SHINee Biography. Korean singer Kim Jonghyun from Shinee died: funeral, cause of death

But there’s a lot about Mommy Ki...

*Real name: Kim Kibum ()
* Position in the group: Rap, Vocals.
* Date of birth: September 23, 1991
* Height: 177 cm.
* Blood Type: B
* Family: parents, Ki- only child
*Birthplace: Daegu
*Stage name: Key(), Diva Key (in the internet)
* Hobbies: rap, dancing, English, Chinese, water skiing, likes watching horror movies

Key is the only SHINee member who has had the honor of performing on the same stage or recording with others so often famous artists: Xiah Junsu(TVXQ), IU, the TRAX, BoA, etc!


Responsible for rap and vocals. Loves fashion and accessories made by himself.
Also loves to cook, good at making fried dumplings, ironing, and acts as the group mother in the dorm.
Key: Blinds you with her wit
Among the 5 members of the group, Key always has a special position. When you see him, you can't help but think that "This person gives off a completely different vibe than the rest." Whatever is unique about him comes from within, be it his intense gaze or his special behavior, there will always be something strange about him. him. The same hairstyle given to any person will make him look like an ajuma. an adult woman), but once the same hairstyle is done to him, he looks different with it and can present it in a completely different way.. He was chosen by the group members as the one who has the best taste, and unlike other members who allow dress yourself Cody noonas, Key always has his own ideas. Whether it was a different bracelet/chain or the addition of a scarf, it looked completely different once it was in Key's hands. It's no surprise that everyone else considers him their fashion consultant, and it would be really cool if he was their 'girlfriend'.

Key is nicknamed the almighty Key, he has the amazing ability to copy other dances. During the interview, 'Muzik' was playing in the waiting room, the guy started doing this dance, his movements looked so natural, as if he was doing his own dance. Jonghyun added in turn, “If you want him to show you all the women’s dances he knows, then he won’t be able to finish until the next morning.” And the reporter didn't dare ask him about it... When it comes to rapping, although Minho is the main rapper in the group, Minho himself praises Key's rapping abilities, his not too harsh pronunciation of sounds, rhythmic and balanced tone, and this is not surprising. that he was able to go on a 3-tour in Asia of the group Dong Bang Shin Ki, as a rapper on solo performance Junsu "XIAHTIC".
Usually, witty people are betrayed by the feeling that they are not the type who can fit into society, since clean and new pasture cannot coexist with the dirty soil of the earth, but Key has it and he can tell everyone: Wit is very compatible with harmony! ! When he shouted “I want to get married,” he stood with the whole world.

In general, I am a bright and active person. I love making people happy
If Onew the oldest is a good dad, then K would be a mom. Because everyone said that Ki's cooking is always the best. Whenever he sees the participants quietly eating cold food, he always gets up to give them warmer food.

Key is a good conversationalist. When they are all in their van, so tired that they don’t even want to move anywhere ever again, Key opens his mouth to say something refreshing and the fatigue disappears from everyone’s faces! And when Onew insists on making a joke that causes the atmosphere to become cold, Key uses his special quality that returns the atmosphere to its previous state.

Key knew that he wanted to become a singer even when he was in kindergarten: “Choosing your own path is not the easiest thing to do, but everyone has their own choice. We are simply able to find our way first.”

Key on stage is full of power and attractiveness. His performance and rap are also very strong and courageous. However, off stage, Kay is very caring and gentle. You can say that he is a cute tongsaeng (little brother). Kei's favorite thing is the flower diary. In the diary, Kei writes down all the things that have happened since debut, and part of the schedule sheet looks like a manager's - it is filled out different events and activities. Kay says, “Writing everything down in a journal can help you calm down and plan your day. “Oh, today is the day,” or “I need to think about this thing.” This journal contains the process of me growing up.”

Here's what the participants themselves say about him
Ki....The guy who gets everything right on the first click! (times)"
If you've followed the group's growth over the years, you've certainly noticed that Key has indeed developed at an extraordinary rate since their debut. He is a person who has his own personal opinion on everything, including style and searching for new concepts for the group. Jonghyun praised him this way, laughing: “He always has a lot of ideas regarding things like hairstyle for the next performance, and he always implements it with enthusiasm.”
Onew said a little jealously, "He's the one who gets a great shot from the first click of the camera!"

If someone steals your computer, what would you be most worried about?

Key: Photos! I moved everything from mine there mobile phone. I'm not afraid if someone posts them, I don't want to lose them. I collected them for 3 years and other participants also gave me photos.
Is there a photograph that should not be released to the public?
Key: There are many organizations that need to take care of this. Haha.

