A hybrid coup is brewing in the Kremlin. Putin faces palace coup

Don’t believe that we have had a coup d’état and Putin no longer leads the country? Well, then see for yourself!

1. The Russian government has become the most anti-Russian organization. His economic bloc openly promises the collapse of the country - and, most importantly, it does everything for this. The industry is on its last legs - while huge amounts of money are being spent on obviously stillborn projects such as Skolkovo and Rusnano.

2. Why the Duma exists is no longer a secret to anyone: to steal and pass stupid laws that only worsen the life of the country.

3. A huge number of media feed on foreign grants, speaking and showing against us.

4. The immortal banker kahal, who seemed to have been defeated, was reincarnated in hundreds of new shoots that penetrated into all spheres of life without exception. Yes, there are no arrogant Khodorkovsky, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Smolensky. But instead of them there are quite correct-looking “patriots” who, with an expression of caring attention on their faces, are systematically destroying all the best that our fathers carefully created.

5. No more healthcare, no education, no science, no social support - and so on...

Everything, literally everything, is being done in order to bring the people to the extreme. A loop of negative information about football players, embezzlers, liars and thieves in state power and in local government structures it is tightened around the neck common people. Every day there are new scandals and revelations. Obvious criminals not only avoid criminal prosecution, but are also appointed to their posts for another term, and even with gratitude and honors. Chubais, Serdyukov, Vasilyeva, Chaika’s children have already become the talk of the town. And “on the ground” people like them firmly hold power in their fist.

All talk about the fight against corruption sounds like a mockery of working man. And they are heard against the backdrop of calls for freezing wages and benefits and raising the retirement age. Against the backdrop of rising food prices and housing and communal services tariffs - and at the same time, reports of increased salaries for officials...

Isn't it clear that all this is aimed at creating revolutionary situation and social explosion. And what happened in Ukraine before the Maidan is nothing compared to what forces are involved in Russia today. But in Ukraine everything was extremely clear: Yanukovych is sitting here, and he needs to be torn apart. Our situation is different.

There is no autocracy in the country. Those who call Putin a protege of the Yeltsin mafia are only partly right. Yes, of course there was some kind of agreement - and Putin’s people at first respected it, did not touch those especially close to the banking kagal. But sensing danger to themselves, they violated the agreement and began to smash their opponents. As Khodorkovsky sat down, so it began. For some time, the squabble was not too dangerous for that clan, but one day, when Russia paid off its uranium debts and began to accumulate funds for the revival of the military-industrial complex, security forces and other useful things, the clan became nervous.

Especially when Putin’s people became so greyhounds that they stopped following orders from overseas. And the liberal wing has already mastered its loot - how to report to customers? Well, it launched the white-flecked pro-estants and human rights activists into full swing.

Here they were unlucky again. Putin’s turned out to be more dexterous - and crushed the “swamp movement” without a trace. The security forces not only gained weight and a substantial treasury, but also united under one field marshal. Another round of purges has begun among the security forces and regional heads. Vasilyeva herself, the passion of Serdyukov himself, was put under house arrest and then camp arrest, with partial confiscation of what was stolen from her. Himself brought out on clean water Serdyukov almost sat down! It seemed that just a little more - and the enemy would be finished off!

But something went wrong, and Putin’s people began to give up position after position. Vasilyeva was given back the confiscated goods, Serdyukov was given a good job...

The very fact of Kudrin’s return to politics is already a terrible loss. And he even stopped masquerading. Have you ever seen it, in what other country is it possible for a certain retiree to offer the president early presidential elections and capitulation to the adversary?

What is the reason for such reckless courage of one of the leaders of the already retired clan?

It seems that the confrontation between Putin and the liberal clan has reached a new, extremely dangerous level. History repeats itself - and we are again on the verge of civil war and new Western intervention under the guise of supporting democracy. Would you say this is impossible? After all, we have nuclear weapon! It is there, but using it, even for self-defense, is tantamount to suicide.

No, in their pure form the events of 1917 and subsequent Civil War will not happen again with intervention. But the complex opposing groups will already have their own armed forces. Here's the news that shocked me to the core:

“On Sunday, June 19, on the Rossiya TV channel in the TV program “News of the Week” there was a story dedicated to Chechen Republic. Among the achievements of the leadership of the Republic, journalists pointed out construction in Gudermes International Center for the training of special forces... Construction is being carried out with private money from Russian investors, without the participation of budgetary funds and such security agencies as the GRU and the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

The special forces center, which has no analogues in the whole world, will receive the largest shooting range with an area of ​​4 thousand square meters. m., will have its own airfield, wind tunnel and the whole city to practice actions to identify and prevent terrorist threats...

