Why Europe has been and remains the main region of international tourism.

Foreign Europe extends from north to south for 5 thousand kilometers, and from west to east - for 3 thousand kilometers. Its territory covers a total of 5.4 million square kilometers, and its population is 520 million people.

General information about Foreign Europe

Foreign Europe represents one of the centers of world civilization, and has incomparable importance for world politics, economics and culture.

On its territory there are 40 sovereign states that are interconnected by their historical past and close cultural and political relations.

If we talk about the economic and geographical position of countries, it is determined by two main criteria. The countries of foreign Europe are relatively close to each other; they either closely border on natural boundaries, or there is a small distance between them, which does not in any way affect the convenience of transport connections.

The second main criterion is the coastal position of most countries that are connected with each other and the countries of other continents by sea routes.

Countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands have been associated with the sea since ancient times.

Political picture of Overseas Europe

The political picture of overseas Europe changed significantly three times during the 20th century.

The First and Second World Wars changed it significantly, and at the end of the century there were significant changes associated with the social democratic parties that came to power.

As for the structure of states in this territory, in foreign Europe there are republics, unitary states, monarchical and federal.

By the 21st century, the Organization for Security and Cooperation, the OSCE, arose, which is represented by 56 countries (it also includes the USA, Canada and the CIS countries).

Natural conditions and resources

There are many mineral resources located on the territory of foreign Europe. The northern part includes ore and fuel minerals.

And hydropower resources are located in the Alps, Dinaric and Scandinavian mountains. Forestry is developed in Sweden and Finland, where forest landscapes are typical.

Population of Overseas Europe

The number of inhabitants in this part of the world is growing very slowly; a rather difficult demographic situation has been recorded in foreign Europe. The territory is a hotbed of global labor emigration; there are about 20 million foreign workers here.

It is important to note that most countries in Europe are highly urbanized, with the highest rates of urbanization being in Belgium, the UK and the Netherlands.

The countries of Europe belong to the Indo-European family; there are four main types of states according to national composition. These are single-national (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark), with a sharp predominance of one nation (Great Britain, France, Finland), binational (Belgium) and multinational (Switzerland, Latvia).

Economy of Foreign Europe

Europe occupies a leading place in the world economy in terms of the size of agricultural and industrial production, the development of tourism and the export of goods and services.

The most powerful countries relative to their economic situation are the UK, France, Germany and Italy. They have the most developed complexes various industries, unlike other countries where one or two industries are highly developed.

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Europe is the Mecca and Medina of world tourism, all roads lead not only to Rome, and having arrived in the city of Bruges, the last thing you want to do is lie low, as in the film of the same name.

Europe is full of cultural treasures:

  • historical and architectural monuments;
  • paintings;
  • original sculptures;
  • religious relics;
  • archaeological artifacts.

This is why European countries, cities, villages, and streets are attractive to tourists from all over the world: here everyone will find something to do to their liking, a vacation to their liking, and entertainment they can afford. For example, if you need a beach and a warm sea, they go to Italy or Greece. Those who are interested in excursions and museums go to Germany and France. Food for the soul and solitude can be found in the Vatican, Czech Republic. Fans of noisy parties and unbridled shopping buy plane tickets to Portugal and Spain.

The world is open. English is understood almost everywhere - from Copenhagen to Lille. And exchange offices of European banks are ready to exchange any money of visiting guests at the local rate.

Europe is the world leader in travel services

First place on the podium for the provision of tourism services undoubtedly belongs to Europe. Russians and others are looking forward to next vacation to travel to one of the European countries. People leaf through catalogs looking for interesting places holidays, book air tickets months before departure, compare prices in hotels and hostels. Statistics for 2013 showed that 82% of Russians have been to Europe at least once over the past period.

What also sets Europe apart from other visa countries is its varied holiday offerings. So, in Italy you can live in a real vineyard and learn how to make an intoxicating drink yourself - under the supervision of the owner, of course. Spain offers to live under open air in a bungalow on the shore of a lovely lake. And the Austrian Pitzal Valley will be happy to welcome anyone who wants to look after farm animals.

