Problems of Russian ecology in the jokes of KVN members. Mottos, jokes and anecdotes about ecology Jokes and comic skits about environmental pollution

Very often you Dear friends, ask to come up with mottos on the topic of ecology. This is not surprising, because 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology.
On January 5, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which 2017 was declared the Year of Ecology in Russia.

We love nature so much that you can’t envy it!

Hello, please help me with the name, motto and emblem of the team at the cultural workers’ tour for the Year of Ecology. Thank you in advance!

Team “The Planet is in Our Hands”

The fate of the planet is in our hands,
The wealth of nature is its generous gift,
And we must be responsible for that,
So that our descendants can live on a clean planet.

Hello, can I have the motto and team name for intellectual game in geography for the Year of Ecology? Thank you in advance!

Team “Year of Ecology, or Clean Planet”

Away with doubts and worries,
Changes are on the doorstep
And will transform the planet
The year that became the year of Ecology.
If you value your land,
Give your love
And environmentalists are not asleep,
They are already starting to fight.

Hello! Help me come up with a greeting - a speech for closing 15 international action"save and preserve" from rural settlement Lyamina. The closing takes place in our settlement and we need to welcome the guests who have arrived in our settlement.

Save and preserve, save and revive,
We are all responsible for what we do,
After all, we continue to live on our native land,
And build the future on one planet for all.
Love and honor Mother Nature,
And she will always answer us kindly,
Don't wait for mercy and don't destroy,
Let the world be bright and the children in it happy!


It’s good when you rest in nature.. It’s worse when nature rests on you...

According to environmentalists, water in the Moscow River will soon cost $100 per barrel.

The GREENPEACE detachment acted against the logging workers, who were cutting down hundreds of hectares of taiga forest with the help of the Druzhba saw. As a result of a short conflict, “Friendship” won.

The fauna of Polesie is very rich. There are up to 16 thousand species of animals here. There are, for example, 15 and a half thousand species of mosquitoes alone.

Oh, how rich Russian nature is in the quantity and quality of waste.

I'll get off at the farthest station - mushrooms up to my waist!

- What a river we have! My grandson became interested in photography, so he develops the film right in this river. Beauty!!!

Scientists have managed to decipher the message of aliens to earthlings. Earthlings, you are in great danger, do not pollute the Earth: we still have time to live on it!


Two planets meet, one says to the other:
“Listen, friend, I haven’t been feeling well lately.”
- What happened, everything seemed okay?
“Well, you see, people are obsessed with me, I’ll probably die.”
- Come on... I had those over there - nothing, I survived.

The whale swims around the female and says reproachfully:
“So many countries, hundreds of environmental organizations, outstanding political leaders, millions of people - they are all fighting for our species to survive. And you tell me that your head hurts...

The lecturer says: - Nature has very carefully thought out the structure of our body. To help us see how much we are overeating, our stomach is located on the same side of the body as our eyes.

Mother-in-law (dreamy): - Eh, I wish I could get into such a corner globe, where unafraid nature is still preserved... Son-in-law (sarcastically): - N-n-not worth it. Let at least some corner of f-nature remain un-f-scared.

Ussuri tigers, only 30 of them left! Please transfer money to the Defense Fund wildlife. - There are already 29 Ussuri tigers left! We'll kill one every day until you start donating to the Wildlife Fund!

News battle!

1. During a drawing lesson, the teacher invited the children to draw a picture on the topic of environmental disaster.

(a slide with a strange animal appears)

One girl drew and signed the drawing like this_

The queen gave birth in the night

Either a son or a daughter;

Not a mouse, not a frog,

And an unknown animal."

2. At the zoo, a rabbit was thrown into a lion’s cage to be eaten. No one understood what happened, but the lion had never experienced such shame.

3. When Petya had his classmate’s braid in his hands, he realized that the environment in the city was bad

4. During a literature lesson, the teacher suggested that the children remake the fairy tale in an ecological way. Here's what came out of it, I'll read a short excerpt:

Fairy tale bun (print it in another document)

5. Everyone avoided people from the village that stood next to the chemical plant, there were rumors that they had leopard print, after the doctors arrived, the mysticism dissipated, it turned out that it was an allergy.

6. People who come to us from the city say:

What a good environment you have in your village!

And I answer them:

This is ecology in your city, but here we have nature!


Captains Competition!

Shurik comes out to the same music!


When I created the time machine, I was interested to see what happens in the future, what fairy tales are told to children, personally it shocked me (wipes his glasses) I’d rather not tell you but show you everything, and so in the year 3000, my brother tells a fairy tale to his sister.