A source close to the National Anti-Terrorism Committee reported that questions began to arise regarding this construction..."

That is, the situation has gone so far that Russian security forces do not control the situation on their own territory. In response to Putin's national guard immediately an alternative appears, declaring war on the central government by the very fact of its emergence! This has never happened before in the history of Russia. And if even Putin’s well-functioning power machine helplessly throws up its hands in response, only timidly making a reservation about some “issues for this construction project” - then what is this if not a coup d’etat?

How can all this end?

I’m afraid that those desperate heads who are used to fighting for their victory, sparing no one or anything, for the sake of overthrowing an undesirable person who has slammed the gates of heaven to Europe for them, will do anything. Don't believe me? Ask Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.

And here it’s up to all of us whether we start looking for a scapegoat in the person of Putin with his “millions of mistakes”, or whether we stand up to protect a man who is not omnipotent, alas, from the aggression of the said clan. I would like to remind those who blame Putin for everything that they themselves never tire of laughing, looking at Ukrainians blaming our president for all their troubles...

Blaming Putin alone for everything means not noticing that Russia still exists only because it was Putin who took the helm of our country. Just imagine what would have happened to us if Yeltsin had been replaced by some Chubais, who directly said that we were not afraid of the loss of several tens of millions of people. Well, or someone like him. You need to realize that there is now dual power in the country - and clearly understand what comes from where.

Why is a question not only for Putin, but also for the people. It’s not Putin’s fault that the traffic cop is a bribe-taker, but the neighbor is an alcoholic. Those who surround us come into politics. If we are all more decent, politics will inevitably become cleaner. But while we yap at the authorities, and we envy them ourselves, dreaming of stealing something from the country, sending our children to even tiny officials, even with a small kickback - we are that rot that is gradually killing our country.

I do not rule out that Putin will leave if he sees that without making such a decision bloodshed cannot be avoided. Will choose a lesser evil than civil war and external intervention. And today he is being put in such a situation slowly but systematically.

You know that the United States is now transferring tactical equipment to NATO forces in Europe nuclear bombs? This is evidence of nuclear blackmail. USA is not afraid nuclear war, because they do not intend to untie it. It’s just that some stupid Polish or Bulgarian pilot mistakenly fires a tactical missile with a nuclear warhead towards Russia. The calculation is simple: to launch a massacre using nuclear weapons on foreign territory.

We will then have to answer the Bulgarians or Poles, and there, overseas, they will be eating popcorn in front of the TV and jumping up from the sofas like during a baseball game: “Oh my God! Oh my God!

Everything, no matter how sad, is leading to this. And our duty now is to help Putin regain all power in the Kremlin in order to avoid the worst scenario. But not with servile praise, from which there is zero benefit, or even a minus. And our hard civic position- and everyone knows perfectly well what it is and how it differs from the common current civil rot.

Based on materials Andrey Kadykchansky

According to the sociological picture of the world, Russians simply adore their president and don’t even want to think about anyone else. But in reality, something completely different is happening!

Huge Russian police forces are now being deployed to protect Putin’s election campaign from the people who love him. The problem is that in various cities of the country - from Pacific Ocean to the Baltic - people began en masse to make their own changes to posters depicting the dictator.

Poster with Putin

News about this, of course, is carefully hidden, but something has already become public knowledge. Report only for last days. In Vladivostok and Orenburg, grateful citizens threw rotten eggs at posters with Putin. In Tomsk they opened fire on his face with paintball guns.

Well, the most shining example of people's love came from the homeland of the President of the Russian Federation - from St. Petersburg. There, a certain man armed himself with a bucket of black paint and a brush on a long stick. He walked up to one of the billboards with Putin’s image and carefully wrote on it the word “LIAR!”

Poster with the inscription "Liar" in St. Petersburg

It should be noted here that this did not happen in an elite area, but in Kupchino - on an ordinary working-class outskirts of the city. Moreover, this man painted the poster not late at night, but in the evening - there were passers-by on the streets, dozens of cars and buses passed along the road nearby.

But not a single person stopped this artist! Nobody said:

Well, Putin is an excellent president, and not a liar at all.

People either didn't care or even expressed support for the unknown author.

