Alexander Gobozov and his pages on social networks. Official Instagram of Alexander Gobozov Profile of Victoria Bonya on Instagram

Participant name: Alexander Gobozov

Age (birthday): 16.08.1982

City: Magnitogorsk, Moscow

Family: son Robert

Height and weight: 182 cm

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Alexander Gobozov was born in the city of Magnitogorsk, in the family of an engineer (mother) and a surgeon (father).

There are three children in the Gobozov family. Sasha is the second child; she has an older sister, Marina, and a younger sister, Irina. By family circumstances The Gobozovs move to Vladikavkaz to take care of their sick grandfather.

Alexander was at school creative child : composed poems, songs, played the guitar, actively participated in school events.

After finishing nine classes, he enters a cultural school, then decides to go to college, but leaves it and goes to the army, where he ends up in the airborne troops.

In the military unit, where Alexander Gobozov valiantly repaid his debt to his homeland, one of the episodes of House 2 was filmed, where young man leaders paid attention scandalous show and invited the guy to participate in the life of the project.

After demobilization, Sasha decides to try his luck and goes to the main site of the country.

Initially, Sasha really liked Victoria Kiseleva, and he tried in every possible way to get her to reciprocate, but Vika was not interested in yesterday’s soldier.

But the young man did not give up and began to actively court Erika Kisheva. Unlike Kiseleva, Erica really liked Sasha and they began a passionate romance.

After some time, the couple decides to live together and moves into a VIP house. After the first night, Alexander flies out of the house cursing and frightened. His girlfriend turned out to be transsexual.

After this situation, Sasha was beside himself with rage, he wanted to beat him up ex-man, but he was stopped in time. This is where love ended before it even began.

Having come into myself a little, Sasha is interested in Nadezhda Ermakova and shows itself at its best.

Being very romantic, Gobozov arranges unusual dates, presents Nadya with gifts, thereby arousing admiration not only from Ermakova, but also from the other participants in the project.

Nadya and Sasha quickly decide to live together. Their romance becomes an example to follow. Of course, there were scandals, quarrels, accusations, but quite minor ones.

Later, the lovers go on vacation to Ossetia. After returning, Gobozov proposes marriage to his chosen one. To which Nadya is in no hurry to answer, and every time she comes up with an excuse to evade the question asked.

The participants began to put pressure on Nadezhda, trying to hurry her up with an answer.

And right off the bat, Ermakova comes out with something that will shock everyone who is somehow connected with the TV show.

The girl said that her man does not satisfy her in bed. After this, the couple begins to collapse before our eyes. From a romantic guy, Sasha turns into a real tyrant.

In order to increase his self-esteem, Gobozov begins to flirt with all the girls in the project, and also openly cheats on Ermakova. As a result, the young people break up.

After breaking up with Nadya, Sasha remained in the status of a bachelor and womanizer of the project for a long time.

But Olga Sokolova appears on the set, she is hooked on the wild guy and they are trying to build a relationship.

But Sasha did not become the same as before, his partying and betrayal continued.

Olga suffered a lot in this relationship. More than once the couple separated, but again returned to their original position.

Later they realize that this can no longer continue and decide to leave the project in order to try to live a normal family life outside the cameras.

But even in freedom they do not come to a compromise, and after some time Gobozov returns as a bachelor to House 2.

The second arrival of Alexander took place in 2013.

After being in free flight for two weeks, Sasha actively begins to care for Aliana Ustinenko.

And again he becomes the same Gobozov who originally came to the project.

Beautiful romantics, pleasant surprises, a huge number of compliments did their job, and Aliana falls in love with her admirer.

The guys are starting life together . Aliana, while still without Sasha, was different bad character. Her constant nagging, remarks, and insults awakened the tyrant and rudeness in the man.

Very often their quarrels led to assault on the part of Gobozov.

But, in the fall of 2013, Aliana announced that she was pregnant, to which Sasha was incredibly happy.

Two months later they had a gorgeous wedding and left the project to create a strong and happy family.

But even the birth of a son did not bring peace to their marriage.

They divorced in April 2015, but got married again on January 30, 2016, as they realized that they could not live without each other. Son Robert is growing up as a strong and healthy little boy. Sasha has his own quite successful business.

