Impact of emitters on human health. The influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans

The world surrounding modern man is filled with electromagnetic fields (EMF) of various origins. They are created both by natural objects and those made by human hands.

The main natural sources of radiation are:

  • Earth's own EMF;
  • solar radio emission;
  • atmospheric phenomena associated with electricity.

Artificial sources of waves are:

  • transformer substations;
  • high-voltage power lines with voltage up to 1150 kV;
  • power plants;
  • household electrical appliances, for example: computers, laptops, electric kettles, televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens, hair dryers, electric ovens;
  • hand-held power tools: screwdrivers, hammer drills, drills, power saws, jigsaws and others;
  • electrical wiring in a house or apartment;
  • electrically powered machine tools;
  • television towers and radiotelephone nodes;
  • radar installations;
  • Wi-Fi equipment, such as towers;
  • wireless communications: walkie-talkies, mobile phones;
  • transmitting antennas;
  • industrial equipment and installations powered by electricity;
  • electric transport: trams, electric trains, trolleybuses.

The way an electromagnetic field affects a person does not depend on the source, but is determined by its intensity, frequency, and energy. Moreover, the nature of the distribution of waves indoors is associated with the placement of objects and structures and the degree of their conductivity. Their frequency determines their penetrating properties.

Fields from the considered sources are static and variable. Their intensity is determined by the power of the source. Each variety has some characteristics associated with the nature of its effect on living organisms.

Impact of EMF on human health

The effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body is associated with the polarization of the molecules (for example, water) that make up the human body. At the same time, they are oriented along the EMF power lines. As a result, the normal course of physical and chemical processes and the passage of nerve impulses are disrupted. Variable radiation also leads to heating of the tissues of the human body.

But the considered phenomena in the body occur only at a certain field strength and some time after the onset of their action. An important factor is also the individual sensitivity of each person, which allows them to tolerate negative impacts in different ways. Children, the elderly, and people with poor health are especially susceptible to changes in the electromagnetic background.

If the field strength norms (at a certain frequency) are exceeded, then the polarization mechanism primarily affects the organs containing the largest percentage of water. Overheating is dangerous for all living tissues. Therefore, the effect of EMF affects, to one degree or another, all systems of the body:

  • the nervous system is usually the first to react with the appearance of migraines, fatigue, irritability, disturbances in memory, sleep, attention, coordination of movements, depression;
  • immunity decreases, the number of leukocytes in the blood drops, while chronic diseases worsen, the body becomes susceptible to respiratory infections;
  • blood pressure increases, which eventually leads to arrhythmia;
  • blood sugar levels fluctuate, the functioning of the entire hematopoietic system is disrupted;
  • the lens of the eye becomes cloudy;
  • the functioning of the endocrine system deteriorates: disruptions occur in the production of basic hormones (adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland);
  • both men and women can become infertile;
  • during pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage, as well as fetal malformations, increases;
  • the lens of the eye becomes cloudy;
  • there is increased brittleness of nails;
  • with prolonged exposure, DNA changes.

If the nervous system is severely affected, then delusions and hallucinations arise, and the adaptive capabilities of the individual decrease. At the organic level, changes can lead to cancer, such as brain cancer.

Due to total electrification, there has been an increase in the negative impact of fields of electromagnetic nature on people. In medicine, a special term “radio wave disease” appeared. Experts believe that the symptoms of this disease have already affected a third of the population of developed countries. But due to the commonality of symptoms with other diseases, diagnosing radio wave disease is difficult.

Existing radiation standards, their control

Electromagnetic fields and their effect on the human body are being studied by a whole area - electromagnetic safety. During the studies, maximum permissible radiation levels were established (in different frequency ranges), exceeding which causes deterioration in human health, indicating the need for protective measures.

All radiation is divided by frequency into ranges presented in the table below. It also contains the maximum permissible field strength values ​​that are not dangerous to humans.

Mobile communications, television and radio broadcasting operate in the ultra-high frequency range.

On the territory of Russia, the maximum levels of EMF intensity are regulated by sanitary and hygienic norms and rules. Control functions are performed by representatives of sanitary supervision, and at enterprises also by occupational safety specialists.

