Drawings dedicated to May 9th in pencil. How to draw a tank with a pencil step by step

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All sections | Victory Day, May 9. Drawing classes, drawings

At the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "May Kindergarten "Solnyshko" a reading competition and an exhibition of children's drawings dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. Tasks competition: 1. Awaken in children a sense of pride for their Motherland...

Regulations on the drawing competition “This Victory Day” 1. Goals and tasks: Creation festive atmosphere in preschool educational institution; activation creative potential pupils of preschool educational institutions; keep children interested in visual arts; encourage children's ability to implement artistic form your ideas, feelings, thoughts. 2. Topic and...

Victory Day, May 9. Drawing classes, drawings - Summary of the drawing lesson “Greeting card “Victory Day”

Publication “Summary of a drawing lesson “Greeting card “Day...”” IMG]/upload/blogs/detsad-6047-1559239227.jpg Lesson notes on “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” in preparatory group(6-7 years old) Topic: “Greeting card - Victory Day” Dominant educational field: Artistic and aesthetic Integration...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

"Victory Day". Summary of educational activities for familiarizing yourself with the environment and drawing in an early age group Summary of the conduct directly educational activities on familiarization with the environment and drawing in an early age group on the topic: “Victory Day” Conducted by teacher of the 1st qualification category Surina O.N. Program content 1. To form children’s initial...

"Attention! This is Moscow speaking." On May 9, 1945, a message about the unconditional surrender of Germany was heard on the radio. Victory! What we have been striving for in battles and labor for four years has come true! This is truly a celebration with tears in our eyes. On this day, joy and sorrow are nearby. There is not in Russia...

Notes on drawing for children 6–7 years old “Eternal Flame” for Victory Day Drawing “Eternal Flame” Objectives: To introduce the traditions of celebrating Victory Day; talk about the significance of this holiday for our country; to cultivate moral and patriotic feelings in children; arouse interest in the history of your country. Expand and clarify children's knowledge about...

Victory Day, May 9. Drawing classes, drawings - Unconventional drawing “Eternal Flame”

Objectives: Development fine motor skills fingers, sense of composition. Improve skills and abilities in application. To cultivate artistic taste and a creative attitude to work, perseverance in achieving goals, independence, and accuracy in work. Bring up...

Drawing on the theme "May 9 - Victory Day." Goal: Development artistic creativity in older children. Objectives: - Learn to reflect in a drawing impressions of the Victory Day holiday. - To develop the ability to give an objective assessment of friends’ drawings. - Develop artistic...

On the eve of Victory Day, we are thinking about preparing symbolic gifts and congratulatory little things. Adults buy St. George ribbons and bright scarlet carnations, teenagers make military equipment and three-dimensional panels, kids draw postcards and cute watercolors or pencil drawings on May 9th. In a word, everyone is trying to show respect, admiration and immeasurable gratitude to the heroes - grandfathers and grandmothers - for the peaceful sky above their heads. As you know, crafts and sketches created from the heart are much more valuable to our veterans than any material assets.

Drawing for May 9 step by step in pencil: Eternal Flame (master class with photos)

The eternal flame that never goes out is a symbol of unforgetfulness and long memory. Almost every memorial complex is supplemented with such a flame. They are often used to equip soldiers’ graves and monuments to victory in military operations. The bowl of fire itself is usually in the symbolic shape of a star, and the flames evoke memories of heroic deeds our veterans. Why not draw a monumental eternal flame, like a drawing for May 9, step by step with a pencil. Detailed instructions look further.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step drawing for Victory Day

  • sheet of white paper
  • eraser
  • pencil
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for drawing in pencil for May 9

Beautiful drawing with colors for May 9: Ceremonial fireworks (master class with photos)

One of the most important symbols of Victory Day is the ceremonial fireworks. It was he who decorated the sky above the heads of the battle participants when they gathered in the square to celebrate the heroic victory over the fascist troops. This is probably why fireworks are displayed on everyone greeting cards, applications, panels and paintings dedicated to the fateful event. We invite you to draw a symbolic picture for May 9 using one of the methods described below.

How to draw fireworks for Victory Day: 3 best options

Such a simple, but very relevant fireworks will decorate any drawing with colors for May 9th for a school or kindergarten.

How to draw a drawing for an exhibition for May 9 with your own hands

All for Victory Day educational establishments countries hold cultural events: organize thematic exhibitions crafts, introduce students to military history, greet and congratulate veterans with fresh flowers, ribbons and children's drawings on May 9th. After all, it is very important for people who heroically defended our homeland to know that no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!

For the exhibition on Victory Day, anyone can make a monumental eternal flame from cardboard, create a symbolic panel using the quilling technique, or prepare a watercolor image military equipment. How to draw an exhibition drawing for May 9th with your own hands, see below.

