Tina Karol could not hold back her tears at her first performance after losing her husband video. Lara Fabian: personal life

Coach of the Canadian version of The Voice, Belgian-Canadian pop diva, whose songs become world hits, as well as a real decoration of multi-part television series. Not only facts can tell about the personal life and biography of Lara Fabian, but also latest photos on her official pages on Instagram and Facebook. Rumors about the death of the artist’s husband are greatly exaggerated.

Childhood and youth

Lara Sophie Katie Crocker was born on January 9, 1970 in the Brussels suburb of Etterbeek, Belgium. She lived in Sicily for the first 5 years. At the age of 8 the girl was enrolled in music school at the conservatory. A few years later, Lara enters the Royal Academy of Music of Brussels.

At the age of 14 she began performing professionally. She sang in restaurants and nightclubs with her father. At the same time, she took part in various competitions. Received first place in the Springboard, the reward for which was the recording of a song in a professional studio.

Childhood photos of Lara Fabian

As an adult, Lara Fabian went to Eurovision, representing Luxembourg. She performed the single Croire and received 4th place.

Luck turned up for the girl when she magic voice heard first-time producer Rick Ellison. The young man was truly fascinated by her and immediately offered to record a full-length disc. Together they formed their own production company and released their first album in 1991.

Musical creativity

In 1987, Lara Fabian, whose biography and personal life Now she never ceases to arouse interest in the world media, she released the composition “L’Aziza est en pleurs”. She dedicated it to her beloved singer Daniel Balavoine, who died tragically. On back side The album had the single “Il y avait”.

The second album, released in 1994, was called “Carpe Diem”. It was as successful as the first. And the song “‘Si tu m’aimes” became one of the soundtracks for the Brazilian TV series Clone. By the way, it was specially covered in Portuguese. Basic theme song project became "Meu Grande Amor".

Famous singer in her youth

The next album, Pure, was released in 1996. Literally a week after its release, it went platinum, and Lara Fabian was awarded the Canadian Album of the Year Award and a Gold Disc in Europe for it. Around the same period, representatives of the American company Sony Music offered her cooperation.

Thanks to this, in 1999 Lara Fabian's first album was released on English language. While working on the disc, the singer, together with producer Rick Ellison, recorded more than 40 singles. Only 13 were included in the finished product, namely:

Cover of the singer's first album

  • "Yeliel (My Angel)";
  • "I will love again";
  • "Givin' Up On You";
  • "Love By Grace";
  • "You Are My Heart";
  • "I Am Who I Am";
  • "To Love Again";
  • "Part of Me"
  • "You're Not From Here";
  • "Till I Get Over You";
  • "Broken Vow"

Lara Fabian on stage

At the beginning of 2000, Lara presented to the public the acoustic performance “En toute intimate”, recorded on DVD, and the next Nue disc. 3 years later, she pleased fans with the new album “A Wonderful Life”. Soon I met the composer. Thanks to him and the poet Mikhail Gutsirev, the Russian-language song “Love of Tired Swans” saw the light of day.

The next disc includes a collection of singles in Spanish, Italian and French. The song “Love Like a Dream” was a bonus. In 2013, the tenth album “Le secret” was released. 2015 was marked by the release of “Ma vie dans la tienne”. A last album to date is “Camouflage”, released in the fall of 2017.

With Igor Krutoy

Personal life

The personal life of Lara Fabian is no less interesting than her biography. Her first close relationship was with producer Rick Ellison. They lived together for about 6 years, then separated, but did not stop collaborating. Their creative tandem lasted until 2004.

Next, the singer met the producer Walter Afanasieff, a producer who helped her release an English-language album and also record the song “Broken Vow.” She also had an affair with musical performer Patrick Fiori. Then I met Jean-Felix Lallan, a famous guitarist.

