The most beautiful gypsy girls. photo

Despite the fact that the absolute majority of gypsies live in Europe, their roots are from the north of Hindustan, this is indicated by scientific data, as well as the self-names of the main gypsy groups.
Most often, Gypsies call themselves "Roma" or "Roma", for example, the famous Moscow Gypsy theater is called "Romen". These names go back to the Indo-Aryan "d'om" with the first cerebral sound (somewhere between the sounds "r", "d" and "l") and indicate relatives of the gypsies who now live in India and are called "doms" or " domby". Western European gypsies call themselves "Sinti", which can be associated with the ancestral homeland of the gypsies - the Sindh region in the territory of modern Pakistan. The Gypsies of Spain and Portugal traditionally called themselves "kale", i.e. “black” (cf. the name of the Indian goddess Kali - “black”). According to linguistic and genetic studies, the ancestors of the Roma left India in a group of about 1 thousand people. The exact time of the exodus is unknown, but not earlier than the 6th century AD. After spending several centuries in Persia, the ancestors of the Gypsies reached Byzantium, where they began to be called Atzingans, i.e. untouchable. Derived from the Byzantine name Russian name
"gypsies", Bulgarian "tsigani", etc. Gypsies entered Europe through the Balkans in the 12th century. It is in the Balkan countries that the percentage of the Roma population today is the highest. For example, in Bulgaria the Roma make up 4.9% of the population, in Romania - 3.3%, in Macedonia - 2.85%.
Gypsies are one of the Aryan (by language) peoples, therefore they were mercilessly exterminated by the Nazis, who declared them to be spoiled Aryans, replacing the purity of the Aryan race. During the Second World War, up to 200 thousand Roma were killed, about 30 thousand of them in the occupied territory of the USSR. There are now up to 12 million Roma in the world. According to the 2010 census, about 220 thousand Roma live in Russia. For the first time, the presence of Roma in Russia is recorded at the beginning of the 18th century. You should not mix Russian gypsies (Ruska Roma) and Central Asian gypsies, called “Lyuli”. Lyuli are Muslims, while Roma are Christians, their languages ​​and origins are also different, and Lyuli are called Gypsies only because of the similarity with the traditional way of life of European Gypsies. Russian gypsies do not consider Lyuli as relatives; they are contemptuously called “lyulyaikas.”

Next are the most beautiful, in my opinion, gypsies. Most of them are Russian gypsies; there is also a Hungarian gypsy and a representative of Spanish-Portuguese gypsies in the ranking. Rita Hayworth is not included in the ranking because... she, contrary to erroneous belief, does not have gypsy roots.

15th place. Rada Rai(real name - Elena Gribkova; born April 8, 1979, Magadan) - Russian singer, performer of Russian chanson. Father is a gypsy, mother is Russian. Official website -

14th place. Raya (Raisa) Udovikova(after marriage - Bielenberg) - Norwegian singer and actress. Born in 1934 in a gypsy camp near Kursk. In 1966, she married a Norwegian journalist and moved abroad. Since 1967 he lives in Norway (Oslo), works at the National drama theater, performing leading roles in Norwegian, tours in many countries in Europe, America and Asia, performing songs in Russian, Gypsy and Norwegian.

13th place. (born October 27, 1963) - film actress. For a long time was an actress at the Roman Theater artistic director

whose father is Nikolai Slichenko. Also working at the Romen Theater is her mother, Nikolai Slichenko’s wife, Tamila Agamirova. 12th place. Angela Lekareva (Batalova)

- singer, dancer, artist of the Moscow musical and dramatic gypsy theater "Romen". Born July 28, 1984. On stage since I was two years old. She received mastery lessons from an outstanding choreographer, her mother, Ganga Batalova. 11th place. Oksana Fandera (born November 7, 1967, Odessa) - Russian actress

. Her father Oleg Fandera is an actor, half Ukrainian, half Gypsy, her mother is Jewish. From an interview with the actress:

– Oksana, you have three bloods mixed: Ukrainian, Gypsy and Jewish. How do they manifest themselves?

– Probably, the fact is that I cook like a Ukrainian, I love freedom like a gypsy, and I feel the world’s sorrow like a Jew. - Who do you feel like??

to a greater extent

– Now I can equally feel like one, the other and the third. 10th place./ Soledad Miranda (July 9, 1943, Seville, Spain - August 18, 1970) - Spanish actress, dancer and singer. Her parents are Portuguese gypsies.

