Alcohol per capita. The ten countries that drink the most

Alcohol is a cheerful potion, a communication dope, the cause of many troubles, and for some it has long been an integral part of culture. The World Health Organization has compiled a list of the most “drinking” countries in the world. The criterion for determining leaders is simple - the number of liters of alcohol consumed per year per capita. So where do people drink the most? Go!

A few details: the culture of drinking strong drinks differs in different countries, and this happens under the influence of a variety of factors: from traditions to physiological characteristics. The ranking countries are ordered by the level of alcohol consumption, measured in liters of pure ethyl alcohol per capita. When compiling the rating, persons aged 15 years and older were taken into account.

The most Serbian alcohol is slivovitz, rakia with plums.

The most popular spirits in Bulgaria include wine, rakia, brandy and mastic.

Belgium is a country of hundreds of types of beer. Also popular here is jenever - juniper moonshine.

Among Australians, the most popular drink is beer, as well as various wines.

Local palm wines and the traditional drink “malamba”, made from sugar cane, are popular in Guinea.

Riga balsam is recognized as the national drink of Latvia, but various alcoholic cocktails are popular.

The most famous alcoholic drinks in Portugal are Madeira (a type of wine) and port.

Strong alcoholic drinks made from fruits and berries are popular in Slovenia.

Bahamians drink beer from their own beer brand, Kalik, as well as rum.

Grape rakia has the status of the national drink of Croatia.

Slovakia boasts a huge selection of different types of beer. National drink: “Borovichka” (like gin).

The main alcoholic attractions of Poland are Polish beer and vodka.

People on the island of St. Lucia love rum and beer.

National drink: schnapps (German vodka). Beer is rightfully considered the most popular drink in Germany. There are about 1,300 breweries in Germany, more than half of them in Bavaria.

Beer and vodka share first and second place in popularity among Russians.

The national drink of the Hungarians is unique - a liqueur made from various herbs, aged in an oak vessel.

The most traditional Luxembourgish alcohol is Quetsch (plum liqueur).

Who doesn't know about French wines!

We say “Ireland”, but we mean “Guinness”. Guinness is the No. 1 beer in Ireland and beyond. Another calling card is Irish whiskey.

Common wisdom would dictate that the greatest consumption of alcohol should be in those countries where there are many problems, perhaps poverty and poor living conditions, but in fact, these include very prosperous countries. This suggests that the financial development and well-being of residents does not matter when it comes to drinking. Surveys from various organizations around the world have shown that people try alcohol for the first time between the ages of 13-15, which is not at all encouraging. We have compiled a rating most drinking countries in the world, to dispel myths about some and find out where they drink the most.

10. Portugal

The average in Portugal is 11.5 liters of alcohol per year per person. Port wine is highly respected here, but wine is consumed most of all. This is due to the fact that there are many vineyards in the country and the price of products made from it is quite low. In Portugal, wine is several times cheaper than beer, which is why it is in the leading position.

9. Hungary

The homeland of Hungarians, who know a lot about entertainment, is among the top drinking countries in the world. Like the Portuguese, they give preference to wine, because they have more than 20 areas allocated for growing grapes. They consume it in bars, where it costs from 2 dollars per glass.

8. South Korea

In Asia, alcohol is treated very restrainedly, but not in South Korea. Ten years ago, a strict law was established here, simply a taboo on all alcohol, but it was abolished and the consumption of vodka, liqueurs and moonshine soared from zero to the eighth position in the list of the most drinking countries in the world.

7. Ireland

The Irish are famous for their love of beer and whiskey. There are 11.8 alcohol drinks per capita per year, but you can’t drink much here due to high prices. One glass of beer costs from 6 dollars, and for a bottle of whiskey you can pay about 40-50 dollars.

6. Germany

In strict, restrained Germany, they are very loyal to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Unlike many other countries, you can safely drink beer in the park or on the street. Moreover, by local standards it is cheap here, although schnapps is considered to be the native drink.

Recent studies have shown that the amount of alcohol consumed by the average resident of Russia has decreased. This is 15.2 liters per year, but before it was even more, so the stereotype about the most drinking nation is slowly crumbling. The key drink is considered to be vodka, which is popular here because it quickly allows you to become intoxicated.

In the statistics of the most drinking countries in the world, the Czech Republic shows a result of 16.5 liters per person. The varieties of Czech beer are known throughout the world, and the state itself has a huge number of pubs and establishments with a long history, where you can have a good time with a glass of strong drink.

3. Estonia

Never before has Estonia been so close to leading such lists. This is explained by the fact that the country’s authorities decided to lift the age limit on alcohol and now you can drink here from 16 years old. This law also applies to tourists, so entire alcohol tours began to be organized to Estonia.

