Cool New Year's fairy tales remade based on roles. New Year's tale in a new way



Prepared by: primary school teacher

Sokirko Irina VasilievnaMagic music sounds

Presenter: - Dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Surprisingly familiar

But with creative additions!

2 storytellers come out. Music sounds quietly

1st storyteller. The world now is like in a good fairy tale,

All wrapped in rain and serpentine.

Under the flickering sparklers

The old year is quietly melting away like smoke!

2nd storyteller. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

A lesson to good fellows!

Listen to the story, guys.

Celebrate the New Year with her!

1st storyteller

Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening.

(The first is eating a bun, the second is embroidering, the third is looking around;

2nd storyteller

The three of them gathered

Talk about your own.


If only I were a queen

says one girl

I would at any time of the year

I was only involved in fashion.

By its thin figure,

I would have three sheepskin coats:

Mini, maxi, whichever is cooler,

And the only perfume is Gucci

2nd girl:

If only I were a queen

Her sister says

I wish I could find myself a groom

The house is huge with a mezzanine,

Near the poplar house,

And carpets and pianos,

in a hill for crystal!

Polish furniture in the kitchen,

Things are super duper, yes!

Your wallet is swelling with money,

Six hundredth Mercedes!

2nd narrator:

Well, you are a beautiful girl,

If you were a queen,
What would you be proud of?
What would you do then?

3rd girl:

I would like the king's father

I would take care of it and love it,
I would sit next to him,
I could look at him forever!
1 narrator:

The midnight hour was approaching,

There was a stomping sound in the yard:

Five heroes enter

Five ruddy barbels.

Grooms to choose from

here Koschey and the old waterman are fat and lame.

Kolobok, the evil wolf, the scientist cat in chains

Everyone is smart, modest, decent

And everyone is dressed perfectly.

Everyone is a noble gentleman!

Virgos will be lucky now!

One two three four five,-

1 girl:

Yes, of course, Vodyanoy,
Old, fat and lame...
But all the power is in your hands,
Pisces, however, are not happy about it.
He gives out all the decrees,
It just doesn’t give you the will!
2nd girl:

Maybe I should marry the goblin?
Good fellow, friend of the forests,
Loud bird voices.
And a lover of poetry,
And a spectator of football matches...
Loves to wander around
Enter into the thicket of the forest
And about the fact that no cola
And he doesn’t have a hut.
Only he can sing sweetly!..
Where and on what will I live?
Do you cry and grieve bitterly?
Well, I do not! I won't!
Better will, but your own!

3rd girl:

Von Koschey is always rich,
He's wearing an expensive robe,
Eats on gold, silver,
Travels everywhere. Only Koschey is always stingy,
Even melt water
Everything is subject to accounting
The one that runs in the spring...
And he suffers from boredom -
The whole district knows this...
1 girl looks at the bun.

What kind of animal are you, what kind of fish?
Either you are a fruit, a vegetable or
Are you a frog or a cancer?

1 Storyteller:

Kolobok answered them:
-Are you out of your mind, or not?!

It became stale while it was rolling
Through the forests and through the valleys.
Tanned and hardened,
I became hard as a rock.

The girls thought.

“Maybe the wolf will be useful to you,” the cat meowed importantly.


There is money and appearance

Will not offend anyone!

1 girl

He has a huge eye!
This time.

2 girl

big head!
That's two.

3 girl
And the fangs are sticking out, look!
That's three.

In general, you are not welcome,

get out of the way

1 storyteller

The grooms turned

went home

And everything agrees again

They began to live and get along.

Outside the window the dawn woke up,

She winked and smiled:

Everyone went home

Modern chambers.

And dreams are like stars from the sky,

They won't ask for bread in the morning.

I wish I knew the price of those dreams,

It would be easier, maybe, for us.

2 storyteller

Quickly the tale is told
And misfortune lasts a long time...
Maybe some girls
This tale will come in handy!

The fairy tale “Morozko” remains popular today, although it has been told to children for a very long time. But the modern world requires a new approach even to fairy tales. Therefore, our script takes place in the present tense, although it is very reminiscent of a real fairy tale. Unlike the original plot, the lazy sister and stepmother are not punished here. They just don't receive gifts. This scenario for the New Year's fairy tale "Morozko" is suitable for high schools and colleges, as well as for primary classes, and even for children in kindergarten. In order to adapt the fairy tale for a younger age category, you just need to change the age of the named sisters and the name of the lesson that Maria teaches.

Characters and surroundings

Since the script assumes action in the modern world, then the scenery must be selected accordingly. The characters in the tale are also slightly changed.

Entourage and stage

You won't even need to change too much on the price. The main emphasis is on the characters' clothing and the objects they use. For each new action, the scenery will change slightly, so it’s worth preparing a “background” for each of them in advance. For this, several large sheets of whatman paper are suitable, which depict the general picture of the place where events are taking place at the moment - an apartment, a forest, a hunting lodge.


Act one

Scene one

The scene begins in a city apartment belonging to Antonina Pavlovna. There are two girls in the room.

