Day of Belarusian writing for preschoolers script. Entertainment scenario for children of the preparatory group, dedicated to the day of Slavic writing

Themed entertainment

for children of senior preschool age.

"Celebration of Slavic literature and culture"

Target: Introduce preschoolers to Slavic culture.

Tasks: 1. Develop cognitive interest, broaden your horizons.

2. Replenish the children’s vocabulary with new words “Cyrillic”, “Rus”, Slavs.

3. To cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of patriotism, pride for the country in which we live, respect for folk traditions.

The festive bell rings. Teachers and children in folk costumes enter the hall and stand facing the guests.

Leading: Guys, today we are going on a journey, but not across cities and countries, but on a journey through time. We will look into the distant past of our country.

You and I live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia! Many years ago, Russia was called differently - Rus', and it was inhabited by the Slavs, our distant ancestors. These are people who lived many, many years ago, these are the grandparents of our grandparents.

Child: Across our broad Rus', mother, the ringing of bells is spreading.

Nowadays the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius are glorified for their labors.

The Storyteller comes out:

Goy, our glorious guests, kind, dear children. I will tell you about Holy Rus', about distant times unknown to you.

Once upon a time there were good fellows, beautiful red maidens. And they had kind mothers, bearded, wise priests.

The Slavs were strong, resilient, and hardworking. Every day was full of work worries. In those days the forest was full of game, the rivers were rich in fish. Men were hunters and fishermen, and women prepared food, planted gardens, weaved, sewed and spun. The Slavs worked hard, but they also loved to have fun, they loved to sing songs and dance in circles. But one thing upset the Slavs - they did not have literacy, the alphabet, they did not know letters and could neither write nor read. And then they went to the king with the words: “Our land is baptized, but we have no teacher who would instruct and teach us, and explain the holy books. After all, we do not know either the style of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning.”

Then Tsar Michael summoned two learned brothers - Cyril and Methodius, and the Tsar persuaded them and sent them to the Slavic Land (slide show with comments).

The letters were scratched out with special pointed sticks. Then books were made from calfskin. Many craftsmen worked on the creation of books, it was very hard work, so the book was expensive and valuable (slide show).

Even in old times, the Slavic peoples celebrated the memory of the holy brothers, but later the celebration was forgotten. Now this holiday has returned to Russia and other Slavic states. This holiday is celebrated on May 24 and is called the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. On this day, the brothers Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the alphabet, are remembered. A monument was erected in their honor in Moscow.

Slide show (monument to Cyril and Methodius in Moscow)

Our alphabet is amazing! And now it amazes us with its simplicity and convenience. And how many wonderful books have been written and published. From books we learn a lot of interesting things about the history of our Russia.

Leading: In a narrow monastery cell, within four blank walls,

A monk wrote down about the land about the Old Russian story.

He wrote in winter and summer, illuminated by dim light.

He wrote year after year about our great people.

(The narrator sits on a bench and imitates playing the harp.)

Narrator: I’ll take the ringing harp and tune it in the old fashioned way.

I will start an old story about the deeds of glorious Russian heroes.

To the blue sea for silence, and to all good people for obedience.

Whether from the city, from Murom, or from the village, or Karacharova

A good fellow, a glorious hero, is leaving - Ilya Muromets (“the hero leaves”).

Narrator: The old Cossack Ilya Muromets heard about the strong,

The mighty hero Dobrynya Nikitich, and decided to test his heroic strength;

So Ilya went into an open field,

And the young hero Dobrynya Nikitich gallops towards him (“ Dobrynya Nikitich gallops").

Ilya Muromets: Hello, good fellow!

Tell me about your homeland, and about the Fatherland!

Dobrynya: And how will my heavy club tell you about this,

How I will cut off your head and slaughter you!

Narrator: They jumped off their good horses, got into a fight and fought,

They fought for two days, and on the third day Dobrynya asked for forgiveness:

Dobrynya: If you can’t execute me, you can have mercy.

Let's call ourselves brothers of the cross, we will ride across an open field,

To fight the evil spirits of the infidels and protect our mother earth.

Narrator: Whether a lot of time has passed or a little - we don’t know...

And just another hero was born in Rus' - Alyosha Popovich.

(Alyosha Popovich appears)

Narrator: He grew by leaps and bounds.

At that time, Tugarin, the king, got into the habit of walking around Rus':

Burn Russian lands, take girls captive.

And Alyosha Popovich was hot, he shouted in a loud voice:

Alesha Popovich: You, you goy, are a brave squad!

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

We will attack the army - a countless force, we will free Mother Rus' from the scourge!

Narrator: Ilya Muromets heard about it,

The city and Dobrynya arrived in Kyiv and fraternized at a big feast.

The heroes among themselves: they called Ilya Muromets the eldest,

The middle one is Dobrynya Nikitich, the youngest one is Alyosha Popovich.

Bogatyrs: And now we’ll go and stand at the heroic outpost,

Let us defend the Russian land from enemies! (the heroes bow)

Narrator: That's where the epic ended, and the sun rose clear over Mother Russia -

To all good people for joy and fun.

Leading: Now let's remember that the Slavs loved not only to study and work, but also to have fun!

Children perform the round dance “There is a viburnum on the mountain.”

