The influence of electromagnetic fields on humans. Electromagnetic field and its effect on human health

1. What is EMF, its types and classification
2. Main sources of EMF
2.1 Electric transport
2.2 Power lines
2.3 Electrical wiring
2.4 Household electrical appliances
2.5 TV and radio stations
2.6 Satellite communications
2.7 Cellular
2.8 Radars
2.9 Personal computers
3. How does EMF affect health?
4. How to protect yourself from EMF

What is EMF, its types and classification

In practice, when characterizing the electromagnetic environment, the terms “electric field”, “magnetic field”, “electromagnetic field” are used. Let us briefly explain what this means and what connection exists between them.

An electric field is created by charges. For example, in all the well-known school experiments on the electrification of ebonite, an electric field is present.

A magnetic field is created when electric charges move along a conductor.

To characterize the magnitude of the electric field, the concept of electric field strength is used, symbol E, unit of measurement V/m (Volt-per-meter). The magnitude of the magnetic field is characterized by the magnetic field strength H, unit A/m (Ampere-per-meter). When measuring ultra-low and extremely low frequencies, the concept of magnetic induction B is also often used, the unit T (Tesla), one millionth of a T corresponds to 1.25 A/m.

By definition, an electromagnetic field is a special form of matter through which interaction occurs between electrically charged particles. The physical reasons for the existence of an electromagnetic field are related to the fact that a time-varying electric field E generates a magnetic field H, and a changing H generates a vortex electric field: both components E and H, continuously changing, excite each other. The EMF of stationary or uniformly moving charged particles is inextricably linked with these particles. With the accelerated movement of charged particles, the EMF “breaks away” from them and exists independently in the form of electromagnetic waves, without disappearing when the source is removed (for example, radio waves do not disappear even in the absence of current in the antenna that emitted them).

Electromagnetic waves are characterized by wavelength, symbol - l (lambda). A source that generates radiation, and essentially creates electromagnetic oscillations, is characterized by frequency, designated f.

An important feature of EMF is its division into the so-called “near” and “far” zones. In the “near” zone, or induction zone, at a distance from the source r 3l. In the “far” zone, the field intensity decreases in inverse proportion to the distance to the source r -1.

In the “far” zone of radiation there is a connection between E and H: E = 377H, where 377 is the wave impedance of the vacuum, Ohm. Therefore, as a rule, only E is measured. In Russia, at frequencies above 300 MHz, the electromagnetic energy flux density (PED), or the Poynting vector, is usually measured. Denoted as S, the unit of measurement is W/m2. PES characterizes the amount of energy transferred by an electromagnetic wave per unit time through a unit surface perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.

International classification of electromagnetic waves by frequency

Frequency range name Range limits Name of wave range Range limits
Extreme low, ELF 3 - 30 Hz Decamegameter 100 - 10 mm
Ultra-low, SLF 30 – 300 Hz Megameter 10 - 1 mm
Infra-low, INF 0.3 - 3 kHz Hectokilometer 1000 - 100 km
Very low, VLF 3 - 30 kHz Myriameter 100 - 10 km
Low frequencies, LF 30 - 300 kHz Kilometer 10 - 1 km
Mids, mids 0.3 - 3 MHz Hectometric 1 - 0.1 km
Treble, HF 3 - 30 MHz Decameter 100 - 10 m
Very high, VHF 30 - 300 MHz Meter 10 - 1 m
Ultra high, UHF 0.3 - 3 GHz decimeter 1 - 0.1 m
Ultra high, microwave 3 - 30 GHz Centimeter 10 - 1 cm
Extremely high, EHF 30 - 300 GHz Millimeter 10 - 1 mm
Hyperhigh, HHF 300 – 3000 GHz decimmillimeter 1 - 0.1 mm

2. Main sources of EMF

Among the main sources of EMR are:
  • Electric transport (trams, trolleybuses, trains,...)
  • Power lines (city lighting, high voltage,...)
  • Electrical wiring (inside buildings, telecommunications,…)
  • Household electrical appliances
  • TV and radio stations (broadcasting antennas)
  • Satellite and cellular communications (broadcast antennas)
  • Radars
  • Personal computers

2.1 Electric transport

Electric vehicles - electric trains (including subway trains), trolleybuses, trams, etc. - are a relatively powerful source of magnetic field in the frequency range from 0 to 1000 Hz. According to (Stenzel et al., 1996), the maximum values ​​of the magnetic induction flux density B in commuter trains reach 75 μT with an average value of 20 μT. The average value of V for vehicles with a DC electric drive was recorded at 29 µT. A typical result of long-term measurements of the levels of the magnetic field generated by railway transport at a distance of 12 m from the track is shown in the figure.

2.2 Power lines

The wires of a working power line create electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency in the adjacent space. The distance over which these fields extend from the line wires reaches tens of meters. The range of propagation of the electric field depends on the voltage class of the power line (the number indicating the voltage class is in the name of the power line - for example, a 220 kV power line), the higher the voltage, the larger the zone of increased electric field level, while the size of the zone does not change during the operation of the power line.

The range of propagation of the magnetic field depends on the magnitude of the current flowing or on the line load. Since the load on power lines can change repeatedly both during the day and with changing seasons, the size of the zone of increased magnetic field level also changes.

Biological effect

Electric and magnetic fields are very strong factors influencing the state of all biological objects falling within the zone of their influence. For example, in the area of ​​influence of the electric field of power lines, insects exhibit changes in behavior: for example, bees show increased aggressiveness, anxiety, decreased performance and productivity, and a tendency to lose queens; Beetles, mosquitoes, butterflies and other flying insects exhibit changes in behavioral responses, including a change in the direction of movement towards a lower field level.

Developmental anomalies are common in plants - the shapes and sizes of flowers, leaves, stems often change, and extra petals appear. A healthy person suffers from a relatively long stay in the field of power lines. Short-term exposure (minutes) can lead to a negative reaction only in hypersensitive people or in patients with certain types of allergies. For example, the work of English scientists in the early 90s is well known, showing that a number of allergy sufferers, when exposed to the power line field, develop an epileptic-type reaction. With prolonged stay (months - years) of people in the electromagnetic field of power lines, diseases can develop, mainly of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the human body. In recent years, cancer has often been cited as a long-term consequence.

Sanitary standards

Studies of the biological effect of EMF IF, carried out in the USSR in the 60-70s, were focused mainly on the effect of the electrical component, since no significant biological effect of the magnetic component was experimentally discovered at typical levels. In the 70s, strict standards were introduced for the population according to EP, which are still among the most stringent in the world. They are set out in the Sanitary Norms and Rules “Protection of the population from the effects of the electric field created by overhead power lines of alternating current of industrial frequency” No. 2971-84. In accordance with these standards, all power supply facilities are designed and built.

Despite the fact that the magnetic field throughout the world is now considered the most dangerous to health, the maximum permissible magnetic field value for the population in Russia is not standardized. The reason is there is no money for research and development of standards. Most power lines were built without taking this danger into account.

Based on mass epidemiological surveys of the population living in conditions of irradiation by magnetic fields of power lines, a magnetic induction flux density of 0.2 - 0.3 µT.

Principles for ensuring public safety

The basic principle of protecting public health from the electromagnetic field of power lines is to establish sanitary protection zones for power lines and reduce the electric field strength in residential buildings and in places where people can stay for a long time by using protective screens.

The boundaries of sanitary protection zones for power transmission lines on existing lines are determined by the criterion of electric field strength - 1 kV/m.

Boundaries of sanitary protection zones for power lines according to SN No. 2971-84

The placement of ultra-high voltage overhead lines (750 and 1150 kV) is subject to additional requirements regarding the conditions of exposure to the electric field on the population. Thus, the closest distance from the axis of the designed 750 and 1150 kV overhead lines to the boundaries of populated areas should, as a rule, be at least 250 and 300 m, respectively.

How to determine the voltage class of power lines? It is best to contact your local energy company, but you can try visually, although this is difficult for a non-specialist:

330 kV - 2 wires, 500 kV - 3 wires, 750 kV - 4 wires. Below 330 kV, one wire per phase, can only be determined approximately by the number of insulators in the garland: 220 kV 10 -15 pcs., 110 kV 6-8 pcs., 35 kV 3-5 pcs., 10 kV and below - 1 pc. .

Permissible levels of exposure to the electric field of power lines

MPL, kV/m Irradiation conditions
0,5 inside residential buildings
1,0 on the territory of a residential development zone
5,0 in populated areas outside of residential areas; (land of cities within the city limits within the boundaries of their long-term development for 10 years, suburban and green areas, resorts, lands of urban-type settlements within the village limits and rural settlements within the boundaries of these points) as well as in the territory of vegetable gardens and orchards;
10,0 at the intersection of overhead power lines with highways 1 – IV categories;
15,0 in uninhabited areas (undeveloped areas, even if frequently visited by people, accessible to transport, and agricultural land);
20,0 in hard-to-reach areas (inaccessible to transport and agricultural vehicles) and in areas specially fenced off to exclude public access.

Within the sanitary protection zone of overhead lines it is prohibited:

  • place residential and public buildings and structures;
  • arrange parking areas for all types of transport;
  • locate automobile servicing enterprises and oil and petroleum products warehouses;
  • carry out operations with fuel, repair machines and mechanisms.
The territories of sanitary protection zones are allowed to be used as agricultural land, but it is recommended to grow crops on them that do not require manual labor.

If in some areas the electric field strength outside the sanitary protection zone is higher than the maximum permissible 0.5 kV/m inside the building and higher than 1 kV/m in the residential area (in places where people may be present), they must measures should be taken to reduce tensions. To do this, on the roof of a building with a non-metal roof, almost any metal mesh is placed, grounded in at least two points. In buildings with a metal roof, it is enough to ground the roof in at least two points. In personal plots or other places where people are located, the power frequency field strength can be reduced by installing protective screens, for example, reinforced concrete, metal fences, cable screens, trees or shrubs at least 2 m high.

2.3 Electrical wiring

The greatest contribution to the electromagnetic environment of residential premises in the industrial frequency range of 50 Hz comes from the electrical equipment of the building, namely the cable lines supplying electricity to all apartments and other consumers of the building’s life support system, as well as distribution boards and transformers. In rooms adjacent to these sources, the level of the industrial frequency magnetic field, caused by the flowing electric current, is usually increased. The level of the electric field at industrial frequency is usually not high and does not exceed the maximum permissible limit for the population of 500 V/m.

The figure shows the distribution of the magnetic field of industrial frequency in a residential area. The source of the field is a power distribution point located in an adjacent non-residential building. At present, the results of the studies performed cannot clearly justify the limit values ​​or other mandatory restrictions for long-term exposure of the population to low-frequency magnetic fields at low levels.

Researchers from Carnegie University in Pittsburgh (USA) have formulated an approach to the problem of the magnetic field which they call “prudent prevention”. They believe that while our knowledge regarding the relationship between health and the consequences of radiation exposure remains incomplete, but there are strong suspicions about the health consequences, it is necessary to take steps to ensure safety that do not incur heavy costs or other inconveniences.

A similar approach was used, for example, in the initial stage of work on the problem of the biological effects of ionizing radiation: suspicion of risks of damage to health, based on solid scientific grounds, should in itself constitute sufficient grounds for taking protective measures.

Currently, many experts consider the maximum permissible value of magnetic induction to be 0.2 - 0.3 µT. It is believed that the development of diseases - primarily leukemia - is very likely with prolonged exposure of a person to fields of higher levels (several hours a day, especially at night, for a period of more than a year).

The main protective measure is precautionary.

