“The Golden Fish” is an Indian folk tale. Tales of the peoples of the world

On the banks of a large river, an old man and an old woman lived in a dilapidated hut. They lived poorly: every day the old man went to the river to catch fish, the old woman boiled this fish or baked it on coals, and that was the only way they were fed. The old man won’t catch anything, and the new ones are still starving.

And in that river lived the golden-faced god Jala Kamani, the lord of the under. One day, an old man began to pull nets out of the river, and he felt that the nets were somehow painfully heavy these days. He pulled with all his might, somehow pulled the nets to the shore, looked - and closed his eyes from the bright shine: a huge fish lay in his nets, all as if cast from pure gold, moving its fins, moving its mustache, with all its fish eyes on the old man looks. And the golden fish said to the old fisherman:

Don't kill me, old man, don't take me, old man, to your home. You’d better let me go free, and in return ask me for whatever you want.

What can I ask of you, miracle fish? - says the old man. “I have neither a good house, nor rice to satisfy my hunger, nor clothes to cover my body.”

If you, by your great mercy, grant me all this, I will be grateful to you until my death.

The fish listened to the old man, shook its tail and said:

Go home. You will have a house, food, and clothing. The old man released the fish into the river and went home himself. Only when he arrived, he couldn’t find out anything: instead of a hut made of branches, there was a house made of strong teak logs, and in that house there were spacious benches to seat guests, and there were whole dishes there. white rice so that they can eat their fill, and their smart clothes lie in a pile, so that on holiday they won’t be ashamed to appear in front of people. The old man says to his wife:

You see, old woman, how lucky you and I are: we had nothing, but now we have plenty of everything. Say thank you to the golden fish that caught me in the net today. She gave us all this because I set her free. Our troubles and misfortunes are now over!

The old woman heard what her husband told her, and just sighed, shook her head, and then said:

Eh, old man, old man!.. You have lived in the world for many years, but you have less intelligence than a newborn baby. Is that really what they ask for?.. Well, we eat the rice, take off the clothes, and then what?.. Go back now, ask the fish for five servants, ask for a new house - not this miserable shack, but a big, good one - like this so that the king himself would not be ashamed to live in it... And let there be storerooms full of gold in that house, let the barns burst with rice and lentils, let there be new carts and plows in the backyard, and let there be ten teams of buffaloes in the stalls... And ask again , let the fish make you the headman, so that throughout the entire district people will honor and respect us. Go, and don’t come home until you beg!

The old man really didn’t want to go, but he didn’t argue with his wife. He went to the river, sat down on the bank and began calling to the fish:

Come to me, miracle fish! Swim out, golden fish! After a short time, the water in the river became muddy, and a golden
a fish from the bottom of the river moves its fins, moves its mustache, looks at the old man with all its fish eyes.

Listen, miracle fish,” says the old man, “I asked you, but apparently it’s not enough... My wife is dissatisfied: she wants you to make me a headman in our district, and she also wants a house twice the size of the present one, she wants five servants, and ten teams of buffaloes, and barns full of rice, and wants gold jewelry, and money...
The golden fish listened to the old man, waved its tail and said:

Let it be so!

And with these words she dived back into the river.

The old man went home. He sees: all the surrounding residents have gathered on the road with pipes, with drums, holding rich gifts and garlands of flowers in their hands. They stand motionless, as if they are waiting for someone. When the peasants saw the old man, they all fell to their knees and shouted:

Headman, headman! Here he is, our beloved headman!.. Then the drums beat, the trumpets began to play, the peasants put the old man in a decorated palanquin, and carried him home on their shoulders. And the old man’s house is new again - not a house, but a palace, and in that house everything is as he asked the fish.

From then on, the old man and the old woman lived happily and comfortably; they seemed to have plenty of everything, but the old woman kept grumbling. A month had not passed when she again began to pester the old man:

Is this respect, is this honor? Just think big man- headman!

No, you need to go to the fish again and ask it well: let him make you maharajah over the whole earth*. Go, old man, ask, or else, tell the old woman, they say, mine will swear...

“I won’t go,” the old man replies. “Or don’t you remember how we lived before, how we starved, how we were poor?” The fish gave us everything: food, clothing, and new house! It wasn’t enough for you, she gifted us with wealth, she made me the first person in the whole district... Well, what else do you want?

