Air temperature in the workplace labor code. What temperature should the workplace be?

Optimal microclimate characteristics in the workplace not only contribute to good labor productivity, but also preserve the health of workers. That is why creating favorable climatic conditions in production is definitely beneficial for every manager. However, only a few of them strive to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in the field of temperature control. This can be explained very simply: maintaining an optimal microclimate requires expensive climate control equipment. And the very concept of “microclimate” is very subjective, because it is known that all people perceive the same temperature differently. Meanwhile, Russian legislation contains clear requirements for the microclimate in production premises and determines the types of temperature conditions depending on the assigned category.

Premises of the first category

These premises are divided into two subcategories: “a” and “b”. Their main difference is the type of actions performed by workers.

Employees of a category “a” enterprise are engaged in sedentary work that involves little physical activity. The intensity of energy consumption in organizations of this category should not exceed 139 W. Examples of such industries are sewing shops, watch factories, instrument-making and automobile production, etc. The optimal temperature in this case is in the range of 21-28 degrees.

The requirements for premises of subcategory "b" are slightly different. Here, ensuring an optimal microclimate should be carried out in such a way that the temperature is maintained at least 20 degrees. The intensity of energy consumption in such premises should be no more than 174 W.

Premises of the second category

The next category of premises is characterized not only by increased energy consumption (over 232 W), but also by the nature of work responsibilities. Subcategory “a” involves moving and moving small loads by workers in a sitting or standing position. For this subcategory, the optimal temperature range is 18-27 degrees.

The work of workers in subcategory "b" involves lifting moderately heavy loads (1-10 kg), and the lower temperature limit for them is at 16 degrees. The second category of production includes forging and rolling workshops, assembly shops and conveyor lines of various enterprises.

Premises of the third category

In the case when the intensity of energy consumption at an enterprise is above 290 W, it is advisable to talk about a room of the third category. The most precise temperature conditions have been established for them. Workers in such industries engage in heavy physical labor and move loads weighing more than 10 kg. The optimal temperature in this case is within 15-26 degrees, i.e. this is the lowest temperature regime. The premises of the third category include workshops for metal processing, assembly of building structures, etc.

Dependence of temperature on season

Temperature standards for various types enterprises may fluctuate within insignificant limits depending on the time of year. The permissible temperature fluctuation limit is 3-4 degrees. To calculate the temperature norm, the average daily indicator is used, since it is different for different seasons. Of course, optimal temperature conditions at an enterprise cannot be determined solely by standards; many other factors must be taken into account (for example, the recommended temperature conditions for operating equipment), as well as the individual characteristics of the worker’s body.

Temperature recording

Temperature control cannot be carried out correctly without the use of special measuring instruments. Certainly, we're talking about not about household thermometers. At a minimum, these should be thermometers intended for use in office and industrial premises. The measurement procedure itself is also different. For example, when monitoring temperature conditions in summer, measurements must be carried out on days when the deviation of instrument readings from the corresponding readings of the hottest month does not exceed 5 degrees.

The frequency of such measurements depends on many factors. Among them we can note the stability of work operations, stages production processes, operation of communication systems, etc. On average, this procedure must be carried out 3 times per work shift.

Methods of temperature regulation

This function is performed by communication systems, namely: ventilation, heating, ventilation and thermal insulation systems. Another way to control temperature is through air cooling devices (such as air conditioners). Special systems air showering also ensures regulation of air injection speed and organization of optimal temperature conditions.

If the design of the premises does not allow the installation of such equipment, it is necessary to equip a special room for employees to rest.

Consequences of non-compliance with temperature conditions

Complaints from enterprise employees about temperature conditions in organizations that do not meet standards are, unfortunately, not uncommon. If there is no response from management in response to a written notification to employees about an uncomfortable microclimate, they have the legal right to go to court demanding financial compensation for moral and physical harm caused to them.

In this case, the manager faces administrative punishment in the form of a fine of several tens of thousands of rubles. Also, by court decision, an enterprise can be temporarily closed for a period of up to three months.

Shortening working hours due to temperature

The decision to reduce working hours is made by the head of the enterprise. The reason for this may be extremely low or high temperature conditions. However, the workers themselves can demand this, since, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, workplace must comply with state standards, and the work process must not have a harmful effect on the body. According to the rules, if temperature measurements taken three times during one work shift show a significant deviation from the norm, the manager may decide to shorten the working day.

If workers work outdoors, it is necessary to organize special breaks for heating, which are taken into account in working hours.