With Rick Ellison

Fans and media representatives introduced her to Gregory Lemarchelle, a singer who is 13 years younger than Fabian. The artists did their best to suppress any rumors about this. They looked great on the same stage as husband and wife, but in reality the young people communicated well, nothing more. Lara had a hard time with the death of the young man in 2007.

The singer lived in a civil marriage with French director Gerard Pullicino for 8 years. Thanks to his efforts, the first light was seen Music clip Lara Fabian. In 2007, the woman gave birth to a daughter from him, the girl was named Lu. After some time, the couple broke up without high-profile scandals. For the sake of the child, Lara and Gerard maintain friendly communication.

Soon after the breakup, the singer met Gabriel Di Giorgio, famous illusionist in Italy. In the summer of 2013 they got married, which Fabian notified her fans on official page on Facebook.

WITH ex-husband and daughter

One year later family life, during a tour of Russian cities, a big scandal broke out. Gabriel was publicly rude to his wife, and a young admirer stood up for her. The guy, being an employee of one of the PR services, provoked a fight. As a result, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro, the young man broke Di Giorgio's arm.

From time to time, rumors appear about the death of Lara Fabian's husband. But fortunately, there is no confirmation for them. The couple live together and are raising the only daughter of a pop diva.

A few hours ago in Las Vegas, in concert hall The Colosseum, completed a large-scale solo concert Celine Dion's first since the death of her husband Rene Angelil. Celine dedicated the first 30 minutes of her performance to her lover. The singer wanted as many of her fans as possible to share this important point, so I organized a live broadcast on my official website. If you missed it, we suggest you watch the video right now on our website. It turned out to be a very powerful emotional performance!

Celine Dion

All my life I tried my best for my husband, who sat in this room every evening. People thought I was always watching him from the stage, but that's actually not true. I didn't need it because every time I closed my eyes, I felt Renee next to me on stage. It didn't matter to me where he sat. this moment- in his place there, on the balcony or at home with our children. He was always on stage with me. And nothing will ever change that.

Rene Angelil and Celine Dion with their mother

You know, Rene always tried to surround me only the best people. I trusted him so completely that I never had to worry about anything. Now I only need to ask questions to myself. Is this song too fast? Or maybe too slow? It's amazing, but since Rene stopped physically existing next to me, he has become even more present and real to me. Rene was my best critic, he never told me what I wanted to hear, always only what I needed to hear. Night after night, when we returned home after the concert, he was very silent. I felt that he was choosing his words, that he wanted to say something important to me, but in such a way as not to hurt my creative feelings.

Rene was the only man, who has been by my side almost all my life. With him I always felt like I was on a first date. Isn't this wonderful? We were one. And nothing will change. We will forever remain one. Yes, now I can’t hear his voice, but I talk to him, I don’t stop thinking about him. I know and feel that he hears me. One way or another, I know he will give me a sign if he doesn’t like something. Now I feel that he wants me not to despair and to continue singing. Thank you very much! Thank you for being here today!

Celine said from the stage.

Celine Dion and Rene Angelil with Nelson Mandela

The love story of Celine Dion and Rene Angelil, which lasted for about 35 years, is interesting and even, perhaps, incredible. When they met, Celine was only 12 years old, and Rene was 38. Dion’s mother sent the manager a demo recording of her daughter’s song, he invited them to an audition and after that their first meeting took place.

I came to his office and sang. I was 12 years old. And from that moment we started working together.

Their romance began, of course, much later, when Celine came of age. Four years later, in 1991, the couple announced their engagement, and three years later, in 1994, they got married at Notre Dame Cathedral in Montreal.

I wasn't surprised when he proposed to me because we had the same dreams, the same goals. We respected each other very much.

Wedding of Celine Dion and Rene Angelil

In 1999, Celine and Rene's marriage had to undergo its first test of strength - Angelil was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer. Dion took a break from her career and devoted herself entirely to caring for her husband. Rene underwent two surgeries and six weeks of chemotherapy and beat the disease in 2000. The lovers renewed their vows on wedding ceremony in Las Vegas. Later the disease returned again.