No matter how much the old man argued, no matter how much he refused, the old woman had no idea: go to the fish, and that’s all. What could the poor old man do - he had to go to the river again. He sat down on the shore and began to call:

Swim out, golden fish! Come to me, miracle fish! He called once, called again, called a third... But no one
swam up to his call from the depths of the waters, as if there were no golden fish in the river. The old man waited for a long time, then sighed and trudged home. He sees: in the place of a rich house, a dilapidated hut stands and his old woman sits in that hut - in dirty rags, her hair, like the bars of an old basket, sticks out in all directions, her sore eyes are covered with scabs. The old woman sits and weeps bitterly. The old man looked at her and said:

Eh, wife, wife... I told you: if you want a lot, you will get little! I told you: old woman, don’t be greedy, you will lose what you have. You didn’t listen to my words then, but it turned out my way! So why cry now?

On the banks of a large river, an old man and an old woman lived in a dilapidated hut. They lived poorly: every day the old man went to the river to catch fish, the old woman boiled this fish or baked it on coals, and that was the only way they were fed. The old man won’t catch anything, and the new ones are still starving.
And in that river lived the golden-faced god Jala Kamani, the lord of the under. One day, an old man began to pull nets out of the river, and he felt that the nets were somehow painfully heavy these days. He pulled with all his might, somehow pulled the nets to the shore, looked - and closed his eyes from the bright shine: a huge fish lay in his nets, all as if cast from pure gold, moving its fins, moving its mustache, with all its fish eyes on the old man looks. And the golden fish said to the old fisherman:
- Don’t kill me, old man, don’t take me, old man, to your home. You’d better let me go free, and in return ask me for whatever you want.
- What can I ask you, miracle fish? - says the old man. “I have neither a good house, nor rice to satisfy my hunger, nor clothes to cover my body.” If you, by your great mercy, grant me all this, I will be grateful to you until my death.
The fish listened to the old man, shook its tail and said:
- Go home. You will have a house, food, and clothing. The old man released the fish into the river and went home himself. Only when
came, he couldn’t find out anything: instead of a hut made of branches, there was a house made of strong teak logs, and in that house there were spacious benches to seat guests, and there were whole dishes of white rice there, so that you could eat your fill, and there were piles of elegant clothes, so that you could It was not a shame to appear in front of people during the holiday. The old man says to his wife:
“You see, old woman, how lucky you and I are: we had nothing, but now we have plenty of everything.” Say thank you to the golden fish that caught me in the net today. She gave us all this because I set her free. Our troubles and misfortunes are now over!
The old woman heard what her husband told her, and just sighed, shook her head, and then said:
- Eh, old man, old man!.. You have lived in the world for many years, but you have less intelligence than a newborn baby. Is that really what they ask for?.. Well, we eat the rice, take off the clothes, and then what?.. Go back now, ask the fish for five servants, ask for a new house - not this miserable shack, but a big, good one - like this so that the king himself would not be ashamed to live in it... And let there be storerooms full of gold in that house, let the barns burst with rice and lentils, let there be new carts and plows in the backyard, and let there be ten teams of buffaloes in the stalls... And ask again, let the fish make you an elder, so that people throughout the district will honor and respect us. Go, and don’t come home until you beg!
The old man really didn’t want to go, but he didn’t argue with his wife. He went to the river, sat down on the bank and began calling to the fish:
- Come to me, miracle fish! Swim out, golden fish! After a short time, the water in the river became muddy, and a golden
a fish from the bottom of the river moves its fins, moves its mustache, looks at the old man with all its fish eyes.
“Listen, miracle fish,” says the old man, “I asked you, but apparently it’s not enough... My wife is dissatisfied: she wants you to make me a headman in our district, and she also wants a house twice the size of the current one, she wants five servants, and ten teams of buffaloes, and barns full of rice, and wants gold jewelry, and money...
The golden fish listened to the old man, waved its tail and said:
- Let everything be so!
And with these words she dived back into the river.
The old man went home. He sees: all the surrounding residents have gathered on the road with pipes, drums, and are holding rich gifts and garlands of flowers in their hands. They stand motionless, as if they are waiting for someone. When the peasants saw the old man, they all fell to their knees and shouted:
- Headman, headman! Here he is, our beloved headman!.. Then the drums beat, the trumpets began to play, the peasants sat down
the old man was carried home on his shoulders in a decorated palanquin. And the old man’s house is new again - not a house, but a palace, and in that house everything is as he asked the fish.
From then on, the old man and the old woman lived happily and comfortably; they seemed to have plenty of everything, but the old woman kept grumbling. A month had not passed when she again began to pester the old man:
- Is this respect, is this honor? Just think, a big man is a headman! No, you need to go to the fish again and ask it well: let him make you maharaja over the whole earth. Go, old man, ask, or else, tell the old woman, they say, mine will swear...
“I won’t go,” the old man answers. “Or don’t you remember how we lived before, how we starved, how we were poor?” The fish gave us everything: food, clothes, and a new home! It wasn’t enough for you, she gifted us with wealth, she made me the first person in the whole district... Well, what else do you want?
No matter how much the old man argued, no matter how much he refused, the old woman had no idea: go to the fish, and that’s all. What could the poor old man do - he had to go to the river again. He sat down on the shore and began to call:
- Swim out, golden fish! Come to me, miracle fish! He called once, called again, called a third... But no one
swam up to his call from the depths of the waters, as if there were no golden fish in the river. The old man waited for a long time, then sighed and trudged home. He sees: in the place of a rich house, a dilapidated hut stands and his old woman sits in that hut - in dirty rags, her hair, like the bars of an old basket, sticks out in all directions, her sore eyes are covered with scabs. The old woman sits and weeps bitterly. The old man looked at her and said:
- Eh, wife, wife... I told you: if you want a lot, you will get little! I told you: old woman, don’t be greedy, you will lose what you have. You didn’t listen to my words then, but it turned out my way! So why cry now?