Under these conditions, local authorities throughout the country(!) went to great lengths strange measures. They placed a policeman under every (literally every) large poster with a picture of Putin.

These unfortunates were ordered around the clock sit under posters in your own cars(like, they are not there) and protect Putin’s face from those who want to decorate it. The police are not entitled to any additional payments for this; they even have to burn their own gasoline, purchased with their salaries.

Naturally, the law enforcement officers themselves are furious. They say that this has never happened before; people didn’t pay any attention to election campaigning before.

As a result, patrol police began to quickly become imbued with opposition sentiments.

This is not very surprising: after several days of the stupidest work in the world (and in the Siberian frost) their love for the president quickly disappears.

One of these patrolmen, in an interview with Radio Liberty, directly said that he was under no circumstances going to vote for Putin, and would not go to the polls at all.

I think that if the police are already beginning to quietly hate the Tsar, then his affairs will soon be very bad. In the end, he has no one else to rely on. Oh, and by the way: another interesting detail. Due to the lack of police officers, the number of Putin's election campaigns is also limited. His headquarters is simply afraid to put up posters if they it is forbidden assign a patrolman!

They understand: if Putin hangs around without security, then grateful Russians will definitely do something very bad to him!

Fried Fish

Meanwhile, the plot continues to develop with a new investigation into Alexei Navalny. The oppositionist, let me remind you, found out that Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska in the summer of 2016 rode on a yacht with prostitutes and Sergei Prikhodko, one of Putin’s main experts on foreign policy.

It struck me that Russian authorities reacted to her much more acutely than even last year’s investigation into “Dimona” - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The court immediately banned not only the investigation video, but also Navalny’s entire blog.

IN Russian Internet They blocked the book of Nastya Rybka, one of the prostitutes, who described her voyage with Deripaska and Prikhodko. Even the liberal Russian press did not write about this investigation - they were clearly strictly forbidden to do so.

And political scientists close to the government, journalists and experts raised a real squeal, demanding forget the investigation immediately. According to them, there is nothing new there, it is nonsense and a personal matter of the defendants, nothing more. The line of defense here is this: dirty laundry, you can't go there!

Although in fact, the prostitutes in this whole story are it is not important. The main thing is that this is quite serious evidence of Russian interference in the American elections - through that same Prikhodko. By the way, Russian officials and government commentators were categorically forbidden to even pronounce his name.

At any mention of him, they begin to stomp their feet and try to outshout their interlocutor. From this I conclude that Navalny, with his investigation, hit a really soft, unprotected place The Kremlin is in great pain. But that is not all!

Vladimir Putin celebrated his 62nd birthday in the deserted taiga, and one can understand him: what vengeful enemies and annoying friends have gotten to him! The full truth, however, is perhaps that not only Vladimir Vladimirovich fenced himself off from the world, but the world also isolated him from itself - these are counter processes. On October 7, while the president was walking through the Siberian mountains, we published material with expert statements that Putin will emerge victorious both in the foreign policy arena and as a national leader. Today, when the congratulatory greetings have already died down, we suggest looking at his prospects from the opposite point of view.

“The ideal scenario for the United States is Putin’s departure”

Alexander Dugin gives a global panorama: America does not intend to part with the status of world hegemon and the project of establishing a New World Order, and a growing Russia is like a guest in its throat. Hence the Maidan, whose task is to tear Ukraine and Crimea away from Russia, to disrupt the “processes of Eurasian integration” (as you know, Dugin is the leader of the International Eurasian Movement, the ideologist of the reconstruction Russian Empire in her next reincarnation). But Putin thwarted these plans by annexing Crimea and, in addition to the United States and its “geopolitical allies, including the global financial oligarchy,” he made two more enemies - Kyiv and national traitors inside Russia (Alexander Gelyevich names China, Donbass and Russian patriots, and even more broadly, the people as Putin’s allies).

But in Lately, with the adoption of the Minsk agreements, this, as Dugin puts it, “the Brzezinski-Kissinger-Primakov plan,” the situation changed dramatically again: Putin, like someone else, stops the war: “My forecast is pessimistic: Putin is captured by a group of people who carry out the order of external centers according to his blocking. He is disoriented, misinformed, and has come under some form of blackmail, namely geopolitical blackmail, by representatives of these global circles and their networks, who have managed, in fact, to radically change Russia’s internal information policy. And since Putin is a patriot and the leader of the Russian world and the initiator of the Russian Spring, I think that a conspiracy is being prepared against him to overthrow him... The surrender of Novorossiya is necessary to overthrow Putin.” Understand, Vladimir Vladimirovich, abandon your own - you will disgrace yourself in the eyes of 85% of your now enthusiastic compatriots, convinces Dugin, who has done so much to ensure these same 85%.

