Roman Budnikov TV presenter personal life. Roman Budnikov: “The size of the hacienda does not matter! Personal life and hobbies of a talented person

Roman Budnikov is confident that a professional TV presenter must have the qualities of a showman, entertainer, and even toastmaster. Roman explains his success simply - he found his favorite thing and is now doing it. In addition to his career as a TV presenter, he also writes music and plays the guitar well. The broadcast star has been planning to release his album for a long time, on which he is working very diligently and meticulously. Despite the fact that his marriages did not work out, Budnikov is trying to establish his personal life again, since he does not like loneliness. The musician has not yet met his woman, who should become his friend and share his hobbies.

Roman was born in the city of Engels, where he spent his childhood and school years. At the age of 16, the young man became interested in playing the guitar, thanks to which he received an education at a music school in just two years, and then played guitar in the rock band Noah's Ark. In the 90s, they often visited Moscow, where they performed at various corporate events and parties. But one day there was no presenter at one such event, so friends suggested Budnikov try himself in this role. After this incident, he often celebrated anniversaries or birthdays.

And soon he managed to get on television. The first place of work for the aspiring TV presenter was a column in a program on the “Capital” channel, and then he began to be invited to other channels. Appearing on Channel One, in 2012 Roman became the new host of the “Fazenda” program. In 2014, he was also offered to host “ Good morning", where he previously worked.

In his personal life, Budnikov had to go through divorce twice. He met his first wife when he was still living in Saratov. The girl came to the concert of the group “Noah’s Ark”, after which the young people began dating. After getting married, Roman and his wife left for Moscow, where they performed and played music together. In 2002, their daughter Alexandra was born, but after some time the couple separated. The second wife, Ekaterina, worked as a web designer; no children were born in this family. The couple broke up without scandals or hysterics, they just realized that their paths were different. Now the former spouses communicate warmly and support each other.

Budnikov tries to meet with his daughter Sasha as often as possible. The girl is also passionate about music: she plays the flute and makes noticeable progress in this field. She also writes songs, shoots videos and makes parodies of popular songs. The ex-wife got married and gave birth to Sasha’s sister. Relationships between ex-spouses remained friendly, which pleases the presenter himself.

In the photo Roman Budnikov with his daughter Alexandra

Now there is a period of loneliness in Roman’s life, but he does not feel sadness or discomfort about this. In the future, he hopes to meet a woman close to him in spirit, with whom he intends to start a family. The future beloved must be sincere and wise, as well as passionate and intelligent, but whether she is economical or not is not important to him. The musician has long dreamed of his country house in some secluded village, for which he himself will come up with a project. He doesn't forget to look after his appearance and sometimes goes to the gym, thanks to which, with a height of 175 cm, his weight is 80 kg.

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The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 05/27/2017

The TV presenter told how to become a participant in the popular program. And not only about that

Roman Budnikov is a positive and charming host of the First Channel program “Fazenda”. Moreover, he is sure that a cheerful disposition can change fate for the better. Roman came to conquer Moscow many years ago, and thanks to his character, he took the capital from the first attack. And now he has the time and opportunity to do what is especially close to him. Do you think he's digging in the garden? But no! In his free time from filming, Roman leads the musical group “NEbudni”. And this is a real holiday for him!

From Green Cucumber to Hacienda
- Roman, please tell us how you got into the “Hacienda” program - after all, its topic is very specific?
- Everything turned out very simple. About five years ago, one of my acquaintances, who then worked at one of the TV channels, invited me to participate in some humorous program. He said: “You are a cheerful person - come, let's have fun!” I arrived for the shoot, we joked a lot and really had a wonderful day. And after a while I was invited to try out for the role of a presenter on the same channel. And then it went on: VKT, REN-TV, and then Channel One...

- On REN-TV you hosted the program “ Green cucumber“- this was apparently a dress rehearsal for “Hacienda”?
- Maybe. I was, as they say, already closer to the point. The director of the “Fazenda” program saw me in “Green Cucumber” and invited me to his program, they were just looking for a new presenter. And now the “Good Morning” program on the First has been added to “Fazenda”...

Write letters!
- Roman, please tell us how an ordinary summer resident can become the hero of your program. You probably receive letters from interested people in bags?
- To do this, you don’t have to send a letter in an envelope - you can leave a request on our website, describe your dacha in detail, post photos of it, tell where it is. If our editors are interested in the object, they will call you back to clarify some details, and perhaps you will be invited to take part in the shooting.

