Theater and appearance in it. History of the theater: the emergence and development of theatrical art, interesting facts

It is considered the birthplace of many types of arts, including theater, which arose at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries BC. The word “theater” itself has precisely Greek origin and is translated literally as “spectacle.” The time of its origin is usually called the classical era, perceived as a certain standard and example. The ancient Greek theater itself did not arise out of nowhere. For many hundreds of years, one of the most important events in the cultural life of the country was the festival in honor of the god Dionysus. It was based on cult rituals and symbolic games associated with the revival of nature after a long winter. In the capital of Greece from the end of the 4th century BC. Every year, on a certain day at the beginning of spring, comedies, tragedies and dramas dedicated to this event were staged. Over time, such theatrical performances began to be held not only in Athens, but also in other parts of the country, and a little later they were recognized as a mandatory part of any public holiday. The selection of productions was carried out by the city authorities, who also appointed judges who assessed the work of the “actors”. The winners received incentive prizes. Thus, the theater has become an integral part of any celebration.

The first ancient Greek theater was named after Dionysus and was located under open air on one of the slopes of the Acropolis. This building was erected only for the duration of performances and accommodated a fairly large number of spectators. All the spectator boxes, as well as the stage, were made of wooden boards. Being in such a structure was very unsafe. Thus, information has reached our days that during the seventieth Olympiad (499 BC), the wooden seats of the spectators almost completely collapsed. After this tragedy, it was decided to begin construction of a solid stone theater.

In the 4th century BC. The second ancient Greek theater was erected, its appearance changed several times over the many years of its existence. The Stone Theater was an excellent example of Greek architectural art and served as a model for all the other theaters that appeared subsequently. According to some reports, the diameter of its stage (orchestra) was at least 27 meters. At first, all the seats were located directly around the stage on which the theatrical performance took place. However, there were so many people who wanted to attend the performances that it was necessary to move some places far beyond its walls. As a result, some spectators had to watch the performances while sitting at a fairly large distance from the stage itself.

The ancient theater was very different from the modern one not only in its productions, but also interior decoration. Thus, its actors performed on a stage built at the level of the rows of spectators. Only a few centuries later they began to make the stage elevated. There was also no curtain in the ancient theater. The first rows of spectators were usually reserved for influential people, government officials and their associates. Ordinary people had to occupy not the most best places at a sufficiently large distance from the orchestra.

Theater in Ancient Greece was under the full protection of the state. The organization of all performances was carried out by senior officials - archons. Expenses for its maintenance, as well as for training actors, choir singers, etc. fell on the shoulders of wealthy citizens of cities, who began to be called choregs. and playwright in Ancient Greece were considered very honorable. Many theater actors at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries BC. occupied high official ranks and were involved in politics.

It should be said that women were not allowed to play. Their roles were always played by men. The actor had to not only read the text well, but also be able to dance and sing. The basis of the appearance of the hero of the ancient Greek play was a mask, which was put on the face of the player on stage, as well as a wig. It was the mask that conveyed all his basic emotions and experiences, allowing the viewer to distinguish positive hero from negative, etc.

The ancient Greek theater laid the foundation for the development of European theatrical art as a whole. Even in modern theater its basic principles are still observed, both in architecture and in the acting. He gave the world dramatic dialogue, the participation of a living actor, without which the existence of theatrical art itself as such is impossible.

Countries and peoples. Questions and answers Kukanova Yu. V.

Where did the first theater appear?

Where did the first theater appear?

The first theater appeared in Ancient Greece. It was a fairly large open-air structure, where the audience seats were located in a semicircle above the stage.

In those days, the theater staged plays of only two genres - tragedy and comedy, which were written on historical or mythological subjects. Women were not always allowed to attend such performances, and they usually sat separately.

There were no decorations on the theater stage, and all the roles were played by men, performing in huge masks and buskins - high boots that gave majesty to the figures of the actors.

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The first theatrical performances were once staged right on the street. Basically, the performances were staged by traveling artists. They could sing, dance, put on various costumes, portraying animals. Everyone did what they did best. The new art form gradually developed, the actors improved their skills.

The first theater in the world

The word “theater” translated from Greek means a place for performing spectacles and the spectacle itself. The first such cultural institution supposedly arose in Greece. This happened in the V-IV centuries BC. e. This era was called "classical". It is characterized by harmony and balance in all elements and components. Ancient Greek theater arose from the worship of various gods.

