Quest pistols show biography. Quest Pistols, band history, discography

QUEST PISTOLS is a popular Ukrainian group that has won the hearts of millions in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space.

QUEST PISTOLS are outrageous, young and endlessly talented. This team does not require a bright presentation - their work, their life, their views - this is the best presentation!


Initially, the Quest Pistols group included three soloists: Anton Savlepov, Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky. The guys themselves defined their style as “aggressive-intelligent-pop”. The author of the music and lyrics, except for the song “White Dragonfly of Love” (written by the young eccentric composer Nikolai Voronov), is Polish woman Isolda Chetha. Also at the group’s show there is a costumed ballet performed by only Dima Shishkin.

The guys from the group “Quest Pistols” started as a dance show-ballet “Quest”, which, after existing for three years, made a lot of noise in Ukraine. They amazed with the originality and crazy shockingness of their performances, but dancing alone was not enough for them. And they began to sing. The founder of the ballet and producer Yuri Bardash sent Nikita and Anton to vocal lessons, and Konstantin was assigned the role of a rapper. Their vocal debut took place on April 1, 2007 on the popular Ukrainian TV show “CHANCE”. This April Fool's prank was enjoyed by television viewers, who gave six thousand votes to the new idols.

In September 2007, in Belgium, Quest Pistols supported a healthy lifestyle with the “Dance Against Poison” program. It’s hard to believe, but “quests” do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, eat only healthy food and promote vegetarianism. They also do not visit nightclubs at all and do not listen to club music.

The debut video of the group “Quest Pistols” - “I’m tired” was released in June 2007 and immediately ended up in rotation on the MTV channel, subsequently becoming a real hit. Other famous compositions groups - “Days of Glamor”, “White Dragonfly of Love”, “He’s Near”, “Cage”, “I’m Your Drug”, “Revolution” and “You’re So Beautiful”. The debut album “For You” was released in November 2007 in Ukraine and received gold status. In Russia, the disc went on sale in late spring 2008. Several punk rock compositions were added to the Russian release as a bonus.

In October 2008, at the MTV Ukrainian Music Awards ceremony in Donetsk, Quest Pistols won the Debut of the Year category. The group also has awards in its collection music awards“Golden Gramophone” (2008, 2009, 2011 - Ukraine), “MTV Europe Music Awards 2008”, “MTV Russia Music Awards 2008”, “Sound Track” (2010) and others.

And in January 2011, the guys successfully performed in the USA (New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles). At the beginning of 2011, Anton Savlepov announced his decision to leave the Quest Pistols group; later he explained his decision, this was due to a mental crisis. But after starring in the video “You are so beautiful,” he changed his mind. In August 2011, the group included new member- Daniil Matseychuk, and in September 2011, Konstantin Borovsky left the post of performer and retrained as artistic director.

Key QP Participants

For the song "I'm Tired" the music from the composition "Long and Lonesome Road" (Dutch group " Shocking Blue", author - Robbie van Leeuwen), published in 1969. Izolda Chetha is the pseudonym of Alexander Chemerov, a member of the Ukrainian group “Dymna Sumish”, used by him as part of his collaboration with the group Quest Pistols. In 2011, they took part in the “Muz-TV Award”, where they were presented in the categories “ Best Pop group" and "Duet" (together with Artur Pirozhkov, the song "Revolution"), but were left without awards, just like last year. In September, a new member, Daniil Matseychuk, joined the group, and Konstantin Borovsky took a place in the management of the production center Kruzheva music.

Quest Pistols SHOW 2014

Quest Pistols SHOW is not just a new concert program groups. This is, first of all, a spectacular performance that has no analogues both on the Russian and Western stages - a large futuristic performance with which the Quest Pistols go beyond the format of a musical project, establishing themselves as a unique pop-cultural phenomenon that breaks stereotypes of perception concert shows.

With their innovative approach, Quest Pistols lift the curtain on the world of interactive music shows the future, which people will experience as the action of a fantastic blockbuster: huge graphic projections of the band members, plastically repeating the movements of the performers; real-time cameras mounted on quadcopters, broadcasting video from the hall to the main screen; and powerful visuals, accompanied by a unique dance performance and live performance of all the group’s hits in a new, relevant sound. Taking your breath away, what you see does not leave those who come to the concert as an outside spectator, but on the contrary, it provokes everyone to find the dancer within themselves, even if they have never danced. Quest Pistols SHOW is a new chapter in great history dancing street freaks who managed to become not just pop stars, but artists changing modern culture.