(video jumble is turned on)

At 1 minute 02 seconds of the video we put it on stop.

Shurik says: now imagine what kind of ecological situation surrounds poor little red riding hood if she sees such a grandmother (unfolds a poster with a drawing of a wolf grandmother) and does not immediately understand that there is a wolf in front of her, she is not embarrassed by the fur, not the shape of the face, okay at least I asked with my eyes, hands and ears, everything is shown on the poster, the drawing should be funny. Let's look further.

We stop for 1 minute 22 seconds. Shurik: Well, how can you not worry when you see such a grandmother in front of you? Here, at a minimum, you need to involve Greenpeace and achieve the closure of the chemical plant next to the grandmother’s house. Let's watch the video. Shurik: But the girl is still right, it means that wolves in 3000 are running through the forest without teeth and swallowing food like boa constrictors, in general, some kind of boa constrictor-wolf.

Let me tell you what, we are very lucky, and we still have a chance to change the future of humanity, so that children in the future know that Gray wolf a click with teeth, not a toothless wolf with the habits of a python, and that there is a kind, sweet grandmother, and not a victim environmental disaster))) I thank you all for your attention!!!



Business card (greeting)

Only today and only on this stage will you see heroes who will save this world from environmental disaster. Meet the team “Operation Y, or other adventures of Shurik” in Maslyanino!!!

Music playing (final exam)

Shurik comes out reading a book behind him as if in the film is on The girl reads the same thing. He comes up and buys a bun without looking. (He holds the book with one hand, she turns the pages). He takes the bun, holds it in his hand, a passer-by bites off the bun (he obviously doesn’t notice), pulls the bun into his mouth (and it’s been bitten off), he looks up from the book

A passerby says to him: the song is a lullaby (Shurik shrugged his shoulders after the words and went on reading) they go behind the screen.

When the words bye bye come in the music, the screen moves apart, he sits on a chair and books (or a book on his face to sleep, you can play with it in any way, for example, smiling in a dream or vice versa, moving your arms and legs in a dream.)

The Postman from the heavenly office comes onto the stage (I think that he should be with wings, or boots with wings, interestingly dressed and trying to wake up Shurik to the music (it’s funny to play)). Finally he wakes up (the music stops), he adjusts and wipes his glasses.

Postman: In a loud, clear, not very intimidating voice he says: Are you a citizen, Shurik?

Shurik: looking around fearfully: No!

Postman: Strange, we don’t make mistakes, but then who are you?

Shurik: Song of the chocolate bunny.() Jumps and shows the ears on his head

Postman: Looks grinning, then says seriously: Enough, I have a lot to do, accept the telegram

Shurik: where from?

Postman: From there (points his finger at the sky) Shurik is watching him.

Postman: opens the letter, reads: Dear citizen Shurik, you have the great honor of being chosen to save humanity from a growing environmental disaster. Code name "Operation y". Sincerely, the heavenly office.

Shurik: But I can’t do it alone

Postman: A team has already been prepared for you in this case

Points to herself and says (Komsomol athlete and simply beautiful)

Shurik and that's all?

Postman: Well, three more heroes (the screen moves apart) are standing three holding hands like a Caucasian captive (Vitsin in the middle).

Shurik: Wow team, they need to protect themselves from themselves.

Postman: There is no retreat where anyone should do this.

They stand in a row and sing a song:

In the dark blue forest,

Where the aspen trees tremble,

Where from the witch oaks

The leaves are flying around,

There is grass in the clearing

Hares carried garbage

And at the same time they sang

Strange words:


We care

We care


We will save.

So not this time -

The terrible hour has come

We must always

Protect the earth!



Shurik comes out to the same music and sits on a chair in his hands, he has a TV remote control (there is a TV picture on the screen) and turns it on.

A long time ago, when there were no jet planes and helicopters, diving suits and submarines, there were no televisions and even electric pots and kettles, people dreamed that a person could rise into the air and sink to the bottom of the sea, so that the water itself would come home , and cooked porridge in a pot without fire. (Watch it in the cinema soon, a real bestseller “Russian Folk Tales”)

Shurik: switches the channel, may scratch his head, may yawn (there is sound when switching channels)

On air news (music from channel one news)

According to a survey conducted by a correspondent of our program, assistance to students in preparing homework provided by: grandmothers 51%, grandfathers 29%, mothers 18%, neighbors 1%, fathers 1%. Our correspondent visited the Vasechkin family in the evening.

Dad and son

Dad, what are ozone holes?