Necessary materials for drawing for the exhibition by May 9

  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser
  • sheet of white paper

Step-by-step instructions for drawing by May 9 for the exhibition

How to do beautiful postcard for Victory Day, see.

Beautiful drawing on May 9th is a great gift for all those for whom Victory Day is the most significant holiday. Thanks to our simple master classes with step by step photos every child will be able to draw a beautiful and original picture.

Simple children's drawings for May 9 in pencil: Festive carnation

Drawings for veterans on May 9

Pictures and leaflets for May 9, drawn with paints or felt-tip pens, require greater care than pencil drawings. Therefore, it is much easier for children and adults to draw with a pencil - simple or colored. A carnation drawn in pencil looks festive - a nice gift for Victory Day.

Necessary materials

  • Paper
  • Simple pencils
  • Eraser

Drawing step by step

You can draw a whole bouquet or decorate a postcard with an eternal flame or a poem with carnation flowers. By May 9, such a drawing with your own hands will become a real masterpiece.

DIY drawing on the theme of May 9: Carnations in watercolor (master class on video)

The same carnations can be painted using watercolor technique. This technique is more complicated, but looks very impressive. The video describes in detail how to paint a carnation for May 9th in watercolor.

Necessary materials

  • Watercolor (you can use honey).
  • A thick sheet of paper for drawing and a separate piece of paper for mixing paints (if there is no special palette).
  • Brush No. 5 (No. 3, 4 is possible).

Drawing step by step

  1. First, with a brush, we lightly mark the places where our carnations will be. Gradually add color to them with pink paint.
  2. Using green paint, lightly paint the stems and petals. Since the paint becomes liquid when mixed with water, you need to gradually add colors and wait until the previous layer dries a little.
  3. Having drawn the carnations and stems, we draw St. George's ribbon, which seems to be connected with a bouquet.
  4. Finally, add black and red paint bright touches on flowers and stems. Our carnation drawing is ready for May 9!

A simple drawing for May 9 step by step: Eternal Flame in pencil

The eternal flame is a symbol of the Victory Day. Drawing it with a pencil is quite simple, but it will take a little time.

Necessary materials

  • Paper
  • A simple pencil for drawing outlines
  • colored pencils to color in the finished drawing
  • Eraser

Step-by-step instruction

This design can be used to decorate congratulatory leaflets, wall newspapers and posters for Victory Day on May 9th.

Drawings for May 9 Victory Day for the competition: Dove of Peace in pencil

On the eve of any holiday, educators, mothers and fathers are interested in which drawing is easier for a child to draw - with a pencil, watercolor or felt-tip pens. In the drawing program provided by Primary School, definitely have different techniques, in which you can complete drawings by May 9. Even small children can use a pencil to draw a dove of peace - another symbol of May 9th.

Necessary materials

  • A sheet of paper or blank for a postcard
  • Simple pencil
  • Eraser.
  • Paints (watercolor or gouache)

Draw step by step

For the Day Great Victory many cultural and educational institutions hold thematic exhibitions of drawings. What should be shown in the picture for May 9? Read in this article.

If you decide to do congratulatory drawing in the form of a postcard or poster, you can depict festive or military attributes, such as:
  • flowers (traditionally carnations);
  • fireworks;
  • five-pointed star;
  • Eternal flame;
  • orders and medals;
  • St. George Ribbon;
  • flag;
  • dove, symbolizing peace;
  • tanks, planes, warships;
  • soldiers.
The picture can depict any plot related to Victory Day, for example:
  • Hero of the Great Patriotic War hugs or receives flowers from the baby;
  • laying a wreath at a mass grave, eternal flame or monument;
  • soldiers returning home from the front (beloved girls and mothers meet heroes);
  • awarding heroes with orders and medals;
  • Soviet soldiers plant the national flag on the Reichstag building;
  • Victory Parade on Red Square.
If you do not have drawing skills, you can copy (“redraw”) the picture. It is more convenient to do this using a mesh. If the original picture is in a book or magazine, it is enough to use a simple pencil and rulers, draw a grid like a “checkered” notebook, for example, with cells measuring 1x1 cm (whatever is more convenient for you). Let's say the whole picture fits into a grid of 10x15 cells. On a worksheet (landscape or Whatman paper), draw the same grid, but with the required scale. That is, the cells are still 10x15, but if you want to get an image 5 times larger, then the side of each cell should be 5 cm (that is, proportional). Now redraw the picture “cell by cell”. First, completely draw one cell, then the adjacent one, and so on until the entire image appears on your “canvas”. On your computer, you can use the “Paint” program for this purpose:
  1. Launch graphic editor: “Start” – “All Programs” – “Accessories” – “Paint”.
  2. Open the source image “File” – “Open”, specify the path.
  3. Activate the “View” tab, check the box next to “Grid Lines”.
  4. If the resulting mesh is too small, you can use the “Lines” tool to draw your own. Click on the “Home” tab again, click on “Line” (in Figure 2), now draw large cells, but keep in mind that they should all be square.
Boys prefer military drawings for May 9 with tanks and airplanes. To simplify the task, use step by step drawings combat vehicles.