The Theater of Dionysus is the oldest theater building. The god of wine, vegetation and nature was highly revered by the ancient Greeks. Cult rituals were dedicated to Dionysus, which gradually developed into real tragedies and comedies. Ritual celebrations turned into real theatrical performances. The structure was an open-air space. Spectators were initially seated on wooden seats. was so revered in Ancient Greece that the authorities gave money to poor citizens for performances. Married women were prohibited from watching productions.

The first temple of arts had three main parts:

  • orchestra - dancers and a choir performed there;
  • auditorium- located around the orchestra;
  • Skena building, where rooms for artists were located.

There was no curtain or the usual stage, but everything female roles men played. The actors changed their roles several times during one performance, so they had to dance and sing excellently. The appearance of the actors was changed using masks. Next to the building was the temple of Dionysus.

The ancient theater laid the foundations and essence of the modern one. The closest genre can be called drama theater. Over time, more and more different genres appeared.

Theater genres

Theater genres in modern world so varied. This art synthesizes literature, music, choreography, vocals, art. They express different emotions and situations. Humanity is constantly evolving. In this regard, various genres emerge. They depend on the country in which they originate, on cultural development population, on the mood of the audience and their requests.

Let's list some types of genres: drama, comedy, monodrama, vaudeville, extravaganza, parody, mime, farce, morality play, pastoral, musical, tragicomedy, melodrama and others.

Genres of theatrical art cannot compete with each other. They are each interesting in their own way. Viewers who love the opera theater visit the comedy theater with no less pleasure.

The most popular types of theater genres are drama, comedy, tragicomedy, musical, parody and vaudeville.

In the drama you can see both tragic and comic moments. It is always very interesting to watch the actors work here. Roles of this genre are difficult and easily involve the viewer in empathy and analysis.

Comedy performances have the main goal of making the audience laugh. To make fun of certain situations, actors must also try hard. After all, the viewer must believe them! Comedy roles are just as difficult to play as dramatic ones. The element of satire makes the performance easier to watch.

Tragedy is always associated with conflict situation, which is what the production is about. This genre was one of the first to appear in Ancient Greece. Just like comedy.

The musical has many fans. This is always a bright action with dancing, songs, an interesting plot and a dose of humor. The second name of this genre is musical comedy. It appeared in the USA at the end of the 19th century.


The types of theaters are directly related to the genres that are presented in them. Although they express not so much a genre as a form of acting. Let's list some of them:

  • operatic;
  • dramatic;
  • children's;
  • author's;
  • one-man theater;
  • theater of light;
  • musical comedy;
  • theater of satire;
  • poetry theater;
  • dance theater;
  • pop;
  • robot theater;
  • ballet;
  • animal theater;
  • theater for the disabled;
  • serf;
  • shadow play;
  • pantomime theater;
  • song theater;
  • street.

Opera and Ballet Theatre

Opera and ballet appeared in Italy during the Renaissance. The first appeared in Venice in 1637. Ballet emerged as a separate theatrical genre in France, transforming from dances at the courts. Very often these types of theaters are combined in one place.

Opera and ballet are accompanied by a symphony orchestra. Music becomes an integral part of these productions. It conveys the mood and atmosphere of everything that is happening on stage and emphasizes the performances of the actors. Opera singers they work with voice and emotions, and ballet dancers convey everything through movement. Opera and ballet theaters are always the most beautiful theatrical institutions. They are located in the richest city buildings with unique architecture. Luxurious furnishings, a beautiful curtain, large orchestra pits - this is how it looks from the inside.

Drama Theater

Here the main place is given to the actors and the director. They are the ones who create the characters’ personalities, transforming into the necessary images. The director conveys his vision and leads the team. Drama theater is called the theater of “experiences.” K. S. Stanislavsky wrote his works while studying the work of dramatic actors. They stage not only performances - plays with complex plots. The drama theater includes comedies, musicals and others in its repertoire musical performances. All productions are based only on dramatic literature.

Theater for every taste

Musical theater is a place where you can watch any of the theatrical acts. It hosts operas, comedies, operettas, musicals and all those performances that contain a lot of music. Ballet dancers, musicians and actors work here. Musical theater combines opera, ballet, and operetta theaters. Any type of theatrical art related to pop or classical music, can find its fans in this theater.