The maximum dose of electromagnetic radiation that a person can tolerate without harm to health is 0.2 µT according to standards.

Reducing the negative impact of electromagnetic waves

The main protective measures that reduce to a minimum level the influence of the electromagnetic field on the human body are:

  • construction of houses outside the sanitary protection zones of high-voltage lines;
  • passive, active or complex shielding of the radiating source;
  • correct arrangement of furniture and electrical appliances in the room;
  • use of modern advanced equipment with a reduced level of radiated power;
  • reducing the time spent in the field action area;
  • creation of a grounding system.

Screening the workplace or is the most reliable method. In this case, screens are divided into absorbing and reflective. The latter type is made of metal sheets or mesh, which must be grounded.

Reducing cell phone communication will also help reduce exposure.

To accurately determine the electromagnetic background at home, it is enough to use a dosimeter. With its help, you can easily identify the equipment that is most dangerous in terms of radiation levels in order to use it less. The device will also allow the devices to be positioned in an optimal way so that the fields emanating from them are not amplified by mutual overlap.

Electricity brought comfort and entertainment into everyday life, created coziness, and made life easier. At the same time, the level of electromagnetic fields has increased to a dangerous level, which has a detrimental effect on people’s health. The simplest measures considered will help change the situation for the better. When purchasing household electrical appliances and tools, you should give preference to high-quality products from well-known brands, while avoiding counterfeits.

Modern science has divided the material world around us into matter and field.

Does matter interact with the field? Or maybe they coexist in parallel and electromagnetic radiation does not affect the environment and living organisms? Let's find out how electromagnetic radiation acts on the human body.

The duality of the human body

Life on the planet originated under the influence of an abundant electromagnetic background. For thousands of years this background has not undergone significant changes. The influence of the electromagnetic field on various functions of a wide variety of living organisms was stable. This applies both to its simplest representatives and to the most highly organized creatures.

However, as humanity “matured,” the intensity of this background began to continuously increase due to artificial man-made sources: overhead power transmission lines, household electrical appliances, radio relay and cellular communication lines, and so on. The term “electromagnetic pollution” (smog) arose. It is understood as the totality of the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that has a negative biological effect on living organisms. What is the mechanism of action of electromagnetic fields on a living organism, and what could be the consequences?

In search of an answer, we will have to accept the concept that a person not only has a material body consisting of an unimaginably complex combination of atoms and molecules, but also has another component - an electromagnetic field. It is the presence of these two components that ensures a person’s connection with the outside world.

The impact of the electromagnetic web on a person’s field affects his thoughts, behavior, physiological functions and even vitality.

A number of modern scientists believe that diseases of various organs and systems occur due to the pathological effects of external electromagnetic fields.

The spectrum of these frequencies is very wide - from gamma radiation to low-frequency electrical vibrations, so the changes they cause can be very diverse. The nature of the consequences is influenced not only by the frequency, but also by the intensity, as well as the time of exposure. Some frequencies cause thermal and informational effects, others have a destructive effect at the cellular level. In this case, decay products can cause poisoning of the body.

Norm of electromagnetic radiation for humans

Electromagnetic radiation turns into a pathogenic factor if its intensity exceeds the maximum permissible norms for humans, verified by many statistical data.

For radiation sources with frequencies:

Radio and television equipment, as well as cellular communications, operate in this frequency range. For high-voltage transmission lines, the threshold value is 160 kV/m. When the intensity of electromagnetic radiation exceeds the specified values, negative health effects are very likely. The actual voltage values ​​of the power line are 5–6 times less than the dangerous value.

Radio wave disease

As a result of clinical studies that began back in the 60s, it was found that under the influence of electromagnetic radiation on a person, changes occur in all the most important systems in his body. Therefore, it was proposed to introduce a new medical term - “radio wave disease”. According to researchers, its symptoms are already spreading to a third of the population.

Its main manifestations - dizziness, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration, depression - are not particularly specific, so diagnosing this disease is difficult.

However, later these symptoms develop into serious chronic diseases:

  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • fluctuations in blood sugar levels;
  • chronic respiratory diseases, etc.

To assess the degree of danger of electromagnetic radiation for humans, let’s consider its effect on different systems of the body.

