The Belarusian government is feeding the people alcohol and lies. Who got Russians drunk and how?

Who benefits from drinking the population? Our government clearly confirms the conclusions made in the article with its actions.

Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Agriculture and Rosalkogolregulirovanie to think about changes that can be made to the legislation of the Russian Federation in order to strengthen administrative responsibility for illegal trafficking of tobacco and alcohol products.

What, the money is running out? Do you need to replenish your treasury? The sale of alcohol is one of the main sources of income for the state. We can't produce anything else, only Natural resources sell out. Our rulers don’t seem to give a damn about the fact that the nation is dying out.

The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and Rosalkogolregulirovanie will also have to jointly work out the issue of freezing orreducing the level of excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco starting in 2015 and, in addition, assess the health and tax implications of such a decision.

We'll lower the price - let them drink more. Russia already has the cheapest vodka and cigarettes. At one time, excise taxes were increased, which seems logical in the current situation. But, apparently, the guys from the alcohol mafia shook their fingers and everything returns to normal. Man, drink as much as you like, give birth to monsters. Free up living space for crowds of migrants. This scenario plays into the hands of energetic (because non-drinking) Muslims.

There is no need to conquer anyone, and there is no need for terrorist attacks either. Russians are already dying out. All these suicide bombers - terrorists - are no match for our “rulers,” who doom millions of people to death with one decree. Don't they really understand? Yes, everyone understands, they are not fools. It’s just that $$ in the eyes overshadows shame, conscience, and morality.

The Prime Minister also instructed the Ministry of Health, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, together with federal authorities executive branch to think aboutharmonization of state requirements in the field of combating smoking and alcoholism of the population and, if necessary, send proposals to the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The expression “harmonization of requirements” killed it. What the hell is harmonization?? Has the roof completely gone off? It is not necessary to harmonize, but to ban alcohol and tobacco. And right now, before it’s too late. By encouraging the sale of cheap vodka and cigarettes, they are striking a blow at future generations, isn’t it clear? The fact that they will try to ban the illegal production of alcohol is a drop in the bucket, which will immediately be replaced by megaliters of “legal” booze. Vodka’s legality does not make it any less toxic.

“There is a legend among the Russian people that the first Vinokur was the Devil himself, who taught people how wonderful God’s gifts are ( bread and grains of the earth) turn into a poisonous drunken potion,” - Elena Agafonova, chief custodian Russian State Historical Archive.

"Deadly liquid." Film by Arkady Mamontov

05/24/2009 | Arkady Mamontov. TV channel "Russia"

"In 1914, for every resident Russian Empire per year there were 200 grams of pure alcohol.
Emperor Nicholas II introduced a decree on the introduction of prohibition, which gave positive results.

October Revolution (U. Lenin ) abolished Prohibition. By 1932, there was already 1 liter of pure alcohol per capita. In the 60s, consumption reached 4.5 liters per person.
By 1985, the Soviet Union was becoming firmly established drinking country. Per capita - already 13.5 liters. pure alcohol.

Anti-alcohol company M. Gorbachev stopped the trend of the nation becoming drunk: the birth rate increased, fewer people died, but all this did not last long.

In 1991, with the arrival V. Yeltsin- all prohibitions were lifted. So to speak, the country plunged into delirium tremens.

The Putin era: Today ( under Putin-Medvedev ) for every resident of Russia there are 18 liters of pure alcohol.
There is no state control over the producers of beer, vodka, and alcohol-containing liquids, and they do whatever they want.
Russia's population is rapidly declining. Western partners are predicting a demographic catastrophe for us in 15 years.”

Torsunov Oleg Gennadievich, on this occasion, says:

“Gorbachev made Prohibition and as a result he became a goat, you know, a goat. No matter how much they vilified him.
I remember this time. And as a result of what he did - this prohibition - what happened?
The birth rate in the country has become incredibly high, at the level of the most best countries peace, but the mortality rate during these years of rule was a miracle. The mortality rate has dropped beyond recognition. We have never had such a low mortality rate in the country.”

What does the Putin era dictate to us?

Putinization of the entire country. Chronicle of Putin's glorifications

At the beginning of June 2002, the Putin cafe-bar opened in Chelyabinsk. The immediate model for it was the Jerusalem restaurant of the same name, a favorite place for young Russian Israelis.