Hmm...are there any areas where Ki would need to be adjusted??- ?
Jonghyun: “As the only child in the family, he received a lot of love and attention, so now he is very good at whining and grumbling about things that he is unhappy about.”

Most difficult contestant?
-This is Kay. He has a very complex nature, and he also has a sharp side.

The most stylish, fashionable participant?
-Everyone has their own different style and interest in fashion. Jonghyun and Kay prefer Japanese street fashion style.

Participant with poor sleep habits?
-Kay talks in his sleep. Jonghyun sings in his sleep.

Q8. The most stylish member of the group?
Everyone pointed to Ki, who in turn pointed to Mino. Jonghyun said that Key always follows new fashion trends, from clothes to accessories (pointing to the ring that Key wore today)

And here's what Key himself says about himself
What qualities of you/yours make each of you feel proud/better?
Key: I'm honest/straightforward.

Did you have any bad habit that made your parents constantly complain about you?
Key: When I was young, my parents always taught me what to do to avoid getting caught. Wrong Way. Now, they never complain.

If something made you change something bad you did in the past, what would you change (do)?
Key: Now I always remember. If I am 7 years old now, I will make every effort to get 100 points on the exam.

What kind of student were you?
The kind of student who behaves as he should.

What promises to yourself?
Kay: My resolutions change every week, and last week I promised myself that I would not eat much, but now I have started a new resolution, I will pay more attention to reading. (laughter)
Jonghyun: He does what he promised before going to bed! I was next to him at that time.
Kay: I'm reading 1 Liter of Tears.
He always keeps his promises

Happy8: If you had to choose a member to be your girlfriend, who would it be?
Key: I'm not really sure, maybe it's because I've never been in love before, so I'm not really sure about this feeling.
(Key's eyes kept looking at the other 4 members, and at the end he still didn't make a decision, it seems like he really can't decide...)

Key about his ideal girl and date

* Happy8: What is your ideal type girls?

Key: I like Kim Jung Eun. She is very sweet and honest. When Lovers in Paris (the movie she starred in) came out, I was in elementary school!
(photo by Kim Jung Eun)
Key: I don't really have an exact person in mind, as long as her personality matches mine, it will be perfect.
Key: A girl who has her own style!
Key: I feel attracted to a girl when we have common interests and we talk
Kay: I like self-confident and sincere ones.

Q2: How older is your ideal type?
Kay: 5 years
(But on a recent episode of SGB, Key said that he prefers girls his own age)

Things you would like to do with the girl you love.
Kay: After observing/meeting each other we can talk comfortably. We can watch the show...., - time to relax and the place should be nice
Key:I want to travel. I want everything to be comfortable and leisurely

*About relationships

Kay: It's not easy! As long as he doesn't let the girl feel tired then that's good enough.
Kay: Career and love, a man who neglects neither side. As long as my girlfriend and I don't limit each other then it will be fine. Our time spent together is full of feelings, when we play, we really play, when we work, we will be serious. We will not be unhappy, and we will understand each other's lifestyle. My job is very important, so I really hate it if she acts unreasonable when I'm trying to concentrate.-

Ki with his crazy idea of ​​getting married!

Which member of the group would like to get married right now?
Everyone pointed to Ki! (Ki: "Zettai Boku desu" XD) To which he replied that he does not yet have the image of his wife, but he would really like to have his own Ki, his little Ki. He would play with him, dance and sing, he also added that I always wanted to have someone like him next to me. To this, the MC noticed that he was not yet at the age to get married and told him to calm down/not worry.

Will you get married in the future... What kind of fathers do you want to be? Similar to SHINee's fathers?
Key: When I was young, I had big dreams of getting married... The reason why I want to get married is because I'm actually like a child... (Laughs). I want to be trusted, I think I will do this...

Who is your idol?
Key: I have many idols and they all influence me. I am especially influenced by HOT, SES, BoA, and DBSK sunbaenims.
28. Having the status of a young group, they are regarded as very nice, even if their hoobae group, F(X), holds the younger status now, they do not feel regret. When the topic of their hoobaes came up, they didn't hide their excitement; they seemed like oppas who were proud of their dongsengs.
(KEY): Now we already understand how groups like Super Junior and SNSD feel. The hoobaes came to the waiting room to support us, and when all the performers gathered on stage after the show, it was so moving. They will stand next to us and talk.

What about J-POP?
I'm sorry, I was too busy recently and didn't have time to listen... Ah! but I have seen the drama "Ryusei no kizuna". This is really interesting!

Who do you look up to?
More than looking up to someone, Shiny wants to become someone young people can look up to.