Leading; Fair-haired, gray-eyed, all bright in face and glorious in heart.

Drevlyans, Russians, tell me, who are we?

Children (in chorus) We are Slavs!

With their article, everyone is beautiful, everyone is different and everyone is similar,

Nowadays we are called Russians, since ancient times who are we?

Children (in chorus) We are Slavs!

We honor the white birch trees, we love our free songs.

We are called Masha, Yuli, Tanya, tell me who we are?

Children (in chorus) We are Slavs!

Leading: Rus' is rich in talents, Rus' is strong in talents.

If the guys sing, it means she will live.

The song “Let’s go, young girl, for water” sounds.

Leading: Now, guys, meet the modern alphabet.

It sounds "Majestic".

(Two children bring up a poster depicting the modern alphabet.)

Child: Letter to letter - there will be a word. Word by word - the speech is ready.

And melodious and harmonious, she sounds like music.

Child: So let us praise these letters! Let them come to the children.

And let our Slavic alphabet be famous!

Child: Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius, we want to say thank you,
For the letters that we really need to teach us to read.

The celebration continues outside:

Russian folk games and round dances are held.

Painting on easels on the theme “Let’s decorate a sundress”

Tea party

Children's party script

« Beginning of Az"

Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

Goals and objectives: tell children about the moral feat of the creators of Slavic writing - the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius, about the great importance of virtues in human life; moral education of schoolchildren based on the Orthodox worldview.

As visual aids and props it is proposed to use “ancient” scrolls; letters of the Slavic alphabet made of cardboard; holiday emblems;

Equipment: plasma TV, screen, dolls.

Leading: This happened a very long time ago - in the 9th century. On the border with Bulgaria there was one of the largest Byzantine provinces, the capital of which was the city of Thessaloniki,now this is the famous Greek city of Thessaloniki (its more ancient name is Thessaloniki), the location of which is helped by the map.

Slide 2.3

Leading: The city was famous for its crafts -processing of iron and copper, manufacturing of weapons, production of glass products, linen, wool and silk fabrics, leather dressing and shipbuilding. On all the streets of the city, and especially on its outskirts, there were dozens of workshops of various sizes and sizes. The population of the city was very diverse, and multilingual speech was always heard on the streets of Thessaloniki. In addition to the Greeks, there were many Slavs, Armenians, and Jews here.

Leading: In this city lived a military official named Lev. He was kind, rich, faithful, righteous and respected the commandments of God. There were seven children in his family. The brothers loved to study and read a lot.

Puppet show. Screen, city scenery, brothers Cyril and Methodius. The brothers talk about themselves, the history of the creation of the alphabet.

Slide 4 on screen.

Methodius: I, Methodius, am the elder brother.

Kirill: I, the youngest - Konstantinin tonsure named Kirill.

Methodius: We were born in the city of Thessaloniki.

Kirill: When I was 7 years old, I had a dream in which, as if in reality, the local governor gathered the most beautiful and noble girls to a ball and offered to choose a bride for me. Of all the beauties, only one attracted my attention, her name was Sofia.

Leading: Guys, do you know what the name Sofia means? Sophia is Wisdom.

Kirill: I became engaged to her and was faithful to her until the end of my days.

Leading: When Constantine told his parents about the vision, they told their son that God had appointed him to serve Sophia the Wisdom of God and bring the word of God to people. The parents hastened to fulfill the will of the Lord and found good teachers for Konstantin. With his diligence in his studies, perseverance, and desire for knowledge, Konstantin amazed his teachers. Diligently studying books, he saw how insignificant his knowledge was, that is, he needed even better teachers.

Kirill: I earnestly asked God to send me the best teachers and my request was fulfilled. The emperor died in the Greek land, and his son Michael began to reign with his mother, the pious queen Theodora. But Mikhail was still a minor, and three nobles were appointed as his teachers. One of them was well acquainted with my parents, and, knowing about my successes and diligence, he sent for me so that I could study science together with the young Emperor Michael.

Leading: So the youth Constantine ended up in the Byzantine capital - the city of Constantinople. He began to help the teacher in the upbringing and education of the imperial son and learned a lot himself. Constantine diligently studied the teachings of the wisest, most enlightened people of his time, and spent many hours working in the famous Constantinople library. With his intelligence and diligence, he amazed his teachers, for which he was later nicknamed Constantine - philosopher, sage. His entire youth was spent in hard work.
At that time, Constantinople was one of the most beautiful cities in the world: it was surrounded by three rows of powerful walls with towers. The streets and squares of the city were decorated with marble palaces, fountains and monuments to heroes and commanders. Bright sun, azure, glitter of gold everywhere!
One day, ambassadors from one Slavic tribe came to Emperor Michael, with whom Constantine studied. The people of this tribe wanted to accept holy baptism and asked to send a priest to them.

Slide 5

Kirill: At the request of the Greek king, we went to the Slavic brothers in the country of Moravia, to Prince Rostislav, to tell us about the holy Christian books that tell about God.

Leading: But how to teach Christian teaching to people who do not have writing? After all, they will not be able to read either the Holy Scriptures, or the Bible, or other holy books!

Methodius: The Slavs knew how to plow and mow, cut down tower houses, they also knew how to weave canvases and embroider them with patterns. But they didn’t know how to read and write, they couldn’t read books or write letters.