Rich cultural heritage

On the List world heritage- 721 real estate objects. More than three hundred of them are located within the borders of European states. That is 47% of total number monuments that are protected throughout the world belong to Europe. After all, about forty percent of world-famous museums are located in its western part alone.

In Belgium (and France) bell towers are strictly protected. Under the vigilant control of cultural authorities are Flemish monastic communities and Neolithic quarries near the Spienne region. In turn, the Netherlands cares about preserving windmills, which is in Kinderdijk-Elshout. The Dutch nation treasures the 17th century concentric canal system as well as the defenses of Amsterdam.

They honor history and cultural heritage and in Poland. Belovezhsky national park has been pleasing tourists for many years and local residents. The Royal Salt Mines in Bochnia and Wieliczka are impressive and inspiring. And the Centenary Hall in Wroclaw makes you feel the solemnity of a bygone era.

Majestic architectural monuments of civilization

List greatest monuments architecture in Europe can take a long time. Here are just a few in Greece:


    Athens Agora;

    Temple of Hephaestus;

    Theater of Dionysus;



Each European country has a reason to be proud: having carried the memory of ancestors through the centuries and preserving valuable things for descendants historical facts, beautiful legends and stunning facilities. So, fifty kilometers from Stuttgart is the Hohenzollern Castle. This fortress is visited by more than three hundred thousand tourists every year. And those who decide to move north from Barcelona will certainly be interested in the Church of the Sagrada Familia. The first stone was laid back in 1882, but to this day the construction has not been completed. The architect Gaudi created 16 spindle-shaped spiers - according to the number of apostles, evangelists, including the Virgin Mary and Jesus. The towers are decorated with skillfully made bunches of grapes and ears of wheat. These are symbols of Holy Communion.

Take the Leaning Tower of Pisa: for several centuries it has continued to excite and excite travelers. Some people have already forgotten that the tower is only part of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and served as a bell tower. Everyone continues to admire its tilt towards the horizon, taking tons of pictures against the background.

It is impossible not to mention Vienna. Squares and parks, museums and galleries, architecture and history - the sights turn the heads of tourists, as if waltzing with them. Vienna Opera- one of the most beautiful theater scenes Europe, with centuries-old dust on the tiles. If you happen to go there, for example, on the WantTour package , It's definitely worth buying a ticket to the show.

And then, for dessert, climb the Ferris Wheel. It was built in 1897 - and is called a monument not only of art and architecture, but also of engineering. The view of St. Stephen's Cathedral will be an unforgettable experience on your next European vacation.

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This I know

1. List the benefits geographical location Europe.

Position in temperate and subtropical latitudes, in flat areas, wide access to the Atlantic Ocean, possibility of communication with other regions.

2. Tell us about the role of Europe in the formation modern world.

The formation of the modern world began in Europe. Ancients European civilizations(Rome, Greece, Byzantium) became the center of formation European culture and gave the world many great discoveries. It was in Europe that the idea of ​​a democratic state structure was introduced into practice, the foundations of the legal system were formulated, and the foundations were formed modern science and humanistic worldview, market relations.

3. What is the composition of the population of Europe?

The total population of Foreign Europe is about 500 million people, the majority of them (about 95%) speak languages ​​of the Indo-European family. This language family represented in Foreign Europe by the following main groups: >Germanic, Romanesque, Slavic and Celtic; In addition, it includes the Albanian and Greek languages, as well as the dialect of the Indo-Aryan group spoken by the Gypsies. The most big number Residents of Foreign Europe (about 200 million) speak languages ​​of the Germanic group.

It is spoken by the Germans of Germany, the German population of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Dialects of the same language are spoken by Austrians, Swiss, Flemings (Belgium) and Frisians (Germany, Denmark). Belongs to the same group English language. Peoples speaking languages ​​of the North Germanic branch include Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Icelanders and Faroe Islanders. The Romance language group is more homogeneous. Peoples speaking Romance languages ​​(about 180 million) occupy a compact territory in the west, southwest and south of Europe. These are the Portuguese, Spanish, Galicians (Spain), Catalans (Spain, France), French, Walloons (Belgium), Italians and Romanians. Slavic group languages ​​and peoples is divided into three branches: western, eastern and southern. IN Western Europe Western and Southern Slavs settled (about 80 million).

