Roman Tertishny (May Abrikosov). May Abrikosov (Roman Tertishny) on Instagram - official link to his page Participation in the television project

Former student of the Voronezh Institute of Arts Roman Tertishny, better known under the pseudonym May Abrikosov, was included in the “ sad stories» ex-participants of the television project “Dom-2”. This selection was published by Life. There are 21 names on the list, Abrikosov is mentioned there twice.

“May Abrikosov spoke about his addiction to drugs eight years after participating in the project,” the publication writes. “According to him, together with Alexei Mikhailovsky, the producer of the reality show, they used powder drugs throughout the entire project.”

Abrikosov's selfies scared his fans

“It’s not a girl in these pictures. Fans of the TV show probably immediately recognized them as the once popular participant in the project, May Abrikosov. But, to tell the truth, these photos shocked them no less. At the same time, 33-year-old May was suspected of an unbalanced psyche. What he is doing now, besides giving the tabloid press comments on operational news items related to the show “Dom-2,” is unknown.”

The Voronezh resident was accompanied on this list by Anastasia Dashko, who received three years in prison for fraud, and Mikhail Podorov (he was sentenced to 16 years strict regime for drug distribution), Olga Rapunzel, who reported to the police that her husband was beating her, Andrei Chuev, who was refused help with expensive treatment, the recently deceased Maria Politova and others.

Abrikosov came to the project in 2004, and left on January 1, 2008 due to quarrels with the presenters. Then he decided not to return to Voronezh, but remained in Moscow - he was invited to host the “Secrets” program on the TV-3 channel. But the project was soon closed due to low ratings. As a result, May returned to the village of Korotoyak, Ostrogozhsky district Voronezh region where his mother lives.

Almost 8 years after leaving the project, in 2015, Abrikosov made loud confession: stated that it was the producer of the television project who got him hooked on the powder. At the same time, on his website, May spoke “about one of the real reasons for leaving Dom-2”:

“In the company of a certain participant in the show, I was relaxing in a pleasant place (everything was chaste, drinking beer). This participant was on a day off, and I had to return to the site by a certain hour. But I didn't want to. I asked this girl to call Mikhailovsky and tell him that I would come to the perimeter the next day, that everything was fine with me, that there were urgent matters. And just for fun, she told Alexey that she supposedly saw me being taken away by a cool black foreign car in an unknown direction. Literally immediately I was offered to leave Dom-2. A few years later, Alexey asked me what kind of black foreign car it was. I explain - Mikhailovsky was afraid of the special services and urgently got rid of the threat (from May). He sees enemies everywhere,” Abrikosov wrote.

Moreover, he said that "seven recent years leads an impeccable, exceptionally sober lifestyle - does not drink, does not smoke, does not have any bad habits.”

“I have become different. If I meet a person on my way who even hints at illegal drugs in a single word, I instantly cross him out of my life forever. There are not and will not be such people in my circle,” said the ex-participant of the project.

In recent years, Abrikosov has made money by writing scripts, songs and articles to order. This, he admits, brings him not only income, but also pleasure.

How did people live without insta?))

We suffered))

It seems awkward to go out naked, but on Instagram almost everyone is naked and this is considered the norm.

That's what the people were missing!

Naked young ladies want to look sexy, but they look desperate to the point of being ready to undress if only someone would pay attention to them.

Men also pose for Instagram with or without panties.

Actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov has never taken indecent selfies, but he is popular and loved by millions, an example of masculinity and honor.

Who is Gianluca Vacchi?


A micro-blog should be meaningful not so much externally as internally. You can’t get hung up on your personality alone! If you are a dancer, then talk about art, publish Interesting Facts, rehearsal moments. If you are an artist, create, think. TV presenter - share something impressive that warms and excites you. You took a photo of yourself on the left, on the right, again on the left... this is enough to see your facial features. Admiring yourself every day... deviation.


The most beautiful thing in my life is family. I am proud of my friends and family! But I don’t want to throw away their photos for discussion. And they don't want to be heard. My Olechka is not registered on Instagram, she is not on any social networks.

In general, atrocities are committed against children on Instagram. We are ready to analyze the child’s appearance and apparent shortcomings, molecularly. People without brakes. They forgot that they cannot offend children.