Kirill: Doesn't the sun shine for everyone?

Methodius: Doesn't it rain for everyone?

Kirill: Doesn't the earth feed everyone?

Methodius: All people are equal, all people are brothers.

Kirill: Everyone is equal before the Lord, and everyone needs literacy.

Methodius: The ABC will give us the thread of our thoughts.

Kirill: And the key to the secrets of nature.

Methodius: Secluded in the monastery, my brother and I worked hard to compile the Slavic alphabet, calling on God's help through prayer and fasting.

Leading: Constantine began to pray fervently in front of the icon of the Mother of God, so that it would help him come up with letters for the Slavs.
Kirill: Our Lady! Most Pure Virgin!
You taught the Christ Child,
Inspire us to do good deeds -
The sounds of letters came to our lips.
Enlighten, Mother of God, the peoples,
Who don’t even have books yet.
Give them faith, love, and freedom,
And the teachings of Christian light!
Quiet music and words of prayer sound Our Lady.
It was very quiet in the temple, candles were flickering, and large southern stars were looking out the window. Constantine suddenly felt joyful in his soul: he felt that his prayer had been heard by the Mother of God Herself!
After the prayer service, the brothers and their five faithful students began to create the Slavic alphabet. Everything worked out easily for them, as if by itself. The alphabet took shape like a mosaic picture.

Slide 6

Praying to God in the morning,

The saint bent over the leaf,

He brought the letters to his pen

Radiant golden angel.

And the letters of the Slavic ligature lay down,

And line after line ran,

Becoming a great book,

Sent by the hand of the Almighty.

And, it seemed, Jesus Christ Himself

He speaks to us in Slavic!

And finally, Constantine wrote the first line of the Gospel of John in beautiful new letters.

Slide 7. The words “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” sound

Kirill: (repeats) “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Slide 8

Methodius: This is the text of the Holy Book - the Gospel. It contains the good news about the life of Jesus Christ, about His teachings, commandments that teach us how to live.

The “Hymn to Cyril and Methodius” sounds. The presentation on the slide shows the text of the work. At the last lines of the hymn, Cyril and Methodius sedately leave.

Leading: The language in which the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius first wrote down the Holy Gospel for us began to be called Church Slavonic. This is the language of prayer. Spiritual depth and power are hidden in the Church Slavonic language. Therefore, to this day, it is heard in the Russian Orthodox Church during services.

Slide 9

Leading: On May 24, 863, the Bulgarian monks Cyril and Methodius announced the invention of the Slavic alphabet. The first letters of the Slavic alphabet “Az” and “Buki” gave the name of the first book for reading - ABC. This year our alphabet will celebrate its 1151st birthday!

Leading : Every year on May 24, Russia celebrates a holiday - the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture; this holiday came to us from Bulgaria and is called the holiday of the Slavic alphabet. The holiday in Bulgaria begins with a demonstration - a colorful procession. In their hands people carry huge letters, books, globes.

Puppet show

A barefoot boy named Ales appears on the stage. He is wearing wide trousers and a long Russian shirt. The sound of hooves sounds. There is an image of a forest on the screen. The messenger and Timokha enter the stage.

Messenger: Hey, Timokha, who's there on the hill?

Timokha: Human…

Messenger: A man is a man, but he’s painfully small...

Timokha: The boy... walks barefoot...

Messenger: (addressing the boy): Where are you from, why are you walking alone?

Ales: The Swedes burned down our village... They killed our father, and our mother died of hunger long ago...

Messenger: Where are you going?

Ales: To Moscow!

Messenger and Timokha: (surprised): To Moscow?

Messenger: Why do you need to go to Moscow?

Ales: (sighing) There... they teach.

Messenger: Learn? What do they teach?

Ales: ABC! (proudly) I'm a scientist! I know four letters. Listen: Az, Buki, Vedi, Verb...

Messenger: (with a smile): A lot... But what is your name?

Ales: Where are you guys going?

Messenger: Also to Moscow.

Ales: Good! And I'm with you!

Slide 10, 11

Leading: The messengers liked Ales. They took him with them to Moscow and assigned him as a student. What did the ancient Russian school look like? How were the children taught there? Look at the painting by B. M. Kustodiev “Zemstvo school in Moscow Rus'”. The school was located in a spacious wooden hut. The guys were all sitting together on benches at one long table. The teacher sat importantly at the head of the table. Behind him, on the wall, in a very visible place, hung a whip, which he used for negligence in his studies and bad behavior. The picture shows two students kneeling in front of the teacher with an open book. It is not difficult to guess why they were punished. The school day lasted from 7 am to 7 pm, with a two-hour break for lunch.

Leading: In the old days, children studied

They were taught by the church clerk,

They came at dawn

And the letters repeated like this:

A and B - like Az and Buki,

V - like Vedi, G - verb.

So wonderful at first!

Our diploma was there!

This is the pen they used to write with -

From a goose wing!

This knife is for a reason

Called “pen-shaped”:

They sharpened their pen,

If it wasn't spicy.

It was difficult to read and write

And the girls were not supposed to learn anything.

Only boys were trained.

Deacon with a pointer in hand

I read books to them in a sing-song manner

In Slavic language.