Impact of electromagnetic fields and radiation on the human body

  1. The human nervous system is very sensitive to electromagnetic effects. Nerve cells of the brain (neurons) as a result of the “interference” of external fields deteriorate their conductivity. This can provoke severe and irreversible consequences for the person himself and his environment, since the changes affect the holy of holies - higher nervous activity. But it is she who is responsible for the entire system of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. In addition, memory deteriorates, coordination of brain activity with the work of all parts of the body is disrupted. Mental disorders, including delusions, hallucinations and suicide attempts, are also very likely. Violation of the body's adaptive ability is fraught with exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  2. The reaction of the immune system to exposure to electromagnetic waves is very negative. Not only does the immune system become suppressed, but the immune system also attacks its own body. This aggression is explained by a drop in the number of lymphocytes, which should ensure victory over the infection invading the body. These “valiant warriors” also become victims of electromagnetic radiation.
  3. Blood quality plays a paramount role in human health. What is the effect of electromagnetic radiation on blood? All elements of this life-giving liquid have certain electrical potentials and charges. Electrical and magnetic components that form electromagnetic waves can cause destruction or, conversely, adhesion of red blood cells, platelets, and cause obstruction of cell membranes. And their effect on the hematopoietic organs causes disruptions in the functioning of the entire hematopoietic system. The body's reaction to such a pathology is the release of excessive doses of adrenaline. All these processes have a very negative effect on the work of the heart muscle, blood pressure, myocardial conductivity and can cause arrhythmia. The conclusion is not comforting - electromagnetic radiation has an extremely negative effect on the cardiovascular system.
  4. The effect of an electromagnetic field on the endocrine system leads to stimulation of the most important endocrine glands - the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, etc. This causes disruptions in the production of important hormones.
  5. One of the consequences of disorders in the nervous and endocrine systems is negative changes in the sexual sphere. If we evaluate the degree of influence of electromagnetic radiation on male and female sexual function, then the sensitivity of the female reproductive system to electromagnetic influences is much higher than that of men. Associated with this is the danger of influence on pregnant women. Pathologies of child development at different stages of pregnancy can manifest themselves in a decrease in the rate of fetal development, defects in the formation of various organs, and even lead to premature birth. The first weeks and months of pregnancy are especially vulnerable. The embryo is still loosely attached to the placenta and an electromagnetic “shock” can interrupt its connection with the mother’s body. In the first three months, the most important organs and systems of the growing fetus are formed. And the misinformation that external electromagnetic fields can bring can distort the material carrier of the genetic code - DNA.

How to reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation

The listed symptoms indicate the strongest biological influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health. The danger is aggravated by the fact that we do not feel the impact of these fields and the negative effect accumulates over time.

How to protect yourself and your loved ones from electromagnetic fields and radiation? Following the following recommendations will help minimize the consequences of using electronic household appliances.

Our everyday life includes more and more diverse technology that makes our lives easier and more beautiful. But the influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans is not a myth. The champions in terms of influence on humans are microwave ovens, electric grills, cell phones and some models of electric shavers. It is almost impossible to refuse these benefits of civilization, but we should always remember about the reasonable use of all the technology around us.


We were taught at school that labor turned a monkey into a man, and scientific and technological progress is the engine of all humanity. It would seem that with its movement the quality and number of years lived by a person should improve. In fact, the deeper STP enters our lives, the harder our lives are and the more often people encounter previously unknown diseases, which appear and develop in direct progression along with technical progress. Let us not dispute that the benefits of civilization are bad. Let's talk about the hidden threat to humans and their descendants - electromagnetic radiation.

Research by scientists over the past decades shows that electromagnetic radiation is no less dangerous than atomic radiation. Electromagnetic smog, interacting with the electromagnetic field of the body, partially suppresses it, distorting the human body’s own field. This leads to a decrease in immunity, disruption of information and cellular exchange within the body, and the occurrence of various diseases. It has been proven that even at a relatively weak level, prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause cancer, memory loss, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, impotence, destruction of the lens of the eye, and a decrease in the number of red blood cells. Electromagnetic fields are especially dangerous for pregnant women and children. Electromagnetic radiation contributes to sexual dysfunction in men and reproductive dysfunction in women.