Let us remind you that Rene Angelil died on the morning of January 14 at the age of 73 in the family home in Las Vegas in the presence of his beloved wife and children, as he dreamed of in the last difficult months, anticipating his imminent death. The producer could not overcome serious disease- laryngeal cancer. Two days after this event, the singer’s 59-year-old brother, Daniel Dion, who was battling the same terrible disease, passed away.

Read: 6430

On May 9, singer Tina Karol’s first performance took place after her husband, Evgeniy Ogir, died.

Tina sang for veterans in festive concert for Victory Day. As TSN reports, the singer, despite her personal grief, found strength in herself and honored the war heroes. Karol appeared on stage in a white dress, and on a chain around her neck hung wedding ring. Tina sang two wartime songs - "Blue Handkerchief" and "Ballad of Mother".

The singer barely held back tears during the performance of the first song, and on the second song a tear rolled down her cheek.

Today we honor those who risked their lives for the sake of other lives. And today I will sing for the sake of the future, for the sake of a new life,” Tina said from the stage in a trembling voice.

Recently, photographs of Tina Karol at a rehearsal for the fights of the show “The Voice of the Country - 3” appeared on the Internet with the message that the singer had returned to work on the show. However, these photos were taken much earlier during the filming of the vocal battles.

Men different professions and life views met Lara Fabian along the way, but Lara met true, mature love only recently. The singer’s experience proves: all events in life happen when they are supposed to happen. On the eve of Lara Fabian's concert on November 30, we remember the love stories of the popular artist.


May 1990, Brussels, Lara Croquette (the singer’s real name) is 20 years old. She's already picked big jackpot competition for young talents, recorded a prize-winning single, behind the conservatory and Eurovision-88. Lara performs in music bars and dreams of big stage. One day, pianist Rick Allison comes to the light - he immediately begins to accompany a girl with an angelic voice, they instantly fall in love and after a short time in search of creative freedom they leave for the other side globe- to Canada.

Many call this moment in the singer’s career a turning point - no one knows how her career would have turned out. creative destiny, if she stayed in Europe. Lara Fabian's first album was released in Canada, and it was there that she first received unconditional public recognition. All projects created together with Rick Allison were very successful. But Rick's pathological jealousy did its dirty work - 6 years later life together the couple broke up.


In the late nineties, Lara Fabian returns to Europe. After her first concert at the famous Parisian Olympia Hall, she meets Patrick Fiori, who plays Phoebus in the mega-popular musical Notre Dame de Paris. Passionate love flared up in an instant - they sang a duet, breaking the hearts of fans, their joint photos never left the pages of magazines, they made grandiose plans, and a year after they met they bought land plot on the island of Corsica for a future nest.

But the relationship between Lara and Patrick was by no means cloudless, as it might seem at first. For Lara, Patrick became the meaning of life, she seemed to dissolve in him. But Patrick just wanted freedom - he liked the playful role of Phoebus in life. The yellow press added fuel to the fire by following every step star couple. Having learned about Patrick's real infidelities, Lara announced a break in relations. Later she will say: “My mistake was that I loved a man more than myself.” It was then that the singer, having survived deep depression, reconsidered my whole life and accepted my real self. Including on stage - for the first time Lara Fabian sang as she felt herself.


For several years, Lara has selflessly devoted herself to creativity - live concerts, tours in different countries, meetings with fans, participation in performances, shows and charity events. Immersion in her favorite work helps her overcome failures in her personal life. At this time, the famous French director Gerard Pullicino appears on the horizon again. Again, because they have known each other for many years - it was Gerard who shot her first video for Lara back in 1988. Now a romantic relationship began between him, and a year later his dream came true. cherished dream Lara Fabian: she became a mother.