4. In which part of Europe are the most economically developed countries located? What kind of states are these? Name them. What do you know about them?

5. Match

I can do this

6. Draw the largest European states by area on a contour map and label their capitals.

Russia (Moscow), Ukraine (Kyiv), France (Paris), Spain (Madrid), Sweden (Stockholm).

7. Spanish is the native language of 360 million people on the planet, English - for 320 million, Portuguese - for 230 million, French - for 80 million. Compare these figures with the population of Spain (40.4 million people) , Great Britain (60.6 million people), Portugal (10.6 million people) and France (60.9 million people). Draw conclusions. *Display this phenomenon on a pie or bar graph.

This discrepancy in numbers is due to the colonization policies of European states. England, France, Spain, Portugal, and Holland sought to develop ever larger territories in the New World. The settlers forced out indigenous people and spread their culture and language. That is why countries North America mostly English speaking South America– speak Portuguese and Spanish.

8. Using the physical map of Eurasia in the atlas, determine what minerals the subsoil of Europe is rich in.

Europe is rich in fuel minerals (oil, gas, coal, brown coal). There are ore minerals - iron ores, aluminum ores, copper ores, polymetallic ores. Among chemical raw materials, there are significant reserves of phosphorites and potassium salts.

9. Compare appearance two cities - in Northern and Southern Europe (see Fig. 165 and 166 on p. 193). What differences do you think are due to the different climate conditions in the two European regions?

Differences in typical house architecture are of course related to climatic conditions. The main differences are the materials from which houses are built, the size and glazing of windows, the height of buildings, and the presence of chimneys in houses in Northern Europe.

This is interesting to me

10. Prepare a message about national traditions peoples living in Europe (optional).

Swedish traditions

Being a fairly reserved nation, the Swedes nevertheless lead very interesting image life. Swedish traditions combine both ancient customs and modern innovations. In addition, there are indigenous, primordially Swedish traditions and those brought into the country from outside by wealthy merchants and Protestant clergy.

One of the winter customs is the celebration traditional day Saint Lucia. On an early December morning, a young girl wakes up before anyone else in the house. Wearing a white dress, symbolizing virgin purity, she sings special songs, illuminating the darkness with the light of burning candles that decorate her wreath. Dressed up Lucia treats family members awakened by beautiful singing to delicious buns and aromatic coffee. In the summer, according to tradition, Swedes hold weddings everywhere. Weather conditions allow us to celebrate happy event in nature, with horses and festive carts. In Sweden, marriage is inseparable from church weddings.

Traditions related to food

Climatic conditions and ancient Scandinavian customs largely determine the features national cuisine Swedes Marinades and pickles that can be preserved for a long time, take pride of place among the most popular dishes. Swedes also love smoked meats. But the use of various spices is not given as much attention as in other countries. When frying or stewing, preference is given not to oil, but to pork lard. In general, Swedes are supporters of “home” cooking without any frills. Fish dominates the local diet. The Swedes do not have a single feast without fish dishes. The fish is salted and smoked, cooked with wine and mustard, used as a filling for sandwiches and baked with sauce. Vegetable salads are often served with fish. Caviar and crustaceans are also favorite foods of the Swedes. One of the fun and unusual traditions Swedes celebrate Fermented Herring Day. Under-salted fish is “warmed” in the sun for two days and eaten when it has already begun to ferment, but has not had time to completely deteriorate. The Swedes claim that despite the aroma not being pleasant, herring has a simply delicious taste. Treats also don’t take much time last place among your favorite culinary products. Almond paste or cream scones can become the object of increased attention almost for the season. The Swedes have holidays for those with a sweet tooth, such as Waffle Day, dedicated to the Annunciation, or Cinnamon Bun Day.