Nastasya finishes cleaning, sets the table and, at the same time, runs to the kitchen to check that dinner is ready. Maria sits at the table, “nods off” and pretends that she is solving a problem in higher mathematics. Antonina Pavlovna enters. Stepmother: Mashenka, well, did you do your math? Maria: Of course, mommy. But she’s so uninteresting, she barely finished! I'm tired of it already. You just sit and sit. Let's go for a walk now... Stepmother: Well done, daughter. You've worked hard, you can go for a walk. Just eat it now. Maria: Nastya hasn’t done anything yet! Stepmother: So, Nastasya, why isn’t dinner ready yet and the table isn’t set? Nastasya: Antonina Pavlovna, just a couple more minutes, almost everything is ready. Stepmother: What a lazy girl, she doesn’t do anything at all! And why should I feed you? So, now father will come, we’ll eat, and then you’ll clean everything up here, fold Mashenka’s textbooks and tie her blouse, otherwise the child has nothing to wear! Here you go, I brought some new yarn. Nastasya: Of course, Antonina Pavlovna, it’s already six in the evening, I won’t have time to finish. It's too much… Stepmother: Nightmare! You are good to her, but she keeps grumbling and grumbling, and even contradicts her elders and is a terrible lazy person! Now, wait, your father will come, I’ll tell you to take you to his mother in the village. That's the place for you!

Scene two

Anatoly Fedorovich enters the room. Father: Well, girls, how are you doing here? Stepmother: Tolya, your daughter doesn’t do anything at all, and she doesn’t even listen to me. I'm so tired of her! Take her now and take her to the village. It will be more useful there. Father: Right now? Yes, I haven’t completely repaired the car yet, and it’s already late, it’s dark. Maybe on the weekend? Stepmother: No days off! Now! I can’t see this girl anymore, and Mashenka complains about her. Father: Well, if so... Get ready, daughter, let's go. You will see your grandmother, help her with the housework. I'll go and drive the car to the entrance. He gets dressed and leaves the room. Stepmother: You, Nastasya, don’t relax too much there, take the yarn with you and finish the blouse there. And your father will pick you up for the holiday, so don’t forget to prepare homemade cottage cheese and cheese in advance. Here you will bring it. After all, Mashenka needs to eat well. Maria puts dinner on the table and leaves.

Act two

Scene one

Morozko, Blizzard with a blizzard and Snowflakes gathered in a bright clearing in the forest. Snowflakes(in unison): Oh, how boring! Winter is very calm... Snowstorm: And it’s true, girls, you can’t even turn the snow, Grandfather doesn’t allow it... Blizzard: And I have nothing to do. Grandfather Morozko, maybe we can work a little, otherwise we’ve already stayed too long. Morozko: Here are the restless ones! Calm down, I tell you. It's not time yet. Snowflakes(in unison): When will the time be? Morozko: When I say it, then it will be. Blizzard: Look, look! We have some people here. Maybe a parrot? Snowstorm: Oh, exactly! Now there will be work! Snowflakes(in unison): Hurray! Let's play enough! Morozko: Well, what is it? I said - only when I tell you to. What if these are good people? Why should we scare them in vain? Snowstorm: Grandpa, let’s check them! Snowflakes(in unison): Exactly! Let's! can we check? Morozko: What have you already come up with, Vyuzhenka? Blizzard: And I know how too! We will blow cold and snow on them, cover them with frost... Then we will set up tests - we will call Vochitsa and her sons, we will ask for the river over there, the Christmas tree. If People are not afraid and try to help them, then they are good. Snowstorm: Exactly the way I wanted. Thank you, girlfriend! Morozko: Tests, that means... Well, that sounds good! Snowflakes, fly to call the Wolf. We'll start here for now. Just listen to me in everything and don’t be too zealous until I tell you!

Scene two

Maria and her father are driving in a car. Already in the forest, not far from the village where the grandmother lives, the car finally breaks down and they get out.

Father: Well, it’s broken. There was no need to listen to Antonina, we would have left tomorrow morning. I would have time to fix the car. And the phone, as luck would have it, doesn't work. Nastya: And I’m completely out of charge... Yes, okay, dad. Let's walk there, it's not far. There, in the village, we’ll go to grandma’s neighbor, Uncle Kolya. He definitely has all the spare parts. You will spend the night with your grandmother, and in the morning you will fix the car with Uncle Kolya and go home. Father: No, daughter, that won’t do. How much snow do you see? And your boots are thin. I'll go myself - it will be faster. Nastya: How are you? No, let's do it together. I'm afraid to let you go alone. Father: I’m telling you, I’ll get there faster alone. I'll leave you a thermos of tea and some sandwiches. I think I can do it in two hours. Just sit in the hunting lodge, it will be warmer there. Nastya: Okay, dad, just be careful, don’t get lost. Father: Okay, I'll be careful. Well, that's it. I went, go to the house, lock yourself and don’t open it to anyone.