9th place. Diana Savelyeva(born May 16, 1979, Lvov) - Russian actress and singer, performer of the role of Esmeralda in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", the role of Hyde in the musical "Monte Cristo", the role of a gypsy in the musical "Count Orlov". Website - VKontakte page -

7th place. Lilya (Leoncia) Erdenko- singer, successor of the world famous Moscow gypsy dynasty, daughter famous singer Nikolai Erdenko. The Berlin radio station Multikulti named Leoncia the “Queen of Russian Gypsy Music.” Official website - VKontakte page -

Despite the fact that the vast majority of gypsies live in Europe, their roots are from the north of Hindustan, this is indicated by scientific data, as well as the names of the main gypsy groups. Most often, Gypsies call themselves "Roma" or "Roma", for example, the famous Moscow Gypsy theater is called "Romen". These names go back to the Indo-Aryan "d'om" with the first cerebral sound (somewhere between the sounds "r", "d" and "l") and indicate relatives of the gypsies who now live in India and are called "doms" or " domby". Western European gypsies call themselves "Sinti", which can be associated with the ancestral homeland of the gypsies - the Sindh region in the territory of modern Pakistan. The gypsies of Spain and Portugal traditionally called themselves “kale”, that is, “black” (compare the name of the Indian goddess Kali - “black”).

According to linguistic and genetic studies, the ancestors of the Roma left India in a group of about one thousand people. The exact time of the exodus is unknown, but not earlier than the 6th century AD. After spending several centuries in Persia, the ancestors of the Gypsies reached Byzantium, where they began to be called Atzingans, that is, untouchables. From the Byzantine name came the Russian name “gypsies”, the Bulgarian “tsigani” and so on. Gypsies entered Europe through the Balkans in the 12th century. It is in the Balkan countries that the percentage of the Roma population today is the highest. For example, in Bulgaria the Roma make up 4.9 percent of the population, in Romania - 3.3 percent, in Macedonia - 2.85 percent.

Gypsies are one of the Aryan (by language) peoples, therefore they were mercilessly exterminated by the Nazis, who declared them to be spoiled Aryans, interfering with the purity of the Aryan race. During the Second World War, up to 200 thousand Roma were killed, about 30 thousand of them in the occupied territory of the USSR.

There are now up to 12 million Roma in the world. According to the 2010 census, about 220 thousand Roma live in Russia. For the first time, the presence of Gypsies in Russia is recorded by written sources in early XVIII century. You should not mix Russian gypsies (Ruska Roma) and Central Asian gypsies, called “Lyuli”. Lyuli are Muslims, while Roma are Christians, their languages ​​and origins are also different, and Lyuli are called Gypsies only because of the similarity with the traditional way of life of European Gypsies. Russian gypsies do not consider Lyuli as relatives; they are contemptuously called “lyulyaikas.”

Next are the most beautiful gypsies according to the portal Most of them are Russian gypsies; there is also a Hungarian gypsy and a representative of Spanish-Portuguese gypsies in the ranking. Rita Hayworth is not included in the ranking because, contrary to misconception, she does not have gypsy roots.

16th place. Almaza Plakhotnaya(born May 21, 1982) - dancer, artist of the Romen Theater. Her mother Ekaterina and younger sister Adeline is also an artist of the Romen Theater. VK page -

15th place. Rada Rai(real name - Elena Gribkova; born April 8, 1979, Magadan) - Russian singer, performer of Russian chanson. Father is a gypsy, mother is Russian. Official website -

14th place. Raya (Raisa) Udovikova(after marriage - Bielenberg) - Norwegian singer and actress. Born in 1934 in a gypsy camp near Kursk. In 1966, she married a Norwegian journalist and moved abroad. Since 1967, he has lived in Norway (Oslo), worked at the National Drama Theater, performing leading roles in Norwegian, and toured many countries in Europe, America and Asia, performing songs in Russian, Gypsy and Norwegian.

13th place. Tamilla Slichenko(born October 27, 1963) - film actress. For a long time she was an actress of the Romen Theater, whose artistic director is her father Nikolai Slichenko. Also working at the Romen Theater is her mother, Nikolai Slichenko’s wife, Tamila Agamirova.

12th place. Angela Lekareva(Batalova) - singer, dancer, artist of the Moscow musical and dramatic gypsy theater "Romen". Born July 28, 1984. On stage since I was two years old. She received mastery lessons from an outstanding choreographer, her mother, Ganga Batalova.