Puppet show

This is a special place. Here you plunge into the world of childhood and joy. The decoration here is always colorful, attracting the attention of the youngest spectators. The puppet theater is often the first theater that children attend. And the child’s future attitude towards the theater depends on what impression it makes on an inexperienced viewer. A variety of theatrical actions is based on the use of various types of puppets.

IN Lately Actor-puppeteers do not hide behind screens, but interact with puppets on stage. This idea belongs to the famous S.V. Obraztsov. He put a glove puppet named Tyapa on his hand and played miniatures superbly on stage, acting as his father.

The origins of this type of theater lie far back in Ancient Greece. When creating dolls for rituals, people did not know that it would develop into real art. Puppet theater is not only an introduction to art, but also a method of psychological correction for the little ones.

Comedy Theater

Combined actors who can sing and dance. They should easily get used to comedic characters and not be afraid to be funny. Very often you can see “Drama and Comedy Theatres”, “Musical Comedy Theatres”. Combining several genres in one theater does not interfere with preserving its flavor. The repertoire may include operettas, satirical comedies, musicals, dramas, and musical productions for children. People go to the comedy theater with pleasure. The hall is always full.

Variety theater

Replenishment of types of theaters relatively recently. And the audience immediately fell in love with it. The first pop theater appeared in the middle of the last century. It became a theater in Leningrad, which opened in 1939. In 2002 it was named “Variety Theater named after. A.I. Raikin." Entertainers include modern singers, dancers, presenters. Variety artists are show business stars, dancers and showmen, as they are now called.

Variety theaters often hold solo concerts, concerts dedicated to any memorable dates, play plays modern authors. Comedians hold concerts here, stage comic plays, stage performances classical works. Musical theater can offer similar performances.

Satire Theater

We love the audience very much! Since its appearance, it has reflected the life of the townspeople, showing all the shortcomings and ridiculing them. The actors were always known by sight, they performed beautifully comic roles not only on stage, but also in cinema. Satire theaters have always been in the forefront of those who were prohibited from staging certain productions. This was due to censorship. By ridiculing the negative aspects of human behavior, it was often possible to cross the line of permissibility. The bans only attracted even more viewers. Magnificent satire theater actors who are well known: A. A. Mironov, Olga Aroseva, Spartak Mishulin, Mikhail Derzhavin, Alexander Shirvindt. Thanks to these people, satire theaters became loved by audiences.

Over time, types of theaters appear that are either long forgotten or completely unlike anything that exists.

New trends

New types of art temples surprise the most sophisticated viewer. Not long ago, the first Robot Theater appeared in Poland. It features robot actors who convey their emotions with their eyes and gestures. The productions are currently intended for a children's audience, but the project's leaders intend to constantly expand the repertoire.

In summer, theater productions take place outside. This has already become a tradition. This year many festivals took place outdoors. Small stages were built right next to the theaters, on which the performance was fully performed. Even opera and ballet artists are already going beyond the theater to attract as many spectators as possible.

In the life of the ancient Greeks, theatrical art was given first place as a way to have fun. Performances were organized at the state level to pay tribute to the god Dionysus during the holidays.

Structure of performances

Ancient Greek dramatic performances were different from modern ones. They consisted of several performances by rival poets working in tragic and comic directions. Each participant presented one funny story to the audience. During the production, a chorus of satyrs and three tragedies, united by a storyline, were necessarily used. The performances ended only on the fourth day. They lasted from morning until late evening. The action began with tragic performances, followed by satyr drama. At the end of the evening, a comedy was performed.

Musical accompaniment

The choir was provided by the state, since it was impossible to prepare it independently. Over time, the number of speakers changed from 6 to 15 people. And the singers were trained by wealthy citizens. The person who prepared the choir for theatrical competitions and provided it with costumes was called a choreg. Along with actors and singers, choregs were exempted from military service for the time necessary for preparation and performance.

Scene structure

The ancient Greek theater consisted of several parts, among which are the orchestra (a place for performing artists and singers), theatron (auditorium) and skene (a kind of props necessary to achieve greater verisimilitude). In order for the audience to better hear the words of the actors, special vessels were used to help amplify the spoken sounds.