- Well, what are the selection criteria? Can owners of small country houses become heroes of “Hacienda”?
- I assure you, in this case the size does not matter at all! Much more important is the location of the site, its distance from Moscow, and the convenience of logistics from a purely technical point of view - after all, we will need to bring building materials, equipment, and craftsmen. Another important point is how communicative the owners themselves are. After all, we will film them, communicate with them, and all this on the screen should look emotional and entertaining.

Favorite program
- Which program do you personally remember?
- The last one! I'm kidding, but in principle I'm not far from the truth - I really remember filming one of latest programs, which will air soon. In it, we built ponds on the property for the owners. It turned out really cool, unusual. Our designers not only landscaped the site, but also added fish to the ponds! You should have seen the beaming faces of the owners! I received real aesthetic pleasure.

- Were there any cases when the results of your work were not satisfactory to the owners?
- In my memory, this never happened. As a rule, we break up good friends, and only bright moments of communication are stored in memory.

Frankly, you give the impression of a very sociable and positive person. It’s probably impossible to quarrel with you!
- Of course, it would be strange to say that I always laugh and have fun - that would be an anomaly. But in general I take life lightly. The Chinese claim that it helps to live. And if you talk about your problems and difficulties all the time, they really accumulate around you.

Small Motherland
- Roman, do you have a dacha yourself?
- Yes - my mother’s dacha, this is an old story. As a boy, from the age of 13-14, I began helping her build our hacienda. We have acquired a plot of land in Saratov region and built a small house. My mother and I worked at the dacha in the nineties, and everything there is extremely simple. And when I moved to Moscow, I began to visit there less and less. After my mother died, I come home once a year - in the summer. But he didn’t sell the dacha; it’s still alive.

Do you agree that the dacha is a purely Russian invention? After all, private houses, villas, and cottages in which people live all year round are more common in the world.
- In Russia, only a few people can afford to combine a house and a dacha. I think another hundred years will have to pass for this to happen. In the province, for example, there are still six acres - and “we went to dig potatoes.”

- Roman, did one of your relatives stay with you? small homeland in the Saratov region?
- Mine lives there younger sister Olya. She is thirty years old and has two children. I visit them periodically, we travel together. She is very attached to her native place, she has friends there, a favorite job - everything.

- Did you quickly adapt to the capital?
- Not everyone fits in with the rhythm of the metropolis, that’s true. When I moved to Moscow with my young wife in the late nineties and early two thousand, it was very difficult. I had a rented apartment and a guitar. But if you get drawn into this rhythm, you won’t be able to live any other way. Now I can’t even imagine where I could live except Moscow. I feel comfortable here. Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel - that's for me!

Everyday life "NEweekdays"
- Haven’t you parted with your guitar now?
- Of course not! I even have musical group“NEweekdays”, we perform little by little. Unfortunately, now there is very little time left for touring, because I have also started recording for the “Good Morning!” program, and my schedule has become busier. But we are slowly working on new songs, coming up with something, and planning to perform more often in the fall. And I always have a guitar with me, every free minute I take it in my hands and play something - it pacifies me. If my friends and I throw parties and get-togethers, then the guitar is an obligatory element of the “program”!

- Who are your friends - musicians or TV people?
- I don’t divide people into categories, castes, the main thing is that the person is pleasant and we somehow coincide in spirit. I have different friends- musicians, television people, physicists, and lyricists, as they say...

- As a child, you probably music school went?
- My dad was a musician, and my mother worked all her life as a history and geography teacher in college. But it so happened that my parents separated quite early; I was then five or six years old. In general, my mother did not want to send me to music school, and my childhood passed absolutely without music. But I didn't feel like anything was missing in my life. But when I turned fifteen, I started dating girls, singing songs with a guitar on benches, and so on. That’s when I grabbed a guitar, started learning chords, and got so carried away that I went to music school myself, graduated as an external student and entered a music school.

- What kind of music do you like?
- I mainly like guitarists - Harry Moore, Steve Vai. The latter recently came to Moscow with concerts, but, unfortunately, I was never able to get to it. From rock I love Panther, Metallica, Pet Shop Boys. I also like Paganini, Vivaldi, jazz musicians. I even named my favorite cat musical name Blues! This is a young Cornish Rex cat, a very smart and intelligent guy. Magnificent creation!