Promise to write honestly about what annoys or worries you in relation to each group member. If you only praise or say “no, nothing like that,” we will think that you are ashamed of your problems!!
Taemin: Don't you think you're taking too long in the shower, hyung??
Onew: (from me: the translation here can be ambiguous from English, but there is no Korean equivalent, so I’ll translate it in 2 options)
- Always be on my side cough, OR Always be by my side! (from the point of view of position, and as you know, Onew and Key stand very far from each other)
Jonghyun: (similar situation) Never stand/be on anyone's side other than mine! coughhe
Minho: We could drink something other than this grape juice!!
2.Pop-jazz...what do you prefer from this genre?
Key: Yui, Koda Kumi, Ayumi Hamasaki, B"z, Namie Amuro... and many others..

3.What do you do in the hostel?
Kay: I would also listen to music. I also like watching movies and taking photographs.
Jonghyun: Above his bed, Ki, he hangs photographs.

S (STAR) - Who are the stars of SHINEE?
Key: Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake. Singers - Madonna, Britney Spears (Come on, come on, how can you><), и Леди Гага.
I like artists who can perform well.

H (HATE) - What do you hate?
Kay: Carrots. Ever since I was a child, I hated carrots. There is no reason. I hate her.

I (INTEREST) ​​- What are you currently interested in?
Kay: Fashion. I look at a lot of street magazines and shows.
I also shared a lot of stories with our stylist, Designer Ha Sangbaek, who really likes John Galliano.

N (NEED) - What do you need?
Kay: Practice. I want to continue to improve.-

E (ALL) - What is important to you?
Kay: Me myself. Since I'm here, I can be a member of SHINee.

E (EXPECT) - What are you expecting?
Kay: -

5. Any type of sport is important in the education of young people. We heard that the singers also received harsh training when they were trainees. Wasn't it difficult during your internship period?
Kay: I spent about 3 years as an intern. Every weekend I returned to my house in Daegu from Seoul, which is very interesting, so I don't find it difficult. Even though it can be tiring, every week I feel as if I am traveling.

6.VG: Each of you tried to lose weight, right?
Kay: Because we have a special eating place that is meant for us to eat, we don't have any choice. It is difficult to stick to a diet that consists of only one type of food.
Especially if we have work the next day, we definitely can't eat as there is a high chance that our faces will be bloated.

Kay: In the future, we will show individual actions like this. We are really looking forward to seeing the members grow gradually as they change. It will be good if new groups in the future say "We want to be like SHINee hyungs."

8.VG: Reading the words of Juliette, are there any lines that mean something to you, that reveal your soul. What kind of romance do you like?
Key: Woah! That's well said. Personally, I feel that - a romantic story that can only happen in movies, it is very likely that this can happen in real life. Everyone should dream of such love. Love is something very magical. I feel that things like giving up one's soul are incredible to happen.

9.VG : What is SHINE's ideal charismatic person?
Kay: A man with a good physique.

10.What do you think it means to be an idol nowadays??
Key: This way we can show all our features and uniqueness of SHINee. I'm grateful to everyone.

11. If you come somewhere and feel happy; where is this place?
Key: In the world of SHINee. Welcome to the world of Key.

12. Which movie character would you like to have?
Key: Joker from the movie The Dark Knight

13.What would you like to wish to those who want to become stars?
Key: My answer is the same as Jonghyun's - hyung, don't give up!

14. During your days as a trainee, which words made you cry and which words made you laugh??
Key: I laughed when my friend said, "You're becoming more and more like an artist now."

15. When do you feel an adrenaline rush?
Key: When I stand on stage as part of SHINee.

16. On days when you are not on stage, what is your other dream?
Key: I want to perform on a huge stage. But for now it's just a dream. If I get a chance, I want to try to become an MC, DJ, act in a movie and more.

17.What are their feelings and emotions upon arrival in Japan?
Key: Seeing so many fans, I was very surprised and flattered! I have always loved Japanese dramas and Japanese actors

19.What places would you like to eat in Japan?
Key: I would like to go to Odaiba, Disneyland and Universal Studios Japan. I love eating okonomiyaki (seafood and vegetable pancakes)

20.Q: Key goon what Japanese words have you learned now?
Key: Recently, or rather yesterday, I started talking to a woman and called her “obaasan” (old woman, ajuma), and I heard that it is not proper to call her “obaasan”. I learned that it is more correct to say “Oneesan” (elder sister , noona).
(I was at a fan meeting, and I heard Key call a fan “Obaasan” (that's what women in their 60s are called) LOL. There is a place where SHINee is taught how to dance Juliette, we all stood up and started dancing. Key found her and said, " ajumma is so good to dance there!” Okay, I laughed so hard because in Japan, it is impolite to call someone that way. So Ms. told Ki to call her nuna, not ajuma. Ki’s expression at that time was. so cute XD, he looked shocked haha!