How holidays are celebrated

The tradition of celebrating Christmas in this country is given special importance. This event is truly a family celebration, bringing together representatives of several generations at one table. At this time, the Christmas tree is decorated and Christmas gifts are given. Sometimes it is impossible for an outsider to be next to members of a family on Christmas night. In the evening, under the pretext of the need to buy something, one of the gathered men goes out the door, and almost at the same time the long-awaited Santa Claus, or as the Swedes call him, the Christmas Gnome, enters the house. Of course, he brings with him a lot of gifts in a bag. Thus, in Sweden, Santa Claus comes and gives gifts at Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Swedes usually place porridge with almonds added to it on the doorstep to appease the little gnomes. If by morning the pot is empty, then the year will be fruitful and rich. Of course, the times when people sincerely believed in such fairy tales are long gone, but the tradition nevertheless remains. Swedes traditionally start celebrating the New Year by listening to poems and congratulations in front of the TV. Then, when the street is filled with the ringing of church bells, people say wishes for happiness, raising glasses filled with champagne. In addition, Swedes, following tradition, promise each other that they will accomplish certain things in the coming year. Promises can be very different, for example, to lose weight up to a certain number or visit relatives out of town. Then people from the tables go out into the streets, illuminated by bright New Year's lights and fireworks. During holiday festivities, Swedes, according to tradition, burn a huge stuffed straw goat and smash dishes against friends' doors for good luck.

Easter in the country is celebrated in the spring a little earlier than Orthodox Easter. In Sweden, this holiday is also not complete without painting eggs with all kinds of patterns and colors. To decorate their homes, people make figurines of domestic chickens and rabbits. Children, according to tradition, take out grandmothers' clothes, their dresses and old shoes, put it all on themselves, and apply spots in the form of freckles on their faces. They try to be like those witches who, according to legend, on the Thursday before Easter, went on brooms to meet the devil. Adults give the “little witches” who go from house to house wishing them fun, various sweets, and sometimes even money.

At the very end of April, Swedes celebrate Walpurgis Night on a grand scale. It is famous for its ubiquitous bonfires and chants. The air is shaken by the noise of firecrackers and explosions of colorful fireworks. After noisy night festivities, May 1st comes. The holiday of Walpurgis Night flows into the appearance of crowded demonstrations, where workers proclaim their urgent requests for increased wages, reduced working hours, and equal rights.

Traditionally, Swedes celebrate the Summer Solstice. The day before, young unmarried girls try to weave a special wreath consisting of seven different types colors. They do this so that in their dreams they see their future loved one. On the holiday itself, poles entangled with leaves and flowers are placed on the ground. Around them, Swedes in the costumes of their country lead friendly round dances and sing.

Sweden's traditions are a reflection rich history states. It is not surprising that not only its indigenous people are proud of this country - Swedish culture has many fans all over the world.

People often ask what Europe has given to the world, what is its unique contribution. Perhaps the best answer is the concept of objectivity. Everything else follows from it - the idea of ​​personality and its freedom; the common good, distinct from private interests; justice as the pursuit of truth (that is, the opposite of revenge); ethics of science and respect for empirical evidence; philosophical thought, which frees itself from faith and glorifies the thinker’s ability to think about the world and independently seek the truth; distance and the possibility of self-criticism; the ability to dialogue, and finally, the very concept of truth.

Universalism is the decomposition of objectivity. If objectivity can be achieved by starting from particular things, then universalism seeks to define particularity by starting from an abstract and arbitrarily given concept. Instead of deducing ought from being, he does the exact opposite. Universalism does not consist in an objective consideration of things; it prescribes starting from a universal abstraction, from which knowledge about the nature of things is derived. It is a fallacy symmetrical with respect to the metaphysics of subjectivity, which reduces the good to what is “good for me” or “good for us”, the true to the inner voice or to the interlocutor. European tradition always said that a person needs to fight his directly given subjectivity. As Heidegger argues, the entire history of modernity is the history of the development of the metaphysics of subjectivity.

Subjectivism necessarily leads to relativism (according to which, everything is equal), thus closing with the egalitarian conclusion of universalism (everyone is equal). Relativism can only be overcome through the arbitrariness of my Self (or the arbitrariness of our collective Self): my point of view must prevail simply because it is mine (or ours). The concepts of justice and the common good immediately lose all basis.