11th place. 11th place.(born November 7, 1967, Odessa) - Russian actress. Her father Oleg Fandera is an actor, half Ukrainian, half Gypsy, her mother is Jewish. From an interview with the actress:

Oksana, you have three bloods mixed: Ukrainian, Gypsy and Jewish. How do they manifest themselves?

Probably the fact is that I cook like a Ukrainian, I love freedom like a gypsy, and I feel the world’s sorrow like a Jew.

Who do you feel most like?

Now I can equally feel like one, the other and the third.

10th place. 10th place./ Soledad Miranda (1943 - August 18, 1970) - Spanish actress, dancer and singer. Her parents are Portuguese gypsies. Died in a car accident.

9th place. Diana Savelyeva(born May 16, 1979, Lvov) - Russian actress and singer, performer of the role of Esmeralda in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", the role of Hyde in the musical "Monte Cristo", the role of a gypsy in the musical "Count Orlov". Website - VKontakte page -

8th place. Adeline Plakhotnaya(born May 29, 1988) - dancer, model, artist of the Romen Theater. Her mother Ekaterina and older sister Almaza are also artists of the Romen Theater. VK page -

7th place. Lilya (Leoncia) Erdenko- singer, successor to the world-famous Moscow gypsy dynasty, daughter of the famous singer Nikolai Erdenko. The Berlin radio station Multikulti named Leoncia the “Queen of Russian Gypsy Music.” Official website - VKontakte page -

6th place. Lyalya Moldavskaya- dancer, actress, member of the gypsy ensembles "Russka Roma" and "Svenko".

5th place. Nelly Maltseva- dancer. She became the heroine of two issues about dancing in the gypsy electronic magazine "Svenko".

4th place. Rada Matvienko(born September 24, 1991) - Kazakh singer and actress. Performs songs in almost ten languages, including Gypsy. VK page -

3rd place. Patrina Sharkozy- dancer, actress, singer, performer of the Romen Theater, member of the Svenko ensemble. She played the main role of the gypsy girl Zemfira in the film "Sinful Apostles of Love." Patrina is from a family of Hungarian gypsies, her father is famous singer Janos Sarkozy. Patrina's VKontakte page -

Patrina Charkozy dressed as an English gypsy

2nd place. Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya(born March 28, 1944, Tula) - artist of the Romen Theater, People's Artist Russia. Maiden name- Aleksandrovich. She acted in films as gypsies, for example she played Zoritsa in the Soviet TV series “Eternal Call”. Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya is the mother of actress Lyalya Zhemchuzhnaya.

1st place. Lyalya (Olga) Zhemchuzhnaya(born May 31, 1969) - Russian actress and singer, Honored Artist of Russia. Since the age of 16 she has been working at the Moscow Gypsy Theater "Romen" (her mother, Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya, also works there). Has acted in films since 1982. The most famous role is the gypsy Aza in the 1987 film of the same name. Lyalya Zhemchuzhnaya is also included in the ratings of the most beautiful Soviet actresses and the most beautiful Aryans.

Despite the fact that the absolute majority of gypsies live in Europe, their roots are from the north of Hindustan, this is indicated by scientific data, as well as the self-names of the main gypsy groups. Most often, Gypsies call themselves "Roma" or "Roma", for example, the famous Moscow Gypsy theater is called "Romen". These names go back to the Indo-Aryan "d'om" with the first cerebral sound (somewhere between the sounds "r", "d" and "l") and indicate relatives of the gypsies who now live in India and are called "doms" or " domby". Western European gypsies call themselves "Sinti", which can be associated with the ancestral homeland of the gypsies - the Sindh region in the territory of modern Pakistan. The Gypsies of Spain and Portugal traditionally called themselves "kale", i.e. “black” (cf. the name of the Indian goddess Kali - “black”).

According to linguistic and genetic studies, the ancestors of the Roma left India in a group of about 1 thousand people. The exact time of the exodus is unknown, but not earlier than the 6th century AD. After spending several centuries in Persia, the ancestors of the Gypsies reached Byzantium, where they began to be called Atzingans, i.e. untouchable. From the Byzantine name came the Russian name “gypsies”, the Bulgarian “tsigani”, etc. Gypsies entered Europe through the Balkans in the 12th century. It is in the Balkan countries that the percentage of the Roma population today is the highest. For example, in Bulgaria the Roma make up 4.9% of the population, in Romania - 3.3%, in Macedonia - 2.85%.