Who knows.

Dad, what harm do chemicals cause? factory?

Who knows.

Why do the products say non-GMO?

Who knows?!

Dad, maybe you're tired of answering?

No, no, son, ask! Who else, besides your father, will explain everything to you? (Shurik grins at this time)

Shurik switches the channel

You can imagine how the grandfather and grandmother lived in their youth from the fairy tale about the fisherman and the goldfish

The girl stands there pretending to wash a frying pan and says: Dear, what are we having for breakfast today?

He: fish

The girl’s intonation is a little more serious, and for lunch:

He: fish

Girl (irritated already) what about dinner?:

He: fish (affirmative)

The girl screams: Why????

Him: yes because (music plays, I’m a sailor, you’re a sailor, a fisherman…..)

Shurik laughs and switches the channel:

And we have a fairy tale new way Sleeping Beauty awakens in 3040:

She: Oh, how everything has been forgiven in this world (Coughs, sneezes) What happened here? addresses the prince

He: Oh, my love, you all overslept, the man played on himself cruel joke Because of the environmental disaster, this world has changed a lot, even people have changed

She: what happened to them?

Him: They mutated

She: how?

Music plays (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) (here they can dance a little, depicting how to fight the garbage in the world, try to play) they appear, she faints.

They run away, the prince brings her to her senses

She: And that the whole world is now inhabited by such creatures

He: there are only a small number of people left, we call them that

Him: X-Men (a man comes out, legs bent in the shape of an X, knees bent together, walking)





The hour has come, the clock has struck

And KVN has already begun

Team"Tryam - ecologists"

Greetings to you all, friends!!!

Why "Tryam"?

Because we are creative, efficient, clairvoyant (puts hands to eyes like binoculars), youth.


Two planets meet, one another and says:
- Hey, friend, I’ve been feeling really bad lately.
- What happened, everything seemed fine?
- Yes, you see, people are obsessed with me, I’ll probably die.
- Come on... I had those over there - nothing, I survived


SCENE in nature

They come out with backpacks and trash is scattered on the floor.

Oh, look, what a nightmare! Treat nature this way! Let's clean it all up

Cleaning up trash

And I’m so hungry, I’m terribly hungry, let’s organize a picnic!

They take food out of their backpacks, eat it, and throw garbage on the floor.

How long can you clean up here!


From the latest biology textbook:
“Plants are very useful - they produce oxygen, which is vital for the combustion of car fuel.”


Proof. Scientists have proven that the Earth is not round. According to their findings, it is dirty and grinds its teeth...


Almost the entire periodic table was discovered by environmentalists in the Kiya River below school No. 12. The table was restored, dried and returned to the school.


Why is it forbidden to pick mushrooms in Chernobyl?

They're running away...


The GREENPEACE detachment acted against the logging workers, who were cutting down hundreds of hectares of taiga forest with the help of the Druzhba saw. As a result of a short conflict, “Friendship” won.


One pike asks another:

What kind of bulls do you like - in oil or in tomato?

In oil.

Then let's go to the car depot!!!


We came to KVN

To resolve the issue

Which one of us will win?

Who will hang his nose.

But in other way

In such cases

We should play in KVN

Oh, save me, Allah!

Chorus:We really want

May we be lucky

But until victory

Still far

We're scared, we're scared

Play KVN

We want to win

And not to lose.

Hey buddy, don't be shy, ask a question

Answer quickly, and don’t hang your nose!

Chorus: same


2 grandmas come out to the song

1 b: Hello, Kolyanovna! Where were you yesterday?

2b: I went to the disco.

1b: What new can you tell me?

2b: Yes, a new trick has appeared at the disco: a DJ comes and starts telling a fairy tale, like about a kolobok, but the meaning is environmental. This is now, they say, relevant, cool that is!

1b: Well, if it’s cool, then tell me!

2 b: This happened today, in a local village that stands between a distillery and an oil depot. Somehow a poisonous cloud rose from them and descended on the village. Since then, unprecedented oddities have appeared in our area, and unheard-of anomalies have begun to occur. Here is one of them:

1. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting on a bench. The grandfather wanted to eat and the grandmother went to make a kolobok. He takes it out of the stove, sits down to rest and falls asleep with his grandfather.

Kolobok, taking advantage of this, runs away from home.

2. Kolobok meets a Hare on the way. Seeing him, Kolobok gets scared and faints. The hare gives him first aid. Kolobok thanks him and rolls on.

