Why did Sholokhov call his story the fate of man? The meaning of the title of Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man"

Name in work of art- one way of expressing author's position. It either reflects the essence of conflicting works, or names a key episode, or main character, or the main idea of ​​the work is expressed. Many years after the Great Patriotic War in 1957 M.A. Sholokhov writes the story “The Fate of Man”, the plot of which is based on the story of his life ordinary person Andrey Sokolov. The story is narrated in the first person, on behalf of the main character, who talks about his life to a stranger whom he mistook for a driver. Having carefully examined Andrei Sokolov, the narrator draws Special attention on a person’s eyes: “eyes as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them.” This detail speaks of the difficult, very difficult life of Andrei Sokolov, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The hero tells about his fate. This is precisely the word given to M.A. Sholokhov in the title of the story. Not fate, not fate, not predestination, but precisely fate: a word that contains all the previous meanings, but at the same time, here for the writer it is a synonym for the word life. Indeed, the life of Andrei Sokolov at first “was ordinary”: family, wife, three children, a good job, but the war began, which brought pain and suffering. First captivity, then the death of his wife and daughters, and finally the death of his son. Any person who experienced this could become angry, bitter, and curse his fate. But Andrei Sokolov found the strength to help little boy Vanyusha, who was left an orphan after the war: the hero adopted Vanyusha: “A burning tear began to boil inside me, and I immediately decided: “We must not disappear separately!” I’ll take him as my child.” Andrei Sokolov himself decided to take in an orphan boy, thereby changing his destiny and filling his life with meaning. M.A. Sholokhov called the work “The Fate of a Man,” without indicating that the story would be about the life of a specific person who lost the most precious thing in the war: his wife, children, but who retained the most important thing - the human heart. Thus, from a story about the fate of a specific person, the work turns into a story about the fate of all humanity, when everyone is responsible to themselves and others for their lives. The title of Sholokhov's story is ambiguous: it indicates the moral essence of Andrei Sokolov: from an ordinary driver who married Irinka, had three children, survived captivity, when “death passed by... only a chill came from it...” he becomes the man who adopted Vanya, and Now Sokolov is afraid for his life (my heart is swaying, the piston needs to be changed..."), since now he is responsible for the little boy. The dream of a soul mate united two orphan destinies: a soldier who went through the war and an orphaned boy, and from now on, united, they walk through life together. Thus, the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” raises the narrative to the level of universal generalization, making short story a deep epic that reveals the most complex problems, touching on the foundations of human coexistence.

How do you understand the word “fate”? Have you ever thought about the fate of a person, about the fate of an entire nation, about your own fate?

Dictionaries interpret fate in different meanings. The most common are the following: 1. In philosophy and mythology - the incomprehensible predetermination of events and actions. 2. In everyday usage: fate, share, coincidence, life path. Orthodoxy contrasts the idea of ​​fate with Divine providence, Divine providence, and Divine will. From this point of view, belief in fate as an impersonal force comes from the vanity of man. I am close to a somewhat eclectic understanding of fate as a natural predestination from above the life of an individual or an entire people. For example, I don’t particularly believe in the validity of the aphorism “Man is the smith of his own happiness” (“We are smiths, and our spirit is young, we forge the keys to happiness!”). Life circumstances determined by fate often turn out to be stronger than one’s own efforts and plans. If we talk about the fate of our great and long-suffering Russia, then throughout history its lot has been heavy, devastating wars, internal disasters, bloodshed, unsuccessful reforms that do not achieve their goals. And all this along with the enormous talents that fate has given our land and which help us survive even in the most difficult circumstances. Our destiny was the heroism of our people, which helped us to withstand and win in the most severe trials.

Recognizing fate as a predestination from above, one cannot stand on a pessimistic position and meekly wait for everything to happen without our participation. You need to act, learn, improve your spiritual development, professional skill - and then fate will be favorable.

IN short dictionary Synonyms of the Russian language for the word “fate” are given the following synonyms: “share”, “destiny”, “lot”, “fate”, “predestination”, “fate”, “fatum”. Could you explain the difference between these words?