In advanced St. Petersburg, no one is pursuing the restaurant "SYKA LyuboFF", whose menu includes the cocktail "Putin is mine" (rum, blackcurrant liqueur, lemon juice; 195 rubles per serving), - source:


Alcohol, even during vacation, can become a very dangerous enemy. (see video).

“The entire human race today produces only evil,
And even if it wanted to, it would not atone for its sins,
We ourselves create all the circles of hell on earth,
For this, in gratitude, the Devil will present us with a “reward”,
With our own hands we weave vices and sins,
Our doomsday and apocalypse are not so far away now.”

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Comments (10 comments)

    Russia & Solaris
    (lumpen power)

    Gaikin V.A. candidate of history Sci.

    Putin is a protege of the USA

    Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of the Academy of Geopolitics.

    During the years of Mr. Putin's reign, it was exported from the Russian Federation illegally! over 557 billion US dollars, bypassing the state budget.

    GO FORWARD, VLADIMIR PUTIN! And this is especially for you! You have already started bribing the opposition, whether you succeed or not will soon find out, but for now the Russian opposition has one ally, the people of Russia. And you understand perfectly well that your time and your mission for Russia have already been exhausted. Russia needs new leader, as we say M. Gandhi for Indian people. It seems you dream of communicating with M. Gandhi. Over a hundred recent years There has never been a case in the history of Russia when the opposition came to power in Russia without bloodshed, to our great regret!
    In Russia it will be the same this time. But those who hold power (you are a temporary cover for them) have many resources to maintain their power. The Ozeryats will also hold elections on March 5 and Putin will “win” there.

    In Russia, they have long ignored the opinions of the people, the opposition, and even Western countries. This is Russia, still a feudal country. According to our information, the “Ozeryans” have prepared and are already spending (as can be seen from the behavior of your envoy, Mr. Kudrin) over 100 (one hundred) billion US dollars to keep you in power, Mr. Putin. At least the USA, Israel, Turkey, China and England and Germany support you, Mr. Putin, you are beneficial to them. During your reign in Russia, starting from the day of his death, in the strange situation of Mr. Sobchak, until January 15, 2012, over 557 billion US dollars were exported illegally (!) from the Russian Federation, bypassing the state budget of the Russian Federation.

    Maybe this is your payment for your hosts? And aren’t you costing Russia dearly?
    Or for what secrets and for what services to Russia did you appoint one of the former (although there are no former in this profession) head of West German intelligence (BND) - Matthias Warnig (spy pseudonym "economist") director of Nord Stream AQ (Nord Stream gas pipeline ).

    If German spies can manage Russian wealth, then why can’t Turkish or Finnish intelligence officers do the same, are they worse, or did they not participate in recruitment? We are starting to insert details and small details into the network piece by piece. That's how it should be! These countries are ready to help you - the Kremlin, provoke a war in Iran, in Nagorno-Karabakh in Syria, in the Caucasus in the Moscow region, in the metro, in a church or mosque with a synagogue, it’s not for us to teach you this. In order to divert public attention from their internal political problems, citizens’ dissatisfaction with the past State Duma elections and the expected “elections” of the President of Russia (here is a good assessment:

    The Russian opposition has one ally, the people of Russia. The people of Russia are not yet ready to overthrow you, not because the people love you, Mr. Putin, but simply because for the people there is no other alternative among the leaders of the opposition. We're still looking. It is possible to close this gap with the help of a single program - a vision of a new future for the people of Russia. Here you have - “Ozeryat” is the Olympics and a meager increase in pensions (Putin gives bread and circuses!) So that you and your entourage live on this salary! There will be no storming of the Kremlin or the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation on February 4, because this will not change anything and even this storming and burning of cars will be “organized” by you. Would you like some provocateurs, like your Charlie Gapons, to organize the robbery of stores, the explosion of restaurants, etc. This will be beneficial to you, the “Ozeryaty”, they will show the opposition to Russia to Europe as simple hooligans and thugs, and they themselves will take the baton and make arrests.

    And you, Mr. Putin, will be crowned on March 5 (because the USA and Israel, Turkey and Europe and China want this)! A real strong opposition, ready to take power in the Russian Federation, will appear in Russian people Not later autumn 2012. This autumn will be truly revolutionary for the opposition! I think that you, Mr. Putin, are preparing for a long and difficult struggle to preserve your hard-earned wealth. Yes to the article, Mr. Putin, how many of them do you have? Some say that your fortune is over 40 billion US dollars, there is another opinion that you have about 125 billion US dollars? Just remember the struggle of M. Gandhi! He lived on goat milk alone for 12 years! Although you must have a conscience!

