Oleg Yakovlev. What was the fate of the “little one” from “Ivanushki”

Oleg Yakovlev died today, June 29, early in the morning in one of the capital’s clinics. As Life.ru competently reports, the performer had problems with the liver (allegedly cirrhosis) and was in intensive care for several days. The artist’s common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol told why Oleg Yakovlev died.


“The cause of death was double pneumonia, so all this time he was connected to the machine. During this time, he never even regained consciousness. It was an advanced stage, he was treated at home by himself. Previously, we did not call an ambulance, you know, coughing and coughing. Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to our senses,” said the artist’s inconsolable lover.

Meanwhile, Life.ru provides slightly different information. According to the publication, the 47-year-old singer died as a result of pulmonary edema. Complications arose against the background of liver cirrhosis.

Earlier, he spoke about Yakovlev’s health former colleague by group" Ivanushki International" Kirill Andreev. "We filmed together new clip and they were recording a song, and I didn’t know that he had any problems. But I always jokingly told him: “Oleg, smoke less cigarettes.” I was always ready to support him in terms of healthy lifestyle. Just a month and a half ago he was full of strength,” the performer noted.

Journalists learned about the death of Oleg Yakovlev thanks to a message from Alexandra Kutsevol, which she left a sad message on her official page V social network Instagram. “Today at 7:05, the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness, passed away... How can I live without you now?.. Fly, Oleg! I’m always with you,” the inconsolable woman turned to him after publishing a photo of her lover wife.

Oleg Yakovlev joined the famous trio "Ivanushki International" in 1998 after the death of Igor Sorin. He left the team in 2013, but, according to him, he never regretted his decision. “For the first time in my life, I felt like such a big deal. I stopped dividing life into three parts. This is so cool and interesting! My eyes are burning,” the artist admitted.

Oleg was born when his parents were on a long business trip to the small Mongolian town of Choibalsan. There he spent the first year of his life, and then the family returned to Angarsk. The boy grew up and graduated from school in Irkutsk.

At six, he personally chose an activity he liked and entered a music school without the help of his parents. Having confronted my mother, a teacher of Russian and literature, with a fait accompli, he began to demand a piano. Buying a bulky instrument for a small apartment, my parents almost went broke.

As Oleg himself said in his interviews, the humanities were easy for him and he was very drawn to music. From an early age he dreamed of becoming a singer or even a pianist. But he came to the stage in a completely different way.

After graduation, the young man entered the Irkutsk Theater School, majoring in actor puppet theater“, but Oleg always wanted to be on stage, in plain sight, in front of the audience. And hiding behind a screen is not his thing. In search of recognition, the young man decided to conquer the capital.


He entered GITIS the first time, in the workshop of Lyudmila Kasatkina. Yakovlev had good inclinations, so the guy was quickly considered for theater world. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself noted the young man’s talent and invited him to his theater.

Like all young artists, Yakovlev worked part-time - first he mastered the romantic profession of a metropolitan janitor, then he got a job on the radio, starred in videos and, of course, played in the theater.

Meanwhile, it was 1997. One of the soloists, Igor Sorin, has left the Ivanushki International group, famous throughout the country. He decided to do solo career and no longer participated in new projects.

Castings have begun to fill the vacant position. Oleg also took part in one of them. He knew that he didn’t quite fit the type - the producers were looking for “small and fair”, and Yakovlev is naturally dark-haired, and also not so short - 1.72.

In one of his interviews, the artist admitted that he was very surprised when he was first offered to participate in one of the videos of “Ivanushki” - in “Doll”. To get into character, Oleg had to dye his hair blond, which he did. Throughout most of his work with the boy band, he abandoned his natural hair color.


He officially joined the team only some time later, when the tragedy with Igor Sorin had already happened. Largely because of this, the public received the new guy coldly, but Oleg was understanding.

The artist was surprised: “Ivanushki” is shown so little on TV, but their songs are remembered and loved throughout the country, in every city they are very much awaited and are still adored. Over time, he also had his own horde of fans.

Yakovlev really enjoyed working as part of such a responsive team. He talked about the importance of having real friends around who will help, will cover you if you are sick and cannot work at full capacity, and will listen.

However, the young man, working in a vocal project, did not lose his acting skills. It is known that in 2010 Armen Dzhigarkhanyan called the singer to return to the theater, where his Moscow career began. But Oleg no longer saw himself in this role.