Thus, the task of every manager is to provide comfortable working conditions for his employees, since their activity itself involves a certain load on the body. It is a mistake to believe that the work of office workers does not require temperature control. As is known, exercise stress helps keep the body in good shape, as a result of which the impact of the temperature regime is not felt as strongly as during sedentary work. In addition, monotonous work and great responsibility involve a large psychological load on the body, which contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, maintaining an optimal microclimate in production helps not only to increase labor efficiency, but also to prevent harmful effects on the health of employees.


Labor Code Russian Federation obliges the employer to ensure safety and working conditions that comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection

1. Articles 209 and 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establish that one of the employer’s responsibilities is to carry out sanitary, household, sanitary, hygienic, preventive, rehabilitation and other measures in accordance with labor protection requirements. Currently among sanitary requirements to the working conditions of workers, the requirements for temperature conditions and humidity production premises, which are established by SanPiN (hereinafter referred to as SanPiN).

High air temperature is one of the factors that affects decreased performance. From the text of SanPiN it follows that in the summer the air temperature in the room should not exceed 25 ° C, and its relative humidity should be less than 40%. Such values ​​provide a feeling of thermal comfort during an 8-hour working day (shift), do not cause deviations in the health status of employees, and also create the prerequisites for high level their performance and are preferred in the workplace.
Since the employer needs to ensure optimal microclimate conditions in production premises, they must be equipped with heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. The absence of an air conditioner, fan or their faulty condition will lead to excessive temperatures in employee workplaces. In other words, failure to comply with the established requirements will lead to a violation of the law and pose a threat to the health of workers.
Office workers are included in category a. If the air temperature at the workplace is 30° C, then the duration of their working day cannot exceed 5 hours, 31° C – 3 hours, 32° C – 2 hours, and 32.5° C – 1 hour.

The basis for reducing working hours are microclimate indicators, which are determined in the manner prescribed by Section 7 of SanPiN. The employer needs to create a commission that will measure the temperature in the workplace. Based on the results of the examination, a protocol is drawn up. In it, the commission reflects the measurements obtained and assesses their compliance with regulatory requirements.

If the temperature exceeds the permissible values, the employer must reduce the working hours of employees in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN. To do this, he needs to issue an order (with reference to the protocol on measuring air temperature in workplaces).

Lawyer's comment:

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises” states that to protect workers from possible overheating or cooling, when the air temperature in the workplace is higher or lower than permissible values, the time spent at the workplace (continuously or in total for a working shift) should be limited.

The specified SanPiN, of course, relates to state regulatory requirements for labor protection and primarily addresses labor safety issues. It talks about limiting the time workers stay at work places when the maximum permissible temperatures on a working day (shift) are exceeded. However, the concept of “stay time” is not identical to the concept of “working time”.

This SanPiN establishes the obligation for the employer to modify the work and rest regime of work, as required by Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, so that the time spent at the workplace is unfavorable production factors met hygienic requirements. It seems that this duty can be fulfilled different ways(send workers home earlier, introduce additional breaks, equip a rest room, move them to another workplace, etc.).

If an employer fails to fulfill this duty, he simultaneously commits two offences:
- violation sanitary rules, since workplaces do not comply with these temperature rules;
– violation of labor legislation, namely labor protection standards, since employees work in unfavorable conditions.

This means that if the employer does not limit the time spent at the workplace at elevated temperatures and does not provide the employee with other work, then it turns out that the time spent at the workplace6 becomes equal to the duration of the daily work/shift7.

Consequently, in this case, indeed, overtime hours arise for employees, since they work at the initiative of the employer outside the working hours established for them.

Thus, employees can be recommended to file complaints both with the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) and labor inspections. The fine established by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for legal entities for violations of sanitary rules is comparable to the costs of purchasing and installing air conditioners and fans.

Almost all citizens of the country spend most of the day for several decades at work. To prevent the health of workers from deteriorating due to employment at a particular enterprise, the law obliges employers to take care of creating a comfortable microclimate in office premises. It would seem that the work of office employees cannot be considered difficult, but the performance of their duties is associated with physical inactivity (lack of body mobility), which means that incorrect temperature conditions will affect the health of staff quite quickly. It is for this reason that legislation strictly regulates sanitary temperature standards in the office.

Why sanitary temperature standards in the office must be observed without fail

Employees who spend the entire working day in the company's office are engaged in mental work - they draw up documentation, work at the computer, negotiate with clients and counterparties, solve operational problems, respond to correspondence, develop projects, etc. What unites the listed functions is that they are all performed in sitting position– office employees suffer from physical inactivity, that is, lack of movement. This mode of operation has a negative impact on health, and unfavorable temperature conditions only aggravate the situation.