Alexander and Aliana broke up outside the perimeter of the television project. On January 18, 2018, Alexander Gobozov came to the TV show hoping to find new love, the participant liked it.

Photo by Alexander

For several months, the relationship between Aliana and Alexander Gobozov was actively discussed on the Internet. According to fans of the Dom-2 project, the guys have not lived together for a long time. The ex-participant of the TV show ignored questions from subscribers for a long time, but decided to break the silence after pictures of Alexander with another girl began to appear in communities dedicated to reality shows.

“We haven’t been together for a long time, we’ve gone our separate ways mutual consent. We realized that we are completely different people, with different perceptions of life, goals, values, etc. Each of us has our own path, our own life and our own future. We communicate normally, we have resolved all the issues between ourselves. Robert is not deprived of anyone’s attention, he has both a mother and a father,” Aliana wrote on her page.

The young woman wished ex-lover happiness in personal life, and told subscribers that she refused to discuss this topic further. Some followers cannot believe in the separation of the Dom-2 stars, while others are hoping for the best for Robert’s mother.

"Be happy! Everything is just beginning for you!”, “Well done, Aliana, you will meet your love again,” “It’s a pity that you are not together,” “Just don’t come back, he won’t change,” followers wrote on Aliana’s page.

Rumor has it that Gobozov already has new darling. According to some reports, the girl’s name is Natalya, and she works as a hairdresser in one of the salons in Volgograd. However, the man himself hides the new relationship and does not show his girlfriend to fans on his social network pages. He continues to share pictures with his son with his followers, but does not comment on the breakup with Aliana.

Let us remember that relations in the Gobozov family were very difficult. For the last six months, Aliana and Alexander have often quarreled. In addition, the young woman was in conflict with the chosen one’s mother, Olga Vasilievna. After one such incident, the mother-in-law even had to leave home.

“I don’t blame Aliana for not seeing gratitude from her - maybe she’s still too young, not very wise... But I would like her to understand that the main thing in life is family, and not “Dom-2” and Instagram, where she sits,” this is how Sasha’s mother spoke about Aliana.

Alexander Gobozov is one of the most bright participants popular television project “Dom-2”, who was remembered by fans of the reality show as a romantic guy who was used to achieving his goal. Although Alexander stayed on the perimeter for quite a long time, he did not achieve the cherished human happiness that lies in love. All the relationships of the burning brunette came to a dead end. Despite the fact that the guy is no longer a participant in the project, many fans still follow his life through pages on in social networks VKontakte and Instagram.

Childhood and youth

Future participant of the popular television project born on August 16, 1982 in the south of Russia - in the city of Vladikavkaz. Information from Alexander’s childhood is quite limited, but it is known that he grew up in an average Ossetian family. It is known that this people reveres national customs, hospitality and unforgiving life principles. Therefore, it is worth assuming that Sasha and his sisters were raised in accordance with traditional rules that value masculinity and courage, as well as decency and honesty.

However, Gobozov’s biography is not rich in bright events and is not much different from the biography of his peers. Alexander's parents are highly educated and intelligent people: father Robert Mikhailovich is a surgeon by profession, and mother Olga Vasilievna is an engineer. Due to constant moving, Gobozov visited more than one school, so he does not remember his classmates.

According to Alexander, the boy often took part in school fights. As a first-grader, he managed to get a “stake” for his behavior (for hitting a bully on the head with a mop), which upset his mother. And the young man couldn’t boast of good grades: his diary was full of “C’s.”

Alexander Gobozov in the army (right)

In his free time from lessons and classes, Sasha composed poems and played chords on the guitar. Later, Gobozov chose a creative path and entered the art school. Having reached conscription age, the young man went to serve in the army in the airborne troops, where he met his future project comrade, who was the commander and organizer cultural events. After demobilization, Gobozov flatly refused to continue serving under his contract.

Project "Dom-2"

Alexander Gobozov ended up on a popular TV show thanks to a coincidence. The fact is that project participants came on tour to the military unit where Sasha and Andrey served. Then the guy began to become interested in the vast expanses of show business and soon joined the ranks of the household. From the first days of his stay on the perimeter, Sasha tried to implement main goal project - to build your love. However, winning the hearts of the beauties was not so easy.