Leading: At the beginning of the 18th century PeterIcarried out a reform of the alphabet. Difficult to write letters were replaced by the so-called civil script. In 1917-18 there was a new reform, “yat”, “izhitsa”, “fita” and “er” at the end of the word were excluded from the alphabet.

Leading: The letter “yat” is similar in appearance to the icon that astronomers use to represent the planet Saturn. “Yat” and e were pronounced exactly the same. The letter “yat” was called “a monster letter”, “a scarecrow letter”, as it made spelling difficult and brought (especially to schoolchildren) a lot of grief. They had to mechanically learn the rules in “yat”. Errors in “yat” were considered the worst. The expression “know to know” testified to the best knowledge.

Leading: “Izhitsa” was somewhat reminiscent of an inverted whip. This is where the expression “prescribe Izhitsa” came from, which meant “flog, tear out”, give a strong scolding.

Leading: "Er", the so-called hard sign, is now considered a useful letter. Performs a modest role: it separates the consonant of the prefix from the vowel. And before the exile, the letter was written at the end of words after hard consonants. She was called a “idler”, “slacker”, “robber”, “parasite”, “bloodsucker” and other similar words.

Leading: The letter "fita" and f - "fert" - conveyed the same sound. People noticed a funny similarity between the design of this letter and the posture of a man with his arms akimbo. At first, the word fert meant “hands on hips”, “with arms akimbo”, then the expression to walk with a fert appeared.

Leading: In the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, each letter has its own name. Opens the alphabet АЗЪ, which means the sound “A”. AZ is the name of God. In the Bible the Lord says: “I am God” - I am God.

The name of the second letter is “BUKI”, it stands for the sounds “B” and “B”. Beeches are letters. The word letters comes from the name of the beech tree. Fold the 1st and 2nd letters AZI + BUKI. What happened? Alphabet or alphabet. This is where the word alphabet comes from.

Practical part.

Leading: Guys, look carefully at the screen, what do you see? (children's answers)

Leading: Who can read the Cyrillic alphabet faster and more accurately? (Participants read the alphabet in forward and reverse order).

Leading: Guess which word is encrypted

Rtsy, firmly, good, UK.

Word, az, earth, az, kako.

I, er, kako, earth.

Answers: Work, Fairy Tale, Language.

Leading: In language and culture, the letters of the Slavic alphabet themselves were of such great importance that the Russian people composed proverbs and sayings about them. I name them, and you try to answer what they mean.

“Start with the basics.”

“Do it in yat.”

“I read it from basics to basics.”

“I’ll prescribe Izhitsa for you.”

“Stand by as a ferret.”

“Watch is a verb.”

Leading: The names of the letters form instructions. History knows many such instructions. Try to put the names of the letters into a coherent text with moral, instructive content. Who will make it longer and more folded? But listen to the option: I know the letters (I know), I say Good is! Live, people, in perfection on earth! And think like people should! Our peace is in God, speak the word firmly, directly, without prevarication!

Leading: The first books began to appear. They wrote for a long time with goose feathers. The peculiarity was that the capital letters were drawn in the form of wondrous animals, birds, even people. The large, decorated initial letters of the text are called drop caps. Each of these initial letters is unique, just as each book was unique at that time: after all, printed books appeared in the world only 500 years ago, and these initial letters are much older. This beautiful letter gave the name “red line”. After the book was written, it was decorated with precious stones, gold and silver. Only a rich man could afford such a book. The scribes did not have time to rewrite the books, as more and more of them were needed. And in the 16th century, Ivan Fedorov created a machine where books could be printed. Over time, more convenient machines appeared, and with them modern books, and writing changed gradually and reached what it is now.

Leading: It is written in the chronicles of times: “That was a wonderful moment,” the deaf began to hear, and the dumb began to speak, for until that time the Slavs were both deaf and dumb.”

Presenter: A troparion is performed in the church in honor of the saints. A troparion is a verse that tells about a holiday or a Saint.

The troparion sounds.

Leading: Our dear guests! I wish you to be faithful servants and guardians of the life-giving, high Slavic word and writing, which twelve centuries ago was given to the Slavs by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius.



1. Expand students’ knowledge and ideas about the history of the emergence of Slavic writing and its role in the development of mankind.
2. Arouse interest in the history of writing and culture of your people.
3. Develop speech, thinking, and creative abilities of students.
4. Foster respect and understanding of Russian culture and Slavic traditions.
Stage decoration:
a bench, a chronicler's table with a lit candle, a quill pen, scrolls, a poster "Alphabet". On the desk
poster with the inscription “Day of Slavic Writing”, sheets of papyrus.
All participants have emblems. (see Attachment)


Presenter (teacher)
We are starting our holiday dedicated to the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature. In the old days, our distant ancestors began their day by turning to the forces of nature, to the sun. Let us also say an ancient greeting.
Presenters (children in national costumes): (stand in a circle and speak in chorus)
From a deep well (hands “O”)
The sun is slowly rising. (Hands rise above your head)
Its light will spill on us (arms are extended in front of us, palms up)
Its beam will smile at us (arms parallel down)
It will begin a new day (hands down wide)
From my native Belarus
I meet the dawn
To all the boys and girls
“Good day!” - I say.
I hear my dear voice
Cities, villages.
Ukraine says: “Great bulls!”
- Good afternoon!