On the banks of a large river, an old man and an old woman lived in a dilapidated hut. They lived poorly: every day the old man went to the river to catch fish, the old woman boiled this fish or baked it on coals, and that was the only way they were fed. If the old man doesn’t catch anything, he just goes hungry.

And in that river lived the golden-faced god Jala Kamani, the lord of the waters. One day, an old man began to pull nets out of the river, and he felt that the nets were somehow painfully heavy these days. He pulled with all his might, somehow pulled the nets to the shore, looked - and closed his eyes from the bright shine: a huge fish lay in his nets, all as if cast from pure gold, moving its fins, moving its mustache, with all its fish eyes on the old man looks. And the golden fish said to the old fisherman:

“Don’t kill me, old man, don’t take me, old man, to your home.” You’d better let me go free, and in return ask me for whatever you want.

“What can I ask of you, miracle fish?” says the old man. “I have neither a good house, nor rice to satisfy my hunger, nor clothes to cover my body.” If you, by your great mercy, grant me all this, I will be grateful to you until my death.

The fish listened to the old man, shook its tail and said:

- Go home. You will have a house, food, and clothing.

The old man released the fish into the river and went home himself. Only when he arrived, he couldn’t find out anything: instead of a hut made of branches, there was a house made of strong teak logs, and in that house there were spacious benches to seat guests, and there were whole dishes of white rice there to eat one’s fill, and elegant clothes were lying in piles so that on holiday people would not be ashamed to appear in front of people. The old man says to his wife:

“You see, old woman, how lucky you and I are: we had nothing, but now we have plenty of everything.” Say thank you to the golden fish that caught me in the net today. She gave us all this because I set her free. Our troubles and misfortunes are now over!

The old woman heard what her husband had told her, and just sighed, shook her head, and then said:

- Eh, old man, old man!.. You have lived in the world for many years, but you have less intelligence than a newborn baby. Is that really what they ask for?.. Well, we eat the rice, take off the clothes, and then what?.. Go back now, ask the fish for five servants, ask for a new house - not this miserable shack, but a big, good one - like this so that the king himself would not be ashamed to live in it... And let there be storerooms full of gold in that house, let the barns burst with rice and lentils, let there be new carts and plows in the backyard, and let there be ten teams of buffaloes in the stalls... And ask again , let the fish make you the headman, so that throughout the entire district people will honor and respect us. Go, and don’t come home until you beg!

The old man really didn’t want to go, but he didn’t argue with his wife. He went to the river, sat down on the bank and began calling to the fish:

- Come to me, miracle fish! Swim out, golden fish!

After a short time, the water in the river became muddy, a golden fish surfaced from the bottom of the river, moving its fins, moving its mustache, looking at the old man with all its fish eyes.