Gypsies are one of the Aryan (by language) peoples, therefore they were mercilessly exterminated by the Nazis, who declared them to be spoiled Aryans, replacing the purity of the Aryan race. During the Second World War, up to 200 thousand Roma were killed, about 30 thousand of them in the occupied territory of the USSR.

There are now up to 12 million Roma in the world. According to the 2010 census, about 220 thousand Roma live in Russia. The presence of Gypsies in Russia was first recorded in written sources at the beginning of the 18th century. You should not mix Russian gypsies (Ruska Roma) and Central Asian gypsies, called “Lyuli”. Lyuli are Muslims, while Roma are Christians, their languages ​​and origins are also different, and Lyuli are called Gypsies only because of the similarity with the traditional way of life of European Gypsies. Russian gypsies do not consider Lyuli as relatives; they are contemptuously called “lyulyaiki.”

Next are the most beautiful gypsies, according to the Top Anthropos website. Most of them are Russian gypsies; there is also a Hungarian gypsy and a representative of Spanish-Portuguese gypsies in the ranking. Rita Hayworth is not included in the ranking because... she, contrary to erroneous belief, does not have gypsy roots.

16th place. Almaza Plakhotnaya(born May 21, 1982) - dancer, artist of the Romen Theater. Her mother Ekaterina and younger sister Adeline are also artists of the Romen Theater. VK page -

15th place. Rada Rai(real name - Elena Gribkova; born April 8, 1979, Magadan) - Russian singer, performer of Russian chanson. Father is a gypsy, mother is Russian. Official website -

14th place. Raya (Raisa) Udovikova(after marriage - Bielenberg) - Norwegian singer and actress. Born in 1934 in a gypsy camp near Kursk. In 1966, she married a Norwegian journalist and moved abroad. Since 1967, he has lived in Norway (Oslo), worked at the National Drama Theatre, performing leading roles in Norwegian, and toured many countries in Europe, America and Asia, performing songs in Russian, Gypsy and Norwegian.

13th place.

whose father is Nikolai Slichenko. Also working at the Romen Theater is her mother, Nikolai Slichenko’s wife, Tamila Agamirova. 12th place.(born October 27, 1963) - film actress. For a long time she was an actress of the Romen Theater, whose artistic director is her father Nikolai Slichenko. Also working at the Romen Theater is her mother, Nikolai Slichenko’s wife, Tamila Agamirova.

- singer, dancer, artist of the Moscow musical and dramatic gypsy theater "Romen". Born July 28, 1984. On stage since I was two years old. She received mastery lessons from an outstanding choreographer, her mother, Ganga Batalova. 11th place.- singer, dancer, artist of the Moscow musical and dramatic gypsy theater "Romen". Born July 28, 1984. On stage since I was two years old. She received mastery lessons from an outstanding choreographer, her mother, Ganga Batalova.

Oksana, you have three bloods mixed: Ukrainian, Gypsy and Jewish. How do they manifest themselves?

(born November 7, 1967, Odessa) - Russian actress. Her father Oleg Fandera is an actor, half Ukrainian, half Gypsy, her mother is Jewish. From an interview with the actress:

Who do you feel most like?

Now I can equally feel like one, the other and the third.

– Now I can equally feel like one, the other and the third. 10th place./ Soledad Miranda (July 9, 1943, Seville, Spain - August 18, 1970) - Spanish actress, dancer and singer. Her parents are Portuguese gypsies.

9th place. Diana Savelyeva(born May 16, 1979, Lvov) - Russian actress and singer, performer of the role of Esmeralda in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", the role of Hyde in the musical "Monte Cristo", the role of a gypsy in the musical "Count Orlov". Website - VKontakte page -

8th place. Adeline Plakhotnaya(born May 29, 1988) - dancer, model, artist of the Romen Theater. Her mother Ekaterina and older sister Almaza are also artists of the Romen Theater. VK page -

7th place. Lilya (Leoncia) Erdenko- singer, successor to the world-famous Moscow gypsy dynasty, daughter of the famous singer Nikolai Erdenko. The Berlin radio station Multikulti named Leoncia the “Queen of Russian Gypsy Music.” Official website - VKontakte page -

6th place. Lyalya Moldavskaya- dancer, actress, member of the gypsy ensembles "Russka Roma" and "Svenko".