American and Swedish scientists established a safe limit for human health on the intensity of electromagnetic fields - (0.2 µT). For example, a washing machine - 1 μT, a microwave oven (at a distance of 30 cm) - 8 μT, a vacuum cleaner - 100 μT, and when a train departs for the subway - 50-100 μT.

Scientists have long been talking about the negative impact of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on children’s bodies. Since the size of a child’s head is smaller than that of an adult, the radiation penetrates deeper into those parts of the brain that, as a rule, are not irradiated in an adult. This applies to mobile phones, which simply expose the brain to “local” overheating. Experiments on animals confirmed that with increasing doses of high-frequency radiation, literally welded areas formed in their brains. Research by US scientists has proven that the signal from the phone penetrates the brain to a depth of 37.5 mm, which creates interference in the functioning of the nervous system.

Growing and developing tissues are most susceptible to the adverse effects of the electromagnetic field. It is also biologically active in embryos. A pregnant woman working at a computer is exposed to almost the entire body, including the developing fetus, by EMF. By the way, those who think that laptop computers are practically safe are mistaken. Think carefully about the negative consequences of their exposure before placing a laptop computer on your stomach or lap. Yes, liquid crystal screens do not have an electrostatic field and do not carry x-rays, but a cathode ray tube is not the only source of electromagnetic radiation. Fields can be generated by a supply voltage converter, control circuits and information generation on discrete liquid crystal screens, and other equipment elements.


When talking about EMFs, we can’t help but mention Wi-Fi. On the Internet you can find many articles on this subject: “Wi-Fi networks are dangerous to health”, “Does Wi-Fi have a harmful effect on the human body?”, “Radiation from Wi-Fi networks harms trees, scientists say”, “Is it harmful Wi-Fi technology for children?

In the United States, there are examples of parents suing over Wi-Fi installed in schools and universities. Parents' fears that wireless networks cause irreparable harm to the health of children and adolescents, having a destructive effect on the growing body, are not unfounded. Wi-Fi, for example, operates at the same frequency as a microwave oven. For humans, this frequency is not at all as harmless as it seems. About 20,000 studies have been published recently. They prove the fact that Wi-Fi negatively affects the health of mammals, in particular, human health. Migraines, colds, joint pain, but most often, diseases caused by Wi-Fi include cancer, heart failure, dementia and memory impairment. In the US, UK and Germany, Wi-Fi is increasingly being abandoned in schools, hospitals and universities. The reason for the refusal is said to be harm to people's health. Today, there is no official verdict in the case of Wi-Fi, as there was with the WHO recognition of the harm of mobile phones. After all, the revealed truth will bring considerable losses to those who are not interested in it. As the saying goes: “Saving a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself.” And the reader is right who, after reading an article about the dangers of Wi-Fi, wrote: “In the end, everyone decides for themselves why they are sick.”


The impact of Wi-Fi on the human body, unlike a mobile phone, is not so noticeable. But if you still use wireless technologies to connect to the Internet or corporate network on an ongoing basis, give them up. Better get yourself a regular twisted pair cable. Try to reduce the time you use wireless networks of any kind. Do not keep the source of electromagnetic radiation close to your body. Minimize the amount of time you use your mobile phone or Bluetooth headset. Use a wired connection. If you are pregnant, try to stay as far away from wireless networks as possible. No one has yet proven the harmful effects of Wi-Fi on pregnant women. But who knows how this know-how will affect the body of the unborn baby? After all, true love for a child does not lie in buying another toy or beautiful clothes, but in raising a child strong and healthy.

At the Paracelsus Medical Center you can undergo diagnostics of the effects of electromagnetic influences on your body. At the same time, the equipment allows you to differentiate the types of electromagnetic influences - man-made, geopathogenic, radioactive, determine the degree of electromagnetic load (4 degrees in total) and effectively neutralize this negative effect on the body.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans

We live on a planet that constantly (24 hours, 7 days a week) affects us in various ways. Electromagnetic radiation, the impact of which on humans has increased in recent years, is one of the main factors determining not only our everyday life, but also our state of health.