Option 1

Airplanes on May 9 can be decorated with red stars, symbolizing the Soviet army.

Option 3

It’s very easy to draw a fireworks – it looks like splashes of colorful drops on paper, scattering from the center.

Even kids can draw fireworks! Mom just needs to make a straw for drinks:

  1. cut one edge of the tube into thin longitudinal strips 3-6 cm long;
  2. bend them 90º, it looks like a daisy;
  3. use it like a brush - dip it well into the paint and leave an imprint on a sheet of paper.

You can draw a five-pointed star by hand; for the first time, put 5 dots on a sheet of paper - these are the vertices future star. Mentally number them in order, for example, clockwise. Now connect the vertices one by one (1 and 3, 3 and 5, 5 and 2, 2 and 4, 4 and 1) without lifting the pencil from the paper.

Option 1

To make the star geometrically correct, draw a circle, mark 5 points on it, 72º between them, connect them as described above, erase the extra lines.

Option 2

Draw a circle, draw 5 diameters, the angle between each pair is 36º. At the intersection of each odd radius with the circle, mark the vertices of the future star, and at the even radii, put a dot in the middle. Now connect these points in series, as shown in the figure.

Carnations or flowers for May 9.

Creating themed crafts for Victory Day is one way to introduce children to the history of this holiday. We have prepared ideas for drawings, postcards and three-dimensional compositions for May 9, which can be made with a child aged 3–4 years in kindergarten, school and home.

Drawings for May 9

What can you draw for Victory Day? There are many options: fireworks, stars, St. George's ribbon, doves - a symbol of peace, the Eternal Flame. It is important that adults not only ask children to depict these elements, but also talk about them and explain their connection with the holiday.

1. “Victory Salute” in an unconventional technique.

To depict multi-colored lights on paper, the child does not need a brush. Give him a fork, a straw cut into several pieces at the end, and a plastic soap dish loosely wrapped with thread.

For younger preschoolers (3–4 years old), adults make stamps; children 5–6 years old can make them themselves.

Dipping a fork, a straw and a soap dish with threads into gouache, acrylic, watercolor of different colors and making prints on dark paper, the child will draw a bright festive fireworks display.

2. Fireworks using the grattage technique.

Stunning drawings are obtained using the scratching technique. This method will appeal to both preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

The cardboard is painted over with wax crayons of different colors. They need to cover the paper with a thick layer.

If you don’t have crayons, no problem: regular ones will do. acrylic paints. They color the sheet. After it dries, the paper is rubbed with a candle.

Pour a little dishwashing liquid or shampoo into the black gouache and mix thoroughly. Then a multi-colored sheet coated with paraffin or wax crayons is painted with this mixture.

When it dries, the fun begins: use a toothpick (or other sharp object) to scratch out the design. You can depict houses and fireworks, and make the inscription: “Victory Day.”

Postcards for May 9

1. Dove of peace.

A dove, wing and tail are cut out of white paper. Cuts are made on the wing and tail. A sheet of blue, blue or red colors is folded in half, and the silhouette of a bird is glued to the outside. The wing and tail are attached to it, leaving the cuts free.

Such a dove can be “planted” not only on a postcard made by yourself, but also on a flag. Glue the bird onto the double-sided colored paper A4 format and attach a cocktail straw to it with tape.

The checkbox is ready.

2. “Fireworks for Victory Day.”

A yellow A4 sheet is folded in half, and then each half is folded 1/4. The fold should appear to be inside the leaf. The edges of the yellow workpiece are cut in the form of corners.

The blue sheet is also folded in half. Stars are cut out of green, orange and blue paper, and the inscription May 9 is cut out of bright red paper. The stars are glued to the rays of the yellow blank, and the signature is placed on its fold.

The composition is coated with glue and inserted inside the blue rectangle. It turns out to be a bright postcard.

3. Five-pointed star.

Decorate a postcard with such a voluminous star or use it to create Eternal Flame. How to make a figure, watch the video.

Draw a circle on a red four-layer napkin: you can circle a lid or a cotton pad. The circle is cut out and folded in half and in half again.

The workpiece is secured at the bottom with a stapler, and many, many cuts are made at the top with scissors.

For one flower you need 2 blanks, for three - six. We connect them and fluff them up. Cut out stems and leaves from green paper. Glue the elements onto a white sheet to make carnations.

The composition can be supplemented St. George's ribbon and a star.

Do-it-yourself voluminous crafts for Victory Day

If you want to organize a parade of military equipment, make origami tanks with your child as in the photo. The video explains in detail and clearly how to make them.

1. Tank.

2. Fast tank.

3. Big tank.

What crafts do you do with your children for May 9th? Share photos of your drawings and crafts in the comments.

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