Review: New star factory: voting. What is known about the winner of the “new star factory”

Last Saturday, December 2, the final reporting concert was held on the MUZ-TV channel “ New Factory stars." Details of the event - in the material on the website

VIA GRA and Elman Zeynalov. All photos: MUZ-TV

The weekly concert of the “New Star Factory” opened with the song “My Beloved Ray” performed by the factory owners and the children’s musical theater"Domisolka." The “reporter” featured songs by producer and composer Konstantin Meladze, who took the place of the star guest on the jury. By the finals, the following remained on the project: Ulyana Sinetskaya, Danya Danilevsky, Guzel Khasanova and the group “North 17” (Zhenya Trofimov, Zena and Daniil Ruvinsky), and some of the strongest participants were nominated - rappers Nikita Mastank Kuznetsov, Elman Zeynalov and the beautiful Rada Boguslavskaya .

Konstantin Meladze, Ksenia Sobchak and “Domisolka”

Valeria, Guzel Khasanova and Nikita Mastank Kuznetsov performed the song “Flower and Knife”. “This song needs to be sung with your guts,” expressed Konstantin Meladze’s opinion and noted that Guzel did not fully cope with the number. “That is, Guzel still has a little guts,” Ksenia Sobchak supported the conversation with a joke.

Alsou and Ulyana Sinetskaya sang “The World I Didn’t Know About Before You”; Konstantin Meladze himself accompanied them at the piano. Then the group “VIA Gra” and Elman Zeynalov took the stage with the song “I have another one.” Soloists of the group in bright dresses They literally surrounded the manufacturer and did not let him go for a minute. “It was difficult to sing when they tried to strangle me,” admitted manufacturer Elman Zeynalov. Viktor Drobysh called Danya Danilevsky to the stage, deciding to test the shy guy again. Participants " VIA Gra“They hugged Danya, but he was not embarrassed at all, despite the girls’ skimpy outfits. “Now you have become a real man,” the mentor joked to his ward.

Zena, Ulyana Sinetskaya and Rada Boguslavskaya took to the stage with the song “Thaw” in retro images, and “MBAND” and Danya Danilevsky sang the song “Look at me.” Ksenia Sobchak asked Dana a provocative question - would he be offended if the victory went to Nikita Kuznetsov. But the participant assured the TV presenter that he would be happy for his friend no matter the outcome of the vote.

Rada Boguslavskaya, Zena and Ulyana Sinetskaya

Participants of “North 17” (Zena, Daniil Ruvinsky and Zhenya Trofimov) performed a number for the song “Ocean and Three Rivers”. Konstantin Meladze noted that the guys performed like a team that has been singing on stage for a long time, although the composition did not quite suit the manufacturers.

Albina Dzhanabaeva and Guzel Khasanova performed the song “Kisses” in a new arrangement. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak noted interesting image Guzel, joking that Konstantin Meladze was used to working with beautiful women in open outfits.

The participants who were nominated just before the final tried to prove themselves in new roles. Nikita Mastank Kuznetsov “rocked” the hall with the song “Whirlpool”. The participant surprised the audience with his confession: at the final “report” he decided to perform a song that he wrote at the age of 16, while still a teenager.

Rada Boguslavskaya appeared on stage in a delicate pink dress with a touching song “Doll”. No deliberate sexuality, ultra-short skirts, fiery dances– Boguslavskaya decided to show a new side of herself and held the audience’s attention only with her vocals throughout the entire performance.

Elman Zeynalov came out with his own song “My Ocean”. The guy also relied on vocals, abandoning rap and back-up dancing performed by the TODES ballet dancers. It was this performance that made a particular impression on Konstantin Meladze.

During the voting, the audience saved Nikita Kuznetsov, and the factory owners saved Elman Zeynalov. The decisive vote for Elman was given by Guzel Khasanova. Ulyana Sinetskaya, Danya Danilevsky, Guzel Khasanova, the group “North 17”, Nikita Mastank Kuznetsov and Elman Zeynalov reached the finals of the project. The winner of the “New Star Factory” will be determined by voting on the website, which is already open! And the name of the winner of the project will be known at the final concert December 9 at 18.00 on the MUZ-TV channel.

“Producer Viktor Drobysh was appointed, and Ksenia Sobchak was invited to lead the project.

