Sample list of similar jobs. List of jobs when carrying out satellite surveys: how to avoid mistakes

We should not forget that when compiling a list, it is necessary to take into account the gender of workers if the severity of labor is a characteristic factor for a given production. This is due to the fact that the severity of work for men and women is assessed by class, and when working under the same conditions, the general class of working conditions may be different.

When compiling a list of jobs, it is necessary to take into account all jobs that fully comply with the characteristics of similarity. This will significantly reduce the costs of conducting SOUT, because one map will be drawn up for all these places. But this issue should be approached very carefully. Indeed, if it is revealed that the workplaces subject to inspection are not actually similar, then the procedure will have to be carried out for each workplace individually.

In addition, the list of workplaces subject to special safety standards must indicate the places where the necessary measurements and assessed factors will be carried out, the list of which is established on the basis of necessity and reasonableness. But in almost every workplace the following factors are assessed: , and . The list of other factors is compiled in accordance with occupational safety rules and sanitary standards. The quality and speed of the special assessment of working conditions largely depends on how correctly and carefully the list is compiled.

  • administrative suspension of production activities for up to 90 days;
  • imprisonment for up to 5 years.

Why do you need a SOUT card?

A workplace special assessment sheet is required for:

  • employees, because this document sets out all the harmful and dangerous production factors that may affect their health;
  • the employer, because he needs to understand what measures to take to ensure legislation in the field of labor protection;
  • regulatory authorities, because they supervise compliance with the rights of workers and the obligations of employers.

Sample of filling out a special assessment card for working conditions

It is necessary to indicate:

  • name of the structural unit and position;
  • number of employees and their SNILS;
  • equipment used;
  • classification of harmful and dangerous factors;
  • recommendations based on the results of the activities.

The filling is step by step, a sample filling is given below.

As a methodological document that will facilitate filling out the card, it is necessary to use the Instructions (Appendix No. 4 to Order of the Ministry of Labor dated January 24, 2014 No. 33n).

Step 1. Fill out the “header”

We indicate the full name of the employer, location address, full name of the manager, email and other information according to the names of the cells.

Step. 2. We assign a number and enter information about the number of employees and the work they perform

A serial number is assigned, the position and name of the structural unit are indicated in accordance with the staffing table, the numbers and numbers of similar jobs are indicated if they exist (if they are missing, nothing needs to be written; if such places exist, information about them can be taken from Section II of the Report on results of SOUT).

The release of ETKS, EKS are the details of the unified tariff and qualification directories on the basis of which the staffing table was drawn up, we simply indicate their details.

The number of employees is entered into the table according to the fact, including for similar jobs.

Step 3. Enter the SNILS of employees

Step 4. Fill in the field about the equipment used

If this is a milling machine, then we write that it is a milling machine, the model is this, the number is such and such (as in the documents for its operation). The raw materials used are metal, coolant.

Step 5. Fill in information about harmful and dangerous factors

In general, the report on the results of the special assessment process is filled out by an expert from the organization that directly carried it out. But if you are lucky enough to fill out the Report yourself, then all the necessary information about harmful and dangerous factors must be taken from the conclusion on their measurements, which should have been prepared by the relevant laboratory. There is no need to take anything from your head into this section, everything is just from documents.

Step 6. Fill in information about guarantees and compensation

This section specifies the guarantees and compensations provided for by labor protection legislation. If something is required for a certain position, shortened working hours, milk for being harmful, etc., all this is indicated in this section with reference to the regulatory document.

Here we enter the information that the SOUTH commission recommends in order to minimize harmful and dangerous production factors on the employee's body. Full list measures to improve working conditions are contained in Section VI of the Report.

Step 8. Sign with the members of the SOUT Commission

All commission members must sign the card.

Step 9. Introducing employees

All employees who are employed at this workplace, even if they come once a day to perform a one-time operation (make a copy on a copier, for example), must be familiar with the results of the SOUTH for this workplace.

An example of filling out a special assessment card for working conditions

Familiarization with cards for special assessment of working conditions, as well as entering the SNILS of employees into this document, must be considered separately, because these sections raise the greatest number of questions when filling out.

Entering SNILS into the SOUT card

According to Appendix No. 4 to the Order of the Ministry of Labor dated January 24, 2014 No. 33n (Instructions for filling out the report form based on the results of the SOUT), line 021 of the card indicates information about the SNILS of employees. And nothing else is explained in the Instructions regarding entering SNILS into SOUT cards.