The words “fate” and “fate” mean the inevitability of fulfilling the destiny of fate, hence the adjectives “fatal”, “fatal” with a certain tragic connotation, i.e. coloring. The synonyms “fate” and “destiny” are used with approximately the same connotation. The “lot” can be happy; it seems to be won by one person or another from higher powers that show favor to him. “Predestination” sounds solemn, it can be both an expression of favor and severity shown to a person or an entire people by Divine powers. “Fate” in this series is a broader concept. You can say about a lucky person the darling of fate, you can define a loser as a stepson of fate, you can refer to the epithets bitter and happy to the concept of “share”, but the phrases enviable fate, magnificent fate cannot be used.

How do you understand the title of the story “The Fate of Man”? Why not “The Fate of Sokolov”? Try to prove that this name given by the author is the most successful.

The meaning of the title of the story contains both a philosophical and concrete historical understanding of the word “fate”. During the years of difficult trials for the entire Soviet people, during the Great Patriotic War, this was the fate of not just one person, Andrei Sokolov, but also of many of his contemporaries who went through severe suffering: the front, the agony of fascist captivity, the loss of loved ones who died on the front line and in the rear, people who were not broken spiritually and physically, who tried to successfully fight for victory and maintain their human dignity in order to be useful “for the rest of their lives.” This is Andrei Sokolov, who went through all possible trials, emerged from them with honor and after the end of the war, remaining alone throughout the entire earth, striving to support the newly begun life of the orphan Vanya.

On the other hand, in the story we are presented with a tragic fate of a person in the highest sense of the word, which went beyond the time of creation of the work. Despite the loss of everything, poor health, difficult memories and premonitions, Andrei Sokolov acts as the keeper and defender of the universal spiritual shrines that have developed over thousands of years, with all his experience, all his tragic fate affirming their inviolability. Go through the tragic events of life and keep it high moral meaning- this is the fate of a real person.

Make an outline of the story and highlight the point in it that indicates the climax.

1. Meeting of the narrator with Andrei Sokolov and Vanya. The beginning of the story.

2. The hero’s pre-war life.

3. Farewell to family.

4. Captivity.

5. In church.

7. Confrontation between Sokolov and Muller.

8. Feat and liberation.

9. News of the death of the family.

10. News about my son. Death of a son.

11. Meeting with Vanyushka.

12. End of the story. Farewell to the narrator.

Climax moments are associated with the assertion in dramatic situations of the moral superiority of the hero, common man, over your opponents. Undoubtedly, in this regard, his duel with Muller is indicative, offering to drink before his death for victory German weapons. He not only forced Muller to retreat before the human dignity of the Russian soldier, to recognize it, but also to awaken with his proud behavior, at least for a moment, something human in the same Muller and in the others sitting at the table: “they laughed,” “they looked kind of softer.” The capture of the German major and his release can be considered the culmination of life in captivity. However, the tragic events, and this is the peculiarity of this Sholokhov’s work, do not end, but even increase: he loses his family, then seems to find a son and buries him on the very day of victory. Maybe here is the culmination, the peak of all the misfortunes that fate has sent to man? “And if in clashes with the Nazis Andrei retained his human dignity, his resistance to evil, then in the trials of his own and others’ misfortune he discovered unspent sensitivity, an uncorroded need to give warmth and care to others.” Thus, the events of personal tragedy, complete loneliness prepared, as a denouement to the plot, a meeting with little Vanya, life together with whom will be the beginning of a new life and new destiny Andrey Sokolov.

Prepare a story about the fate of Andrei Sokolov.

To answer this question, you can go by retelling the content of the essay according to the proposed plan. You can offer your vision of the hero’s appearance, the main episodes of the story, and the characteristics of Andrei Sokolov.

Show what causes the active inclusion of colloquial speech in the story.