3. The Wolf appears. He threatens Kolobok and takes his money.

4. A hungry Bear comes out and tries to catch Kolobok. He dodges and runs away. The bear leaves with nothing.

5. Looking around, the Fox appears on the stage. Kolobok liked her at first sight. The fox rejects his advances and proudly leaves.

6. Upset Kolobok goes home. Grandfather and grandmother meet him and calm him down. (Everyone dances with the kolobok together).

Grandmas come out again:

1 b: I didn’t understand anything, what is the fairy tale about? What does ecology have to do with it?

2b: And this can best be explained to you by the ecologists themselves!

Environmentalists come out and comment on the fairy tale:

Due to the poor environmental situation in the village, irreparable changes have occurred to the animals, for example, the Hare (comes out).

The poor animal fell into the Kiya River, which is so polluted that he was forever left brown and smelling of gasoline.

Now the Wolf (comes out). Animals have to fight for survival and get food, which is becoming increasingly scarce in the forests, so they begin to use all sorts of innovative ways to get food and even engage in racketeering.

In winter, more and more connecting rod bears are found in the forests. This is due to the fact that some of them wake up from hunger, while others are awakened by hunters.

Foxes run around the village, looking for food in garbage dumps, and they are carriers of a dangerous disease - rabies! Foxes appear with very similar habits to dogs, but are they interspecific hybrids? Maybe there are already fox-dogs or dog-foxes running around in our village and forests? Who will appear tomorrow?

And finally, Kolobok: a chemically dangerous dough, runs, jumps, behaves inappropriately. And why?

And all this is due to disturbances in nature! All this happens if a person is not attentive to nature and does not protect it. Remember, this will someday turn against all people on Earth.

The new Russian is going to relax in Cyprus.

First, his secretary arrived there and walked with the owner of a 5-star hotel along the beach.

What is this?

Like what? Pebbles.

Pebble is wrong, the boss doesn’t like it. Remove the pebbles and sprinkle everything with white sand.

But it's very expensive!

The next day everything was covered with sand.

What is this?

This is the sea!

Which sea? Dirty puddle! In general, clean the sea, remove the stones, the wave should roll 55 centimeters every 30 seconds.

But you understand, this is underwater engineering work, very expensive!

We pay! (took out a wad of cash and paid)

Two days later everything is as it should be.

What is this?

These are seagulls.

No seagulls. Remove everyone! Leave two, let them walk along the beach and under no circumstances take off.

But this is such damage to the environment, and even training seagulls.

We pay! (took out a wad of cash and paid)

Finally the boss arrived. He walked along the clean white sand to the sea, looked at two seagulls who were walking sedately along the edge of the beach, sat down on a sun lounger, took a deep breath of fresh sea air and said:

God! Well, can money buy such beauty?!

Far, far future. There are cities made of steel and concrete, cleanliness, trees, lawns. Utopia. Gravity cars fly silently, children play and have fun. And only Greenpeace people drive old roaring and smoking tractors with slogans: “We are preserving this world the way our ancestors left it for us.”

A boy was found in Africa who was raised by a herd of wild pigs. According to environmentalists, it is almost no different from them. Even to taste.

Almost the entire periodic table was discovered by ecologists in the Moscow River below school No. 63. The table was restored, dried and returned to the school.

Siberian environmentalists sounded the alarm. To death.

Finally, Ukrainian environmentalists sounded the alarm as they watched hundreds of rare birds drown in the middle of the Dnieper

Yesterday, an unprecedented hurricane hit the state of Colorado. Houses were destroyed, crops were destroyed. According to local environmentalists, not a single beetle was harmed.

According to environmentalists, water in the Moscow River will soon cost $100 per barrel.

The Kharkov sanitary service has achieved great success. If just half a year ago the city had terrible unsanitary conditions, now the unsanitary conditions are only pleasing to the eye!

Armenian radio asks:

What do vegetarian cannibals eat?

We don’t know for sure, but we think that Greenpeace...

The whale swims around the female and says reproachfully:

How many countries, hundreds of environmental organizations, outstanding political leaders, millions of people - they are all fighting for our species to survive, and you tell me - my head hurts...

The GREENPEACE detachment acted against the logging workers, who were cutting down hundreds of hectares of taiga forest with the help of the Druzhba saw. As a result of a short conflict, “Friendship” won.

One pike asks another:

What kind of bulls do you like - in oil or in tomato?

In oil.

Then let's go to the car depot!!!

Three crocodiles talking:

Remember before nuclear explosion I think we were green?..

Yes, and it seems they knew how to swim...

Finish the market, let's fly for nectar.

A patient comes to the doctor.