In the morning the fields are dewy,
The distance is transparent and clear.
Russia will respond.
- Hello! - she will say.
And where I won’t go
Is it in these lands, -
Everywhere, a word of hello
Brothers and friends will meet you.
Fair-haired and gray-eyed,
All are bright in face and glorious in heart.
Drevlyans, Rusichi, glades,
Tell me, who are you?
/ They chorus / We are Slavs!
Your article is all nice,
Everyone is different and everyone is alike,
Now you are called Russians,
Since ancient times, who are you?
All: We are Slavs!
Look back at our ancestors,
To the heroes of days past,
Remember them with kind words.
Glory to them stern fighters!
Glory to Russian antiquity!
And about this old thing
I'll start telling you
So that people can know
About the affairs of our native land...
(They bring out a loaf of bread to the guests)
Teacher: 2014 has been declared the Year of Culture. We want to turn to the origins of our culture, to introduce you to the history of the origin of writing in Rus'.
Today, more than ever, it is worth remembering that the Day of Slavic Literature is a pan-Slavic holiday. We must carefully preserve age-old traditions. Understand that all Slavic peoples have always been united.
So, let's take a journey through the pages of history. Let's find out how writing appeared in Rus'.
-It’s hard to believe, but once upon a time we didn’t have printed books.
There was a time when our Slavic ancestors did not have writing. They didn't know the letters. (Slide 2) They wrote letters, but not with letters, but with drawings. Every object of our ancestors meant something, symbolized something.
Teacher: Guys, do you know what our ancestors wrote in? Yes. It was papyrus. Please note on the board we have samples of papyrus leaves. (Slide 3) Later in Rus' they began to use birch bark sheets (processed birch bark). The beautiful birch tree has long been revered in Rus'.
(Slide 4) Let's sing the song “There was a birch tree in the field”
In a narrow monastery cell,
In four blank walls
About the land about ancient Russian
The story was written down by a monk.

(Slide 5)

(A monk enters with a lit candle, sits down at the table, writes with a quill pen)
He wrote in winter and summer,
Illuminated by dim light.
He wrote year after year
About our great people.

(Press sound Slide 5)/A bell rings in the audio recording/
Chronicler(getting up)
Across broad Rus' - our mother
The bells ring out.
Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius
They are glorified for their efforts.

Remember Cyril and Methodius,
Glorious brothers, equal to the apostles,
In Belarus, in Macedonia,
In Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia,
The wise brothers are praised in Bulgaria,
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.
All the peoples who write in Cyrillic,
What have been called Slavic since ancient times,
They glorify the feat of the first teachers,
Christian enlighteners.
Teacher: (Slide 6) Brothers Cyril and Methodius, originally from Byzantium, holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers, brought writing to Rus' and created the first alphabet (Cyrillic), which we use to this day. They are revered as saints.
Let's go back to the distant past and listen to the conversation between two brothers. Let's find out which of them dreamed of creating the Slavic alphabet.
(Slide 7)

(two brothers are sitting on a bench, a school teacher is walking behind him with a book)
Author: On the shore of the warm sea stands the city of Solun (now it is called Thessaloniki.) Here Byzantium ended, then came the vast lands of the Slavs, our ancestors. Many residents of Soluni were also Slavs.
Two brothers lived here, the sons of a military leader. Their father was Greek, but their Slavic mother spoke to the children in her native Slavic language. It's time for the boys to go to school. First, the elder brother, MEFODIUS, began to study; a few years later, the younger brother, Konstantin, went to school.
Everything at school seemed terribly interesting and surprising to him, and he kept pestering his older brother with questions:
- Why does the teacher speak Greek all the time? I heard that in the shop he spoke excellent Slavic.
- So it’s in the shop. And at school you can only speak Greek. Because books, knowledge, everything comes from the Greeks.
-Why don’t the Slavs have their own books?

-Because you can’t write in Slavic.
Author: At this time, a school teacher passed by. He heard the brothers talking.
-Don’t you know that only cultural languages ​​are worthy of ink and parchment - Latin and Greek. All other languages ​​are rude and barbaric, and you cannot write in them!
-No, you can! - said the younger brother. So I will grow up and come up with Slavic letters.
They leave. The chronicler enters with the ABC and sits down at the table.
Years have passed. The younger brother studied very well and soon became the best student in the entire school. He was sent to study further, to the capital of Byzantium, the city of Constantinople. But even there he did not forget about his dream - to create the alphabet of the Slavs.
The Greek king Michael sent these brothers to the Slavs so that they could talk about the holy Christian books and book words unknown to them.