Sergey Stepashin: " The purpose of the sanctions is to change power in the Kremlin"

The real food for his reasoning is provided by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who now lives in Switzerland, who in an interview with Vedomosti signals to us: Putin’s “third term” demonstrates that the system has grown old, has lost its flexibility and can no longer be reformed. And this increases the risk of dying under its rubble.”

Therefore, it is not only Dugin, the philosopher and theorist, who speaks about the great interest of external forces in Putin’s misfortunes. Practitioners say the same thing. Sergei Stepashin: the goal of the new sanctions is no longer so much to help Ukraine as to change power in the Kremlin. “The ultimate goal [of sanctions] is regime change,” this is seen not only by the former State Duma deputy from United Russia, political scientist Sergei Markov, but also by the non-party chairman of the presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy Fyodor Lukyanov. “A more long-term goal, although they don’t talk about it and won’t talk about it, I think, is a change in the political situation inside Russia, if you like, a regime change,” he shares on Lenta.ru. - After everything that happened in the spring and summer, normal contacts between Moscow and Washington are top level, in my opinion, are impossible. And not only for Obama, but, most likely, for his successor. The Kremlin also perceives the United States as an outright enemy. Therefore, the ideal scenario for the United States is the departure of President Putin... We are, of course, not talking about direct intervention, but the deterioration of the situation in Russia through sanctions is seen as a long-term means of weakening the ruling group.”

“People who are able to speak directly with Putin should explain to the president...”

According to again both domestic and foreign observers, impact force The “elite” will speak out against Vladimir Putin - big business, the bureaucracy, which is having a hard time due to the geopolitical initiatives of the president: not only is property (stocks, companies) becoming cheaper, not only are contracts being broken; the authorities demand to return to their homeland with capital, and better yet, with their families - and the entire life strategy is disrupted.

This is noticeable from the barely concealed regret expressed in a famous interview with ITAR-TASS by one of Vladimir Putin’s friends, businessman Gennady Timchenko. In the conversation, he, a citizen of Finland, lovingly talks about his son, who was born in Helsinki and is now studying in Switzerland, and sadly admits that “now he has actually become restricted from traveling abroad. The family went to the south of France for the summer, where we traditionally vacation every year, and I found myself cut off from all this. From relatives, from a beloved dog... Formally, nothing prevents it. I can even get on a plane today and fly to Paris, Geneva or London... Alas, there is reason to seriously fear provocations from the US intelligence services. Believe me, this is not speculation, but quite specific information.”

Gennady Timchenko: “The family went to the south of France, and I found myself cut off”

“These are huge losses because we are no longer considered people, that is, full members of the West, which Russia has been striving for since Gorbachev’s perestroika for 25 years, and now suddenly it is moving into a dead end and into the ditch of this whole situation only because Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin decided to confront the terrible American lawlessness... The matter smells of kerosene. It smells like kerosene,” Stanislav Belkovsky concludes on Ekho Moskvy and advises the Russian elites to go to a single office for a conversation - the Novoogaryovsky residence, “since no one decides anything in any other offices.”

And Evgenia Albats simply persuades them to dare and show character: “People, Those who are able to speak directly with Putin must put aside their petty fears(the business will be taken away) and explain to the president that day X has come, the day of choice - his choice. That the time has come to leave these boyish charms, like “they won’t give up their own,” and remember that there are more important things at stake - the country. And that his, Putin’s, future depends on this choice. Because the boys, as they believe, will not forgive him for his softness and deflection before the West and sooner or later they will grab him by the throat. But today he still has a chance not to cross the line. And today is exactly the moment when the elite must show that they are the elite, and not a bunch of greedy and fearful people, for whom girls and the number of zeros in their bank accounts are the horizon beyond which there is nothing else.”