Scene three

Anatoly Fedorovich leaves. Nastya heads to the house. She needs to go near the River. River: Girl, help me, please. Nastasya: Oh, who's here? Who is speaking? River: This is a river. Don't be afraid, tonight is a magical night and I can talk. Nastasya: Well, if so... How can I help you? River: Over there, a little further, a log lies blocking the water’s path. I’m small and winter, I can’t move it myself. Try it. Nastasya(to himself): It’s strange how... The river is talking... Maybe I fell asleep? But moving a log is not difficult. He goes to the log and pushes it out of the water. River: Oh, thank you! You are a good girl. Nastasya: My pleasure. I didn't do anything special. Goodbye, I'll go into the house to warm up. River: Goodbye. Thank you. Nastya goes further. There is a small spruce tree almost near the entrance to the house. Herringbone: Oh, it hurts. Someone help! Nastasya: Is there anyone else here? Herringbone: It's me, Elochka. Don't be surprised. We are in a fairy meadow on a magical night. Nastasya: You asked for help. What's happened? Herringbone: Someone broke a branch for me, it hurts terribly. Can you bandage it? Nastasya: Since there is no need to be surprised, then, of course, I’ll try. He takes off his scarf and carefully ties up the broken branch. Herringbone: Thanks a lot! You saved me. After all, almost no one is here, only hooligans sometimes wander in to steal a Christmas tree from the forest for the New Year. Nastasya: Please, Christmas tree. Be healthy. Next time, prick them with needles so that they don’t climb. Herringbone: I will definitely take the advice. Well, run into the house and warm yourself. Nastya enters the house and closes the lock. After a short time he hears a knock. Nastasya: Who's there? Dad, is that you? She-wolf: This is the She-Wolf with her kids. Let us warm up. Nastasya: Dad asked me not to open it to anyone. But how can we not let you in, it’s so cold there? She-wolf comes in with two wolf cubs. She-wolf: Thank you. Wolf cubs: Yeah, but don’t you have something to eat? She-wolf: These are rude! You came to visit, what kind of talk is this! Nastasya: I have some sandwiches, would you like some? Wolf cubs: We want, come on! (they quickly eat the sandwiches). Oh, how delicious! What else is there? Nastasya: There is tea. Do you drink this? Wolf cubs: Haven't tried it yet. Come on too. She-wolf: Yes, children. What needs to be said? Wolf cubs: Thank you! She-wolf: We are very grateful to you, girl. We warmed up a little, and now we need to go. Nastasya: You're welcome. Come again!

Scene four

The wolf family leaves. The knock is heard again. Nastasya opens the door immediately. Nastya: Oh, I thought it was dad. And, you are probably the real Santa Claus? Morozko: That's what they call me now too. Tell me, honey, isn't it cold for you here? Nastya(wraps himself up in a coat): It’s not cold at all, grandpa. Morozko snaps his fingers, calling for his assistants. It's getting colder. Morozko: And now? Nastya(trembling): No, I’m dressed, and in the house... Morozko(snaps fingers again): But now, it’s not at all cold? Nastya(trembles more and more, hides his hands in his pockets): No, okay. It's winter now... Morozko: Well done! And she wasn’t afraid of me, and she helped all my friends willingly. And your father is brave. Because you are so good, you will definitely receive gifts. Nastasya: Which presents? For what? We were just going to see grandma... Snowflakes(in unison): Gifts, gifts! Don't refuse. Morozko: What would you like? Nastasya: So that dad comes back soon and fixes the car. Morozko: Well, that's easy. Then I’ll give you something else from myself. Soon the father returns and sees a new car, his daughter is wearing new boots and a fur coat, Metelitsa and Vyuga did their best - they knitted a blouse, and nearby there are many bags with gifts. They go to their grandmother, happy, and then return home. Leading: Nastasya, of course, shares gifts, but neither she nor her father ever told what happened and where it all came from. And on the first day of the New Year, a guy who studies with her sister comes to Nastasya and asks his father for her hand in marriage. When a person is good, he will succeed in everything! Live like the main character in this fairy tale. Well, if you decide to add something to this scenario, then it wouldn’t hurt to start by watching the fairy tale “Morozko” in the original version:

The New Year's party is an important part of corporate culture. Fun team events allow employees to quickly and easily form friendships, temporarily put problems on the back burner, truly relax, and ultimately work more productively. Typically, pre-holiday parties include such important elements as: a buffet table, ceremonial congratulations from management, presentation of awards and gifts, a disco and, of course, competitions with jokes and other entertainment. And in recent years, the most popular among them is an adult fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018. We have collected the best videos and scripts for roles in today’s article. Read and choose!

A fairy tale with jokes for a corporate party for the New Year of the Dog 2018

A generally accepted and very erroneous opinion is that fairy tales should be exclusively the way we remember them from the sweet stories of mothers and grandmothers. But time passes, and progress does not stand still. The generation of the 21st century is very different from the people of that period when everyone’s favorite stories about Little Red Riding Hood, Peter and the Singing Guitars, the Nutcracker and the 12 Months were written. Today, young people, gathering at cheerful New Year's corporate parties, compose and play out old fairy tales in a funny way in a new way. For example: “Chicken Ryaba” with a progressive grandmother and a walking grandfather, “Turnip” with a full set of colorful characters, “New Year’s Story” with Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga and Leshy. In addition to traditional options, you can use modern fairy tales that combine the most incongruous griefs. Usually their plot is composed of elements of several works and is filled with jokes, funny remarks, gestures, etc.

What funny fairy tales can be told at a New Year's corporate party?