  • it is necessary to avoid prolonged stay (regularly for several hours a day) in places with an increased level of industrial frequency magnetic field;
  • the bed for night rest should be kept as far as possible from sources of prolonged exposure; the distance to distribution cabinets and power cables should be 2.5 - 3 meters;
  • if there are any unknown cables, distribution cabinets, transformer substations in or adjacent to the room, removal should be as much as possible; optimally, measure the level of electromagnetic fields before living in such a room;
  • If it is necessary to install electrically heated floors, choose systems with a reduced level of magnetic field.

2.4 Household electrical appliances

All household appliances that operate using electric current are sources of electromagnetic fields. The most powerful are microwave ovens, convection ovens, refrigerators with a “no frost” system, kitchen hoods, electric stoves, televisions. The actual EMF generated, depending on the specific model and mode of operation, can vary greatly among equipment of the same type (see Figure 1). All data below refers to a magnetic field of industrial frequency 50 Hz.

The magnetic field values ​​are closely related to the power of the device - the higher it is, the higher the magnetic field during its operation. The values ​​of the electric field of industrial frequency of almost all electrical household appliances do not exceed several tens of V/m at a distance of 0.5 m, which is significantly less than the maximum limit of 500 V/m.

Power frequency magnetic field levels of household electrical appliances at a distance of 0.3 m.

Maximum permissible electromagnetic field levels for consumer products that are sources of EMF

Source Range Remote control value Note
Induction furnaces 20 - 22 kHz 500 V/m
4 A/m
Measurement conditions: distance 0.3 m from the body
Microwave ovens 2.45 GHz 10 µW/cm2 Measurement conditions: distance 0.50 ± 0.05 m from any point, with a load of 1 liter of water
PC video display terminal 5 Hz - 2 kHz Epdu = 25 V/m
Vpdu = 250 nT
Measurement conditions: distance 0.5 m around the PC monitor
2 - 400 kHz Epdu = 2.5 V/mV
pdu = 25 nT
surface electrostatic potential V = 500 V Measurement conditions: distance 0.1 m from the PC monitor screen
Other products 50 Hz E = 500 V/m Measurement conditions: distance 0.5 m from the product body
0.3 - 300 kHz E = 25 V/m
0.3 - 3 MHz E = 15 V/m
3 - 30 MHz E = 10 V/m
30 - 300 MHz E = 3 V/m
0.3 - 30 GHz PES = 10 μW/cm2

Possible biological effects

Human body always responds to an electromagnetic field. However, in order for this reaction to develop into a pathology and lead to disease, a number of conditions must coincide - including a sufficiently high field level and duration of irradiation. Therefore, when using household appliances with low field levels and/or for a short period of time, the EMF of household appliances does not affect the health of the majority of the population. Potential danger can only be faced by people with hypersensitivity to EMFs and allergy sufferers, who also often have increased sensitivity to EMFs.

In addition, according to modern concepts, a magnetic field of industrial frequency can be dangerous to human health if prolonged exposure occurs (regularly, at least 8 hours a day, for several years) with a level above 0.2 microtesla.

  • When purchasing household appliances, check in the Hygienic Report (certificate) the mark on the product’s compliance with the requirements of the “Interstate Sanitary Standards for Permissible Levels of Physical Factors when Using Consumer Goods in Domestic Conditions”, MSanPiN 001-96;
  • use equipment with lower power consumption: industrial frequency magnetic fields will be lower, all other things being equal;
  • Potentially unfavorable sources of a magnetic field of industrial frequency in an apartment include refrigerators with a “no-frost” system, some types of “warm floors”, heaters, televisions, some alarm systems, various types of chargers, rectifiers and current converters - the sleeping place should be at a distance at least 2 meters from these objects if they work during your night rest;
  • When placing household appliances in an apartment, be guided by the following principles: place household electrical appliances as far as possible from rest areas, do not place household electrical appliances close together and do not stack them on top of each other.
A microwave oven (or microwave oven) uses an electromagnetic field, also called microwave radiation or microwave radiation, to heat food. The operating frequency of microwave radiation of microwave ovens is 2.45 GHz. It is this radiation that many people are afraid of. However, modern microwave ovens are equipped with fairly advanced protection that prevents the electromagnetic field from escaping beyond the working volume. At the same time, it cannot be said that the field does not penetrate at all outside the microwave oven. By various reasons part of the electromagnetic field intended for the chicken penetrates outward, especially intensely, as a rule, in the area of ​​the lower right corner of the door. To ensure safety when using ovens at home, Russia has sanitary standards that limit the maximum leakage of microwave radiation from a microwave oven. They are called “Maximum permissible levels of energy flux density created by microwave ovens” and have the designation SN No. 2666-83. According to these sanitary standards, the energy flux density of the electromagnetic field should not exceed 10 μW/cm2 at a distance of 50 cm from any point of the stove body when heating 1 liter of water. In practice, almost all new modern microwave ovens meet this requirement with a large margin. However, when purchasing a new stove, you need to make sure that the certificate of conformity states that your stove meets the requirements of these sanitary standards.

It must be remembered that over time the degree of protection may decrease, mainly due to the appearance of microcracks in the door seal. This can happen both due to dirt and mechanical damage. Therefore, the door and its seal require careful handling and careful maintenance. The guaranteed durability of protection against electromagnetic field leaks during normal operation is several years. After 5-6 years of operation, it is advisable to check the quality of protection and invite a specialist from a specially accredited laboratory for monitoring electromagnetic fields.

In addition to microwave radiation, the operation of a microwave oven is accompanied by an intense magnetic field created by an industrial frequency current of 50 Hz flowing in the oven's power supply system. At the same time, a microwave oven is one of the most powerful sources of a magnetic field in an apartment. For the population, the level of the industrial frequency magnetic field in our country is still not limited, despite its significant effect on the human body during prolonged exposure. In domestic conditions, a single short-term switching on (for a few minutes) will not have a significant impact on human health. However, now a household microwave oven is often used to heat food in cafes and in similar other industrial settings. In this case, a person working with it finds himself in a situation of chronic exposure to a magnetic field of industrial frequency. In this case, mandatory control of the industrial frequency magnetic field and microwave radiation is necessary at the workplace.

Considering the specifics of the microwave oven, it is advisable to move away at a distance of at least 1.5 meters after turning it on - in this case, the electromagnetic field is guaranteed not to affect you at all.

2.5 TV and radio stations

A significant number of transmitting radio centers of various affiliations are currently located on the territory of Russia. Transmitting radio centers (RTC) are located in specially designated areas and can occupy fairly large areas (up to 1000 hectares). In their structure, they include one or more technical buildings where radio transmitters are located, and antenna fields on which up to several dozen antenna-feeder systems (AFS) are located. The AFS includes an antenna used to measure radio waves and a feed line that supplies high-frequency energy generated by the transmitter to it.

The zone of possible adverse effects of EMFs created by the PRC can be divided into two parts.

The first part of the zone is the PRC territory itself, where all the services that ensure the operation of radio transmitters and AFS are located. This territory is guarded and only persons professionally associated with the maintenance of transmitters, switches and AFS are allowed into it. The second part of the zone is the territories adjacent to the PRC, access to which is not limited and where various residential buildings can be located, in this case there is a threat of exposure to the population located in this part of the zone.

The location of the RRC can be different, for example, in Moscow and the Moscow region it is typically located in close proximity or among residential buildings.

High levels of EMF are observed in areas, and often outside the location of transmitting radio centers of low, medium and high frequencies (PRC LF, MF and HF). A detailed analysis of the electromagnetic situation in the territories of the PRC indicates its extreme complexity associated with the individual nature of the intensity and distribution of EMF for each radio center. In this regard, special studies of this kind are carried out for each individual PRC.

Widespread sources of EMF in populated areas are currently radio engineering transmitting centers (RTTCs), emitting ultrashort VHF and UHF waves into the environment.

A comparative analysis of sanitary protection zones (SPZ) and restricted development zones in the coverage area of ​​such facilities showed that the highest levels of exposure to people and the environment are observed in the area where the “old-built” RTPC is located with an antenna support height of no more than 180 m. The largest contribution to the total The intensity of the impact is contributed by the “corner” three- and six-story VHF FM broadcasting antennas.

DV radio stations(frequencies 30 - 300 kHz). In this range, the wavelengths are relatively long (for example, 2000 m for a frequency of 150 kHz). At a distance of one wavelength or less from the antenna, the field can be quite large, for example, at a distance of 30 m from the antenna of a 500 kW transmitter operating at 145 kHz, the electric field can be above 630 V/m and the magnetic field above 1. 2 A/m.

CB radio stations(frequencies 300 kHz - 3 MHz). Data for radio stations of this type say that the electric field strength at a distance of 200 m can reach 10 V/m, at a distance of 100 m - 25 V/m, at a distance of 30 m - 275 V/m (data are given for a 50 kW transmitter) .

HF radio stations(frequencies 3 - 30 MHz). HF radio transmitters usually have lower power. However, they are more often located in cities, and can even be placed on the roofs of residential buildings at a height of 10-100 m. A 100 kW transmitter at a distance of 100 m can create an electric field strength of 44 V/m and a magnetic field of 0.12 F/m.

TV transmitters. Television transmitters are usually located in cities. Transmitting antennas are usually located at altitudes above 110 m. From the point of view of assessing the impact on health, field levels at distances from several tens of meters to several kilometers are of interest. Typical electric field strengths can reach 15 V/m at a distance of 1 km from a 1 MW transmitter. In Russia, at present, the problem of assessing the level of EMF of television transmitters is especially relevant due to the sharp increase in the number of television channels and transmitting stations.

The main principle of ensuring safety is compliance with the maximum permissible levels of the electromagnetic field established by Sanitary norms and rules. Each radio transmitting facility has a Sanitary Passport, which defines the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone. Only with this document do the territorial bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision permit the operation of radio transmitting facilities. They periodically monitor the electromagnetic environment to ensure it complies with the established remote controls.

2.6 Satellite communications

Satellite communication systems consist of a transceiver station on Earth and a satellite in orbit. The antenna pattern of satellite communication stations has a clearly defined narrowly directed main beam - the main lobe. The energy flux density (PED) in the main lobe of the radiation pattern can reach several hundred W/m2 near the antenna, also creating significant field levels at a large distance. For example, a 225 kW station operating at a frequency of 2.38 GHz creates a PES equal to 2.8 W/m2 at a distance of 100 km. However, energy dissipation from the main beam is very small and occurs most in the area where the antenna is located.

2.7 Cellular

Cellular radiotelephony is one of the most rapidly developing telecommunication systems today. Currently, around the world there are more than 85 million subscribers using the services of this type of mobile (mobile) communications (in Russia - more than 600 thousand). It is expected that by 2001 their number will increase to 200–210 million (in Russia - about 1 million).

The main elements of a cellular communication system are base stations (BS) and mobile radiotelephones (MRT). Base stations maintain radio communication with mobile radiotelephones, as a result of which BS and MRI are sources of electromagnetic radiation in the UHF range. An important feature of a cellular radio communication system is the very efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum allocated for the operation of the system (repeated use of the same frequencies, use various methods access), which makes it possible to provide telephone communications to a significant number of subscribers. The system operates on the principle of dividing a certain territory into zones, or “cells,” with a radius of usually 0.5–10 kilometers.

Base stations

Base stations maintain communication with mobile radiotelephones located in their coverage area and operate in signal reception and transmission modes. Depending on the standard, BS emit electromagnetic energy in the frequency range from 463 to 1880 MHz. BS antennas are installed at a height of 15–100 meters from the ground surface on existing buildings (public, service, industrial and residential buildings, chimneys industrial enterprises etc.) or on specially constructed masts. Among the BS antennas installed in one place, there are both transmitting (or transceiver) and receiving antennas, which are not sources of EMF.

Based on the technological requirements for building a cellular communication system, the antenna radiation pattern in the vertical plane is designed in such a way that the main radiation energy (more than 90%) is concentrated in a rather narrow “beam”. It is always directed away from the structures on which the BS antennas are located, and above adjacent buildings, which is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of the system.