“It’s a myth that Russians have stopped keeping their money in the US”

The same Alexander Dugin would probably have laughed badly at such a remark, since he considers our oligarchy and part of the state apparatus to be a “sixth” column - an agency of Western influence, which does not need to be persuaded. But what again attracts attention is that the same views are professed not only by him, but also by American Senator Carl Levin, who reminds in the influential journal Foreign Policy: “It is simply a myth that Russians have stopped storing their money in the United States. There are billions of dollars in America" In other words: if you hold back these billions “earned by back-breaking labor,” the elites will not only be forced to convert, but will rush to Novo-Ogarevo themselves.

As Herbert Meyer, a former assistant director of the CIA, so eloquently puts it, “We need to make the Russian oligarchs and executives targeted by Western sanctions understand that Putin is their problem, not ours... It probably won’t take them long.” "to gather for a quiet conversation - for example in a Moscow office or, more likely, on a yacht somewhere off the Cote d'Azur - in order to... well, let's say, decide what will be best for the future of Russia."

"America is ready to invest up to 10 billion dollars in the Russian revolution"

Another prominent representative is considering the further course of events Anglo-Saxon world, Honorary Professor of Political Economy at the University of Warwick (UK), Member of the House of Lords and the British Academy Robert Skidelsky. “Leaders whose foreign policy adventures end in failure usually do not remain in office for long. They are overthrown either by formal or informal means... They will put pressure on him [Putin] to step aside; they will say that the country does not need to go to the bottom with him. Such a scenario would have been unimaginable a few months ago, but now, as the Ukrainian drama draws to a close, it may already be looming. The Putin era may end sooner than we think,” Slon.ru quotes Skidelsky.

According to Valery Korovin, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, in Russia, with the help "sixth column" West will play out the same "Maidan" scenario, as in Ukraine, Hong Kong, Egypt, etc. “Maidan technology has been tested. And Russia is no exception. There are social laws, there are formulated and refined instructions, there are dissatisfied elites who are losing money, there are agents of the West - its ideological supporters, plus networks purchased over the last twenty years that will become the engine of the revolution,” Korovin foresees. According to the head of the Anti-Fascist Anti-Maidan Council Yevgeny Shabaev, America is ready to invest up to $10 billion in the Russian revolution.

“In exchange for resources, Putin wants loyalty and control”

Moreover, experts point out that a split has developed in the president’s inner circle. According to Bloomberg, “one of the groups has gathered around Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, it is concerned Russia's distance from global financial systems . Another group, including heads of state-owned companies like Rosneft's Igor Sechin and intelligence service veterans, advocates for state control of the economy." (Other commentators include in this group Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, First Deputy of the Presidential Administration Alexei Gromov). The groups fight while Putin is focused on foreign policy, and thus slow down the adoption of decisions necessary under sanctions, since “Medvedev himself cannot decide on anything.” There is also a dispute over specific assets - the scandal surrounding AFK Sistema and Bashneft is a clear confirmation: “Yevtushenkov is closely connected with Medvedev and his associates, the publication’s sources said, and the latter are in conflict with the security forces in politics, including the head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov "

"Medvedev will lose this battle"

Which of the rivals will sit in the saddle? “The conflict is taking place in conditions of limited resources, and in exchange for resources, Putin wants loyalty and control,” explains the expert Russian elites Olsha Kryshtanovskaya. From which, apparently, it should be concluded that the president will determine the “survivors”, and, most likely, it is clear who he will prefer. “When economic efficiency and rationalism come into conflict with control and the supremacy of power, Putin always chooses the latter,” Bloomberg quotes political analyst Masha Lipman as saying. " Medvedev will lose this battle, and Bashneft will repeat the fate of YUKOS“, - Stanislav Belkovsky specifies. But the process will not stop there. “While the president is busy with Ukraine, “Putin loyalists” from among the leaders of Rosneft, Rostec, VTB and Sberbank are expanding their influence on the country’s economy to compensate for losses due to sanctions,” Bloomberg quotes the director’s opinion International Institute political expertise of Evgeniy Minchenko.

“Putin tried to force Medvedev to work, but what to do with him?”

The famous economist Mikhail Delyagin, in turn, insists that the mistrust of the head of state is explained not by the fact that there is a quarrel over assets behind his back, but by the fact that Medvedev's government is objectively failing to fulfill its responsibilities- This is why Putin, for example, had to head the Military-Industrial Commission. “The leader of the state should not head the Military-Industrial Commission, because he has a lot of other things to do, the military-industrial complex should be headed by a trusted person, and trying to blame everything on Putin is managerial sabotage,” Delyagin laments. - Imagine how Comrade Putin, if he heads this commission, will deal with issues of strategic rearmament and plan this for the horizon of 15-20 years, when his Ukraine is on fire, the economy is a mess, social sphere and a bunch of other problems." The president nevertheless headed the commission. “Putin tried to force Prime Minister Medvedev and many other people to work. But what to do with it? - Delyagin is annoyed again.