Adult fairy tale with jokes for a corporate party for the New Year 2018. Dogs are presented on entertainment Internet sites with dozens and even hundreds of interesting options. Experienced presenters will always be able to quickly find and play out the most suitable scenario. But you can refuse the services of a professional and try to unite the work team before the holiday. Invite employees to take part in drawing up the plot and text of the New Year's fairy tale, as well as their subsequent participation in it. By turning on your vivid imagination, you can all think about:

  1. The name of the future fairy tale;
  2. Storyline;
  3. Place of action;
  4. A sufficient number of active characters;
  5. Jokes and gags for everyone;
  6. Positive ending;

Meanwhile, a fairy tale can be written in prose or in poetic form, with a small or large number of characters, with or without music. To create a script in a new way, you will have to fill the text with youth expressions, words from the professional jargon of the team, quotes from new fashionable films or cartoons. Using these techniques, every potential author will be able to give the plot a modern twist, even with a classic cast of characters.

Fairy tale "Kolobok" for a corporate party for the New Year by roles

The well-known fairy tale in a new way, "Kolobok" with roles, is an ideal option for a corporate party for the New Year. The presenter can always go on stage and read out a funny adaptation with a cool plot and an unexpected ending. But sitting and listening is not what young work teams are used to doing at holiday parties. Therefore, it recommends distributing roles between employees in advance, thoroughly rehearsing a funny theatrical production and showing it in roles on New Year's Eve. Of course, management and other colleagues should not advertise the future surprise; let it become a pleasant surprise for the audience in the hall.

We have placed the text of the fairy tale “Kolobok” for a corporate party for the New Year in roles for you in the next section.

Text of the adult fairy tale “Kolobok” based on roles for the New Year’s corporate party

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. We slept next to each other - for order. Grandfather had long forgotten how much he loved his grandmother. Their relationship actually developed platonically. Well, that’s not what the fairy tale is about—it’s about how a miracle happened to them last summer. However, I won’t run ahead. I'll tell you everything in order - I wrote it down in a notebook.

They lived modestly - without income. We ate radishes and drank kvass. Here’s a simple dinner every day: every time. It is on this sad note that I will begin my story.

Once it “found” the old man: “There was definitely unaccounted for flour somewhere in the house.” He looks sternly at the grandmother, who quietly looks away.
- Yes, there is a little flour. Yes, it’s not about your honor. You couldn’t touch her with your unwashed face. I was going to bake pies for my name day.

- What kind of vile snake have I warmed up in my house? Or don't you know me? Well, quickly come here so that there will be food on the table within half an hour. Maybe you don't understand? I'm going to kill someone now! I’ll explain in English: veri hangri – you want to eat.
“I’ll do everything this very hour.” Drink the kvass while you're at it. I’ll bake a kolobok for such a fool. There are no teeth anyway - at least you can lick this ball.
- That's okay, that's wonderful. So at once. What are those difficult? Is it difficult for you to understand me? Do you think it’s okay for me to threaten with brute force? Just know this, my darling. In my priorities, you are right behind the stomach. Even if you hit the wall with your forehead, do you understand who is in charge?
The grandmother sighed sadly and waved her hand at him, placing the other on the crook of his hand. It turned out to be a bad gesture. She kneaded the dough in silence and heated it in the oven. And having rolled that dough into a ball, right into its ardor and heat, she brought it to the handle and closed the oven with the damper. That's how things are.
The old man was glad to see the bun, opening both nostrils and inhaling the aroma.
- Did you, old woman, follow every point in the recipe? Don't I want to get poisoned by consuming a baked goods product alone?
- Eat, killer whale, dear. If anything happens, potassium permanganate is at hand. Don't worry - we'll pump it out. Do not have time? Let's bury it! Why has your face changed? Vasya, you should pray.
- Okay, stop listening to nonsense - time is up, it's time to eat.
The grandfather takes the fork with his hand and starts poking the ball, which screams in horror:
- Help, guard. My grandfather pierced my side with a fork. What kind of mother is this? You've broken the seal - I'll leak in the rain.
The grandfather sank slightly to the floor, such a shock that his voice dropped. He asked him, hoarsely:
- Whose are you... Whose are you, child?
- Yours, my dears. Yours on the outside, yours on the inside. After all, I was molded from your dough. I know everything.
- A miracle, a miracle happened. The child was born without love. Last year's torment gave us a son. Grandma, urgently flush all the leftovers into the toilet, without looking back. Enough to create poverty - we already have a hard time living. The baker's son jumped right out of the oven. I will live with you: I am your son - I ask you to love me. One is enough for us - even though the ball is not rolling.
- I apologize, interrupting your moments of joy, I want to tell you firmly: I will file for alimony. I foresee complications, since I just started life and received such rudeness.
-Are you a round brother? And roll. Get out of here. Forget about us completely. Here is my father’s order: “Get out of here, this very hour.” It's a pity for the bread, there is no word. But I'm not a cannibal. I can’t lift a fork on my birthmark. Even if you cut me from the sides, I cannot eat my sons. But if you can’t see it, go away. Roll around the world.

Kolobok, with a long sigh, said quietly:
- It doesn’t matter. If you really think about it, how can I continue to live with you? My browned side will become across my throat. And one day in the spring, due to my edible essence, I risk ending up in the form of croutons on the table. Don't be bored without me. I won’t come back - just know that.
The bun rolled to the floor, quietly muttering obscenities. His soft sides were slightly mangled. Accelerating across the floor, he jumped and adju. Behind the fence, where there is grass, his words were heard:
- The greed of the fraer will destroy him. I left - fate will judge.