Scientists have conducted many studies, the results of which have shown that a temperature deviation from the norm within just one degree has such a negative impact on the efficiency of office work that it is advisable for the employer to shorten the working day if it is not possible to ensure an optimal microclimate in the room. It follows that the employer is obliged to comply with sanitary temperature standards in the office, not only because this is required by law, but also due to a sharp decrease in staff productivity.

What is meant by comfortable working conditions and optimal conditions?

To make the work of office staff more efficient, the employer needs to create comfortable working conditions. But the concept of comfort is subjective - each employee may have his own idea of ​​​​comfortable working conditions, it all depends on individual preferences, and this fully applies to temperature conditions. One employee prefers the office to be “fresh,” while another complains about the air conditioning and a persistent runny nose. How, in this case, can an employer determine the “right” temperature reading?

In fact, the concept of "comfort" does not apply in regulations and official documents. Therefore, the employer is not obliged to conduct surveys among workers to find out what air temperature they give their consent to. In professional vocabulary the term “optimal conditions” is used. The optimal air temperature in an office space was determined through many complex physiological studies and calculations, taking into account the average human needs.

And the employer can only comply with the developed standards given in regulatory documents.

Sanitary temperature standards in the office - SanPiN The employer can find all the necessary information regarding sanitary standards, including those related to air temperature in the office, in SanPiN - sanitary rules

and norms - which are a special code that defines optimal health and hygiene standards for various areas of human activity, including employment. SanPiN is mandatory for use, since this documentation is legislative (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The list of specific measures that employers need to take to ensure an optimal working microclimate is given in the text of Article 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Sanitary temperature standards in the office are given in the text of SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises,” the standards of which were adopted in accordance with Federal Law No. 52 of March 30, 1999.

Office temperature requirements in summer and winter

Since the employer provides the optimal temperature differently in summer and winter, the requirements for the microclimate also differ.

SanPiN obliges employers to take certain measures if the temperature cannot be established. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures has a detrimental effect on the health of employees and their performance. The situation is aggravated by closed windows, large crowds of people, high air humidity, working office equipment, and the presence of a dress code at the enterprise. Cold offices also do not contribute to good health and efficient work

The list of specific measures that employers need to take to ensure an optimal working microclimate is given in the text of Article 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation., especially for employees who cannot warm themselves by moving. For some production workers, a short-term temperature drop of up to 15 C is acceptable, but not for office workers. The permissible temperature range is as follows:

Installation of an air conditioner and its timely maintenance is the responsibility of the employer, and collecting money from employees (or withholding funds from salaries) for climate control equipment is unacceptable. If an employer does not comply with sanitary temperature standards in the office, the law allows employees to arbitrarily reduce their work time

depending on the thermometer readings: Temperature in the office
Length of working day29 C
6 hours (instead of 8)30 C
Reduction by 2 hoursEach subsequent degree exceeding the norm
Reducing the working day by 1 hour for each degree above normal32.5 C
1 hour19 C
7 o'clock18 C
6 hoursEach subsequent degree is below normal
Reducing the working day by 1 hour for each degree below normal32.5 C

13 C

Naturally, the work itself and the workplace are different. You cannot put the working conditions of a loader, a banker and a bulldozer driver on the same level. Each profession has permissible temperature standards in which people are allowed to work. According to “Appendix No. 1 GOST 12.1.005-88 SSBT General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area,” all types of work are divided into certain categories, which have their own permissible ranges and microclimatic conditions.

For some, perhaps the following information will be a revelation. Did you know that a temperature that does not meet the standards prescribed in the labor code reduces your working hours by the hour?

Now someone giggled, because everyone is well aware that in our country, as a rule, it is difficult to achieve justice and legality, but still. Knowing this information, naturally your work day will not be reduced to one hour, but there will be an extra reason to ask to go home early or demand money for overtime.

Of course, the most active workers can write complaints about management who refuse to provide optimal temperature working conditions. We sincerely believe that you will be able to succeed in this endeavor.

We measure the temperature at the workplace in the office

And so, where to look at the permissible humidity and temperature. “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. SanPiN" is exactly the official document that you need. It contains clearly defined requirements for temperature conditions in the office. Based on these laws, feel free to go to management and demand a workplace that complies with all established rules.

According to certain temperature standards, the workplace of office employees in the summer should not be hotter than 23-25 ​​degrees. If we are talking about the cold season, then 22-24 degrees. acceptable thermometer readings, provided that air humidity is 40-60%.