Before us is the fate of a man from the people, a native Voronezh region, a simple working man, flesh and blood of a man of the Russian land, loving his homeland, own people. He is emotional, and emotionality determines the use of colloquial folk speech, appeal to grains folk wisdom, folklore

M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man” rightfully occupies one of the main places among literary works about the Great Patriotic War. The writer's talent allowed him to talk about the terrible events of the Great Patriotic War with amazing simplicity and honesty. Thanks to such works, even seventy years after the end of the war, our generation does not forget about the feat Soviet people. The title of the work seems very simple at first glance; it consists of only two words. But how much meaning can be seen in them!

First of all, I would like to draw attention to the word “man”. M. Lermontov also wrote: “The history of the human soul. almost more curious and not more useful than history a whole people." And indeed it is! It is very easy to hide the truth behind loud pretentious phrases, generalizations, and exaggerations. The truth can be conveyed by descending to the personal level. And M. Sholokhov succeeded; the writer showed us the war through the eyes of one person. Using the example of driver Sokolov, the reader learns how important everyone’s work is to achieve a common goal.

But the title also contains the word “fate,” which also carries a certain meaning. If you follow the life of Andrei Sokolov, you can understand that fate constantly tested his strength. Probably one of the most severe tests during the war years he was captured. It was only thanks to the strength of his spirit that Sokolov did not break: “no matter how hard they tried, they did not turn me into a beast.”

By the will of fate, the fighter had the opportunity to escape. But she also deprived him of his most precious thing - his family. How to live after this, how not to become a living corpse. But fate, as a reward for all the torment he has endured, gives Andrey a meeting with Vanyusha. “Two orphaned people, two grains of sand abandoned in foreign lands.” Sokolov and Vanyusha saved each other.

Now the former orphan has a roof over his head and a person who loves him, and Andrei has a meaning in life. Thus, the title of M. Sholokhov’s story carries deep meaning. The main theme of the work is reflected in a nutshell: a person’s struggle with fate for the right to life, freedom and happiness.

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An interesting, fascinating and exciting work is “The Fate of Man.” The meaning of the title of the story can be understood by every reader who carefully reads the work and warms to the main character. This story will not leave indifferent any reader who has become acquainted with “The Fate of Man,” because the author was able to convey in his work all the feelings, experiences and emotions of Andrei Sokolov, whose life was rather difficult and, to some extent, unhappy.

Meeting with Andrey Sokolov

In order to understand the meaning of the title of the story “The Fate of Man,” you need to get acquainted with summary works of Sholokhov.

At the very beginning of the work, it becomes clear that the narrator was heading to one of the Don villages, but he had to stay on the shore due to the river flood and wait for the boat. At this time, a certain man with a child approached him and mistook him for a driver, because there was a car next to the narrator. Andrei Sokolov really wanted to chat with his colleague. Previously, the man worked as a driver, but truck. The narrator decided not to upset the man and did not say that he was not his colleague.

The meaning of the title of the story “The Fate of Man” becomes clear to every reader already while reading the work. It is worth saying that the author probably chose the most accurate title, which reflects the meaning of the entire story.

Image of Andrey Sokolov

The image of Sokolov is shown to the reader through the perception of the narrator. The man has strong, worn-out hands and sad eyes filled with mortal melancholy. It immediately becomes clear that the meaning of Sokolov’s life is his son, who is dressed much better and neater than his father. Andrei does not pay attention to himself at all, and only cares about his beloved son.

The work “The Fate of Man” will not leave any reader indifferent. The meaning of the story's title becomes clear to everyone who has warmed to the main character and reacted with sympathy to his difficult fate. It is worth saying that the meaning of the work lies precisely in its title.

Honest and open driver

Next, the reader learns about the fate of Andrei Sokolov from his story about his past life to the narrator. It is worth saying that the main character is quite frank and honest with his interlocutor. Most likely, such openness is due to the fact that Andrei accepted the narrator as “one of his own” - a Russian man with a big soul.

The meaning of the title of Sholokhov's story “The Fate of a Man” is interesting to everyone who is going to get acquainted with this work. It is worth noting that the reader will learn the answer to this question already while reading the story. The author conveys all the emotions and experiences of the main character so well and clearly that every reader will definitely relate to him and his difficult fate.