Teacher: And so the brothers Constantine and Methodius came to the Slavs to create the Slavic alphabet.
(Slide 8) Chronicler(holds the book “Russian ABC” in his hands)
This visible little book
According to the spoken alphabet,
Printed quickly by order of the Tsar
To all young children to learn
Ukrainian (takes the book from the Chronicler)
Here is the ABC - the beginning of everything.
I opened the primer and felt like childhood!
And Konstantin the philosopher at night
I didn’t sleep, I was probably making up letters.
Whispered. Dipped the pen into ink.
He understood that letters are the basis
Of the coming unwritten word,
As big as the Pacific Ocean.
Presenter (teacher)
On May 24, 863, in Bulgaria, Cyril and Methodius announced the creation of an alphabet. They tried to keep each letter of the first Slavic alphabet simple and clear and used the new alphabet to translate Greek religious texts into Slavic. (Slide 8) Cyril and Methodius translated the Ostromir Gospel (Slide 9), the Apostle and the Psalter into Slavic.
They remembered that a person, as soon as he saw a letter, would immediately want to master writing.
And Cyril and Methodius came up with initial letters, and from them they made up the alphabet. What is this alphabet called? (Cyrillic). Why is it called that? (named after Kirill, one of its creators).
(Slide 10) That's right, guys. At first there were two alphabets: Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Take a closer look at these Cyrillic letters. Don't they remind you of letters you already know? (Children's answers). Each letter in the ancient Slavic alphabet was special. They had a name. Let's read the names of the letters of the first line together.
(Slide 11) (Read in chorus)
Beeches – letters, books;
Vedi - to know, to know;
Verb - I say, word;
Good is good;
Yes – yes;
Live - life;
Presenter (teacher)
If you noticed, all the meanings of the letters had good meanings and were associated with life and earth. The alphabet told about the life of the earth.
Let these ancient letters now come to life with the help of our magical ABC.
"Letters" are included.

Az: Hello children! Guess which letter I am? That's right, my name is "Az". Name the words that begin with me. (Children call).
Beeches: Now guess what my name is? That's right, my name is "Buki". Remember how many good, tasty words begin with my letter. Name them. Now call us in order.
Leading: The result is the word "ABC". You, dear letters, have the great honor of standing at the beginning of our alphabet. This is what people say: “First “az” and “buki”, and then science.” The path of each of you into the world of knowledge begins with the basics. Guys, remember the proverbs about the benefits of learning.

The guys say the proverbs:

1. Learning is light, not learning is darkness.
2. Live forever and learn.
3. Hard to learn - easy to fight.
(Slide 12) with proverbs)
Leading: And another letter is rushing towards us. Introduce youreself!
Lead: Hello children! My name is "Vedi". I know everything, I know about everything.
I want to ask you a few riddles. I find out that you know. (Reads from the scroll).
1. The bird sisters sat in a row
And they speak silently. (letters)
2. Not a bush, but with leaves.
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller. (book)
3. I’ll catch a goose and throw it into the water,
I will drive him, he will talk. (Feather)
4. What kind of water is only suitable for literate people? (Ink)

5. Five oxen plow with one plow. (Fingers and pen)

Leading: Let's continue our acquaintance with the Slavic alphabet.
Letter Verb:Hello children! I am the letter "Verb".
Leading: What a beautiful name you have! What does it mean? What do you guys think? To verb means to speak. But before you speak, you need to think carefully. People used to say: “If you say a word, you won’t get it back, and you’d give a lot for a word, but you won’t be able to redeem it.”
Letter Verb:Let's try to finish the endings of sentences
(Reads from the scroll) (Slide 13)
2 A: “Az, beeches, lead, scary as…………. the Bears."
2 B: “They teach the alphabet, they shout to the whole hut……………...”
2 G: “First AZ and BUKI, then …………”

Leading: Look, another letter is rushing towards us!
Good: Good afternoon, children! My name is "Good".
Leading: What a good name you have! Kindness is the best character trait of a person.
Today we will perform the song “Kindness” (Slide 14)
KINDNESS Words by N. Tulupova Music by I. Luchenko
It is not at all easy to be kind.
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind
And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.
And the earth will spin faster,
If we are kinder to you.

It's not easy to be kind.
Kindness does not depend on height,
Kindness brings people joy
And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness does not age over the years,
Kindness will warm you from the cold.
If kindness shines like the sun,
Adults and children rejoice.

: And a new guest is coming to us from ABC!

People: Hello children! I am the letter "People".
People, you live in harmony,
Bring affection and love.
We cannot divide the radiant sun into parts,
And the eternal land cannot be divided,
But you can have a spark of happiness, you must,
You can give it to your friends.
Leading: Meet us, a new letter is coming to us!

Think: Hello, children! My name is "Think".
Leading: What a wise letter has come to us!
Think: I brought you sayings. Explain their meaning. (opens scrolls with proverbs and sayings.)
2 A class.
A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
A bird is not red with its feathers, it is red with its mind.
Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books.
2 In class.
A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.
It’s not good to read books if you can only grasp the tops of them.
What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
2nd grade.
The spoken word has existed and no, but the written word lives forever.
The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.
Bread nourishes warmth, and a book nourishes the mind.
Teacher: Well done, guys! Everything was explained correctly..
The sages have long known:
Where smart thoughts are cramped,
There is no envy, no boredom.
There are jacks of all trades there.
Sew, cook and draw,
Sing and dance loudly.
There are letters that hiss,
There are whistling letters
And only one of them -
The letter is growling.
Letter Rtsy: Hello, children! I am the letter "Rtsy".
No wonder I’m proud of myself, because I am the beginning of the word “Rus”
Rus' is rich in talents,
Rus' is strong in talents.
If the girls sing, -
So she will live.
The song is sung: “Oh, my canopy, my canopy!”
Host: Thank you, letters, for teaching us beauty, kindness, wisdom. Thanks to the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius for giving us the Slavic alphabet.
(Slide 15) The Solun brothers are the pride of the entire Slavic world. Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher and his brother Methodius are often depicted with books in their hands.
We think that you were interested in getting acquainted with the letters of the Cyrillic alphabet. Sister letters invite you to further acquaintance.
And now, Cyrillic alphabet, meet the modern Russian alphabet.
(Slide 16) Children bring out the “Alphabet” poster