The ideology of human rights includes both of these fallacies. It is universalist to the extent that it intends to impose itself everywhere, regardless of the communities to which people belong, traditions and contexts. At the same time, it is subjectivist, since it defines rights as subjective attributes that belong exclusively to the individual.

“The coronation of human rights,” writes Marcel Gauchet, “is undoubtedly the main ideological and political fact of the last twenty years” (Marcel Gauchet, La démocratie par elle-même, Gallimard-Tel, 2002, p. 326). Human rights, he adds, have become the “ideological center of gravity” of everything we see today. They strive to become a hegemon and replace with themselves all kinds of political and social discourses that were once built on the basis of now dilapidated or defamed concepts (tradition, nation, progress, revolution), that is, their goal is to become the only compass for an era that has gone astray, to give some kind of minimal moral to a troubled world. They are, as Robert Badenter says, “the moral horizon of our time.” They must become “the foundation of all societies,” adds Kofi Annan. They “contain in germ the concept of a genuine world government,” states Jean Daniel.

And even more than that. Based on theses declared “obvious” (already in the American Declaration of Independence of the USA in 1776 one could read: “we hold these truths to be self-evident” - “we consider these truths to be self-evident”), they are presented as a new Decalogue.

And as the new foundation of the human order, they should receive sacred status. Accordingly, human rights were defined as a “religion of humanity” (Nadine Gordimer), a “world secular religion” (Elie Wiesel). They, as Régis Debré writes, are “on this moment the last of all our civil religions, the soul of a soulless world” (Régis Deb-ray, Que vive la République, Odile Jacob, 1989, p. 173).

Obviousness is always close to dogmatism, because there is no arguing about it. That is why today criticism of the ideology of human rights seems as inconvenient, sacrilegious and scandalous as doubts about the existence of God once were. Like any religion, the discourse of human rights tries to present its dogmas as absolutes, with which it is impossible to argue without making oneself look stupid, dishonest or an evil person. By presenting human rights as “human” and “universal” rights, they are naturally protected from criticism, that is, from the right to question them, and at the same time their opponents are inadvertently pushed beyond the boundaries of the human race, since it is impossible to oppose the one who speaks on behalf of humanity, and at the same time remain human. Finally, just as believers formerly considered it their duty to all possible ways to convert the “infidels” and those of little faith, proponents of the religion of human rights believe that they have a mandate to carry out a mission that requires them to inculcate the principles of this religion throughout the world. The ideology of human rights, theoretically based on the principle of tolerance, carries within itself, as it turns out, intolerance of the most extreme kind, the potential for absolute rejection. Declarations of rights are not so much declarations of love as declarations of war.

But today the purpose of human rights discourse is not only to provide a surrogate ideology needed after the collapse of the “grand narratives”. By attempting to impose a particular moral standard on all people in the world, he seeks to restore the clear conscience of the West, allowing it to once again appear as a role model and expose those who do not want to follow him as “barbarians.” Looking back through history, “rights” have too often been defined by the rulers of the dominant ideology. The human rights discourse associated with market expansion constitutes the ideological framework of globalization. First of all, it is an instrument of domination, and should be viewed as such.

People should be able to fight tyranny and oppression wherever they live. Challenging the ideology of human rights does not, of course, mean defending despotism, but rather questioning what this ideology is the best remedy against despotism. That is, to raise questions about the significance of the foundations of this theory, about the nomological status of these rights, about the possibilities of instrumentalization, the object of which they can become. And at the same time, criticizing the ideology of human rights means that a different solution must be proposed.

Freedom is a cardinal value. It is the very essence of truth. That is why it must be pulled out of the rut of universalism and subjectivism. It is perhaps no coincidence that human rights are proclaimed with such insistence in a society that is increasingly dehumanized, where people themselves are increasingly becoming objects, and commercialization social relations constantly creates new forms of alienation. There are many ways to show respect and solidarity to people. The issue of freedoms cannot be resolved in terms of rights and morality. First of all, this is a political issue. And it must be decided politically.

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