“Listen, miracle fish,” says the old man, “I asked you, but apparently it’s not enough... My wife is dissatisfied: she wants you to make me a headman in our district, and she also wants a house twice the size of the present one, she wants five servants.” , and ten teams of buffaloes, and barns full of rice, and he wants gold jewelry, and money...

The golden fish listened to the old man, waved its tail and said:

- Let it be so!

And with these words she dived back into the river. The old man went home. He sees: all the surrounding residents have gathered on the road with pipes, drums, and are holding rich gifts and garlands of flowers in their hands. They stand motionless, as if they are waiting for someone. When the peasants saw the old man, they all fell to their knees and shouted:

- Headman, headman! Here he is, our beloved headman!..

Then the drums beat, the trumpets began to play, the peasants put the old man in a decorated palanquin, and carried him home on their shoulders. And the old man’s house is new again - not a house, but a palace, and in that house everything is as he asked the fish.

From then on, the old man and the old woman lived happily and comfortably; they seemed to have plenty of everything, but the old woman kept grumbling. A month had not passed when she again began to pester the old man:

– Is this respect, is this honor? Just think, a big man-elder! No, you need to go to the fish again and ask it well: let him make you maharaja over the whole earth. Go, old man, ask, or else, tell the old woman, they say, mine will swear...

“I won’t go,” the old man answers. “Or don’t you remember how we lived before, how we starved, how we were poor?” The fish gave us everything: food, clothes, and a new home! It wasn’t enough for you, she gifted us with wealth, she made me the first person in the whole district... Well, what else do you want?

No matter how much the old man argued, no matter how much he refused, the old woman had no idea: go to the fish, and that’s all. What could the poor old man do - he had to go to the river again. He sat down on the shore and began to call: . - Swim out, golden fish! Come to me, miracle fish!

He called once, called again, called a third... But no one swam up to his call from the depths of the waters, as if there were no golden fish in the river. The old man waited for a long time, then sighed and trudged home. He sees: in the place of a rich house, a dilapidated hut stands and his old woman sits in that hut - in dirty rags, her hair, like the bars of an old basket, sticks out in all directions, her sore eyes are covered with scabs. The old woman sits and weeps bitterly.

The old man looked at her and said:

- Eh, wife, wife... I told you: if you want a lot, you will get little! I told you: old woman, don’t be greedy, you will lose what you have. You didn’t listen to my words then, but it turned out my way! So why cry now?

Little children love it when their parents tell them interesting fairy tales. It should be noted that most of these fictional stories have their own moral. Almost all fairy tales contain some kind of information for the child, which should teach him, and evil, how to distinguish bad from good, etc. “ golden fish" is an Indian folk tale that is not only very interesting and fascinating, but also instructive. Worth remembering summary and find out what qualities this fictional story fosters in children.

Indian folk tales

Both children and adults are fascinated by various fairy tales of the peoples of the world, and especially Indian folk art. It is worth saying that every line with which the reader becomes acquainted is imbued with the people’s love for their culture.

Indian fairy tales are very different from similar works of other nations. We can say that after getting acquainted with the creation, which was composed by people from the people, it immediately becomes clear in which country the fairy tale was born.

It should be noted that Indian fairy tales are distinguished by the flavor of the Indian spirit. Reading such a work, you can immerse yourself for a moment in the world that was invented by the inhabitants of this mysterious and amazing country. Almost all Indian tales tend towards piety and learning.

Educational fairy tales and their main characters

It is important that fairy tales born in India are very educational and useful for children all over the world. They bring up in every child good qualities, teach to fight evil, be virtuous and take care of your honor until the end of your days.

Foreign fairy tales have always been and will be different from domestic ones. This is due to worldview, religion, fundamentals, etc. The same applies to fairy tales born in India.

The main characters Indian fairy tales came very often simple people, whose origin was not noble. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the authors of such works were very often ordinary people from their people, whose spirit was quite strong, and their wisdom was passed on from generation to generation.

Fairy tale "Golden Fish"

If you remember good fairy tales India, then we can note “Princess Labam”, “ Magic ring", "Good Shivi", etc. However, it must be said that the most famous and widespread is cautionary tale"Golden Fish"

The Tale of the Goldfish is fascinating and instructive. She shows human vices that interfere with the lives of not only themselves, but also those around them. “The Golden Fish” teaches you what you can and cannot do. This fairy tale is one of the few that can educate everyone in early childhood. Many parents prefer to read the story of the Golden Fish to their children.