Doctor, you know, everyone tells me that I’m down, although I didn’t seem to be before.

Don’t worry, now the ecology is disturbed, the environment is bad.

Okay, doctor, I'll come by on Tuesday.

A man complains to his neighbor:

This is pollution environment- just some kind of horror! Yesterday, can you imagine, I opened a can of sardines - and it was full of oil, and all the fish were dead!

Our class was preparing for KVN. How classroom teacher, I reviewed a lot of literature on this topic. We selected some of the jokes that the children and I liked for our game, but we had to work longer to prepare competitions such as “Greetings” and “Homework.” I have my own idea that I want to introduce you to. Maybe someone will be interested...

Competition “Greetings”.

Boy. Have you heard the news?

Girl. Which one? When?

Boy. What KVN offered us yesterday...


Oh! KVN for us? It's so interesting!
And what to do?

Boy. Not yet known…

Girl. What's the topic? What to talk about?

Boy. Make a little joke about all sorts of strange things...


Lightly on such a difficult topic?
Once again the teachers created a problem...

(Pause – we thought for a while and looked at the laptop.)


We honestly watched the Internet all day...
But there is nothing suitable there.


And who made inappropriate jokes in class -
He immediately forgot all the jokes where necessary.


But we don’t even think about retreating...
And now we’ll show you what happened.


While observing the law, joke carefully
On many topics a little bit is possible...


It’s becoming more and more difficult for plagiarists: all the masterpieces have already been stolen before them.

The policeman asks the detainee:
– Tell me, where did you buy your diploma?
- Found it on the road.
– Then how do you explain that this diploma is in your name?
– I just bought a passport in this name later.

At a gas station.
– I must warn you: gasoline prices have risen from today.
- OK. Pour me forty liters of yesterday's.

The wife is preening. Her husband tells her:
– You need to be more modest, more modest! We are still in tax office We're going, not to the casino.

After the divorce ex-husband there was a feeling of emptiness in the house. And once upon a time there was furniture in the house...
Don't switch our program - watch the continuation after the commercial break.

Advertisement: “Loaders are invited for interesting work.”

Sightseeing tour of Moscow - the best traffic jams in the capital!

Win by lottery ticket a car is as easy as winning a diesel locomotive with a train ticket.

Jokes 5–7.

The store carried out test purchases - and this is what came out of it.

1st situation. The buyer asks the seller:
– What kind of cheese would you recommend: where there are many holes or where there are few?
Then the seller replies:
– The more holes, the less cheese.

2nd situation. The buyer asks the seller:
– Are your gingerbreads fresh?
- No, they are old.
- And the cookies?
- Oh! Then better take some gingerbread!

3rd situation. The buyer carefully reads the inscription on the product label: “Dried bananas. Thirty years on our market.” Then he is surprised: “Well, well...”

(After the jokes.)


You can’t let people get bored at KVN...
We prepared for a long time - we were looking for jokes...


And if you understood us and laughed,
It seems that our efforts were not in vain...

Competition “Homework”.

Scene “Christmas tree in primary school or Modern Grandfather Freezing".

Children in New Year's masks stand on the stage and wait for Santa Claus to appear. Next, a person (student) comes onto the stage dressed in a Santa Claus costume, but at the same time in jeans and with headphones for the player. In his hands, instead of the familiar bag of gifts, he has some large colored bags from the supermarket. Such a Santa Claus comes out, closing his eyes and dancing to the music he listens to, and does not notice the children around. Then he stops, puts the bags on the stage to switch the player, and again continues to dance actively and funny, enjoying his favorite music. Children first look at modern Santa Claus without being surprised by anything, and then begin to discuss him.

1st child.

Good Grandfather Freezing
I also dressed up in jeans...

2nd child.

Well, okay! He's serious
Basically, it hasn't changed...

3rd child (very well read boy).

For him it is always more important -
In the style of fairy tale traditions -
Fur coat, hat, beard,
Felt boots and mittens.

2nd child.

By the way, he took this into account -
It is no coincidence that we said:


“Here Santa Claus has come!”
So we recognized him...

1st child.

If he likes it
Very denim fashion
It's clear why -
And there is no such question...

The 2nd child approaches Santa Claus and tugs at his suit so that he pays attention to the children. Santa Claus opens his eyes, stops dancing and puts away his headphones - that is, he understands that he has already come and why... The child speaks.

2nd child.

If Santa Claus
I prepared gifts for everyone,
So there is another question:
“What is there - in the bright packages?..”

Santa Claus gives gifts to everyone, and everyone starts dancing.

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