1 reader:
Letter to letter - there will be a word,
Word by word - the speech is ready.
And melodious and harmonious,
It sounds like music.
Reader 2:
So let us praise these letters!
Let them come to the children
And let him be famous
Our Slavic alphabet!
Reader 3:
We serve our Fatherland faithfully,
You are one of the sons.
Grow so that you are needed
Dear to your Motherland!
Reader 4:
A reward awaits you for your work -
A beautiful goal in the distance
But you have to look around
On the path that we have passed.
Reader 5:
There is nothing better, more beautiful
Dear thy Motherland!
Look back at our ancestors,
To the heroes of days gone by!
Reader 6:
Remember them with a kind word -
Glory to them, the stern fighters,
Glory to our side!
Glory to Russian antiquity!

Host: After their death, brothers Cyril and Methodius were canonized. (Slide 17, 18)
In many cities there are monuments to educators. They are always depicted together on icons. (Slide 19) You can see educators on ancient frescoes.
(Slide 20) The holiday of Slavic writing is celebrated together with the church. The Slavs made an invaluable contribution to the treasury of world culture with great works of literature, music, architectural monuments, and scientific discoveries.
In honor of Cyril and Methodius, the Hymn “Glory to you, brothers, Slavic enlighteners” was written by Mikhail Rozenheim to the music of Vladimir Hlavach.
(Slide 20) Turn on the sound
All the kids come out in costumes
Native speech is the basis of the Fatherland,
Do not muddy the Divine spring -
Save yourself - the soul gives birth to a word -
Our great Holy Russian language.
We are grateful to enlightenment, science is the sun, warms the soul,
Blessed by the hand of the fathers, go boldly into history.
Holy love is deep for the highly renowned apostles
The affairs of Cyril and Methodius in Russia will live for centuries.
And the native Rus' of the holy apostles of the Slavs will glorify...
And with the sweet sound of their names, announcing your prayers,
From century to century, from generation to generation, she preserves their memory!
Together (all artists)

Glory to Cyril, glory to Methodius - the holy brothers!
Presenter: Our holiday is a hymn to FRIENDSHIP and ENLIGHTENMENT.
Preserve the cultural traditions of your people!
Thank you for your attention!

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture at the Preschool Educational Institution

Target: to cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of pride for the country in which we live, respect for folk traditions.
Continue to develop interest and respect for the native culture, show its relationship with Slavic culture.
Introduce children to the history of the creation of the Slavic alphabet and its founders - the brothers Cyril and Methodius.
Draw children's attention to the significance of the names of each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet.
To form in children ideas about the similarities and differences between the modern alphabet and the Cyrillic alphabet.
To a cheerful Russian folk melody, children enter the hall, change formation, and stand in a semicircle. (Slide 1)
Educator: Guys, today we are going on a journey, but not across cities and countries, but on a journey through time. We will look into the distant past of our country.
You and I live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia!
-What is the name of our country, where you and I live? (children's answers)
Many years ago, Russia was called differently - Rus', and it was inhabited by the Slavs, our distant ancestors. These are people who lived many, many years ago, these are the grandparents of our grandparents. Our ancestors called themselves Slavs, and Rus' originated from them.
And this means that the Slavs are a glorious people.
Dear Guys! Every year, all Slavic countries, according to the old tradition, celebrate a holiday on May 24 dedicated to the brothers who created Slavic writing - Cyril and Methodius. Brothers Methodius and Cyril were Orthodox monks. Living in a Greek monastery, they created a new alphabet for the Slavic peoples: “Cyrillic” and “Glagolitic”. In 1991, a holiday of Slavic culture and writing appeared in our country. (Slide 2)

Across broad Rus' - our mother -
The bells ring out.
Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius
They are glorified for their efforts.
Remember Cyril and Methodius -
Glorious brothers, equal to the apostles
In Belarus, Macedonia,
In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The wise brothers are praised in Bulgaria,
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.
All the peoples who write in Cyrillic,
What have been called Slavic since ancient times,
They glorify the feat of the first teachers,
Christian enlighteners.
Fair-haired and gray-eyed,
Everyone is bright in face and glorious in heart,
Drevlyans, Rusichi, glades,
Tell me, who are you?
Your article is all nice,
Everyone is different and everyone is alike,
Now you are called Russians,
Since ancient times, who are you?
Let's take you on a short journey on a steam locomotive into the past to find out how writing developed.
The children board the “train” and ride to the station to the song. (Slide 3)
1 station. "Primitive". Rock symbols - letters, hieroglyphs. Charcoal drawing.
Slide 4.So in ancient times, people exchanged information by sending each other various objects. It turned out cumbersome and not particularly clear. When people realized that exchanging message objects was a troublesome task, they began to draw these objects.
Slide 5.Such images were found on the walls of caves where ancient people once lived. These are the first steps of man towards the creation of writing. Gradually, people began to replace drawings with symbols.