Distinctive features

Ancient Greek performing arts were 90% male. In addition to the simple performance of their roles, the artists demonstrated vocal abilities, perfect diction, flexibility, and plasticity. The faces of the people performing on stage were hidden under masks. Their widespread use is associated with the veneration of Dionysus, the absence of female actresses, and the enormous size of the arena. The masks could be tragic or comic, which accurately conveyed the author's intention to the viewer.

Special clothing for performance participants helped to portray diverse characters. Being long and spacious, it hid the necessary pillows or pads used to change the natural proportions of the body. If the performance interested the audience, they vigorously expressed positive emotions. Disapproval was expressed no less animatedly. Often such a negative reaction was provoked by people specially hired by competitors.

Ancient Roman Arena

The origin of theater in Ancient Rome is associated with magnificent harvest celebrations, which were first organized as playful competitions of small choirs. The jokes they exchanged were sometimes caustic, ridiculing the vices of society, especially the elite.

The origins of theatrical art

The earliest representations of ancient Roman theatrical art include Atellani, which received the name of the city of the south of modern Italy. These were light comedy productions. Many young Romans took part.

Literary drama came to the ancient Roman theater from Greece. Here similar creations were staged in Latin.

The Greek Livius Andronicus ended up in Rome as a prisoner of war. The Greek was appointed chief for staging the first dramatic performance. This is what gave the impetus further development theatrical art. It could not, like in Greece, indicate problems in the life of society, so it became more complicated storylines, the entertainment value of the Greek originals increased. Despite this, the Romans found it difficult to accept traditional dramatic plots.

Gladiatorial spectacles

Performances were performed during public holidays. They were accompanied by circus and gladiatorial performances, which attracted attention to themselves, being popular among the people.

Initially there was no space allocated for staging plays, there was only a miserable platform with a ladder. The actors became more professional and played without masks. The performances were arranged by agreement of the manager of the ancient Roman theater. In other words, simply a troupe of actors, with ruling circles. Suits characters were no different from the Greeks. Only certain accents, such as the height of the platform in shoes, the size of wigs, create a majestic impression.

The first permanent Roman theater was built by Pompey. Spectators huddled on semicircular benches arranged in several rows. There were separate seats for senators. Roof, intricately decorated facades and curtain.

The origins of theatrical art in ancient India

Ancient Indian theatrical art was divided into two directions - folk and literary. There are several versions of the origin, the most popular of which attributes this fact to Emperor Bharata. Through him, the fifth Veda was transmitted to people, connecting the Word, Action, and Harmony. The more probable version remains the combination of funny performances with the traditional mystery that existed during major holidays.

On this occasion, accompanying strongman competitions, programs of magicians, musicians, and dancers were organized. The production began with dance numbers. The dancers decorated the performance with pantomimic introductions and recitations of the Vedas. Gradually the dance gave way to performances by artists.

Social system

Complex social system ancient india placed the actors at the lowest level.

They were considered people of a disrespected caste, since they ridiculed the gods in their speeches. Despite this circumstance, most of them were educated and respectable people.

The performances were staged as dance performances. Sign language, rooted in special rituals of clergy, was freely used. Indian dance theater borrowed key features from ancient mystery plays. Therefore, the artists were required to have special plasticity and the ability to use a rich arsenal of pantomime.

Rise in popularity

By the end of the second half of the first millennium BC. e. Indian theatrical art gained its highest popularity. Despite the coincidence of the performance of the plays with the main religious holidays, their entertainment essence came to the fore, displacing the ritual component.

Acting groups are becoming more professional. Each participant takes on a creative role. The gender composition of the troupes varied - it is known that there were same-sex and opposite-sex groups. Most of them were nomadic. When they met on joint territory, spectacular competitions were organized. Besides monetary reward the winners received a number of honors.

The Indian dance arena was sometimes located in a specific building - small but relatively tall, capable of accommodating 300 people. The length of the performances varied from two to three hours to a couple of days.

Shadow theaters

Indian shadow theater often depicted scenes from the legendary and revered myths of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. The audience knew the stories of the characters, so they could figure out the missing elements on their own. The action took place behind a transparent screen big size, where actors and puppets were located. For greater realism, the dolls were cut into pieces, and then even complex movements could be easily imitated. They were made from cardboard, leather or papier-mâché.

In Indian beliefs, the god Shiva was given the role of the patron of dolls, so plays were staged near his temple. According to legend, the Indian shadow theater arose as a result of the fact that Shiva himself and his wife Parvati once looked into the shop of a master puppeteer who carved figures from wood.