Let's consider how exactly the effect of electromagnetic radiation on a person occurs, and what consequences are caused by it.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation

PRF is ionizing radiation, the energy of particles of which, when absorbed by a cell of the body, is capable of inducing decomposition or excitation of substances at the molecular level. Within 1 hour, an average of 200 million to 6 billion such transformations occur in living cells. It turns out that all organisms on Earth at every second, from the moment of conception to death, fall under the influence of electromagnetic radiation of natural origin.

As people developed, they began to use electromagnetic energy for their own purposes. Thus, humanity has created an electromagnetic field (EMF) of artificial origin. But in the short period of its existence, it has already significantly exceeded the level of the PRF. World energy resources double almost every 10 years, which also affects the growth of EMF.

The greatest impact of electromagnetic radiation on the health of humans and other animal organisms occurs in man-made radio frequency EMF and low frequency fields. Thus, in the localization of substations and overhead lines of ultra-high voltage, the intensity of the industrial magnetic field is higher than the natural level of the planet’s magnetic fields on average by 2-3 orders of magnitude.

With the development of artificial EMF due to the use of radio transmitting means of communication (including mobile phones, televisions, radios, computers, etc.), the phenomenon of electromagnetic pollution, or “smog,” arose. Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation of low frequencies (up to 1000 Hz) is created by electric transport, numerous transmission lines and cable routes. Some WHO experts believe that today the level of EM pollution on the planet is equal to its chemical pollution.

One of the strongest impacts of electromagnetic radiation on people in cities is caused by radio and television transmission centers, which emit ultrashort high-frequency waves around them. The strong influence of electromagnetic waves on the human body from household electrical appliances has long been noted. For comparison: when a person dries his hair with a hairdryer, the device influencing him produces magnetic induction within 2000 μT, while the natural EM background of the Earth does not exceed 30-60 μT. Mobile phones, of which some people have several, emit decimeter waves with great penetrating power. Microwave ovens use the energy of ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic waves to cook and heat food.

Interaction of EMF with the human body

To date, a lot of research has reliably established the impact of electromagnetic fields on humans that arose anthropogenically. Man-made EMFs carry streams of different lengths and frequencies, unfavorable resonance phenomena, ultra-high-frequency radiation, against which the human body has not yet developed protection.

Regular exposure to electromagnetic fields of artificial origin can affect people's performance, ability to remember, attention, and lead to many diseases of various organ systems.

The anthropogenic magnetic background significantly increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, malignant tumors, immunodeficiency, and erectile dysfunction in men.

But while the strong influence of electromagnetic fields on the human body has been sufficiently studied, the influence of weak effects still remains a mystery in many respects. It is assumed that it is weak exposures that have an indirect effect in the form of carcinogenic and genetic effects.

Let's consider how low- and high-frequency electromagnetic fields influence the human body.

Effects of Low Frequency EMF on the Human Body

The impact of a low-frequency electromagnetic field on a person occurs in such a way that the latter plays the role of a conductor. Low frequency EMF provokes the creation of current in the body. Since electromagnetic waves in this case have a length many times greater than the size of a person, they have an effect on the entire body. Our tissues and organs have different structures from each other, that is, they have different electrical properties. Because of this, a person's exposure to low frequency EMF will differ in different parts of the body. The structures of the nervous system are the most sensitive to low-frequency radiation.

Researchers have established a certain connection between the development of cancer and the influence of the electromagnetic field on the human body, but these results require additional analyzes and repetitions. Today, the role of low-frequency EMF on the occurrence of leukemia and brain cancer in people of different ages who are regularly exposed to radiation has been precisely determined.

Ultra-low frequency electromagnetic radiation is also dangerous for the human body. They can have the same effect on a person's electromagnetic field as radiation.

How do high frequency EMFs affect humans?

The body's response to high-frequency radiation (as opposed to low-frequency EMF) manifests itself in heating of tissues directly exposed to radiation. Moreover, the thermal reaction increases in proportion to the increase in the EMF frequency. Unlike low-frequency current, high-frequency current does not lead to excitation of nerve and muscle cells.

The influence of electromagnetic fields on a person can occur both locally (on certain areas of the body) and on the entire body.

This depends on whether the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body occurs completely or partially, and also on the wavelength.