Slide 6. Inscriptions were made on stones, rocks, and on boards. Of course, it was difficult to transport such “letters” over distances and these signs could be understood in different ways.
Slide 7- Time passed. Gradually, people moved from drawings to signs, which they began to call letters. This is how writing was born.
(Practical activities for students. Drawing.) 2 teams on 2 easels, send the team a message in the form of rock inscriptions, for example, we are going hunting, or we killed a mammoth.
The children get on the train and move on. (Slide 8)
Slide 9. 2nd station. "Historical". Cyril and Methodius. Glagolitic and Cyrillic
Presenter: Goy, you are our nice guests, kind, dear children!
I will tell you about Holy Rus', about distant times unknown to you. Once upon a time there lived good fellows, beautiful, beautiful maidens. They knew how to plow and mow, cut down mansions, they knew how to weave canvases and embroider them with patterns. But our ancestors did not know how to read, did not know how to read books or write letters. And the wise brothers Cyril and Methodius appeared in Rus'. (Slide 10) The younger brother Kirill dreamed of writing books that were understandable to the Slavs, and for this he had to come up with letters. Years have passed. The brothers grew up and learned. But the dream of creating a Slavic alphabet did not leave his younger brother. He worked hard. And now the alphabet was ready. His elder brother Methodius began to help him. Cyril and Methodius accomplished a great work! This event happened a very long time ago.
The teacher shows the Cyrillic alphabet - the Slavic alphabet, emphasizing that the names of the letters were supposed to remind people of words that should not be forgotten: “earth”, “life”, “good”, etc. (Slide 11)
Each letter in the ancient Slavic alphabet was special. She had a name.
Do you think there were many books at that time? Why? (Children's answers).
At that time, books were written by hand by arctic foxes; one book took several years to write. Many people wanted to read books, but there were very few of them, so people began to think about how to simplify this process. (Slide 12)
Now listen to the story. In a Russian village there lived a boy, Vanya Fedorov. His father copied books, was a scribe, and Vanya saw how difficult it was. He wanted to make a printing machine so that he could print many books, so that people would learn a lot of wisdom from books. To print a book, you first had to cut out the letters. The capital letters were beautifully decorated. (Slide 13)
Invite children to cut out capital carved letters.
Let's go to the next station. (Slide 14)

3rd station. "Musical - gaming." Folk games. (Slide 15)
Educator: Yes, what beauties the Russian land is rich in: long braids, bright sundresses, colorful, colorful scarves. Shouldn't we play an interesting game with them now? Take out your handkerchiefs, people, and go out for a walk in a circle.
The musical game “Pass the handkerchief” is held at your choice
Whoever has a handkerchief left stands in a circle and dances, the rest repeat.
Song "At my Russia"
The Slavs worked hard, but they also loved to have fun, they loved to sing songs and dance in circles.
And we are going to the next station. (Slide 16)
4 Station “Skazochno-zagadkino”(Slide 17)
1) 33 sisters sat on the pages.
They sat down next to each other, they were not silent, they told us riddles.
If you know their secret, you will find the answer to everything. (Letters)
2) She speaks silently, but clearly and not boringly.
If you talk to her more often, you will become four times smarter. (Book)
3) The first book where you study letters,
What do you call her? (Primer)
Letter to letter - there will be a word,
Word by word - the speech is ready.
And melodious and harmonious,
It sounds like music.
So let's praise these letters!
Let them come to the children
And let him be famous
Our Slavic alphabet.
A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
A bird is not red with its feathers, it is red with its mind.
A good book is not a burden to read.
From time immemorial it has been raising a person.
Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge from books.
It’s not good to read books if you can only grasp the tops of them.
The spoken word has existed and no, but the written word lives forever.
It is wasted effort to fish without a hook and to study without a book.
A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.
The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.
Bread nourishes warmth, and a book nourishes the mind.
We read a lot of books: stories, poems. But from early childhood we all love fairy tales.
- What fairy tales do you know? Let's check it out? (Slide 18)
1) A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,
I went to visit my grandmother in the forest.
Mom made a beautiful hat
And I didn’t forget to bring some pies with me.
What a sweet girl.
What is her name? … (Little Red Riding Hood)
2) I'm a wooden boy,
Here is the golden key!
Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -
They are all friends with me.
I stick my long nose everywhere,
My name is... (Pinocchio)
3) Three of them live in a hut,
It has three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)
4) In a dark forest at the edge,
Everyone lived together in the hut.
The children were waiting for their mother,
The wolf was not allowed into the house.
This fairy tale is for the guys... (Wolf and seven kids)
5) Fulfilled three wishes,
But the old man's punishment
Three mistakes for the old woman
Took everything back (Goldfish)...
6) Grandma is old, grandma is ancient,
Black cat, bone leg,
In Russian fairy tales, the villain is the first.
Children, this is (Baba Yaga)...
We traveled from the past to the present and learned how difficult it was to create the book, a lot of people worked on its creation, it is our faithful friend, and teaches us a lot, so let’s take care of the book.
Here you go guys, our fabulous journey has ended, I propose to take our seats and head back to kindergarten. (Slide 19)
Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius,
We want to say thank you
For the letters that we really need
To teach us to read. (Slide 20)

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