Fingers in palmistry. Which women have a strongly developed thumb?

Scientists in many countries have long been busy measuring people's fingers to study hidden processes in their bodies. Psychologists have known for a long time that each finger can characterize certain individual aspects of a personality. But now all this has a scientific basis.

Possess masculine qualities

Usually thumb hands harmoniously corresponds to the palm. If its top, pressing against the side of the palm, is slightly smaller or reaches the middle of the joint index finger, then this is considered normal. But it happens that the thumb turns out to be longer than this joint and still very wide. Such people have amazing characteristics, especially women. One of the first scientists to take measurements of fingers was psychology professor John Manning from the University of Central Lancashire, UK. He claims that the proportions of all people's fingers are formed in the womb, at the end of the first trimester of the mother's pregnancy. And the length of the unborn child’s fingers directly depends on her hormonal level. The amount of testosterone and estrogen in a woman’s blood affects not only the fingers of her unborn baby, at this moment they lay down certain physical and psychological characteristics. A long and wide thumb develops in a child under the influence of an increased amount of testosterone in the body of his mother. This male sex hormone biochemically influences the development of characteristics inherent in the stronger sex. But if a girl is born, then she also receives some “male” traits. The owner of a developed thumb often demonstrates strong strong-willed qualities. If the finger is wide, then this woman most likely has high intellectual abilities and is inclined to the exact sciences. English psychologists conducted several studies and found that a very long and at the same time narrow thumb in women is a very rare phenomenon, but all such ladies turned out to be gifted in music and capable of composing it. However, the effect of testosterone on fetal development is not only positive, but also negative traits. In such women, the body constitution is also sometimes formed close to the male type. Often the owners of developed thumbs have broad shoulders or a dense build with large and strong hands.

Have behavioral abnormalities

The influence of a mother's hormones on the development of her unborn child has long been studied by scientists. With the correct chemical balance in female body her baby usually develops normal proportions of the body and fingers and develops harmonious psychological characteristics. But if the balance is disturbed, then in the future deviations from the generally accepted norm in the size of the fingers and even in behavior are likely. Psychologists from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, claim that women with highly developed thumbs often have some negative personal characteristics. This is due to surges in hormonal levels that the person's mother experienced during pregnancy. If one or the other hormone periodically turns out to be higher than normal, then this certainly affects the development of the thumbs and correlates with the person’s future behavior. For example, if, along with the finger itself, his nail joint is highly developed, and it is noticeable that it is much larger than his average one, then the strong-willed qualities of such a woman sometimes reach the point of blind, uncontrollable stubbornness. Canadian psychologists say that such ladies are their frequent patients and all because they are aware of their problem. Under influence family circumstances They are the ones who become “domestic tyrants.” And it is very difficult for them to cope with their emotions. A different situation is observed in women who have developed thumbs with obvious thickenings near the palm. Such ladies, as a rule, have good mental abilities, but also excessive pride, arrogance and pathological secrecy. They are unable to cope with their shortcomings because they do not accept them and do not consider them as such. But, nevertheless, as Canadian scientists say, such women still turn to psychologists, but because “the world is not able to appreciate them,” and they are looking for an opportunity to reverse the current situation.

Palmistry originated in the east, and its history goes back to ancient times. Thousands of years ago, people already knew how to read fate in the palm of their hand and predict the future.

After all, a person’s hands can carry a lot of information about the life, fate and character of their owner. The lines on the palms of the embryo appear long before the ability to move the arms appears. Palmistry has become so established in life that it has become considered a science.

She was studied in educational institutions, were writing scientific works Books were published on palmistry.

Today palmistry is available to everyone.

So, the characteristics of the hand as a whole are the first thing where hand reading begins. Just by shaking a person's hand, you can learn a lot about a person's character.

general characteristics hands

Little hair on a man’s arm is a sign of kindness, cordiality and love of comfort.

A lot of hair on a woman’s arm is a sign of a cruel character.

A small hand is characteristic of a proud and irritable person, the owner of good intuition. This may also be a sign that a person is always full of ideas and capable of accomplishing great and significant things.

Hand of harmonious medium size- this is a sure sign of an intelligent and balanced person.