So, the standard form provides 4 lines for employees’ SNILS. But in reality, there may be much more workers working in this workplace. Besides, some people come, others go. It’s not written anywhere how to fill out the form. Therefore, enter the SNILS number of all employees who are employed at this location. If there are not enough lines, make an addition (by analogy with vacations in personal T-2 cards), and that’s it.

Familiarization with the SOUT map

Employees are familiarized with special assessment cards for working conditions upon completion of all measurements and studies. All employees working at this place must be familiarized with signature; if there is not enough space, just make an additional sheet.

Where is the SOUT card stored?

The place or structural unit where documents based on the results of a special assessment are stored is determined by the employer independently by its normative act. If the organization has a separate position or occupational safety service, then the specified documents will be stored there. If there is no corresponding specialist in the organization, it means that the SOUT cards will be stored either in personnel or in the accounting department (according to the principle - whoever directly organized it keeps it).

When conducting a special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as SOUT, special assessment), the concept of “similar jobs” is used. In this case, a special assessment of working conditions can be carried out in relation to a smaller number of workplaces, which means that the employer has the opportunity to save on conducting special assessment work. Let's consider this concept in more detail.

General provisions

Law on special assessment N 426-FZ dated December 28, 2013 lists the criteria by which jobs can be grouped into the category of similar ones.

So, these jobs are characterized by the following:

  • they are located in one room or several similar rooms, in which the same conditions are created using the same type of equipment (ventilation, heating, air conditioning, lighting);
  • these places are occupied by workers of the same profession, specialty, position, performing the same labor functions in the same working hours;
  • work at these places is a similar process;
  • The same equipment, materials, tools, and protective equipment are used in the work.

If during the special assessment at least one non-conformity of workplaces according to the specified criteria is revealed, a special assessment must be carried out in relation to all workplaces previously combined into one category.

Before the start of the procedure, the special assessment commission must approve the list of workplaces that will be subject to special assessment. The same list indicates similar jobs. When conducting a special assessment of jobs in this category, the results will be applied to all such jobs.

When determining their number, the employer must take into account that SOUT should be carried out in relation to 20% of the total number of identical jobs (but not less than two).

For these workplaces, one SOUT map is drawn up, and one list of measures to improve working conditions is established.

Main mistakes when identifying similar jobs

Before ordering SOUT services, the employer estimates how much it will cost him this procedure. Often, the employer's calculations turn out to be incorrect because the following points are not taken into account.

Situation 1. The workstations of the accountant and the chief accountant are located in the same office, which means they work under the same conditions in terms of air temperature, lighting, etc. Labor activity These workers are equally related to working on a computer. And yet, these jobs cannot be considered similar, since these workers have different positions, and therefore different job functions.

Situation 2. The technical support service has 10 people working in one room. They have the same position - support operator, the same job functions. They all use computers and telephone equipment. In order for these jobs to be recognized as similar, workers must use exactly the same equipment: the same brand, the same year of production, with the same technical characteristics etc.

Situation 3. The legal department has 5 lawyers. According to legal requirements, twenty percent of similar jobs are subject to special assessment. Using simple calculations, it turns out that SOUT can be carried out in relation to one workplace out of five. However, this calculation does not take into account another rule - a special assessment is carried out in relation to at least two jobs from the category of similar ones.


So, the ability to reduce the number of jobs that must undergo SUT by classifying them as similar is indeed very useful for the employer. The main thing in this matter is to correctly establish the number of jobs in this category, as well as jobs for which a special assessment will nevertheless be carried out, and to approve the list of such jobs in a timely manner.

From September 1, 2011, employers cannot carry out certification of workplaces independently, but only by an independent certification organization (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 342n dated April 26, 2011). This innovation has made life easier for many personnel officers. After all, previously there was a common situation when the manager entrusted a fairly large amount of work on workplace certification to one or two employees, as a rule, from the labor protection service or the personnel department in addition to other responsibilities.

The complexity of this procedure requires appropriate qualifications, which not everyone has. As a result, mistakes and the need to redo the work were inevitable.

Today, according to the new rules, the certification commission must necessarily include the following persons:

  • employer representatives (managers structural divisions, lawyers, personnel officers, accountants, chief specialists, medical workers and other employees). Some of them will head the certification commission;
  • occupational safety specialist;
  • a representative of a trade union organization or other representative body of workers;
  • representatives of the certifying organization. They assess the compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection (clauses 14, 20 and 29 of the Procedure).

