5 sta family composition loya. Music awards and achievements

5sta family is a young and talented team, which, after the release of the hit “I Will Be,” firmly established itself at the top of the charts, and then over the course of several years became the owner of various awards and prizes. What was the path to fame for these guys, who founded the group and what changes took place in its composition - this article will tell you about this.

Creating a team

Back in 2005, two talented musician met on the Internet. After a short conversation, they realized that they both had a lot of bright ideas, one of which is the creation music group. These young people's names were Vasily Kosinsky and it took very little time for other, no less talented guys to be found, and the first information about the group 5sta family (group composition, names) was as follows: V. Efremov (Cool-B), V. Kosinsky ( V-Kes), Anton Radaev (Tony), Alexander Sandrik and soloist Olga Zosulskaya (Loya).

The guys wrote the lyrics and music themselves, promoted their compositions on the Internet and organized concerts. But, of course, they were little known at that time.

In 2006, the guys who were part of the 5sta family group took part in one of the musical projects of Muz-TV and took an honorable second place in it. The group was noticed and managed to sign a promising contract with the production company Music People.

Popularity literally fell on the group in 2009, when, together with the team “23:45”, the guys shot a video for the song “I Will Be”. The composition immediately became a hit on radio stations and music channels, gaining a huge number of flattering reviews and downloads on the Internet. The guys were at the peak of their popularity.

Lineup changes

The team did not become a “one hit artist”. Other songs that everyone loved followed: “Why”, “At a Call Distance” and the single for the New Year’s comedy “Yolki” - “Love without deception”, again together with “23:45”.

In 2011, the composition of the 5sta family group changed for the first time. Vocalist Loya left the band. The girl chose a solo career for herself. There were various rumors that the colleagues did not part well, there were conflicts and mutual claims. Ill-wishers also predicted a complete collapse of the group after Loya left.

But almost immediately a pretty girl with an angelic voice appeared in the team - Yulianna Karaulova, a graduate of the next “Star Factory”. Together with new soloist New ideas, wonderful compositions and videos appeared. The name of the group has also become slightly different: instead of the previous 5ivesta family, it is more laconic and has become familiar 5sta family.

The first album was released in 2012 and was called the same as one of the most popular songs: “Why.”

Several were filmed beautiful clips, including videos for the songs “Knock Knock” and “Together We” and “Wake Up” ( a joint project with the Coca-Cola company). The 5sta family group gave fans many more bright compositions. The composition of the group (photos of the participants can be seen in this article) created the impression of a very friendly and promising team of talented musicians.

Music awards and achievements

The guys toured different cities of the country, performed on music channels, actively communicated with fans in in social networks. New line-up The 5sta family group became the best hip-hop project according to Muz-TV; since 2009, they have received two Golden Gramophones from Russian Radio and awards from the Ru-TV channel. The group was awarded the nominations “Song of the Year” and “God of the Air”. The songs of talented guys have repeatedly been included in top tens or the top twenty according to versions of various channels.

Unfortunately, the group has only one solo album so far, but most of the songs, when aired, instantly become hits.

Modern composition of the group 5sta family

By 2015, two musicians left the band, and the group continued to delight fans as a trio. The remaining guys are the founders V. Efremov and V. Kosinsky, as well as soloist Yulianna Karaulova.

The talented Yulianna also began to think about starting independent career And for a long time I tried to combine work in a group and solo performances.

In May 2015, it became known that another girl had joined the team. This former member youth girl group"Ranetki" The girl immediately formed a wonderful relationship with the guys, and for several months there were four musicians in the group.

By the end of 2015, Yulianna nevertheless made a choice in favor of independence and left the team with which she had fruitfully collaborated for 4 years. Now the musical group has very warm friendly relations with the former soloist.

So, what's in currently is the group 5sta family? The new line-up is the permanent Efremov and Kosinsky, as well as the beautiful Lera Kozlova. With the updated lineup, the group has already shot a video for the song "Metko", and the composition itself is gaining popularity on television and radio.

Fans are looking forward to new hits and albums, and judging by the limitless creativity musicians, new items will not keep you waiting!

Despite past disagreements with musical group and management, singer Loya decided to become part of the team again.

Photo: Press service archive group 5sta Family

The 5sta Family group pleased its fans with the news that first soloist Loya was returning to the group. Despite past misunderstandings and disagreements, the singer decided to become part of the team again.