The life of an old man and an old woman on the river bank. Summary

“The Golden Fish” is an Indian folk tale that has been passed down from generation to generation to instill in children the most important and necessary qualities in life.

An old man and an old woman lived in poverty on the banks of a large river. They had practically nothing: neither good clothes, nor tasty food, nor a big house. The old man came to the river every day and caught fish, because they had nothing else to eat. The old woman cooked or baked it, and only such food saved them from starvation. It happened that the grandfather returned home without a catch, and then they went completely hungry.

Meeting with the Golden Fish. Briefly

One day the old man, as always, went to the river, but instead of an ordinary fish, he managed to catch a golden one. After that, she told her grandfather: “Don’t take me to your home, old man, but let me out. Then I will fulfill your wishes." In response, he said: “What should I ask of you, Golden Fish? I don't have any good home, no normal clothes, no tasty food.” The old man said that he would be grateful to the fish if she could correct his difficult situation.

"The Golden Fish" is an Indian folk tale in which main character- old man - caught not an ordinary fish, but a golden fish. She agreed to fulfill her grandfather's wishes if he would let her go back to the river.

The old woman's dissatisfaction. Summary

The meeting with the fish became a real joy for the old man. She agreed to fulfill his wishes. When the grandfather returned, he could not recognize his former house: it had become much larger and stronger than before, all the dishes were filled with food, lying beautiful clothes, in which it was not at all ashamed to appear in public.

The old man told his wife that now they should be grateful to the Golden Fish, through whose efforts they had enough of everything. The grandfather told the old woman that the wish-fulfiller did all this so that the old man would set her free and not bring her into his house.

However, not everything turned out to be as good as the grandfather thought. He is indignant: “What you asked for will not be enough for us for a long time!” The old woman explained to her grandfather that clothes would eventually wear out and food would run out, and said, “What will we do then? Go and ask her for more wealth, food and clothing! After these words, she drove her grandfather back to the Golden Fish so that the sorceress would fulfill her wishes.

Second meeting with the Goldfish

The old man went back to the river and began to call his benefactress. She swam out and asked what grandfather wanted again. He explained that the old woman was unhappy. Now they needed the fish to make the hero the headman, the house to become twice the size of the current one, servants to appear and barns full of rice. The sorceress listened to the grandfather and said that she would again fulfill their wishes, and everything would be as the poor old man’s wife wanted.

However, this time too the old woman remained dissatisfied. She told her grandfather to go back to the Golden Fish and ask for more. The old man refused, but his wife stood her ground. He had no choice but to go to the river and call for the fish again.

An old man came to the river and began to call the sorceress, but she never swam out. The old man waited for a long time and then finally decided to go home. The grandfather sees that in the place of the rich, large and luxurious house there is again a hut, and in it there is an old woman dressed in rags. The old man looked at her and said: “Eh, wife... I told you that you want a lot, but you will get little, but you were greedy, and now we have nothing. I was right!

Theme of the work. Similarities with the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish”

“The Golden Fish” is an Indian folk tale with an instructive message. The grandfather's words at the end show the reader that greed will lead to nothing and will only make things worse. The old man told his wife that there was no need to ask the Golden Chop for wealth anymore, because she had already given them almost everything they needed for a good life. However, such a human vice as greed played its role, and the old woman still wanted more and better everything than they had before.

The Tale of the Goldfish teaches: you need to appreciate what you have. One should not pursue wealth, luxury and better life, because “you want a lot, but you get little.” This is what happened in the fairy tale: gold fish returned the old house to the old people, took from the grandfather and woman everything that they had asked for before.

The theme of the tale is last words old man. You need to appreciate what you have, and not chase after luxury and wealth.

Fairy tales of the peoples of the world can be divided into good, sad, funny, etc. In India, fictional stories were often born that were educational and instructive.

Remembering foreign fairy tales, you can notice that many of them have quite similar plots to each other. It is very difficult to come up with something that has never been talked about in another country. The same applies to “Golden Fish”. Everyone remembers Pushkin’s fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish,” which has a huge number of similarities with the Indian one.

Not only children love fairy tales, but also their parents. Every person deep down believes that goodness, honesty and truth can definitely prevail over evil, hypocrisy, lies, pretense, and other human vices. Therefore, it is worth saying that, most likely, fairy tales will never be forgotten, and will be passed on from generation to generation for a very long time, brought up in children and simply bringing a huge amount of positive emotions to both adults and children.