Brief specifications cellular radio communication system standards in force in Russia

Name of the standard Operating frequency range of BS Operating frequency range of MRI Maximum radiated power of BS Maximum radiated power of MRI Cell radius
NMT-450 Analog 463 – 467.5 MHz 453 – 457.5 MHz 100 W 1 W 1 – 40 km
AMPS Analog 869 – 894 MHz 824 – 849 MHz 100 W 0.6 W 2 – 20 km
D-AMPS (IS-136) Digital 869 – 894 MHz 824 – 849 MHz 50 W 0.2 W 0.5 – 20 km
CDMADigital 869 – 894 MHz 824 – 849 MHz 100 W 0.6 W 2 – 40 km
GSM-900Digital 925 – 965 MHz 890 – 915 MHz 40 W 0.25 W 0.5 – 35 km
GSM-1800 (DCS) Digital 1805 – 1880 MHz 1710 – 1785 MHz 20 W 0.125 W 0.5 – 35 km

BS are a type of transmitting radio engineering objects, the radiation power of which (load) is not constant 24 hours a day. The load is determined by the presence of cell phone owners in the service area of ​​a particular base station and their desire to use the phone for a conversation, which, in turn, fundamentally depends on the time of day, location of the BS, day of the week, etc. At night, the load of the BS is almost zero , i.e. the stations are mostly “silent”.

Studies of the electromagnetic situation in the territory adjacent to the BS were carried out by specialists from different countries, including Sweden, Hungary and Russia. Based on the results of measurements carried out in Moscow and the Moscow region, it can be stated that in 100% of cases the electromagnetic environment in the premises of buildings on which BS antennas are installed did not differ from the background characteristic of a given area in a given frequency range. In the adjacent territory, in 91% of cases, the recorded levels of the electromagnetic field were 50 times less than the maximum limit established for the BS. The maximum measurement value, 10 times less than the maximum limit, was recorded near a building on which three base stations of different standards were installed at once.

Available scientific data and the existing system of sanitary and hygienic control during the commissioning of cellular base stations make it possible to classify cellular base stations as the most environmentally and sanitary and hygienically safe communication systems.

Mobile radiotelephones

A mobile radiotelephone (MRT) is a small-sized transceiver. Depending on the phone standard, transmission is carried out in the frequency range 453 – 1785 MHz. The MRI radiation power is a variable value that largely depends on the state of the communication channel “mobile radiotelephone – base station,” i.e., the higher the BS signal level at the receiving location, the lower the MRI radiation power. The maximum power is in the range of 0.125–1 W, but in real conditions it usually does not exceed 0.05–0.2 W. The question of the impact of MRI radiation on the user’s body still remains open. Numerous studies conducted by scientists from different countries, including Russia, on biological objects (including volunteers) have led to ambiguous, sometimes contradictory, results. The only undeniable fact is that the human body “responds” to the presence of cell phone radiation. Therefore, MRI owners are advised to take some precautions:

  • do not use your cell phone unless necessary;
  • talk continuously for no more than 3 – 4 minutes;
  • Do not allow children to use MRI;
  • when purchasing, choose a cell phone with a lower maximum radiation power;
  • In a car, use MRI in conjunction with a hands-free public address system with an external antenna, which is best located in the geometric center of the roof.
For people surrounding a person talking on a mobile radiotelephone, the electromagnetic field created by MRI does not pose any danger.

Research into the possible influence of the biological effect of the electromagnetic field of elements of cellular communication systems is of great interest to the public. Publications in media mass media fairly accurately reflect current trends in these studies. GSM mobile phones: Swiss tests have shown that the radiation absorbed by the human head is within the limits permitted by European standards. Specialists from the Center for Electromagnetic Safety conducted medical and biological experiments to study the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the physiological and hormonal state of humans mobile phones existing and future cellular communication standards.

When a mobile phone is operating, electromagnetic radiation is perceived not only by the base station receiver, but also by the user’s body, and primarily by his head. What happens in the human body, and how dangerous is this effect to health? There is still no clear answer to this question. However, an experiment by Russian scientists showed that the human brain not only senses cell phone radiation, but also distinguishes between cellular communication standards.

The head of the research project, Doctor of Medical Sciences Yuri Grigoriev, believes that cell phones of the NMT-450 and GSM-900 standards caused reliable and noteworthy changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain. However, a single 30-minute exposure to the electromagnetic field of a mobile phone does not have clinically significant consequences for the human body. The lack of reliable measurements in the electroencephalogram in the case of using a GSM-1800 standard telephone can characterize it as the most “friendly” for the user of the three communication systems used in the experiment.

2.8 Radars

Radar stations are usually equipped with mirror-type antennas and have a narrowly directed radiation pattern in the form of a beam directed along the optical axis.

Radar systems operate at frequencies from 500 MHz to 15 GHz, but individual systems can operate at frequencies up to 100 GHz. The EM signal they create is fundamentally different from radiation from other sources. This is due to the fact that periodic movement of the antenna in space leads to spatial intermittency of irradiation. Temporary intermittency of irradiation is due to the cyclical operation of the radar on radiation. Operating time in various radio operating modes technical means can range from several hours to days. Thus, for meteorological radars with a time intermittency of 30 minutes - radiation, 30 minutes - pause, the total operating time does not exceed 12 hours, while airport radar stations in most cases operate around the clock. The width of the radiation pattern in the horizontal plane is usually several degrees, and the duration of irradiation over the viewing period is tens of milliseconds.

Metrological radars can create a PES of ~100 W/m2 for each irradiation cycle at a distance of 1 km. Airport radar stations create PES ~ 0.5 W/m2 at a distance of 60 m. Marine radar equipment is installed on all ships; it usually has a transmitter power an order of magnitude lower than that of airfield radars, so in normal mode scanning PES created at a distance of several meters, does not exceed 10 W/m2.

An increase in the power of radars for various purposes and the use of highly directional all-round antennas leads to a significant increase in the intensity of EMR in the microwave range and creates long-distance zones with a high energy flux density on the ground. The most unfavorable conditions are observed in residential areas of cities within which airports are located: Irkutsk, Sochi, Syktyvkar, Rostov-on-Don and a number of others.

2.9 Personal computers

The main source of adverse effects on the health of a computer user is the means of visual display of information on a cathode ray tube. The main factors of its adverse effects are listed below.

Ergonomic parameters of the monitor screen

  • reduced image contrast in conditions of intense external illumination
  • specular reflections from the front surface of monitor screens
  • flickering of the image on the monitor screen
Emissive characteristics of the monitor
  • electromagnetic field of the monitor in the frequency range 20 Hz-1000 MHz
  • static electric charge on the monitor screen
  • ultraviolet radiation in the range 200-400 nm
  • infrared radiation in the range 1050 nm - 1 mm
  • X-ray radiation > 1.2 keV

Computer as a source of alternating electromagnetic field

The main components of a personal computer (PC) are: a system unit (processor) and various input/output devices: keyboard, disk drives, printer, scanner, etc. Each personal computer includes a means of visual display of information called differently - monitor, display. As a rule, it is based on a device based on a cathode ray tube. PCs are often equipped with surge protectors (for example, "Pilot" type), uninterruptible power supplies and other auxiliary electrical equipment. All these elements during PC operation form a complex electromagnetic environment at the user’s workplace (see Table 1).

PC as a source of EMF

Source Frequency range(first harmonic)
Monitor network transformer power supply 50 Hz
static voltage converter in switching power supply 20 - 100 kHz
frame scanning and synchronization unit 48 - 160 Hz
line scanning and synchronization unit 15 110 kHz
monitor anode accelerating voltage (only for CRT monitors) 0 Hz (electrostatic)
System unit (processor) 50 Hz - 1000 MHz
Information input/output devices 0 Hz, 50 Hz
Uninterruptible power supplies 50 Hz, 20 - 100 kHz

The electromagnetic field created by a personal computer has a complex spectral composition in the frequency range from 0 Hz to 1000 MHz. The electromagnetic field has electric (E) and magnetic (H) components, and their relationship is quite complex, so E and H are assessed separately.

Maximum EMF values ​​recorded at the workplace
Field type, frequency range, field strength unit Field strength value along the screen axis around the monitor
Electric field, 100 kHz - 300 MHz, V/m 17.0 24.0
Electric field, 0.02-2 kHz, V/m 150.0 155.0
Electric field, 2-400 kHz V/m 14.0 16.0
Magnetic field, 100 kHz - 300 MHz, mA/m nhp nhp
Magnetic field, 0.02-2 kHz, mA/m 550.0 600.0
Magnetic field, 2-400 kHz, mA/m 35.0 35.0
Electrostatic field, kV/m 22.0 -

Range of electromagnetic field values ​​measured at PC user workplaces

Name of measured parameters Frequency range 5 Hz - 2 kHz Frequency range 2 - 400 kHz
Alternating electric field strength, (V/m) 1.0 - 35.0 0.1 - 1.1
Alternating magnetic field induction, (nT) 6.0 - 770.0 1.0 - 32.0

Computer as a source of electrostatic field

When the monitor is operating, an electrostatic charge accumulates on the kinescope screen, creating an electrostatic field (ESF). In different studies, under different measurement conditions, EST values ​​ranged from 8 to 75 kV/m. At the same time, people working with the monitor acquire electrostatic potential. The spread of electrostatic potentials of users ranges from -3 to +5 kV. When ESTP is experienced subjectively, the user's potential is the deciding factor in the occurrence of unpleasant subjective sensations. A noticeable contribution to the total electrostatic field is made by the surfaces of the keyboard and mouse that are electrified by friction. Experiments show that even after working with the keyboard, the electrostatic field quickly increases from 2 to 12 kV/m. At individual workplaces in the area of ​​the hands, static electric field strengths of more than 20 kV/m were recorded.

According to generalized data, in those working at a monitor from 2 to 6 hours a day, functional disorders of the central nervous system occur on average 4.6 times more often than in control groups, diseases of the cardiovascular system - 2 times more often, diseases of the upper respiratory tract - 1.9 times more often, diseases of the musculoskeletal system - 3.1 times more often. As the time spent on a computer increases, the ratio of healthy to sick users increases sharply.

Studies of the functional state of a computer user, conducted in 1996 at the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, showed that even with short-term work (45 minutes), significant changes in the hormonal state and specific changes in the biocurrents of the brain occur in the user’s body under the influence of electromagnetic radiation from the monitor. These effects are especially pronounced and persistent in women. It was noticed that in groups of people (in this case it was 20%), a negative reaction of the functional state of the body does not manifest itself when working with a PC for less than 1 hour. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, it was concluded that it is possible to form special professional selection criteria for personnel using a computer in the process of work.

Influence of air ion composition. The areas that perceive air ions in the human body are the respiratory tract and skin. There is no consensus regarding the mechanism of influence of air ions on human health.

Effect on vision. The visual fatigue of the VDT user includes a whole range of symptoms: the appearance of a “veil” before the eyes, the eyes become tired, become painful, headaches appear, sleep is disturbed, and the psychophysical state of the body changes. It should be noted that vision complaints can be associated both with the above-mentioned VDT factors and with lighting conditions, the operator’s state of vision, etc. Long-term statistical load syndrome (LTSS). Display users develop muscle weakness and changes in the shape of the spine. In the USA, it is recognized that DSHF is the occupational disease with the highest rate of spread in 1990-1991. In a forced working position, with static muscle load, the muscles of the legs, shoulders, neck and arms remain in a state of contraction for a long time. Since the muscles do not relax, their blood supply deteriorates; Metabolism is disrupted, biodegradation products and, in particular, lactic acid accumulate. In 29 women with prolonged static load syndrome, a biopsy of muscle tissue was taken, in which a sharp deviation of biochemical parameters from the norm was discovered.