“It’s impossible to describe in words how happy I am about our reunion! I have always said that 5sta Family is my family. And, despite all the difficulties and misunderstandings that existed between us, I will not refuse these words. We are together again, and this is incredibly inspiring!” Loya shared her impressions.

The first single “Together Again” by the reunited group will be released on December 5th. On the same day there will be a concert for students of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University as part of the finals of the fifth annual competition “Best Trade Union Organizer”.

Let us remember that Loya left the team in 2011. Then the press wrote that she could not get along with the new producer. The vocalist was replaced by , who performed with the group until 2015. Afterwards, Yulianna was replaced by the ex-soloist of the Ranetki group Lera Kozlova.

After a long break, the bright and daring ex-vocalist of the Ranetki group Lera Kozlova returns to the stage. Now she sings in 5sta Family. The girl's creative path was not easy. the site was the first to whom Lera told about the betrayal former producer, trying to build a family with the lead singer Quest groups Pistols and working as a florist in a flower shop.

Lera Kozlova does not have a professional music education, but there is a natural ear and love for music. Her creative path began in the children's ensemble "Buratino", where she sang and played the drums. These same skills brought her success in 2005 as part of the Ranetki group. Three years later, the girl left the group, tried to make it as a solo performer, and then suddenly disappeared. May 23 Kozlova in the company of members of the group 5sta Family. Just what is behind this sudden comeback?

Lera Kozlova: I’ve known the guys from this team for ten years now. We met at one music project. And in March of this year, when I was seriously thinking about returning to the stage, Vasya called me (lead singer of the group Vasily Kosinsky - approx.. That’s how we spontaneously started working together, and recently they officially announced that I am the new soloist of the group.. I I’m very nervous, as if for the first time.

OK.: Because at some point I decided for myself that the stage was not for me. I wanted simple and peaceful life.

“I was hoping to build a family. During the break, I tried my hand at floristry and made jewelry. But after four years of silence, I missed the stage. Many thanks to my fans, who did not forget me, wrote to me every day that they loved me and were waiting for me. I wanted to pursue a career as a singer, but had little idea how to do it. I had no songs and no team to help me. Not everything is as simple as it seems"

website: How did the public accept your return?

OK.: Mostly, people are happy about my appearance, only a few write that I have no place in 5sta Family. There will always be such reviews, and I am also grateful for them: there is an incentive to become better and show how wrong these people are.

. How do you remember this time today?

OK.: In "Ranetki" we didn't know how to play at all. musical instruments. We just gathered every day at the rehearsal base and studied Beatles songs, Rolling Stones...And then they recorded something of their own and went to different festivals. Some laughed at us, others admired us.

website: Who helped the young group “Ranetki”?

OK.: Our Zhenya, the keyboard player (Evgenia Ogurtsova - member of the Ranetki group - website note) had an acquaintance, Sergei Melnichenko, a talented arranger and composer. He became our producer.

OK.: We had a girl in our group, but her parents forbade her to study music - they were afraid that she would abandon her studies. She had to leave, and I was assigned to take a place at the microphone. At that time I was 17 years old, I didn’t fully understand what was happening, and I was just enjoying myself. If I need to sing, I sing, if I need to play, I play, although I have no musical education at all. Apparently, I'm just lucky in life.

website: A little later you became the heroines of the series “Ranetki” on STS...

OK.: We took our songs to STS, where they filmed the series “Kadetstvo” at that time. Everyone liked the songs and became the soundtrack. We didn't even expect that we would be so lucky. And then general producer STS Vyacheslav Murugov decided to make a series about us.

OK.: The writers embellished our characters a little to make the plot more interesting. But there were coincidences.

“According to the plot, I am kicked out of the team. In my life at that time I was still in the group, there was no talk about leaving. But as soon as we played this moment on the screen, it was repeated in reality. I honestly don't regret being kicked out. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be in the 5sta Family group now.”

website: It’s true that you were informed about your dismissal literally ten minutes before big concert in Luzhniki?

OK.: Exactly. It was insulting and ashamed for yesterday’s colleagues. The girls were silent until the very end, but I considered them friends. “Ranetki” was everything to me, I spent all my time with the girls. But everything collapsed due to some producer stupidity.

