Analysis of the poem Parus Lermontov. Linguistic analysis of the poem by M. Yu

Lermontov's "Sail" is one of the poet's most popular poems. This is evidenced by numerous linguistic studies of the text and various transcriptions and interpretations of the work.

In September 1832 M.Yu. Lermontov writes to M.A. Lopukhina letter, where he admits that he is upset unsuccessful attempt enter St. Petersburg University. The young poet was lonely and depressed. The same message contained the lines of the poem “The Lonely Sail Whitens.” The first line is borrowed from the unfinished poem by Bestuzhev-Marlinsky “Andrey - Prince of Pereyaslavl”. The question of what kind of “sea” landscape inspired Mikhail Yuryevich remains controversial. It could be the Gulf of Finland or the Neva River.

Genre, direction and size

“Sail” is written in the genre of a lyrical short story. It is characterized by the intimacy of the statement, combined with the presentation storyline. Interest in this genre was typical of the poetry of the Decembrists, which Lermontov was fond of in his youth.

The poetic meter used by the author is iambic tetrameter, one of the most popular in Russian lyric poetry of the 19th century. This makes the text more dynamic and brings the intonation of the work closer to conversational. Lermontov uses cross rhyme with alternating feminine and male endings verse.

Meaning of the name

The poem is titled “Sail” in consonance with its central character. Everyone is free to interpret its meaning and meaning of the allegory in their own way.

  1. Firstly, we can correlate the sail with eighteen-year-old Lermontov, who left Moscow and came to the capital to enter university. However, his dream - to study as a philologist - collapsed, and he felt lonely among the raging life of the capital.
  2. Secondly, the image is presented thinking man who does not want to come to terms with the reality around him. He longs for change and is ready to fight the waves, like a sail, if only they happen.

Images and symbols

The poem is filled with symbols and allegories. If human life- this is the sea, then the person in it is a sail, lonely, persecuted, not knowing peace and shelter. Lermontov reflected this image not only in poetry, but also in painting: his watercolor work is known, as if illustrating a poem. Storm in this work also much more than a sea squall. It is associated with revolution, and these thoughts are caused by the reaction to the December Uprising of 1825.

The lyrical hero realizes that if he wants to achieve his goals, then a serene path illuminated by the sun is not for him. Only overcoming a real storm can lead him to his cherished dream.

Themes and motive

  • Loneliness. This is the main theme of the poem. She reveals herself through central image essays - the white sail that left motherland and fights against the cruel elements of the sea. The motif of loneliness is one of the key ones in Lermontov’s lyrics.
  • Liberty. Target lyrical hero- gain freedom. That's why he decided to leave his native land, to run away from sun rays towards adversity.
  • Revolution. She is personified in the poem by the image of a storm. In addition, it is no coincidence that the author considers the lyrical hero rebellious, because his actions contradict generally accepted traditions. He wants to conquer new horizons and is looking for adventure.


The main idea of ​​the poem is the search for one’s purpose. The lonely sail does not see salvation in serene peace and decides to engage in battle with the elements. He does not feel satisfied in the azure and the sun and tries to find himself in the opposite.

Common themes in the poetry of romanticism, such as loneliness, thirst for adventure, and the image of the sea, are rethought in “Sail” and united by a new motif. In literary criticism it is called the motif “ extra person" Such heroes include Onegin, Pechorin, Rudin. Thus, the role and meaning of “Sails” can hardly be overestimated: from this small poem a very significant theme for Russian literature began to develop.

Means of artistic expression

One of the main devices used in the poem is antithesis. Much is contrasted: peace - storm, a distant country - native land. And there are also opposite actions: looking for - throwing.

In the form of a sail great importance have epithets: lonely, rebellious.

There are many inversions, for example, in the second verse of the first quatrain.

The role of punctuation in this work is great. Early romanticism was characterized by understatement, silence of some thoughts, which was expressed by ellipses. Lermontov uses the same technique in the second lines of each quatrain. Rhetorical questions and exclamations add an excited character.

It cannot do without personifications. For this trail, the role of verbs is especially significant: waves play, the wind whistles, threw, searches, runs, asks (for a sail).

In addition, the entire poem can be considered an allegory of the life of a person trying to find the meaning of existence.