Stress. Display users are often under stress. According to the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (1990), VDT users in to a greater extent than other professional groups, including air traffic controllers, are susceptible to the development of stress conditions. At the same time, for most users, working on VDTs is accompanied by significant mental stress. It has been shown that sources of stress can be: type of activity, characteristic features of the computer, used software, work organization, social aspects. Working on a VDT has specific stress factors, such as the delay time of the computer’s response (reaction) when executing human commands, “learnability of control commands” (ease of memorization, similarity, ease of use, etc.), method of information visualization, etc. Being in a state of stress can lead to changes in a person's mood, increased aggressiveness, depression, and irritability. Cases of psychosomatic disorders, gastrointestinal dysfunction, sleep disturbances, changes in heart rate, and menstrual cycle have been recorded. A person's exposure to long-term stress factors can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Personal computer user complaints possible reasons their origin.

Subjective complaints Possible causes
pain in the eyes visual ergonomic parameters of the monitor, lighting in the workplace and indoors
headache aeroion composition of air in the work area, operating mode
increased nervousness, electromagnetic field, color scheme of the room, operating mode
increased fatigue electromagnetic field, operating mode
memory disorder electromagnetic field, operating mode
sleep disturbance operating mode, electromagnetic field
hair loss electrostatic fields, operating mode
acne and skin redness, electrostatic field, aeroionic and dust composition of air in the work area
abdominal pain, improper sitting caused by improper workplace design
lower back pain, incorrect seating of the user caused by the design of the workplace, operating mode
pain in the wrists and fingers; incorrect configuration of the workplace, including the height of the table does not correspond to the height and height of the chair; uncomfortable keyboard; operating mode

The Swedish TCO92/95/98 and MPR II are widely known as technical safety standards for monitors. These documents define the requirements for a personal computer monitor based on parameters that can affect the user’s health. TCO 95 imposes the most stringent requirements on the monitor. It limits the parameters of the monitor’s radiation, power consumption, and visual parameters, so that it makes the monitor the most loyal to the user’s health. In terms of emission parameters, TCO 92 also corresponds to it. The standard was developed by the Swedish Trade Union Confederation.

The MPR II standard is less stringent, setting electromagnetic field limits approximately 2.5 times higher. Developed by the Radiation Protection Institute (Sweden) and a number of organizations, including the largest monitor manufacturers. In terms of electromagnetic fields, the MPR II standard corresponds to the Russian sanitary standards SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and organization of work.” Means to protect users from EMF

The main types of protective equipment offered are protective filters for monitor screens. They are used to limit the user's exposure to harmful factors from the monitor screen, improve the ergonomic parameters of the monitor screen and reduce the monitor radiation towards the user.

3. How does EMF affect health?

In the USSR, extensive research into electromagnetic fields began in the 60s. A large amount of clinical material has been accumulated on the adverse effects of magnetic and electromagnetic fields, and it was proposed to introduce a new nosological disease “Radio wave disease” or “Chronic microwave damage.” Subsequently, the work of scientists in Russia established that, firstly, the human nervous system, especially the higher nervous activity, is sensitive to EMF, and, secondly, that EMF has the so-called. informational effect when exposed to a person at intensities below the threshold value of the thermal effect. The results of these works were used in the development of regulatory documents in Russia. As a result, the standards in Russia were set very stringent and differed from American and European ones by several thousand times (for example, in Russia the MPL for professionals is 0.01 mW/cm2; in the USA - 10 mW/cm2).

Biological effects of electromagnetic fields

Experimental data from both domestic and foreign researchers indicate high biological activity of EMF in all frequency ranges. At relatively high levels irradiating EMF, modern theory recognizes the thermal mechanism of action. At a relatively low level of EMF (for example, for radio frequencies above 300 MHz it is less than 1 mW/cm2), it is customary to talk about the non-thermal or informational nature of the impact on the body. The mechanisms of action of EMF in this case are still poorly understood. Numerous studies in the field of biological effects of EMF will allow us to determine the most sensitive systems of the human body: nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive. These body systems are critical. The reactions of these systems must be taken into account when assessing the risk of EMF exposure to the population.

The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term exposure accumulates over many years, resulting in the development of long-term consequences, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, and hormonal diseases. EMFs can be especially dangerous for children, pregnant women (embryos), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, and cardiovascular systems, allergy sufferers, and people with weakened immune systems.

Effect on the nervous system.

A large number of studies carried out in Russia, and the monographic generalizations made, give grounds to classify the nervous system as one of the most sensitive systems in the human body to the effects of EMFs. At the level of the nerve cell, structural formations for the transmission of nerve impulses (synapse), at the level of isolated nerve structures, significant deviations occur when exposed to low-intensity EMF. Higher nervous activity and memory change in people who have contact with EMF. These individuals may be prone to developing stress reactions. Certain brain structures have increased sensitivity to EMF. Changes in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier can lead to unexpected adverse effects. The nervous system of the embryo exhibits particularly high sensitivity to EMF.

Effect on the immune system

Currently, sufficient data have been accumulated indicating the negative impact of EMF on the immunological reactivity of the body. Research results Russian scientists give reason to believe that when exposed to EMF, the processes of immunogenesis are disrupted, more often in the direction of their inhibition. It has also been established that in animals irradiated with EMF, the nature of the infectious process changes - the course of the infectious process is aggravated. The occurrence of autoimmunity is associated not so much with a change in the antigenic structure of tissues, but with the pathology of the immune system, as a result of which it reacts against normal tissue antigens. In accordance with this concept. the basis of all autoimmune conditions is primarily immunodeficiency in the thymus-dependent cell population of lymphocytes. The influence of high-intensity EMF on the body’s immune system is manifested in a suppressive effect on the T-system of cellular immunity. EMFs can contribute to nonspecific inhibition of immunogenesis, increased formation of antibodies to fetal tissues and stimulation of an autoimmune reaction in the body of a pregnant female.

Effect on the endocrine system and neurohumoral response.

In the works of Russian scientists back in the 60s, in the interpretation of the mechanism of functional disorders when exposed to EMF leading place was attributed to changes in the pituitary-adrenal system. Studies have shown that under the influence of EMF, as a rule, stimulation of the pituitary-adrenaline system occurred, which was accompanied by an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood and activation of blood coagulation processes. It was recognized that one of the systems that is early and naturally involved in the body's response to the influence of various environmental factors is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex system. The research results confirmed this position.

Effect on sexual function.

Sexual dysfunction is usually associated with changes in its regulation by the nervous and neuroendocrine systems. Related to this are the results of work on studying the state of gonadotropic activity of the pituitary gland under the influence of EMF. Repeated exposure to EMF causes a decrease in the activity of the pituitary gland
Any environmental factor that affects the female body during pregnancy and affects embryonic development is considered teratogenic. Many scientists attribute EMF to this group of factors.
Of primary importance in teratogenesis studies is the stage of pregnancy during which EMF exposure occurs. It is generally accepted that EMFs can, for example, cause deformities by acting at different stages of pregnancy. Although there are periods of maximum sensitivity to EMF. The most vulnerable periods are usually the early stages of embryo development, corresponding to the periods of implantation and early organogenesis.
An opinion was expressed about the possibility of a specific effect of EMF on the sexual function of women and on the embryo. A higher sensitivity to the effects of EMF of the ovaries than the testes was noted. It has been established that the sensitivity of the embryo to EMF is much higher than the sensitivity of the maternal body, and intrauterine damage to the fetus by EMF can occur at any stage of its development. The results of epidemiological studies will allow us to conclude that the presence of contact of women with electromagnetic radiation can lead to premature birth, affect the development of the fetus and, finally, increase the risk of developing congenital deformities.

Other medical and biological effects.

Since the beginning of the 60s, extensive research has been carried out in the USSR to study the health of people exposed to electromagnetic fields at work. The results of clinical studies have shown that prolonged contact with EMF in the microwave range can lead to the development of diseases, the clinical picture of which is determined primarily by changes in the functional state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It was proposed to identify an independent disease - radio wave disease. This disease, according to the authors, can have three syndromes as the severity of the disease increases:

  • asthenic syndrome;
  • astheno-vegetative syndrome;
  • hypothalamic syndrome.

The earliest clinical manifestations of the consequences of exposure to EM radiation on humans are functional disorders of the nervous system, manifested primarily in the form of autonomic dysfunctions, neurasthenic and asthenic syndrome. Persons who have been in the area of ​​EM radiation for a long time complain of weakness, irritability, fatigue, weakened memory, and sleep disturbances. Often these symptoms are accompanied by disorders of autonomic functions. Disorders of the cardiovascular system are manifested, as a rule, by neurocirculatory dystonia: lability of pulse and blood pressure, tendency to hypotension, pain in the heart, etc. There are also phase changes in the composition of peripheral blood (lability of indicators) with the subsequent development of moderate leukopenia, neuropenia , erythrocytopenia. Changes in the bone marrow are in the nature of a reactive compensatory stress of regeneration. Typically, these changes occur in people who, due to the nature of their work, were constantly exposed to EM radiation with a fairly high intensity. Those working with MF and EMF, as well as the population living in the area affected by EMF, complain of irritability and impatience. After 1-3 years, some people develop a feeling of internal tension and fussiness. Attention and memory are impaired. There are complaints about low sleep efficiency and fatigue. Considering the important role of the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus in the implementation of human mental functions, it can be expected that prolonged repeated exposure to maximum permissible EM radiation (especially in the decimeter wavelength range) can lead to mental disorders.

4. How to protect yourself from EMF

Organizational measures for protection from EMF Organizational measures for protection from EMF include: selection of operating modes of emitting equipment that ensures a radiation level not exceeding the maximum permissible, limiting the place and time of stay in the EMF action area (protection by distance and time), designation and fencing zones with increased levels of EMF.

Time protection is used when it is not possible to reduce the radiation intensity at a given point to the maximum permissible level. The existing remote control systems provide for a relationship between the intensity of the energy flux density and the irradiation time.

Protection by distance is based on a drop in radiation intensity, which is inversely proportional to the square of the distance and is applied if it is impossible to weaken the EMF by other measures, including protection by time. Protection by distance is the basis for radiation regulation zones to determine the required gap between EMF sources and residential buildings, office premises, etc. For each installation emitting electromagnetic energy, sanitary protection zones must be determined in which the intensity of the EMF exceeds the maximum permissible limit. The boundaries of the zones are determined by calculation for each specific case of placement of a radiating installation when operating at maximum radiation power and are controlled using instruments. In accordance with GOST 12.1.026-80, radiation zones are fenced off or warning signs are installed with the words: “Do not enter, dangerous!”

Engineering and technical measures to protect the population from EMF

Engineering and technical protective measures are based on the use of the phenomenon of shielding electromagnetic fields directly in places where a person stays or on measures to limit the emission parameters of the field source. The latter is usually used at the development stage of a product that serves as a source of EMF. Radio emissions can penetrate into rooms where people are located through window and door openings. For screening observation windows, room windows, glazing of ceiling lights, and partitions, metallized glass with screening properties is used. This property is given to glass by a thin transparent film of either metal oxides, most often tin, or metals - copper, nickel, silver and their combinations. The film has sufficient optical transparency and chemical resistance. When applied to one side of the glass surface, it attenuates the radiation intensity in the range of 0.8 - 150 cm by 30 dB (1000 times). When the film is applied to both surfaces of the glass, the attenuation reaches 40 dB (10,000 times).

To protect the population from the effects of electromagnetic radiation in building structures, metal mesh, metal sheet or any other conductive coating, including specially designed ones, can be used as protective screens Construction Materials. In some cases, it is sufficient to use a grounded metal mesh placed under the facing or plaster layer. Various films and fabrics with a metallized coating can also be used as screens. In recent years, metallized fabrics based on synthetic fibers have been produced as radio-shielding materials. They are obtained by chemical metallization (from solutions) of fabrics of various structures and densities. Existing production methods make it possible to regulate the amount of applied metal in the range from hundredths to units of microns and change the surface resistivity of tissues from tens to fractions of Ohms. Shielding textile materials are thin, lightweight, and flexible; they can be duplicated with other materials (fabrics, leather, films), and are compatible with resins and latexes.