A large hand characterizes its owner as a person inclined to analyze everything. Such people easily cope with painstaking and scrupulous work. They can become good jewelers or watchmakers. In addition, they are very kind, sympathetic and gentle people.

A wide hand is evidence of developed mental abilities.

A narrow hand is a sign of a rich imagination and developed fantasy. Sometimes this is a sign of selfishness and a tendency towards tyranny.

A steady hand is a sign of good performance and low intelligence. This is the hand of an excellent worker-performer.

A soft hand is found among gentle and sensual people. Which, by the way, are prone to laziness.

A warm hand speaks of a person’s cheerfulness. He is cheerful, optimistic, and sometimes a little hot-tempered.

A cold hand is usually found in people with an indifferent attitude towards the entire world around them.

A dry hand is a sign of a reserved character.

A clammy hand is usually found in shy people. Also, sweaty hands can indicate heart disease.

There are seven main types of hands, each of which can give a lot detailed information. To determine what type of hand a hand is, you need to show maximum attention and patience.

Primitive hand

Primitive (elementary) hand, sometimes also called the basic hand. Outwardly, it is quite easily identified, standing out among other types of hands. The elementary hand is wide, short-fingered and thick. Width is hers main feature. The fingers on such a hand are thick, inactive, with square tips and rough, ugly nails. The thumb is either not completely adjacent to the palm, or is turned up. The skin on the hand is rough, but the hand itself is quite strong and hard.

Already at first glance, such a hand evokes associations with physical labor and rudeness. This is what usually happens. Such a hand is an unflattering evidence of the mental development of a person, in which one can suspect the predominance of animal instincts, a weak, lazy imagination, despite all chattility and even sensitivity of nature. The owner of this type of hand is usually distinguished by physical strength and low mental abilities. Therefore, he earns his living through hard work. As for the character of a person with such a hand, he is a lazy and indifferent person, he is not at all demanding. It has been noticed that people with an elementary hand, although they do not make any special demands on life, as soon as they are deprived of support, they fall into depression. At such moments they need consolation.

Perfect hand

The ideal (spiritual) hand has a narrow shape, it is very graceful and neat. This is a small, thin, delicate hand with smooth graceful fingers, rather long and pointed nail phalanges, with a well-formed but narrow thumb. Graceful and delicate, it stands out with its beauty and grace among other hands. The palm of this type of hand is smooth and delicate. The fingers are long and their tips are pointed rather than rounded. The thumb is formed neatly and proportionally. Usually, the spiritual hand is very pale, with visible veins. With all her appearance she reflects the word “refinement”. The thinner and neater it is, the more original and creative a person its owner is. Owners of this type of hand are characterized by phenomenal impracticality, inexperience, inability to stand up for themselves, neglect of the material side and idealization validity.

People who are characterized by this type of hand are dreamers, aesthetes or mystics. They constantly have their head in the clouds, living in their dreams and fantasies. Guided by the highest spiritual ideals, they are truthful, faithful, trusting, and experience a deep need for love and freedom. In beauty, such people are sensitive, gentle in their behavior, often remain misunderstood even by their loved ones, and sometimes become hopelessly confused in life. The narrower the palm at the base of the fingers, the more original the nature of its owner. They are practically not adapted to the real world. Spirituality for the owners of an ideal hand is much higher and more valuable than materiality. The only salvation in the ocean of a cruel and harsh world for them is a well-developed intuition.

Conical hand

The conical (artistic) hand is sometimes also called the “aristocratic hand”. General form resembles a cone, because the hand tapers towards the fingers. Almost complete symmetry can be traced. The fingers are also conical in shape. This hand looks very beautiful and graceful. The fingers are quite long and thin, with rounded tips and beautiful nails.

A person who is characterized by this type of hand is a very creative and original person. This is by no means the hand of a famous artist. However, the owner of a purely artistic hand is inspired. These people are often referred to as “a man of art.” He has a fairly highly developed sensuality; he perceives the world rather emotionally. Common sense and practicality will never dominate his traits. It is difficult for such a person to fit his life into the established framework, which is why he rarely becomes a good family man. At the same time, he is quite a vulnerable, impressionable and romantic person. Owners of conical hands make decisions intuitively and instinctively. Sometimes they are prone to lies.