“Golden line-up” of the group “Quest Pistols”: Nikita Goryuk, Anton Savlepov and Konstantin Borovsky reunited to present the public with a new music project- group "Agon". Now young people work without a producer, so the group can safely be called an author’s project. IN exclusive interview for GEOMETRIA, the artists told what caused the emergence of the new group, what they dream about, and where they prefer to dine.

- Guys, our meeting is taking place at the vegetarian restaurant “Fresh”. What is the reason for this choice of establishment? Are you vegetarians?
N. In fact, Anton visited it many times, he likes it here. We trust his taste. Plus the restaurant is located not far from where we live now.
A. Yes, we are vegetarians, and whenever we visit some city, we try to find a cool place where we can dine on delicious, clean, healthy food. It always fills you with strength, energy and encourages you, because on tour your digestion works strangely and you have to feel sorry for it somehow.
K. This cafe is one of the good places we have already found.

- How long have you been vegetarian?
K. For a long time.
A. A long time ago.

- How did your fans react to the appearance of the Agon group? How did this idea come about?

K: It seems that our reunion came as a surprise to many. We knew about everything, communicated closely with each other for some time, prepared, and the fans remained completely in the dark. Judging by their strong reaction when we opened our social networks, our reunion became a real sensation. Fans started writing comments: “You brought back my 2007!”
N. It was in the comments of fans that a cool definition for us appeared - “golden composition”. We decided to bring back these golden years through our creativity. The permanent author of all our hits as part of the previous group, Sasha Chemerov, also stayed with us. Now he writes for the group “Agon”. Soon everyone will hear our first album. I hope everyone enjoys it.

- Why did you decide exactly? new group create rather than relaunch Quest Pistols?
A. The Quest Pistols Show still exists. There are completely new people there, and this is a project of the production center “KRUZHEVA MUSIC”, to which the name belongs. There is already a lot associated with this name, and much of what is happening was not done by us. Last years"Quest Pistols Show" was a specific production project. We want to bring a completely new mood, a fresh spirit to what we do. It’s the same us: the essence remains the same, but the wrapper has changed and has become even more relevant for us personally and for our listeners. They recognize tunes that they've always liked, but the content, the videos that we offer are completely different. The creative part is now entirely on our shoulders.
K. Even the content of our interviews has become a little different: we feel more relaxed, free, we are not bound by any conventions that were before. This is a new milestone. We are not affiliated with the Quest Pistols brand. To be honest, we always thought among ourselves that this was a rather stupid name. It appeared spontaneously, and we did a lot to “swing” it. The same thing is happening now: we have chosen a different name and will also make it very famous.

-Are you currently working without a producer?
K. We have a producer Yuri Fedorov, but creative part he trusted us. For example, Anton made a backstage video for our first video, “Let It Go.” And Yuri, in the interview that Anton took with him for this video, said that his task is simply to give us the opportunity to do what we are best at. This is cooperation: from us is the creative side, and from him is the organization and production.
N. We have finally begun to show qualities that we could not have shown a few years ago. Everyone's taste has developed with experience, and is now embodied in creative ideas and is implemented in a group. We started doing what we like, what we are ready to put our 100% effort into.

- Is it true that the premiere of the “Everyone for Himself” video will take place in early May?
A. The single “Everyone for Himself” appeared on iTunes on April 15 along with the song “Let Go,” the video for which you’ve probably already seen. It was ours debut video. Now we are preparing for the shooting of the second video. The idea already exists, and we are working on its implementation. In the near future, we will completely devote ourselves and all our energy to “giving birth” to this new brainchild - video material for the song “Everyone for Himself.” The video will be released in May.

- How would you characterize the fans of “Agnya”? What kind of people are these?
K. Very different. We've always had a variety of fans.
N. Flaming.
K. I have a realtor friend who helped me buy an apartment. She's probably 40 years old. Her ringtone says “I’m tired.” And there are 13-year-old girls who are waiting for us at the entrance after the next broadcast. Or, for example, people who come up and say: “We are from Ashgabat, you will never come to us, it is a closed city, but we really like you.” That is, our creativity touches a variety of strings human souls and we are very happy about this. Sasha Chemerov writes meaningful tracks for us, we invest our full potential in them, and the result is a product for the widest range of audiences.

- Do you have any other independent projects that you are developing?
N. I have a project “ZVEROBOY”, which I started last summer, closer to autumn. The debut track “Drowning in Dreams” took place, and a video was to be shot. Subsequently, I broke all relations with the company “KRUZHEVA MUSIC”, so this project became completely mine. This is very difficult, in fact, because the whole project is only on my shoulders: I need to deal with PR, promotion and everything else that I would not like to do. I just want to do creativity, music, writing albums. But soon there will be an album, I think everyone will see it, hear it, and hopefully love it.