“Of course, “New Star Factory” is very different from previous seasons (the project moved from Channel One to MUZ-TV. - Editor's note), after all, more than ten years have passed - a whole generation has changed. Those who watched the project before are now performing on the stage of the project themselves. And those who were born at that time are now watching “The New Star Factory.” This generation says “next” instead of “further”, and “well” instead of “okay”. They know how it is in America and how it is in China. The Internet has done its job - these guys are very developed. But, fortunately, they have little experience, so they have a lot to learn from us. Without us, they are nothing yet,” says Viktor Drobysh. The producer notes that there is no misunderstanding between him and the new generation. “Music, as always, has been divided into good and bad, and continues to be divided. And to this day, Sony Music is headed by old man Doug Morris, who knows everything and tells rappers how to sound. Fortunately, everything remains in place and it seems to me that we have a very beautiful, productive story for the third week now,” Drobysh concluded.

Producer Viktor Drobysh, general producer of WeiT Media Yulia Sumacheva and participants of the “New Star Factory”

Why Victor Drobysh is going to shave his head

Indeed, “New Star Factory” has been on air for three weeks now. And, as noted CEO MUZ-TV channel Arman Davletyarov, the project aroused great interest among viewers. “The figures that we receive from reporting concerts and show diaries are two and sometimes three times higher than the channel’s share. This indicates great interest in the “New Star Factory”. People are very happy to watch what is happening in the house, get sick and discuss. Just the other day I was flying on a plane, and two girls over 25 were sitting next to me, discussing our manufacturers and wondering who would leave the show at the next reporting concert. This suggests that the “Star Factory” was as it was people's project, so it remains so,” said Arman Davletyarov.

General producer WeiT Media company Yulia Sumacheva believes that in December the share of the MUZ-TV channel will increase fivefold thanks to the “New Star Factory”. “If this doesn’t happen, then we’ll shave our heads together,” project producer Viktor Drobysh promised, either jokingly or seriously. - “Wait for December 22 - if the share of MUZ-TV is less than 10, then Yulia Sumacheva and I will be like Igor Krutoy and Joseph Prigozhin.”

Producer Viktor Drobysh, general producer of Weit Media company Yulia Sumacheva and general director of the MUZ-TV channel Arman Davletyarov

It seems that the “New Star Factory” has also revealed the new talents of Viktor Drobysh. At least his sense of humor has never bloomed so wildly anywhere. All thanks to the tandem with Ksenia Sobchak. Humorous battles between the producer and presenter take place both on- and off-screen. “It’s for you to sit here until the night, but for me and Arman (general director of the MUZ-TV channel Arman Davletyarov. - Note ed.) in the costume of an old rose to go to Yana Rudkovskaya,” the presenter of the “New Star Factory” told her colleagues. Viktor Drobysh responded: “And now I’m following your life. I dream of living like you for a day!” Apparently, the producer was not sent an invitation to a loud social event on the occasion of the wedding of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko. “I’m just looking for a wealthy lover,” Ksenia Sobchak retorted. “I can sell a kidney,” Victor Drobysh was not taken aback. “It’s better to write a cool song and we’ll make money together,” summed up Ksenia Sobchak. By the way, this is not the first time she has asked the producer about this at the New Star Factory.

“I think that the manufacturers and the channel are, of course, very lucky with the music producer. The project was a project, but people went specifically to Viktor Drobysh. 15,000 people applied to participate, and then they literally stormed the Alla Dukhova Theater. Victor Drobysh is not just music producer, but a person who makes real stars,” said Arman Davletyarov. He also noted that it was possible to preserve the picture that people had previously seen on Channel One. “In terms of reporting concerts, decorations, lighting, and furnishings of the factory owners’ houses, we are not one iota behind,” Davletyarov is sure.

Ksenia Sobchak on the set of “New Star Factory”

How do the participants live in the house and what do they complain about?

According to Viktor Drobysh, the living conditions of factory owners differ significantly in better side from what happened before, and one can only envy the contestants. “We ourselves would love to live in this house!” - admits Arman Davletyarov. “It’s like a sanatorium,” Yulia Sumacheva supports her colleagues.

True, the participants of the “New Star Factory” have their own views on living in the house. There is also an alternative opinion. “It’s difficult just to be here - in a closed room, where everything is monotonous and monotonous. There is no brightness of everyday life. I’m used to living like this: I woke up, went outside and that’s it - I’m gone until the evening. But here they don’t let anyone go anywhere, and every day the same faces,” admitted young rapper Nikita Kuznetsov. “At the Star Factory, I have the feeling that I’m back at school: lessons, getting up in the morning, exercises, lights out. All this cannot be put into words, you just need to move into this house and live there for a week. Honestly, it's difficult. Although there are days when you simply forget that you are in a closed space and have a blast.”