Every time I want to take a break from comparison Tsarist Russia and the Stalinist USSR, some new “brilliant” commentary appears, in which it is asserted with aplomb that the Bolsheviks ate children and dreamed of, say, extinguishing the Sun. And again we have to roll up our sleeves.

Even taking into account the fact that for Tsarist Russia the mortality rate is given only in 50 European provinces, and for the USSR it is taken all mortality, including Siberia and Far East(where it is significantly higher than in the European part), in 1940 it still turned out to be lower than when maintaining trend 1906-1913 - 18 versus 20. (I’m not talking about comparing absolute indicators.)

You may think that this is not such a big gap. I recommend taking the population of the USSR and calculating how much it is lives saved. For 1940 alone, that turns out to be 194,100,000 / 1,000 * (20 - 18) = 388,200 people. And this is still an underestimated number (see all the reservations above).

As I already said, "liberals" often howl about mythical "millions", destroyed by Stalin (and now they have been joined by the “nationalist” howl about the drunkenness of the Russian people by the “burry Bolsheviks”). But they never talk about real millions saved thanks to the Bolsheviks.

February 17, 2014 |


Nothing hypocritical. A state monopoly on the sale of alcohol is commonplace. The moonshiner violates it and is therefore persecuted. Try, say, in Finland to set up a distillery on a farm - you will immediately find yourself in a zugundera. And it’s the same in Russia. Well, for internal needs it seems possible, but for excise-free sales they will take you by the collar. Practice shows that they don’t drive very hard - it’s easier to buy. I personally drove during Gorbachev’s times. It’s understandable: why would I choke myself in lines for bad vodka, if it’s better to spend this time not making an excellent pervatch? They’ll retire me, it’s time to revive production...

Nothing hypocritical, you say!!??

And the statements “Residents of the capital region do not remain indifferent to the problem of drunkenness”??
People are led to believe that this is how they will fight drunkenness by turning in moonshiners.
I will translate from Belarusian:
The authorities need a reason and justification. So they came up with it - drunkenness.

And the fact that hundreds of people in Belarus die every year from ethyl alcohol is a small thing for them.
to legalize the catching of moonshiners...
tomorrow they'll come up with something else

for example, smoking is bad, so cut down all samosas in the villages... and increase the price of cigarettes... vlaantvomulg

February 17, 2014 |

What's wrong with catching moonshiners? In many countries this business is prohibited. Including those recognized as democratic, say, in the Finland I mentioned, and no one blames the Finns for this. Of course, you don’t like this, since you make moonshine for sale. I sincerely sympathize with you, because in Gorbachev’s times I myself dabbled with the mash. True, I drove for my own consumption.

My post is not about moonshine recipes.

for example, smoking is bad, so cut down all samosas in the villages... and increase the price of cigarettes... My post is about hypocrisy.

Nothing like this! I tried Belarusian vodka - an excellent product! Emerald buzz after two bottles. And the hangover isn't too bad. Trust the old drunkard. And a greedy moonshiner can stir up such a “haze” that in the morning it won’t seem like much. Some even insist on chicken droppings with the addition of shag - it blows your mind away from the glass.
And what profit the state has from excise taxes is no secret to anyone. It's always been like that. And here a contradiction between two state interests arises. On the one hand, it is necessary to have sober citizens who pay taxes, on the other hand, to replenish the treasury. I guess this is not an area where you can find fault with Luke. If there is a set of laws and regulations, they must be followed. They may not be liked by everyone, but they must be followed until others are accepted. Otherwise there will be a mess.