If your organization belongs to the category of micro-enterprises or small businesses, then the composition of the commission can be reduced to:

  • employer (his representative);
  • representatives of the certifying organization;
  • representatives of a trade union organization or other representative body of workers (if any);
  • representatives of an organization or a private specialist engaged by the employer under a civil contract to perform the functions of a labor protection service (labor safety specialist).
According to Labor Code Russian Federation, certification of workplaces is mandatory for any employer, regardless of the size and scope of his business (hazardous production or “regular office”).

Errors when determining the list of jobs

However, the role of the personnel officer during certification is still very important. It is he who determines the number of jobs subject to it. And this is where difficulties often arise. It happens that certification is unreasonably carried out at all workplaces available at the enterprise, starting with the watchman and ending with general director. Meanwhile, there is such a thing as similar jobs. Jobs are considered similar if:

  • professions or positions have the same name;
  • when conducting the same type of technological process in the same operating mode, the same professional duties are performed;
  • the same type of production equipment, tools, fixtures, materials and raw materials are used;
  • work is carried out in one or more similar premises or in the open air;
  • the same type of ventilation, air conditioning, heating and lighting systems are used;
  • production equipment, vehicles, etc. are located equally at the workplace;
  • there is the same set of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors of the same class and degree;
  • there is an equal supply of personal protective equipment.

By the way, at the stage of forming the list, the personnel officer identifies only supposed similar jobs. If, according to the results of the measurements, at least one workplace does not fall under the criteria of similarity, then 100% of these jobs are assessed. Then it is compiled new list places subject to certification.

The assessment of production factors at similar workplaces is carried out on the basis of data obtained during certification of 20% of workplaces (but not less than two). Next, one workplace certification card for working conditions is filled out for all similar workplaces. Accordingly, working conditions and measures to improve them, established for at least one workplace out of 20% of similar ones, are the same for all similar ones.

The most common mistakes when compiling a list of jobs in an organization:

  • equating the number of jobs to the number of professions (positions) of employees according to the staffing table;
  • determining the number of jobs without taking into account the professions and positions of employees;
  • discrepancy between the names of professions (positions) and the staffing table;
  • equating the number of jobs to payroll employees of the organization;
  • confusion of the concepts “workplace” and “work area”.

A little advice: if at the time of compiling the list some employees are absent (for example, the previous one quit, the new one has not yet been hired), then it is better to reserve their positions on the list for the future.

Also, the personnel officer should not forget that after certification it is necessary to familiarize employees with its results. After which within 10 calendar days from the date of issuance of the order and approval of the report on completion of certification, the employer must send to the state labor inspectorate of his region or territory (clause 45 of the Procedure) in paper form and on electronic media:

  • a summary statement of the results of workplace certification for working conditions;
  • information about the certifying organization.
Has workplace certification been carried out for working conditions at your enterprise over the past 5 years? This is the question the site asks its visitors. federal service on labor and employment At the beginning of September 2012, the survey results were as follows: only 27% of respondents answered “yes”; 32% said that “this is the first time they have heard about the need for workplace certification”; 37% noted: “It has not been carried out, but I know that it should be carried out”; 4% wrote: “Yes, it was carried out, but my workplace was not certified.”

And finally, a recommendation. Any enterprise must have at least an order for certification and a list of workplaces - this will allow, during inspection by supervisory and regulatory authorities, to show that certification has begun in your organization. If there are even incomplete documents for certification of workplaces, sanctions can be much softer than if they are completely absent.

Despite the financial and time costs of conducting workplace certification, one day its presence may “save” your employer. For example, from criminal liability in the investigation of industrial accidents. Or from administrative liability during inspections State Inspectorate Labor, Rospotrebnadzor, Rostechnadzor and the Prosecutor's Office. In addition, an organization in which workplaces have been certified has the opportunity to reduce insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund to 40% of the insurance rate.

List of jobs subject to special assessment working conditions (List, - ed.), is compiled and approved by the implementation commission (SOUT - Special Assessment, - ed.) before the start of work. The document confirms the composition taking into account. Specifics in the List mean separate categories workplaces and the principle of similarity, characteristic of workplaces located in one or several similar production areas, equipped with the same ventilation, heating and lighting systems:

Quote:‘in which workers work in the same profession, position, specialty, perform the same labor functions in the same working hours when conducting the same type of technological process using production equipment, tools, devices, materials and raw materials and are provided with the same personal protective equipment (PPE, - ed.)’

This is a direct excerpt from Federal Law No. 426-FZ of December 28, 2013, regulating the procedure for conducting special assessments. The assessment of such jobs is carried out according to the formula: 20% of such jobs from total number, but not less than 2 places. The results obtained during the verification will be applied to all workplaces. If during the assessment a discrepancy is revealed in one of the indicators of similarity (for example, differences in the indicators of measured factors), all 100% of workplaces will be assessed.