Alexander Gobozov in the show "Dom-2"

Gobozov tried to court Tori Karaseva and the extravagant brunette, but fleeting sympathies did not result in a long-term relationship. But Sasha did not remain lonely for long, as he soon met a charming blonde. This novel became one of the longest-running novels on the project.

It is worth saying that young people have riveted a multi-million army of viewers to their television screens, providing the TNT channel high ratings. The guys stirred up the interest of fans of the TV show: Nadya and Sasha not only built love, but also staged epic quarrels and scandals. It is worth noting that Gobozov has a hot temperament, so sometimes the guy raised his hand to the girl.

Despite this, fans of the show predicted a wedding and a happy future for the lovers, because Alexander beautifully courted and composed songs for his chosen one. However, due to the incompatibility of their characters, their relationship finally reached a dead end. The next lucky girl who managed to win the heart of an oriental guy was. But this relationship also failed: the guy’s love of alcohol and constant infidelities, coupled with Olga’s explosive character, took their toll.

The breakup occurred after she provided a “black dossier” on the guy: the resourceful blonde provided the participants of the television project with an audio recording where Sasha allegedly cheated on his girlfriend. It was this compromising evidence that became a stumbling block between young people. Soon Alexander Gobozov and Olga Sokol left the project perimeter.

According to some information, outside the sights of the Dom-2 television cameras, Sasha was driving morning show on the Ukrainian channel and was involved in installing suspended ceilings and renovating apartments. Also, according to rumors, in his native Vladikavkaz, Gobozov was promoting his own business: he tried to open his own restaurant and wanted to start selling fruit, but things were not going well. In 2013, news appeared that Sasha wanted to open his own fitness club in Moscow.

In the summer of 2013, Alexander, together with, returned to the project again to make a revolution and show participants how to properly build love and care for girls. It is noteworthy that Gobozov, without wasting any time, almost immediately expressed his sympathy: the bottomless black eyes of the brunette sunk into the soul of the old man of the project. But even these quickly developing relationship did not turn out to be cloudless: the wayward brunette often showed her future husband her obstinate character. Since young people could not find a compromise on their own, they dragged the older generation into their public wars.

Olga Vasilyevna Gobozova, a devoted fan of “House-2”, came to the long-running project to support her son. But the woman’s stay on the reality show lasted a long time. In addition, Olga Vasilievna did not reconcile the lovers, but only added fuel to the fire: her relationship with her daughter-in-law did not work out, as a result of which Gobozov and Ustinenko had multiple conflicts. Sasha respects his mother, so in case of disagreement, the guy often took Olga Vasilievna’s side.

Alexander Gobozov with his mother in the show "Dom-2"

There were also frequent quarrels between Sasha’s mother and Aliana’s mother. Thus, the participants in the reality show were divided into two camps: some believed that Gobozova should be on the project as a full participant, others were sure that Olga Vasilievna had become a bone of contention in family life Aliana and Alexandra. Later, the young man himself admitted that he wanted to live alone with his girlfriend. The young people confessed their love to each other and planned a wedding. Soon Aliana Ustinenko delighted the guy with the news of her pregnancy.

Personal life

Despite the constant scandals that happened in the family, Aliana and Alexander, to the delight of fans of the show, tied the knot. The couple signed at the Kutuzovsky registry office. The celebration was quite traditional: the bride wore a classic Wedding Dress, and Alexander dressed up in a tuxedo with a bow tie. Of Sasha’s relatives, only his mother Olga Vasilievna was present at the holiday, but almost the entire family came from Aliana’s side. The newlyweds planned to celebrate Honeymoon in the company of friends.

In May 2014, Alexander Gobozov became a father: Aliana gave her lover her first child, who was named Robert. It seemed that with the birth of a child, an idyll would reign in the family, but Sasha periodically quarreled with his chosen one: this was facilitated by Gobozov’s constant nights off, during which the guy allegedly cheated on his wife. Soon, disagreements in the family reached boiling point, and in December 2014 the couple separated, and in 2015, the ex-spouses filed an official divorce. Later Alexander and Aliana left the perimeter walls.

But off-screen, the young people got back together and had a second wedding on January 30, 2016. The girl admitted that she accepted the marriage proposal thoughtlessly for the first time, so fans hoped that the repeated relationship would not reach a dead end.

But in 2017, thanks to the show “Actually,” it became clear that Aliana no longer intended to tolerate her husband’s lies. The girl admitted that because of Gobozov’s behavior, her feelings disappeared.