Common terms and abbreviations

A/m ampere per meter – unit of measurement of magnetic field strength
BS Base station of a cellular radio communication system
V/m volt per meter – unit of measurement of electric field strength
VDT video display terminal
TPL temporary permissible level
WHO World Health Organization
W/m2 watt per square meter - a unit of energy flux density
GOST State Standard
Hz hertz – unit of measurement of frequency
power transmission line
MHz megahertz – a unit multiple of Hz, equal to 1000000 Hz
MHF microwaves
µT microtesla – a unit multiple of T, equal to 0.000001 T
MP magnetic field
MP IF power frequency magnetic field
NEMI non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation
PDU maximum permissible level
PC personal computer
PMF alternating magnetic field
PPE energy flux density
PRTO transmitting radio engineering object
IF industrial frequency, in Russia it is 50 Hz
PC personal electronic computer
Radar radar station
RTPC radio technical transmitting center
Tesla tesla – unit of measurement of magnetic induction, flux density of magnetic induction
EMF electromagnetic field
EP electric field

The abstract is based on materials from the Center for Electromagnetic Safety

At the microphone Olga Kopylova.

Nowadays, it is considered fashionable, convenient and prestigious if you can pack your home to the brim with household appliances. The more electrical appliances in the apartment that help in everyday life, the more comfortable it is. Meanwhile, scientists and doctors around the world are increasingly arguing about such a fact as pollution of living space by electromagnetic radiation. Scientists from the Moscow Institute of Biophysics, for example, when irradiating the heart of a frog with a high-frequency electromagnetic field for only 5-10 minutes at a very low signal intensity, managed to stop the heart of every second frog! And now only the lazy don’t talk about the dangers of mobile phones. It got to the point that the sale of mobile phones designed specifically for children was even stopped in the UK. At the same time, mobile phone manufacturers insist that their products do not cause any harm to human health. And according to the observations of scientists at the Bristol Royal Hospital, microwave radiation even improves mental performance.

Today we will try to clarify at least a little this confusing situation with electromagnetic radiation in everyday life and talk about their impact on human health. With me in the studio is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Russian National Committee for Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation, member of the scientific advisory committee of the World Health Organization program "Electromagnetic fields and human health", scientific director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety at the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health of Russia Yuri Grigorievich Grigoriev .

Yuri Grigoriev: Hello!

Olga Kopylova: So, during this hour we will talk about the health risks posed by modern Appliances and electronics and how to protect yourself from harmful electromagnetic radiation. Call us and ask your questions to our guest.

Yuri Grigorievich, research into the influence of magnetic fields on human health began, as I found out, somewhere in the 60s. And then they concerned mainly workers of industrial enterprises who had contact with generators of electromagnetic radiation, with large, powerful generators.

Yuri Grigoriev: It's not obligatory. These could be any devices, any sources of electromagnetic radiation.

Olga Kopylova: In those days, a disease was identified that was called radio wave disease. She manifested herself in the form of weakness, irritability, and had many other signs. Such patients were even given milk, they had a shorter working day, and were provided with various benefits. That is, it was very serious. Please tell us what this is - radio wave disease, and can we be susceptible to it now, given the abundance of electronics and technology that surrounds us?

Yuri Grigoriev: Here you need to clearly imagine: the era when the term “radio wave disease” was formed refers to a period when there were very poor safety precautions. And those workers and employees who dealt with generators were exposed to very intense effects of electromagnetic fields. Therefore, such terminology was completely justified. By the way, this terminology was not accepted abroad; attention has only now begun to be paid to it. Speaking at a conference in Geneva, I asked not to focus on this, because everyone would perceive it this way: in Russia there is such a disease, but in other countries it is not. But this in turn suggests that the electromagnetic field is certainly dangerous, and its impact must be strictly regulated. The problems of rationing were considered back in the Soviet Union, because it was necessary to pay attention to overexposure of workers. That period should not be transferred to the present, because safety precautions in production have changed for the better, and all our strict standards are observed. Thus, we currently do not have any pathologies in the form of diseases.

Olga Kopylova: What can you say about the abundance of household electrical appliances at home, in the city, in our everyday life? We don’t even know where which station is, where which generator is. Or maybe there is a base antenna for a mobile station above my head, on the roof? I go to the subway every day, quite often, and spend a long time there. I don't know what effect the subway has on me in terms of electromagnetic fields. I would like to know what effect this whole environment has on me?

Yuri Grigoriev: There is a certain complexity here, a qualitatively new complexity. In the production situation in the Soviet Union, for example, there was simply exposure. Now, you are absolutely correct in saying that we are exposed to radiation everywhere. Let's start with cellular communications. The base station that provides communications, of course, irradiates us all every day, around the clock. And children, and pregnant women, and the elderly, and the sick. This has never happened before. You go on the subway - people talk on their phones there, which means there are base stations in the subway. Moreover, when your neighbor is talking on the phone, you will certainly be exposed to radiation while sitting next to him.

Olga Kopylova: Moreover, the intensity of radiation is equal for the one who is talking on the phone, and for me, who is just sitting next to me.

Yuri Grigoriev: Absolutely right. That's why in Japan, for example, it is forbidden to talk in a train compartment, for example. Let's take the cell phone itself. Everyone uses it, and there should be no illusions - it works on an electromagnetic field. Therefore, as soon as you put the phone to your ear and start talking, the process of irradiation of the inner ear (where there are sensitive formations of the vestibular apparatus and hearing aid) and the temporal lobe immediately begins. And this happens every day, adults and children are irradiated, this is a completely new situation. In addition, houses are now really stuffed with a wide variety of technology, the same can be said about offices, we can say that we live in electromagnetic chaos.

Olga Kopylova: Yuri Grigorievich, a little later we will definitely talk about the impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health, which systems are primarily affected, and how to protect yourself from this. And now we have phone call, let's answer it. Hello, hello, we are listening to you. Please speak!

Listener: Good afternoon I have a question about pregnant women. Is it harmful for them to undergo ultrasound and fetal tomography? Isn't this harmful?

Olga Kopylova: Thank you, this is a very good question. Many medical studies are in one way or another related to electromagnetic radiation.

Yuri Grigoriev: Today it is considered harmless. But I have seen some points of view, and there is an opinion that we do not yet have enough data to judge this problem. Further research is required.

Olga Kopylova: By the way, the number of fetal ultrasound examinations performed is limited during pregnancy. In my opinion, it is recommended to do an ultrasound three times during the entire pregnancy.

Yuri Grigoriev: No longer recommended. We have a precautionary principle: we still have little information, so if you go for an examination, it is better to do one, not four. That is, only when absolutely necessary.

Olga Kopylova: I would like to say a few words about the lack of knowledge regarding the long-term consequences of such impacts. I talked with a very interesting endocrinologist who said that their department was discussing the following problem: the generation of the 70s-80s. When they were kids, UHF was being made left and right. Problems with the throat - UHF, ears - UHF, throat - UHF.

They did these procedures a lot and uncontrollably, and, in general, just for the sake of the thermal effect. Doctors associate a very serious increase in various diseases of the thyroid gland in our time, by the way, not only oncological ones, with the UHF radiation to which children were exposed in the 70s and 80s. Three decades have passed, and only now this pattern has been revealed. At that time, perhaps these consequences could not have been predicted.

I have a question for you – not about UHF, but related to modern means of communication. What will we face in decades? Can we at least predict the situation a little? Do scientists make any predictions?

Yuri Grigoriev: Regarding children's exposure and consequences, I confirm this connection. Then the goal was really set - to warm up some organ, but the standards, of course, did not correspond to what they should be. So now we are seeing the consequences.

Today there is a very disappointing prognosis regarding long-term consequences when using, in particular, cell phones. Because adults use phones very actively, and children are nearby. And they are more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation than adults. Children are just forming their brains, memories, and developing mental abilities. In modern conditions, a child’s brain is constantly irradiated, every day!

A lot of scientific research has already been carried out on adults, and we can say with certainty about the possible consequences, in particular, brain tumors and fibroids of the auditory nerve. I would like to dwell on this in more detail. Two large groups of studies by Swedish and Danish scientists were published this year.

The Swedes claim possible consequences in the form of tumor development. But there is a detail: they divided the huge army of their patients (and there were 1,600 people) into five age groups: up to 20 years old, from 20 to 29, 30 and so on. Statistically, the age range from 20 to 29 years was the most susceptible to tumor formation. And when they analyzed everything in detail, they found out that these individuals had already used cell phones as children. That is, this is quite similar to the situation 30 years ago, when almost all children were sent to have their noses warmed up, for example.

Olga Kopylova: Yuri Grigorievich, but back then there were still analog mobile phones, but now digital ones are used. And it is precisely the manufacturers of these same digital phones that say that only analog phones were harmful, and digital phones were supposedly harmless. Can you comment on the situation somehow?

Yuri Grigoriev: I think that practically there is no big difference - digital or analogue phones - both of them are certainly dangerous. Danish scientists, by the way, have not established statistically significant data on the incidence of tumors and which group is most susceptible to them. There are other alarming studies that raise suspicions that they were ordered. It is absolutely clear who ordered them and why. The interpretation of different studies may also be different. But my point is this. An international special tumor research program is currently underway, with twenty-two countries participating in this process. I know the director of this program well; he is from Canada and heads the Oncological Union. In a few years, the study will be completed and we will have the results.

Olga Kopylova: And yet, I think we need to take care of our children right now. What if the results turn out to be disappointing and we lose these three years? Question about mobile phones: what are the means of self-defense? Please list what you should pay attention to. We still cannot completely abandon them, although I know that you, for example, practically do not use your cell phone, and today you turned it on for a short time just so that we could meet on time.

Yuri Grigoriev: The point is that it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, as is customary in Russian healthcare. Firstly, there must be a regime of extreme precaution - this is the precautionary principle. And the reduction of danger - time (you need to talk on the phone as little as possible) and distance (you need to use only modern equipment, modern complexes, that is, when you have, for example, a “hands-free” system, then your brain is not irradiated). As for children, parents are to blame. They themselves put children at risk by buying them cell phones and not monitoring the duration of their conversations. It is necessary to discuss health issues with children; the telephone should not be an element of prestige.

Olga Kopylova: It is very difficult.

Yuri Grigoriev: Parents need to work on this. Now we are trying to conduct a study in the city of Khimki, in Lyceum No. 10, at the center of our research are children from first to fourth grade who use mobile phones and those who do not use mobile phones. Both the director, parents, and the children themselves understand the importance of this research.

Olga Kopylova: I understand that this is a long-term study; it will last for many more years. And now children are offered phones that produce minimal electromagnetic radiation. And there is such a characteristic that must be present in the phone's passport - it must contain a mention of SAR - a specific absorption value. It shows the level of energy absorbed in watts per kilogram of brain. The lower this value, the better. According to recommendations, it should not exceed 1.6. And here I have a question for you: these are the norms of Western countries. How are things going with us? What standards are accepted in Russia?

Yuri Grigoriev: We need to buy modern phones, this is the most important thing. Because new models have more modern antennas, and there are devices that dampen the power if the base station is nearby. That is, you continue to talk at less power. As for the SAR inscription, this does not mean anything. SAR is absorbed dose, they standardize by absorbed doses. In Russia there are different approaches to rationing. But, in any case, their standards are not comparable with ours; ours are more stringent. So what is written there may correspond to their standards, but they do not correspond to our Russian standards.