On the banks of a large river, an old man and an old woman lived in a dilapidated hut. They lived poorly: every day the old man went to the river to catch fish, the old woman boiled this fish or baked it on coals, and that was the only way they were fed. If the old man doesn’t catch anything, he just goes hungry.

And in that river lived the golden-faced god Jala Kamani, the lord of the waters. One day, an old man began to pull nets out of the river, and he felt that the nets were somehow painfully heavy these days. He pulled with all his might, somehow pulled the nets to the shore, looked - and closed his eyes from the bright shine: a huge fish lay in his nets, all as if cast from pure gold, moving its fins, moving its mustache, with all its fish eyes on the old man looks. And the golden fish said to the old fisherman:

“Don’t kill me, old man, don’t take me, old man, to your home.” You’d better let me go free, and in return ask me for whatever you want.

“What can I ask of you, miracle fish?” says the old man. “I have neither a good house, nor rice to satisfy my hunger, nor clothes to cover my body.” If you, by your great mercy, grant me all this, I will be grateful to you until my death.

The fish listened to the old man, shook its tail and said:

- Go home. You will have a house, food, and clothing.

The old man released the fish into the river and went home himself. Only when he arrived, he couldn’t find out anything: instead of a hut made of branches, there was a house made of strong teak logs, and in that house there were spacious benches to seat guests, and there were whole dishes of white rice there to eat one’s fill, and elegant clothes were lying in piles so that on holiday people would not be ashamed to appear in front of people. The old man says to his wife:

“You see, old woman, how lucky you and I are: we had nothing, but now we have plenty of everything.” Say thank you to the golden fish that caught me in the net today. She gave us all this because I set her free. Our troubles and misfortunes are now over!

The old woman heard what her husband had told her, and just sighed, shook her head, and then said:

- Eh, old man, old man!.. You have lived in the world for many years, but you have less intelligence than a newborn baby. Is that really what they ask for?.. Well, we eat the rice, take off the clothes, and then what?.. Go back now, ask the fish for five servants, ask for a new house - not this miserable shack, but a big, good one - like this so that the king himself would not be ashamed to live in it... And let there be storerooms full of gold in that house, let the barns burst with rice and lentils, let there be new carts and plows in the backyard, and let there be ten teams of buffaloes in the stalls... And ask again, let the fish make you an elder, so that people throughout the district will honor and respect us. Go, and don’t come home until you beg!

The old man really didn’t want to go, but he didn’t argue with his wife. He went to the river, sat down on the bank and began calling to the fish:

- Come to me, miracle fish! Swim out, golden fish!

After a short time, the water in the river became muddy, a golden fish surfaced from the bottom of the river, moving its fins, moving its mustache, looking at the old man with all its fish eyes.

“Listen, miracle fish,” says the old man, “I asked you, but apparently it’s not enough... My wife is dissatisfied: she wants you to make me a headman in our district, and she also wants a house twice the size of the present one, she wants five servants, and ten teams of buffaloes, and barns full of rice, and wants gold jewelry, and money...

The golden fish listened to the old man, waved its tail and said:

- Let it be so!

And with these words she dived back into the river. The old man went home. He sees: all the surrounding residents have gathered on the road with pipes, drums, and are holding rich gifts and garlands of flowers in their hands. They stand motionless, as if they are waiting for someone. When the peasants saw the old man, they all fell to their knees and shouted:

- Headman, headman! Here he is, our beloved headman!..

Then the drums beat, the trumpets began to play, the peasants put the old man in a decorated palanquin, and carried him home on their shoulders. And the old man’s house is new again - not a house, but a palace, and in that house everything is as he asked the fish.

From then on, the old man and the old woman lived happily and comfortably; they seemed to have plenty of everything, but the old woman kept grumbling. A month had not passed when she again began to pester the old man:

– Is this respect, is this honor? Just think, a big man-elder! No, you need to go to the fish again and ask it well: let him make you maharaja over the whole earth. Go, old man, ask, or else, tell the old woman, they say, mine will swear...

“I won’t go,” the old man answers. “Or don’t you remember how we lived before, how we starved, how we were poor?” The fish gave us everything: food, clothes, and a new home! It didn’t seem enough to you, she gifted us with wealth, she made me the first person in the whole district.

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