- Where can you follow the news of the “ZVEROBOY” project?
N. On my social networks. If you're lucky, one of them record companies will sign a contract with me, and then my songs will be heard by a large number of people from different countries.
K. Only Nikita has a solo musical project. Personally, in addition to participating in the Agon group, together with my wife I run a clothing brand called BRVSKI. I also do tattoos in a tattoo parlor. I plan to develop these areas.
N. Just recently, Kostya and I came up with 10 sketches that he would apply to my body, and we will try to highlight all of this on social networks. This will be an original PR move on our part.

- Do you have grandiose professional or personal dreams?
N. We would like to convey to everyone that there is no need to be offended or angry with each other.
A. It’s worth smiling and having fun.
N. Enjoy just communication and company. Because everyone is different, you need to accept that. If you don't accept people, then you don't accept yourself.
A. It seems to me that this is a utopian idea. How can you use creativity to make all the people in the world not conflict?
N. I don’t want to force you. I just want to show it.
A. Well, how can you make this happen? This is unreal! Moreover, with the help of music and creativity.
WELL Queen it worked a little.
A. Yes, so what? Wars are still going on.
N. Well, trying is not torture.
A. I just want to say that your idea is very noble and sublime, but it is a failure. It will remain a big dream in your head.
N. Okay, I agree.
A. High five!
K. Personally, instead of a professional dream, I have great joy and gratitude for the fact that many amazing events are happening and interesting meetings. As if by chance, everything comes together on its own so that our group develops as quickly and harmoniously as possible.
A. A great team is being assembled.
K. This is very pleasing, this has never happened before. A complete idyll, and for this I am grateful to fate.
A. It’s just that the group “Agon” is already a dream come true. Everything that happens to her - amazing adventure, which cannot but rejoice. It is very exciting and helps develop best qualities: both professional and creative.
N. “Agon” was the first instrument of progress. It all started with him: man obtained fire, warmth, light, protection.

- So, the name is partly connected with this?
A. Of course. It is associated with primitive human associations. A fire was needed to keep warm and cook food, and everything else would happen by itself and turn out fine.
K. And also fire and warmth inside. The sun that warms, universal warmth.
A. Just like in the fire that destroys the universe at the end, we burn everything that happened to us in the past. We kindle this fire in order to invite new people to warm themselves with us. Also, this is a slang word from the Internet - Agon - like super-class, in general! And this is our mood.

- Filming, new project, probably take up all your time. How do you recover and rest?
K. We had a great recovery today – we were lying in our hotel rooms. They lay there and lay there, and you can still turn over to the other side.
A. Well, then where do we go?
K. Let's go perform and give people smiles.
A. No, between these two wonderful things?
K. We'll go to the gym again.
A. The gym is also being restored.
K. And then we’ll have lunch. By the way, the correct daily routine is very important. People often go to bed very late and wake up very late too. Therefore, it is difficult for them to get anything done due to a lack of vital energy and accumulated fatigue. And if you get up early, do exercises, eat right, life will become qualitatively better.
A. Emotional recovery is also important. Emotional strength requires constant feeding. This requires positive impressions and productive communication. You need to pay attention to the kind of relationships you build with loved ones, so that in difficult moments this communication will help you stay afloat, when you just want to wrap yourself in a blanket like a little cat. This helps a lot. Well, cool magazines, video clips, etc.
N. And it helps me a lot to recover spring-cleaning apartments. This puts all thoughts in order and helps to push away something bad. Clean around, clean inside.

Album “#I Will Love You” on iTunes:

Video clip “Everyone for himself”

Interviewed by Victoria Negara
Photographer Kiro Bolotov

Nikita Kuchukbaev

Mariam Turkmenbaeva became famous thanks to the television project “Everybody Dance”. This show was broadcast on Ukrainian TV channels. Mariam was awarded 3rd place. The girl has been studying dancing for 17 years; she began studying at the age of twelve. dance direction hip-hop.

Mariam's biography is full of tours, participation in many dance projects. Real name dancer Turkmenbaeva, according to her passport Maria Alexandrovna. Her zodiac sign is Aries, since she was born on April 12th. It’s a significant day, the day of cosmonautics, which is probably why the flight on stage in dance was chosen. Year of birth 1990. Born in Sevastopol, in the same city from the age of 10 she became interested in dancing. The girl inherited flexibility and endurance from her parents, professional athletes.

The girl's height is 165 cm, and her weight is approximately 45-48 kg.