The energy of microwave radiation is most absorbed by the aqueous media of the body. These waves almost do not interact with the skin and fatty tissue, but have an effect on muscle fibers and internal organs. The effects of low-intensity microwave radiation on the central nervous system of people are now being studied in detail. It was found that it has a cardiotropic effect on the body.

Special attention should be paid to the effect of microwave radiation on human health. The largest share of microwave pollution comes from radio stations and those objects that generate electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range. Workers at such stations regularly experience migraines, malaise, lethargy, memory problems, etc.

Numerous studies have established the high sensitivity of certain organs and tissues to the influence of EMF, namely:

  • central nervous system (overexcitation of nerve cells);
  • organs of vision;
  • gonads (men develop impotence, testosterone production decreases, and women may experience miscarriages, toxicosis during pregnancy, pathologies in the intrauterine development of the fetus);
  • organs of the cardiovascular system (myocardial dystrophy, coronary insufficiency, etc.);
  • endocrine glands;
  • immune system (with chronic exposure, leukopenia may develop).

The influence of the electromagnetic field on human health is manifested in three types of reactions on the part of the latter: excitation, heating and cooperation.

The first two have been the subject of many scientific works; the third remains poorly studied.

The rapid development of science and technology in the 20th century. led to the creation of electromagnetic field generators, which are widely used in industry, communications, military, radio navigation, healthcare, and everyday life. Such widespread use is accompanied by progressive electromagnetic pollution of the environment, creating a threat to public health. Indeed, everyone knows about the dangers of watching television programs for many hours and continuously working at the computer during the working day.

Electromagnetic fields are biologically active - living beings react to their action. However, humans do not have a special sense organ for detecting electromagnetic fields (with the exception of the optical range). The central nervous system, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems are most sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Long-term effects on humans industrial frequency

(50 Hz) leads to disorders that are subjectively expressed by complaints of headache in the temporal and occipital region, lethargy, sleep disturbance, memory loss, increased irritability, apathy, heart pain, and heart rhythm disturbances. Functional disturbances in the central nervous system, as well as changes in the composition of the blood, may be observed. Impact on a person is associated with the flow of a weak current through him. In this case, electrical injuries are never observed. However, due to a reflex reaction to the flowing current, mechanical injury from a snowcock on nearby structural elements, a fall from a height, etc. is possible. The central nervous system and the cardiovascular system are most sensitive to electrostatic fields. People working in the area of ​​electrostatic fields complain of irritability, headaches, and sleep disturbances.

When exposed magnetic fields dysfunctions of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the digestive tract, and changes in the composition of the blood may be observed. With the local action of magnetic fields (primarily on the hands), there is a feeling of itching, pallor and cyanosis of the skin, swelling and thickening, and sometimes keratinization of the skin.

(50 Hz) leads to disorders that are subjectively expressed by complaints of headache in the temporal and occipital region, lethargy, sleep disturbance, memory loss, increased irritability, apathy, heart pain, and heart rhythm disturbances. Functional disturbances in the central nervous system, as well as changes in the composition of the blood, may be observed. radio frequency range determined by the energy flux density, radiation frequency, duration of exposure, irradiation mode (continuous, intermittent, pulsed), the size of the irradiated body surface, and the individual characteristics of the body. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from minor changes in some body systems to serious damage to the body. The absorption of electromagnetic radiation energy by the human body causes a thermal effect. After a certain limit, the human body cannot cope with the removal of heat from individual organs, and their temperature may increase. In this regard, exposure to electromagnetic radiation is especially harmful to tissues and organs with insufficient blood circulation (eyes, brain, kidneys, stomach, gall and bladder). Irradiation of the eyes can lead to burns of the cornea, and irradiation from microwave EMR can lead to clouding of the lens - cataracts.

With prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range, even of moderate intensity, disorders of the nervous system, metabolic processes, and changes in blood composition can occur. Hair loss and brittle nails may also occur. At an early stage, the disorders are reversible, but later irreversible changes in the state of health and a persistent decrease in performance and vitality occur.

Infrared (thermal) radiation, absorbed by tissues, causes a thermal effect. The areas most affected by infrared radiation are the skin and organs of vision. In case of acute damage to the skin, burns, sharp expansion of capillaries, and increased skin pigmentation are possible. With chronic irradiation, a persistent change in pigmentation and a red complexion appear, for example in glassblowers and steelworkers. An increase in body temperature worsens well-being and reduces a person’s performance.