His feelings usually prevail over his mind; he is influenced by form and appearance before anything else. Not accustomed to delving into phenomena, he is content with the external side of life, in dreams of creative freedom he is constantly looking for new acquaintances, striving for a change of place, e knows the limits of pleasure. The latter is especially pronounced in the so-called hand of pleasure, which is rougher than a purely artistic hand (its fingers are thicker, its nails are rougher and lack graceful outline). She characterizes someone who is naturally eccentric, wasteful, prone to lies, tawdry, living only to satisfy her own needs.

Mixed hand type

Mixed hand type is quite common. Outwardly, it is difficult to attribute it to any specific type; it combines the most different traits. Therefore, it is easy to mistake, for example, an artistic hand for a conical element, and a philosophical hand for a very developed practical one. Or, for example, artistic - for mental. When interpreting it, it is necessary to evaluate the prevailing features. Typically, there are two types of hands to analyze.

If the types of hands that combine mixed hand, contradict each other, it is worth choosing average indicators. The owner of a mixed hand gradually possesses all the qualities that are inherent in the original main types. If people with typical hands tend to have stronger rather than diversified character traits, then a mixed type of hand indicates more diversified interests and abilities.

In general, we can say that mixed-type people have a fairly adaptable character and are quite multifaceted. Sometimes this quality leads to the fact that a person begins to take on many different things at the same time and does not achieve success in any of them. Although sometimes the opposite happens. This can be a very versatile developed person who can achieve success in several things at the same time.

Determining the character of a person with a mixed hand type is an indicator of the qualifications of a palmist. He must subtly feel what traits are present in the character.

Ideal from a chironomical point of view, a hard and flexible hand, indicating an active mind, the ability to coordinate theory with practice. No matter how much such hands work, they never become rude.

Spade hand

The spatulate hand has rather wide, blunt fingertips. The whole hand gives the impression of a shovel. The ends of the fingers seem to be crushed, and therefore wider than the rest. The hands are usually large, as is the thumb. The latest evidence of determination and self-awareness

This hand is quite similar to the elemental hand. It is wide, with straight thick fingers. The main difference from the elementary (primitive) hand is that it is a little less rough appearance. But she cannot be called beautiful and graceful.

People with this type of hand are quite versatile. They cope well with any physical labor, but at the same time they are very prone to ingenuity. These are people of action, not thinking. They are independent and original, and can successfully find themselves as an engineer, athlete, and sometimes even a musician. The owner of such a hand has a craftsman superior to an artist and is able to apply acquired knowledge in practice. He has a practical mind, diligence, and a love of activity.

Such hands are characteristic of a smart and savvy performer, but not of a leader. Those with spade-shaped hands are demanding in their approach to life. Hardworking, calm and neat, they value constancy and like to be confident in everything.

Smooth fingers indicate a love of comfort and shine when they are rational enough.

Administrative hand

The administrative (useful) hand has a square shape. Angular shape of fingers and hand. The hand is firm and strong. This is why it is sometimes called the “square hand”. She is characterized by a strong palm average size. The fingers are usually of medium size with rectangular knobby fingers and strongly developed phalanges and thumb, the palm is somewhat concave, rather hard. This type is very common.

Quite often this hand is found among managers and officials. These are very stubborn and persistent people who respect and maintain order in affairs. They are conservative and do not like changes and innovations. Often, achieve success and achieve unprecedented heights Very strict self-discipline helps them. People with such hands are prone to organizational and regulatory activities, distinguished by endurance, patience and perseverance, love of order.

Those with administrative hands are very calm and consistent. But they are completely devoid of imagination and originality.

Such people make a good, calm family man. They are quite undemanding and take everything for granted. And sometimes they completely forget about attentions, surprises and romance. Their highly energetic spirit lacks free range, they do not understand what it means to act under the influence of feeling.

Became a real sensation. Does the fatal beauty really have physical flaws? However, stars are also people, and nothing human is alien to them. Despite their complexes, they have learned to live with their shortcomings and accept themselves as they are. If you carefully examine Megan Fox's hands, you will notice that her thumbs are slightly irregular shape. Is she worried about this? Does this prevent her from being desired and in demand both on screen and in cinema?