Motherhood became a great happiness for the singer. According to her, only after giving birth to a child, she felt a real woman. But love didn't work out again. In November 2012, at its official page Lara Fabian posted the following on social media: “To prevent various rumors, I want to warn you that Gerard and I, by mutual consent, decided after 7 years of marriage happy life breake down. We will maintain our relationship with the utmost respect and affection for the sake of our little Lou. I know that you will make this decision. I can’t say anything more comprehensive on this topic.”


The Star Academy project (French “Star Factory”) added another story to Lara Fabian’s biography. One of the participants, Gregory Lemarchal, chose the famous Je T "aime for the competition and performed it in such a way that Lara Fabian herself wanted to sing a duet with young talent. Together they recorded the song “Ave Maria”; Lara Fabian perfectly got used to the image of a beauty in love. This is how the myth of love relationships Lara and Gregory.

In 2007, Gregory Lemarchal died as a result of an incurable hereditary disease. The “Golden Voice of France” was only 23 years old. The tragedy shocked the country, and Lara Fabian, like everyone else, deeply felt the loss. The singer began her first concert after the incident with the same composition - Je T "aime, dedicating it to Gregory. Because of her tears, Lara could not sing, and then the audience of thousands sang with her, replacing “I love you” with “We love you” At this touching moment, Lara Fabian again believed in the love she had been singing about all her life.


In June 2013, Lara Fabian marries illusionist Gabriel Di Giorgio. The wedding ceremony took place at the foot of the Etna volcano; the pop diva's husband fully supported her idea of ​​a small wedding with the invitation of her closest ones. The news about the wedding was so unexpected that it was even called some kind of trick, hinting at the profession of the chosen one. And happy Lara reminded the confused public that her personal life was always under the microscope of the press. And any public appearance with a man was called by the paparazzi the beginning of a new romance. So she did everything she could to keep this love story intact.

Many legends surround the name of Lara Fabian, her biography, and personal life. Many are sure that the singer had a hard time with the death of her husband, some of the songs in her repertoire are so heartfelt. There were a lot of men and romances in this woman’s life, but it was not them that brought her fame, but her albums and concerts.

Childhood and youth

Lara Crockart, who became famous under the pseudonym Fabian, was born on January 9, 1970. The daughter of an Italian and a Belgian, she was born in a suburb of Brussels, but spent her childhood in Sicily, where her mother was from, and only in 1975 the family moved to Belgium. The girl’s vocal talent manifested itself early; from the age of 8 she was performing melodies on the piano. own composition and passed professional education music. As a teenager, she began performing with her guitarist father in clubs and participating in music competitions.

Singer during a concert

At 16, for winning the “Springboard” competition, Lara got the opportunity to record a record, and at 87, a studio recording of a forty-five single appeared, which included the songs “L’Aziza est en pleurs” and “Il y avait.”

The next milestone in musical biography The girls became a performance at the Eurovision-88 competition.

The young representative of Luxembourg took 4th place, and her song “Believe” was translated into other languages; the recording soon sold out of more than half a million copies.


Some time after her success at Eurovision, 20-year-old Lara, together with musician and producer Rick Ellison, set off to conquer Canada. In August 1991, the first full-length studio album, named after the performer's stage name, was released. The next album, released 3 years later, “Carpe Diem” soon goes platinum.

Lara still dreams of a big family

Out of 13 studio albums, released by the singer to date, 6 gold, 5 platinum, 1 diamond (Pure 1996, famous for the song “Je T’aime”). Moreover, many discs received gold and platinum status more than once.

The singer performed in different cities of Canada with concerts, collecting sold-out crowds, and created her own musical performance. In 1994, Canadians, in a survey, named Lara Fabian the most promising singer, giving her preference over their compatriots. In 1995, she received Canadian citizenship, and in the same year she was awarded by the Recording Association as best performer, and also received an award for best concert.