New creative stage

Being in adolescence, Maryam participates in hometown in a group of dancers called “We” under the direction of Daria Stiletskaya. From the age of 16 she was a member of the Olympus club. The club was led by Alexander Bosov. Later he moves to Kyiv. She was attracted to the capital by the show ballet “Quest” with Yuri Bardash. The girl studies a lot, and her talent has not gone unnoticed. Maryam receives many invitations to appear in music videos.

Television and dance projects

Inspired by the prize in the “Everybody Dance” project, the dancer went from the United States of America to New York and Los Angeles to study with the best choreographers on the planet. The training lasts 4 years, and on the next television show project “Battle of the Seasons. Everyone Dances” in 2012 in their native Ukraine, Mariam and Evgeniy Kot won the victory. The girl was awarded the title of best dancer of Ukraine. Show “Everyone Dances. Return of Heroes" also could not have happened without her participation.

Participation in a dance group

Maryam is the lead singer of Quest Pistols. But this is now, first she was accepted as the main choreographer, and only later she was invited as a full-fledged member of the group performing on stage. The first popularity and recognition comes, the first fans are acquired.

Many viewers remember the video of the group “Quest Pistols Show” with the simple name “Heat”. The dances for this video were choreographed by Mariam Turkmenbaeva. There was another sensational video with the participation of a dancer in the group for the song “Wet”.

The process of creating the “Quest Pistols Show” team

Three choreographers created their own group, unlike any other, with a name that translated into Russian means “pistols in search.” Their concert performances surprised the audience, but the guys’ unusual shocking style found its fans, and the group gained popularity. A few years later, they broke up, but not for long, the composition changed, but the style and manner of performance concert numbers remained the same. Maryam Turkenbaeva, having joined the team, decorated and brought diversity to the male community. Today, the group has gained popularity not only in their homeland, but also in Russia.

Personal life

Her boyfriend is dance partner Evgeniy Kot. The young couple met long before television project, where they both took part. After the show, a bright feeling arises between them, which continues to this day. Now Mariam is 26 years old, she is still not married, and has no children yet.


Fans of Maryam's talent can find interesting photos in the group on VKontakte, where videos of the girl’s performances, her clips, and master classes are posted. The address of the group and the VK page, where you can find out the latest news from the life of Mariam Turkmenbayeva, can be easily found through a search engine. It contains not only informative information, here you can chat with your dance floor star, express your admiration for her, talk about what outrages fans, ask questions to your favorite. Just type her name.


Mariam loves cinema; she is most attracted to reflective films. She is a big dreamer and believes in the best, which is why she tries to make her life and the lives of her loved ones much better. Mariam loves everything related to Indian culture.


People find answers to many questions by entering the word “Wikipedia” into a search engine. According to her, Instagram is one of the social networks, where you can share your photos and videos with your friends. And Maryam is no exception. Many unexpected photos and statements of the dancer are on her pages in all communication networks. The girl is very sociable, this is facilitated by the name she was given at birth. The name Maria refers to an open woman with a cheerful and easy-going character.

Instagram of Mariam Turkmenbaeva (mariam_tu):

Sings or not

Regarding whether Maryam sings in the group or just dances, we can say that Turkmenbayeva is a creative person who does not like to stand in one place for a long time. Dancing is her passion and her love since childhood, it has become her profession and the meaning of life. But sing? Certainly! She's a woman. In addition, Maryam knows how to cook and has a sense of humor. All members of the group, which included the famous finalist of dance show projects, refused to eat meat. They are vegetarians and adherents of a healthy lifestyle.


On November 27, 2007, the presentation of the group’s debut album “For You” took place in Ukraine. The disc, which became “gold” in terms of sales, did not receive a single negative review. In May 2008, the album was presented in Russia.

In September of the same year, the artists went to Belgium for a festival dedicated to healthy image life. There the guys presented their program “Dance Against Poison”. It may be hard to believe, but the musicians do not drink, do not smoke and adhere to the principles of a healthy diet.

Soon a video for the song “Days of Glamor” appeared. The video was shot in Kyiv by Asian director and producer Philip Lee. According to the scenario, the “pistols” used chainsaws to destroy branded items of world brands and thereby made it clear that “the days of glamor are numbered.”

Soon the guys presented their third video for the song “For You” (directed by Philip Lee). The plot was simple, but very funny and amusing. The video shows...the filming of the video “For You”! But instead of the real one film crew- cute kids. In the video you can also see rare video cameras and hangers with second-hand clothes.