Nikita Kuznetsov on the set of “New Star Factory”

In addition, personal SIM cards were taken away from project participants. They are given out only once a week for five minutes so that contestants can communicate with loved ones. And these are not all the difficulties of staying in a starry house. “The most difficult thing is cleaning and, perhaps, choosing costumes,” says the youngest participant in the project, Zina Kupriyanovich, about the hardships of life on a television project.

Celebrity guests who regularly visit the participants of the “New Star Factory” try to add brightness to everyday life. Nathan, Dzhigan, musicians from the group “City 312” were already there. When asked with whom domestic stars I would like to sing, the youngest participant in the current “Star Factory” Zina Kupriyanova answers: “With Timati and Philip Kirkorov.” “And I would also like to go with Kirkorov! – echoes rapper Elman Zeynalov. “And also with Monatic.” Kirkorov is definitely an idol of the new generation. When asked why there is such unanimity in the case of Philip, Elman replies: “It’s just Zina repeating after me! She saw my list and now also says ( Laughs.)».

Yulianna Karaulova and Elman Zeynalov on the set of “New Star Factory”

Conflicts and love at the “New Star Factory”

When so many people gather under one roof creative people Moreover, they are so young and hot, competition and conflicts cannot be avoided. “In general everything is fine, but there were difficulties with some people. I had a couple of conflicts, but I closed them,” admitted Elman Zeynalov.

Another rapper of the project, Nikita Kuznetsov, admits: “Personally, I haven’t had any conflicts with anyone yet. I try to treat everyone loyally: neither bad nor good. I generally find it difficult to communicate. Until the age of 15, I was very withdrawn and hardly spoke to anyone. And then it just disappeared.” Kuznetsov admits that he became especially close friends at the Star Factory with Andrei, Danya, Vova and Elman Zeynalov. “But it somehow doesn’t work out with the girls on the perimeter,” Nikita says with a laugh.

Nastasya Samburskaya, Ksenia Sobchak and Nikita Kuznetsov on the set of “New Star Factory”

Elman Zeynalov generally experienced unhappy love on the eve of the “New Star Factory”. A few months before the wedding, the bride left him for a producer. When asked if the ex-lover saw that Elman became a member of the “Star Factory,” he already answers with a laugh: “I don’t know. We don't have phones. But I haven’t seen her at the concert yet, maybe I’ll see her again.”

“There is no competition between us. If I write a verse, I make sure to show it to the person sitting next to me. We are all ready to support each other. We help, we advise, we stay on a global note. And today, when one of the nominees leaves, it will be very difficult, and there will definitely be tears, and a storm of emotions,” summed up Nikita Kuznetsov.

Zina Kupriyanovich and Daniil Ruvinsky on the set of “New Star Factory”

The nominated Zina Kupriyanovich admitted on the eve of the concert that she felt completely calm. She was in a fighting spirit: “I’ll go out and bomb, because I’m confident in myself, in my abilities and in the help of the guys.” “She has such a support here, so she has nothing to worry about!” - confirmed Elman Zeynalov.

And Viktor Drobysh, who last week saved Lolita from elimination, said that he no longer has the opportunity to leave participants in the project. “I think it was right last week. If we had not saved her, it would have been strange on our part. Lolita went through a huge casting of 15,000 people and never got the opportunity to sing her song. It would be dishonest on our part to treat her this way,” the producer explained his decision. General producer of WeiT Media Yulia Sumacheva confirmed: there will be no more rescues at the “New Star Factory”.

Ksenia Sobchak and this week's nominees on the set of “New Star Factory”

"Star Factory" is the Russian version of the successful television project TV company "Endemol"(English Endemol) "Star Academy" (English Star Academy). The idea of ​​the project belongs to the Spanish company Gestmusic., which is a branch of the Endemol company. However, the first country to start broadcasting the project on October 20, 2001 was France. Two days after the program aired in France, a show called "Operation Triumph" (Spanish: Operación Triunfo) aired in Spain.

From that moment on, the show began to spread all over the world, including in Russia in 2002. Currently, “Star Academy” ranks second in popularity after the show “Big Brother”, the project has gained recognition in the markets not only of Europe, but also of India, Arab countries and the United States.