Alexander Gobozov now

By latest news, in 2017, Alexander Gobozov runs his own business: the guy is promoting the NL int project. CrazyWave and specializes in selling special nutrition for weight loss.

On your own page

Alexander Gobozov- participant of the popular reality show Dom-2 in Russia. He was born on August 16, 1982 in the city of Lermontov, where he grew up in a completely ordinary family - his father is a surgeon, and his mother is an engineer. Alexander has two older sisters: Irina and Marina, with whom he maintains close family relationships.

Since childhood, Alexander was creative personality, played the guitar, composed songs. After graduating from school, he entered the Vladikavkaz College of Arts. Gergiev.

Sasha Gobozov got involved in the project for the first time when he was still completely green, right after the army. It was in the army that he first met with, who invited the young man to the project. The young airborne soldier did not immediately become a project womanizer; his first attempts to build love did not bring success.

Sasha's first chosen one was. The guy immediately liked the burning brunette with brown eyes and a magnificent voice, but there was no reciprocity from the girl, and Sasha continued his search.

Then Sasha came to the project, they even wanted to move into a VIP room together, but when the guy found out that Erica was actually a “transsexual,” he could not “understand and forgive” this, and immediately “ran away” from the girl.

Gobozov and Nadya Ermakova

The guy’s first serious feelings and relationships began when he joined the project. Inspired by love, Sasha very beautifully courted the girl, his romanticism drove not only Nadya, but also the entire female half of the project crazy. He even managed to propose to the girl, to which she refused. After this, their relationship changed dramatically, they began to quarrel often and soon broke up.

After breaking up with Nadya, Sasha changed a lot, began to drink often, and began to date many women. When Sasha met, he was unable to overcome his character, and his frequent sprees led to the fact that the couple left the project to preserve their relationship. But he couldn’t change outside the perimeter either. Olya left him.

The second time Sasha Gobozov appeared on the project was in the summer of 2013. At that moment, the project had been going on for almost 10 years, the new participants did not give the same ratings, and the producer decided to revive the show and invite the most popular old participants - the revolutionaries. Sasha was also among the revolutionaries.

His appearance on the project attracted new fans to him, and many participants in the project began to show signs of attention to him. Among them was.

Young model, who had just turned 19, quickly turned the guy’s head. Their relationship developed rapidly and rapidly, and in the fall they got married. On May 14, 2014, they had a son, whom they named Robert in honor of Sasha’s dad. However, the rebellious and eccentric character of young Aliana and the frantic Caucasian temperament of Sasha haunted the young family. And the appearance of mothers on the project only added fuel to the fire.

Soon, the couple had a big quarrel. Sasha began to walk on the side, and brought his new passion to the perimeter. But less than two weeks later, he left Alena, justifying himself by saying that this relationship was aimed only at making his wife jealous.

Alexander and Alena Ashmarina

Now, Sasha is behind the project, he is working and engaged in building a house and renovating an apartment. Only Aliana with her son and mother-in-law are at the project. Relations in the family are strained, they even stated that they were divorced, however, the couple did not confirm this fact, thereby generating a lot of rumors around them.
Recently, their son Robert turned one year old; on this occasion, the parents organized a party for their son, at which Sasha announced his return to the family and to the project.

Sasha Gobozov was born into an ordinary Ossetian family - the young man’s father worked as a surgeon, his mother as an engineer. Being a creative person, he plays the guitar well and writes music and poetry himself. Graduated from the Vladikavkaz College of Arts. I entered the institute, but did not finish. I tried myself in many specialties, at one time I was engaged in installing suspended ceilings.

Military service changed future fate Alexandra. One day, members of House 2 visited his military unit, where he met future “clan members” and also demonstrated his ability to play the guitar and sing. After the army, he was invited to a reality show.

For a long time I tried to build relationships with the project participants until I settled on Aliana Ustinenko. In 2013, the girl announced her pregnancy, and in November of the same year, the young people got married.

Soon the Gobozov couple had a son, Robert. The marriage did not last long. Daily scandals and alcohol abuse on the part of Alexander led to divorce. A year later, the young people got back together.

Do you want to join the 296 thousand subscribers of Alexander’s Instagram page? Type gobozov1001 in the search engine.

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