21.Q: After you finish training, do you move forward only together?
Key: We're all five. I'm so glad they decided that I would be part of the group. I have no reason to worry about our team's performance.

22.Q: Do you still remember the first time you went on stage as SHINee?
Key: I also can't forget this moment.

23.Q: So much growth in just 1 year. By the way, do you support each other before going on stage?
Key: Since our first show, it hasn't changed until now.

24.Q: So then, do you remember when your first album was completed and released?
Key: I couldn't believe our CD was on sale until I received it myself. When I personally received it, I thought, "Is this really great!? Is this really good?!" I remembered feeling a sense of mystery when receiving CDs. Every time our CDs, DVDs or Photobooks come out, I won't open them, I'll just save them. That's how important our things are.

25.Q: What do Key give?
Key: They are related to my name KEY. I have a lot of keys.
(Poor sweet Key haha ​​XD, by the way I bought Key a graphic t-shirt for his birthday and plan to give it to him at the Osaka event ‘_’ more keys for baby key!)

26.Q: Since you've been together for a long time, you don't have to talk to understand each other's feelings?
Key: Teamwork is absolutely necessary, moment to moment feeling of the members. As a team from now on, I would like to deepen our connections even further.

27.What's the best thing about being a member of SHINee?
Key: I can make my dreams come true.

28. Is there any food that you can cook best?
Key: It's not food, but I can make the best Earl Gray Tea

29. If you are staying in a hut in the forest and the electricity goes out, who would you call to stay with you?
Key: My best friend.

30.Do you prefer to live with your parents or on your own?
Key: I don't like the countryside, so my home would definitely be in the heart of the city. The stores I go to to buy groceries and things should also be nearby.

31.Which clothes do you remember most, and also, what is your favorite (personal) style?
Key: The clothes we wore during Juliet were very good. It's very interesting when the clothes are colorful... I really like the accessories of teenage girls." A selection of accessories and other items, even if there is only this, it feels rare... Such items are also important~

32.If you could go to university, what would you like to get or what class would you go to...
Key: Maybe applied music~ But I'm not sure yet, so I'm still looking around! I also want to try MT.

33.Happy8: We always see girl group dances performed by Key at some shows, how many dances do you know?
Key: There's no limit to how long you won't show me the dance, I'll know it. Perhaps I learn dances faster compared to other participants.

34.Happy8: Who loves children the most?
Key:" 4 votes (he received the most votes)

35. Cool Key-kun and funny Key-kun, which one is real
Excluding this outfit (talking about hair color) and hairstyle, I think a lot of people say that I'm more relaxed when talking about appearance. But in general I am a bright and active person. I love making people happy.

36.Q (for Key): What question would you like me not to ask you again?
K: My ideal type.
JH: Oh, that's right.
K: Everyone asks him all the time. And also about my personal talent.
Nylon: But you did a great job of sounding like Misuda's Christina.
ON: Oh, you should see this.

37.Q (for Key): What's the funniest thing you've heard about SHINee?
Key: We are the “object of adoration” of all noonas. Also, when we were abroad we were called world super stars. When the host said, “SHINee's new global stars!”, we were so confused backstage. We just went “what?”
JH: We're not like Michael Jackson.
TM: But it was still a pleasant feeling.

38.Q (for Key): Tell me honestly, who looks worse than you and who looks better?
TM: He looks better than Minho hyung.
Key: I look better than my father.
JH: He looks better than dad, but worse than mom.
TM: Do you look worse than Kang Dongwon?
Key: I can't say for sure.
ON: I can answer that. I look better than a dog (puppy)...
Key: It's not funny.
ON: I look worse than Kang Dongwon.
Key: Could you just write that I look better than my father?

39.Q (for Key): Are there any items in your home that you wouldn't want to throw away?
Key: Yes, a lot, clothes.
JH: Not only him.
ON: Alexander Wang sunglasses.
JH: I'll throw them away.
Key: I don't like it when people invade my space. Isn't it bad when people touch my things behind my back?
ON: You must let them wear them when asked. Don't you like it when people touch your things without permission? And who does this?
Key: For example, my bathroom accessories.
ON: Oh, that's true.
Key: It's used a lot. (everyone laughs hysterically again). Haha. They thought it was a gift, so they used it. I don't even like it when my mom changes my bedding without warning. I still use the blanket and pillow from home. (laughs). I can't just get used to changes like this

40.Q (for Key): What type of people do you dislike the most?
Key: Those who have no meaning in life (who has nothing?) But this does not mean that the person has only problems, I just cannot communicate with such a person.