He decided to go free swimming back in 2012. I took time out to create something of my own. He was pushed to the idea by his beloved girl, Sasha Kutsevol, the same sexy brunette in a red dress who starred in his first solo video.

He said that at first he wanted to present himself as new project, and become the main character of the video for this. But then I thought that his beautiful and charming Sasha could make the product much more popular.

And things went well. The song got into rotation on radio stations, a video was released, and the image changed. Now he had finally become a brunette and expected to eventually become a sort of “Takeshi Kitano” - the most stylish Asian in Russian show business(Oleg’s mother is Buryat, father is Uzbek).

Saying goodbye to “Ivanushki”, after 17 years of joint creativity, he managed to work a little with Kirill Turichenko, who replaced him in the team. Oleg then said in an interview that the cohesion of the team is due to the similarity of characters and energies of all the soloists. He sincerely hoped that Kirill would easily join the team.

Oleg Yakovlev officially terminated his work contract with Ivanushki in 2013.

The same girl from the video has been a fan of Yakovlev since she was 11 years old. But I met my idol only in the late 1990s. The girl won the artist’s sympathy and inspired him to a new creative breakthrough. Then, in 2013, recording solo compositions, he was completely happy.

Alexandra became not only a muse, but also the singer’s director. She handled all administrative issues and was good at it. They spent all their time together, even introducing each other to their parents.

Oleg confessed: “I love Sasha’s parents madly!” They didn’t often visit their beloved’s relatives, but they always returned from there with a bag of homemade dumplings. In moments of discord, Oleg called his beloved’s parents and feignedly complained about Sasha to her dad: “Your daughter didn’t cook borscht for me! She knows how, but she doesn’t want to!” After such playful antics, the couple quickly made up.

Biography of Oleg Yakovlev, story and episodes of life , obituary of death. When born and died Oleg Yakovlev, memorable places and dates important events his life. Singer Quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Oleg Yakovlev:

born November 18, 1969, died June 29, 2017


“Believe me, I’m very sorry too,
That it was all over so soon.
And I have to leave again
And I love your quiet city.
And I have to leave again
And wait for the postal envelopes.
Believe me, understand, I'm sorry too
Already past concerts.”
From the song “Believe me, I’m also very sorry” by the group “Ivanushki International”


By Oleg Yakovlev’s own admission, he became a member of the Ivanushki International group almost by accident. And at first, not all fans of the most popular musical group The 1990s received the new member favorably. After all Oleg Yakovlev took the place of Igor Sorin, who tragically passed away just a few months later.

However, for long years successful work in the group, Oleg Yakovlev could not help but win the hearts of the audience with his positive image, obvious optimism and bright, warm smile. And when Oleg Yakovlev left Ivanushki for the sake of a solo career, this was a big disappointment for many fans.

As a young man, Yakovlev received the specialty “puppet theater actor”, after which he went to the capital, entered the Moscow GITIS and got into the workshop of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Oleg called the great artist his second father and teacher. But, having worked in his theater for some time, I received a non-winning, in my opinion young actor, role. And then I saw an advertisement on TV that a certain group was looking for a new lead singer.

Oleg Yakovlev and the group “Ivanushki International” in 1998

According to Oleg, he did not hope for anything and even forgot about the old recording sent to the studio. However, this particular entry out of hundreds and hundreds of others interested the group's producer Igor Matvienko. And after a month " probationary period“Oleg Yakovlev became a full member of one of the most successful Russian pop groups at that time.

With Oleg Yakovlev, “Ivanushki” recorded their loudest hits: « Poplar fluff", "Bullfinches", "Revi", "Golden Clouds", "Beznadega.ru". Both Oleg's image and character provided a good contrast with the other two members of the group, Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov. And after fifteen years collaboration “Ivanushki” and Oleg Yakovlev parted on friendly terms, periodically continuing to work together.

Regarding his solo career, Oleg Yakovlev was full of ideas, strength and creative plans for the future. His endeavors were strongly supported by his common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol, with whom the singer lived for many years and planned to be legally married in the future. No one could have imagined that bilateral pneumonia in a matter of months would lead first to hospitalization and then to the death of this smiling, energetic and seemingly eternally young artist. Oleg Yakovlev died at the age of 47 from cardiac arrest. The artist’s relatives refused a traditional funeral, preferring cremation.