Cool fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” for a corporate party for the New Year 2018: script

We bring to your attention another cool fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” in a new way with a script for the New Year’s corporate party 2018. And also, a few recommendations for its preparation and implementation:

  • First of all, participants are assigned to the roles: Grandmother, Grandfather, Mouse, Wolf;
  • The presenter prints out the text of the fairy tale in advance for himself, and key phrases for each participant:

Grandma : Eggs give back their strength!
Grandfather: Well, just think, I can do no good without eggs.
Mouse: Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!
Wolf: Oh, what passions are here, this seems to be my happiness.

  • Actors for a fairy tale are dressed up in costumes, individual costume elements, paper masks or simple signs with the name of the character;
  • The presenter prepares the equipment in a timely manner: a plate with eggs (foam), a chair, a bottle;
  • I read the scene with special expressiveness and emotional intensity, the actors, in turn, pronounce catchphrases and play along according to the script. It’s better to read your roles from a piece of paper so that in the heat of excitement you don’t confuse the words;
  • All participants are awarded small funny prizes.

Scenario of a funny fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” for adults for the New Year

In one village, by the river. Once upon a time there lived old people.
Grandma Martha, grandfather Vasily, they lived well and did not grieve.

Sometimes guests visited them. And one day they gave
The chicken is neither this nor that, the grandfather called it “Pockmarked”.

But Ryaba was young, she laid a pot of eggs.
The grandmother takes them in her hands and quickly calls the grandfather into the house.

He puts in a quarter of the moonshine. Village surge,
And he says in his grandfather’s ear:

Eggs give back their strength!

Grandfather Vasily became emboldened, flushed, and brave.

Well, think about it, I’m good without eggs.

Lo and behold, there are no snacks on the table, Grandfather is getting excited here,
She started talking about strength, but forgot about the snack.
Grandma pulled up her sock and ran to the cellar.
And all the while he repeats:

Eggs return strength.

And then there was a knock on the door, and Grandfather was overcome with fear.
Suddenly a bandit, a vigorous mother, came to take away the eggs!

Well, think about it, I’d be nowhere without eggs!

Then the neighbor's Mouse came in and was known as a Twisty Tail.
She has only one thing on her mind:

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

He sees that there is only one grandfather in the house. Somewhere you can see there is no grandmother!
He thinks the grandfather is so-so...

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

One, or better yet three. And she started wagging her tail,
To seduce Grandpa Kolya.

Come to think of it... I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

Either he will sit on his grandfather’s lap, or he will stroke his bald head,
Runs gently on your back..

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Grandfather was led into temptation. He groans with pleasure!

Well, think about it, I’d be nowhere without eggs!

The mouse twirled its tail. There was a roar throughout the house.
She did something really bad, she broke Rowan's eggs
And she rushed around the hut!

Oh man, I wish I could do it better!

Grandfather runs here and there


Then Grandma Martha returned, At first she was surprised,
Where the hell are the eggs, they are on the floor.
As soon as he screams, he will wail.

Grandma: Eggs give back their strength!

Ved.: He sees a mouse in his hut.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Well, come to think of it, I’d be no good without eggs.

The grandmother grabbed the Mouse’s hair, and the grandfather shouted: “Oh, women, be quiet!”
And as best he can, he separates, Yes, the Mouse protects more!


Grandma uses her legs.

Eggs give back their strength!

The mouse hits the grandmother on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy.

What a story Stop! Everyone freezes at once!
At this time, on the same day, the Wolf walked past on his way.
For what? I want to give you a hint here: I went to look for a Bride.

Hearing the sound of a struggle, He knocked on the door of the hut.

Oh, what passions are here, This seems to be my happiness.

He immediately saw the mouse, understood what was causing the scandal,
Slowly, little by little, Bab separated the fighting!

Oh, what passions there are here...

Grandma hobbles towards the chair...

Eggs give back their strength!

The grandfather hurries to his grandmother and at the same time says:

Well, just think, things are going well, I’d be nowhere without eggs!

The mouse shows itself! “Why do I need a grandfather! I'm all like that"
And he strokes the wolf on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Oh, what passions there are here, This seems to be my happiness!

Grandmother and grandfather made peace, Mouse and Wolf got married
And now everyone lives together, What else is needed in life?
And everyone began to live without worries Day after day, year after year!
Celebrating the holidays all together, What else is needed in life?

Funny fairy tale improvisation for the New Year for a corporate party with music

Another improvisational fairy tale with music will certainly brighten up the New Year’s corporate party with positive emotions, lively laughter and the natural enthusiasm of random actors. The characters in it are quite simple and familiar to everyone, so even amateurs can cope with their roles. We recommend not warning guests about an impromptu performance, so that the audience will be pleasantly surprised, and potential artists will not have time to come up with “excuses” for refusing to participate.