Death of Sokolov's parents

Andrei Sokolov shared that his life was very ordinary, but after the times of famine everything changed very much. Then he decided to leave for Kuban, where he later began working for the kulaks. It was thanks to this that Sokolov managed to stay alive, unlike his family. Andrei became an orphan because his parents and little sister died of hunger.

It is “The Fate of Man” that evokes a storm of emotions and experiences. The meaning of the title of the story will become clear to every reader, but for this it is necessary to delve into each line and truly feel everything that the main character of the work experienced.

Sokolov's wife and children

Several years after great grief, Andrei still managed not to break down. Soon he got married. He said only good things about his wife. Sokolov shared with the narrator that his wife was cheerful, compliant and smart. If the spouse came home on bad mood, she was never rude to him back. Soon Andrei and Irina had a son, and then two daughters.

Sokolov shared with his interlocutor that in 1929 he began to be fascinated by cars, after which he became a truck driver. However, soon a war began, which became an obstacle to a good and happy life.

Leaving for the front

Soon Andrei Sokolov was forced to go to the front, where his entire friendly family accompanied him. It is worth noting that it seemed to Irina that it was last time when husband and wife were together. Naturally, Andrei was very upset that his wife was “burying her husband alive,” and therefore Sokolov went to the front in upset feelings.

Undoubtedly, every lover of literature about wartime will like the work “The Fate of a Man.” The meaning of the title of the story will become clear after reading the work.

The driver's meeting with the fascists

In May 1942, terrible events took place that Andrei will never be able to forget. During the war, Sokolov was also a driver and volunteered to carry ammunition to his artillery battery. However, he was unable to deliver them, since the shell fell right next to his car, which overturned from the blast wave. After this, Sokolov lost consciousness, after which he woke up behind enemy lines. At first Andrei thought of pretending to be dead, but he raised his head at the moment when several fascists with machine guns were walking straight towards him. It is worth saying that the man wanted to die with dignity and stood right in front of the enemy, but was not killed. One fascist was already thinking of shooting when his comrade prevented him from killing Sokolov.

After reading the work, the meaning of the title of the story “The Fate of Man” immediately becomes clear. It will not be difficult to write an essay on this topic, because the title of the work reflects what it is about.

The escape

After this incident, Andrei was sent barefoot to the west with a column of prisoners.

On the way to Poznan, Sokolov only thought about escaping as quickly as possible. It must be said that the man was lucky, because when the prisoners were digging graves, the guards were distracted. It was then that Andrei managed to escape to the east. But not everything ended the way Sokolov wanted. Already on the fourth day, the Germans with their shepherd dogs caught up with the escapee. As punishment, Andrei was kept in a punishment cell, after which he was sent straight to Germany.

A worthy opponent

Soon Sokolov began working in a stone quarry near Dresden, where he managed to say a phrase that infuriated his superiors. Müller, the camp commandant, called the driver to his place and said that he would personally shoot him for such words. Sokolov answered him: “Your will.”

The commandant thought about something, threw away the pistol and invited Andrei to drink a glass of vodka and eat a piece of bread and a slice of lard for the victory of the “German weapons.” It is worth noting that Sokolov refused and answered Muller that he was a non-drinker. However, the commandant laughed and replied: “If you don’t want to drink to our victory, drink to your destruction!” Andrey drank the glass to the bottom and replied that after the first glass he didn’t have a snack. After drinking the second glass, the soldier answered the commandant the same. After the third, Andrey took a bite of bread. Muller decided to leave Sokolov alive because he respects worthy rivals, and gave the driver a loaf and a piece of lard, which Andrei divided equally among his comrades.

The meaning of the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” lies in the fact that a simple Russian person is so strong in spirit that he was able to survive the most terrible events that can happen in life. Absolutely anyone who is familiar with the work can write an essay on this topic.

The death of the Sokolov family and the adoption of Vanya

In 1944, Sokolov became the driver of a German engineer major, who treated him more or less well, sometimes even sharing his food with him. One day Andrei stunned him, took the weapon and rushed straight to where the battle was going on. According to the driver, the Germans started shooting at him from behind, and his soldiers in front.