Cause of death of Oleg Yakovlev

The sudden death of such a young and seemingly healthy artist could not but give rise to a wide variety of versions regarding the true background of the circumstances of his death. Thus, Yakovlev’s friend and colleague in the group “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev suggested that the fact that he smoked a lot and for a long time played a role in the sharp deterioration in Oleg’s health. Some rumors cited the artist’s overall unhealthy lifestyle as the cause of death. However, the singer’s common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol, said that the culprit was self-medication and Yakovlev’s categorical refusal to seek medical help until it came to emergency hospitalization.

Oleg Yakovlev in the video for the song “Blue Sea” (2014)

Life line

November 18, 1969 Date of birth of Oleg Zhamsarayevich Yakovlev.
1990 Yakovlev stars in a cameo role in the film “One Hundred Days Before the Order.”
1998 Oleg Yakovlev becomes a member of the Ivanushki International group.
2006 Yakovlev stars in a cameo role in the film “First Ambulance”.
2007 Yakovlev is starring in the film “Election Day”.
2012 Oleg Yakovlev begins solo career.
2013 Yakovlev officially leaves “Ivanushki” for the sake of a solo career and records the album “TVA”.
2017 The last studio recording of Oleg Yakovlev (song “Jeans”).
June 29, 2017 Date of death of Oleg Yakovlev.
July 1, 2017 The date of the official farewell to Oleg Yakovlev and the burial of his ashes at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Memorable places

1. Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), where Oleg Yakovlev was born.
2. Angarsk, where Yakovlev lived as a child.
3. Irkutsk Theater School, from which Oleg Yakovlev graduated with honors.
4. GITIS (Moscow), from which Oleg Yakovlev graduated.
5. Moscow Theatre of Drama under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, where Yakovlev played.
6. Funeral home-necropolis Troekurovo (Troyekurovskoe cemetery), the site of the official farewell to Oleg Yakovlev.

Episodes of life

Oleg Yakovlev’s father, an Uzbek by nationality, professed Islam, and his Buryat mother professed Buddhism. Yakovlev called this mixture of nationalities “explosive” and explained his explosive temperament to it.

Yakovlev received the title of CCM in athletics.

In the early 2000s. the group “Ivanushki International” was on the verge of collapse, and the group’s producer, Igor Matvienko, suggested that the participants stop musical activity and go to new business. However, all team members decided to continue working together.

“Ivanushki International” and Oleg Yakovlev perform the song “Bullfinches” on anniversary concert, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the group (2015)


“Not many popular songs allow you to find sincere, kind energy, a good message... Maybe this is why the girls, our fans, need us so much.”

“My happiness is the mutual understanding of two close people, this is the ability to change, this is family, children, love, this is my favorite thing.”

“...I consider it a rule to always smile!”


“It’s a pity that it’s so early. I prayed for him...I grieve. Olezhka, my dear, the Kingdom of Heaven to You."
Kirill Andreev, member of the group “Ivanushki International”

“He worked actively, very nice, very friendly, very creative person... The news shocks me. As always, the news is shocking when people die untimely. Of course, these are tears, drama, and tragedy for the whole family and fans, everyone who loved and knew this man. My condolences".
Dmitry Malikov, National artist Russia

“The feeling that he is infinitely young, infinitely bright, he still has time to live and live... All this is so unexpected, so hasty and so early...”
Mitya Fomin, singer, ex-member of the Hi-Fi group

“It’s sad when young people pass away, especially someone you know. This is sad news, it cannot but cause indignation, so I want to express my condolences to my family, friends, and team. And once again I would like to remind you that you need to take care of yourself from your youth, and not succumb to such moments that can unsettle you.”
Joseph Prigozhin, producer

On June 29 at 7:05 he passed away former soloist popular group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev. He died in the hospital where he was admitted to in serious condition with bilateral pneumonia, and the day before his death it became known that the artist was connected to a ventilator. The death of Oleg Yakovlev was reported by his common-law wife and PR manager Alexandra Kutsevol.

“Today at 7:05 the main Man of my life, my Angel, my Happiness, passed away... How can I live without you now?.. Fly, Oleg! I’m always with you,” - she wrote.

Oleg Yakovlev was only 47 years old.

Life path

Oleg Yakovlev was born on November 18, 1969 in Choibalsan, Mongolia, where his parents went on a business trip. After the artist graduated from the first class, the family returned to Russia. Together with his parents and older sisters, Yakovlev lived in Angarsk and then in Irkutsk. There he began studying at music school in piano class. After school, he entered the Irkutsk Theater School, from which he graduated with honors as a puppet theater actor.