She was so impressed by the skill of the artisan that soon, at her request, Shiva allowed the toys to come to life so that they could dance on their own. Soon after the departure of the divine couple, this magic ceased to work, but the master restored the wonderful gift, controlling the characters with the help of threads. This gave rise to Indian theater shadows, interest in which is currently fading due to the development modern technologies.

The beginning of theatrical life in ancient China

Chinese theater originated in beginning of XII century. Initially, these were spectacles in squares dedicated to religious festivals. The performances were based on circus elements, unusual dances with figures of animals, acrobatic performances, fencing.

Gradually, unique roles appear that were used in each play, acquiring new character traits and biographical details. The most popular were tsan-jun and tsangu. Artists of Chinese theaters are no longer self-taught, but trained at special schools that operated at the emperor’s court. Bright costumes decorated with traditional paintings and numerous props are freely used.

First poster

Plays are staged in booths - venues under a canopy, equipped with seats for spectators. Or on protruding platforms adjacent to the central temples. This is where the concept of a poster comes from - a special sheet listing the actors involved and the characters performed by them. The genres of Chinese theater are expanding and becoming more complex. They describe the details important events in the life of the state and individuals, giving viewers examples to follow.

Musical accompaniment theatrical productions transformed from folk melodies. The performances were damn colorful, containing elements of dance and circus acts. The interpretation of some actions was given by the artists themselves or by playwrights. Most of the roles were played by women, including men. The acting troupe included members of the same family; outsiders were rare.

Puppet shows

Traditional Chinese stages developed in parallel with the equally popular puppet theater. He lived in many varieties. To date, information about them has been lost, so studying presents some difficulties.

The popularity of this type of art is associated with the custom of placing special figurines in the grave, designed to help the deceased in the afterlife. Scenes with the participation of such characters were played out during funerals, gradually turning into an attribute Everyday life. Information has been preserved about a wonderful multi-tiered specimen puppet theater, whose characters moved using water.

Chinese puppet theater has developed in many directions. It is worth highlighting the performances with flat paper figures, in which actors and the characters they controlled participated. Gunpowder, floating scenes and others, about which only fragmentary information has been preserved.

The history of the theater goes back to Ancient Greece more than two thousand years ago. Ancient art It originated as spectacular entertainment for the public, festive scenes of costumed actors. The performances were originally timed to coincide with the Great Dionysius - a major religious holiday.

Now the theater is undoubtedly something more than a procession of singing men in goatskins through the city. He became high art, a way of relaxation for high society, a place of cultural enlightenment. The history of the theater is a fascinating process of development that continues to this day. We will tell the reader this in our article. You will also find many interesting facts in the presented material. So, let's begin.


In Athens of the 5th century BC. e. theatrical performances were an integral part religious holidays. Processions with the statue of Dionysus were accompanied by cheerful chants and dramatic games. We can say that the history of the Athenian theater began as an amateur performance for a small number of onlookers. Initially, only tragedies were staged; comedies were shown later. It is noteworthy that plays, as a rule, were shown only once. This stimulated authors to create relevant, interesting works. The playwright not only wrote the play, he was a full-fledged participant in the performance, playing the roles of director, composer, choreographer and even actor. Naturally, these were extremely talented people.

But to become a choreg (choir director), great talent was not required. All they needed was money and connections with government officials. The main responsibility of the choregas was to pay bills, provide full material support and support the theater. In those days it was a place of competition; the winners were the choregas, the poet and the protagonist. The winners were crowned with ivy and awarded prizes. Victory was given to them by decision of the jury.

An interesting fact is that the ancient Romans were real fans of realism. A production in which the actor played the role 100% was considered ideal - if necessary, he had to be ready to even die.

The Greek theater had no roof; spectators and actors were, in fact, on the street. Dimensions ancient theaters were huge, they could accommodate from 17 to 44 thousand people. At first, wooden platforms were used to seat spectators, then natural stone slopes were adapted for the theater. And only then, in the 4th century BC. e., a stone theater was built.

You will probably be interested to know that the government, starting with Pericles, has given the opportunity to visit the theater and experience beauty even to financially disadvantaged citizens. To achieve this, everyone was given a subsidy for one visit to the theater, and subsequently for three visits.