There won't be a mess, it already exists.
There is good Belarusian vodka, and there is shit.
If there is a good one, this does not mean that there is no bad one (diluted alcohol to taste). This is the first.
Secondly, there are no contradictions in the state. Don't try your holey Russian hat on Belarus. In Belarus there is a monopoly on the sale of alcohol, and illegal sales, no matter how ideal the quality of moonshine, are not income for the treasury.
We can put an end to this.

for example, smoking is bad, so cut down all samosas in the villages... and increase the price of cigarettes... February 19, 2014 |

Russia doesn’t have a hat with holes, but rather tattered trousers. There is a conflict of state interests. Avoid specifics, no matter how difficult it may be for you. Don't look specifically at Belarus, Russia, Ukraine or Sweden. The contradiction is obvious: sober citizens will not bring revenue from excise taxes to the treasury. This is harm. But drunken citizens, having replenished the treasury, will cause harm to the state in another place. Therefore, in different countries
solve this contradiction differently. The balance of drunkenness and sobriety, so to speak. For example, in Scandinavian countries, rules and laws are not established in favor of sobriety. Alcohol is incredibly expensive and its availability is limited. There is no such thing in Russia. There is, paradoxically, more freedom, freedom of choice: I myself can choose between “drinking” and “not drinking.” And this creates a stereotype: Russians are entirely drunks. In fact, it turns out that the Germans, Danes or Scots eat more than we do, and drunken Finns in St. Petersburg have become the talk of the town.

\\\Now tell me, if Lukashenko establishes rules and laws regarding alcohol, similar to the laws in the democratically recognized Scandinavian countries, will your attitude towards the Belarusian leader change?\\\

IN Western countries they are fighting alcoholism in a real way, and not by banning moonshine. In Germany, in particular, they register them, pay money as if they were sick, etc.

In Belarus, consumerism dominates civilization and humanity
The people are cattle for the president. He himself is from the cattle, he cannot think differently. And why?
Influencing Lukashenko is like milking a goat.

The state began to persistently instill in Russians a love of vodka from the time of Ivan the Terrible. The cruel king realized that the production of this potion was so cheap that even with astronomical trade margins, it remains a publicly available product, selling which in large quantities can significantly replenish state finances.

Therefore, under Ivan IV, a state monopoly on alcohol was first introduced: the production of traditional low alcohol drinks(mead, beer or kvass) was prohibited. Drinking was now allowed only in the royal taverns, and not on the streets or at home. In taverns they served only vodka, and even that without snacks. Alcohol consumption became more and more immoderate, and from a moral point of view, drunkenness became less and less reprehensible.

And if it weren’t for the resourcefulness of the people, who continued to secretly sell low-alcohol illicit drinks, Russia would have become an alcoholic by the end of the 18th century.

In 1652, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a new decree on the maintenance of taverns. Now in each district the peasants had to build a tavern and a distillery with their own money. The district usually consisted of 10 villages.
The owner of the tavern negotiated with the state about a tax, which he was obliged to pay to the treasury from the money earned during the year. If no money was collected in a year, then the shortage was collected from peasant households. It was after this decree that binge drinking began in Rus'. It was a long way to get to the tavern (up to 20 km), so many began to get drunk “in reserve.”

During the time of Catherine II, a tax farming system was introduced. The tax-farmer entrepreneur purchased state-owned vodka and was obliged to pay the treasury 3 rubles 75 kopecks for each bucket (12 liters) he sold. But he was allowed to sell this bucket for no more than 4 rubles, that is, with minimal profit. Naturally, tax farmers mercilessly diluted vodka with water or intoxicating tinctures. The state turned a blind eye to this, because thanks to tax farming, treasury revenues early XIX century has more than doubled.

Under Alexander II in 1862, farming was eliminated. They ceased to be beneficial to the state, since their size has not been revised since the time of Mother Catherine, and inflation turned this tax into a fiction. Alexander II saw a way out in the development of private alcohol production with minimal state control. The treasury now received income from excise taxes - taxes on raw materials and retail outlets. The excise reform coincided with the beginning of the production of vodka on a huge scale. Hundreds of new taverns have opened across the country. This led to the fact that in 1867 the consumption of vodka doubled. Nevertheless, this was an order of magnitude lower than the level of alcoholism that the country reached during the era Soviet Union.

The first Russian Tsar to think about the situation was Alexander III. In order to combat alcoholism, he issued a decree on the “fragmented sale of alcoholic beverages.” 85% of taverns were closed, and instead they were replaced by wine shops, where alcohol was sold only for takeaway.

The reformers believed that by doing so they would snatch the drunkard out of his circle of drinking buddies and send him with the same bottle to a family where he would not be able to get outrageously drunk. Now they began to drink both on the streets and at home. According to the famous lawyer of that time, Anatoly Koni, “the tavern did not die, but crawled into the family, introduced corruption into it and taught wives and even children to drink vodka.” The situation changed only during the reign of Nicholas II, when in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War, prohibition was introduced in the country.

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