So, print out the script in advance, distribute roles to the participants, give them pieces of paper with text and gestures that need to be repeated at the right moment:

  • New Year 2018 - Come on! (Shakes his head in surprise)
  • Snow Maiden - Both-on! (Spreads his hands)
  • Santa Claus - Why don't you drink? (Wobbles)
  • Leshy - Um, good luck! (squats)
  • Waitress - Where are the empty plates? (Looks around)
  • Old ladies - Well, never mind (Clap their hands)
  • Guests - Happy New Year! (Jumps up and actively waves his arms)

For the role of the Snow Maiden you need to choose a young sexy girl. New Year - boss or director. Santa Claus is the deputy director. Leshy is a respectable uncle. The waitress is the most arrogant in the team. Old ladies - 3 aunts. Guests - the remaining room.

On New Year's Eve
The people have a TRADITION to celebrate
The people care about the crisis and adversity
The happy ones shout loudly: Happy New Year!

But the New Year sits before us
It's like he was just born
Looks at people: at uncles and aunts
and wonders out loud….. Well, there you go!

And uncles and aunts dressed fashionably
To celebrate, they shout loudly: Happy New Year!
He rushed to congratulate (he sticks his nose everywhere)
Santa Claus, tired of morning performances
He speaks barely coherently... Why don’t you drink?
In response to New Year: Well, you give!
And what’s outside the window, there are the vagaries of nature,
But everyone still shouts: Happy New Year!

Then the Snow Maiden stood up, highly moral,
although her appearance is far from sexy.
Apparently she won’t go home alone,
Having warmed up from the road, he repeats: Both-on!

And the grandfather is already sniffling……..: Why don’t you drink?
In response, New Year…….. Well, you give!
And people again, without hesitation and immediately
They shout louder and louder: Happy New Year!

And again the Snow Maiden, full of forebodings,
He savors it while admiring himself……. Both on!
Frost keeps groaning……..: Why don’t you drink?
New Year is coming... Well, you give it to me!

Two playful grannies, two Baba Yagas, as if they got off on the right foot
They coo over a drink without harming themselves,
And they are indignant out loud... ..... Well, nevermind!

The Snow Maiden is full of passion, full of desire,
He repeats seductively and languidly... Both on!
Frost is screaming...... : Why don't you drink?
And then the New Year……. Well, you give it!

Everything is going its way, going its own way,

And the guests again all shout: Happy New Year!

A separate fragment
but the Waitress made her contribution brightly and briefly.
She threw arrows over the food,

Yaguski, forgetting about everything in his own mind,
They sit and are indignant...... Well, nevermind!
The Snow Maiden gets up, slightly drunk,
Laughs, whispering with delight..... Both-on!

And the grandfather is already screaming... Why don’t you drink?
Next comes the New Year......Well, come on!
And the guests felt freedom of thought
They chant together again: Happy New Year!

Here Leshy, almost crying with joy,
He gets up with the words... .... Well, good luck!
The waitress, taking a sip of the burners,
She asked......Where are the empty plates?

Grandmothers, having one more sausage
a couple of people are shouting...... Well, nevermind!
The Snow Maiden also took a sip of wine
And again she exclaimed out loud...... Both-on!

And Santa Claus drinks, screaming at the top of his lungs...
Why don't you drink?
And drinks New Year...... Well, you give it to me!

And the glasses seem to be filled with honey
And they all drink to the bottom and shout: Happy New Year!
And Leshy, he’s been galloping with a glass for a long time
Called with inspiration...... Well, good luck!

How to conduct an improvisational fairy tale with music at an adult New Year's corporate party

In order to not only have fun at a collective celebration, but also honor the patron saint of 2018, we recommend holding a funny improvisation fairy tale for the New Year for a corporate party with music. To stage it, you will need 12 volunteers who want to plunge headlong into the world of acting, and 1 skilled presenter with a great sense of humor. Musical accompaniment will not be amiss: quiet winter melodies will only enhance the atmosphere and strengthen the fabulous effect. It is also worth taking care of masks for each participant in advance. Considering that the characters are animals, it won’t be difficult to find them. Any toy shop or souvenir shop provides customers with a huge selection of similar products. Especially on the eve of the winter holidays.

Before the start of the performance, all participants are given their texts, printed on pieces of paper:

  • Mouse - “You can’t fool around with me!”
  • Dragon - “My words are law!”
  • Goat - “Everything, of course, is in favor!”
  • Dog - “Oh, there’s going to be a fight soon”
  • Snake - “Oh, guys, of course it’s me!”
  • Rooster - “Wow! I’m screaming at the top of my lungs!”
  • Pig - “Just a little bit - and here I am again!”
  • Horse - “The fight will be hot!”
  • Tiger - “Let's no games!”
  • Bull - “I’m warning you, I’m a muscleman!”
  • Monkey - “I am, of course, without blemish”
  • Rabbit - “I’m not an alcoholic!”
  • The audience shouts in unison “Congratulations!”

    There is a Japanese belief
    A fairy tale, simply put:
    One day the animals gathered
    Choose your own king
    The Mouse came running...
    The Dragon has arrived...
    The Goat also appeared...
    The Dog came rushing...
    The snake crawled...
    The Rooster came running...
    The Pig has arrived...
    The Horse galloped...
    Tiger jumped...
    The Bull came along...
    The Rabbit galloped...
    The Monkey has arrived...
    Gathered for the New Year
    When "Congratulations"
    All the people were screaming

    They began to howl, meow, bark
    Argument and shouting until dawn:
    Everyone wants to rule each other
    Everyone wants to become king.
    Mouse reported...
    The Rabbit screamed hysterically...
    The Monkey was indignant...
    The Snake stated...
    The Dog warned everyone...
    Bull got angry...
    The Dragon shouted to everyone...
    The Rooster crowed...
    The Goat bent its horns...
    The Tiger roared menacingly...
    The Pig got scared...
    The Horse bucked.
    We got into a fight on New Year's Eve
    When "Congratulations"
    All the people shouted.