“If he is removed from the post of prime minister, the last support of the rationalists will disappear.”

And Alexander Dugin also chalks up the “draining” of “Novorossiya” to the sins of the Medvedev team: as soon as the supervision of the project passed from the hands of Sergei Glazyev and Vyacheslav Volodin to Vladislav Surkov, “Strelkov’s resignation followed, change of leadership of the DPR and LPR... As a result, the “sixth column,” acting on instructions from Washington, managed to neutralize the “Russian Spring” scenario, which was deadly dangerous for the New World Order, by September.

In response, “the desire of the “statists” to fully resolve all issues intensified, this trend became irreversible. Medvedev is in danger, and if he is removed from his post as prime minister, the last support of the rationalists will disappear,” Bloomberg verdicts.

“This is a classic Zugzwang position, Putin has no good moves”

There are more than enough forecasts, but, as we see, Vladimir Vladimirovich is in no hurry to make fundamental decisions, does not hand over the Medvedev government to be “eaten up” by the “siloviki”, “patriots” and the masses. What's the matter? The president’s critics interpret it this way: “He is in no hurry to surrender to folk hands, knowing that then, receiving kicks in the back (although at first it seemed like friendly pats), I would have to return death penalty, introduce price regulation, review the results of privatization, imprison the oligarchs. But that's not all. You will have to cast your menacing gaze on your “friends”, alienate some, bring others closer, and imprison others. It’s one of two things: either you’re with the people or with your friends. But you can’t be friends with friends against the people either. Friends are bloodthirsty and thieving. To save them is to lose the people. And then there are sanctions,” writes Tatyana Stanovaya from the Center for Political Technologies on Slon.ru.

“By retreating, he will lose authority both in the eyes of those around him and in his own eyes. And by going even further along the path of confrontation, it accelerates the process of economic collapse. Both scenarios in the future lead to his loss of power in a fairly visible perspective, adds Andrei Piontkovsky on Radio Liberty. - I am not the first and will not be the last to say that this is a classic zugzwang position. He doesn’t have any good moves.”

Sergei Aleksashenko: "In this main secret Putin - he has neither a medium-term, nor even a long-term strategy for the country's development."

According to economist Sergei Aleksashenko, who now lives in America, the whole point is that the head of state does not have a development strategy, and the movement is carried out by tactical steps, by touch: “Putin has everything to start full development countries. The “fifth column” is driven into an extra-systemic field, elections are a plebiscite on trust in presidential favorites, human rights activists are “foreign agents,” the media are patriotic, bloggers are responsible. What's next? And then - nothing. Absolutely nothing. Because this is Putin’s main secret: he has neither a medium-term, nor even a long-term strategy for the development of the country.”

Representative of the opposite camp Yegor Prosvirnin, “Sputnik and Pogrom” (and the truth, they say, is somewhere in the middle): “The lack of plans for the country’s development and a vision of the future is one of the key features of the Russian elite.”

"ABOUTn became the last soldier of the Empire»

This cannot continue forever and for a long time; the energy of expectations and the conflicts generated by them will find a way out. Stanislav Belkovsky even names a specific date - March 2017. (Note that in March 1917, Nicholas II abdicated the throne, with whom, due to the indecisiveness of both, we have recently been comparing Vladimir Putin). And we are not alone. “The people supported the tsar in 1917. I did the right thing. But how did it all end if the Tsar does not take sufficient and correct steps to save the Fatherland? It is clear that he knows better than the people, but the tsar himself - our last tsar - apparently had the opportunity to think about this more calmly in Yekaterinburg on the eve of the execution - “who knows best.” By the way, in such a situation it is generally impossible to exclude palace coup, and the murder of Putin: the “sixth column” is too close to him, and his true guard, his supporters from the people are too far away, removed, suspended, slandered in his eyes. Nothing personal: it's just Russian history. The same motives are often repeated there,” Alexander Dugin ominously prophesies.

The storm is approaching.