41.Q (for Key): How much does the clothes you're wearing cost?
Key: Shoes 4 manwon, pants 5 manwon.
TM: Mine are 2 chunwon?
Key: Carnations cost 9 manwon, denim vest 9 manwon, T-shirt 11 manwon, sunglasses 25 manwon, but it was a gift, so 0 won. 5 manwon ring? I buy a lot. I buy a lot of things that I like.
Nylon: Your clothes today aren't as expensive as I thought.
- -
- - - - -

SHINee(Shaini) is a young South Korean group formed in 2008,

whose main style of music is R&B. The group operates under SM Entertainment.

which brought to the stage such groups as: TVXQ (Tohoshinki, DBSK, DBSG), Super Junior, SNSD (Girls Generation), BoA, The Trax, Shinhwa, Kangta.

"Nunan Neomu Yeppeo (Replay)" (which in Russian will be like "Senior

sister (NUNA), you are very beautiful" (Nuna in Korean is an appeal not only to a blood sister, but also

just to any girl who is older in age. The word is used only by males). The group consists of 5 members: Taemin, Kay, Onew, Minho, Jonghyun (Bling-Bling)

The official color of the balls of the Shinee fan club is pearlescent sky blue. The name of the official fan club is "SHINee World", which was determined after the release of their first album and the title of the song of the same name from it.


Saini are known for their style, created by Ha Sang Baek, which includes high-top sneakers, skinny jeans and colored T-shirts. Their style created a fashion trend among young people, which the media dubbed the “Shaini Trend.” Saini is promoting the line of elite school clothing Smart, the cosmetics company Nana's B and Reebok.

Composition of the group

Onew(Onew) is the sparkling leader of the group. The oldest in the group. Onew is his stage name, which means "soft" and "caring", which perfectly reflects his behavior and qualities as a leader. His voice is gentle and thick, which only helps the songs Saini sounds great. He is known among the group members for his clumsiness and strange jokes (probably not very funny, although Taemin says that Onew Hyeng is funny several times a year). The members even came up with a song about this: “no matter what he does, it’s Onew’s entire condition ( Onew Sangdae)"

Real name: Land Jinky / 이진기 / Lee Jinki

Stage name: Onew / 온유 / 温流 / Onew

Position in the group: Leader, Main vocal.

Nicknames: Onew sangdae (state of onew), tubu (tofu) - Korean bean curd (this is due to his face, skin color)

Height: 177 cm

Blood Type: O

Hobbies: music, playing the piano, Chinese.

Jonghyun(Jonghyun) - In terms of seniority, he ranks second in the group. He received his stage name "Bling Bling" (American hip-hop slang for a performer's large number of expensive shiny accessories) for his "shine" and fantastic voice. Despite his cold appearance, he has a very warm heart and can sometimes even be shy. His nickname is Bling Bling, even from pre-debut times, since he liked to use this sound very often, even in messages. Many people first think that the leader of the group is Jonghyun, as he gives off an aura of strength and authority. He is the shortest in the group. Came to the attention of producers in 2005 during the "SM Casting System".

Real name: Kim Jonghyun / 김종현 / Kim Jonghyun

Position in group: Main vocals

Height:173 cm.

Blood Type:AB


Hobbies: Likes watching movies, popping dance style, writing lyrics (for songs), playing the piano, Chinese.

Minho(Minho) is the tallest and also considered one of the most fashionable in the group along with Kay. His stage name is "Flaming Charisma". One of the most silent, calm and balanced members of the group. The participants themselves are even surprised if Minho starts to say something, since usually he rarely answers even their questions and jokes. The guys' main phrase in response to his silence is "Minho is filming another drama again." Participated in fashion shows as a model.

Came to the attention of producers in 2006 during the "SM Academy Casting". Even before SHINee's debut, Minho modeled for "Seoul Collection F/W 08-09" in March 2008.

He admitted that if he were a girl, he would date Taemin.^^

Real name: Choi Minho / 최민호 / Choi Minho

Position in the group: Rap.

Height:181 cm.

Relatives:Elder brother

Hobbies: Football, Basketball, performing, English.

Taemin(Taemin) is the youngest member of the group, but still managed to win the hearts of a large number of Noons with his cute image. Known for his mushroom hairstyle, as well as for being the best dancer in the group. When Taemin gets angry, he begins to fasten and unzip the zipper (if he has one on his clothes) to calm down.

Real Name: Lee Taemin / 이태민 / Lee Taemin

Stage name: Taemin / 태민 / 泰民 / Taemin

Position in the group:Lead Dancer,vocals

Height:175 cm

Blood Type:B

Relatives:Elder brother

Hobbies: listening to music, playing the piano, Chinese, popping dance style.