    But from heaven it is strictly
    Watched Japanese God
    And he said: “It’s time, by God,
    Stop the commotion!
    Get into a friendly round dance,
    Let each one reign for one year!”

    The Goat jumped up...
    Dragon approved...
    Pig suggested...
    Tiger also confirmed...
    The Rooster was happy...
    Bull warned everyone...
    The Mouse said languidly...
    The Snake boasted to everyone...
    In response to her is the Monkey...
    The Dog sniffed...
    The Horse frowned...
    Only the Rabbit squealed...
    It was on New Year's Eve
    When "Congratulations"
    All the people shouted.

Funny fairy tales for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 are a great opportunity for adults to plunge into childhood and have a little fun. Let it be short-lived, but very real. Choose scenarios based on roles, watch videos with jokes, rehearse the most original fairy tale adaptation. And if there is no time for rehearsal, ask the presenter to prepare an interesting New Year's impromptu.

Scenarios of fairy tales based on roles in a new way for entertaining events at school, kindergarten, corporate events, and other holidays.

We bring to your attention funny dramatizations of Russian fairy tales for children and comic scenarios of fairy tales for adults in a new style, with comic roles.

On this page you will find:

1.) children's fairy tales in a new way for the New Year;
2.) adaptations of fairy tales based on roles for adults (drunken company).

Our kind and funny tales are relevant at any time of the year! We recommend bookmarking this page, it will come in handy!

New Year's fairy tale scenarios for children

Fairy tales-remakes for a drunk company according to roles

In this collection, we have collected funny scenarios of New Year's-themed fairy tales for drunken adults, which can be role-played.

And these cool, converted fairy tales can be used for birthdays and anniversaries, New Year's corporate parties, because... they are written in a new way, they have roles for guests or the hero of the occasion.

An example of a fairy tale for adults based on roles in a modern way: “Ryaba Hen”

The presenter asks 4 people to go on stage. They will play the roles of: Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Rotten Hens and Mice.

An approximate plot of a fairy tale game:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. In the evenings, my grandfather watched football, and my grandmother loved Dom-2, because of this they constantly quarreled.
They had their own small business - a home poultry farm. True, there was only enough money for 1 chicken - and it was a speckled one.
The hen obediently carried out her duties according to her job description, laying one egg at a time exactly at 6.00 in the morning.
Grandfather and grandmother led a healthy lifestyle, did exercises, ate only healthy food, without GMOs, for example, fresh eggs. And they drank hawthorn tincture.
Also in their apartment lived a guest worker tenant, an illegal immigrant, who was secretly hiding in their kitchen, in the closet. It was a mouse.
At night the mouse went to work and looked for food. Usually she was fed cheese, which was placed in a mousetrap.
One day, grandfather and grandmother forgot to put cheese in the mousetrap, and the mouse had nothing to eat.
The mouse climbed onto the table, drank the hawthorn from the mug and wanted to snack on the egg.
But she got sick of alcohol and dropped the egg on the floor. Frightened, she hid in the closet.
In the morning, grandfather went into the kitchen to eat an egg, but it was broken on the floor.
The grandfather called the grandmother, they sat on the floor and began to cry.
A chicken came running, asked not to be upset, and promised to use nanotechnology to produce new eggs. Namely - made of pure gold.
Grandfather and grandmother were happy that they would get rich. And they celebrated it with hawthorn.
The chicken began to lay golden eggs, and the grandfather and grandmother took them to the pawnshop.

The fairy tale is over!
Well, well done Ryaba!

Modern scenarios in the form of small fairy tales will delight viewers at any holiday!

New Year is a fabulous holiday! Agree, not only children, but also adults, on the eve of the main holiday of the year, begin to expect miracles and magic. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most popular scenes at New Year's parties and corporate events is a fairy tale. Usually the host invites the holiday participants to feel like New Year's heroes or popular fairy tale characters. At the same time, there is no need to learn large roles, since the format of the skit is often comic and involves a minimum of lines and musical accompaniment. There is even a separate version of the fairy tale-improvisation to music, in which the participants must come up with their own lines and movements for their characters. You can also make a fairy tale remake in a modern way. For example, take the plot of Kolobok as a basis, but give its characters more modern characters. But whichever option you choose, a fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 (ideas with video below) will ideally complement any scenario for this holiday.

A fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018: holiday scenario

One of the advantages of a fairy tale number for use in a New Year's scenario is the versatility of the format. The fabulous action fully corresponds to the mood of this holiday and is interesting for both adults and children. But if we talk specifically about the use of a fairy tale in a script for a corporate party in honor of the New Year holiday, then it also helps to create a relaxed atmosphere. Agree, when else but at a New Year's corporate party will you be able to see the chief accountant in the image of Baba Yaga, and the director transformed, say, into the Snow Maiden. It is important to note that fairy tales are different. But often they are all united by a funny plot and a cool ending.