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Reading the poem, we see a lonely sail sailing on choppy waves. The theme of loneliness is cross-cutting in the work of young Lermontov, since it is very close to the young poet, who connects the two concepts of freedom and loneliness.

Loneliness for a poet is, undoubtedly, a feeling of freedom, but at the same time a feeling of insecurity in the face of everyday difficulties. That is why the lyrical hero associates with himself a boat with a sail flashing between the waves. It attracts the poet's attention and makes him wonder whether the sail is looking for something in a distant country or has left something in its native land. The thoughts of the lyrical hero are conveyed by rhetorical questions.

Watching the movement of the sail, the lyrical hero sees the play of the waves and hears the creaking of the mast. But he concludes that the sail is not looking for “happiness,” since this is a state that can be found not outside, but only within oneself, in one’s soul.

The third stanza begins with a very beautiful picture:

Below him is a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sun...

And the stronger the contrast with the first two is the line of the last stanza of the last lines of the poem, in which the sail is called rebellious, which “asks for the storm” and in it tries to find peace and freedom. However, this is an illusion and the adverb “as if” used by the poet indicates the illusory nature of this desire. Thus, in the course of reasoning, we can conclude that the lyrical hero is at odds not only with the whole world, but also with himself.

Compositionally, the poem is structured in such a way that all three stanzas have the same structure: the first two lines depict a sail and the picture of nature surrounding it, and the last two are the reflections of the poet watching a lonely sail on the endless expanse of water.

The following stylistic devices are used in the poem: unity of command, epithets, repetitions, rhetorical questions and rhetorical exclamations.

Brief analysis 9th grade

The work “Sail” by Lermontov is very famous poem. It evokes wonderful associations with the sea, sea air and simply the sun that rises. Sail - perhaps this one word already seems to be something to which we react with a certain dreaminess. Also, before the word “sail”, the reader immediately has a picture before his eyes - a real sail - a white canvas, of a certain shape, which is used on ships and various vessels.

Sail - this thing seems very lonely, and which is always itself. The sail is associated in the minds of critics and people with a person who also constantly experiences loneliness. Loneliness is not a sign bad people, it’s just that not everyone can understand the thoughts of each person and his opinions, which are sometimes distinguished by great individuality. Such people make you feel very lonely. That is why in this poem the Sail plays an important and main role. Even the singer himself, who created this work, seems very lonely. In some places in the poem, a sea is imagined that sways and rages, and does not want to stop and calm down, in order to become the same as everyone else, in a word, a gray mass. Lermontov, just like in his work “The Sail,” is very lonely and constantly on his own.

The stormy sea is represented by people who have always been cruel and harsh in their judgments. The sea, which never calms down, rages, appears before readers in frightening splendor, but after this impressive picture is replaced by another no less serious reality - the experiences of the author himself, Lermontov, who will nevertheless worry about his departure from the prestigious university, which he still needed. As a cultured and developed person, he liked to study and gain new knowledge every time. But he chose a different path, and therefore for him at that moment the institute was simply a hindrance. His dream, once so important to him - to be a philologist, simply sank into oblivion. But still, refusing cherished dream, Lermontov was able to acquire something else, also important to him.

Genre of Lermontov's poem Sail

The poem "Sail", written by young Lermontov, literary critics belongs to the genre of lyrical short story. Novella is a genre of works that discuss philosophical thoughts and various kinds reflections. There are short stories in prose, and there are lyrical ones, that is, in verse. It is in this work by Lermontov that one can notice how the author of the poem himself is very lonely, and therefore his thoughts differ from the thoughts of other people. He is lonely, but he is wise, as only one can be wise when constantly alone with oneself.

Lermontov perfectly conveyed his feelings regarding the abandoned Moscow and other acute experiences and thoughts. The sea, the white sail, which is visible in the distance and turns white alone, very well personify the feelings of a lonely person in this turmoil of life. This sail, which is white but lonely, is still trying to find a coastal shore that can protect it from this unstable sea - the sea of ​​life and people. The difficulties, all the possible experiences of the author, seemed embodied in this one work.

