions regarding medical topics. In addition, on Instagram you can see funny moments from the filming of the TV show “Live Healthy,” where there are bright costumes and humorous stories by Malysheva about a particular disease or organ.

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