5th place. Nelly Maltseva- dancer. She became the heroine of two issues about dancing in the gypsy electronic magazine "Svenko".

4th place. Rada Matvienko(born September 24, 1991) - Kazakh singer and actress. Performs songs in almost a dozen languages, including Gypsy. VK page -

3rd place. Patrina Sharkozy- dancer, actress, singer, performer of the Romen Theater, member of the Svenko ensemble. She played the main role of the gypsy girl Zemfira in the film "Sinful Apostles of Love." Patrina is from a family of Hungarian gypsies, her father is the famous singer Janos Sarkozy. Patrina's VKontakte page -

Patrina Charkozy dressed as an English gypsy

2nd place. Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya(born March 28, 1944, Tula) - artist of the Romen Theater, People's Artist of Russia. Maiden name - Alexandrovich. She acted in films as gypsies, for example she played Zoritsa in the Soviet TV series “Eternal Call”. Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya is the mother of actress Lyalya Zhemchuzhnaya.

We all know that true beauty- this is the light in the heart, but today appearance is much more relevant. The very concept of beauty in the 21st century has been devalued due to the abundance of beauty salons, the availability of various plastic procedures and Photoshop. You don’t have to be born a beauty, you can become one.

However, some peoples still value true natural beauty. It's about including about gypsies. The most beautiful gypsy will compare favorably with modern beauties from the catwalks at least with her sincerity, natural grace, bright, clear eyes and tenderness.

Gypsies are a free people

There are several hypotheses about where the free gypsy people came from. In each country they are called differently: the British call them people from the Egyptian civilization, the French call them Bohemians, the Finns and Estonians call them “blacks.” There are many representatives of this nation living all over the world. Their vibrant, diverse, rich culture is associated with this.

The most important thing for Roma is continuity and commitment to their traditions, which are fully expressed in belonging to their people. In case of terrible crimes, the gypsy is expelled from the clan, and this is truly the most cruel punishment for each of them. And, conversely, if a gypsy calls another person who does not belong to his people a gypsy, then this is considered the highest compliment.

Gypsies love children very much, considering them a reward and the highest value. It is their tradition to pick up street children and adopt children in need of a home. This is where the myths come from that they steal children. For gypsies there is a cult of family and a cult of mother. They have a lot of respect family values, choosing a life partner once and for all, thereby standing out favorably in the “civilized” world.

The most beautiful gypsy - what should she be like?

The concept of beauty for gypsies is very different from modern Western European ideals. Since the area below the waist among gypsies is considered “bad” (dirty, unclean), all this should be covered down to the toes. For this reason, women wear long skirts to the floor, as a rule, lush and bright (such is the gypsy soul). Their fashion is simple: whatever they found cheaper, they made an outfit out of it. Nevertheless, gypsies have always attracted attention with their beauty. Just remember the famous Esmeralda: thin, fragile, tender, with huge black eyes and lush hair, she attracted the gaze of all the inhabitants of the “courtyard of miracles”.

The criteria for gypsy beauty can be gleaned not only from fiction contemporaries, but also from songs, legends, ballads, fairy tales. Thus, the most beautiful gypsy will have a characteristic face: it is beautiful, cheerful, gentle, bright with huge clear “diamond” eyes. Hair should be long and lush, thick. The body is flexible, slender, beautifully writhing in dance.

Modern world beauty standards

Today's beauty is distinguished by the fact that it is not given from birth, but is acquired in the world of “beauty blogging” and It doesn’t matter at all what a girl’s natural advantages are, what matters is what she managed to achieve with the help of makeup, beauty salons, Photoshop, and sometimes surgical improvements. Today, grooming and a sense of ideal taste are much more important than beautiful eyes and slender legs. And yet, some criteria of beauty are still alive.

A healthy, delicate complexion with moderate blush and light is in fashion. Thick, lush natural eyebrows have become the main beauty cult of our century. You can even grow your eyebrows: the procedure is not cheap and, frankly speaking, not pleasant. Feminine figures have returned to fashion, anorexia is no longer beautiful (and was it ever?).

How to choose the most beautiful gypsy?

The free people themselves would have been offended and bewildered by such a question, but since modern world constantly strives for ratings and charts, then it is worth taking a closer look at this issue. Of course, there are thousands of beautiful gypsies in the world, young and older. But in this case it is possible to evaluate beauty only on the basis of famous representatives of the free people. Choosing a photo of the most beautiful gypsy is not an easy task.