Naturally, there are acceptable deviation standards, which are only 1 or 2 degrees, no more. During the working day, the temperature can change by no more than four degrees.

In approximately these conditions, you are required to work in the office for 8 hours. When the temperature rises by one degree (for example, the permissible temperature is 25 degrees, but during the day it rose by 4 degrees, which no longer complies with the law), demand to leave work early, namely an hour. That is, if it is 29 degrees, then the working day in the office is only 7 hours, 30 degrees - 6 hours, etc.

When the thermometer in the office has crossed 32.5, after an hour you have the right to go home.

The situation is approximately the same in the cold season. At a temperature of 19 degrees, the working day is 7 hours, 18 degrees. – 6 hours, etc.

To accurately determine the temperature, you need to hang the thermometer at a height of 1 meter from the floor.

In general, it will be more profitable for an employer to install an air conditioner or heater in the workplace than to pay a fine provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for failure to comply with sanitary rules. Therefore, do not be shy and do not be afraid of your superiors. Make sure your workplace is a comfortable and enjoyable place to work. Rely on all the above laws and regulations, and you will definitely be able to restore justice.

For productive work, a favorable microclimate must be maintained in the office, but many employers do not comply with temperature requirements. This is a direct violation of the rules Russian legislation. From this article you will learn the temperature norms in office premises. We'll also tell you in detail where to go if your workplace gets too hot or cold.

Which document regulates indoor temperature standards?

The temperature in the premises is regulated by SanPiN 2.2. 4.548-96, approved by the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” of 1999. The requirements of this regulatory document also apply to offices, regardless of the profile and scale of the organization. The heads of organizations are responsible for maintaining the temperature regime. More details about the sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions can be found in the article.

Permissible standards in summer and winter, deviations and fluctuations

Optimal temperature in the workplace according to SanPiN for mental workers working 8 hours a day:

  • +23-25°С – in summer;
  • +22-24°С – in the cold season.

The maximum permissible deviation from the norm is 1-2°C. Throughout the working day, temperature fluctuations should not exceed 3-4 °C.

When using a sensitive thermometer, even in a small room, the temperature measurement results may differ by 3-4 degrees. This is due to the fact that warm air rises and cold air sinks. Therefore, legislation requires that the thermometer hang at a height of 1 m from the floor. In this case, the temperature will be measured correctly.

How to organize your working day if the temperature in the office deviates from the norm, see this video

What happens if temperature standards are not observed?

Interesting fact

According to research by Cornell University professor Alan Hage, when optimal temperature in an office at 25 degrees, workers are practically not distracted from their duties and make a minimal number of mistakes (up to 10%). When the temperature drops to just 20 degrees, productivity drops by half and workers make about 25% of errors. In more unfavorable conditions, labor productivity decreases even more.

If the temperature in the office deviates from the norm, employees have the right to demand a reduction in the length of the working day. Employees are required to work all 8 hours only until the room exceeds +28°C. When the temperature rises by 1 degree Celsius, management is obliged to reduce the working day by 1 hour:

  • at +29°C the working day is 7 hours;
  • at +30°C – 6 hours;
  • at +31°C – 5 hours, etc.

At +35°C, an employee has the right to work only 1 hour, and at +36°C, work is completely canceled.

The same rules apply when the temperature drops below the established norm:

  • at +19°C the working day is 7 hours;
  • at +18°C – 6 hours;
  • at +17°C – 5 hours, etc.

If the office is +13°C, the working day is reduced to 1 hour, and at +12°C the employee is not required to work at all.

What to do and where to contact an employee in case of violations


If the employer does not respond to employees’ requests to normalize the temperature in the office or reduce the working day, then they have the right to contact Federal service on labor and employment. This can be done in in electronic format on the Rostrud website, in the “Send an appeal” section, or apply in person (information can be found in the “Public reception” section).

If temperature standards in the workroom are not met, employees can solve the problem in several ways:

  1. Ask your employer to normalize the temperature using an air conditioner or heater.
  2. Demand that the working hours be reduced in accordance with SanPiN standards.
  3. File a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor (find out how and where you can complain about an employer).
  4. Contact the labor inspectorate.

If you select the last two options, the workplace will be organized. Employees of the department to which the complaint was filed will establish the fact of the offense and oblige the employer to eliminate it.

What administrative measures are provided for an employer for non-compliance with temperature conditions?

An employer who is responsible for not maintaining the temperature regime in the office is subject to administrative liability. If SES specialists record such a violation, the management of the enterprise will be obliged to pay a fine of up to 20,000 rubles. It is also possible to suspend the activities of an organization for a certain period.

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