At a press conference with Igor Krutoy

In 1997, the singer returned to Europe, began actively performing on French television, and in the fall of 1998 she went on tour to a number of countries. A year later, her first English-language album is released, which is being promoted in the United States, and a concert disc, the songs from which top the charts.

In the new century, Lara Fabian's triumphant march around the world continues. In 2009, she recorded the album “Mademoiselle Zhivago” in Russia to the music of Igor Krutoy, then went on tour with the composer major cities CIS. In 2015, the singer took part in the Sanremo festival.

Her discography to date includes:

  • 13 studio albums;
  • 4 concerts;
  • 3 collections;
  • 51 singles, including 43 solo, 4 recorded together with other artists and another 4 joint ones, in which she was a guest performer.

The singer on the set of the film “Mademoiselle Zhivago”

Many of Lara Fabian's songs were written under the impression of events from her biography and personal life. So, in the 90s, Fabian’s work was greatly influenced by her relationship with Ellison.

Personal life

Rick Ellison was not only a producer for Lara, but also his first love, their romance lasted 6 years, and after the breakup, a poignant song “Je T’aime” (“I love you”) was written about love and the bitterness of parting.

Rick Ellison and Lara

In the following years, Lara had several more fleeting romances with the same creative people– producer Walter Afanasyeff, singer Patrick Fiori, guitarist Jean-Felix Lallan, with whom the single “Bambina” was recorded.

Lara, whose personal life was not stable, dreamed of strong family and children. And in 2007, this dream came true, on November 20, the singer became a mother, her daughter was named Lou in honor of her grandmother Louise. Lara lived in a civil marriage with Lou’s father, director Gerard Pullicino, for 7 years; they separated in 2012. And already in next year fans of Lara Fabian learned about important event in the biography and personal life of the singer: her husband, this time official, was Gabriel Di Giorgio.

Singer with ex-lover Gerard Pullicino

Time will tell how happy and strong a marriage with an illusionist will be. There are rumors that when Lera was on tour in Russia in 2014, her husband allowed himself to treat her rudely in front of witnesses. As a result, a PR employee, who was also a fan of the star, broke his arm.

With current husband Gabriel Di Giorgio

In addition to parting with loved ones, Lara’s life had many losses. Her debut single“Aziza Cries” is dedicated to the memory of the people who died in a helicopter crash in early 1986. Among them was the singer and songwriter Daniel Balavoine, whose work Lara admired.

Close friendships connected her with Gregory Lemarchal, talented singer, who lived only 24 years and died in 2007 from a serious illness. Many are sure that the performers had an affair, and that the song “Je T’aime” is dedicated to Gregory.

Igor Krutoy, Larisa Dolina and Lara Fabian

There is a legend that when performing for the first time after his death, Lara was unable to sing this song because grief constricted her throat, and the audience began to sing in chorus for her.

In December 2017, Johnny Hallyday, with whom Lara Fabian had recorded the song “Requiem for a Madman” twenty years earlier, died of cancer. During her last tour, the singer performed this composition solo, in memory of the departed rock star.

According to Lara, she could be a good mother of many children

It's interesting that:

  • her parents gave Lara a name in honor of the heroine of Doctor Zhivago, hence the name of her album recorded in Russia;
  • if Lara Fabian had not become a singer, she would have wanted to be a mother of many children;
  • her daughter Lou prefers her favorite TV series and cartoons to television programs in which her mother sings;
  • the singer loves Italian cuisine and comfortable, practical clothes.

Lara Fabian now

Now the singer and her family live in her native Belgium, not far from the capital. In February 2018, her “Camouflage” world tour launched in the United States, which included songs from the album of the same name, released on October 6, 2017.

Lara with her daughter Lou and her father Gerard Pullicino

At the end of February, the singer performed in Moscow, at the beginning of March - in Kyiv, in June - in the Czech Republic, and tours are planned for the fall in Germany and France. The singer performs new English-language songs recorded in an unfamiliar genre of electronic music, as well as compositions that have long been loved by fans.

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