A novel without a novel
- After a hard day at work, what movie would you prefer to watch?
- Last picture The one that impressed me was Transcendence starring Johnny Depp and Rebecca Hall. I just recently made it for myself interesting discovery, it just concerns cinema: a film can be a kind of indicator. It happens that you advise someone to watch your favorite movie, and then when asked “How was the movie?” They answer you: “Yes, some kind of dregs!” And this can be a real shock! Personally, I thought several times that, obviously, with this person we are on completely different emotional levels...

- Nowadays films are made for every taste - there are arthouse, action films, science fiction, and melodramas...
- Yes, sure. But if we talk about the global chewing gum of film corporations, then I’m not interested - it’s just business.

- Do you watch TV series?
- English-speaking only. I recently got hooked on the series “Game of Thrones” and “House” and watch them with pleasure. I don’t have time to study English intensively, and films with subtitles are a good way to expand my vocabulary - so I combine business with pleasure.

Roman, it is known that you are single now. Aren't you afraid of falling in love and losing your head? Or have you thought out your future life?
- How can you calculate falling in love, what?! I think it will happen by itself - there’s just a time and place for everything. You can take any action, but in the end everything will happen as destined by fate. Therefore, I simply live, enjoying the very process of life, and do not stress about this topic at all. But you need to imagine your dreams as specifically as possible - then they will definitely come true!

Recently, the host of the “Fazenda” program on Channel One, Roman Budnikov, opened a design office. However, he himself does not live in fashionable apartments furnished according to latest fashion, but in a small rented apartment. His 12-year-old daughter Sasha often comes to visit him in this bachelor pad.

My daughter is very smart

“I can’t say that I’m a business person,” Roman begins the tour of the apartment. – Most of the household duties are performed by a housekeeper, who comes here a couple of times a week. Cleans, washes, irons. The most I can do is occasionally cook something simple, without any frills. There are two wonderful helpers for this: the air fryer and the multicooker. I dropped the groceries, turned it on and forgot.

Recently I decided to try my hand at business and opened a design office. Over the years of work in the Hacienda project, the idea arose to create such an office. True, I myself am a shoemaker without boots. As you can see, there are no stylistic finds or fashionable furniture in the house. You think about yourself last. Moreover, I don’t see the point in doing drastic renovations here, because I’m renting.

I had my own apartment in Mytishchi. We saved for it together with my ex-wife Galya in the first years of our life in Moscow. When they divorced, my wife and daughter stayed there, of course. We didn’t explain anything to Sasha at the time; she was little, only three years old. Gradually I understood everything myself, without serious conversations heart-to-heart. My Sasha is very smart. Now everything is harmonious for her. Mom got new husband(however, my daughter calls me daddy). In addition, recently ex-wife Another girl was born, Sasha’s sister. Perhaps the most important thing is that in our communication there is no tension in relation to each other. We are friends with Galina, we meet, we hug, we kiss. This is important so that the child does not develop childhood psychological trauma.

Sasha and I are friends

We see our daughter regularly, although not as often as we would like. When she visits me, we organize musical parties. I invite the guys from my group “Nebudni” to visit, I pick up a guitar, my daughter picks up a flute, and we start playing. She studies at a music school, they sent her there by joint decision six years ago. Sasha likes it. She already composes her own music. Here I recorded a cover of the song Moves Like Jagger Maroon 5, shot a video for it, edited it and posted it on the blog. How she manages this at 12 years old, I don’t understand.

Recently we went with her to the recording of the show “The Voice. Children". The daughter was delighted. It’s too early to participate in such a project myself. But in a couple of years, perhaps we’ll try our hand at competitions. It is not at all a fact that she will choose a career as a musician; journalism attracts her no less.

Sasha and I have a very trusting and friendly relationship. Recently we learned to ride a go-kart. I’ve been interested in this for a long time, and my daughter had her first race. I was a little afraid, but still wanted to try. She is brave (like whom, I wonder?). To be honest, I got worried when the instructor started attaching her legs to the kart with adhesive tape. It turned out that this is a common practice for children to avoid chattering on the highway. You should have seen Sasha’s burning eyes after the race.

Last spring we went to Turkey together for a music festival “ Generation Next" Even before that, I wanted to take Sasha with me on vacation, but her mother wouldn’t let her go. And I understand Galya. But my daughter grew up, and the situation was resolved. Now we are comparing our schedules so that we can repeat the trip together this year.