Insults destroy like a plague Russian Internet! We have no criticism, no humor, no dialogue. Everything was replaced by swearing and rudeness. This is not interesting to read. Previously, I could look at some forum about construction or literature, but now I go almost nowhere except my website and Instagram. I leaf through books.

When traveling, I come across Belarusian newspapers. I noticed that their journalists, not being able to speak out too much, learned to express themselves so subtly and witty that it becomes clear what they are talking about between the lines. This is real skill!


I was asked to create an Instagram, I need it for my work. It’s also convenient to stay in touch, receive messages and offers via direct message.

But besides partners and friends, strangers write in direct messages. This is a minus.

Developers of the Instagram application should think about how to make the direct message more comfortable.

A common phenomenon on Instagram is fake pages (0 posts, 0 followers, 0 subscriptions).

I immediately block them. I don't like hide and seek. It looks strange when people switch from account to account and comment on someone else’s behalf.

Instagram made a mistake by allowing an infinite number of additional pages.

I take criticism well, especially if it is done with humor. And I don’t need aggression in comments. I post it to the block and the comments are automatically deleted. Some come to Instagram to vent negativity. Why do I need their anger? Let them go somewhere else to unload. I don't think Instagram should be a cesspool.

I am categorically against any kind of cheating. I don't chase the number of followers. A thousand means a thousand. Million-million. I respect and appreciate my subscribers. And I don’t need any scams that were forced into my account for money!


My micro-blog is still very young)) It’s too early to evaluate it seriously. I look around. I slip in my childhood photos, pretend to be “ Instagram star", having fun, competing for an Oscar and announcing essays from the official website

I didn’t aim for more. Bit I'd like.

The other day, Yandex offered me a story about five Instagram accounts “that you are not ashamed to subscribe to.” I got acquainted with all five. The account of Paolo Coella seemed the most acceptable, but something still confused me. Perhaps his desire is to “imprint” himself for centuries for grateful fans... He’s already a grandfather. Is it good for him to pose in front of an iPhone camera? Some kind of nonsense. The remaining four declared applicants are generally deeply in love with their “I”. As a result, I didn’t subscribe to anyone.

I will name names whose profiles I simply enjoy looking through. Dmitry Medvedev's Instagram is filled with love for Russia. Denis's Instagram Matsueva gives gifts creative mood and vigor. Ivan Urgant's Instagram consists mainly of jokes. I didn’t notice any focus on personality in their accounts. This makes you want to visit them often and wait for updates. In addition to information about the owners, these profiles contain a lot of additional and varied information. Interesting.

The former participant in the reality show considers it a shame to be on the project. May Abrikosov was one of the first heroes of the program. Despite the fact that numerous viewers want to see him, he flatly refuses to return to the famous television set.

May Abrikosov // Photo: Instagram
May Abrikosov was one of the first participants in the reality show “Dom-2”. The young man appeared on television as a participant in the project 12 years ago. The young man tried to find happiness in personal life with Olga Solntse. But the couple failed to build a strong relationship. Then May turned his attention to Alena Vodonaeva. However, this relationship also cracked. After three years of participation in the project, Abrikosov left the project.
Mai believes that the project is only getting worse over time and does not understand why the TV show is causing such a stir among the public.
“I sincerely don’t understand the viewers who watch Dom-2. A miracle will not happen, the project will not get better. And I feel sorry for the participants, they are mistaken and do not realize that ridiculous fees and a dubious reputation are not worth the humiliation and rot. I advise everyone who is now at Dom-2 to simply disperse quietly,” Abrikosov wrote.