Olga Kopylova: That is, you have to look. So that it says not 1.6, but 1.2, for example. Dear mothers, fathers, grandparents, please be careful! Especially when buying mobile phones for your children.

Yuri Grigorievich, we have a phone call, let's answer it. Hello, hello, we are listening to you!

Listener: Good afternoon My first question is about cordless phones. There is a base that is connected to an outlet, and a handset that you can carry around the apartment. Does the tube itself affect the radiation level or is it only the base that is dangerous? The second question is about the standby mode in electronic devices. Devices in standby mode emit electromagnetic waves? What is the level of radiation and how dangerous is it for humans?

Yuri Grigoriev: Unfortunately, there are research results, in particular from Swedish scientists, who believe that the so-called corded telephone is quite dangerous and can even lead to the development of a tumor. Although the intensity of the impact is much lower than that of a cell phone. In standby mode there is a wave, but of very low intensity, so there seems to be no serious danger here. But I would not recommend staying near a device that operates in standby mode for a long time.

Olga Kopylova: We have one more phone call.

Listener: Hello, I'm calling from Lytkarino. I have a question for Yuri Grigorievich about microwave ovens. How does a microwave oven affect food preparation and does its structure change?

Yuri Grigoriev: This question is practically not for me, but I know of one work that was carried out at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences, and its author believes that the structure of food is changing. But in all other books and studies it is easy to find the opposite point of view. So I can’t answer your question definitively.

Olga Kopylova: As for the microwave oven, how dangerous is its radiation?

Yuri Grigoriev: The microwave operates at 2450 megahertz, which is the standard mode. There is practically full protection. But it turns out that over time, the lower right corner sometimes begins to highlight. This is what our experience shows. Over time, the microstructure of the door changes. I would recommend using the microwave for a maximum of 4-5 years. When you put something in the microwave, step away immediately.

Olga Kopylova: How far away can you be from a working microwave? I know that many people turn on the stove, it works, and they sit and eat next to each other.

Yuri Grigoriev: At a distance of one and a half meters, no less.

Olga Kopylova: And further. Dear housewives, do not forget to keep your stove door clean and in good condition. If it does not fit tightly, you may receive an additional dose of radiation.

We have another phone call. Hello, hello!

Listener: Good afternoon At our dacha next to the house there is a high-voltage line running at 110 kilovolts. Is it harmful to health?

Yuri Grigoriev: I would say this: the word “nearby” is not very good. I will give the size of the sanitary protection zones, security zones depending on power lines. If you have 220 kilovolts, then 25 meters is the protective line. Next is actually a non-dangerous zone. But you can protect yourself - you need to plant tall plants that well shield the 50-Hz magnetic field.

Olga Kopylova: We have a lot of phone calls today. Let's give Radio Russia listeners the opportunity to speak out.

Listener: Hello! I am your regular radio listener; we listen to your programs with the whole family. You have a wonderful show and very interesting guests. We want to ask this question. We have a house outside the city, and it is located ten kilometers from a major airport. Our cell phone literally goes crazy, there is such strong interference. We also installed warm electric floors in the house. How does all this affect health?

Yuri Grigoriev: You are not in a very good situation. And they also added heated floors. My advice is to call a professional and test the 50 Hz magnetic field in your field. Because if the electromagnetic field is not compensated there, then you are very overexposed.

As for the airport, you need to call the sanitary and epidemiological station, that is, contact Rospotrebnadzor and demand from them a measurement protocol. Frankly, radars are considered very strong sources of electromagnetic radiation. And, most importantly, they operate almost constantly. If you are in the radar range, this is very bad. And interference in phones indirectly indicates that this radiation is coming to you.

Olga Kopylova: It's a shame that we can't do anything about it.

Yuri Grigoriev: You can contact Rospotrebnadzor, and at the airport they may be able to change the direction of the radiation. We must achieve this.

Olga Kopylova: Yuri Grigorievich, let's summarize. Still, what effect does electromagnetic radiation have on human health? What organs and systems of the body does it primarily affect? Because we talk about a certain danger, but we don’t explain what it is.

Yuri Grigoriev: At the very beginning of the program you mentioned frogs. These experiments were carried out directly by me. I want to say that in addition to intensity, there is also modulation, a modulated field, which aggravates the impact and does not allow us to focus only on the level of intensity. It is very important. As for stopping the hearts of frogs, there was just a special modulation.

Olga Kopylova: I want to add a little bit here. The human body is also controlled not without the help of electricity. We are talking, first of all, about the signals from the nervous system that the brain sends to the muscles, and vice versa. Question: can these same electromagnetic fields affect and interfere with the normal conduction of nerve impulses? By the way, when we turn on the radio and the mobile phone rings, we hear interference. Could the same kind of interference occur in our body if the same electric fields act on us?

Yuri Grigoriev: I'll try to answer briefly. There are base stations operating around us with different frequencies. This means that the body is forced to adapt and perceive them differently. There is an element of complexity in this. Next, what critical systems exist? In first place is the nervous system. In this regard, children in particular cause great concern for me.

Olga Kopylova: Autonomic nervous system, arrhythmia...

Yuri Grigoriev: Insomnia, headaches, all this is observed. The second system is the immune system. We have evidence that the immune system also suffers. And finally, the endocrine system. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we have a maximum permissible level that we meet; it is based on the chronic effect of non-pathological effects. And foreigners base their standards on acute effects, when, say, one fact of exposure is enough (and we’ve been talking on the phone for years!), and on thermal effects. That is, they start from pathology, and only then introduce a safety factor. This must be taken into account. We are unlikely to observe bright, acute violations, but long-term consequences are possible.

Olga Kopylova: Thanks a lot! Let's answer another call, it's long-distance, the person has been waiting for quite a long time. Hello, hello, please speak, we are listening to you!

Listener: Hello! What is the power of the base station? We installed a base station antenna two meters from the window.

Olga Kopylova: Do you live in the city?

Listener: In the city. Also, what is the maximum radiation power of a cell phone?

Yuri Grigoriev: It’s not entirely clear to me how they can install the base station opposite the window. This is very bad. The base station is installed with the permission of the SES, a passport is issued for it, and all measurements on it must be presented there. At your request, at your request, you will be provided with all this data. If the base station is installed on the roof of a residential building, then the direction of radiation is outside the house. Therefore, residents of the house should not worry, especially residents of the upper floors can relax. But if your windows are opposite the base station, then the radiation goes straight to you.

Olga Kopylova: Where should I contact?

Yuri Grigoriev: To the sanitary and epidemiological station, to the SES. Or - to Rospotrebnadzor. If you live in Moscow, you need to contact the Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. They have the experts and necessary instruments to measure electromagnetic radiation levels and are responsible for installing base stations.

Olga Kopylova: Yuri Grigorievich, our assistants in the studio really ask me to ask you this question. After all, there are physical fields that influence us naturally. I'm talking about so-called tectonically active zones and, for example, magnetic storms. Can you say just a few words about this? After all, these phenomena are of the same order, only in no way dependent on us.

Yuri Grigoriev: For many years I was also involved in radiation safety of space flights and therefore I studied storms and solar storms carefully. Yes, there is an influence, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Olga Kopylova: How is this influence manifested?

Yuri Grigoriev: Again - through the nervous system. And then, as you understand, compensatory processes are triggered, and other systems react - cardiovascular, endocrine.

Olga Kopylova: What about geopathogenic zones, which are talked about so much now? There is even a special institute in Moscow that conducts research in this area. They examine rivers, ravines, buildings on faults...

Yuri Grigoriev: I trust scientists who have objective data. Moreover, I am a consultant at the World Health Organization. I am somewhat aloof from this problem and do not undertake to comment on this situation.

Olga Kopylova: Because there is no reliable scientific data yet?

Yuri Grigoriev: The problem is not only that I have no scientific data. Much more objective work is required.

Olga Kopylova: Thank you very much! Let's now focus on preventive measures and self-defense methods. So, what else can we do to protect ourselves? Let's get back to cell phones. We talked about how carefully you need to choose them. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the operation of the phone, for example, in standby mode. The cell phone is dangerous, and especially dangerous are the text messages that our children endlessly exchange. They simply stopped communicating: all the time, hundreds a day, they send each other messages. They say that at the moment when a person sends an SMS message and holds the phone at chest level, and he does this often, regularly, a negative effect on the heart and other internal organs can occur. How can you comment on this?

Yuri Grigoriev: You asked a lot of questions at once. The situation is not only about SMS. Children spend a lot of time on mobile phones. And all this time is running irradiation. We will probably be able to sum up the results in a few years. This is my point of view, this is the point of view of the World Health Organization. It is not for nothing that the WHO has had an international program “Electromagnetic fields and human health” for ten years; it appeared almost simultaneously with the growing popularity of mobile communications.

As for security methods, you need to talk as little as possible and also send SMS messages on your cell phone. Use headsets that allow you to move your cell phone away from your brain. People ask me questions: where to take it? It's a matter of preference: who cares what's more important, the butt or the brain? Choose for yourself!

Olga Kopylova: They also say that, for example, in a car this same microwave radiation is reflected from the metal body and significantly increases its harmful effect. The same applies to the subway and any electric train, so it is recommended to use mobile phones there as little as possible. In the car, too. Although now, for example, it has become possible to use a mobile phone in the Moscow metro, even while the train is moving. And everyone calls.

Yuri Grigoriev: We have made changes to the car, I cannot say that such a significant re-reflection is taking place. Of course, you can talk, but it’s better to stop the car. As for the metro, yes, there is a problem here, because so far we cannot obtain accurate data on the measurements of the fields that arise there. There really are a lot of reflections in the subway.

Olga Kopylova: They say that in conditions of unstable reception, the radiation power of the device automatically increases. There are buildings and offices in Moscow where there is no connection at all, but people try to establish it, go out onto the stairs, look for a place.

Yuri Grigoriev: I confirm that the power does increase in these cases, and this situation is generally unfavorable. On the other hand, as I already mentioned today, there are telephones, when the station is close, the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields are automatically reduced. In places where cellular communication is poor, it is better not to call; it is even more advisable to turn off the phone.

Olga Kopylova: Yuri Grigorievich, now let’s walk through a standard apartment, its rooms and briefly give some recommendations?

Yuri Grigoriev: Let's.

Olga Kopylova: What is not allowed in the bedroom, what is possible - regarding electrical appliances?

Yuri Grigoriev: There is no need to keep a corded telephone base in the bedroom, that's clear. It is better not to have electronic watches and other electronic equipment.

Olga Kopylova: I heard that if there is an outlet in the room, then even radiation can come from the outlet. Is it not advisable to have an outlet at the head end of the bed?

Yuri Grigoriev: Yes, 50 hertz goes. But it’s not these 50 hertz that are so scary as the electromagnetic interference that also comes from the outlet. In America, special filters have already appeared; when you insert them into sockets, these interferences disappear.

Olga Kopylova: And they also say that you must always remove the cords from the outlet, even if, for example, the lamps are not turned on. The cords also emit radiation. This is especially true for the bedroom, office, nursery, where people are constantly present.

Yuri Grigoriev: Not long ago we examined a bedroom where there was very high radiation. It turned out that behind her wall there was an entrance to another apartment. Security and other devices were installed there, and all of this was shining onto the pillow.

Olga Kopylova: Let's now touch on the kitchen. We talked about microwaves. But, they say, radiation also comes from refrigerators, and of a new generation that operate without frost.

Yuri Grigoriev: You need to sit away from the refrigerator, at a distance of up to one and a half meters.

Olga Kopylova: Thank you. And if we are talking about an office where a person spends a lot of time at the monitor. What recommendations can you give regarding the computer?

Yuri Grigoriev: It must be grounded and remember that irradiation occurs all the time, due to power supply and so on. As for ergonomics, that's another question.