List of jobs: steeplejacks, pilots, divers

Medical workers providing emergency medical care in an emergency or urgent form outside medical organizations, trainers sports competitions, workers of nuclear hazardous industries engaged in work with man-made sources ionizing radiation, miners, firefighters, etc. - this is that separate group of jobs that carry out individual species activities.

A special procedure for conducting a special assessment is being developed for them, which the Ministry of Labor must approve before January 1, 2015. During 2014, special assessments will be carried out on them on a general basis. There are no separate marks in the List for this category of jobs, so they will be registered as ordinary jobs, taking into account the analogy.

What jobs are subject to special assessment?

Despite the fact that the List is drawn up by a Commission, which should include representatives of the employer, a labor protection specialist and a member of a trade union organization, in practice it turns out that the document is not always drawn up properly and it does not always correctly identify the number of jobs subject to SOUT. One of the main reasons is the lack of qualified personnel in the area of ​​labor protection in organizations. Another, ambiguous understanding of the requirements of Federal Law No. 426-FZ.

When independently determining the number of workplaces subject to assessment, the commission members believe that office workplaces are not subject to assessment. This is due to the approval of the previously existing assessment procedure - (ARM, - ed.), where certification was not mandatory for the workplaces of employees whose work was related to personal computers, copiers and other household and office equipment, provided that that the employee is working at a PC less than 50% of the time. Today this Order, like the automated workplace itself, have been cancelled, so these rules do not apply to special assessments.

In accordance with Federal law No. 426-FZ, all jobs are subject to special assessment ( including office staff positions), with the exception of homeworkers' jobs, remote workers and employees who have joined labor Relations With individuals, which are not individual entrepreneurs. It is a mistake to believe that, for example, a homeworker can be considered an employee who performs work at home, remotely, but at the same time the employment contract with him was drawn up on a general basis without taking into account working conditions. IN employment contracts with homeworkers, the following must be taken into account: the employer’s responsibilities to provide equipment, tools, working conditions at home, terms and methods of payment wages, the employee’s responsibilities to provide results within the specified time frame. These conditions will be the basis for not conducting a special assessment.

Are places with traveling nature of work subject to SOUT?

Workplaces with traveling character works or with territorially changing zones (at the automated workplace the concept “ ” was used - ed.) are no exception, therefore the assessment of working conditions on them is carried out in accordance with the specifics established in Article 16 of Federal Law No. 426-FZ:

Quote:‘by preliminary determination of typical technological operations characterized by the presence of the same harmful (hazardous) production factors, and subsequent assessment of the impact on workers of these factors when performing such work’

Examples of such places are the workplaces of drivers, sales representatives, loaders, real estate agents, plumbers, etc., who move around during the working day. different objects and not having a strictly defined working area.

Due to the fact that the List must also indicate the names of the factors and the time of exposure to the employee, in relation to places with geographically changing zones, the time of influence of the factors will be determined based on the employee’s service of the equipment and stay in different zones.

How to create a list of jobs?

The list as a document is drawn up according to the standards of the Ministry of Labor. The document form and filling procedure have been approved By Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 33n dated January 24, 2014.

The document contains the following information about the workplace: serial number, name of the workplace and sources of harmful (hazardous) factors, number of workers employed there, availability of similar workplaces, names of factors and time of their impact on the employee.

Quite often, difficulties when filling out the List yourself arise at the stage of filling out the name of the workplace. According to the rules, each position must comply with the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Clerk Positions and Tariff Classes (Classifier - ed.). The classifier was adopted in 1994 and all professions that existed at that time were included in it. Today, the world of professions is becoming much more diverse: HR managers, merchandisers, supervisors, business analysts and other concepts that came to us from the West have begun to appear on staff. What to do with them?

If under the automated workplace the names of positions had to be listed in accordance with the Classifier, then under the SOUT it is also allowed to include the names of positions in the List in accordance with the staffing table. Despite this, it is important to understand the problems that non-compliance with the Classifier may pose, especially for positions that are subject to guarantees and compensation.

Let's look at the example of the profession of "electrician" - a concept that is very often found in staffing table, but few people take into account that it is colloquial. There is no name in the Classifier; instead, the concept “electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment” is applicable to employees involved in the maintenance of electrical equipment. Due to such discrepancies, many workers are deprived of benefits for working during harmful conditions labor.

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