Then Yakovlev moved to Moscow and graduated from GITIS, becoming an actor at the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, whom he called his second father.

For some time the artist had to work as a janitor.

Success came to him after joining popular group"Ivanushki International" in 1998. In the team he replaced deceased Igor Sorina.

Officially, Yakovlev was never married, however for a long time met with journalist Alexandra Kutsevol, who worked as the manager of Ivanushki, and then of Yakovlev himself.

The artist was a candidate for master of sports and was fond of billiards.


Oleg Yakovlev became a full member of the group after filming a video clip for the song “Doll”. The first song for Yakovlev as a full-fledged member of “Ivanushki” was “Poplar Down”, which is actually business card team.

Video: YouTube/Matvey Music

During his collaboration with producer Igor Matvienko, the compositions of “Ivanushek” more than once took first place in the most prestigious charts in the country. The group also has many duets with popular Russian performers.

In 2012, Oleg Yakovlev began his solo career, and after the success of the song “Dance with eyes closed"The artist decided to temporarily step away from working in the team in order to prepare a solo program. In 2013, he officially finished performing in Ivanushki. He was replaced by Kirill Turichenko.

"Fly, Oleg!"

Yakovlev's colleagues were shocked by the sad news of his death. They all expressed condolences to the artist’s family and friends, and also told what the singer was like.

According to “Ivanushka” Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov, Yakovlev’s voice will remain with him forever.

“Oleg Yakovlev has died. My Yasha... Our “little” Olezhka... Fly, Snegiryok, your voice and songs are in our hearts forever...” – wrote Grigoriev-Apollonov on his Instagram.

Another colleague of Yakovlev’s in the group said that the deceased singer was practically a member of his family.

“He was a good person, a friend left, a family member. We spent 15 years on tour together - trains, planes, hotels, everything happened. We talked, called each other after he left the team. I was happy with his new songs and videos,”– said the musician.

Andreev recalls that a month and a half ago, his friend was on a creative upswing, preparing for the release of a video.

According to TV presenter Yana Churikova and musician Alexei Potekhin, Yakovlev had big creative and life plans. No one could have expected such an outcome, they say.

“I always thought it was cool that Oleg would have such new songs that he would conquer the world on his own. I’m shocked by what happened,”– Potekhin told TASS.

According to producer Bari Alibasov, Oleg was a bright and bright person.

“On stage he was the most artistic of all the guys, the audience admired him. It’s sad that he died so early, it’s incredible... He could have lived as long as he did. He was a very gifted artist,” - Alibasov noted.

According to singer Mitya Fomin, Oleg Yakovlev has always been kind and positive.

Most recently, the singer presented his new song“Jeans,” and, according to colleagues, the artist’s video was to be released very soon.

Oleg Yakovlev is the lead singer of the cult group Ivanushki International. The singer’s passing was a real shock for fans, and the cause of death expressed in the media raises doubts and questions. From this article you will learn the whole truth about personality popular artist, as well as the most Interesting Facts from his biography.

Oleg Yakovlev


Oleg Zhamasaraevich Yakovlev was born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, in 1969. His father was an Uzbek, his mother a Buryat. It is interesting that Oleg’s parents professed Islam and Buddhism, while the guy, not sharing their views, decided to join Orthodoxy.

After the birth of Oleg (he became the third child), the family lived in the Mongolian capital for only seven years, so Yakovlev went to school in Angarsk, and received a certificate of completion of the 8th grade in Irkutsk. The boy studied well at school. Oleg showed a special inclination towards humanities.

Oleg Yakovlev in the “New Morning” program

Yakovlev began to demonstrate his indifference to music as early as early childhood. He not only participated in creative life school choir, but also learned to play the piano at a music school. However musical education Oleg never managed to get it. At a certain point, he became interested in sports - athletics, and also played billiards.

Artist during a birthday celebration

Having matured a little, the guy began to get carried away theatrical art. The passion for the stage was so strong that after the eighth grade, Oleg decided to enroll in a theater school, where he trained as a “puppet theater artist.”

However, the ambitious guy wants the viewer to recognize him by sight. Therefore, Yakovlev moved to Moscow to study at GITIS and qualify as a “classical” actor.

Oleg on the set of his own video

Having entered the first time, Oleg studies acting from Lyudmila Kasatkina herself, and after graduating from the institute, he gets a job at A. Dzhigarkhanyan’s theater. Yakovlev will be involved in a number of theatrical productions, and in 1990 he gets a role in one of the episodes in the film “One Hundred Days Before Order.”