Light radiation At high energies it also poses a hazard to the skin and eyes. Pulsations of bright light impair vision, reduce performance, and affect the nervous system (light radiation is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2, Section V).

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) a high level can cause eye burns up to temporary or complete loss of vision, acute inflammation of the skin with redness, sometimes swelling and the formation of blisters, with possible fever, chills, and headache. Acute eye lesions are called electroophthalmia. Chronic moderate-level UVB causes changes in skin pigmentation (tanning), causes chronic conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids, and clouding of the lens. Long-term exposure to radiation leads to skin aging and the development of skin cancer. UVR at low levels is useful and even necessary for humans. But in industrial conditions, UVR is usually a harmful factor.

(50 Hz) leads to disorders that are subjectively expressed by complaints of headache in the temporal and occipital region, lethargy, sleep disturbance, memory loss, increased irritability, apathy, heart pain, and heart rhythm disturbances. Functional disturbances in the central nervous system, as well as changes in the composition of the blood, may be observed. laser radiation (LR) per person depends on the radiation intensity (laser beam energy), wavelength (infrared, visible or ultraviolet range), the nature of their exposure (continuous or pulsed), and exposure time. In Fig. Table 1 presents the factors that determine the biological effect of laser radiation. Laser radiation acts selectively on various organs, highlighting local and general damage to the body.

Rice. 1. Factors determining the biological effect of laser radiation

When the eyes are irradiated, the cornea and lens are easily damaged and lose their transparency. Heating the lens leads to the formation of cataracts. The most dangerous for the eyes is the visible range of laser radiation, for which the optical system of the eye becomes transparent and the retina is affected. Damage to the retina of the eye can lead to temporary loss of vision, and at high energies of the laser beam even to destruction of the retina with loss of vision.

Laser radiation causes various degrees of damage to the skin - from redness to charring and the formation of deep skin defects, especially in pigmented areas (birthmarks, areas with a strong tan).

LR, especially in the infrared range, can penetrate tissue to a considerable depth, affecting internal organs. For example, direct irradiation of the surface of the abdominal wall causes damage to the liver, intestines and other organs; when irradiating the head, intracranial hemorrhages are possible.

Long-term exposure to laser radiation of even low intensity can lead to various functional disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, endocrine glands, blood pressure, increased fatigue, and decreased performance.

Pathological changes caused by artificial electromagnetic fields in a living organism

The severity of the identified disorders is directly dependent on the intensity of the electromagnetic field, the duration of its exposure, the combination of certain levels of radiation and exposure time, the physical characteristics of various ranges of the electromagnetic field, environmental conditions, and the functional state of the body.

Most researchers who have studied the clinical picture of diseases arising under the influence of electromagnetic fields agree that the nervous system reacts to electromagnetic waves before others. An examination of a large number of patients made it possible to identify a symptom complex characteristic of the so-called magnetic or radio wave disease. In this case, the changes occurring in the body can be characterized as a functional disorder of the central nervous system, occurring primarily as a type of autonomic dysfunction with asthenic phenomena, less often as a neurasthenic type.

Systematization of the clinical manifestations of the disease made it possible to identify three main forms: asthenic syndrome, vegetative-vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia and diencephalic (microdiencephalic) syndrome.

At asthenic syndrome Various disturbances of autonomic functions, lability of pulse and blood pressure are possible. The changes are usually reversible and treatable.

At the core vegetative-vascular dystonia lies vascular lability: fluctuations in pulse and blood pressure, bradycardia alternating with tachycardia, arterial hypotension, sometimes hypertension, changes in cardiac and capillary function. The disease can be protracted.

For diencephalic syndrome Characterized by complex visceral dysfunctions, vegetative-vascular crises occurring against the background of an asthenic state. Hypokinesia, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal weakness, suppression of sexual and food reflexes are observed. The changes are not always reversible; such patients require specialized inpatient treatment.

According to the severity of the disease, the following degrees are distinguished: first, or initial (compensated), second (moderate), third (severe). In some cases, the disease becomes chronic. Children are especially affected by radio wave disease.

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