At the beginning of September, the Quest Pistols pleased fans with another video. The video for the composition “Cage” was directed by Vladimir Yakimenko. In it, the anti-glamorous trio tried to express the meaning of the song through dance. Immediately after filming, the aggressive pop idols of our time went on a large tour of the cities of Ukraine.

In October 2008, Quest Pistols took part in the MTV Ukranian Music Awards ceremony, which was held in Donetsk, and became the best in the “Debut of the Year” category. Moreover, the musicians will represent Ukraine at the main European music ceremony MTV Europe Music Awards, which will take place on November 6 in Liverpool.

Kyiv artists will also take part in international competition dance songs of Europe and the Mediterranean - “Eurodance 2008”. They will present their hit “I’m tired” in a remix from 2 Special & FDR to the audience. The trio views the competition as "a kind of rehearsal." The guys plan to shock everyone with their performance at Eurovision 2009. According to the guys, Russia and others
The countries participating in the competition will be absolutely shocked by what they see.

At first creative path the scandalous trinity - Kostya, Anton and Nikita - performed in Kyiv as the show ballet Quest. For three years, the team has captivated the Ukrainian public with its original productions for pop stars, causing a lot of noise, but this was just the beginning.

April 1, 2007 became significant date for the group, since on this day the guys performed in the Ukrainian television program “Chance” in a new role. Cover version of the hit
Shokin’ Blue “Long and lonesome Road” performed by Quest literally blew up the television airwaves. The public very quickly gave the song the name “I’m tired.” This stunt brought the group 60,000 votes from viewers and made the Quest Pistols famous. The song immediately became the leader in the number of downloads on the Internet and plays.

The debut video of Quest Pistols “I’m tired”, directed by Evgeniy Opanasyuk, was released in June 2007. The video immediately went into rotation on MTV.

In September 2007, the artists performed in Belgium at a festival dedicated to a healthy lifestyle with their program “Dance Against Poison.” Incredibly, the guys don’t smoke, don’t drink, and eat healthy food.

The Quest Pistols presented their debut album “For You” in Ukraine at the end of November 2007. The disc became “gold” in terms of sales and received only positive reviews. The album was presented in Russia in May 2008.

Shortly after, a video was made for the song "Days of Glamor". The video was filmed in Kyiv under the direction of Asian director and producer Philip Lee. One of the brightest episodes of the video can be called the destruction of branded items from world brands with “pistols” using a chainsaw, by which the artists hinted that “the glamorous days are numbered.”

After some time, the musicians presented the third video for the song “For You” (directed by director Philip Lee). Despite the simplicity, the plot turned out to be quite funny and funny. The video is based on… the filming of the video “For You”! However, instead of a real film crew, cute kids performed. The video uses rare video cameras, as well as second-hand clothes.

Another video by the Quest Pistols appeared in early September. The video for the song “Cage” was filmed by director Vladimir Yakimenko. Here the anti-glamorous trio tried to express the content of the song through dance. At the end of filming, the aggressive pop idols of our time went on tour to the cities of Ukraine.

In October 2008, the MTV Ukranian Music Awards ceremony took place in Donetsk. Quest Pistols won the “Debut of the Year” category. In Liverpool on November 6, at the main European music ceremony MTV Europe Music Awards, musicians had the opportunity to represent their native Ukraine.

About the group members

Anton. Team leader. The youngest member of the Quest Pistols. Anton was born in the Kharkov region in the village of Kovsharovka. Even as a child, he was distinguished by his originality: he was a fan of Michael Jackson and wore long hair. At school, Anton had excellent academic performance, but still his passion for dancing took its toll. At the age of 16, he went to the capital to enter university to become a choreographer. However, he did not study there for long and took away the documents. In addition to singing and dancing, “pistol” is interested in rare retro motorcycles and tattoos.

Kostya. A multifaceted person: dancer, stylist and designer. In the group, Kostya is the generator of ideas. His life until the age of 16 was connected with Chernigov, ballroom and folk dances. After moving with his family to Kyiv, Kostya received a diploma in philology and learned to breakdance. He always knows exactly how to stand out from the crowd. Kostya believes that even if you dress in a second-hand store for 100 rubles, you can look stylish and be cooler than everyone else. He enjoys drawing and fashion design. At night he reads books on Eastern philosophy, and during the day he rides around the city on his motorcycle.
I would ask my parents for money, but I would earn it myself by dancing on the Maidan. The guy's body is so plastic that it seems as if it can take on absolutely any shape. Nikita not only participates in the Quest Pistols, but also plays in her own punk band. Although his lifestyle is far from the life of a “classic” punk.

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