Group "Ivanushki International"

The biography of Oleg Yakovlev is inextricably linked with the Ivanushki International group. The guy got into show business not by chance. After all, as mentioned above, he was interested in music from a very young age.

Oleg in the group “Ivanushki”. Start musical career artist in show business

Since 1990, Oleg has been working at the Modern Opera Theater (now named after A. Rybnikov), where he has the opportunity to combine acting with singing, participating in musicals and opera productions.

It was there that Yakovlev recorded the song “White Rosehip”, the cassette of which he sent to Igor Matvienko, the producer of Ivanushki International. At that time, the band had just lost its lead singer (remember that Igor Sorin died after falling out of a window) and was in search of a new performer.

Oleg Yakovlev and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov on stage

In March 1998, Oleg became the new vocalist of “Ivanushki”.

Yakovlev did not immediately win recognition from fans; fans were jealous of the newly minted frontman, constantly comparing him with the deceased Sorin. However, thanks to such hits as “Poplar Fluff” and “Bullfinches”, Oleg receives the love and recognition of fans. A year after joining the team, the first album “Ivanushki” appears with the participation of Yakovlev - “I’ll scream about this all night”, then 4 more collections of hits will be released.

Oleg has long been compared to Igor Sorin

Despite the popularity of the group, in 2012. Oleg leaves the group, deciding to start working on a solo career. Over the course of four years, Yakovlev recorded about 15 songs, and several videos appeared from 2013 to 2017.

A few years after joining the group, Oleg fell in love

Personal life

Fans have never been indifferent to the Ivanushki International team, and Oleg Yakovlev did not escape this fate. His unusual appearance and short stature became a real “lure” for girls. However, the soloist’s heart has long belonged to one main fan – Alexandra Kutsevol. A journalist by training, the girl left her profession, completely devoting herself to her beloved. Sasha supported Yakovlev in all his endeavors.

Oleg's common-law wife

According to unconfirmed information, it was Kutsevol who insisted that Oleg leave the group and start singing alone.

Alexandra quit her job for Oleg

Oleg himself has admitted more than once that Alexandra makes his life truly happy, evidence of this is numerous photos happy couple in the Internet. However, despite the idyll in the relationship, it was not possible to create a real family; Kutsevol remained common-law wife Yakovleva, the couple has no children. The artist is survived by his niece Tanya and two great-nephews.

Oleg's sister

Yakovlev's life was full interesting facts and stories. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • Yakovlev never knew his father, and his middle name was left to him from his maternal grandfather.
  • At school, the ex-vocalist of “Ivanushek” was involved in athletics and even became a candidate for sports competitions.
  • Oleg could also boast of his ability to play billiards masterfully.
  • To live in the expensive capital while studying at GITIS, the guy had to work part-time on the radio, record commercials and even clean the streets.
  • Back in 2003, the team could have broken up, but after much deliberation, the group decided not to disperse. Then the producer doubled the participants’ salaries.
  • According to rumors, Yakovlev has a son in the Northern capital. The artist did not deny this fact, but refused to comment. The situation was similar with information about the affair with singer Irina Dubtsova.

Oleg took part as a guest star at fashion shows

And even after his death, rumors around Yakovlev’s personality do not subside. Some associate his death with mysticism. So famous actor Stanislav Sadalsky believes that “Ivanushki” is destined to sing as a duet and all attempts to turn the group into a trio end unsuccessfully.

So, the death of one soloist (Igor Sorin) can be attributed to an accident, while the death of two is... a coincidence? Or is it already a pattern? Therefore, Kirill Turichenko, who today took Yakovlev’s place, should think carefully about whether it is worth continuing to work in the team.

Death of Yakovlev

June 28, 2017 information leaked to fans about the urgent hospitalization of the ex-vocalist of “Ivanushki”, as well as that the guy is in extremely serious condition in the intensive care unit under a machine that artificially ventilates the lungs. The man ended up in the hospital unconscious, where he was diagnosed with double pneumonia.

They say that Oleg suffered from alcohol addiction

June 29 is the official date of death of a member of the group “Ivanushek”. Oleg Yakovlev passed away at the age of 46. By official information, the cause of death was cardiac arrest.

Recently, Igor Matvienko, speaking in an interview about the causes of death of his soloists, noted that Igor Sorin was killed drug addiction, while Yakovleva is alcoholic. A harmful addiction to alcohol could cause cirrhosis of the liver, which led to pulmonary edema.

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