2. Ukraine

The weak alcohol market, which is very poorly controlled, has led to the fact that a very large number of people in Ukraine, before even crossing the 25-year mark, become dependent on alcohol. Vodka, vodka and beer are popular here.

1. Belarus

What is the drinkingiest country in the world? According to the data received and the indicator of 17.6 liters, this is Belarus. People drink here mostly strong drinks, wine and beer are quite rare, and this despite the fact that it was not possible to collect information about their own brewing of moonshine and all kinds of infusions.

Alcohol is very common all over the world today.

The world population is susceptible to a negative dependence on alcohol, which leads not only to the development of various diseases, mental and moral decline of the individual, but also to death.

Alcoholism statistics confirm this.

Alcoholism in the world

Alcohol consumption is becoming a problem in many countries. Addiction is widespread on all five continents. According to statistics, about 2.5 million people die from alcohol every year in the world.

Due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, not only alcoholics, but also their families experience all sorts of problems. Since alcohol becomes the cause of many unpleasant and illegal activities. Thus, about 50% of all crimes are committed by people under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol causes inappropriate behavior. Under the influence of strong drinks, people commit suicide, murder, serious accidents, violence, beatings and many other actions. Alcohol also has a detrimental effect on children. Women who are alcoholics often give birth to children with various disabilities in mental and physical development. In addition, because of addiction, families break up, parents abandon their children or do not provide them with appropriate upbringing and support, and as a result, children become street children.

Alcohol addiction can cause an economic crisis, disruptions in the production process, and destruction of people’s ability to work. Alcohol causes the development of various diseases of internal organs and systems, mental disorders, loss of normal appearance, and rapid aging.

The situation with alcoholism in Europe and Russia

Europe is a part of the world where problems with alcohol addiction are particularly acute. This is where the largest share of alcohol consumption per capita is observed. On average, each person consumes 1-1.5 liters of beer per day. Over the course of a year, Europe suffers losses from alcohol consumption ranging from 125 to 300 billion euros. Such losses include costs associated with both the purchase of alcoholic beverages themselves and the costs of treating addiction and illness. In addition, state profits are lost due to the fact that alcoholics often do not go to work, which leads to various disruptions in the labor process.

The statistics on alcoholism in Russia are also disappointing. The level of the dependent population is approaching a critical level. At the same time, all segments of the population suffer; the problem directly or indirectly affects any person. According to statistics on alcoholism in Russia, every year the number of people with addiction increases by 2 million, and the number of addicts with acute mental disorders increases by 100 people.

Not only men, but also women suffer from drunkenness in Russia. very common in the country. As a result of excessive alcohol consumption, about 500 families break up each year, and approximately 3% of the working-age population does not work. And the costs of treating alcoholism significantly exceed the costs of treating various diseases (diabetes, bronchitis, asthma, etc.).

According to the latest data, alcoholism in Russia is getting younger every year. An increasing number of the working-age population begins to drink alcohol from a young age. According to surveys conducted among people suffering from alcoholism, the majority of people have their first experience of drinking strong drinks at the age of 10-20 years. It is worth noting that in adolescence, addiction to bad habits occurs much faster than in more mature years. It is not uncommon for young people to be introduced to alcohol by their parents themselves, believing that it is time to begin their “adult” life. As a result, teenage alcoholism is becoming more common and younger.

Today, 99% of men and 97% of women consume alcohol, including occasional drinking. This is also due to the availability of alcohol. If we compare it with 1925, the situation is now very critical. In those years, the proportion of drinkers among men was 52%, among boys 65% and among women 10%. In almost 100 years the situation has changed a lot and not for the better.

Numbers and alcoholism

As mentioned above, due to alcoholism, various crimes, unpleasant situations, and diseases occur in the world.

If we talk about crime, then around the world from 60 to 90% of all crimes are committed by persons under the influence of alcohol. If addiction treatment were carried out in a timely manner, the number of illegal activities could be reduced by approximately 50%.

Alcohol consumption by drivers also has a significant impact. A large number of road accidents occur while intoxicated, many of which are distinguished by their severity, accompanied by death. A special number of accidents with drunk drivers is observed in Russia - about 85% of the total number of accidents. Most accidents occur due to driving into the oncoming lane and exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km/h. This is due to the loss of fear in a drunk driver and the inability to soberly assess the situation on the road.

Another disturbing statistic is suicide. According to data, up to 80% of suicides occur among people who are drunk or in a state of alcoholic psychosis. About 60% of suicides are carried out by alcoholics, but only about 8% of them end their lives while intoxicated.