The main idea of ​​the verse Parus Lermontov

The main idea of ​​the entire work is this: every lonely person who has not found his kindred spirit tries to do this throughout his entire life. A person, like a sail, tries to find people who can support him. Lermontov's entire work is bright and clearly shows the line between all people, who, nevertheless, are different, and at the same time, the same, at least many of them. The words are beautiful and well chosen. At the end of certain lines, words rhyme, which make the poems readable and pleasantly rhyming. Lermontov, at seventeen, possessed the beauty of words, the ability to choose words well to feelings.

About Lermontov's poem Parus 6th grade

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is a great man in his fields. He is an excellent writer, simply talented, his thoughts are unusually deep and wise. Lermontov knew how to fit his feelings into a story, and especially into a poem.

When Lermontov was only seventeen years old, as a young man he created the poem “Sail”, to be more precise - in 1832. It was during that difficult time for the guy that those years began, starting in 1832. At this time, he had to struggle a lot mentally, because his soul from birth was very fragile and romantic. Lermontov has to leave Moscow, the city in which he studied at the university at that time. Young and sensitively vulnerable, he sings and decides to go after this - to the city of St. Petersburg, a strong city, and at the same time - romantic.

Lermontov remains there alone with his thoughts to think about everything, reflect and make important decisions for himself that he simply needed to make. Lermontov simply rested his soul at that time, as he liked to relax in this city, taking his time walking along the river of the Gulf of Finland to think, feel and simply live, enjoying this life. It was then, in those wonderful moments, that beautiful and poetic thoughts were born, which were soon embodied in the now famous poem “Sail”.

Critics later called this work immortal, since they already understood that this poem, this masterpiece, would be impossible to forget. Lermontov soon sent the original verse to M. Lopukhina. Lermontov sends a letter containing the poem “Sail” to this woman. He sends it almost immediately, and even in the original to the first person who saw this masterpiece - Lopukhina. Lermontov was close only to those whom he completely trusted.

This poem in the original sounded just like this in the opening lines: “The distant sail is white…”. Lermontov then remade the first line in the work, because it seemed to him that it could be done better and more beautifully. That is why he even got the first line from one writer, or rather, Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, who wrote “Andrei, Prince Pereyaslavsky.” It was from this work that the first line was taken - the beginning of Bestuzhev-Marlinsky's work.

Analysis of the poem Sail according to plan

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  1. History of creation
  2. What is this work about?
  3. Genre of the work
  4. The main idea of ​​the work
  5. Method of versification, rhymes

History of creation

When starting an analysis of the poem “Sail” by Lermontov, it is impossible not to turn to the history of its creation. This poem was written by a young seventeen-year-old poet in 1832. During this difficult period, Lermontov had to leave Moscow and interrupt his studies at the university. Having made such a difficult decision for himself, the poet rushes to St. Petersburg, where he remains alone with his thoughts and feelings. There, in cold St. Petersburg, walking along the shores of the Gulf of Finland, young Mikhail creates his own immortal work. The poet sends the first version of the written work in a letter to M. Lopukhina. In an early version, the poem “Sail” began with the words: “The distant sail is white.” Subsequently, Lermontov reworked the first line, borrowing the well-known beginning of the work from the poem written by A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky “Andrey, Prince of Pereyaslavsky.” "Sail" is one of greatest works the great Russian poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov.

What is this work about?

The poem “Sail” describes the sight of a sea storm and a lonely sail sailing on a rough sea. The theme of loneliness runs through everything early lyrics young poet. It is with loneliness that Lermontov connects his freedom, which is so dear to him.

Lermontov's “Sail” is associated with each of us and the poet himself not only with the appearance of a real sail, but also with a specific person, whose lot befell a lot severe tests. Reading the work we are faced with and seascape, and the whitening lonely sail, and the lonely poet himself. The raging sea that appears in the imagination, which is narrated at the beginning of the poem, is replaced by the experiences of Lermontov himself, who left Moscow and abandoned his dream of becoming a philologist. The lonely sail that tells the story young poet, it was not by chance that the main idea of ​​the work was chosen, since the author himself is alone in the raging world of people.

Genre of the work

The poem “Sail”, in terms of genre, is a kind of lyrical short story. Here, against the backdrop of a seascape and a whitening sail, the philosophical meaning in the loneliness of the poet, like sails trying to find their shore. The landscape of the raging sea represents the daily turmoil in human life. In this constant flow of life lies young Lermontov with his deep inner world.