Kim(Kim) is the second youngest in the group by Korean standards (after him comes immediately little Taemin). His stage name is Allmighty Key, which means Kay Almighty. The nickname is quite justified, since Key is one of the most gifted members. He sings, dances, reads rap. He is also known among the group members for being the most fashionable. He takes the place of MOM in the group, while DAD is the leader Onew. Kay knows how to cook well, the members really appreciate this. Despite his external image of a “dude”, his internal Kay's world and behavior do not correspond to this. The happy owner of an excellent sense of humor and a sweet goofiness. Appeared in the film Super Junior "Attack of the Flower Boys" as an extra dancer.

Real name: Kim Kibum / 김기범 /Kim Kibum

Stage name: Key / 키 / Khi

Position in the group: Rap, Vocals.

Height:177 cm.

Blood Type: B

Hobbies: rap, dancing, English, Chinese, water skiing.


Rino Nakasone of the American dance team Beat Freaks choreographed the songs "Replay", "You're Like Oxygen" and "Juliette".

Shinee's official fan club is called Shinee World.

The official color of the group is pearl blue.


2008: Replay (mini-album)

2008: The Shinee World

2009: Romeo (Mini-album)

2009: 2009, Year of Us (EP)

SHINee - Replay ~Noona Is So Pretty~
SHINee - Sanso Gateun Neo ~Love Like Oxygen~
SHINee - A.Mi.Go ~Amigo~
SHINee - Juliette
SHINee - Ring Ding Dong
SHINee - Lucifer
SHINee - Hello
SHINee - Replay ~You Are My Everything~
SHINee - Juliette
SHINee - Lucifer
SHINee - Sherlock
SHINee - Sherlock
SHINee - Dazzling Girl
SHINee - 1000 Years, Always By Your Side...
SHINee - 1000 Years, Always by Your Side...
SHINee - Dream Girl
SHINee - Dream Girl
SHINee - Fire
SHINee - Why So Serious?
SHINee - Breaking News
SHINee - Boys Meet U
SHINee - Selene 6.23
SHINee - Everyone
SHINee - 3 2 1
SHINee - Colorful
SHINee - Lucky Star
SHINee - Downtown Baby
SHINee - Your Number
SHINee - View

Articles about the group:

General concerts:

Group concerts:

TV-Show with the participation of the group:
- - episode #6
- - episode #11
- - episode 21
- - episode 29
- - episode No. 329-330
- - episode #11

Films of the group:
2012 -

샤이니 / SHINee / Shinee is a South Korean boy band consisting of five members. The group debuted on May 25, 2008 with the mini-album "Replay"

FanClab name:

- J-Pop
- Dance


EMI Music Japan (for activities in Japan)
Avex Taiwan (for operations in Taiwan)

2008 - 2009: Debut and first victories

On October 14, a mini-album entitled . On the 10th, the group presented a video for the title track of the same name, and promotion started on the same day.

A year later, the group releases their third full-length album for the Japanese music scene. The album was named and released in three editions. Following the release, SHINee embarked on a major Dome Tour of Japan, a tour of the country's largest venues (50,000 capacity).


TV-Show and series with Onew:
- - episode #298
- - episode 1-2
- - episode #182

SHINee is a young South Korean group formed in 2008.
whose main style of music is R&B. The group operates under SM Entertainment.
which brought to the stage such groups as: TVXQ (Tohoshinki, DBSK, DBSG), Super Junior, SNSD (Girls Generation), BoA, The Trax, Shinhwa, Kangta.
The group debuted on May 25, 2008 on SBS's "Popular Songs" with the song
"Nunan Neomu Yeppeo (Replay)" (which in Russian will be like "Senior
sister (NUNA), you are very beautiful" (Nuna in Korean is an appeal not only to a blood sister, but also
just to any girl who is older in age. The word is used only by males). The group consists of 5 members: Taemin, Key, Onew, Minho, Jonghyun (Bling-Bling)
The official color of the Shaini Fan Club balloons is pearlescent sky blue. The name of the official fan club is "SHINee World", which was determined after the release of their first album and the title of the song of the same name from it.

Saini are known for their style, created by Ha Sang Baek, which includes high-top sneakers, skinny jeans and colored T-shirts. Their style created a fashion trend among young people, which the media dubbed the “Shaini Trend.” Saini is promoting the line of elite school clothing Smart, the cosmetics company Nana's B and Reebok.

Onew is the sparkling leader of the group. The oldest in the group. Onew is his stage name, which means "soft" and "caring", which perfectly reflects his behavior and qualities as a leader. His voice is gentle and thick, which only helps Saini's songs sound great. He is known among the group members for his clumsiness and strange jokes (probably not very funny, although Taemin says that Onew hyung is funny several times a year). The members even came up with a song about this: “no matter what he does, it’s Onew’s entire state (Onew sangtae)"

Favorite animal is giraffe

SHINee leader. “Good at everything”, good at studies and got second place in school.