Olga Kopylova: Thanks a lot! In one well-respected popular science publication, I read this somewhat curious advice. As a means of self-protection from electromagnetic radiation, readers were asked to make their own reflective screen from metal wire mesh, which should be worn under clothing and worn during the day. In my opinion, it is much easier to simply give up some of the high-tech toys of the 21st century, not keep electrical appliances on all the time, and use the equipment that we really need moderately, carefully and taking into account the recommendations that you heard in our today's program "Advise , doctor!"

Our program was attended by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Russian National Committee for Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation, member of the scientific advisory committee of the WHO program "Electromagnetic fields and human health", scientific director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety at the Institute of Biophysics of the Russian Ministry of Health Yuri Grigorievich Grigoriev.

Yuri Grigoriev: All the best, goodbye!

Olga Kopylova: You can address your questions to Yuri Grigorievich by writing us a letter. Send your letters to: 125040, Moscow, 5th street Yamskoye Pole, building 19/21, program “Advise, Doctor”. Thanks to all participants in today's program. The program was hosted by Olga Kopylova. I'm very sorry, but it's time for us to say goodbye again until next Saturday.

All the best to you, health and good mood!

Every organ in our body vibrates, creating an electromagnetic field around itself. Any living organism on earth has an invisible shell that promotes the harmonious functioning of the entire body system. It doesn’t matter what it’s called – biofield, aura – this phenomenon has to be taken into account.

When our biofield is exposed to electromagnetic fields from artificial sources, this causes changes in it. Sometimes the body successfully copes with this influence, and sometimes it does not, resulting in a serious deterioration in well-being.

EMR (electromagnetic radiation) can be emitted by office equipment, household appliances, smartphones, telephones, and vehicles. Even a large crowd of people creates a certain charge in the atmosphere. It is impossible to completely isolate yourself from the electromagnetic background; it is present in one degree or another in literally every corner of planet Earth. It just doesn't always work.

The sources of EMR are:

  • microwaves,
  • devices with mobile communications,
  • TVs,
  • transport,
  • sociopathogenic factors – large crowds of people,
  • power lines,
  • geopathogenic zones,
  • solar storms,
  • rocks,
  • psychotropic weapon.

Scientists cannot decide how harmful EMR is and what exactly is the problem. Some argue that electromagnetic waves themselves pose a danger. Others say that this phenomenon in itself is natural and does not pose a threat, but what information this radiation transmits to the body often turns out to be destructive for it.

In favor latest version present experimental results indicating that electromagnetic waves have an information, or torsion, component. Some scientists from Europe, Russia and Ukraine argue that it is torsion fields that, by transmitting any negative information to the human body, cause harm to it.

However, in order to check how strongly the information component destroys health and to what extent our body can resist it, it is necessary to conduct more than one experiment. One thing is clear - to deny the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body is, at least, careless.

EMR standards for humans

Since the earth is full of sources of natural and artificial magnetic radiation, there is a frequency that either has a good effect on health, or our body successfully copes with it.

Here are the frequency ranges that are safe for health:

  • 30-300 kHz, occurring at a field strength of 25 Volts per meter (V/m),
  • 0.3-3 MHz, at a voltage of 15 V/m,
  • 3-30 MHz – voltage 10 V/m,
  • 30-300 MHz – voltage 3 V/m,
  • 300 MHz-300 GHz – intensity 10 μW/cm 2.

Mobile phones, radio and television equipment operate at these frequencies. The limit for high-voltage lines is set at a frequency of 160 kV/m, but in real life they emit EMR radiation 5-6 times less than this indicator.

If the intensity of EMR differs from the given indicators, such radiation can cause harm to health.

When EMR harms health

Weak electromagnetic radiation with low power/intensity and high frequency is dangerous for a person because its intensity coincides with the frequency of his biofield. Because of this, resonance occurs and systems, organs begin to work incorrectly, which provokes the development of various diseases, especially in those parts of the body that were previously weakened in some way.

EMR also has the ability to accumulate in the body, this is its greatest danger to health. Such accumulations gradually worsen the state of health, decreasing:

  • immunity,
  • stress resistance,
  • sexual activity,
  • endurance,
  • performance.

The danger is that these symptoms can be attributed to a large number of diseases. At the same time, doctors in our hospitals are not yet in a hurry to take seriously the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, and therefore the likelihood of a correct diagnosis is very low.

The danger of EMR is invisible and difficult to measure; it is easier to look at bacteria under a microscope than to see the relationship between the source of radiation and poor health. Intense EMR has the most destructive effect on the circulatory, immune, reproductive systems, brain, eyes, and gastrointestinal tract. A person may also develop radio wave sickness. Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Radio wave disease as a diagnosis

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body has been studied since the 1960s. Then pundits established that EMR provokes processes in the body that lead to failures in its most important systems. At the same time, the medical definition of “radio wave disease” was introduced. Researchers say that symptoms of this disease are observed to one degree or another in a third of the world's population.

At the initial stage, the disease manifests itself as:

  • dizziness,
  • headaches,
  • insomnia,
  • fatigue,
  • deterioration in concentration,
  • depressive states.

Agree, similar symptoms can be observed in a number of other diseases of a more “tangible” nature. And if the diagnosis is incorrect, then radio wave disease makes itself felt with more serious manifestations, such as:

  • cardiac arrhythmia,
  • drop or increase in blood sugar levels,
  • persistent respiratory diseases.

This is what the big picture looks like. Now let’s look at the effect of EMR on various systems of the body.

EMR and the nervous system

Scientists consider the nervous system to be one of the most vulnerable to EMR. The mechanism of its influence is simple - the electromagnetic field disrupts the permeability of the cell membrane for calcium ions, which has long been proven by scientists. Because of this, the nervous system malfunctions and functions in the wrong mode. Also, an alternating electromagnetic field (EMF) affects the condition of the liquid components of nerve tissue. This produces abnormalities in the body such as:

  • slower reaction
  • changes in the EEG of the brain,
  • memory impairment,
  • depression of varying severity.

EMR and the immune system

The effect of EMR on the immune system was studied by experimenting on animals. When individuals suffering from various infections were irradiated with EMF, the course of their disease and its character became aggravated. Therefore, scientists have come to the theory that EMR disrupts the production of immune cells, leading to the occurrence of autoimmunity.

EMR and the endocrine system

The researchers found that under the influence of EMR, the pituitary-adrenaline system was stimulated, which resulted in an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood and an increase in the processes of its coagulation. This entailed the involvement of another system - the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex. The latter are responsible, in particular, for the production of cortisol, another stress hormone. Their incorrect operation leads to the following consequences:

  • increased excitability,
  • irritability,
  • sleep disorders, insomnia,
  • sudden mood swings,
  • strong surges in blood pressure,
  • dizziness, weakness.

EMR and the cardiovascular system

The state of health determines to some extent the quality of the blood circulating throughout the body. All elements of this liquid have their own electric potential, charge. Magnetic and electrical components can provoke either destruction or adhesion of platelets, red blood cells and block patency cell membranes. EMR also affects the hematopoietic organs, disabling the entire system of formation of blood components.

The body reacts to such violations by releasing an additional portion of adrenaline. However, this does not help, and the body continues to produce stress hormones in large doses. This “behavior” leads to the following:

  • the functioning of the heart muscle is impaired,
  • myocardial conductivity deteriorates,
  • arrhythmia occurs
  • BP jumps.

EMR and the reproductive system

It has been revealed that the female genital organs - the ovaries - are more susceptible to the effects of EMR. However, men are not protected from this kind of influence. The overall result is a decrease in sperm motility and their genetic weakness, so the X chromosomes dominate, and more girls are born. There is also a very high probability that EMR will cause genetic pathologies leading to deformities and birth defects.

Effect of EMR on children and pregnant women

EMF affects the brain of children in a special way due to the fact that their body-to-head size ratio is larger than that of an adult. This explains the higher conductivity of the medulla. Therefore, electromagnetic waves penetrate deeper into the child's brain. The older the baby becomes, the thicker the bones of his skull, the content of water and ions decreases, and therefore conductivity decreases.

Developing and growing tissues are most affected by EMR. A child under 16 years of age is actively growing, so the risk of pathologies from strong magnetic influences at this period of a person’s life is the highest.

For pregnant women, EMF poses a threat to both their fetus and their health. Therefore, it is desirable to minimize the influence of the electromagnetic field on the body, even in acceptable “portions”. For example, when a pregnant woman, her entire body, including the fetus, is exposed to a slight EMR. How this will all affect later, whether it will accumulate and have consequences, no one can say for sure. However, why test scientific theories on yourself? Isn't it easier to meet people in person and have long conversations than to chat incessantly on a cell phone?

Let's add to this that the embryo is much more sensitive than the mother's body to various kinds influences. Therefore, EMF can make pathological “adjustments” to its development at any stage.

The period of increased risk includes the early stages of embryonic development, when stem cells “decide” what they will become in adulthood.

Is it possible to reduce exposure to EMR?

The danger of the influence of the electromagnetic field on the human body lies in the invisibility of this process. Therefore, the negative effect can accumulate for a long time, and then it is also difficult to diagnose. However, there are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from the ravages of EMFs.

Completely “turning off” electromagnetic radiation is not an option, and it won’t work. But you can do the following:

  • identify devices that create a particular EMF,
  • purchase a special dosimeter,
  • turn on electrical appliances one at a time, and not all at once: mobile phone, computer, microwave oven, TV should work at different times,
  • do not group electrical appliances in one place, distribute them so that they do not enhance each other’s EMF,
  • do not place these devices near the dining table, work table, resting places, sleeping places,
  • the children's room is subject to careful monitoring for sources of EMR; do not allow radio-controlled or electric toys, a tablet, a smartphone, a laptop,
  • The outlet to which the computer is connected must be grounded,
  • The radiotelephone base creates a stable magnetic field around itself within a radius of 10 meters, remove it from the bedroom and desk.

It is difficult to give up the benefits of civilization, and it is not necessary. To avoid harmful influence of EMR, it’s enough to be thoughtful about what electrical appliances you surround yourself with and how to place them at home. The leaders in EMF intensity are microwave ovens, electric grills, and devices with mobile communications - you just need to take this into account.

And finally, one more good piece of advice - when purchasing household appliances, give preference to those with a steel body. The latter is capable of shielding radiation emanating from the device, minimizing its impact on the body.

The rapid development of science and technology in the 20th century. led to the creation of electromagnetic field generators, which are widely used in industry, communications, military, radio navigation, healthcare, and everyday life. Such widespread use is accompanied by progressive electromagnetic pollution of the environment, creating a threat to public health. Indeed, everyone knows about the dangers of watching television programs for many hours and continuously working at the computer during the working day.

Electromagnetic fields are biologically active - living beings react to their action. However, humans do not have a special sense organ for detecting electromagnetic fields (with the exception of the optical range). The central nervous system, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems are most sensitive to electromagnetic fields.

Long-term effects on humans industrial frequency(50 Hz) leads to disorders that are subjectively expressed by complaints of headache in the temporal and occipital region, lethargy, sleep disturbance, memory loss, increased irritability, apathy, heart pain, and heart rhythm disturbances. Functional disturbances in the central nervous system, as well as changes in the composition of the blood, may be observed.

Impact electrostatic field on a person is associated with the flow of a weak current through him. In this case, electrical injuries are never observed. However, due to a reflex reaction to the flowing current, mechanical injury from a snowcock on nearby structural elements, a fall from a height, etc. is possible. The central nervous system and the cardiovascular system are most sensitive to electrostatic fields. People working in the area of ​​electrostatic fields complain of irritability, headaches, and sleep disturbances.

When exposed magnetic fields dysfunctions of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the digestive tract, and changes in the composition of the blood may be observed. With the local action of magnetic fields (primarily on the hands), there is a feeling of itching, pallor and cyanosis of the skin, swelling and thickening, and sometimes keratinization of the skin.