Drunkenness also has a negative impact on children. Most children from families of alcoholics become drunkards themselves. About 60% of teenagers who regularly drink alcohol have an alcoholic father. In addition, such children have bad behavior and do not study or do poorly at school. All this affects their lives in the future. Alcoholism among teenagers is becoming increasingly common.

Due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, the average life expectancy is sharply reduced. Due to alcoholism, mortality in Europe has increased 2.5 times. In Russia, almost 1 million people die every year due to addiction.

All this data is indicated only in the official aspect. However, in reality everything is much worse, since not all deaths, illnesses and crimes are interpreted in the light of the influence of alcohol.

Rating of the most “drinking” countries

Research is being carried out around the world, according to which a ranking of countries in the world is subsequently obtained based on the level of alcohol consumption by the population. It is expressed in liters of pure ethyl alcohol per capita. The value is calculated according to the method of the World Health Organization, whose main task is to solve problems related to protecting the health of the world population.

Alcohol is a kind of narcotic substance that can cause a state of euphoria in a person and distract from problems and various situations. Alcohol has been known since ancient times, but its consumption increased significantly in the Middle Ages, when the processes of distilling alcohol were discovered.

Research into changes in society in the medical, psychological and sociological fields related to alcohol consumption began to be conducted in the mid-19th century. Alcohol statistics began to be compiled from those years.

Alcohol is one of the three most significant health problems today. And, although approximately half of the world's population drinks excessive amounts of alcohol, alcoholism is the third risk factor causing various diseases and premature death (after smoking and high blood pressure).

The ranking of countries in the world by level of alcohol consumption is compiled once every few years. Published in a special edition. The amount of ethyl alcohol per inhabitant is calculated. The calculation takes into account persons aged 15 years and older. The last calculation was carried out in 2014, which included 188 countries.

    • 1st place – Moldova;
    • 2nd place – Czech Republic;
    • 3rd place – Hungary;
    • 4th place – Russia;
    • 5th place – Ukraine.

If there is no further improvement in alcohol consumption, the situation may become critical. This is especially true for our country. Almost every resident in Russia suffers directly or indirectly from alcoholism.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law still drinks and drinks

    Ekaterina A week ago

More than 2 billion people drink alcohol. The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm: alcohol consumption per capita is growing rapidly and more and more people are falling into alcohol addiction. More than half of the cases of disability and a third of mental disorders in the world are associated with alcohol consumption.

Aspects of the problem

Alcohol (ethyl alcohol, ethanol) is the most popular drug. The level of consumption in the world is half of the total population of the planet. Drinking alcohol ranks third in the list of risk factors for diseases and premature death, behind tobacco smoking and hypertension.

The World Health Organization (WHO), one of the special agencies of the UN system, every five years ranks countries with indicators of alcohol consumption in liters per capita and publishes them in the publication “World Health Organization Global Reports on Alcohol and Health.”

In European countries, the concept of alcoholism does not exist. Therefore, no drug records are kept. There is the concept of “a person who has a problem with alcohol.” The rate of people with this symptomatology is about 15%.

The European is the heaviest drinker in the world. Logic dictates that large amounts of alcohol should significantly reduce life expectancy. But, as statistics for Europe show, there is no direct relationship between the indicators. For example, in Moldova, where per capita consumption of alcoholic beverages is the highest (wine), life expectancy is one of the highest in Europe.

Conclusion: the line between drinking alcohol and abuse depends on the level of culture and the type of alcoholic beverages. It has been proven that high social and financial status imposes certain obligations, which prevents alcoholism in developed European countries.

It so happens that in these countries drinking is not an end in itself. This is spending time with a pleasant company in a bar or pub. The fact that alcoholic drinks are not cheap in European countries is also taken into account. High prices are another barrier to drinking.

In addition, those around them are humane towards patients with alcoholism. A whole system of social and psychological assistance has been built and is operating: Alcoholics Anonymous groups, trainings, psychotherapy courses. This helps to get a job, improve family relationships, and makes it possible to feel important and included in the life around you.