In the composition of the poem one can feel not only the external deepening of the sail into the sea element, but also the poet’s internal experiences in connection with the emerging life's difficulties. The author wants to escape from the ocean of experiences that has overtaken him, like a sail to find its quiet harbor.

The main idea of ​​the work

Lermontov's "Sail" is thematically close to the experiences of the poet, who left his dream and his native place. The poem is full of vivid images of the raging sea and sails in its background. Poetic beauty can also be traced in the chosen words, which characterize not only the sea and the lonely sail, but also the internal state of the poet himself. A clear line draws the entire depth of the experiences with which Lermontov struggles. Falling in love in Moscow does not leave the author alone. At the same time, reading the work, one feels the amazing maturity inherent in the thoughts of the young poet.
The second quatrain begins with the rushing wind, which raised the waves and the sail. It would seem that with a tailwind you can overcome any obstacles and travel long distances. But “alas”, a sudden feeling of disappointment and melancholy appears. The poet associates lost happiness and dreams with this feeling.

The third quatrain describes the ensuing natural harmony and sea silence. The sun is peeking through, the azure becomes lighter. But the young poet is not at all happy about this; he feels suffering from discord in his soul and lack of coherence in life.

Method of versification, rhymes

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter style. While reading the works, cross rhyme can be traced when the first and third lines in each stanza end in a feminine rhyme. In the case of writing the second, as well as the fourth lines, masculine rhyme predominates.

Strengthening artistic expression, the young poet resorts to the use of repetition, anaphora, inversion and syntactic parallelism. So, the anaphora can be traced: what he is looking for, what he threw. Lermontov also resorts to the use of personification: waves play, the wind whistles. There are epithets in the work, such as a golden ray of sun, as well as metaphors in the lines: a stream of lighter azure. The antithesis is used in the lines: a distant country - a native land.

It is almost impossible to criticize Lermontov’s “Sail”. Since the poem reliably reflects the entire depth of the experiences of the young poet, anxiously yearning for an eternal storm.

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“Sail” has iambic poetic meter, which has four feet. The author used cross rhyme of stanzas (the first with the third, and the second with the fourth). Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov perfectly described the sail, implying his “I”, and outlined the events of his life as an image of the sea, which constantly wants to break it. The relationships “sail - man” and “sea - life” are allegorical. Mikhail Yuryevich is trying to understand: is it possible to find a quiet haven among the stormy sea and the same lonely people thrown into the whirlpool of life's events.

In each quatrain, two lines depict a change in water verse, and the next two -inner world Lermontov's hero. The author consciously (or maybe not) separates these lines with ellipsis, as if emphasizing the division between nature and psychological state.

M.Yu. Lermontov is a brilliant poet, like many other Russian poets. But the poem "Sail", written at the age of seventeen, clearly tells us about the teenage crisis of a guy who long time was under the watchful gaze and instructions of the teachers of the noble boarding house (later the gymnasium) at Moscow University, and then of the teachers of the same university.
This creation reflects the young man’s feelings about his past life and possible future. After all, shortly before these events, he dropped out of his studies at Moscow University without becoming a philologist. But his beloved grandmother convinced the young tomboy to enter the St. Petersburg cadet school. It was pushing young man to reflect on your fleeting past and possible future fate. These strong experiences became the basis for writing the poem.
Fog in the sea is clearly associated with uncertainty in the future, which may have frightened the poet with the unknown.

The lonely sail turns white
In the blue sea fog!..

The work traces the dynamics of events: at first the sea is blue, calm and smooth, and later it boils and rages:

The waves are playing, the wind is whistling,
And the mast bends and creaks...

The analogy between the lyrical hero of the poem and the sail is also visible: neither one nor the other knows what they want, what they expect and what to expect.

What is he looking for in a distant land?
What did he throw in his native land?..

And he, the rebellious one, asks for a storm,
As if there is peace in the storms!

And when a sailboat encounters difficulties along the way, they also do not bring relief. Inner loneliness and sea space cannot give freedom from painful questions; a storm does not give happiness. The disturbing sensations from the picture he saw flows into sadness and the realization that there was no happiness and it is impossible for the sail.