After this incident, Andrei was sent to the hospital, from where he wrote to his wife. Soon a response came from a neighbor that his house had been hit by a shell, from which the driver’s children and wife were killed. At that moment, the son was not at home, so he managed to survive. Sokolov volunteered for the front. After that, Andrei found his son and began to correspond with him, but fate was very cruel. On May 9, 1945, Anatoly died at the hands of a sniper.

The driver did not know where to go, and went to Uryupinsk to his friend, where he met a homeless boy, Vanya. Then Andrei told the child that he was his father and adopted the boy, who was very happy to meet his “father.”

What is the meaning of the title of the story “The Fate of Man”?

It is worth finding out what the meaning of the title of Sholokhov’s work is, because many are interested in this very question.

The meaning of the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” is that an ordinary Russian person was able to survive a huge amount of negative events, after which he managed to live on, not break down and forget about all the tragedies. Andrei Sokolov adopted a child and began to live for his sake, forgetting about all the failures and adversities that had haunted him throughout recent years his life. Despite the death of his parents, wife and children, the main character managed to survive and live on.

The meaning of the title of M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” lies in the fact that the Russian man was able to overcome all failures and adversity, survive the loss of loved ones and move on. The main character was so strong in spirit that he managed to forget about everything that happened to him before and start absolutely new life, in which he is happy man, raising beautiful child. The death of parents, wife and children did not break the spirit of the Russian man, who was able to forget about everyone terrible events events that occurred during the last years of his life, and found the strength to start a new happy life. This is precisely the meaning of the work “The Fate of Man.”

A title in a work of art is one of the ways of expressing the author’s position. It either reflects the essence of the conflicting works, or names the key episode or the main character, or expresses the main idea of ​​the work.

Many years after the Great Patriotic War in 1957, M.A. Sholokhov writes the story “The Fate of a Man”, the plot of which is based on the life story of an ordinary person Andrei Sokolov.

The story is narrated in the first person, on behalf of the main character, who talks about his life to a stranger whom he mistook for a driver. Having carefully examined Andrei Sokolov, the narrator pays special attention to the man’s eyes: “eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such an inescapable mortal melancholy that it is difficult to look into them.” This detail speaks of the difficult, very difficult life of Andrei Sokolov, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The hero tells about his fate. This is precisely the word given to M.A. Sholokhov in the title of the story. Not fate, not fate, not predestination, but precisely fate: a word that contains all the previous meanings, but at the same time, here for the writer it is a synonym for the word life. Indeed, the life of Andrei Sokolov at first “was ordinary”: family, wife, three children, a good job, but the war began, which brought pain and suffering. First captivity, then the death of his wife and daughters, and finally the death of his son. Any person who experienced this could become angry, bitter, and curse his fate. But Andrei Sokolov found the strength to help the little boy Vanyusha, who was left an orphan after the war: the hero adopted Vanyusha: “A burning tear began to boil inside me, and I immediately decided: “We must not be lost apart!” I’ll take him as my child.”

Andrei Sokolov himself decided to take in an orphan boy, thereby changing his destiny and filling his life with meaning.

M.A. Sholokhov called the work “The Fate of a Man,” without indicating that the story would be about the life of a specific person who lost the most precious thing in the war: his wife, children, but who retained the most important thing - the human heart. Thus, from a story about the fate of a specific person, the work turns into a story about the fate of all humanity, when everyone is responsible to themselves and others for their lives.

The title of Sholokhov's story is ambiguous: it indicates the moral essence of Andrei Sokolov: from an ordinary driver who married Irinka, had three children, survived captivity, when “death passed by... only a chill came from it...” he becomes the man who adopted Vanya, and Now Sokolov is afraid for his life (my heart is swaying, the piston needs to be changed..."), since now he is responsible for the little boy.

The dream of a soul mate united two orphan destinies: a soldier who went through the war and an orphaned boy, and from now on, united, they walk through life together.

Thus, the title of Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” raises the narrative to the level of universal generalization, making the small story a deep epic that reveals the most complex issues and touches on the foundations of human coexistence.

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