There's a million on the Internet beautiful photos gypsy girl There are also many representatives of free people in the world of cinema and television. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Rita Hayworth

Oddly enough, one of the most beautiful gypsies in the world can be called Famous actress, a model and dancer, has gypsy roots, as Rita’s father is a flamenco dancer from Seville, Spain. The pristine beauty and gypsy grace inherited from her father turned Rita not only into an outstanding dancer, but also subsequently into a Hollywood diva and actress. The whole world fell in love with the star for her luxurious curls, huge black eyes and gentle

Rita played in more than 60 films, most of them being the main roles of the star. She was never nominated for an Oscar, but became a real people's favorite and a true symbol of the cinema of her time. The image of Rita is often mentioned in films and literature.

True beauty comes from the heart, and Rita Hayworth is proof of this. She is not only the most beautiful gypsy in the world, but also a bright decoration in the history of cinema.

Soledad Miranda

Spanish women are known all over the world for their beauty, brightness and sexuality. Tender Soledad Rendon Bueno is the most beautiful gypsy in Spain. The name translates as "loneliness". It is with Portuguese and Gypsy roots. The national blood began to flow early in the young beauty, and the girl began her career as a flamenco dancer at the age of eight. Then the girl tried herself in music and cinema, where she was also very successful.

However, the violent spirit of the free people did its job: Soledad married a racer. A few years later, the actress died tragically in a car accident. She was 27 years old. Such tragic death had an impact not only on the girl’s family, but also on Spanish cinema of that time: everyone mourned the star.

Despite the fact that the actress took part in only a dozen films, she became a legend and symbol for her followers. The girl is truly incredibly beautiful, and this is how she remains in everyone’s memory: forever young and beautiful!

Diana Savelyeva

Diana Savelyeva can rightfully be called the most beautiful gypsy in Russia. Diana is a Russian actress and singer, winner of many honorary awards. The actress is known to the average person for leading role the same Esmeralda in the musical Notre Dame de Paris, where she shone not only with beauty, but also with incredible talent, the voice of a pipe and the grace of a gypsy. It is not surprising that a little later the actress was invited to the musical “Monte Cristo” to play the role of Hyde, where she continued to amaze the viewer with her talent and beauty.

The beauty studied her art not only in a bright gypsy family, but also in the capital's GITIS. Today, the popular actress tours around the world, writes romances and music herself, appears in music videos and continues to improve in the field of art.

"And in the end I will tell…"

And who are they, representatives of the Muslim religion - the most beautiful gypsies? Ogly is the self-name of gypsies who profess Islam. Here you can name Rada Matvienko, an actress and singer from Kazakhstan. She often performs songs in her national language.

True beauty cannot be measured or touched; it cannot be felt or appreciated. It always comes from within. Gypsies to this day, preserving and carrying through generations the traditions of their ancestors, are rightfully considered one of the brightest and most beautiful peoples in the world. Thus, Lyalya Zhemchuzhnaya (Romen Theater) is a recognized beauty of Russian cinema. Her sparkling eyes, graceful curves, gentle dances, alluring hair and philosophical sad songs fascinate everyone.

You can have different attitudes towards the Gypsy people, but it is impossible not to respect their age-old traditions and natural beauty!

Gypsies are rightfully considered one of the largest ethnic minorities in Europe. Gypsies also live in North Africa, North and South America and Australia. Gypsy culture has deeply influenced world music; especially Russian, Romanian, Hungarian, Balkan, Spanish folk music, as well as classical music of the XIX centuries, jazz, flamenco. A lot of paintings, poems, feature films gypsies. In his Top 15 most beautiful gypsies I decided to collect famous women with gypsy roots. If you have suggestions for adding a particular candidate to this rating, write in the comments.

15. Lyalya Black(real name - Nadezhda Khmeleva born February 15, 1909, Nalchik - September 2, 1982, Moscow) - theater and film actress, actress of the Romen Theater, dancer, performer of gypsy songs and romances. Born into the family of a Moscow nobleman, Sergei Alekseevich Kiselyov, and a gypsy, Maria Georgievna Polyakova, singer and dancer of the Strelna Gypsy Choir I. Lebedev. Films: “The Last Camp”, “Fire”, “The Taste of Halva”, “The Camp Goes to Heaven”.