The main character is lonely and rebellious. Lermontov connected loneliness with the impossibility of happiness. But the sail is strong in spirit and rebellious to fate. Lermontov’s “Sail” is a symbol of rebellion, irrepressibility, restlessness and the constant struggle of the soul with the outside world.

"Sail" is certainly one of greatest creations poet M. Yu. Lermontov. The main themes in it are the search for a place in life and human loneliness. It is worth noting that in most of the poet’s works these themes are most often the main ones. Below is an analysis of Lermontov's poem "Sail". Let's also get acquainted with the history of writing the work.

History of writing

An analysis of Lermontov's poem should begin with the history of its creation. It was written by Mikhail Yuryevich in at a young age 17 years old in 1832 in St. Petersburg. That period of life was not easy for the future poet: he had to leave Moscow and leave the university. Of course, such drastic changes in life could not but affect the inner state of the young man.

Despite the fact that he dreamed of becoming a philologist, following the instructions of his beloved grandmother, he went to St. Petersburg in order to enter the cadet school. And in this city, Mikhail Yuryevich was left alone with his experiences and thoughts about future fate. Therefore, it is not surprising that during one of his walks along the Gulf of Finland, he created one of the pearls of Russian poetry - the poem "Sail".

He sends the initial version in a letter to M. Lopukhina. The first line of it talks about a distant sail. Later, the poet will replace this word, and the line will sound like this: “The lonely sail is white.” Lermontov borrowed this beginning from A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky from the poem “Andrei, Prince of Pereyaslavsky.” This is how the well-known poem “Sail” appeared.

Images in the work

In the analysis of Lermontov's poem, it should be noted that main character- a sail is not just a means of transportation on the sea. This is the image of a person who floats with the flow of life, trying to find his place. This is the image of a person who feels lonely among people. But he does not lose hope that someday he will be able to find answers to his questions, and that a ray of hope will illuminate his life.

The sea in the poem is life, and the sailboat is desperately trying to sail in the direction it needs. Yes, there are difficult periods in life, but after any storm the sea becomes calm again. But in the poem by Mikhail Lermontov, a sailboat is a person who is constantly in search, who cannot find his place, even when everything is calm in life.

It is not surprising that the poet chose precisely such images for his work. Indeed, at that period of his life, he made a difficult decision for himself: to leave everything in Moscow and start new life in St. Petersburg. Of course, this decision was not easy for him, so all the young man’s experiences were reflected in this poem.

In what genre is the work written?

In the analysis of Lermontov's poem, one should also indicate in what genre it was written. "Sail" can be classified as a lyrical short story. Against the backdrop of a beautiful seascape and a lonely sailboat, the poet reflects on loneliness and finding his place in life.

In the turmoil of life, the young poet tries to find a place along with his views, experiences, and dreams. Lermontov wanted to break out of this raging current and find his own quiet harbor that would shelter him and calm his rebellious inner world.

The main themes of the work

In the analysis of Lermontov's poem "Sail" it is necessary to highlight two themes that determine the semantic component of his creation - these are the themes of loneliness and the search for meaning and place in life. It should be emphasized that they will appear quite often in his other works. The poem not only colorfully describes the seascape, but also conveys the mood of the poet, who was faced with a difficult choice.

Mikhail Lermontov, having moved to St. Petersburg, left everything that was dear to him in Moscow, and not only his dream of philology, but also his love. But at the same time, the young man understands that thoughts about experiences will not help him find a place in life. That in order to find happiness, your haven, you need to fight and learn to make difficult decisions.

Artistic means of expression

In the analysis of Lermontov's poem, one of the points is to list the used artistic means expressiveness. "Sail" is written in iambic tetrameter using a cross rhyme method.

Expression in the poem is enhanced by the use of such means as anaphora, inversion and syntactic parallelism. Personifications, epithets and metaphors add vividness to the images.

It was brief analysis poem "Sail" by Lermontov. Despite the fact that it was written by the poet at a young age, even then one could see his talent, how amazingly it combined deep inner experiences and mature reasoning. And this combination can be seen in one of his most famous creations, “Sail”.

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