Onew and food: Onew loves chicken wings the most. According to him in one interview, if the end of the world came, Onew would first of all eat all the chicken in Korea and Japan. He probably even likes buying food more than buying clothes. As he himself once admitted: “I love chicken more than clothes! The other day I devoured 36 chicken wings. (laughs) After that, the bones were piled up~"

Favorite Japanese food is a dish with rice and eel. Also Una-dong. Onew doesn't like cucumbers.

Favorite Japanese Drama - My Boss My Hero

Favorite Japanese Artist - Utada Hikaru

Habits: Sleeps cuddling with a blanket; likes to brush his teeth for a long time; He drinks a glass of water every time before going to bed, as it really relaxes him.

There is no specific type for him, as he thinks that everyone has their own certain attraction. The girls themselves are attracted to Onew by his friendliness. But for a leader, the ideal girl is not only the one who radiates a lot of sun, but also the one who can manage, guide and be close to him. In relationships with girls, Onew often hesitates in making decisions, because you need to think through everything carefully, listen to your inner voice, before making the fateful decision that this is the treasure. And when he makes up his mind, he will go to the crowded playground and loudly confess his love to her. After all, to confess to so many people you need to have great courage, in this way he will really show his true love.

A car is what can bring happiness to Onew, because the leader loves to travel (he collects plane tickets from all his trips abroad), moreover, he is the kind of person who likes to just decide to go somewhere and goes, so a car is important for movement. Also on a normal day, if he has time, he sometimes takes a car ride, drives along the Han River (which runs through Seoul) and enjoys the night scenery. And, if he has a little time, then at sunset he goes with his friends to the mountains. In the northeast he was in the Sorak Mountains and would like to travel to Japan to Mount Fuji if given the chance. Another thing like a music player can make him happy. After all, music is like production energy for him! He believes that each style conveys to us something of its own, something unlike anything else. In his opinion, opera is something that strikes straight to the heart. Something that really hits you in the heart. This is the kind of feeling that opera evokes in a leader.

Onew always smiles for the camera, even through pain. Therefore, in the future, he would like to become the kind of man who would continue to smile and be happy no matter what. A courageous man. Not a macho man, not at all, but one who tries to achieve perfection. He has a strong feature - the ability to concentrate and direct all his strength and energy to achieve what he wants. Even if he has a busy schedule, he doesn't think, “ah, I can't do this,” he thinks, “I do this because I can.” Jinki is very greedy about plans for the future. He has so many of them that it even seems strange. Whatever he wants to do, he does it. No matter in which direction his thoughts flow, simply if he sets a goal for himself, he fulfills it, no matter what. It can be seen, because our Onew’s voice was truly recognized by everyone, and recognized not only as the average voice of a member of some boy band.. Onew was recognized as a real singer who can withstand several hours live on stage + playing a role..... Can you guess what we're going to talk about??? Onew's Musicals:,

Real name: Lee Jinki (???)

Position in the group: Leader, Main vocal.

Nicknames: Onew sangtae (state of onew), dubu (tofu) - Korean bean curd (this is due to his face, skin color), He is Tokki - (Tokki is a rabbit, due to his 2 protruding front teeth)

Height:177 cm.

Blood Type: O

Place of Birth: Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi Province

Hobbies: music, playing the piano, Chinese.

Special skills: "King of Snaps", can imitate Donald Duck's voice, can spin a tea table on his finger;DD

Jonghyun (Bling Bling) - He is the second oldest in the group. His stage name (Bling Bling) means that he sparkles and does it through his vocals. Despite his cold appearance, he has a very warm heart and can sometimes even be shy. His nickname Bling Bling still goes back even from pre-debut times, as he liked to use this sound very often, even in messages. Many people first think that the leader of the group is Jonghyun, since he gives off an aura of strength and authority. The shortest in the group.

The members themselves about Jonghyun
Jonghyun...Is he perfect in everything...except his height?
The group member who speaks the most in all the shows is Jonghyun.
The rest of the Shinies say, laughing: “The image that he shows on the show actually completely coincides with what he is in real life. Our Jonghyun is playful!”
However, according to Minho, “During the show, when we have to sing songs other than our own, he always takes responsibility for the high and difficult notes. And no matter how he behaves, we always perceive him as a serious, responsible and conscientious person. The only thing that makes him a little different is his height."

Studied at Seoul Music Institute - a very prestigious music school. Jonghyun also had his own musical group, with which they performed in front of their peers. Graduated in 2009.