14. Lyalya Moldavskaya- actress and dancer of the gypsy ensembles "Russka Roma" and "Svenko".

13. Diana Savelyeva(born May 16, 1979) - Russian singer, performer of gypsy romances, artist of the Mosconcert. Winner of first place in the competitions "Sun" (1986) and "Jazomania" (1995), laureate of the "Romansiada" (2000), laureate of the festival of gypsy art "At the turn of the century" (2001), member of the jury of the "Romansiada" in 2005. Cousin granddaughter of Nikolai Zhemchuzhny. Born into an artistic gypsy family. Her father is a performer of gypsy songs and dances, Alexander Savelyev. She became a model for Nikolai Bessonov's paintings "Tabor Dance" and "Esmeralda and Phoebus".

12. Rada Rai(real name Elena; April 8, 1979, Magadan, USSR) - Russian singer, performer of Russian chanson. Gained fame with the songs "Kalina" and "Soul". The greatest support in promoting the singer was provided by the Chanson Radio Station. The debut album, "You are my soul...", released in 2008, was released in an unusually large circulation and settled in the top positions in the Russian charts.

11.Maria Shashkova(born 1980, real name Cleopatra) - dancer and belly dance choreographer, multiple winner of international belly dance competitions. Daughter of an artist and musician, former leader gypsy ensemble "Terne Roman" Alexey Shashkov and choreographer Svetlana Shashkova.

10. Mariska Veres(born October 1, 1947 - December 2, 2006) - Dutch singer, lead singer of the group " Shocking Blue"Her father, Lajos Veres, a Hungarian gypsy by nationality, was a violinist in a gypsy orchestra.

9. Nelly Maltseva- dancer of the gypsy ensemble "Svenko".

8.Raya Udovikova(born in 1934 in a gypsy camp near Kursk) - actress, singer. In 1953, during a tour of the Romen Theater in Dnepropetrovsk, she joined his troupe and went with her to Moscow. She played many comedic and dramatic roles in the theater.

7. Leoncia Erdenko(born February 27, 1972 Moscow) - successor to the world-famous Moscow gypsy dynasty, daughter of the famous singer Nikolai Erdenko. Main genre: performance of Russian gypsy folklore (classics, tradition, adaptations).

6.Adelina Plohotnaya(born May 29, 1988) - actress of the Romen Theater since 2007, graduated from GITIS. Performances: “Love under the tents”, “Confession of a Gypsy violin”, “We are Gypsies”, “Gypsies and Gypsies in Africa”, “Grushenka”, “We have a concert today”, “Witchcraft love”, “King of Diamonds”, "Bells of Love" Filmography: “The Hare over the Abyss” (2006), “Gypsies” (2009), “On Betrayal” (2010), “Sklifosovsky” (2011), “Legends of the Circle” (2013).

5. Patrina Sharkozy(born March 19) - actress of the Romen Theater since 2006. She studied dance in the Gilori ensemble. In 1999 she graduated from the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography (workshop of A.V. Batalov). After graduating from the institute, she worked at the theater-studio A.V. Batalova. Theatrical works: “Run horses, run…”, “Hotel “Tabor” 5 stars”, “Love under the tents”, “Confession of a gypsy violin”, “We are gypsies”, “Grushenka”, “Horseshoe of Happiness”, “Witchcraft love” ", "Gypsy Paradise", "Princess Kristana", "Countess - Gypsy", "We have a concert today."

4.Rada Matvienko(born September 24, 1991) - singer, actress, TV presenter from Kazakhstan, comes from a family of Russian gypsies. International semi-finalist music competitionAvon Voices. Basic roles in the film: “Racketeer”, “December Tango”, “My Dear Children”, “Book of Life”, “Brothers”, “Xenia XD” (main role), “Mustafa Shokai”, “Angels”. Champion of Kazakhstan in social Latin dances "Bachata", "Salsa" 2008, as well as Arabic "solo tabla". TV presenter of the program: "Alakai".

3.Soledad Miranda(born July 9, 1943 Seville, Spain) - Spanish actress. She became best known for her roles in films directed by Spanish director Jesus Franco. She also used the pseudonyms Susan Korda or Susan Corday. Her parents are Portuguese with Romani ancestry.

2. Rita Hayworth / Rita Hayworth(October 17, 1918 - May 14, 1987) - American film actress and dancer, one of the most famous stars Hollywood 1940s. Real name - Margarita Carmen Cansino, born into a family famous performer Spanish dances flamenco, a native of Seville with gypsy roots - Eduardo Cansino.

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