Options for fairy tales for a holiday scenario for a corporate party for the New Year 2018

If we try to classify fairy tales, we can distinguish several main types:

  • musical fairy tales (participant dialogues must be accompanied by music and songs)
  • fairy tales-improvisation (they do not contain dialogue, and the participants themselves come up with the words and actions of their characters)
  • fairy tale adaptations (based on the plot of a well-known work, and the characters and dialogues have been rewritten)
  • medley fairy tales (instead of dialogues, they use cuts of music and phrases from songs)

Any of the above options can be used when writing a script for a New Year's corporate party. But remember that the most complex version of an improvisation fairy tale can only be used when the team has many creative and liberated people capable of creative thinking. Otherwise, the performance will not be successful: the participants will be constrained, will not be able to make a joke or make a decent joke, and will remain disappointed with the performance.

Another version of a fairy tale that is suitable for a New Year's corporate party is a story invented by the entire team. This is a written format that will require a large Whatman paper. The theme of such a fairy tale can be anything, but it is advisable to choose a New Year's plot. The presenter writes the first sentence of the tale, leaving only the last word visible. The task of each participant in the holiday is to write one sentence, focusing only on the last word of the previous author. At the end, the New Year's fairy tale is read out loud by the presenter - it always turns out to be very creative and fun!

A funny fairy tale-improvisation for adults with music for the New Year for a corporate party, video

An improvisation fairy tale is one of the most fun numbers at the New Year's cooperative party, but at the same time one of the most difficult. After all, no matter how thoughtful and interesting the script may be, the whole holiday can be ruined by this one scene. Ideally, an improvisational fairy tale is best held at the end of the evening, when its participants are as relaxed as possible and ready to show their creativity, turning off excessive modesty and shyness. Often, a fairy-tale number with improvisation consists of a given plot and individual comments from the presenter, which should coordinate the participants in the right direction. In other words, after the task has been announced, the characters in the scene must come up with the movements, words and character of their characters themselves. But if you doubt that the participants have enough artistry, you can also use a lighter version of a musical improvisation fairy tale. In this version, there are either no dialogues at all, or they are replaced with phrases from popular films and songs.

Video with examples of funny fairy tales and improvisations with music for a corporate party in honor of the New Year for adults

Next you will find several examples with videos of what a New Year's fairy tale-improvisation for adults can be. Remember that it is better to choose the plot of such a fairy tale based on the characteristics of the team and the characters of the direct participants in the act.

Thematic fairy tale for the New Year 2018 Dogs for a corporate party with gags and jokes - ideas for the script

Since the upcoming New Year 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Dog, the corporate party scenario can be diversified with a thematic fairy tale with gags and jokes. This means that instead of everyone’s favorite Turnip or Little Red Riding Hood, you can take as a basis the plot of a fairy tale, book, or cartoon related to dogs. It is not necessary that the dog be the main character of this work. The option of a minor character who suddenly comes to the fore in your thematic fairy tale is also quite suitable. In this case, children's cartoon characters are well suited: Ball from Prostakvashino, Volt, the Barboskin family, Dog (m/f Once upon a time there was a dog), etc. Heroes of everyone's favorite fairy tales, for example, Artemon from Pinocchio, are also suitable. You can also take the same Turnip as the basis for the plot, but shift the emphasis specifically to the role of the dog.

Ideas for jokes and gags for a themed scenario with a fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 Dogs

Particular attention should be paid to what jokes and gags it is advisable to use for the scenario of a New Year's fairy tale for a corporate party. Many people bet on fairly explicit jokes, which are accompanied by dancing and jokes for adults. But we should not forget that such a format may be unacceptable for the team and its individual members. Therefore, it is much more effective to use good humor without unnecessary vulgarity and vulgarity. For example, men are often cast in female roles in New Year’s fairy tales, and they have to dress up in the outfits of their heroines. In this case, it is better to refuse too short dresses and skirts, and give preference to a long sundress or individual accessories (kokoshnik, handbag, hat, wig) rather than an outfit. The same goes for women who are asked to act in male roles. Agree, it’s unlikely that any of the fair sex at a New Year’s party will want to neglect exquisite makeup for the sake of a painted mustache.

Modern fairy tale “Kolobok” for a corporate party for the New Year 2018, based on roles with music, video

One of the most popular fairy tale adaptations with simple roles and cheerful music for corporate parties in honor of the New Year is a modern variation of Kolobok. Since the plot of this fairy tale is well known to everyone, the participants have no problems learning their roles. In addition, the version of the modern fairy tale “Kolobok” for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 is very universal in its roles and music. It is suitable for both a small party and a huge company. In addition, the tale about Kolobok is short, so you don’t have to worry that the number will be drawn out. An example of how you can play out the fairy tale about Kolobok in a modern way at a New Year's corporate party can be seen in the following video.

A fairy tale for a corporate party for the New Year 2018. Dogs must be present in the holiday scenario. This fun and cool number with roles and music always lifts the spirits of both participants and guests. And she also creates a special atmosphere of magic! And you must admit, it’s rare that adults have the opportunity to visit a real New Year’s fairy tale. We hope that our ideas for fairy tales with jokes at a corporate party will help you create a wonderful holiday that will be remembered with smiles for a long time!

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