Megan Fox's strange finger

With a disease called brachydactyly. People suffering from the disease have irregularly shaped fingers. Their phalanges have a slightly club-shaped or deformed appearance. However, this does not prevent her from remaining one of the most beautiful women on the planet and having millions of fans around the world. In 2008, Meghan became known as the most sexy woman in the world after her appearance in the film "Transformers".

The actress has minor physical abnormalities on both hands: the shortened Megan Fox is distinguished by an expanded phalanx and nail plate. WITH medical point vision, it is necessary that he be able to touch other fingers. And if this does not affect functionality in any way, as in the case of the actress, then the visible defect can be considered simply a cosmetic flaw. According to Megan Fox, the disease in her fingers does not bother her at all, nor does her army of thousands of fans.

Cosmetic imperfection or hereditary disease?

On average, one baby in a thousand is born with altered finger shapes. Leading experts in the field of hand surgery explain this feature as follows: the nail with the disease is often very short and wide. It is usually hereditary, although the cause may be a history of frostbite on a limb or trauma to the nail plate in childhood. At a young age, the thumb often looks more or less normal, but as time passes, its shortened appearance becomes more noticeable. According to experts, Megan Fox's club-shaped thumb is nothing terrible only if this imperfection does not cause physical pain.

What is brachydactyly?

Brachydactyly is a condition that affects the fingers and toes, which are the shortest bones in the human body. This disease is usually inherited as a dominant trait. Despite this usually innate feature, a person can easily live normal life, if it is not associated with other diseases. There are many conditions that can affect finger deformity. Sometimes this is one of the signs of dwarfism. If no symptoms of the disease are found in the parents, then we can say with confidence that the children will not have a similar deviation.

How to live with brachydactyly? It's quite common to just have to adjust your writing habits a little to compensate for the shorter bones, but in principle, this cosmetic imperfection allows you to do everything you do ordinary people. Sometimes specific therapy may be needed to help with proper handling of writing utensils (pen, pencil), eating utensils, and other small items.

Megan Fox: filmography

Megan Fox has succeeded in her career. Her roles, as a rule, came down to hot and sexy beauties. In 2004, she starred in the film Carly, even in adolescence she managed to play a beauty queen. For two years, from 2004 to 2006, she played minor role in the series "Sydney Shanovki". Despite the fact that it did not last too long, the actress’s attractive appearance did not go unnoticed.

But his role in the box office blockbuster “Transformers” (2007) brought him massive popularity and fame. Megan played the role of the protagonist's girlfriend. The film, along with dizzying special effects, is replete with scenes where the actress’s appearance is presented from the best angle. Together with Kirsten Dunst, she played a more complex role in the film Sophie Maes (2008). In the film “Jennifer's Body” (2009), an incredibly sexy beauty with a divine body appeared before us in the role of a cruel and bloodthirsty killer.

In 2010, a film called “Jonah Hex” was released, where Megan plays a woman of easy virtue. It's hard to imagine anyone else looking better than Fox in the role. In 2014, the actress played April O'Neil in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This film is deprived explicit scenes, but Meghan still looked gorgeous in her slightly altered look. The hot brunette transformed into a cute blonde. Fox also took part in the filming of the second part of the turtles (2016). Michael Bay, as well as many other famous directors, have worked with Megan Fox for years.

Recently, Megan Fox's hands have attracted increased attention. It is generally accepted that celebrities in the field of cinema, music and television are perfect beings without flaws or shortcomings, they are beautiful both on the big screen and in life. Public opinion puts pressure on them about how important it is to always look a certain way. That is, flaws are generally not considered the norm when it comes to celebrities.

This finger also takes part in describing hands and characterizing a person’s character. It refers to the decisions a person makes throughout his life. The thumb (palmistry) is located on the Mount of Venus and is named after it “finger of Venus” and is responsible for work, family and financial issues. By looking visually, you can determine certain character traits of a person.

If you carefully examine the finger, a specialist can tell you a lot about inner world and generally about character in general.