Story ancient theater has one characteristic feature: the actors played their roles without the help of their own facial expressions. It was replaced by all kinds of masks, often very grotesque. The actor paid great attention to body movements and clothing. The actors were men, even in female roles. They occupied a privileged position in society and were exempt from taxes.

An interesting fact is that Livius Andronicus, an ancient Roman playwright, became the father of the world's first "phonogram". He was left without a voice, but got out of the situation by finding a boy who spoke for him.

Some terms of ancient theater

Many definitions used in ancient theaters have survived to this day. A small dictionary of terms from ancient times is presented below:

  • The orchestra is a round-shaped part of the theater with two entrances, intended for the performance of dramatic and lyrical choirs. In the Athens theater its diameter was 24 meters.
  • Skena is a place for changing clothes. Originally a simple tent, then combined with fragments decoration scenes, for example, background.
  • Proskenium - a colonnade in front of the skene.
  • Paraskenium – side stone extensions.
  • The stage is a raised area above the orchestra, where actors began to play in late antiquity.
  • Ekkiclema is a mobile platform made of wood that allows you to transform the scene of action and move actors around the stage.
  • Koturny - shoes with high soles, reminiscent of stilts. With the help of such shoes, actors became taller, more impressive and similar to mythical creatures.

A remarkable fact is that it was in Rome that the phrase “Finita la comedia” was first uttered.

Puppets in the theatrical world

The history of puppet theater originates in Egypt, where priests used a doll of the god Osiris to perform ritual actions. In the beginning, puppet theater was purely ritualistic, but now the religious connotation has faded away. Famous ritual puppet theaters exist in many countries: Japan (“Bunraku”), Indonesia (“Wayang”), Catalonia (“El Pastores”), Belarus (“Batleyka”) and others.

In the history of puppet theater in America, a theater created in 1962 called “Bread and Puppet” stands out. It features giant papier-mâché dolls, an obvious political overtone, and a treat of delicious bread at the entrance. This interaction between actors and spectators is symbolic: theatrical art should be as close to the people as possible.

Dolls come in different sizes and appearances. There are finger and glove puppets, cane and tablet puppets, puppets and giant dolls. Being a puppet theater actor is not so easy, because you need to be able to bring an inanimate object to life, give it character and voice.

A characteristic feature of any puppet theater is the ridicule of something, the presence of morality, an educational element in the skits. No matter what age the viewer of the puppet theater is, he will find there not only something to laugh at, but also something to think about. Often the heroes in the puppet theater are unattractive, even ugly characters, for example, the French Polichinelle with a hooked nose.

You will probably be interested to know that actors are not always rich people. In the history of American puppet theater, there are facts that theatergoers could watch the production in exchange for food.


Story drama theater dates back to ancient times. This is one of the art forms, along with puppet theater, pantomime, opera and ballet. home distinguishing feature drama theater - the actor’s actions are combined with the words he speaks. Particular attention is paid to stage speech in this type of genre. basis dramatic performance is a play. In the process of acting, improvisation is possible; the action may include dancing and singing. The performance is based on literary work. The main interpreter of a play or script is the director.

It is quite remarkable that theater workers believe that dropping a script is not good. If this trouble occurs, you must definitely sit on it.

The emergence of domestic theatrical traditions

The history of theater in Russia is divided into stages:

  • Initial (“playful”)
  • Average.
  • Mature.

Playful stage

As in Ancient Rome, the history of theater in Russia began as a not entirely serious activity. Theater performances were called “fun”, and performances were called “games”. The first chronicle mention of buffoons dates back to 1068. In fact, anyone could become such an actor entertaining the public. From a religious point of view, the activities of buffoons were shameful. In the chronicles they are called servants of the devil, and mockery, satire and mummery are called sins. Sharp satire was not welcomed by the church, however, this did not really stop anyone.

Buffoonery was also not considered an art pleasing to the authorities; on the contrary, sharp social topics skits, ridiculing modern shortcomings made the actors dangerous and harmful. But the people loved to watch and laugh at the performances of the buffoons. However, it should be understood that classical theater, as we know him now, grew not out of these buffoonish scenes, but independently of them, even, rather, in spite of them.