Impact radio frequency range determined by the energy flux density, radiation frequency, duration of exposure, irradiation mode (continuous, intermittent, pulsed), the size of the irradiated body surface, and the individual characteristics of the body. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from minor changes in some body systems to serious damage to the body. The absorption of electromagnetic radiation energy by the human body causes a thermal effect. After a certain limit, the human body cannot cope with the removal of heat from individual organs, and their temperature may increase. In this regard, exposure to electromagnetic radiation is especially harmful to tissues and organs with insufficient blood circulation (eyes, brain, kidneys, stomach, gall and bladder). Irradiation of the eyes can lead to burns of the cornea, and exposure to microwave EMR can lead to clouding of the lens - cataracts.

With prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range, even of moderate intensity, disorders of the nervous system, metabolic processes, and changes in blood composition can occur. Hair loss and brittle nails may also occur. At an early stage, the disorders are reversible, but later irreversible changes in the state of health and a persistent decrease in performance and vitality occur.

Infrared (thermal) radiation, absorbed by tissues, causes a thermal effect. The areas most affected by infrared radiation are the skin and organs of vision. In case of acute damage to the skin, burns, sharp expansion of capillaries, and increased skin pigmentation are possible. With chronic irradiation, a persistent change in pigmentation and a red complexion appear, for example in glassblowers and steelworkers. An increase in body temperature worsens well-being and reduces a person’s performance.

Light radiation At high energies it also poses a hazard to the skin and eyes. Pulsations of bright light impair vision, reduce performance, and affect the nervous system (light radiation is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2, Section V).

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) a high level can cause eye burns up to temporary or complete loss of vision, acute inflammation of the skin with redness, sometimes swelling and the formation of blisters, with possible fever, chills, and headache. Acute eye lesions are called electroophthalmia. Chronic moderate-level UVB causes changes in skin pigmentation (tanning), causes chronic conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids, and clouding of the lens. Long-term exposure to radiation leads to skin aging and the development of skin cancer. UVR at low levels is useful and even necessary for humans. But in industrial conditions, UVR is usually a harmful factor.

Impact laser radiation (LR) per person depends on the radiation intensity (laser beam energy), wavelength (infrared, visible or ultraviolet range), the nature of their exposure (continuous or pulsed), and exposure time. In Fig. Table 1 presents the factors that determine the biological effect of laser radiation. Laser radiation acts selectively on various organs, highlighting local and general damage to the body.

Rice. 1. Factors determining the biological effect of laser radiation

When the eyes are irradiated, the cornea and lens are easily damaged and lose their transparency. Heating the lens leads to the formation of cataracts. The most dangerous for the eyes is the visible range of laser radiation, for which the optical system of the eye becomes transparent and the retina is affected. Damage to the retina of the eye can lead to temporary loss of vision, and at high energies of the laser beam even to destruction of the retina with loss of vision.

Laser radiation causes various degrees of damage to the skin - from redness to charring and the formation of deep skin defects, especially in pigmented areas (birthmarks, areas with a strong tan).

LR, especially in the infrared range, can penetrate tissue to a considerable depth, affecting internal organs. For example, direct irradiation of the surface of the abdominal wall causes damage to the liver, intestines and other organs; when irradiating the head, intracranial hemorrhages are possible.

Long-term exposure to laser radiation of even low intensity can lead to various functional disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, endocrine glands, blood pressure, increased fatigue, and decreased performance.

Pathological changes caused by artificial electromagnetic fields in a living organism

The severity of the identified disorders is directly dependent on the intensity of the electromagnetic field, the duration of its exposure, the combination of certain levels of radiation and exposure time, the physical characteristics of various ranges of the electromagnetic field, environmental conditions, and the functional state of the body.

Most researchers who have studied the clinical picture of diseases arising under the influence of electromagnetic fields agree that the nervous system reacts to electromagnetic waves before others. An examination of a large number of patients made it possible to identify a symptom complex characteristic of the so-called magnetic or radio wave sickness. In this case, the changes occurring in the body can be characterized as a functional disorder of the central nervous system, occurring primarily as a type of autonomic dysfunction with asthenic phenomena, less often as a neurasthenic type.

Systematization of the clinical manifestations of the disease made it possible to identify three main forms: asthenic syndrome, vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia and diencephalic (microdiencephalic) syndrome.

At asthenic syndrome Various disturbances of autonomic functions, lability of pulse and blood pressure are possible. The changes are usually reversible and treatable.

At the core vegetative-vascular dystonia lies vascular lability: fluctuations in pulse and blood pressure, bradycardia alternating with tachycardia, arterial hypotension, sometimes hypertension, changes in cardiac and capillary function. The disease can be protracted.

For diencephalic syndrome Characterized by complex visceral dysfunctions, vegetative-vascular crises occurring against the background of an asthenic state. Hypokinesia, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal weakness, suppression of sexual and food reflexes are observed. The changes are not always reversible; such patients require specialized inpatient treatment.

According to the severity of the disease, the following degrees are distinguished: first, or initial (compensated), second (moderate), third (severe). IN in some cases the disease becomes chronic. Children are especially affected by radio wave sickness.

Untitled document

One of the first questions that comes up in broad discussions of electromagnetic ecology is the question: “How does the field affect the human body?”

If we remember that EMF is one of the forms of existence of matter, then this question is similar to the question: “How does a substance affect the human body?” Complete uncertainty!

It is simply impossible to answer the question about the impact of EMFs without relying on special knowledge and without specifying the frequency range and conditions of exposure to fields.

Rice. 1 - Electromagnetic conditions of human life.

Let's look at this drawing. This is a classic ecological diagram of the favorability of any environmental factor, including EMF, for organisms, depending on the strength of this factor. It is called the tolerance (patience) curve. Wherever a person goes on the globe, he will always be in one of three electromagnetic environments:

    Ecologically clean conditions for EMF or optimal conditions with maximum vital signs are the case when a person is located away from radiation sources created by himself and is exposed only to natural EMFs. To do this, at a minimum, you need to leave populated areas and give up any electronics and electricity.

    If a person finds himself in confined spaces limited by metal or reinforced concrete (buildings, machinery cabins and vehicle interiors, special rooms), then he will be completely or partially closed or, as they say, shielded from natural EMFs - these are hypogeoelectromagnetic conditions. Such conditions have been proven to be harmful to humans.

    However, most often we find ourselves in conditions of electromagnetic pollution, which are characterized by the fact that EMFs created by man himself are added to EMFs of natural origin. They are called anthropogenic EMFs.

One of the documents of the International Radio Protection Committee notes that “ There is no level of exposure that can be considered absolutely safe" We see this in the figure - environmentally friendly conditions for humans border on a zone of increasing stress. Even a small level of electromagnetic pollution pushes a person into this zone.

High intensity EMF can lead to thermal death of the body and tissues. Remember the microwave oven! In it, biological tissues can be charred. And this is what electromagnetic radiation does! But more often we are far from such powerful sources and do not feel the effects of EMFs, since they have no taste, no smell, no color and are practically not registered by the senses.

About 30 years ago, when answering questions about the impact of EMF on the human body, the following motives were heard: “The question has not been studied...”, “Much is unclear to science...”, “There is a lot to be researched...”. The strangest thing is that even now, after 30 years, you often hear the same excuses, especially from people who are interested in the dissemination of this or that emitting technology.

All this time, scientists around the world are continuously conducting research on all the problems of electromagnetic ecology that concern the population of the globe. Special attention awarded:

  • radiation from cell phones,
  • Industrial frequency EMF from elements of energy systems (power lines, transformer substations) and from household and office equipment,
  • radiation from computers.

It is quite obvious that these technical means are of most concern to scientists and the population, since they are located in close proximity to people, and he uses them every day.

When answering a question about the impact of EMFs, I always say that, in principle, they cannot but affect the tissues and functionality of a living organism. We have already talked about EMF energy quanta. So, if this tiny particle of electromagnetic energy interacts with any living cell, then something in the cell is bound to change. In the simplest case, the temperature of the cell will increase, and chemical and biological reactions may change with various far-reaching consequences.

The reactions of the living world and humans to EMFs can be very diverse. They may cause biological effects that do not always result in adverse health effects. A biological effect occurs if, under the influence of EMF, any noticeable or detectable physiological changes occur in a biological system. An adverse health effect occurs when a biological effect is beyond normal limits and cannot be compensated for by the body, thereby leading to the development of detrimental health effects. Some biological effects may be harmless, such as the body's response to increased skin blood flow when mildly heated by an EMF. Some effects may be positive, such as feeling warm in cold conditions, or even lead to beneficial health effects, such as the body's production of sun rays vitamin D. However, a number of biological effects have been identified that lead to negative health consequences. There are complex cause-and-effect relationships between the field and biological objects.

Let us list the most common deviations in human health that have ever been reliably proven based on materials from the website

1. General symptoms: impaired concentration, headaches, weakness, loss of performance, persistent fatigue, attacks of dizziness, poor, superficial sleep, loss of strength, decreased potency, state of internal devastation, instability of body temperature, allergic reactions.
2. Nervous system symptoms s: functional disorders of the central and autonomic nervous systems, changes in the electroencephalogram, neurasthenic manifestations, a tendency to sweat, slight trembling of the fingers.
3. Cardiovascular symptoms: cardiovascular disorders, vagotonic disorders of the cardiovascular system, pulse instability, blood pressure instability.

The body's response to the effects of EMF occurs at all levels: cellular, systemic and organismal. At the same time, the main systems of the body responsible for its adaptive response are identified as critical - these are the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems. Hence, the range of diseases is very wide - from functional disorders of the nervous system to the development of tumors and leukemia. According to recently obtained data, EMFs are the main cause of the so-called “chronic fatigue syndrome”. For the first time, such a diagnosis appeared recently, at the end of the 80s of the 20th century. Currently, the number of patients with this diagnosis is millions and will progressively increase throughout the world, especially in developed countries.

Typically, changes in the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems are reversible and, as a rule, decrease and disappear when exposure to EMF is removed and environmental conditions improve. However, prolonged and intense exposure to EMF leads to persistent disorders and diseases.

The most significant research in recent years in the field of the biological effects of EMFs can be considered studies conducted by 12 scientific groups from 7 European countries with funding from the European Union.

The purpose of these studies was to obtain reliable results on the effects of radiotelephones. The project was called Reflex; its implementation took 4 years (02/1/2000 – 05/31/2004). The total project budget is 3,149,621 euros. The study was coordinated German group Verum.

It studied the effects of mobile phone radiation on human and animal cells. These studies have established that EMFs from mobile phones damage genetic code people, the report says. They caused serious damage to DNA, the carrier of genetic information, which can lead to serious diseases.

There is another manifestation of the negative impact of EMF on humans - these are various forms of electromagnetic phobia that have appeared in society. Let us remember that a phobia is an obsessive feeling of a real or imaginary threat. The author very often has to deal with people who are terrified of antennas, and often these antennas perform reception functions, for example, “dishes” for receiving satellite television, that is, they do not radiate. Sometimes EMFs are attributed to the properties of radiation and there is concern about the need to decontaminate rooms and areas. Some devices are credited with the properties of electromagnetic emitters that hide and accumulate electromagnetic energy. All these doubts and threats disappear for a person when he receives competent answers to his questions, qualified advice or explanations for his level of education.

Thus, EMFs are considered as a pathogenic factor. The collection of symptoms of lesions that occur when exposed to EMF are classified as a specific disease, which is sometimes called “radio wave disease.” Its severity depends on the intensity of the EMF, the duration of exposure, the biological activity of various frequency ranges, external conditions, as well as on the functional state of the body, its resistance to the effects of electromagnetic fields, and the ability to adapt. What should a person do, how to behave, how to protect the environment in the face of an increasing number of technical means emitting electromagnetic energy? We will try to give answers to these questions in

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