Before the start of the project, a casting takes place, during which the Star Factory jury reviews several thousand applicants. When selecting participants, vocal abilities are taken into account, appearance, plasticity, artistry. As a result, several people get into the project (season 1, 6 - 17 people; season 2, 3 - 16 people; season 4, 5 - 18 people). Initially, 14 people entered the seventh season of the project, and two more participants (a boy and a girl) were chosen by the audience from six applicants at the first reporting concert.
The guys are moved into the “Star House”, where everything that happens is filmed around the clock hidden cameras(an idea again borrowed from the show Big Brother). Participants are not allowed to have Cell phones and musical equipment. Also, according to the terms of the project, they are prohibited from responding to fan letters. Every day, project participants must attend classes in choreography, vocals, acting, fitness, psychology and other disciplines. In addition to the main classes, special master classes are held, where children are taught the basics of craftsmanship by stars of Russian and world show business. In addition to attending classes, the responsibilities of participants also include keeping the house in order and preparing food. In the seventh season of the project, the participants had to earn money themselves by preparing and conducting independent performances on concert venue in front of the Star House.
During the week, Channel One airs “Diaries of the Star House” and once a week (usually on Friday or Saturday evenings) there is a reporting concert, where the guys show the numbers they prepared during the week. Usually stars are invited to reporting concerts Russian stage, with whom the project participants have the opportunity to sing.
Every Monday pedagogical council“Star Factory” determines three nominees for elimination from the project. Their selection is carried out based on the teachers’ assessment of the creative growth of each of the participants, as well as on the results of their performances at concerts. The fate of the nominees is decided during reporting concerts. One of the nominees is “saved” by the audience. The first channel through SMS voting, the second is left in the project by comrades, and the third leaves the “Star House” forever. True, there were precedents when a retiring participant was retained in the project artistic director or music producer. The winner of the project receives a recording contract or another similar prize. The project lasts about 3 months.

Competition winners
“Star Factory - 1” (2002)

1st place - group Roots
2nd place - Factory group
III place - Mikhail Grebenshchikov

"Star Factory - 2" (2003)

1st place - Polina Gagarina
2nd place - Elena Terleeva
III place - Elena Temnikova

"Star Factory - 3" (2003)

1st place - Nikita Malinin
2nd place - Alexander Kireev
III place - Yulia Mikhalchik

“Star Factory - 4” (2004)

1st place - Irina Dubtsova
2nd place - Anton Zatsepin
III place - Stas Piekha

"Star Factory. Alla Pugacheva" (2004)

1st place - Victoria Daineko
2nd place - Ruslan Masyukov
III place - Natalya Podolskaya and Mikhail Veselov

"Star Factory. Victor Drobysh" (2006)

1st place - Dmitry Koldun
2nd place - Arseny Borodin
III place - Zara

“Star Factory - 7. Meladze Brothers” (2007)
1st place - Anastasia Prikhodko
2nd place - Mark Tishman
3rd place - Yin-Yang Quartet and BiS group

Other famous project alumni

Jam Sheriff (1)
Nikolay Burlak (1)
Ekaterina Shemyakina (1)
Maria Alalykina (1)
Yulia Buzhilova (1)
Marianna Beletskaya (2)
Maria Rzhevskaya (2)
Yulia Savicheva (2)
Irakli (2)
Pierre Narcisse (2)
Evgenia Rasskazova (2)
Svetlana Svetikova (3)
Sofia Kuzmina (3)
Oleg Dobrynin (3)
Timati (4)
Alexa (4)
Yuri Titov (4)
Ivan Breusov (4)
Sore throat (4)
Ksenia Larina (4)
Victoria Bogoslavskaya (4)
Natalya Korshunova (4)
Cook (5)
Miguel (5)
Lerika Golubeva (5)
Irson Kudikova (5)
Elena Kaufman (5)
Mike Mironenko (5)
Yulianna Karaulova (5)
Alexey Khvorostyan (6)
Sogdiana (6)
Olga Voronina (6)
Sabrina (6)
Victoria Kolesnikova (6)
Alexandra Gurkova (6)
Mila Kulikova (6)
Prokhor Chaliapin (6)
Dakota (7)
Cornelia Mango (7)
Ekaterina Tsypina (7)
Natalya Tumshevits (7)
Alexey Svetlov (7)
Anna Kolodko (7)
Georgy Ivashchenko (7)
Yulia Parshuta (7)
Mark Tishman (7)

Groups created in a factory.
The season number of the project is indicated in brackets.
Roots (1), Factory (1), Tootsie (3)
KGB (3), Banda (4), KuBa (5)
Netsuke (5), Chelsea (6), Ultraviolet (6)
Yin-Yang (group) (7), BiS (group) (7)

On this moment on the channel's website MUZ-TV is on online voting. Viewers of the “New Star Factory” project are invited to vote for their favorite participant. Ulyana Sinetskaya, group “North 17”, Daniil Danilevsky, Guzel Khasanova, Elman Zeynalov and Nikita Mastank Kuznetsov qualified for the finals. In the meantime, StarHit did not wait for the results and prepared its own prize, which was presented by me, the creative editor of StarHit magazine Olga Rodina.