Middle stage

The next stage in the history of Russian theater is intermediate between playful and mature. At this phase, court and school theaters emerge. At that time, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ruled, the actors in the court theater were foreigners, and the actors in the school theater were students. After the death of Alexei Mikhailovich, the activity of the court theater was suspended until Peter I came to power. He had a positive attitude towards “spectacles”, but, in addition to entertainment, it also became endowed with a propaganda function. In 1702, a public theater for the masses appeared. Its building was called the “Comedy Temple”; performances were given there by a German troupe. The people did not accept this theater. Although Peter I did not achieve his goal, he did not make the theater a favorite place for people, accessible and popular, but he laid all the necessary prerequisites for this.

A mature stage in the history of theatrical art

This period in the history of the creation of theater in Russia is the most important. At this stage, the theater began to acquire those features that are familiar to modern man, has formed into a serious professional community. On August 30, 1756, the start was given, namely, the Imperial Theater opened. The same date is the founding day of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. This happened under Elizaveta Petrovna.

A feature of the theater of that time was the simultaneous participation of both Russian and foreign artists in productions. It was at this stage that the performance of roles was first entrusted not only to men, but also to women. Catherine II attached great importance to the theater; under her, there were three troupes in St. Petersburg, and a fantastic amount of money was spent on the development of this industry.

In addition to the development of state ones, Catherine also paid attention to the private theaters of the nobles; for example, there was the theater of Sheremetyev, Volkonsky, and Rumyantsev. Even in the provinces their own landowner troupes were created. The Russian theater, namely the productions themselves, was built according to the models of their French colleagues. The head of the French school of acting was I. A. Dmitrevsky, who trained more than one generation of wonderful actors.

Did you know?

We present to the reader some more fun facts from the history of theatrical art.

At the time when Pushkin was alive, theaters in Russia were not entirely seated. The back rows were filled with people standing on their feet throughout the entire performance.

A landmark play in the history of Russian theatrical art is “The Minor” by D. I. Fonvizin, which became the first attempt to make fun of officials, nobles, and typical characters of the 18th century. Staroduma ( positive character) the first to play was the above-mentioned Dmitrevsky.

In 1803 imperial theaters were divided. Dramatic and musical troupes, opera and ballet, appeared as parts of the musical troupe. The dominance of the French school of playing on the Russian stage lasted until the 19th century. It was then that the Russian theater finally stood up and went its own way. The experience adopted became a good base, and the discovery of new talented Russian composers, actors, and dancers raised the theater to a high level.

P. N. Arapov was the first to describe the entire history of Russian theater in one encyclopedia - “Chronicles of the Russian Theater”. Theater magazines and professional critics appeared. Thus, the development of the theater gave impetus to Russian literature, among other things.

The most famous theater in Moscow

The history of the Bolshoi Theater begins on March 28, 1776. It was on this day in Moscow that Empress Catherine II signed a “privilege” for Prince Peter Urusov, allowing him to maintain the theater for ten years. It was first called the Petrovsky Theater (in honor of the street on which the entrance faced). In 1805, the building completely burned down, and the architect Osip Bove created new project. In 1820, construction began, lasting 5 years.

The theater that was built became larger, which is why it got its name. This beautiful, harmonious, rich building brought joy to the residents of Moscow until 1853, when the second fire occurred. This time the reconstruction was entrusted to the architect Albert Kavos. The theater was restored in 1856. Imperial Grand Theatre became famous not only in Russia, but also in the world: there was excellent acoustics here. In 1917 after the Revolution, the name was changed to the State Bolshoi Theater. The decoration was supplemented with Soviet symbols.

He was seriously injured during the Great Patriotic War, taking on a bomb. The building was reconstructed again. Until 1987, the building underwent only minor cosmetic repairs. Now the Bolshoi Theater is a building with new scene, where you can use modern effects. At the same time, it has retained the spirit of classical architecture, its “signature” acoustics, which gives it the right to be considered one of the best theaters in the world. This is the history of the Bolshoi Theater.

And finally one more, no less interesting fact. Films set wholly or partly in a theater: Birdman, The Disaster Artist, La La Land, The Phantom of the Opera, Burlesque Tales, Knockout, Stumbling on Broadway, Black-ish Swan", "Puppeteer", "Terrible big Adventure", "Shakespeare in Love", "Murder in a Small Town", "Quaie d'Orfevre".

The history of theater (drama and other genres of this art) will continue to develop, since interest in it has remained unchanged for more than two thousand years.

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