Indicators for developed countries

Alcohol consumption statistics by per capita (liters per person per year):

  1. France. The amount of alcohol consumed in its pure form is 14.2. Beer - 35.5. It so happened culturally and historically that wine and food for the French are an indivisible whole, and almost every meal involves the consumption of this drink.
  2. Italy. Alcohol consumption - 8 l. Italians mainly drink wine, which also has a strong position in Italian gastronomy.
  3. Czech Republic. In its pure form - 11.8 liters per person, beer - 156.9 liters. This is a country with rich beer traditions and culture.
  4. Germany. In its pure form - 10.5 liters, beer - 116.8 per person annually. Germany, like the Czech Republic, is a country of beer traditions. A foamy drink costs the same as water. In Germany it is legal to drink beer in public places. In honor of him, the country annually hosts the famous Oktoberfest beer festival (Munich, Bavaria).
  5. Denmark. Alcohol consumption per capita is 11.5 liters annually, beer - 89.9 liters. According to statistics, the Danes are among the heaviest drinkers: almost 96% of the adult population drink alcohol. The attitude of the authorities towards this is quite loyal. Alcohol can be bought freely almost anywhere at any time.
  6. Australia. In its pure form - 9.8 l, beer - 109.9. Traditionally, in this country, drinking alcohol is considered a common social phenomenon.
  7. Great Britain. In its pure form - 10.4 l, beer - 99 l. A leader among countries in the world in the quantity and variety of alcoholic beverages served. The law allows the sale of alcohol at any point and at any time. According to medical statistics, the most common disease among the British is cirrhosis of the liver, caused by alcohol abuse.
  8. Finland. In its pure form - 9.9 liters per person. Harsh weather conditions, polar nights, and low temperatures are conducive to drinking.
  9. Ireland. Alcohol consumption - 14.2 liters, beer - 131.1 liters per person annually. The Irish are the heaviest drinking nation. In the country, drinking alcohol is considered a generally accepted norm. Half of men are drunk to the point of passing out once a week.

This video shows alcohol consumption statistics:

National problem

In Russia, alcohol consumption per person is 9.29 liters annually.

Therefore, the statement that Russian people drink the most is incorrect. This erroneous picture is due to the fact that in Russia there is no so-called civilized culture of drinking alcohol; strong drinks are preferred. In addition, the majority of Russians do not know a sense of proportion, and the amount they drink is measured not in milliliters, but in bottles and liters. Therefore, the amount of ethyl alcohol consumption in Russia puts the population in 4th place in the world. Drinking is directly linked to low income and social disadvantage. The national habit of drinking and drunkenness often accompanies basic instability and lack of prospects in life.

Year-on-year statistics show that teenage alcoholism is growing: by 2015, about 30% of boys and 20% of girls under 18 drink alcohol daily, and for every thousand teenagers, 25 suffer from chronic alcoholism.

This video shows the 10 most drinking countries in the world:

More than half a million people die from alcohol poisoning in the country every year. This terrible figure is greater than the number of all deaths during military conflicts, epidemics and natural disasters. These are only official statistics, but in reality the situation is much darker.

Contrary to stereotypes, Russia is by no means the world leader in alcohol consumption. The level of alcohol consumption per capita is currently even falling. This is due both to the anti-alcohol measures taken by the state over the past few years, and to the growth in Russia of the number of people who are prohibited by faith. Our country is not even among the top ten, ranking only 16th in alcohol consumption per capita.

Russia is traditionally considered one of the most drinking countries in the world. Along with the balalaika and the bear, among the symbols of Russia, according to foreigners, is vodka, the Russian national drink.

Alcohol rating of countries

The top 20 heaviest drinkers in the world, according to WHO, are currently as follows: Austria is in 20th place, where they annually drink 13.24 liters of ethanol per year per capita. Meanwhile, Slovakia took 19th position with 13.33 liters. Great Britain and Denmark share 18th place in this dubious competition. Poland is in 17th place (13.25 liters), Russia is in 16th place (13.50).

Alcohol, along with other psychoactive substances, has been used by humans since primitive times. At first it was part of shamanic rituals, then it began to be used for recreational purposes, as an appetite stimulant and antiseptic.

France, Ireland (as well as Russia, which has earned its reputation as a heavy-drinking country), Portugal and South Korea also did not make it into the top ten with 13.66, 14.41, 14.55 and 14.80 liters, respectively. The top ten most active consumers of strong drinks include Lithuania (15.03 liters per year), Croatia (15.11), Belarus (15.13), Slovenia (15.19), Romania (15.30), Andorra (15. 48), Estonia (15.57) and Ukraine (15.60). The top three were Hungary (16.27), Czech Republic (16.45) and Moldova (18.22).

Numbers and reality

These, however, do not mean that the problem is less acute where they consume fewer liters per year per year, and more acute among the leaders in absolute consumption. For example, in the second-ranked Czech Republic, a large percentage of the population drinks, but relatively few abuse alcohol. The most favorite drink, as you know, is beer. In countries such as Russia, France and the UK, the number of liters per capita is lower, but strong drinks are very popular. In addition, in these states there is a fairly large percentage of the Muslim population who does not drink for religious reasons, while the amount of alcohol consumed is calculated based on the total population. Thus, not everyone drinks here, but those who do are prone to abuse.

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