Yelling and putting you in a corner is a big mistake

I am proud of my daughter's success at school. She is an excellent student and gets upset with every B grade, which is good news. I don’t help with homework, Sashka - independent girl. Yes, and the program modern schoolchildren different from the one I studied. I can't call myself a strict parent. Rather demanding, but fair. Yelling, putting in a corner is big mistake. It causes nothing but resentment. As someone who lived in a corner as a child, I can testify. But Sasha also sometimes educates me. He lectures me that I will never quit smoking completely.

At first I spoiled Sasha a lot. I bought her everything at once, took her wherever she asked. I had the syndrome of a grandmother who sees her granddaughter once a year. I caught myself doing this and began to slow down a little so as not to spoil the child. Now I still arrange surprises for my daughter. But with meaning. And I myself take an active part in this.

Despite our constant communication, I am still a Sunday dad. And I’m dissatisfied with myself, I say this sincerely. I would like to devote much more time and attention. But she has her own active life(school, music, friends), and I have a busy schedule. Nevertheless, we manage to be together, and it's great.

Despite the divorces, I can’t say that I’m not made for marriage. When a man says that he is a loner in life, this is complete nonsense. People shouldn't be alone. But I just haven’t met the one yet. And I take this philosophically. I am in companies where there are a lot of beautiful and smart girls. Sometimes I get carried away with someone, but nothing serious yet. My woman should be wise, sincere and understanding. Know how to take care of my cat. He's a weird guy. But seriously, it doesn’t matter how economical it is. I won’t stand over it and control it so that the porridge turns out without lumps, and the pancakes are fried the way I like them. A woman should be a friend. I like people who are enthusiastic, have a sparkle in their eyes and are ready for adventure. And I will try to make our life happy.

In mid-September, the presenters of Channel One, as well as film and show business stars, visited Tula, where they held the twentieth anniversary event “First in the Army.” Famous TV presenters and the actors visited the training ground of the 106th Tula Airborne Division, where they tested almost all types of Tula weapons, including the famous Maxim machine gun.

For Roman Budnikov, the “First in the Army” campaign coincided with the broadcast week, when from 5 to 9 am he, in the company of his co-host Olga Ushakova, must be in direct contact with the audience. Nevertheless, having finished his work at Good Morning, Roman immediately went to Tula, in time for the ceremonial part, when the best officers and soldiers were awarded valuable prizes.

As it turned out, Roman does not regret the missed opportunity to try out weapons, since he is an inveterate pacifist and shooting is not one of his many hobbies.

– I am a very peaceful person, for peace in the whole world, so that no one fights with anyone, so that no one offends anyone, and so that weapons will never be useful to us or anyone. I also participated in previous “First in the Army” events, shooting in them is not the main thing, for me personally, the emotions and feelings of the people who were waiting for the team of the “First Channel”, which, with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, helped officers who put their lives in service, are more important To the Fatherland, to believe that everything is fine in our country. Agree, when a person leaves the training ground in front of the podium and his entire regiment in a car donated in honor of the holiday, this is very strong impression for him and his family,” says Roman Budnikov.

Morning broadcasts are fraught with lack of sleep, and therefore Roman Budnikov, according to his admission, learned to cheat, that is, doze in the car on the way to filming.

“For the first year I couldn’t sleep anywhere, then I developed a habit, and if I don’t have enough rest, I pass out anywhere, in any state,” shared the TV presenter, who has been hosting “Good Morning” for two years and “Fazenda” for almost five years.

But from all his projects and even his busy schedule, Roman, according to him, gets high and even has time for music. For those who don’t know, Budnikov has his own Music band“Not Everyday Life”, with which he tours cities and towns.

The TV star tries not to talk about his personal life, although it is known that he was married twice and from his first marriage he has a 14-year-old daughter, Alexandra.

– I’m a Sunday dad, although we see each other more than once a week; this summer, for example, my daughter and I went on an eight-day tour of Europe. First we visited Budapest, where we attended a huge music festival, then we went to Austria - had breakfast, drank coffee and rushed to the Netherlands. There we already rented a car and went to France. I was in Paris for the first time and was disappointed, I’ll say more - tense, somehow uneasy there, so we quickly ran away from there. My daughter and I took two acoustic guitars and periodically gave small concerts. Sasha graduated from music school with a degree in flute, writes songs, and I support her in all her endeavors. It’s great to get away together, father and daughter, we had a fantastic pleasure from the trip,” admitted Roman Budnikov, who knows how to turn any day of the week into “Not everyday life.”

My daughter and I took two acoustic guitars with us and periodically gave small concerts. Sasha graduated from music school with a degree in flute, writes songs, and I support her in all her endeavors.

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