If the thumb (palmistry) is large and large, then this indicates success in professional activity that a person can achieve throughout his life. The finger of Venus must be considered in conjunction with the index finger, since it is responsible for career and success at work.

This combination indicates:

  • ambition;
  • perseverance;
  • will;
  • pride;
  • power;
  • goals.

Note. Such people hear only themselves and do not accept other people’s opinions; they are very difficult to communicate.

A small finger also has all these character traits, only to a lesser extent. Famous palmists from India claim that length is directly related to success. On practice, famous actors, businessmen have a well-developed Venus finger.

Difference in shape (detailed explanation)

U different people There are different models not only in size, but also in width, flexibility, lines and sizes of phalanges. Let's take a closer look at what a thumb is in palmistry and what the differences are between them.

Thumb and little finger of Venus

  1. Large large indicates willpower of character, small indicates a person without character.
  2. The thumb indicates an excellent mathematical mind, the small one indicates a penchant for poetry.
  3. The big one will talk about common sense, small size is associated with emotions.
  4. Large size will indicate success in practice and useful deeds; underdeveloped size will indicate aptitude for art and design.

Very big toe

Despite its size, the Venus finger should have an elegant shape and both phalanges should be beautiful, regular and wide.

These people, first of all, are not theorists, but practitioners, differ:

  • internal rod,
  • confident in yourself
  • guided by logic
  • overcome difficulties and achieve success.

Diplomatic thumb

The phalanges are well developed along the entire length; this model is presented with the same width along the entire length.

Such people make excellent critics, but at the same time they keep everything inside themselves. Thumb, lines (palmistry) will tell you a lot about life situations. But even without taking this into account, such people can be described as sociable and original.

The upper phalanx is thickened

This model is commonly known in palmistry as the “killer finger.” Distinctive feature– wide upper phalanx, the nail part is very short and rough.

These people are aggressive difficult character and sometimes they can be very dangerous.

Option with waist

The waist is the narrowing between the first and second phalanx. These are very sociable and pleasant people.

They have very good manners and get along well with other people.

Length difference

If the finger reaches the middle of the second phalanx of the index finger and is even longer, then the fortuneteller is an open, straightforward and frank person.

Often among the owners there are dictators who strive to become powerful.
To the middle of the 3rd phalanx

If the “Venus” finger is of medium size and the length is approximately in the middle of the 3rd part of the finger, then this is a clear sign of leadership and balance.

Such people believe in themselves and among them most often there are individuals occupying leadership positions.

Short model

Its length reaches only the beginning of the 3rd phalanx of the index finger. This combination personifies an impressionable and enthusiastic person.

They love to achieve their goals, they are stubborn, stubborn and move forward, they are distinguished by irrationalism.


In addition to all the above features, there is another important aspect, such as attachment to the palm. To calculate everything correctly, you need to divide your hand with two lines into equal square parts and we get 3 types of connections.

Connection in the middle (point of attachment of horizontal and vertical threads).

The best sign of location and enhances all the positive characteristics of the Venus finger, namely: determination, leadership and will.

High rise

This is above the location of horizontal and vertical roads. Well, this combination will indicate the real one creative person with a non-passionate mindset and approach to all issues. The most important decisions in the lives of such people come as an inspiration.

Low landing

For such people there are pronounced concepts such as a sense of duty and courage. Flexibility of character allows one to adapt to the most difficult and unexpected life situations.

What does the flexibility of the thumb mean: palmistry and clarification of angles

The next thing to pay attention to is the angle and distance from the finger of Jupiter:

  • Close placement, less than 45 degrees indicates straightness and severity.
  • At the right angle - this is a clear sense of justice and the ability to worry both about oneself and about loved ones. This category of people is distinguished by friendliness and understanding.
  • A slope of more than 90 degrees characterizes open and trusting people.


Flexibility indicates the ability to bend a joint and this sign characterizes people with a flexible character who are the soul of any company. They adapt easily to any environment and get along well in a team.

But in addition to flexibility, such people have a core, fortitude, firmness; such people stand firmly on their feet.