Despite the fact that many fans of the TV show still remember and love one of the first heroes of the reality show, Roman Tertishny (real name May Abrikosov - StarHit's note) is not eager to return to television screens as a participant. He told all his fans that he considered it shameful to be on the project, especially since he had found happiness in his personal life. "Friends! Please don’t clog up Instagram with requests to return to Dom-2! I have a beloved Olechka, I am happy and prosperous. I need absolutely nothing from Dom-2! Last time They invited me to participate in the project as a “revolutionary,” but I refused. I consider it shameful to go to Olympus. There is nothing to discuss there. Relationships in couples are more of a commercial nature than a love one,” Abrikosov said in his microblog, which has a readership of just over two thousand people.
Loyal fans reacted very quickly to May's statement and fully supported his opinion. However, they hastened to justify their desire to see him as a participant in “House-2” with the opportunity to watch his life on television.
“What a career at Dom-2.” These are just a few people who have developed a career there, but this is vulgarity and, indeed, commercialism,” “Good girl, Roman! He said everything correctly! Even sitting in Olympus is a shame!”, “That’s right, Roman! Gold words! Good luck to you and Olga! But there is no escape from questions. This post will go down the feed, and the same questions will be asked again in a circle. So hang in there! And yes, who asked, Olga is no Sun. Olga is Roman’s favorite girl and has nothing to do with the project! She doesn’t need publicity, that’s why we don’t see her photo here,” Abrikosov’s fans supported.
Lately former member reality TV star leads a reclusive life. A man lives in a village.

May Abrikosov (see photo below) is an actor and ex-participant in the Dom-2 program. He was one of the brightest representatives of this show. Next, the biography of the actor will be presented.


The real name of the hero of this article is Roman Tertishny (he received the pseudonym May Abrikosov on the show “Dom-2”). He was born in 1981 in Voronezh. Since childhood, the boy was distinguished by exceptional creative abilities: knew how to dance, drew well and wrote poetry. He liked to periodically escape into nature. At the same time, he always took a pen and notebook with him to write down his thoughts about life.

At school, the boy played in the drama club after classes. Those around him prophesied acting career, because this is exactly what Roman dreamed about. But the parents had a different opinion. At the insistence of his mother, the guy entered law college after school.

Chasing a dream

In 2001, Tertishny submitted documents to the Voronezh Academy of Arts (acting department). No one doubted that Roman was on the right way. In stage acting classes, he was the best in the group. In all educational productions, Tertishny was entrusted exclusively with the main roles. He was also interested in directing and wrote plays and scripts. In Voronezh youth theater Roman staged Hamlet. Tertishny also co-wrote the script for the musical “The Elf Princess,” which was successfully staged in puppet theater"Illusion."

"House 2"

In 2004, Roman went to conquer Moscow. First of all, he went to the casting of the show “Dom-2”. The actor successfully passed it and took the pseudonym May Abrikosov.

He spent 2 years and 174 days on the program. Millions of viewers remembered him as a romantic and ardent young man. The girls liked the charming young man. His original thinking, soft look, sweet smile and golden curls attracted the attention of thousands of fans to him. And like any actor, May Abrikosov adored it. He literally basked in the glory. Due to constant filming on the project, the young man never graduated from the Voronezh Academy of Arts. Abrikosov was expelled from his final year.


May is fascinated by Faina Ranevskaya's talent. He also adores Mayakovsky and is interested in the philosophy of Tao. Borges is his favorite writer. Abrikosov is also interested in painting. Particularly admired young man paintings by Francisco Goya. Well, May’s favorite musicians are Mylene Farmer and Marilyn Manson. He would really like to meet the latter.

Personal life

On scandalous project May Abrikosov managed to charm two participants. His first relationship began with Olga Nikolaeva (“The Sun”). Moreover, before this, the young people were simply friends and those around them did not even imagine that this would develop into something more. In addition, Olga was dating another participant in the project at that time, so for viewers the romance between Nikolaeva and Abrikosov came as a complete surprise. The whole country began to watch this unpredictable and intriguing couple: either they quarreled over trifles, then they were a strong and harmonious union, or they began to compete on any occasion. The relationship lasted a year and a half and ended due to Abrikosov’s selfishness and the girl’s inability to cope with family life.

Well, after breaking up with Nikolaeva, May lost himself in the arms of the fatal girl Alena Vodonaeva. Then there was a breakup again, and the young man left the show with a scandal, having had a big fight with the administrators.

After the project

After leaving Dom-2, May Abrikosov, whose biography was presented above, tried himself as a presenter and tried to act in various TV series. For some time, the young man hosted the “Secrets” program on channel TV-3. But then he was replaced by Alexey Chumakov. The head of the channel considered that the singer was more suitable for the type of this program. May made several more attempts to return to television, but all of them were unsuccessful. After this, Abrikosov left for countryside, where he distanced himself from those around him and plunged headlong into religion. The young man very rarely leaves the house. And if he does go out, it’s only to a store or a temple.

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