Dressed up in a sequin dress and dressed up, I arrived at Glavkino, where the filming of the project is taking place. Even before entering the main pavilion, I heard the frenzied screams of the spectators who greeted the manufacturers and the stars who performed a duet with them. Holding a StarHit diploma for photography and interviews, I sat almost next to the judges. The blue bandana of vocal teacher Vladimir Korobko, who has been teaching young artists for many years, immediately caught my eye. Viktor Drobysh sat in the center, next to him were Alla Dukhova and other members of the jury.

Then presenter Ksenia Sobchak appeared on stage in an incredibly beautiful dress to the floor, which, however, was a little torn during filming, but the costume designers quickly corrected the situation. Ksenia, like a true professional, was not even embarrassed.

Each participant prepared brilliant performance for the final concert. For example, Ulyana Sinetskaya performed several songs with Valery Meladze. After a joint performance of Konstantin Meladze’s composition “Vera,” Sobchak could not stand it and asked: “Valery, admit it, when Konstantin wrote this song, was he thinking about Vera Brezhneva?” “I don’t know what I was thinking about, my brother, but I’m talking about something completely different,” Meladze became a little embarrassed. “What is Valery talking about?” - the TV presenter did not let up.

“I was thinking about how to make the viewer think about something good,” Valery answered. “I have a more global task - I convey some of the feelings that my brother put into the song.”

Elman Zeynalov chose Grigory Leps as his partner, but he was so excited when he found himself on the same stage that he didn’t even hear right away own voice during the performance. And the audience at this time shouted: “Leps, you are the best!” To which Grigory flirtatiously replied: “Until today, I doubted it, but now...” Then Leps said: “Give me some sound, Elman can’t hear himself.” After singing the song “I’ll go live in London,” Ksenia Sobchak came on stage and showered Leps with compliments, and then asked to try on his glasses in order to touch the legend. The singer did not interfere with her.

Nikita Kuznetsov, whom StarHit noted as the most interesting and bright participant, performed in tandem with singer Slava. The star appeared on stage in a sparkling floor-length dress, and her ears were adorned with emerald earrings. After their performance, I came on stage as a representative of StarHit, which is one of the main media partners of the show. She presented Nikita with a certificate, congratulated him and wished to promote Guf himself. After all, Kuznetsov also raps and loves Alexei Dolmatov. But he will tell you everything himself when we do an interview and photo shoot with his participation for StarHit magazine.

The show was broadcast on the MUZ TV channel for more than three months, and 16 candidates competed for the title of best artist, of which only 6 reached the finals of the project. On Saturday, after the final reporting concert, the winners were determined and announced music competition.

Third place was awarded to Dana Danilevsky, as well as the group “North 17”. The artists appreciated the love of TV viewers and promised to continue in the same spirit, assuring that they would not let their fans down. The second according to the voting results was rapper Nikita Kuznetsov. And the title of winner of the project was awarded to singer Guzel Khasanova.

The artist burst into tears on stage, touchingly thanking everyone who showed support along her journey. Now Guzel will collaborate with Viktor Drobysh, and her videos will be broadcast on MUZ TV throughout the year. Fans will also be able to see the singer perform at annual award TV channel next year.

However, viewers reacted differently to the finalist. They expressed distrust regarding the fairness of the voting, noting that throughout the entire project, Guzel never received the sympathy of television viewers.

“It’s surprising to me that a person who was almost never supported by the audience either in the nominations or in the choice of sympathy became the winner of the audience vote, HOW? The answer suggests itself, everything was decided in advance!”

“It’s really not clear how someone who has never won the People’s Choice Award won.”

After such remarks, many spoke out in defense of the singer, noting her amazing voice and reminding everyone who is dissatisfied that only one can win, and Guzel deserves it.

“Her voice seemed very powerful and better to me... Especially when she performed with Christina C. I don’t know, everyone has their own views, in my opinion, she was the best and almost the whole country voted for her.”

“There is no doubt and it shouldn’t be any other way. Even if they write that this was decided in advance, it’s fair.”

“The most worthy of the finalists! Although I was rooting for Zhenya, objectively, first place was not for “North 17”. Congratulations!"

The discussion around the winner’s person was noticed by the producer of “New Star Factory” Viktor Drobysh. After the final, he made a publication on his online page, in which he noted that you cannot please everyone and reminded that victory was awarded based on the results audience votes.

“It was your choice, some are probably disappointed, but the majority are for Guzel,”
– Victor commented on the results of the final. – “Personally, I would be satisfied with the victory of any finalist. Thank you for your experiences!”

Drobysh faced criticism from TV viewers throughout the entire show, because after each contestant left there were those who expressed indignation at this decision. However, to such attacks.

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