OK.: I learned that I was kicked out from the guys from the Nine Lives group. They came up to me before the concert and said that they had also lost a person, because Nyuta, their drummer, had been rehearsing with Ranetki for a long time. Then I went to Serezha (Sergei Melnichenko - producer of the Ranetki group - website) to find out why I was being kicked out of the team, and he simply patted me on the shoulder and said: “Well, play for now.” I was taken aback and approached the girls. They so embarrassedly and innocently offered to play a concert and talk afterwards, but I didn’t need all this.

website: There were many rumors that the reason for your dismissal was your unsuccessful romance with the group’s producer Sergei Melnichenko, is this true?

OK.: I will say this: there were ardent feelings on his part that interfered with sober thinking and work.

“He is an adult, especially a man. Okay, we girls, but he needed to think more about the team. Sergei didn’t like that I started an affair with Nikita from Quest Pistols (, - website note). That’s when Melnichenko decided that he no longer wanted to see me in the team.”

website: Is this jealousy?

OK.: You can say that. He treated me like a girl, but I saw him only as a friend. And it offended him. Seryozha, thank God, did not harass her, but he courted her very actively and spoke loudly about his feelings.

. Where were the parents looking?

OK.: They didn't suspect anything. Seryozha - good psychologist, he knows how to gain people's trust. Later he married another girl from the Ranetki group. (In 2009, Sergei Melnichenko married team member Natalya Shchelkova - website note)

website: Do you currently communicate with former colleagues?

OK.: Happens. There are no more grudges. Now I myself don’t know what I would have done if I were in their place. The girls have their own lives, each trying to realize themselves in a solo career. Anya Rudneva got married and is expecting her second child. She and her husband have their own studio, she writes songs, makes jewelry, and will soon have a new collection dresses. Both Zhenya and Lena have solo careers. Natasha lives with Sergei, they have a family. Honestly, I don't know what they do. I don't communicate with them.

website: How did your career develop after leaving the team?

OK.: Then I met Nikita Goryuk and lived in Kyiv, where the company “KRUZHEVA Music”, which also works with Quest Pistols, took care of me. Producer Yuri Bardash took me under his wing. This period in my life means a lot to me. His team gave me wonderful songs that tell about my destiny.

website: And what are you?

OK.: I'm simple, romantic. Yes, I love ripped jeans. But at the same time I remain very gentle. I can make faces and fool around, but these are all childish pranks.

website: Your solo career started well: 3 videos were released, and suddenly you disappeared.

OK.: At some point I was very tired. I no longer performed in the Ranetki group, but filming in the series continued. In addition, I started working on a solo project. From morning to late evening filming of the series, at night - rehearsals of solo songs. I realized that I simply didn’t have enough time to quickly record an album and start performing. I had no strength, and I gave it all up.

OK.: Yes.

“At one time I worked in a flower salon, and I was able to create bouquets, but selling them is no longer my story. In fact, I don’t like money so much... We, of course, depend on it, but it’s still somehow not very pleasant to deal with it. With my friend and Nikita, we started making jewelry - we bought the material ourselves, fantasized, and created earrings. We posted it on the Internet, but it didn’t work, and it took a lot of time.”

website: Your romance with Nikita did not work out either. Is your heart busy right now?

OK.: I am free. At one time, I decided that I would build a family, sacrificed my career for this, but it all turned out to be in vain. I had to continue singing, then maybe something would work out with my family. But if I fall in love, then I completely dissolve in the person, and completely forget about myself.

OK.: We have different views on life. Plus two creative person, everyone has their own ambitions - it was hard for us together. We still communicate, the relationship is very warm, but we are not made for each other.

OK.: You know, when a person says that he is ready, these are words. But in fact, maybe he really wasn’t ready, and if he wanted a family, it would be later.

website: If we draw a parallel, Quest Pistols now have new stage and a new concept. And you have dramatic changes in your life.

OK.: Nikita and I are sincerely happy for each other. I was on show Quest Pistols in November. Very talented guys, cool team, it’s a pleasure to watch them. I wish them nothing but success. Nikita also says that I will definitely succeed.

website: Many call your appearance in the group 5ivesta Family last chance stay in show business.

OK.: If it weren't for 5sta Family, I would still have taken up my solo career again. I had offers from different producers. But I met people with whom we are on the same wavelength. I left it to chance and waited because I don’t quite understand what I need. I wouldn't have joined this group if I didn't like it.