“Save yourself, and thousands around you will drown” - this is the secret commandment of the oligarchy on board the Kremlin Titanic today. For example, Deripaska, who even has his real estate frozen in the US, has achieved the return of aluminum to every new house in the form of electrical wiring. A little more - and dentists will be obliged to insert aluminum teeth into Russians, and only aluminum panties of loyalty to the government will remain on sale from underwear. Each of those close to him, with desperate grasping movements, tears off pieces from the budget pie, hastily inflating it for himself personally Lifebuoy, writes Alexander Sotnik for sotnik-tv.

The storm is approaching. The fuss behind the scenes is almost invisible even to inquisitive eyes, but the scraps of information flying out from under the carpet leave no doubt: there is serious squabbling going on there. They seriously hate each other there, but they shit on tiptoe and even scold in a barely perceptible whisper, so that snatches of phrases and echoes of scandals do not touch the ears of the average person who began to open his eyes after the deafening news about his pension being reduced. In order to drown out any rustle in the Kremlin, sirens are turned on at full power federal TV channels and the Foreign Ministry's hysterics were released with a full set of foreign policy dishes, which they banged so loudly that the ringing could be heard throughout the whole country.

The Russian Embassy in the UK called on the British government to "urgently clarify its position" on reports that the British military was preparing a cyber attack to cut off electricity in Moscow in the event of a Russian attack on a NATO member. This is one example of information noise organized in response to obvious news.

The Kremlin sends saboteurs to the West and encourages cybercriminals. His actions go far beyond political interests, increasingly crossing the red line, beyond which the front of a real war begins. And in the event of an actual invasion of the same Estonia, Britain will cut off power to the aggressor, depriving him of the ability to conduct military operations - up to complete paralysis.

The entire set of tools is openly outlined in the relevant NATO documents, and is no secret. But the fact of the matter is that the main thing for Moscow is to raise a howl in order to divert attention from the main processes taking place behind the Kremlin wall.

There, behind the battlements, the patchwork quilt of power is cracking with might and main. You are so animated that the devils in the Underworld are jealous of the intensity of passions. Chemezov confronts Zolotov, who kicks back with inept PR at the Kremlin walls, turning into a “call boy”; the media is leaking information about Sechin’s five-story apartment, not to mention the scattered fecal matter of the GRU that stained the uniform of commander Shoigu; activity Ramzan Kadyrov acquired a new territorial scope, with a hint of preparations for an imminent separation from Russia. In the parts of the Sunzha region transferred from Ingushetia to Kadyrov, there are mothballed oil wells dating back to Soviet times, and given that Ramzan has already grabbed the entire “oil industry” for himself, there are no such coincidences, and we are most likely talking about the accumulation of resources for further financial autonomy of this region. The Ingush are indignant and threaten conflict, and if it breaks out in the Caucasus, it will be the beginning of the end of Putin’s empire.

Putin himself has practically already been removed from making important decisions, and his role has been reduced to a decorative level. All he is allowed to do is appear in front of television cameras and pronounce delusional monologues that have nothing to do with reality. The array of claims from those around him against the “arbiter” is growing every day, and will not dissipate.

A dissatisfied population is grumbling from below, business is screaming from the side, being bullied by power connecting rods, foreign policy and sanctions pressure is pressing from above, and a self-fed insatiable lizard is looking into the Botox muzzle with bloodshot mugs. He looks and licks his lips.

The Kremlin towers began to move. Behind this process lies the general background of fatigue of the klepto-elites, the already everyday exhaustion of the population, and the extreme degree of irritation of the Western political establishment.

But don’t expect Special Caesar’s corpse to be dragged across Red Square. It will not happen. The coup, which is already in full swing sneaking through the Kremlin corridors, will be behind the scenes and even hybrid - like everything connected with the passing era of Putinism.

Everyone, of course, is concerned about the answer to the question “who instead of...?” But the process of the hybrid coup is not completed because final agreements have not been reached, and the decision on the “portrait” is secondary here.

Really, what difference does it make - who? The system will remain the same or, worse, even transform into an even more terrifying one. Unless, of course, it explodes from below. And “down there” everything is quiet for now. But this calm only seems unshakable - until the usual portrait is taken in front of everyone. It is then that the factor of unpredictability of the masses can come into play: “There is no longer an intercessor, and there is no one to even kneel before!” The long-term promotion of Volodya’s special image can play cruel joke precisely with those who themselves promoted it.

Hybrid mode, master hybrid wars, will logically end in hybrid death. The only difference is that the consequences of the decline of the Putin era will result in Russia’s plunge into real and long-term darkness.

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