Phalanges of the Venus finger

When reading the lines on the thumb, it is recommended to carefully disassemble the phalanges:

  1. If they are equal in size, then the person is equally persistent and enterprising.

  1. The first is longer than the second indicates fidget. Obstacles and difficulties do not break such people, and they can go towards their goal all their lives. Mistakes are often made that do not break, but reinforce.

  1. The second is larger than the first, the exact opposite situation to the previous one. These people will not do anything until they have calculated everything, only then they begin to act.

The meaning of the lines on the thumb according to the Indian system

There are only 9 palmistry lines on the thumb, each of which carries its own meaning. Each line not only reveals a person’s personality, but also carries its own individuality.

Vertical threads

This feature is located on the thumb on the side of the Jupiter finger. Sometimes the thread bends onto the Mount of Venus and palmists call it the “diamond line”. Owners of this trait are predisposed to wealth, but only if it is clearly and clearly located. The wave pattern indicates advances in trading.

The thread runs parallel to the previous one and runs closer to the outside of the thumb. This line on the thumb (palmistry) represents a short thread and is responsible for family well-being. If the line is thin and barely visible, then the owner accumulates his wealth gradually throughout his life. A clearly visible one will indicate that the owner will earn his capital very quickly. Deep, manifest - the owner was born into a famous wealthy family. Absence does not foretell financial prosperity.

This thread carries good value. As a rule, its favorite location is from the inside of the finger, starting from the Mount of Venus and rising to the barley thread, and sometimes reaching the will zone. Palmists designated it as the “enemy” line. The places where it passes leaves a negative imprint on those life spheres which it crosses.

Horizontal threads

Many thumb signs will tell you about a person’s character and life. Palmistry provides another of the well-known symbols, such as the “grain of rice” or the phala rekha thread. It is located between the 2 phalanges of the thumb.

Its presence and correct form predicts a well-fed old age surrounded by loved ones. It begins on its own, but soon another similar one joins it and symbolizes a life partner.

Note. Phala rekha literally means “results of action.” This means that all good and bad deeds will be reflected on this part of the palm, since this is a karmic sign.

All interference and defects are usually related to personal life. The beginning of a wave-like shape with breaks indicates a difficult childhood. The same combination can be reflected in any segment (which means there will be problems during this period).

Note. If the thread is broken at the top, then the person spends all the time he earns and always gets into debt.

Palmistry, a sign on the thumb in the form of a grain of rice divides the “Venus” finger into two parts and up to 5 threads can be displayed at the bottom:

Madhura Rekha Closest to the grain. Ideally subtle but distinct. With such people there is always something to talk about and you can always come to an agreement.
Mandara rekha In honor of the mythical mountain, translated, it is paradise, a mirror. If there are signs on the thumb (palmistry) precisely on this line, for example, an island, then this will indicate a person’s great desire to travel all the time.
Mana rekha Abstract symbol and indicates dreams, thoughts and desires. In general, this speaks of a person who is prone to cheating.
Rati rekha Intimacy is translated and interpreted strictly with lines of affection. Such a thread will indicate happiness in love only if it is correct, without interruption. The island indicates the illness of the partner in the period where the sign is located. A break is a place of difficulties with a partner; if the line is restored, the problems will go away. A series of broken lines will indicate the “crown of celibacy.”
Malika rekha The lower one, in the form of a chain, separating the hill of “Venus” and the phalanx of logic. The correct deep line indicates a happy family life. The black dot predicts conflicts in family life due to financial problems.

Note. If the Malika rekha is wider than the rice rekha, then this indicates that it is difficult for a person to find an ideal partner in life, but if he finds one, it will be a long harmonious relationship.

Important points before fortune telling

Before you start fortune telling, you need to examine your hand and thumb and determine what type the fortuneteller belongs to:

  • If Venus’s finger is not flexible and not mobile, then this means that you are facing a stubborn and unyielding person.
  • Flexible will indicate flexibility of character. You can put pressure on such a person, and he will yield.

The thumb (palmistry) is interpreted on the basis of a special D’Arpentigny system, which is widely used in India and Western countries. Relying on a theoretical basis, do not forget about your own intuition and feelings. In any case, palmistry of the fingers is always interpreted in conjunction with other lines and signs that require attention.
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