He was born and raised in Seoul. He was discovered at SM's casting in 2005. Before debuting with Shiny, Jonghyun sang a duet with Chinese singer Zhang Liyin on the songWrongly Given Love(交错的爱)," from her Chinese debut albumI Will

Real name: Kim Jonghyun (???)

Position in group: Main vocals

Height:173 cm.

Blood Type:AB

Relatives: Sister Sodam

Place of birth: Seoul

Hobbies: Likes watching movies, popping dance style, writing lyrics (for songs), playing the piano, Chinese.

Pet: Miniature Rabbit Dachshund Ru

Key is the Diva of all SM on a par with Cinderella Hichold xD His stage name is Allmighty Key, which means “Key Almighty”. The nickname is quite justified, since Key is one of the most gifted members. He sings, dances, raps. He is also famous among the group members for those , which is the most fashionable. Takes the place of MOTHER in the group, while DAD is the leader Onew. Key knows how to cook well, the members really appreciate it. Despite his external image of a “dude,” Key’s inner world and behavior do not correspond to this. The happy owner of an excellent sense of humor and a sweet goofiness. Appeared in the film Super Junior "Attack of the Flower Boys" as an extra dancer.

Kibum's favorite thing is the flower diary. In the diary, he writes down all the things that have happened since debut, and part of the schedule sheet looks like a manager's - it is filled with different events and activities. Kibum says:“Writing everything down in a journal can help you calm down and plan your day. “Oh, today is that day,” or “I need to think about this thing.”This diary contains the process of my growing up."

Kibum is not one of those who is offended by the truth, he accepts everything as it is. He tries to correct his shortcomings. In the past, when something did not suit him, he directly said:"I do not like it", but now, in order not to put people in an awkward position, he says the same thing as a joke. He has changed. And more and more often he hears from fans that he has forgotten how to be angry.

Key is unusual in his habits, for example:"Make a new promise every week!"he still follows this. All his constancy and non-constancy are all in one."Find as many cases as possible."- a vivid example of another habit, the habit of a typical workaholic. Workaholism is not a disease for him, for him it is life. Life in which every day there is some kind of task, an obstacle that he must overcome for his own growth and development. In this way he improves himself. Becomes closer to your own ideal. Which, alas, even he, I’m afraid, doesn’t know. Didn't reach the top.

Participated in the musical "Catch me if you can"

Real name: Kim Kibum (???)

Position in group: Rap, Vocals.

Height:177 cm.

Blood Type: B

Place of birth: Daegu

Education: Daegu Youngshin High School (graduated in 2010) Since 2011 he has been studying at Myungji University in the music department.

Hobbies: rap, dancing, English, Chinese, water skiing, Japanese

Minho is the tallest and is also considered one of the most fashionable in the group along with Key. His nickname is Fiery Charisma Minho. The most silent, calm and balanced member of the group. The members themselves are even surprised if MinHo starts to say anything, since usually he rarely answers even their questions and jokes. The guys’ main phrase in response to his silence is “Minho is filming another drama again.” Participated in fashion shows as a model. He also starred in the dramas “The Pianist”, “Salamander Guru and Operation Shadow” and the Korean version of “For You in All Bloom” together with Sulli from f(x), also a regular member of “Dream Team”.

Speaking of studies, Minho is the most successful and purposeful, even if he is not the second best performer in school, like his hyung Onew, however, he attended classes regularly and went to lessons with all the other guys.And since 2010, Minho was officially accepted intoKonkuk University, where to study at the Faculty of Arts. He is the only SHINee who decided to continue his education at the highest level.

Real name: Choi Minho (???)

Position in the group: Rap.

Height:184 cm.

Relatives:MinSeok's older brother (Minho's father is former football coach Choi Taejoon)

Place of birth: Icheon

Hobbies: Football, Basketball, performing, English.

Taemin is the youngest member of the group, but still managed to win the hearts of a large number of Noons with his cute image. Known for his mushroom hairstyle, as well as for being the best dancer in the group. When Taemin gets angry, he starts buttoning up and unzip the zipper (if he has one on his clothes) to calm down. Taemin is the poorest member of Shiny's group. Before his debut in Shiny, he did not have an mp3 player, he simply put on headphones and hid the end of the wire in his pocket. When they noticed this, he simply said that he wanted to interest the girls.
He is one of those who is always loved wherever he goes.
Another quality of Junior is his soft and sweet personality. When the hyungs are tired, he always stands in front of them and shows his “natural cuteness”, a concept that the youngest in Saini has!

Taemin-kun when you feel depressed?
Taemin: Almost never, I'm the type of person who thinks positively.

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