Fans started talking about the return of singer Loya to 5sta Family after the release of the video for the song “High-rise buildings,” where the artist played the role of a random passerby. As it turned out, this reception was not accidental at all. The other day, group members Valery and Vasily announced in their microblogs that Loya would sing with them again. Judging by the comments, fans were pleased with this change.

“Everything is back to normal.”

"Super! This is the golden lineup of your group!”

“Oh God, how I’ve been waiting for this.”

“Cool, we’ll wait for new songs.”

“Nostalgia just washed over me.”

“Knew this would happen.”

“This is probably not even a year’s worth of news, but a little more.”

“I’ve always liked Loya, she’s the best.”

“This is the only lineup I like.”


However, some felt that Loya's return was related to her failed solo career. Indeed, after leaving the group, the singer’s popularity fell sharply. At the same time, Vasily and Valery claim that they did not deliberately kick out anyone; the decision to leave was usually made by the soloists themselves.


Let us recall that in different time The soloists in the 5sta Family group were Loya, Yulianna Karaulova and Lera Kozlova. By the way, last concert with Lera's participation will take place on December 2 at Nizhny Novgorod, after which Loya will again become the soloist. The group has already announced the imminent release of a new single, “Together Again.”

At the end of March, information appeared that lead singer Loya was leaving the 5sta Family group. Moreover, the girl’s departure turned out to be truly scandalous. As the band members told the press, the singer began to miss filming and concerts, which seriously let down her bandmates.

As a result, Loya’s place in the group was taken by another girl, a participant in the TV show “Star Factory” Yulianna Karaulova.

“As you already know, I was not presented in the best light in front of my colleagues and fans,” Olga Zasulskaya, aka Loya, addressed reporters during a press conference that the artist decided to hold in light of recent events.

Loya’s now former colleagues in the group – Valera Efremov and Vasya Kosinsky from 5sta Family – also came to the event in the company of Yulianna Karaulova. However, the journalists did not wait for a scandalous showdown: the parties “parted as friends,” but each clearly remained unconvinced.

Apologies former colleagues Loya brought it, reading the text from the sheet: “I’m very excited, this is the first press conference in my life,” the singer explained.

The 5sta Family soloists were surprised by Loya’s prepared speech: “It’s very strange that you read from a piece of paper, you could say everything in your own words,” the guys noted.

After expressing regret over parting ways with the group, Loya took the opportunity to announce the start of a solo career.

“My new single will be released soon, work has begun on my debut album, I think it will be ready by the fall,” the singer shared. – I regularly received offers from producers who wanted to promote me. I have already decided on the choice, but for now I will not name the name of my producer.”

However, the press was clearly more interested in why the soloist began to show signs of “star fever” - if everything that was said about her was true.

“Please listen to my version of events,” Loya addressed those present. – It’s no secret that after the passing of Oleg Mironov (the producer of 5sta Family died of a heart attack last fall – editor’s note), no one was able to replace him. The people who surrounded us adversely affected the atmosphere in the team. A lot of negativity fell on me, I was mentally worn out. Critical point it was that I didn’t come to the concert.”

According to the current producer of 5sta Family, Irina Shcherbinskaya, Loya’s mental crisis almost cost the group canceled concerts: “The guys called from the train, on the way to Tver, and said that Olga would not come to the concert. She agreed to perform only for a triple fee. Olga did not enter into any negotiations; she turned off her phone and passed on all the information through complete strangers. In Tver, the guys had to urgently look for a local singer, who, fortunately, knew songs from the group’s repertoire and was able to replace the lead singer. It’s good that the customers understood the situation and the concert was not disrupted.”

The 5sta Family group, which became famous thanks to the super hits “I Will” and “Why,” has already re-recorded its songs with a new soloist, Yulianna.

“I am not faced with the task of replacing Loya, and this is not necessary,” says Karaulova. “The group will continue to exist, but in a new form.”

Soloists Vasya and Valera are also optimistic: “With Yulia’s arrival, the group has become revitalized, a huge amount of material has been accumulated, and we are ready to continue working. In addition, Julia brought with her her own “base” of fans.”

“And we’ll cut the Golden Gramophone and other awards into two parts,” the members of 5sta Family and Loya ended the press conference on a cheerful note.

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